The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 24, 1838, Image 1
I havo sworn upon tlio Altar of Cod, otcxnal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. BliOOMSBUIfcG, COLUMBIA PA, SATSTEAY9 FffiBlMTARY 2.4, US38. Wumlier 44. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Nzxt door to Hobison's Staok OFFICE The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published even Saturday morning, at ' 'TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fi'flv Cents, if not paid within the year. JVb subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months nor any discon tinuance vcrmillcd, until all arrearages arc discharged. - n n VP. 7? TISEMENTS not exceeding a sauarc will be 'conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for ine jirsi wrec fic, , Tmrnhi-five cents for every subse quent nserlion. ICF A liberal discount made to those toho advertise by ine year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. ORPHAN'S COURT SALS- Tw mirsuancc of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, will be sold at Public Vendue, on Saturday, the lUlli (lay March, ncxt. nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described real estate, laic the nrnnnrtv of Nathaniel Edcar. lato of Hcm- Wk trnviiHliin. deceased, a certain tract of LAID, ' situate in the townshisp aforesaid, Columbia county, containing TEN ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Isaac Shoe . maker, Andrew Shoemaker, and others The improvement are a HOUSE AND HALF BARN. The land is of good quality well watered and fenced. Conditions at the time of sale. MICHAEL STECIIElt, Adm'r. By the Court, Jas. Donaldson, Clork. Feb. 17, 1838. 43 4t SHERIFF'S SAILS, BY virtue of a writ of Ven. Exponas, to .me dhected, will bo cxposid tq public sale, at the court-house, in Danville, on Wednesday the 28th day of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M. a certain eituato in Derry township, Columbia coun ty, containing FORTr acres, more or less, whereon is erected A Eios: House iM jjiBAsaa w&mss o Tho land is all cleared, and adjoins lands of David Derr, James Clark, John bpringcr, and others. On tho premises is an TiTTTf A Train :and a well of water near the door. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as tho property of John Doak. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. February 10, 1838. 42 3t WHEREAS, tho honorable ELMS LEWIS President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, hi the eighth Judicial District, composed of tho counties of Northumbcrland,Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; ana tho lion. William Moxtoummit and Lr.osAnn Rur-tnT, Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date the 18th day of February jn tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred anu UHliy-eiyiH, uuu iu uiu umuvwu iu. tiuiu.i.i, Jl Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n eal Jail Delivery, General Quarier Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DANVILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on tho third M ndav of April next, (being the ICth dn ami to continue ono wcck.1 KflTICE is therefore hereby given to tho Cor oner, the Justices of the Foace, ond Constables of tho said County ot Columbia, mat tlicy uo tnen ami there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho lOrCUOOn Ol 3U1UUUJT, WIIUIUVII iiauiuoiIIIUMihuiwi and other remembrances to do thoso things which to their oflicos appertain to bo done. And thoso who are bound by recognizances to prosecute Hgainst tlio prisoners that aro or may bo in the jail of said county of Columbia, ate to bo then and there to proxecute against thorn as rhall bo just. Jurors are requested td bo punctual in their attendance, n grccably to their notices. Dated ot Danville, tlio 10th day of February, in tho vcar of 6ur Lord ono thousand eight hun dred and thirty-eight, and in tho G3d year of tho independence of tho Unitod States ol Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. "Sheriff's Office, Danville, Fb. 10, 1933. 5 45 Ot was foukto, A THREE DOLLAR Shinnlastor; the owner can have it by calling at this office, and paying for this advertisement. Bloomsburg, Feb. 17, 1838. 4a WAITED. THE snbscriber wishes to engage for one year, from the first day of April next, the sorvices ot A Wagon-Maker, iiich nn one a? can make One and Two Horse Wa- fcons in a finn and substantial manned. Also : A 3PJCZ MOULDS for the season, who can como well recommended as a good workman. Hither of tlio abovo will obtain reasonable Wages by applying to tho undersigned Henry ft ells. ltloomsbuTg, January 'Vt, 1838. 