I I ivhatis Pottsviilc? The above is a very common lnt'erroga- tory now-a-days, and wo all all endeavor to givo an off-hand reply. Pbrrsvitxi: is the largest town in the county of Schuylkill contains probably 5000 inhabitants, & polls about one-tenth that number of votes it is5 located in the very focus of the great Coal Region, and at tilo head of the navigation, by means of which the valuable hidden treasures of the eartli are conveyed to City markets for consumption. The population is almost exclusively made up of enterpris ing and industrious citizens, who foresaw the certain wealth and future celebrity of the place, and whose business habits are identi fied and consonant with the Coal Region ' operations. In Pollsville there is neither stifT-ncckcd bigotry nor sectional feuds : the Pcnnsylvanian, the Yankee, the English man, tho Frenchman, the Scotchman, the Wclchman and tho German, arc all one fa mily, so far as regards their business asso ciations. All arc PoTTsritLKAKS alt' aim ing at tho same object through similar hon est and laudable systems of enterprise. Such is Pottsvilloi as tcgards its location and population, and with splendid hotels, abundance of mercantile competition, neat ' dwellings to keep comfortable its citizens, and a business sufficient to add one-eighth annual increase to its population and im provements, it must in a lew years present a picture on the map of Pennsylvania which will eclipse the appcaranco arid ope rations of all inland towns that now claim superiority cither in respect to buildings, business, or inhabitants. And again : It is the head of market for this section of country the metropolis which receives our grain, our fruit, and the products of dailies, and which never fails to leave a pleasing impression upon tho minds of those who attend Uid Pollsville market. This is a feint attempt at answer ing the question which heads this article at describing a place whose annual nidnied transactions amount to millions, and which must increase with the investment of capi tal, and the exercise of the same industry which now makes it a flourishing town a "city in prospective. JUDGE LEWIS'S CHARGE. In our present number will be found the tharge of tho Court in the case of Thomas T. Poke, for the murder of Johri Darnell. It is replete with good common sense, sound V, logical argument, hnu' eloquent legal and 'moral reasoning, and will doubtless aflord 'our readers much interest, as well on ac "count of tho importance of tho trial, as of fa the intimate connection of the parties with the acquaintance anil relationship ol me people of this neighbourhood. CANAL COMMISSIONERS. Messrs. Livergood and Witmer, two of the Board of Canal Commissioners have re signed their offices, and John Taggcrt, of Northumberland, and E. F. Pennypackcr, of Chester county, have been appointed by the Governor to supply the vacancies. Moses Sullivan, ono of tho former boaid, lias been elected president, and Dr. "Win. C. McPherson, of Columbia, has been chosen their secretary. The former board, wo understand, got wonderfully at logger heads, and hence this sudden Change. From the Report of the Treasurer of tho State of New Jersey, it appears that the debt of that State amounts only to 800,000. The English government have it in con templation to establish a system of steam communication wnu mu cai mun vi ands, and with all its colonial possessions generally. All tho late English papers concur in stating that Cotton is advancing, and that the Monoy Marcist is cisy. Tim hill nnthoVizinir the banks to issue nntns nf n lessdenomination than fiyo dol lars, passed in committee of the whole, of the New Jersey Houso of Assembly, on Tuesday. The Mobile Branch of the Alabama State Mnks is stated in tho legislative re port lrfhave S340910 of bad debts. Thfe Texian lUuso bf Representatives has piassed aresoMiori, declaring the in .inmrJUionfiv of reetlarly enlisted soldiers vj vnio. nn, TsXnslivil e uaiiier oi mc um wp ... nl .. jr.,.. rfn.l. ... in Irclation to tlie imncssuo - 1 U UM- I . t se4Ulv. that "tho- Il to establisii a sys- An of common ScluMs, after havicg un dAreono sundry ameAlments, was passed iiJi the House on its tlbd arid last reading, Mite yesterday cveninriuy a voto oi oo 10 Rntin-rcns. Thehvholo number of squatters on thapublio lnds of the United States is estimated at ni much short of 50, 000 souls'. About 20,0b are squatted in I A' The indiscriminate slaughter of birds of every