The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 24, 1838, Image 3

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ent, In the mean lime the accumu-
L.i and tun he annlied to the
I f(l I LI II VI if IS 41-f t I t I u IT III ISV4 0lt-
Lnmnnnt imnrovement of the school
louses of the Districts, and to a fair
ialoflhc Common bchool mode ot
lachwp;. At the end of that time.
the System ho discontinued, cacn
listrict will ho in possession of good
Jiool house;', and of increased oxpe
Icncc in the subject of instruction,
hich will bo amply worth the small
i paid for them.
If tint svstcm be accented by any of
i2 Districts in question, tho Superin-
, i I f I ' llAt .. ill i.t rtn nn
:nuant wouiu auvisumui. Buuiuuiiuua
have heretofore been opposed o it,
r who are candid and intelligent
i fylfhall lie elected Directors. They
ill have it in their power to keep
flown the amount of taxation, and 'to
est the experiment in Mien a manner
is to prevent any impuiauon oi paru
Jity for the System. Such men, also,
the fcelinirs of the maior-
ronftlin District, will carry public
Confidence along 'with them,, and tho
tcsult whether for, or against Common
Kchools. will be satistactory 10 uicuis-
Sun't of Common St hoofs.
Seciiktaky's Upfice,
Blarrisburg. January 13,1833.
iiy Ingram & Mills.
5.JTWIMV, FEltnU.lltVZl, 1838.
ICT To Printers. Oj
Tlti. V.Ailnra lnvinnr incnpil nrnnnsnla fnr flip, nnlv.
lication of a newspaper nt another place, thoy now
oiler lor saio inc priming materials aim sud&ctip
tion list of
To a yount? man with a limited capital this office
nfT.ra fnnuiilprnliln mrliirpmpnta. it lmviriff limv.irrla
!'of Are hundred subscribers, and nn advertising and
job custom worth from BOO to 1000 per annum.
:lint wn clifill YOnwirt frnm llirt niirrbnrr. 'Aliv in
quiries by mail will bo strictly attended to.
" ino uotUMiiiA UKMociiAT" is puimsiieu at
r el.tirrr in llin moot i-nntml nnrf nf fMnmliifi
county, and acts with tlio dominant -party both in
political nnd toctionsl feelings.
Bloomsburcr, Feb. 10, 1838.
Thoso indebted to this establishment for subscrip
tions, jobs, or advertisements, aro requested to mako
immediate payment, as in a short time our books
will bo placed in tho hands of n magistrate to enforce
collection. Those who do not pay within the year
will bo charged $2 50 in conformity with our terms
of publication. Wo hope that all may eco tho ne
cessity of complying with this notice, as we must
TiurfiUr. this courso in order to comnlv with olir'nav-
'tabic engagements.
; i 1 j . j
February 10, 1838.
ICJ The Hon. James Buchanan, and
the Hon. David Pctriken, will please ac
cept our thanks for public documents of an
interesting nature.
We havo received tho first number of a
new paper entitled the "Public's Advocate,
and Literary and Humourous Journal,"
published in Doylestown, Pa. by our "auld
acquaintance" Franklin P. Sellers. It
is neatly printed nu well spiced with orig
inalities written with tact, talent, and hu
mour. We always feel happy to hear of
tho prosperity of old friends, but wo are
particularly so in tho welfare of " Old
Fraflk Sellers." Wo sincerely hope tho
"people of Bucks county, whose kindness
and liberality the Junior Editor of this pa
per Mill remembers with heartfelt acknowl
edgement, (and how cart ha but,evormore
remember,) will patronise Mr. Sellers,
"soraely, and we venture tho assertion,
t ins paper will please me taste, anu
VD U Ull I U ailtlf 111UI1 V U LIUUU1I
The Post Office at West Chester,
, was entered and robbed on the night of
bit ltv)t wwwi IVHVID )rttu UIUIVU1I
and monoy taken therefrom. The
We have observed in several of our
exchange papers that Gov. Wolf had resign
ed his station as Second Comptroller, and
left Washington, in consequence of the pro-s
motion of Mr Muhlenberg. How such a re
port originated we cannot say, but sus
pect it was set on foot by our disinterested
friends the whigs and anti-masons, who aro
ever ready to catch up any thing 'tliat may
bo calculated to throw dissentiqn and dis
satisfaction into the ranks of the Democratic
'parly. Such a course must be expected
from them it is characteristic of, their for
mer practices. They can easily discern tho
signs of the times'; and they know that tin-
less they resort to some such dishonest sub
terfugo, the chance of Mr. Ititncr for re-
election will not even bear tho impress of
probability. Whoever tho nominee of the
5th of March Convention may be, ho must
expect to encounter the vindictive spleen of
the opposition f ho must shield himself
against the-"slings and arrows" of outragc-
ous'dffico-holdcrs". It matters not how ex
emplary 'Ids public character, or meritorious
his private worth, their fruitful immaginu-
tions will conjure up a legion of unfounded
assertions, , , ,
"And gWclo airy nothing'
A local habitation nnd a name."