40-tf DXSSOLTTTXOIT OF TPARTNERSIglP. rifRlIE partnership heretofore existing between J3. the undersigned, trading under tho firm of Joncph Lemon, it Co. was mutually dissolved on tho 15th of January, 1833. All persons having de mands will please to present them for settlement, & tlioio indebted to the firm arc requested to mako inv rnoutaw payment. Joseph Lemon, William Lemon, Jonathan Ltmon, Isaac Lemon. January 27, 1538. 40 It npHE PROPRIETOR of tho North Branch U Lino of Mail Stages would inform tho traV' oiling public that ho has reduced the f.ire to TWO DOLLARS for through passengers, and four cents a milo for way passengers. Leaving Northumber land daily at the arrival of tho Ilarrubure StacO' frjl' or seats at ftorthumbcrlanil, apply at II. II Burr a Hotel. Hetumiiiir lcavinz Wilkcsbarra oveiy inarning between 0 and 9 o'clock ; for scats apply at tlia Hotels of li. Korhor and George P, H(ocle, W'iiKliarre. William Robison. Blocaisburg, January 2T, 1838. 40 tf. TO SPORTSMEN. d-reai Shooting Match! rpnUE public aro rospectfullr informed, that on Ji TUESDAY, tho S7th day of FEDHUARY next, ine lamous BULL, brought to this county from tho state of Now Yotk by Mr Valentino icidleman, will bo shot for at Uloomsburg, Columbia county. He is a full-blooded Devonshire, of a bright cherry red colour, and woighs,m common running order, 27.30 FOUNBS. Ho is certainly tho largest and handsomest animal oi the kind ever introduced into this section of cmin try; and thoso who would do3ire a prize worth coiv tending for, aro invited to attend on tho abovo day and exhibit their skill. JUarksnien from all tho adjoining countios are re quested to attend. Bloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 4t Look at This. PIRITS, for renewing and cleansing Jjadies & Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, and rostoreihg them to their original colour ond brightness. This aicollcnt Retiovator novor fuils, no matter with what arhclo the garment may be stainod. It removes all grease from the collars of coats, spots and stains caused by lime, paints, tar, oil, &c. &c. for sals at J obtas a Jlcallh Jimporuim. Bloomiburg, January 27, 1838. 40 3t TANNZN& BASENESS. FTnilE subscriber would respectfully inform th li nul lic that ho has taken his son WILLIAM SNi'DER into co-partnership in his Tannery, and that tho business will hereafter bo conducted undor tho firm of Daniel & William Snyder, at the old established stand in Bloomsburg. Daniel Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. a 37-lf LEATHER r good quality, and for sale at the lowest pri ces, always on hand at tho old established Tannery, adioininc Snyder's Hotel. The subset hers would respectfully solicit a continuanco of th liberal customs heretofore enjoyod by tho senior partner. Daniel Snyder, William Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 133. 37-tf Aii Apprentice TTS wanted lrommedlatcly by the subscribers, to EL tho Tanning busmen. A boy between it anu 7 "yea rs of ago will obtain a good situation by ap' lying soon. Daniel Snuder, JFilliam Snyder. Bloomsburir. January 0. 1838. 37-tf JOB PRIHTX1TG Neaty exeeulid at the Democrat offite. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscriber by bond, note, or book account, Or otherwise, arc re quested to call and settle the samo before the frit day of April, next. Ho is determined to havo old matters justly nrrangcu; aim tnoso who neglect nt tendinu to this notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. UAINIUIj BYiJUK. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838, 37-tf WAITED. E EMPLOYMENT will bo given to 20 stone cut IA tcrs and masons, 20 drillers, 20 common la borers, 10 wood choppers, ond 10 teams, at llnUge No. 1, Cafawissa Rail Road, by tho subscribers. ochuylcr, rick, iy Co. Catawieaa Furnace, January G, 1838. '37-3t CEorci'-Sccd. USHELS OF CLOVERSEED of a cuperior quality, just re cicd, and forsalo at tho new and cheap storo o J. T. MUSSELMANv Ss Co. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. LL persons indebted to the subscriber on Book account or otherwise for one year back, are requested to mako payment prior to tho 25th of March next. LEWIS MEYER. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. ALLERSHAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family fills, lor sale at 'Tobias's Health Emporium. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that he has taken the store recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangovillc, and is now opening and receiving from New York arid Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of nil kindso which he will dispose of at the most reduced prices lor casn or country produce. I he public are mvi ted to call andcxamiue for thcms'elvei WILLIAM FAUX. Orangeville, Oct. 7, 1837 Cheaper than cheap ! THE subscriber would respectfully announce to tho people of Bloomsburg and vicinity, & to the public in general, that ho has just returned n second time from tho city, and is opening out his purchase, which, together with his former stock comprises a neat and general assortment of DM GOOBS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinetts, Merinos, Merino Shaiuls i$- Handkerchief, Dress Bonnet Silks and 'Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Lumens, Muslins, Vcstings, Stocks, Hosiery, J-e. L&Of) An extensive assortment of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass, $ Qucenswarc, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils, Paints,' Sail, Fish, tj-'c. All of which he offers for sale at his stora room in Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite the Post office, where tho public aro respectfully invited to call mid see for themselves, as he intends selling his goods still a little choapcr than any yet oflered to tho public, for cash or country produce. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, OR tho prevention anil cure of colds, coughs, Asthmas, consumptions, spitting of blood, and all disorders of the breast and lungs, for sale at ho Drug store of the subscriW, in Bloomsburg. D. S. Tobias: Rawant's Tonic Mixture, ."R Vegetable Vermifuge, a latting euro for tho revor and Ague, on hand and for sale by D. S. Tobias. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, TOR indigestion, or sour Stomach, on hand, and i for sate at Tobiat' Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4t MVBBY AND EXCHANGE. MiS The Subscriber KTERY respectfully informs his friends and the V public, that he has always on hand, at his Li very Stablo iuBloomtbUfg, for tho purposes of Hiro or Exchangs, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which he will foel gratified to keep in readiues for tho accommodation of customers. Porsonal application can be made at his reside neo, when every means will be used to render entire sat- Islaction ot those who may give mm a call. NOAH fl. rRENTI8. Bloomsburg, NoTembtr 4, 1837. ''To please tho taste and cheer tho mind." TllE DISAPPOINTED ANGLE113. an Indian Tale. In a winding of tho river Armidnr, just before it falls into tho Caspian Sea, lies an island unfrequented by the inhabitants of the Continent. In this seclusion, blessed with all that wild uncultivated naturo could bestow, lived a princes and hor two daugh ters. She had been wrecked unon the coast while her children as yet wero infants, who consequently, though grown up', were en tirely unacquainted with man. Yet, inex perienced as the young ladies were in 'the opposite sex,' botii early discovered symp toms, the one of prudery, the other of be ing a coquette. The elder was ever lear ning maxims of wisdom and discretion from her mother, whilo the younger employed all her hours in gazing at her own face in a neighbouring fountain. Their usual a- muscmcnt in this solitude was fishing, their mother had taught them all the secrets of the art; she shewed them which was tho most likely place to throw out the line, what baits where most proper for tlio various seasons, and the best manner to draw up the finney pry , when they had hooked it. In this manncrtliey spent their time, easy and innocent; till one day the Princes being in disposed, desired them to go and catch her a sturgeon or a porpoise for supper, which she fancied might sit easy on her stomach. The daughters obeyed; and clapping on a gold fish, the usual bait on those occasions, went and sat upon ono of tho rocks, letting the gilded hooK glide down the 3tream On the opposite shore, father down, at the mouth of the river, lived a diver for pearls a youth who, by long habit in his trade was almost amphibious; so that he could remain long at tho bottom of the water with out over fetching breath. He happened to be at tho very instant diving when the ladies where fishing with the silded hook. See ing, therefore, the bait, which to him had the appearance of ieal gold, he was resolved to sei'e the prize; but both his hands being already filled with oysters, he found himself obliged to snap at it with his month. The conscqence is easily imagined; the hook be; ing unperccived was instantly fastened in his jaw, nor could he, with all his efforts at floundering, get free. 'Sister,' cries the youngest princes 'I have certainly caught a monstrous iish; I never perceived anything struggle so at the other end of my line before; come and help me draw it in.' They both now, therefore assisted in pulling up the diver on shore, but nothing could equal their surprise upon seeing him! 