description in tins country, finds a ve ry just rebuke in tho following extract from tho Ayr Observer, a British paper: "A gentleman for some weeks pant had remarked that a large number of crows fre quented tho pasture lands of tho Low Green of Ayr; end being stimulated by curiosity to learn What was the object of their visits, ho proceeded to tho spot, and on examin ing tho surface, from that great quantities of fog and grass had been torn up, to permit crows 16 "roach the myriads ofcreatnrcs ho denominates "cut worms," which abound at tho root of tho vegetables, and on which they feed. This gentleman carefully ex amined one squaro foot of pasture, which had not been subjected to the searching pow'crs of tho crow, and within tho space, lio found no fewer than G3 of the cut-worms whilst in another square foot of the ground visited by the crows the number was only nine. This fact he adduces as evidence of the utility of the crow, and the impolicy of utterly extirpating the breed. He also sta ted that ono of these birds was shot by a landholder in this vicinity last week, and ou oxatnitiing its craw, nearly CO cut worms were found in it and only a small quantity of grain', " hymbneA h: MARRIED On the 1st inst. by tho lien Win. J. Eycr, Mr. Jonathan Itishcl, of Liberty, to Miss Rachel Snyder, of Mahoning. On tho SUt ult. by tho Rev. D. S. Tobias, Mr. Daniel Gmvuii, of Pottsvillc, to Miss Charlotte Me C arty, of Muncy. On the nth inst. by tho same, Mr. John Helm- brack, of New Castle, to Miss Catharine Pitlncr,of iioaring creek valley. On tho 8th inst. Mr. Jcsso Coleman, Merchant, of Orangeville, to Miss Catharine, daughter of 'Squirp Kclt-hrier 6f llriar creek. JlSeligioijs IVoficc. The lit. Rev. Bishop Ondcrdonk will preach at the Churches, and places named below, at the times rcspectlully mention ed. Christ's church Jcrseytown, Tuesday Feb. 20. 11 o'clock A. M. St. Gabriels, Sugar Loaf, Thursday Fob. 22. 11 o'clock A. M. Orangeville on Tuesday Feb. 22d. half past 7 P. M. Bloomsburg, Friday Fob. 23. morning and oveuing, and the 24th, morning, at the usual hours of worship. On .Friday morning the 23 Febtiary at 11 o'clock, it is .expected that the new church of St., haul's, will bc.oonsecratcd to the service ofthc eternal God. On which occasion a collection will be taken for the use of said Church. BY virtue of a writ of J en. Exponas, to mc directed, 'will bo exposed to public sale, at the court-house, in Danville, on Wednesday the 28th day of February, at 10 o clock, A. JI. a certain TRACT OS1 1'ADJD, situate in Dcrry township, Columbia coun ty, containing r OKI x acres, more or less, whereon is c rectcu A Log Homse AND The land is all cleared nnd adjoins lands of David Derr, James Clark, John Springer, and others. On tho premises is an APPLE and a well of water near the door. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo 3old as the propcity of John Doak. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. February 10, 1838. 42 3t PROCLAMATION. JIEIIKAS, tho honorable ELI.1S LEWIS Prrsidcnt of tho (Jourts of Dyer and I er- miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions nf tho IVace.and Court of Common Picas, and Orphan's Court, in tho eighth Judicial District, composed of tho counties of IS'orthumbcrland.Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon. William MoNTiioMKiiY and Lkovauh JIupeiu", Esouires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing datotho 10th day of February m tno year ol our i.onl ono mousanu cigui iiunureu nnu luiriy-eiiii, mm iu iuu unuviuu ui uuwuiji A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DANWI.LE, in tho county of Columbia, on tho third M mday of April next, (being tho 10th davl and to continue two weeks NOTICE ia therefore hereby given to tho Cor oner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Constables of tho said County of Columbia, tliot tliey be then and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the loreunon oi saiuoay, wiuiiiirirTccums,iiniuMiuuiia, and other remembrances to do thoso things which to their oillces appertain to bo done. And those who aro bound by recognizances to prosecuto nsainsl tho nrisoncrs that arc or may bo in tho jail of said county of Columbia, arc to he then and thero to Tro:ocuto anainst them as tha!l bo just. Jurors are requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a grccably to tueir notices, Dated at Danvillo, tho 10th day of February, in tho vcar of our Lord ono thousand cieht hun dred and thirty-eight, nnd iu tho 03d year of tho indcpwidenco ol tho uni'-ed estates oi Amer WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. horiiT'fi Office, Danville, ? Fob, 10, 1833. 