But, gentlemen, you may pursue what
ever course you think proper, you will be
routed horse, foot, and dragoons. Defeat
will drivo yon yelling from the fight, your
decent epithets and vile slanders to the con
trary notwithstanding. The people have
borne patiently the misrule of Tiiaddctis
Stevens and Joseph Ititncr, and the 2d
Tuesday of October will doom them to the
shades of private life, with all their imp'crfec
tionson their heads, "'unwept, unhonored
and unsung."
TCP" The resolution of Mr. Johnson, o
Armstrong county, instructing the democrat
ic Senators and members of Congress from
Pennsylvania, to vote for a postponement
of the Sub"-Treasury Bill until tho next scs
sion, passed both branches of tho Legisla
ture. ....
The Convention. An attempt was made
on Tuesday last, to insert a p'rovis'icn in
tho Constitution against secret societies
but it was voted down, 02 to 30.
The Ilarrisburg bridge took fire on Wed
nesday last, immediately above tho second
pier, and the flames blazed fiercely among
tho wood work : but bv the activity of the
; firemen, they were soon extinguished.
Cs Tho Constitution of this state, as
amended uy the lalo Convention, will bo
submitted to the people on tho second
Tuesday of "October 'next.
"By an express mail letter received to
day from Nashville, we have the painful
intelligence tliat General Jackson has. been
again visited with a hremorrhage of the
lungs, and that great apprehension was en
tertained for the issue of this second attack."
, Tho Bowry Thcatro has been again de
troyed by 'Fire.
Destruction of Grain. The flouring mill
of Samuel Lewis in Miflliu Richland co.
Ohio, was consumed on tho 2d instant,
with 2000 bushels wheat, 50 barrels flour,
and a qantity of corn and oats which it con
tained, INo insurance, i
Whigs that havo tears prepare to shed
them now.
"Awful Conflagration." A heap of
your weu-Deioveo cnircncy smn-plasters
to tho amout of S20.000, has been burnt
at Ualtimor'o . Peace to tho ashes. Bos
tdH Post.
Small Notes. This detestable offspring
tof evil, the curse of our ago and time
is becoming as unpopular as tho men who
concocted it So extensive is tho deception
to which it has given birth", that scarcely a
sing-lo member of the commuity has esca
ped thO disagrecablo necessity rof having
Deen cneateti oy countcrloils. Nearly eve
ry corporation is blessed with its false rep-
rcs&ntativesi and tho r.nnsnnnmirn ia. lint
business, transacted on a small scale, is suro
to bo curtailed of moro than a share of its
profits. A man who collects his accounts,
now, must prdpa'to himself for an array of
irresponsibilities so deversified, that, if he
recoivo olio counterfeit, mit of every ten,
dollars, he may deem himself safe.. Never
has a patient community been so bored and
narrasseu as tno peoplo who are compelled
to encourage this very woist system of
monetary exchange. Wo hope and trust
that measures! adequato to avert an evil s6
extensive as the Small-Note currency, will
soon be adopted. Our citizens owe it to
themselves to refuse muoh of that which
they now meekly and resignedly accept.
Lancaster Intelligencer.
We have4 seen counterfeit notes of the
Philiapclphja Board.
From our Correspondent.
Philadelphia, Feb. 1G, 1&38.
Gentlemen :
The Convention finished the final passage
of tho Articles of tho Constitution this day.
The schedule is not finished. The Consti
tution as amended will bo submitted to the
people for ratification or rejection on the
2d Tuesday of October next. It wiJl bo
submitted en masse and not in parcels.