'Bless my eyes!' cried the prude 'what have we got here? This is a Very odd fish to be sure! I never saw anything in my life look so queer. What eyes; what terrible claws; what a monstrous snout; it certainly must be a Fanlano, that eats women; let us throw it back again into tho sea, where we found it.' The diver in tho mean time stood upon the bank, at tho end of tho line, with the hook in his mouth, using every art that ho thought could excite pity, and particularly lookingtender, usual in such circumstances. Tho coquette, therefore, in some measure influenced by tho innocence of his looks, ventured to contradict her companion. 'Up on my word, sifter, says she, 'I see nothing in the animal so very terrible as you aro pleased to apprehend ; I think it may serve very well for a change. Always por poises and sturgeons, and lobsters, and crawfish, mako me quito sick. I fancy a slice of this nicely grilled, and dressed up with shrib sauce, would be very pretty ea ting. I fancy mamma would liko a hit with pickle abovo all things in tlio world; and if it should not sit easy on her stomach, it will bo timo enough to discontinue it when found disagreeable, you know.' Horrid, cries the prude, 'would tho girl bo poisoned! I tell you it is a Faklano, I havo read of it in tvcc'.y places, it is every where describe as the mostporn'KMous ani mal that ever infested tho sea. I am cer tain that it is tho most insidious, ravenous crelures in the world, and is sure distor tion if taken internally.' Tho youngest sister was now therefore obliged to submit: boti assisted in drawing the hook with some violence from tho diver's jaw; and he fin ding himself at liberty, bent his hrcst against the broad wave and disappeared in an in stant. Just at this juncture the mother came down to tbo beach, to know the cause of her daughters' delay. They told her eve ry circumstance describing the monster they had caught. Tho old lady was one of the most discreed women in the world. She was called tho Ulackcycd Princess, from two black eyes she received in her youth; being a little addicted to boxing in her li quor. 'Alas, my children, ' cried she, what have you done? The fish caught was a man fish one the most tame, domestic an imals in the world. We could have let him run and play about the garden, and he would have been twenty limes more inter esting than our squirrel or monkey.' 'If that is all,' said the young coquetto, 'we will fish for him again. If that Le all, I'll hold three tooth picks to one pound of snuff I 'catch him whenever I please.' Accor dingly they threw in their lino once more; but with all their gilding, paddling and assi duity, they could never catch tho diver. In this state of solicitude and 'disappoint ment they continued for some years, still fishing, hut without success, till at last, the genious of the place, in pity to their dis tress, changed the prude into a shrimp, and the coqutte into an oyster, COLDS. At this season of the year, when caughs and colds ar the ortlerof the day, and scarce a family is to be found, some of whose members are not afflicted with them, the following remedy communicated by a Rus sian, as the usual mode, of getting rid of these complaints Jn that partof Russia from whence ho came is simple. It is no other than a strong tea of elder flowers, sweetened with honey, eithci fresh or dried. A basin of this tea is to be drank as hot as possible after the person is warm in bed; it produ ces a strong perspiration, and a slight cold or caugh yields to it immediately; but the most subborn will require two or three rep etitions. An Ohio paper thinks that the editor of tho Lancaster Eagle, a fellow weighing three hundred avoirde pois, ought to be "tried by a court of justice." He had better bo "tried" by a tallow chandler. Prentice. Vollairo, speaking of the impossibility of fixing any standard of beauty, or defining it, says, if you ask a tode what is beautiful, he will tell you it is his wife, with a speckled back and yellow throat. Tho world is so ful of foola that he who would avoid seeing any, must shut himself up, and break his looking glass; There is a man in Michigan, so long that it takes him three hours to get straight Wonder if he isn't the fellow who was forced to kneel down to unscrew tho weather-cock on the Old South Church of Hol stoni Yes, precisely tho same and when ha came to straighten up again, his head cams in contact with the moon, and knocked it into a cocked hat. Going the Entire.h. fellow was recent ly met in great haste, going towards a pill manufactory in one of our northern cities. 'Hallo, Jim, which way now, so fast!' 'The fact is 1 have taken two boxes of fashionable pills, directions, boxes and all, without doing me any good. I'm going to swallow tho agent now to see what ef fect he will have.' Street CottoaoT. 'Hallo, Jakel wish you happy Netr Year.' Thank'e; sir wish ye April Fool."