43 6t PROPOSALS 'For jAbiuiiine Folt'sville, Fa. an Imperial Weclitv JVctctpdjier, to be entitled The urgent Solicitations of numerous friends, and the prospect of liberal patronage, have induce the undersigned to issue these proposals, and ask the support of the pub lic. In politic, tho "Pottsvilix Emporium" will zcalously.supnortthc nrincinlcs nnd candidates of the Democratic party, and particularly the nominee of the 5th of March Convention : Bth, aside from patty feeling, it shall be our main object to enhance tho v.. v... luiiuii'vitiiio, fiuiiiuuiiu desi pos tendency to put down individual industry and enterprise. In flne, our object shall be to promote the welfare of tho community amongst whom we live tn nlpnsn nrt,i 'in struct and with no other promises, we shall commence our paper, hoping that our ex perience both as mechanical printers and editors, may fit us for our task, and afford that grauiicaiiou 10 pairons viiicn nevci laus 10 inuuee mc necessary recompense for servi ccs rendered in a laudable undertaking. At nrnjnnt l1inin !c lint nnn Tii. rrl iel nnnn. .Mil.lialmrl 1. . I n .. ... jib 'ii.si'ii. t,iwu wm. vjiiv. uiiiioii iapi;i jjuuiiauuu ill lliu LIIUIHV 01 OCUUVlIClU -a county whose territory is completely spotted with villages, and w'hosc citizens rank amonst the most intelligent, industrious and enterprising of the cnmninnwpnlili In 1835, Schuylkill polled almost 2500 votes, iuuu. i ncn wo ciotiut not 01 tno success ol Inciuls may, in tlie launching ol our bark, slioals wlncli generally render the commencement ot a paper a lnattcr of so much anx ictv and exnense to tho nronrictors. , Tjic "PoTTsvn.tE Emporium" will bo published weekly, on an Imperial sheet, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable semi-annually in advance, or S2 50 if not paid within the year. The first number will bo published about the first of May next. Subscriptions are FnnnuAnv 8, 1838. Important to Tailors. PATENT ELASTIC SQ.UARE AND Sclf-vavyins; Square Rule, For measuring and drafting coats, in con nection with another new and useful rule for cutting sale ot boy's coal's upon a more familiar plan ; also, superior rules for cut ting all other garriients incumbent on that branch, arc now offered to the trade by tho subscribers ; beliving lliem to surpass eve ry thing of the kind which has proceeded them. SELF-VARYING RULE. Great imperfections iu the art and liabil ities to produce a miss-lit have, been stand ing before the cutter ever since the intro duction of rules, tilling tho mind with fear and anxietv, until the coat is finished and tried oni at which crisis the blood is often caused to rush into the face at beholding a bad fitting coat. 1 he rules, with one or two executions; wliidh, have been in use ever since the first invcrttton of the kind, were wholly predi cated upon principles giving tie feamo pro portion lor every man, which principles would long since havo been superceded bv self-varying rules, had tailors but thought that the variation in the proportions of men's bodies are almost as many as in tlie lcaturcs of the face. , Two or three rtilcs styled Self-varying havo made their appearance within about as i ' i ' i many years, uacu uivenioi ciaiiniiir uiu nun- or of having perfected the art, upon which J. G. Wilson, of New York, entitled his sys tem perfect ; but instead of being perfect, . . ' i ...i.ri. u contains many erroneous principles, which the subscribers forbear to point but until that gentleman assails this assertion. All such systems have heretofore been defective in two ways : First, they arc only in part self-varying. Secondly, those parts which arc intended to be self-varying are defective. In tact, there are certain points on the coat which cannot bo effected by self-varying principles in any other way, nor by any other means, than those laid down by the subscribers. Unlike any other of the kind, this sys tem now ottered to the trade is conducted without any breast measure, and effects ev- w. i . n.wl . f 1 w ..... t 1... ,,1 P varying principles, in a way calculated to' convict tho senses of any reasonable man, that should it ever fail to produce a good fit upon any shape whatevbr; the charge must bo laid to a careless and