MOCMT. 'I have swora upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man' Thorns Jeflerton. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN'S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. BIjOOMSIESURG, COL.UB1BJA COUNTY, FA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1838. Volume I. Number 43. i .nr "To please the taste anil cheer the mind." Wo are Unable to give credit to the particular print ill which the subjoined parody On Montgomery s " Night is tho time to Itest," etc., first originated. It contains a quiet, subdued humor which rnakni it pleasing to the reader. NIGHT. Night is tho time for fun, When old lolks are in bed: When day's dark cares are done, And prayers aro duly said ; , " . To gather round the social fire, , And crack stale jests, that never tiro ! Night ia the ttmo to fix Our hearts in union meet: ' With skillful hand to mix The potent and tho syvect : To set our watering rcoulht agog,' To taste the glories of egg-nogg ! u Night is tho time to boil Tiffin's enchanting rolls ; ( ' And o'er the midnight oil, To cheer our happy souls; " . With frc.h mado butter thickly spread On corresponding chunks of bread. ' Night is tho timo to feel Life's joys without a pain ; Apples to take, and peel, And 'cut and come again;' . ' And romping murh before wo reit' Tccl very suro that they '11 digest. " Night is tho time for those, Who, when they tako their wine, ' Uy redness of the nose, , , Or any other sign, Give evidence, whenco wo conclude,!. That they're unquestionably 'slcw'dl' Night is the. 'timo to pour In beauty's lis'tcning ear ' Tho story known before, Nor rcnderM thus less dear, Of feeling which the modest light Of day leaves for the (.hades of night'. Night is tho time to sing, llencath the casement high, Those mellow notes that ring With lovos sweet melody ; While the bright maiden pokes Her head O ut of tho casement aforesaid 1 Night is the time to do A thousand glorious things; And there aro very few, When covcr'd by her wings, Who do not feci a freshen'd flood Of mischief browing in their blood. From tho Southern HOso, Mil. INKXIV, Or tlio Mau of leisure a Man of mischief. The man of leisure and the pretty girl Tlio man of leisure called one Monday on Miss lldbcrts, a pretty blooming girl of seventeen. Emma was clear-starching.' Talk about the trials of men ? What they have to annoy them in comparison with the mysteries of clear-starching; alas how sel dom clear! Emma wns going on in full tide of success ; indulging in the bouyant thoughts of her age ; there was a soft light .of her eye as she drew out tho edge of a Jiiciu, or clapped it with her hands, as they felt tho, impulse of young hopes. " I am-jsorry Harry Bertram looked at this collar last Sunday; I wonder if lie liked it," thought, she, and a gentle sigh rustled tho folds of her morning robe on her bosom. Just then the door bell sounded, and the Man of Leisure walked into tho fetting rooni, where Emma with a nice es tablishment of smoothing irons, had enscon ced herself for the morning; "You won't mind a friend's looking in upon you," said Mr. Inkliu with an home air. Emma blushed, loosened the strins of her apron, gave a gentlojglance at her starched fingers, and saying " tako a seat, sir," sus pended her work with tho graco of natural politeness. In the meanwhile, tho starch grow cold, and the irons wero over-heated. Emma was not loquacious, and tho dead pauses wero neither few nor far between. Emma, rendered desperate, renewed her operations, but with diminished ardor ; her clapping was feeble as the applause to an unpopular orator, she burnt her fingers! her face became flushed, and by tlio time the Man of Leisure had silted our his hour, a giey hue, and indelible smutch, disfigured Henry Bertram's collar. Mr. Inklinsoon palled again, and met Henry Bertram. It was not the influonce ; of coquetry, but Emma rallied her powers, and talked more to Mr. Inklin than to Hen ry, a modest youth, thrown into the shade by the veteran visiter, who outstayed him. Harry who was not a Man of Leisure, could riot call for several days; when he did Mr. Inklin had " dropped in" before him, and twirling his watch-key with his cold wan dering eyes and tho everlasting affirmatives. Emma sewed industriously, and her daik lashes conceded her eyes. Her cheeks were beautifully flushed, hut for whont ? Mr. Inklin toyed with her, work box, with out seeming to know that ho wa3 touching what Harry thought a shrine. Harry looked a little fierce and bade good night abruptly. Emma raised her soft blue eyes with a look that ought tohavc detain cd a reasonable man ; but he was prcpos sessed. and the kind glance- was lost. Em ma wished Mr. Inklin at the bottom of the