The reason of this riiodo is the danger of
incongruities m case a part bo adopted and
a, part rejected. The several articles pass
ed by tho following vote on the final pas-
sago, to wit 5
Art. 1st. yeas 90 nays 28 Legislative.
" 2d " 02 " 24 Executive.
" 3d " 87 " 27 election militia.
" 4th no amendments on 2d reading.
" 5th " 83 ' 32 Judiciary.
" 0th 02 " 23 County officers
" 7th " 104 ' 11 Corporations, &c.
" 8th no amendments on 2d reading.
" 9th no amendments on 2d reading.
"10th 80 27 Future amcndm'ts
.The latter article is all now. In the 7th
article no amendment has been made ex
cept ono now section added, restricting cor
porate bodies from entering on private pro
By the amendments tho following chan
ges, amongst others, are cflected, to wit:
The elective franchise extended and col
ourcd person excluded.
Executive patronage reduced.
The meeting of the Legislature lakes
place in January annually.
Judicial tenure limited.
County officers and Justices of the Peace
Some restrictions on the Legislature in
regard to granting, charters of incorporation,
and corporate bodies restricted in regard to
entering on private property.
The Senate coupled with the Governor
in appointing Judges of Courts pf Record.
The Senatorial term reduced to three
Thus, gentlemen, the amendments which
I ventured to picdict shortly after the meet
ing of tho Convention at Ilarrisburg; last
October, in reply to- a paragraph in your
paper, aro absolutely and finally adopted
by the convention by majorities far exceed
ing my most sanguine expectations. They
will be presented to tho people, and wheth
cr adopted or rejected, 'tho- disposition o
them will fully settle aud satisfy tho public
mind. I apprehend a premature adjourn
mont or dissolution of the Conventiop with
out coming to any definite conclusion
would have tended, lather to increase than
allay excitement. I therefore rejoice that I
conquered my own impatience and impctu
osito so as to remain firmly in my place to
the end. Perhaps my impatiences to get
through may have led me to rash or hasty
action In some instances : If so I regret
'it and hopo no serious injury may ensue.
I feel assured that the present posture of
our Constitutional questions are likely to
como to a happy solution, let the decision
be either for or against the amendments, be
cause the people will have a fair chanco to
express their opinion, and hence will not
rest satisfied.
Tho amendments aro not precisely what
I should have made, bu't upon tho whole, I
conceive they aro nearly what tho people
'desire1. In every point wherein they aro
POt in accordance with public opinion, they
aro less, or more moderate, than that opin
ion would sanction, and henco the adoption
of them will be perfectly safe. The bill of
rights, remains unaltered and hence no di
minution of libeity -can ensue. In short,
gentlement, I feel rejoiced that I resisted
tho desire that I confess I often felt, to dis
solve tho Convention ; and still hopo the
protracted session, although fatiguing to
members and expensive to tho stale, may
not bo wholly useless;
Since our last tho Hdtiso of Representa
tives has been principally engaged in tho
discussiqji of tho bill for the bottqt regula
tion of Banks. Savings Institutions, and
Loan Companies, of this commonwealth.
The first twd sections of tho bill iiavo been
adopted upon the second reading, and the
thirdwas under dsscussion when the House
adjourned yesterday. The amendments
proposed are so numerous that we have con
sidered it best to give tho sections as they
aro adopted, instead of giving details which
could only serve tho purpose of confusing
every reader except tho few who may have
roceivud eopies of tho bill as originally re
potted. There is now no doubt that the bill will
pass the House. Many of the members of
tho opposition have retired from tbe contest,
and refuse to vote upon the question, thus
showing their deep and abiding preference
lor ttie interests ol tho Hanks over the wel
fare of tho people. Tho freemen of this
State will perceive in this fact upon whom
they havo to depend.
A nil which will fix a day for the resumu-
t,ion of specie payments, and at tho same
time place such restrictions upon the sys
tem as will sccuro '.ho community from the
evils consequent upon its abuse, and give
to the moneyed institutions a sound healthy
cxistene, is, wo believe, all that the peoplo
renuire. Such a bill wo aro cmtififiif tn
state will, from present appearances, be pas
sed by a majority of at least ono branch of
tho Legislature. Penn. Reporter.
"IlAiuusmmo, 10th Feb. 1838.