incorrect measure ment. It may seem mysterious that this rule is said to' be self-varying, and yet a square rule a square rule and yet conduct ed without a breast measure ; btit tile whole mystery will be unfolded at once lly exam ination. Unwilling to havo it said that tho subscribers aro attempting to palm this sys tem upon tho trade with misrepresentations, they avdw their willingness to submit it in to the hands of an impartial committee for an examination of its principles, in compar ison with any other ever invented in tho United States, at Philadelphia or Now York, which committee shall make the decision known through the press. Tho subscri bers set all systems which are governed wholly by the breast measure aside as in ferior and not worthy to compare with consequently they will compare with none but such as are governed in part by self varying principles. For if tho principles here offered to the trado aio not worthy of patronage it is right that it should be made known, and they sink into oblivion. On tho contrary, if thfey are found as above repres ented, or if thereby the subscribers have put an end to all further improvements in tho art of cutting coats they deserve some pat ronage and compensation for their exertions. Terms if forwarded to order S10, if per sonally taught S12. CHARLES KAIILER, WILLIAM KAHLER. Bloomsburg, Pa. Feb. 10, 1838. 42 tf. .nut. juuuBiiv Mini u y icrpri zo wuicii ctlarac- arid the combined Democratic vote exceeded our establishment, provided the rxertinn nf prevent it Irom mooring upon those rocks and JOHN S. INGRAM, FRANKLIN S. MILLS. A Valuable Property W Tun subscriber wishes to obtain tenants to a property in Rohrsburg, Greenwood iu iiamj', uiuiuuia uuillliy, UUllSJSllIlg Ol A TWO ! v One of Ihodwellings has heretofore been oc cupied as a More, and a person who Would carry on tlie mercantile business would be preferred as n tenant. The situation is a good one, it being in a most extensive lum ber country, and where considerable might be done iu tho Grain business. Possession will be given on the first day oi April next,and any pcrtou wishing to ex amine the premises can receive every salis- jucuoii oy caning on tlie undersigned. ANDREW McCLUllE. Rohrsburg, Feb. 10. 1838'. 42 if. HADE IV SMITH, Respectfully informs tlie public, that he is prepared to receive and execute orders in the above line, and from his knowledge of mc art, naving nau extensive practice for tno last iilteen years, considers himself ms- tided m stating that he can give perfect sat :r.:.. . n Ij.i, .! ... isiauuuu iu .m wnu inuv unmiuv nun. Topographical maps' furnished a'eCordinir to the latest improvement, in the handsom est and most correct manner, and levelling of every dpsi-ription fmhfully performed. Able :issintaiit ait- ongaged. Orders left with the following persons win meet witn immediate attention. James Taggurt, Esq., Tamaqua. S. D. Harmon, Esq., Danville. John TFc'av'cr, Esq., Pollsville, John S. Ingram, Esq., JJ(oomsburg. Cornelius Conner, Esq., Mauch Chunk. J encli C. Juntzing, Es'i. Catlawissa. Cattawissa, Feb. 10, 1838. 42 Ot NOTICE. Whereas, In pursuance of an act of gen eral assembly of the Commonwealth of , ' an attachment hath been granted by tho subscriber ono of the justices ot the peace m and lor the Uoiinty ot Col umbia, against a certain Isaac Ranlz, of the township of in tho count' of Colum bia aforesaid, whereon certain chatties and effects of the said Isaac Rautz, havo been attached, and are now in tho custody of Curtis Stadonand George Applcmaii, of the township ol Mount Pleasant iu said Coun ty, until they shall be disposed of accord ing to law. .1 his is tnorelore to give no tice to thecreditors of the said Isaac Rantz, to appear oh Monday the 20th of February, inst.,, at the house of Benjamin Kester, of .t in1 I r mo lownsnip oi ureenwoou, in sain coun ty, then and there to discover and make proof of their demands, agreeably to the directions ol the said act. lienjamin Kester, Greenwood, Feb; 10, 1838. 42 3t, 'JtO MANTUA MAKERS. Ax extremely usoful and thoroughly provon PATENT SYSTEM for cutting Ladies Ureases and Habits in various forms, to accommodate all the changes of the fash ions, and warranted to fit without tho trou ble of trying on the dress before finished, on a plan so easy that anv lady may learn it from the rule and explanations, or iu one half hour by personal teaching, is hereby offered to the ladies employed in that branch of business. Terms if forwarded to order S5, if per sonally taught So. WILLIAM' KAIILER, CHARLES KAIILER. "sriS Bloomsburg, Feb. 10, 1838. 42 tf. TANNING BUSINESS. IHE subscriber would icspectfully inform the public that ho has taken his sou WILLIAM SNYDER into co-partnership In his Tannery, and that tho business will hereafter be conducted under tlie firm .of Daniel & William Snyder, at tho old established stand in Bloomsburg. Darnel Snyder. Bloorasburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf .LEATHER . . . F good quality, and for sale at tho lowest p'rf, 1 ccs, always on hand at the nM .ini,i;ti.i Tannery, adjoining feeder's Hotel. The subscri bers would respectfully Solicit a continuance of the liberal customs Uerelolore enjoyed by the senior partner. j ,( Daniel Snyder, Bloorasburg, January C, 1.838. 37-tf An Apprentice S wanted immmcdiately by tho subscribers, to . tho Tannins business. A bov between 14 nnd 17 years of ago will obtain a cood situation bv n'D. plying soon. Daniel Snyder. IVMiam Snyder. Bloorasburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscriber by bond, hotc. or book account, or otherwise, aro ro. quested to call and settle tho same before, iht frst day vf April, next. Ho is determined to have old matters justly arranged; and .those who neglect at tending to this notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf WAITED. "TXjlJlPI.OYMENT will he-given to 20 stone cut Ji2A tcrs aml masons, 20 drillers, 20 common,,la borcrs, 10 wood choppers, and 10 teams, at Uridgo io. l, Uatawissa Hail ltoad, by the subscribers. ochuyler, rrick, i- Co. Catawissa Furnace, January 0) 1838. 37-3t Clovcr-Sccd. I USIIELS OF CLOVE UgEEIJ 1 of a superior . aualitv. iust re teived, and for baio at tho new and cheap store o J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to tlie subscriber on Book account or otherwise for one year back, are requc-ted t6 make payment prior to tho 25th of March next'. , . lewis meter: Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. YALI.EUSIIAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family Pills, for sale at d obias's Health Emporium. THE subscriber would respectfully inform, the public, that ho has taken the storo recently occupied tjy jtor. McDowell, in Orangeville, and is now opening ariii receiving, from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o MERCHANDIZE, which ho will dispose of at tho most reduced prices lor casn or country produce, l lie public aro inri ted to call andcxainiue for themselves. ( , WlLl.IAJt FAUX. Orangeville, Oct. 7, 1837 Cheaper than cheap ! THE subscriber would respceffully announce to Iho people pf Bloomsburg and vicinity, Sc to iho public in general, that ho has just returned a fcocond time from tho city, and is opening out his purchase, which, together with his former stock; compri-ics a neat and general assortment of DRY GOODS; , Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sattinelts, Merinos! Merino Shawls Handkerchief t, Dress ij- Eonnet Silks and Triiftmings, Ginghamsi Calicoes, Linnens; t r Muslihs, Vestings, Stocks, Hosiery, fe." ALSO, . . An extensive as sortmcnl of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass', Queensware, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils, Paints, Salt, Fish, frc. All of which ho offers for sale at his store room in Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite tho Post olhce, where tho public aro respectfully invited to call and see for themselves, as ho intends selling his goods still a little cheaper than uny yet offered to the public, for cash or country produce. UKUltUti WiiAViSK. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, OR the prevention and euro of colds, coughs, Asthmas, consumptions, spitting of blood. all disorders of the breast and lunge, for sale at he Drug storo of the subscriber, in Bloorasburg. J). S. Tobias. Pawanfs Tonic Mixture., R Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for the i ever ana Ague, on nana and for sale by D. S. Tobias. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, BTIOR indigestion, or sour Stomaeh, eh hand, aad J for salo at Tobias1 Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January ID, 1833. 38-4t 7SUR CAPS, just received, and fox sale at the, J new & cheap store of J. T. Musselman, tf Ca Bloomsburg December 2, 183T. Alt IRON, Just received, and for sale at tk new & cheap store of . T. Musseman $ Co. tho Territory oi vv iscui.u.