sea, but there he sat, looking privileged bty, cause he was a Man of Leisure. The fastening of the windows reminded him that it was timo to go, for he did not limit his evening calls, to an hour. Emma went to her bed-room. She was just ready to cry, but a glance at her mirror showed such bright cheeks that it stopped her tears, and she fell into a passion. She tied her night cap into a hard not and broke the string in a pet. "Henry Bertram is a fool," said she, to let that stiek of a man keep him from me. I wish I could change with him," and siting down on a stoul she trotted her foot and heaved some deep sighs. The Man of Leisure just called in twice a week for three months. Report was bu sy ; Harry's pride was roused. lie offered himself to another pretty girl and was ac cepted. Emma's bright chocks faded, her steps grew slow, and her voice no longer was heard in its gay carol from star to star. She was never talkative but how she was sad. Mr. I, continued to "drop in ;" his heart was a little love touched but then there was "lime enough." One evening he came with a look of news. "I have brought you a bit of Harry Ber tram's wedding cake," said he to Emma. Emma turned pale, then red, and burst into tears. '1 lie Man of Leisure was con cerned. Emma looked very prettily as she struggled with hci feelings, while the tears dried away ; and he offered her his heart and hand. "I would sooner lio down in niy grave than marry you," said the gentle. Emma, in voice so loud that Mr. Inklin started and rushed to her apartment, the china rang in tho closet as sho slammed the door. Mr. Inklin was astonished. Poor Emma cov ered up her heart and smiled again, but she never married, nor never destroyed a little flowcr-trce that Harry Bertram gave her when it was right for her to love and hope. The Man of Leisuro bote her refusal with philosophy, and continued to "drop in." 77ie Man of Leisure, and the Pale Boy " You'll not forget to ask the place for me, Sir," caid a palo blue-eyed boy, as ho brushed the coat of tho Man of Leisuro, at lis lodging. "Certainly not," said Mr. Inklin, I shall be going that way in a day or two. "Did you ask for the placo for me, yes toidav," said tho palo boy, on the following day, with a quivering lip, as ho performed the same office. "No," was the answer; I was busy, but I will to-day." "God help my mother," murmured Jhe boy, and gazed listlessly on tho cent Mr. Inklin laid in. his hand. The boy went homqj Ho ran to the mngry children with tho loaf of bread ho had earned by brushing tho gentleman's coat at tho Hotel. They shouted with joy, and the mother hold out her emaciated hand for a portion; while a sickly Bmilo fluttered across her face. "Mother, dear," said the boy "Mr. Ink- in thinks ho can get mo tho placo, and I shall have three meals a day only think, mother three Mialj , ,' and it won't tako three minutes to run home and share it with you." Tho morning came, and the palo boy's voice trembled with eagerness. "Not a soul here to brush nycoat!" said Mr. Inklin. The child came at longh, his face swoll en with weeping. "I am sorrow to' disappoint you,'' said the Man of Leisure, " the place in Mr. C 's store was taken up yesterday." The boy stopped brushing and burst afresli into teaM. "I don't caro uow," sa ho sobbing, "wo may as Vell starve Mo ther is dead." Tho Man of Leisuro was shoek'd, and gave the pale boy a dollar I The Man of Leisure on the death bed, Mr. Inklin was taken ill. Ho had said often that he thought religion might be good thing, and ho meant to look into it. An anxious friend brought a clergyman to him. He spoko,tcnderly, but seriously to the sufferer, of eternal truths. "Call to-morrow," said the Man of t sure, "and we will talk about these mat ters." That night the Man of Leisure died. BEAUTY. "Tho wind paeth over It, 'and it is gone." How often do we hear men eager in the pursuit of partners for life, inquire for beau tiful women ; and how brief tho existence of what they seek, and how unproductive of j happiness in its possession. We know full well tho satisfaction that sleep beneath the snow-white lids of a beau tiful eye ; in the haughty curl of an exqu site lip ; in the blush of a rose that leaps in to the budding cheek ; in the fine turn of swan-like neck, the gentle motions of a synv metiical form, or in the shadowy redundance of dark and beautiful flowing tresses. Th hearts of the young arid passionate leap gladly arid are filled with high impulse. whilst gazing upon these things but when the soul is scrutinized, and found unblcsse by elevated thoughts and generous iniagin ings, when the intellect is uncultured, and tho imagination cold, the slumber of forget fulness will soon fall upon the dream