Dear bir, In tho House this after
noon, the Girard county bill was again call
ed up in order, on the 2nd reading, and im
mediately postponed. It having now lost
its order, cannot be reached, again unless
specially called up, which ia rather difficult
to do, at tins late stage ol the session. Any
apprehensions therefore which you may
have as to a devisionof the county, may, I
trunk, oc allayed, at all events, so far'as Gi
rardcounty is concerned. I regret exceeding
ly, that in a lormer letter to you, I made
use pi sticn positive language as to your
representative, xlr. icgcly, having been
ensnared by btevens. His vote on the no
torious federal anti subtrcatiry resolution of
Joliston, will convince any ono or the in
flexibility of his democratic principles
i liougti threatened and coaxed by tho hords
of bank borers wo infest tho halls of the
capitol, his voice was raised against them,
in all their forms'.
In tho Senate, to-day, Johnson's resolu
tion pa3seu precisely as tncy wentlrom tlie
House. Every body laurrlm at them here.
and all agree that they are like the French
man's drink, tho name of WJnch he could
not lccollcct a little oTtfi'o sour, a little of
the sweet, a little of the weak, aud a little
of the strong, and, though it s eve'rely pun
ched his bowels, ho still liked it'.
This forenoon tho House again took u'li
Mr. Stevenson's Bank Bill and passed the
first section though considerably altered
as vou will perceive bv the published pro
ccedings in the papers of this place. The
federal members do every thing in their
power, by offering amendment after amend
ment, by motion to postpone, ifcc. to defeat
the intention ot tho bill, and give the Banks
power to do as they please, It is to be honed
however, that such a bill be finally passed
as to curb those institutions as to n
them at least amenable, to the laws', if not
place them more in the power of the p!oo-
pie. jucmocralic (vurlcs co.) rress.
Truly yours
Truth is mighty and ivill prevail.
1 here is nothing that better exemplifies the
force of this expression, than tho fact, that
there are at least three federal newspapers
to one democratic, printed in the United
States and yet Democracy is always in
the ascendant. Go into the public, reading
rooms, the steam boats, tho stage-offices.,
the bar-rooms and you find them eram
mod with federal newspapers, with only
here and there a democratic sheet. It has
always been so'. Our opponents make the
most noise bttt we gethc most votes,
Their great error is, iii undetrating the in.
telhgence and patriotism 'of tho great body
of the People. They think to carry every
thing by brow-beating, and noisy misrep
resentation. They pay their money faecly
for the establishment of presses, the scatter
ing of newspapers and lying handbills, and
then think their victory is sure. They can
not be made to understand how it is, that
in the midst of all their noise, the 'still small
voice of democracy' should -gain the cars
and the understandings of the mass of tho
voters. But thero is no mystery about it
it is the power of truth, exerted in a right
eous cause. 1. 11. hagle.
by the Rev. Timothy Flint.
If ono half the zeal, energy and expense
that blots so many gazettes with low and
coarse abuse, setting the community by tbe
ears, for tho solo gain and paltry purposes
of a fow demagogues and office seekers,
were bestowed on the advancement of ag
riculture if the people were half as ambi
tious to improve and beautify their fields,
as they arc lo settle the nation,, and half as
angry with thistles, thorns, and poor fen
ces, as thoy are with their political oppo
nents, who', probably wish as well to tho
counlrv as themselves, wo should have
more productive fields, less complaints of
poverty, moro ability to bo charitable and
munificent", aiid abundant more good feel
ling. From Pittsburg to New Orleans tho
son ploughs as his father did before him,
and the great mass of farmers are as sta
tionary in theory as in practice. Nine in
ten of them believe, at this moment, that
book farming is the mere useless visionary
dreaming of men that know nothing about
piactical agriculture.
We would tell them that England is the
garden of Europe, simply because every
aero of the ground is cultivated scientifical
ly, and on principles which havo been
brought to tho test of tho most rigid and ex
act experiment. We would tell them that
England, of whose soil and climate thoy
aro accustomed to think, as consigned
by Providence to sterility and inclemeao'.
is the garden of the United States, only be
cause the industrious and calculating peoplo
do not throw away their efforts in true ex
ertion of mere bruto strength but bring
rv,U.l 1 ....1 i , 6
iiiiuu, jumi, uysieiu unu uApencnco o Dear
upon their naturally hard and thankless
On every side the Dassinir traveller seen
verdure, grass and orchards in the small
and frequpnt enclosures of imperishable
rock,.artd remarks fertility woafrpm tho op
position of the elements and nature. After
an absence of ten years, on our return to
that country, wo were struck with this proud
and noblo triumph conspicuous over tho
wuoic reign.
