The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 03, 1838, Image 3

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lly Ingrain & Mills.
Gentleman did, in the most exceptionable
manner, violate such ft contract with a rc
snectablo female of thi3 place, is too well
known to admit of a doubt. That there
was any sectarian interference on the occa
slon is certainly without any fouudation in
"Washington, January 27, 1838.
I John Bell complained most bitterly of the 1 Just in the Nick of Time.-The exe
course putsucd by the chairman of the c"n of aac Dale, which was to have
committee of ways and means, ( Mr. Cam- laken Placo "r Nashville on the 10th Inst.
.. M .... r.b .
Thesonatohavohadbut little business brcling.) That gontloman he complained ti,0 samo morninir bv the Legislature. ma-
of ircneral interest under consideration du- was so skilful in the management of the king it the duty of the Governor to corn-
fiict: the conduct of the Nov, Gentleman ring this week. It has passed a bill to pro- measures of the administration, that ho al- mute tho punishment in capital cases finally
I himself, gave ri9c to tho rumour,, and if he yideforthe safety of passengers on board ways so arranged it when ho introduced an ,lccrmined by the Supreme Court, to im-
, .i . ';. , t . ili ! .1 tr J ' J . b . .. nriSOnment for hfn in I in Rlnlo Pnnilnnti-i.
hIcr no n al or io boatS Pr0fC,lcd in w 10 " ,n Part Wpriat.on, to have some of tho w lug ry, whcncvcr tho f u,
n 3.t,.i5i m, T nrrnJn rnnnnt. steam, which must be looked upon as a vc- members ready to sustain, and by this certify to him that tltcio was in their onin-
Mr. Hudson did, in a manner disgraceful tp ry important matter to tho travelling public, means ho bit the whig parly and carried his ion extenuating circumstances attending the
Wtiv. tiiU is ilm vprvllmsi nvi. case, and that in their opiniba the nunish-
lua livcs lost b' M8BnM dCnCC in th WOrldp,:thc rong-headedness XZi Z
itmii invo nn nnnnrmnuv. 1 ...... . i . . . - . -. tin i -" - i'-wrw
iua vim-. . . ai,--,,:- u,. nvn m nt r olnnm. 1 r thn i-innns 1 1 inn m MvlPr 11PM. .IVlflP. I it.- r .l !i ,i
I leave my name which you are at liberty to r"" ""r . 7 , . niMoinfl Evorett Their raclinus onno . r i u i ""'P"0 ?ail0W
.i!..i. i ,w im ,inl,1 boats unon, our waters. A bill has also """Ho ana L-verett. I lieir laclioufl oppo- crccled an(l shroud and coffin made, and
himself,' that it is not 'out of mere idle curi- passed that body for the appointment of a M t0 cvery lIling tl,at is ri8ht andpro- not until after 12 o'clock was it known that
n.sitf. ti.nt ho rvMshpa in U-nnw ihn nntlinr: i i !;.a, . : ,, nor is so clarinirlv wrontr that their own the merciful arm of tho Legislature had been
i . . . vf -I t ... 1 ! I 1 I , 1 . . .1 i .i
fnrllinlinn Cuh nlirnnRmnf cnmmnnrinrr ... , . , . . , . nnrlv rnnnn strinrl it nntl when ihnv nnmn ,nicrPoseu 10 SaVC lUm A
inn for h."v U'lho whole affair in- ,101lCr' V"T 'S & J" , ' m7 nlll i I W,!ich lad cMcci di"P
vnstitrated. A FniENDTO TRUTH.
... ........ .1.- : .
i ?s I'nnom ihni noun mm iqnivi t in irtr. st'nnia ior mu luurcasu 01 iiiu uruacni
" I . . r r- . . . . . f.i r
man ui mu uuiiiiiiuiL'u ui riya uuui iiiutiii
But we are not to iret off with Indian war lovcr-feecu. r 1
s , !,!,.,. .. Ar, i?.i.i, cl,n(l.,, c I H tflfctflfe 1US1IELS OF CLOVE&SEED
i Til a number of our democratic exchange
papers wo observe the name of this gentle
man siiiifrfislnd as a nroner person to re-
ivn tho nomination of tho 5th of arch mer arc requested to give this articlo an in- tary establishment of tho United States
flnnvontion as a candidate for Governor. scrtlon- Tliis msasure would seem to bo especially
nr i.i i cU (t,u nnnnllv nn ni ,,f . . , ..-.i. necessary when it is recollected that a re
u 0 a i - iv -- - p v c nave uccn wu n u.D - b lh prescn,alipn 0f a remonstrance by a Jdvcd, aiTd foro at tl.oY,cw and1 cheap
count of hm private worth and pohl. al m- Chargc of Judga LcwisJ to lho Jnry , thc gar wM .or was not ojbund in an, of X P John"Ross, J. T. MUSSELMAn!&
icjrrity ; and because ho not only merits any . , of Thoma9 T. poke for u,e rounier 0f tlic northern states to preserve the ncutrali- Dloomdmnr. Feb. 3. man.
s.i.,.1 i. u;u mn lm rnnror. . . ,. , , ... . , ... tv of t ho Un tod States, and nrotcct our llllu b
oisuiiBiiiaiiuu uunui jo in uornen. uorcgreiour mammy 10 . , itfnw TVhnti nf Doppmlmr
i i.:.- r l.;.n1tnnw . . .. .. , , A northern front cr from aL'cress ion at the Wcw brU(?la ! uccemuer,
rcil upu.i ...... u.. v .. ,urn,sl ,t U) our rcaucr9 ,n lma numocr 01 I , . ... . D mmni.;M Mna tlm lmnsn of rnnrPnn
. :,. i. :..i t. ...:n ureaKincrouioi uiincuitiesinuanaua. 1110 """"v'" "fb i
fi it r ii:iiti'r- invniu iin 1.111: iiiiiviii. 11 win i '
r-rf - a
nowever appcarinm - . thc d to that lrcaty on u gjj.
. ;.. . .i -. .... - i cj i..--.. . .
fer?' A Convention of Editors was held errant preemption richts to settlers on thc 6roun'1 lhal th0 lrcaly was "ot maUc by Ul
edged qualifications, but becausd ho has ac
nuircd his popularity, his fortune, and oc
cupied several distinsuished situations of
j u ,
honor anil great trust, from tho plainness ol
manner, evenness Of temper, assiduous ap
plication, and unbcndiiiir iiilccrity, which
. -r.i i i Intivns tA entoriinto a
grcaicsi pan oi mo week nas ocen consu- "" " ; requeued to make payment prior to tho 25 h of
. . - -
of.n superior qu ality, jutt r'o
store o
Moomalmrg, Feb. 3, 1838.
LL persona indebted to the subscriber on Book
account or otherwise for one year back, aro
In Richmond, (Va.) on the 17th of Janua- public lands up to tho end of the year 18- Cherokee nation, Mr. E. declared that, his
ry. Their proceedings furnish many use- "37. Tins bill has elicited very considerable only object now wns to have it referred to
Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838.
.... I - . . i . i It . . V. itf I nnmmiHnn In Vtn Inn inan nvnminnil lull
i. i t..iu..i i,io ,,iiron nf 1 fn frnm fn nnts.w lie i can bo atlvantaircous v ta uen Ui3cussion. DUt it is believed that it will " U""""BU l" v uuM
i,!. nnrltnot ,WV iintil ilm nrefcnt time. In by tho publishers in every part of the coun- pass both branches by a large vote, it being wie " motlon was made t0 postpone it m-
.w -... ; - . --j- ' '. . ...... . . " .1.. i :.. i. .. .1 .l.i..: i. n
a 1'RiNTiNQ orricr. he studied public men try. We arc pleased with this movemont, but just that these hardy pioneers should "ciuuiuiy uu pucneu m .u uLua.1I1K u ,Yuu ua
and public measures as editor of tho lead- and rcccommcnd a similar one in Pennsyl- have a right to receive thc lands which they hls might. In a short time tho rule cut
in nanni nt Ilnrr sbur-r. hciea ouslvadvo- vania. . l no rrcss is, tno pauauium ot our nave improveu at government price, n "i D"" " ur
ratml democratic nrinc'iolea and democratic civil and religious lights, and while it la- was ordered to be cngroscd for a third read- ncxt wcck B'1 its fur)''
' I, . 1... 1 Ml t 1 .1 1 .1 t
Mtiilidatps and throuirh all tho changes bors to preserve the institutions of the coun- ing in tho senato on Saturday evening by a A oiu nns passcu ino nouso mis wees.
.... , . -a- " I . . . .... 1 . - I I .... . . ... - n ..r.- nnn f ..
an(l vipiMitiidps of nartv strife he has never try, and advance the interests of all classes, vote ot nearly two to ono. making an appropriation oi su-jo.uuu ior
' ... . . .. . i !. nn . .... I 1 .1 r I
flinched from performing his duty asadem- it snouui noi ncgicci lis own. vnai say
mi hnn nnvnr soured kindlv feelings bv vou brethren I
the unnecessliry abuse of political opponents
nor has he ever deserted a friend who so
licited and merited his assistance. Such
a man is Gen. Cameron ; and such industry,
integrity, and capacity would ably fill thc
vacuum which must bo occasioned in the
Executive chair of this commonwealth by
the woful defeat of thc present incumbent.
fCJ Thomas Snowden, who was im
prisoned in Adams county, on a charge of
having murdered Solomon Chambers, was
tried last week. The Jury reported a ver
dict of Not Guilty without leaving the box.
In tho IIouso we have had tho Florida "1C protection of our northern frontier.-
war enacted over again. Mr, Chambre1- liom l"ls au 1110 U1 maKing appropna
lcng'from the committee of way & means, lions for the suppression of Indian hostili-
repoiteda bill appropriating a million of ties have passed the Senate aad received the
dollars for the immediate exigencies of th e signature cf the President. There has been
service in Florrida. Mr. C staled tli'at this no other business of importance done In the
' . ' . It i. " i?.
um was rc()uiiuu us mu inunuy waa I nunc- I 'i" i f YftCft Cffi riol" "i TTi jrj IWii el
THE PHOPKIETOR of the Worth Branch
Lino of Mail Stascs would inform the trav
elling public that he has reduced tho fare to TWO
IiULIjAIIS for through passengers, and four centu
a mile fdr way passengers. Leaving Northumber
land daily at thc arrival of tho Harrisburg- Stage-
(Ej'For scat a,t Northumberland, apply at II. II.
Burr's Hots!. Keturning leaving Wilkcsbarra
every morning between 8 and 9 o'clock ; for seats
apply at thc Hotels of G, Korher and George P.
Steele, Wilkebarrc. .
IViUiam Itobison.
Bloomsburg, January 2T( 1838. 40 tf.
ICJ In ourlast'numbcr wo republished
an article from the "Lewisburg Standard"
in reference to the installation of thc Rev.
John P. Hudson, of this place, as pastor of
the Presbyterian congregation at Williafns
port, and also alluding to some private trans
action from which the author desired to cx-
cxculpalo Mr. Hudson, on account of his
clerical character. Now we regret that the
first publication was ever made; for from
our own knowledge, it requires a contra
tion, and in tho following communication
from the last 'Register" it will bo seen that
Mr. II. is placed in a quandary not well
becoming either his piofcssion or his char
acter as a moralist. We would "rather
tuner for tho truth than let the truth suffer;"
diately demanded, and that the committee porting by standing committees of some im
intended shortly to report a bill making ad- portant bills. Thc iJississippt election
ditional appropriations, on which it was case has been discussed some three or four
expected that a general discussion would days during thc week, ilcssrs. Foster of
tako 'place. This hint, howovcr, was not New York, Pennypackcr, iJowry and
sufficient to satisfy those who wished to Bronson, the latter gentleman not having
keen un thc war on thc administration, concluded his remarks. Thc voto will
Mr. Wise rose and protested against ma- probably be taken next week, when I pre
king further appropriations for carrying on sumo the two members will get leave to go
iliia wnr ilnnnmwoul iho fiilminisirninm no I honifi. ilr. Claihome. one of this Mtlinfr
will bo made by witnesses before the com- havi (e(l fidiousl lowards tho Indi. mombers has been confined to his bed by
mitteo of investigation; and if this prove , , , , .. , . ,, :,iiiriiiin a.. cm i, r
o ' I nn. find flpplnrnil lhnf Iin unnlM Mlhni. nn- HltUSDOSlllOn I0T S0I11C tltllO. anu J1C IS not
propriate money to secure them in tho pos- yet ablo to come to t.ic House. Keystone,
session of tho soil of Florida than to re
move them. Tho war he declared was
kept up by those who were battening and
tQThc Hon. Ellis Lewis, and many
other distinguished citizens, have been
subpoenaed from Lycoming county to at
tend the investigation of tho West Hranch
Bank concern at Harrisburg. Rumor says
that tho preamblo and resolutions of Mr.
Lavcrty (publishsd in our last) arc but a
tender 'prelude to tho disclosures which
true, tho little monster will havo to yield
up its chartered ptivilegcs beforo it can
breathe infection and causo distress In the,
neighbourhood of its intended existence.
HE public are respectfully informed, that on
TUESDAY, tho 27th day of FEBRUARY
next, the famous
Rapid progress of Quackery.
Thc sale of Morrison's Hygeian Pills, in
this country, for ono single year, amounted
"We perceive by soveral papers that the
Lumberman's Bank in this place has fail- quo.tod to attend
llloomaburg, January 27, 1833
1 . . .
brouttht V this county from tho state of New Yoik
by Mr Valentino flcidlemsn, will lie shot for at
Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Ho irfa full-blooded,
Devonshire, of a bright charry red colour, and
weighs, in common runninp order,
. 2230 POUNDS.
He is certainly the hrgcrt and handsomest animal
oi thc kind ever introduced into this section of coun
try; and those who would desire a priro worth con
tending for, aro invited to attend on the above day
and exhibit their skill.
Marksmen from all thc adjeininjj counties ar re-
lattcning on tho spoils, and it it was not ed. Gentlemen, we tell you that you know
for such persons there would be no war nothing about it. It's only stopped to get
there. Mr. Downing, thc Whig delegato a better start ; getting oil to get on better.
w I Tr l.i -iin : . . i .i
40 4f
o ' a o TTnlil lilt
to tho enormous sum of between three and "on, replied to Wise m handsome ";o3t wofully "eium flusl
four hundred thousand dollars! It was s'yei au scl '"i "own among those wno
and from ono whoso character " is dearer pr0ved in a court of justice in New York on Iad more sympathy for tho red men, or
to him than lire," wo shall require such Scars' trial for counterfeiting them. those of a darker hue, than for their breth-
morality such performance of moral ob- -5-!! ren of the Anglo Saxon race. Mr. Bell
ligations as will make him trust-worthy fCPA .resolution lias been adopted 'in our next came to. the relief of Mr. Wise, and
amongst men, and incapable of trifling with State Legislature, inctructing tho Judiciary pronounced the appropriation as extrava-
Uio affections of virtuous woman. From a commmee io rcpori a diu, maKing me issue m( and not t0 bo t0ieratcd uv ,i0 House.
knowledgo'of tho name, character and situ- 0 bills 8 les3 denomrnalion than 85, by but for al( jj0 thought it would bo as well
ation of tho author of tho subjoined article
we feel assured that Mr. II. will have am
ple scopo to free himself from the "deadly
evil" which must proclaim his at least cen
urable conduct until ho establishes his in
nocence. And when his ftiends employ
the public newspapers to deny truths, and
cast distrust upon the veracity of an unoffen
ding female, he must not censure thoso
who have kindred feelings in opposition,
and who aro guided by thoso pure and
honorable motives whioh neither belong to
a hyprocrito nor a heartless tamparer at tho
uirine oi numan love, wo insert tno ar-
uorporauons or muivtuuais, criminal oi- lo giv0 it, Mr IJiddlo of penn3yivania,
tence, and pumsnaoie by line and impns- dcclarcd war upon ,ho administralion( and
onment. Should such a law pass, it would Lrlo,i iu im ,..o . ...i.
put an end to shin-plasters.
sponsibility of withholding this appropria
tion. He made a lengthy speech in oppo
sition to tho whole course of tho adminis
tration, and while he pronounced the hea
viest censure upon tho administration for
The "States Advocato" at Milton, eon
tains a high oulogium on this spcoies of coal,
nnil minima llin tclimnnv nf Air. Pnllnplr.
1 I .1 ' !..- i . -,...
the proprietor of the steam-grist-mill at that " anu course 0l uen.
nl,r,. t,n nrnnnnnnn. il nllrn. mnilinr, Sc0lt 111 1,1(3 Campaign, llO WCnt alld COn-
readily, and producing a heat of unusual demmul tho cours0 Pursued byGen. Jesup,
mrrninvti v m o strongest and most unmeasured terms,
regularity. ,
u Hii;u iu ins uuusiaiency. mr. iiyrum
and Mr. Glascock replied to the reniarks of
A coal mine has been discovered
ticlo from tho "Register" Without ftirthor about eight miles from Bloomsburg, on the these gentlemen in a most triumphant man
comment. nanus oi tno iortn urancn anovo mimm- ner. the former cent eman tollino- them that
Ville. which nromisca well. It is on Mr. rn i, T7nni:.i, ...i a...
'r .1 r i'. -,,-, . I I l"wJ "xtw ojujjiian wjiuii uiaviiauuu
lotiie suitor oi tno uol. Lo. JCegister. Keller's land, and whilo it may yiold him
Q.-. tf "11 t l .1 ' I - I ' " " " " A IIKH "HUH
.w T 1 u W1" aD1Se, iea!lone 01 J our a fortune, may probably make all our for
uoscribers bv republishing in your next , , . . . . .
Pper, an article which afpeareS in the tunes by keeping us "up to the eyes" in bu-
ucjmuuuat" oi thc 37th instant, ntlr- buicbb.
'oriing to have been communicated to the
-Utora of that paper for publication by an
tl. A J , ...i.;t. .;. . .1 '
iricfin, unu which in is inerasiii'
itA . :t .ii.. , ?. ? . . t
u uiiKiiiany an
Standard" puuli
they violated their treaty for the Mexi
cans when they were committing robbories
upon our citizens, and insults oh our na
tional flag for tho Indians, tho negroes,
On Thursday a resolution was offered and evory thinS that threatened to shako the
in tho "Lewisburg rescinding the resolution to adiourn on tho Pcac0,ul aoniinistratton of our laws under
hshed in Union County': 0,1 r T7nurr
rpu ucmocratio auspices. Mr. Wise in his zeal
rii 1. - 1 r k 1
tAl if it 11 1 . . 1 I O I..I
-?iiwr wiui me louowing remarKs, 11 you . , . jU(iiciarv WM cut off bv tho 10 eninarrass tno administration endeavored
Ce' " previous question, and the main question appropriation one half, but ho
IUDUVU UU UUUU M ' . " . . ' IV.ln.l ill 4llA ntlnml nml Un nTiA
thf iiiinrAil tt-lit
ni. - I. -1 -
tho amendment appointing Supreme failcU in 11,0 attempt, and tho bill after be-
e wnoio article is a tissue of lalsliood Judges for 10 years, President Judges for '"s " "WM 'u " uujbi
nlcsjlo slander from with but two dissenting voices. Mr. Biddle
tllO admission. Ullt a renort was in ; . . .... nnt vnntiirinrr In vnt nwiinat U. aflr nil
ation. that the lUv. Geniem.n there- aM u, ,ou- r rT"" " " " "Z " ' " "
" named had violated a matrimonial on
5Jement; il contains not a slnrfe assertion
f avormoot that has lho least foundtion in
tll. On the conlrarv. that th Rev.
No opinion can bo formed as to the sponsibility to withhold it, Mr. Wise run
movementi in Canada; the news is contra- ning out of the houo lo avoid voting upon
dietorv. it- In tho course of the discuwion Mr
ticatcd" here for a few days ; some thought
tho bank was gone with all its funds where
with to redeem its bills ; but then such fel
lows aro moro"scarcd than hurt ; for when
wo looked, there the bank stood majestical
ly "all ajonc in the glory r
Whatever rumors may heretofore have
gone abroad, it is now rendered pretty cer
tain that the bank has sufficient liabilities to
redeem all its oflico notes in circulation, so
that the bill holders will undoubtedly be a-
ble tp pbtain the face of their money. As
to tho bank's continuing its operations and
regaining its credit, depends altogether as
to whether an effort is made or not. That
it can bo done with proper management wo
do not doubt, whether it will bo or not, we
cannot say. Trarren Bulletin.
"Guilty of Murder. "In a case, of tiial
for murder, which took placo at York,
&ook at This!
PIRITS, for renewing and cleansing Ladies &
Gontlemcn s wearing spparrel, and rcstoreing
them to tbeir original colour'and brightness. This
excellent Renovator never fulls, no matter with what
article the garment may be stained. It removes
all grease from the collars of coats, spots and stains
mused by lime, paints, tar, oil, &c &c. for sale at
Tobias's Health Emporium.
Dloomshurg, January 27, 1838. 40 3t
VALLERSHAMP'S Cough Girup and Family
Pills, for salba
Tobias's Health Emporium.' '
THE subscriber wishes to sngago for one year
from tho first day of April next, tha ssmcM
A Wagon-Maker,
such an one as can niako One and Two Horse Wa
gons in a firm and substantial manner." Also-:
for the season, who can como well recommended as
a good workman. Either of the above will obtain
.... r 1 -. .iiuu kudu wuiftiuuu. iiiuur ui uio auuvu nm www
(Peon.) a few days ago, tho Court had on resonabIo waffe, by applTing to tho undersign
motion of the prisoner s counsel, suspended H'ells
thc decision of tho case until Saturday af
ternoon wecK. 1 heir lurtlier action was
rendered unnecessary by a singular circum
stance On I hursday morning preceding
the appointed day, tho convict Daniel John
son, was found lying dead in his bed,
without marks of violence, and with thc
appearance of having breathed his last with
Bloomsburg, January 27, 1S39.
HE partnership heretofore existing between
tho undersigned, trading under the firm of
Joseph Lemon, & Co. was mutually dissolved on
out! a struggle, so smooth and undisturbed the 15th of January, 1S33. All persons having da-
was tho bed clothins?. A coroner's inauest mam,s wlu P1?180 P.ient them for setUement, &
was called, thc body was dissected, and no
signs of tho decease heintr caused by vio
lent means having been found, a verdiot
was returned that he "died by tho visita
lion of God." A knifer well sharpened
was found in the stocking of the deceased,
from which the inference had been drawn
that he intended to commit suicide. Snch
an instancq of the death of a prisoner, be
tween a verdict of guilty and tho aantence
of a Court, has probably never bsfore oc
curred. York Rep.
82600 damages was recovered of Stock
dan ib Stokes in a late trial at Baltimore, by
a Mr. Delano, who was injured some time
sinoe by tluupsKting of ne of Stockden
and Stakes' stagos
thoip indebted to the firm are requested to mala im
mediate paymont. '
Joseph Lemon,
William Lemon,
Jonathan Ltmon,
Isaac Lemon.
January 37, 18SS. 10-U
Estate of Jacob JPinler, latr tf Mount
Pleasant township, Columbia county,
OTICE is he'e bv niven. that Loiters pt Ad
ministration, have bn grant3 to the erubearia.1
ber on tho estate of raid deceased. Therefore;.all
persona having claims against said estate a;,l6r.
quted to preterit them, and those indebted nio'.io
queetcd to njuke mimslUte p syment.
David Eves, Adrn'r.
Jn n-i'v C 1 : is 40 Ct