beauty, and the flame of affection be quench' ed in apathy and disgust. With men of genius, strong feelings and powfnl passions ate ever associated ; and i admirably blended with mental attractions the light of love will soon be extinguished and the generous impulses of the bosom chilled by apathy and contempt. Men o intellect may yield a momentary homage to beautiful woman, dispossessed of other fa cinations ; even a village Urchin will chase tho gilded wing of a butterfly ; but in both cases tho eternal splendor palls upon the senses, and something of an innate ch'arac tcr is sough for to.sus'ain the regard, whicl beajity excited. Nothing is so flattering to thoVeelings of a man a3 the cxhaustlcss and quenchless regard of a sensible female, and no incense so rich can be offered upon the shrino of woman's ambition, as the avowed and enthusiastic affection of a man of gen ius. Beauly, thou art a mean and unmcan ng toy, whon contrasted with depth of feel ing and power of mind, and she who would arogato to herself eonseqnence.from tho little ambition of personal beauty is too imbecile in her aspirations, to merit the attention of an elevated thinker. Inlrepiditu. We do not remember, a- mon? the nianv anecdotes of dualling, td havo mot with one displaying mora hardi' hood than tho following, which, though it happoned many years ago, and was re lated to us by an eye-witness, we have ... i . never seen in print; Mr. uprinir naa a farm on an Island in Stco river, from which he built a bridge to the main land, where t would encroach upon the land of his neighbor, Mr. Dennett. Tho channell was not very broad, and a fow rods below . . . ... ci ! were some consiucrauio jans. opnng built abutments, and laid tho string pie ces, nut ionnet came in mo nigni aim ioru thatri down. SpriDg naturally enraged, thratend that if he did it again he should answer for it to him personally, Unawed by this threat, no sooner were tho beams again laid on abutments, than he destroyed so much of the work as to leave but one string piece remaining, and that a beam of eight inches square over the river, where a fall would be as certain death, as from the Goat Island bridgo above Niagara. According to his previous threat, Spring challenged Dennett to mortal combat. "I won't fight," said Dennet, "but 1,11 tell you what I'll do." "Well." "I'll take a keg of powder with a lighted candle, and carry it on the centre of that string piece. You shall sit down on one end of it and I on tho other till tho old candle burns down to the powder. That will be the best test of our courage ." This terrible proposal was agreed to. The frial timber bent beneath them as they coolly walked out and placed the keg in the middle, over tho roaring flood below, stuck the blazing candle into it, and sat down to walcli its burning. Hundreds were gathered on each side, awaiting in breathless silence the issue. Spring was a large fat man', and as the candle burned slowly towards the powder, he was obser ved to grow more and more nervous, wrig gling on his scat, and looking one way and the other. At l.i3t, when the flame was half an inch from the surface, he could keep stil no longer, but incontinently got up and made his escape. Dennet, who had throughout displayed the utmost cool ness, now very carefully took tho blazing candle out.of the cask, threw it into the wa ter, and with the powder as his price, went off in the opposite direction. The buil ding of the bridge was forever abandoned--r-Buffalo Pat. Washington's LirE-ciUAUD. The sao is or the Schuylkill. fas- From 'the cn&tis recollections and privato memdirs of the life and character of Wahington. The life-guard was a major's command, (Jibbs, of Rhode Island, a gallant officer, and celebrated martinet, Major Calfax, a fine young man from New Jersey, and much esteemed in the army, Captains Grymcs and Nicholas, of Virginia, brav and valued officers, lieutenant and ensign with one hundred and eighty picked men rank and file. The uniform blue, with white facings, white under clothes, and Black gaiters'. The horse-guard was detailed from van ous corps during the contest. In the oar tier campaigns, frorii Baylors icgimenl which was called Lady Washington's Dra goons .unilorm wnitc witn owe iacmgs white under clothes with blue facings, &c; The life-guard, always attached to the head quarters, was admiied as well for its stipe rior appearance as for its high state of dis ciplino, it being considered , in olden times a matter of distinction to serve in the guard of the Commander-in-chief. The life-guard was borrowed by a favo rito officer for several important expedi tions. In tho affair of Barren Hill, May, 78, the life-guard formed a part of the troops under the