The real benefactors of mankind, as St.
Pierre so beautifully said, aro thoso who
cause two blades of wheat to mature whera
one died before. Tho fields .ouirht to bo
the morning and pvening. l,heme,of Ameri
cans that love their .country, To fertilizo
aim improve iits iarm, ought tp bo the pnmo
and temporal object of every owner of tho
suusianuai sou. All national aggrandise
ment, power and wealth, may. be traced to
agriculture, as its ultimat . Com
merce and manufactures are only subordi
nate results of this main spring.
We consider agriculture as eveiv wav
subsidiary not oely to abundance, industry
comfort and health, but to good morals,
andvultimately even to religion. Wo shall
always say and sing "speed tho plough."
v v snaii aiways regard uie American far
mer, stripped to his employment, and til
ling his grounds, as belonging to the first
orucr ot.n.oDlcm.en among us. , We shall al
ways wish hjm bountiful harvests, good
beer, and moderate .use of cider; and, if ho
will rear it himself, of tho grape, but nono
of tho pernicious gladness of wiskey; and
we shall only invoke upon his labors tho
blessing of God, and say 'of him "piece bo
within thy walls."
The following is an extract of a letter da
ted January 17, received by tho brig Ade
laide, Capt. M'Loon from Trinidad:
, EJome few days since we wers in greai
consternation by he revolting of ,some of
the negroes', who have set firo to two plan
tations, one J. W. Baker's, and killed sevr
eral men set firo to all his, hbuses, , which
being fire-proof were but slfghtly injured
destroyed his steam mill, carts, and all
the utonsils.
They arc now concealed in the high
mountains, about one hundred in number,
but are closely pursued by our troop3. Mr.
Baker had a horse shot from under him, and
succeeded in arresting several of them'.
The destruction is now over, and most
likely not to occur again.
Capt. M'Lo6n states .'that when ho hjft,
all the American merchants . in. the placo
were putting tlieii families and property on
board the shipping. It was reported that
Mr. Baker lost 2000 bbls. molasses,, and
that all his standing cane was destoyod. .
February 20.
Flour and Meal The stock of Flour
has been gradually decreasing for several
weeks and the supplies continue quite lim
ited, several sales for export at S7 50 per
brl. sales for city use at 7 50 and extra
brand at $7 02a7 75. Rye flour js held at
S5j a parcel .sold- for a shade less. Corn
meal is held at S3 75 per brl. but no sates
haye taken place. t
Grain The market hts been quite inac
tive, small sales of good Southern and prime
red German wheat at Bl 00, at which price
holders aro firm. Rye No demand anu
no sale. Com is vcr dull and prices hard
ly sustained ; a saio of 8 or 900 bushel
from store, price not reported, supposed to
bo at or near 07 cents, Oats very dull,
nominal price 37-1-2 cents.
. MARRIED On tho 13th itisf. by the
Rev. John. B. Patterson, the Rev. John
P. Hudson. Pastor of the Willtamsport
Church, to Miss Hettv, youngest daugh
ter of the Rev. John Bryson, of Turbut.
On Tuesday tho 20tli inst. by Benjamin
Kester Esq. Mr. Marohram S. Mears of
Bloom to Miss Phede M. Crous, of Mount
Pleasant. Tub enrolled inhabitants belonging to tho
First Battallion 71st Regiment P. M., aro
hereby notified tliat an election will be held
at the. house of Alexander Hughes, in Or
ahgovillo Columbia county on Saturday the
lOtli day of March next, between the hours
of ten in the forenoon and six in the after
noon, to elect by ballot one person for Ma
jor for said battallion in the room of Uzol
Hopkins, dec d.
Inspector 1st Brigade 8th Dir. P. M.
Limestone, Feb. 17, 183S. 43 4t
j. Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double, nedthv
9 arid an asrortoiwit of Dfaak Utrinm. of a vp-
rv suparior quality, jurt opoaad sitd (os onto at tba
New Krtd Ctxiip Store of Ihs aubsaribtM i BlQera!
burg. J T M! S9ELMAN,SiOo.