Marquis de Lafayette, who recovered of tho wound ho received ia the preceding campaign, in '78, mado his de but in arms as a general officer. The po sition of Bancn Hill becoming extremely hazardous, on account of two heavy col umns of the enemy that wero marching to intercept the communication of tho Mar quis with tho main army at Valley Forge, tho young General determined, by a gallant dash between the auvaucing columns to reach tho ford on tho Sohiiylkill, and thus secure his retreat to the main army. Here et our narration pause, while we pay a well-moriled tribute to the memory and ser vices of Allen Mo Lane, to whose untiring vigilance in watching tho stealthy approach of the enemy's columns towards Barren Hill, and promptly in attacking them on their route, tho Manquis was mainly indeb ted for success in tho celebrated retreat that shed lustre on his first command. In Allen McLane, wo have the recollec tion of a partisan, who with genius to con ceive, possessed a courage even to chivalry to execute, the most daring enterprises; who ever ranked with 'the foremostjn r. the e stccm of the chief, and was considered by the whole army as one of the most intrepid and distinguished officers of the war of the Revolution. When the retreating Americans reached the ford of the Schulkill, they hesitated in attempting the passage. Lafayette sprang from his horse, rushed into the water waist deep, calling on his comrades to follow. Animated by the example of their youthful General, the soldiers entered the river, the taller men sustaining the shorter, and after a severe struggle gained the southern, or friendly shore, having suffered but incon siderable loss'. Meanwhile, the eneriiy . Vere in. close pursuit, and the commander-in-chief, fear ing for the detachment, which consisted of his choicest troops, including the life-guard, dragged his artillery to the rock heights that commanded the ford( and opcricu upon the enemy's advance, checking them so far as to enable the Marquis the better to se cure his retreat; and there was one feature, iii the martial spectacle of the passage of tho Schuylkill of rare and imposing interest: it was the admired form of AVashington,,al times obscured , and then beheld amid the smoke of tho cannonade, as, attended by his generals and staff, ho would wave hi? hat to encourage his soldiers in the peri lous passage of the stream. . On the morning of the battle of Man mouth, Juno '78, a detachment from the life-guard, and onofrom Morgan's riflemen, led by Morgan's favorite, Captain Giabriel Long, made a brilliant Hash at a party of the enemy which' they surprised while washing at a brook that ran through an. ex tensive meilow. Seventeen grenadiers were triadc prisoners, and borne off in the; very face of the British light infantry, who fired upon their daring assailants, and imme diately commenced a hot pursuit; yet Long displayed such consummate ability as well as courage, that he brought off his party. prisoners ami an, wun oniy me loss oi one sergeant wounded. Morgan was in waiting, at the out-posf, to receive the detachment on their return, listened, with much anxiety, to the heavy firing of the pursuing enemy.' Charmed with the success of the. enterprise, in the return of the troops almost unharmed, and in the prisoners taien, Morgan wrung the favorite captain by tho hand, paid his com pliments to the officers and men df ,his own corps) and of the life-guard, and then the famed Leader of the Woodsmen indul ged himself in a stentorian laugh that made all ring again, at the bespattered condition of tho gentlemen, as he was pleased to terra the life-guard, and who, in their precipi tate retreat having to pass through certain swamps that abounded in the portion of New Jersey then tho seat of war, presen ted a most soiled appearance for troops who might be termed the martinets of sixty years ago. , . , , It is believed that the late Col. John' Nicholas, of Virginia, was tfic last of the life-guad. ' " There aro some folks who think a good deal and say but little, and they aro visa folks ; and there are those who blaat right out whatever comes uppermost, and I guess they are pretty considerable superfind darn ed fools. "All folks that grow np right off, like a mushroon, in one night, an apt to think. ' small beer of themselves. "Nolhin seta up a woman's spunk Ilka callin her ugly sho gets her back right up, jiko a oat when a strange dog oomes sear mar i ene a all eyes, claws, and brutes. "If a man don't hoo his corn, and ha doot got a crop, ho says us all owing to the Bank ; and if ho runs into dobt, and is u'aoJ, he sayo tho lawyer! are a cuno to" ttjs country." Sam. SlUlc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers