I have sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas JclTerton. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. BliOOMSBtiRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1838. frumlicr 41. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next boor to Uodison's Stage Office. TSP..2ES : The COLUMBIA DEMOCRA T will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable jialf yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. Nro subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months, nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages arc discharged. AD VERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, ' and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserllon. d"A liberal discount made to those ivho advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. A IjIST OF L.ETTERH I EMAININO in tho Post Office at BIooms- lutrg, January I, 1838. Alurv Bovver John Klino ' John Baylor Kmanucl Lazarus Joseph Coleman Peter Mcnch Lewis Comptbh Sabinn Miller Thomas Cor Andrew Mclirk . Andrew Emm I'ctcr Miller, (Tanner) Rev. Win. J. EycY U. & D. Ncwhard James C. Fox (Jcorgo Itusscl . Henry Gciger Daniel Reedy (2) Daniel Gciger Oharlotto Rittor , Thomas llartman Mrs. Elizabeth Sliumaler Daniel Howcr " Mary Sloyman Catharine Hartman " Rebecca Vandcrsliee 2 Edward Hicks Henry Weaver Mrs. Elizabeth Jacoby Michcol Waltar llcbcrka I. Johnson Jacob Wo'zlcr Mrs. Sully Ann Kendy Gcorgo Zciglcr 3(5 Qj'Prvsons calling for the above letters will please say they lire advertised. B. RUPERT, P.M. January 13. 1838. 38-3t TANNING BUSXWBSS. FTTtllE subscriber would respectfully inform tho H public that he has taken his son WILLIAM SNA'DER into co-partnership in his Tannery, and that the business will hereafter bo conducted under the firm of Daniel 5s William Snyder, at the old 'established stand in Dloomsburg. Daniel Snyder. Dloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf LEATHER iP good quality, and for sale at the lowest pri y cos, always on hand at tho old established Tannery, ruljoiuing Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri liers would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho liberal customs hcretoioro enjoyed ly tnu senior partner. Daniel Snyder, JFilUam Snyder. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf An Apprentice IS wanted immmcdiatcly by tho subscribers, to the Tanning business. A boy between 14 and 17 yours of ago will obtain a good situation by op plying soon. Daniel Snyder, William Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf JVOTICJE. LTi persons indebted to tho subscriber by bond, , note, or book account, or otherwise, arc re quested to call and settle tho same before the Jirst day ft April, next. Ho it determined to liavo old matters justly arranged; and those who neglect at tending to this notico may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for tho purposes of settlement. There Is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. JHoomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf WAITED. imT nvurw'n ...:n i. .:., on j mi iju ill xjil i will iiu hi nil mw p.uiiu mi' 2A ters and masons, 20 drillers, SO common la borers, 10 wood choppers, and 10 learns, at Irid(.o no. I, Oatawissa Kail Koad, by tlio subscribers. bcfiuyler, J'rick, y Co E Catawissa Furnace, January G, 1838. 37-3 t; wmms EXCHANGE. Bsfefea fr'lc SuliscriJici TERV, rospcctfnlly informs his friends and the V public, that he has always on hand, ut his Li very Stablo irt Bloomsburg, for tho purpose of Hire or Exchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, 'which ho will feel gratified to keep in rcadiucss for 'the accommodation of customers. Personal application can he made athi&nuideneo, hen every moans will be used to render cntlio sat ufactiou to those who may give htm a call. NOAH fi. PRENTI8. Bloomsburg, November 4, 1837. niST received, nnil fnr nnln nt tlio store of th op subscriberi a splendid assortment of WOOD STf)VKS'. liolh flnfn and wllh Unllnrs. A assortment of round and squtiro Coal Stovt$; of different sizes. C. II. FI8HEH. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that ho has taken tho storo recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcville, and is now opening and receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o MERCHANDISE, which ho will dispose of at tho most reduced prices for cash or country produce. The public arc invi ted to call aiidexaininu for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangcville, Oct. 7, 1837 Cheaper than cheap! THE subscriber would respectfully announce to llic people of Bloomsburg and vicinity, &. to the public in general, that ho has just returned a second time from the city, and if opening out his purchase, which, together with hU former stock comprises neat and general assortment of DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sutl'melts, Merinos, t Merino Shawls Handkcrchitfs, Dress $ Bonhel. Silks and 'Trimmings, Ginghams', Calicoes, Linncns, Muslins, Vestings, Stoclis, Hosiery, tye. ALS02 An extensive assortment of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass, $ Quecnswarc, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils, Paints, Salt, Fish, yc. All of which ho offers for sale at his storo room in Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite the Post office, where the public arc respectfully invited to call and sco for themselves, as he intend.! selling his goods still a little cheaper than any yet "offered to tho public, for cash or couirtry produce. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, FOR tho prevention and euro of colds, coughs, Asthlnai, consumptions, spitting of blood, mid all disorders of tho breast and lungs, for sale at no Drug store of the subscriber, m Bloonibburg. D. S. 'Tobias. T of WAITED. HE snbsciibor wishes to engage for one year irom mo nrsi uay oi April next, tlio services RaicanVs Tonic Mixture, H Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for the i over ami Ague, on naml and tor eato by I). S. Tobias. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, RJjSOU indigostion, or sour Stomach, on hand, and n ' lor salo at Tobias' Health Emporium. Dloomsburg, January-13, 1838. 38-lt Swaim's Vermifuge, f N invaluable family motlicino for worms, dys cntary, bonel complaints, cholie, ch'olora morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom- acn, losa ot appetite, lever and ague, &c. kept at Tobias's Health Emporium. Swaim's Panacea, Wh ENOWNED throughout the wholo world for Kbi its efficacious qualities as a family medicine, constantly on hand, and for salo at the Drugstore of J), o. lobias. Leidy's Compound Sarsaparilla, R blood pills for Rheumatic affections, general debility, ulcerous sorosof thn nose, throat and body, white swe lling, diseases of tho liver and skin, tetter, ring-worm, piles, cramps, &c. for salo at Tobias's Health Emporium, Compound Fluid Exlruct, STOUtho cure of pimples or postule on tho face, biles, pains in iho bones, chronic rheumatism, tetter, whito swellings, &c. &c. for halo at Tobias's Drug Warehouse. 0 Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double wodth (J and an nssortmont of Jllutc Merinat, of a ve ry superior quality, just opened and for salo at tho New and Clioop Store of tho subscribers in Dlooms burg. j. t. .mi osr;i,.MAr, & uo. JOHN S. INGRAM, fjSnENDERS his professional services to tliQeiri- Pit zensof ColuniU t county. Ho will fool grate ful lor husiucsd ontrustetl to his rare. Offico in the samo building with the 'Columbia Democrat Dloomsburg, May, 1837 J. T. Miissclinaii, A: Co. WOULD again announce to their customers, unil tho public, that Ihoy have just re ceived another fresh supply of mbr'ohandizb, embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groccrios Liquors, Hardware, Ac. which llioy iritsnd to sJI at tho most roducml prices at their now and cheap storo in Dloomsburg. They invils a call from those yJio want choice article ttalmost cotpr!oe. December 0, 1837. A Wagon-Maker, such rm ono as can make Ono and Two Horso Wa gons in n firm and subtantial manner. Also : A MOTJLDEP.;, for tho season, who can come well recommended as a good workman. Either of tho above will obtain reasonablo wages by applying to tho undersigned. Henry J Fells. Ulooinsburg, January 27, 1838. 40-tf DISSOLUTION - OF PARTNERSHIP. Jl. the undcrsignod, trading under the firm of n'ovjiil 4.. null, . wu. l.M IJILUUBU U1BSU1CU Ull tho lfith of January, 1833. All persons having de mands will please to present thorn for settlement, & thoso indebted to the firm arc requested to make im mediate payment. Joseph Lemon, William Union, Jonathan Lemon, ' Isaac Lemon. January 27, 1838. 40-Al Estate of Jacob JVinler, late if Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, deceased. "SjTOTICE is ho'eby given, that Lotlors of Ail . JJ ministration have lieen cranted to the subscrl bcr on tho ostato of haid deceased. Thereforo all persons having claims against said cstulo aro re (mslcl to iiresent them, and thoso indebted aro io- qucstcd to muko immediate payment. David Eves, Adm'r. Jamiary 20, 1838. ,40-Gt TTP fi TIO In. i ! .... 1 1 it I - - . .1. - ju.t w, jhi mulf U11U wr SHIP OI 1UCI ' naw k ehwin storo of .. T. Mitsselman, ? Co. Uloorasjeuig Dscoiolsr 2, last. Estate of LUDWIG HERRING, late of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased. flTlnP in tiornlw ivn lliaf T ill.., V A.I ininlflrntimi linvn lipnn rrr-Tifil in llio anli scrioer on aam esiate. i neretoro all personsbav ina elaimsnfraiiiHt snnl nfllntr.. nrn riiiuita.l tn nra. f cut them, and those indebted are requested to mako immediate payment, it ttiosc indebted do not at tend to thu call boforo the first day of Match next, their accounts will be placed in proper hinds to en force collection. John Herring, Adm'u January 27, 1838. , , 40-0t The Esiate of UZJ1L HOPKINS, Etq, deceased. TaTOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad- JLlJ ministration on tho estate of Uzal Honcixs, Ksq. late of Bloom township, Columbia county, dc- i i i i i . ....... iu3cu, ii ucuii Kraiiiui ny mo iiegisier oi Wills, etc. in and for said county, to the subscriber, rosi- (If'Tit in Ttlnnmftlmnr. Alt imi-unn ti-.i.irr il.!m. ... ri- ( - i .... ii. n vi ii said estate aro rcquostcd to preront them for settle menj; and thoso indebted aro required to make im- muuimu luyineill. JOHN R. MOYER, Adm'r. Dloomsburg, Johuary 13, 1838. 39 0t GOODS. Cheaper than Bver! The SubscrUjcr Woillll llfltr ln.nvn In nnnnllmm tn (tin nnnl ...... u . " i.i 1 1 1 1. it ii i. ii n ' .111. jiuu nli) of UlooinsburL'anil vininitv. llml lin llns ...... . . p J 1 - just rcceiveu aspicimia assortment ofsca- jmx goods, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, Cassimcres and Saltinelts ; Flannels, and Canton Flannels, of every colour ; Jilack, Brown and Green Mtrinos, of every snaac antiyvauty ; and in facta full assortment of Drawer Common Goods, among which arc an extensive supply of Groceries & Liquors, (23 52U:S9 China, Glass and Queens-Ware, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Sperm. Rofined and Common Limp Oil, Hardware- Castings, & Iron, men's and woman's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. touother with ovcrv variotv nf mni-oiiindi which onn moot tlio wants or nloaso the fancy all which ho will disnosn nf nt tlm lowest prices. llo returns his acknowledgments to cus tomer for their vorv liberal snnnnrt. nnd with a firm determination to plohso through .ilinntin.. (!...;.. ,. i::.5 .. miviiiiuuiuuu5lll5, (IU BUUUllH'U COIIUIIU- ancc oftheir calls and custom. jrt" All kinds of country produeo will bo taken inAchange for goods. Bloomsburjr, Use. 10, 1837 C B. PI8HBR. ELEBHATBD UniversrPlMter for the cure ' of OoUt and rhamnntir. rmino ,Ll.nuL. corns, curing frost-bitten fpet, and soro breaits, fer saio ai Tobias's Health Emporium. '1 New & cheap Goods AT Tilt! RUPERT & BARTON, (Successoi-H to K. Jl. lllggs,) RESPECTFULLY annonnp.n In lhir friends and the nublie. that tlinv havn nnr. chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the storo formerly kept by him, and that they have just' received an extensive and splen did assortment of Pall & Winter Goods, which thov aro now ononinn- fnr tho. nvn- rninatton and accommodation of Customers, at the New Store House, iust p.onHtrnr.tnd oy xtr. Jiiircs, and onnosito to Mr. Hobi sons stage ouicc. 1 heir assortment is not only very extensive, but carefully felecled to answer tho demands of the neighbour hood: Ulltl although tlinv wish tint in rillvfr. Use thoir prices, yotthey feel confident that incy navo ucucr cooi s. and will sn I then Tier than any store in Uloomsburo-. " .in . . . . a. inoirncw stocit lias been purchased at tnc manufacturers' oHtablishmcnts, at the very lowest prices, and consists of GOODS3 RTP1I AS Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Green, mid J'ancy coloured Cloths, Cassimcres and Sattiiictts ; Silks, Merinos', Ginghams, and Calicoes ; . Linnens and Muslins ; Vestings, Stocks, CO to w 5! 85 In fino, thoy have every thing which na cossity or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the finest article in Dry Woods, and lrom a neculo to a stove in Hardware Thoir stock of HARDWARE, IRON China, Glass, QUEENSWARE : Groceries & Siiquors. Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ware, fyc. $-c. .yc cj-c. is more extensive and better selected than the same articles in any of the neigh bouring stores. Those who wish new, cheap, and good articles of Merchandize, should oall at the "Ulooinsburg Arcade" cither before or af ter oxaming elsewhere, aud mako their pur chases. All kinds of Country Produce takon in paymont at tho highest market prices. Uloomsburg, Nov. 18, 18H7. To the Dial rested & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. JUEAI.TJI, "Tho poor man's riches the rich man's bliss." Tailoring Business. B. RUPERT, ETl'LNS his acknowledgments to customers for Hieir ry liberal supiiort, and would now respectfully announce to them, and the public gen erally, that he has jnt received the latost from Philadelphia, in which material ehaqgos sre maac. Ills shop u at the old stand, m the same building with tho post-otlice. GCjNone but good workmen are employed at his shop; and those who want their garment made in a neat, durable and faduonable style; are invited to give him a call, and they way rely en having their work welt aud expeditiously eeeuted. Ho would also announce that ho continues rcf ulotly to r it cine tho Pnahions, and that any orders from abroad will be promptly executod. Jlloonisuurg, January 13, 1838. ? general supidy of PRB8H OYSTERS may uturAva It.. nit ! nn.l diiri hit tlm oann 1 ... ... ......... ...v ul j my. plying at tho Itefectory of the subaeriBer in Bloom. Inirg. JOHN R. MOYKH. UaoosibN-3, I8ST. Salt! Salt! TrgARRELW ofUkeSalt.andalarae IKK nnanlilv nmrnni.,1 Al,,u.u rwarwd, and for sale at t ha cheap store of HK subscriber would respectfully announce to ins menus anu tho public that lie lias opened a general aasortmont of Brugs & Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Storo in Bloomsburg, and that ho will be happy to supply tho wants of thoso who may give him a call. Among his as sortment are ; Oil of Almonds, Amber Anni seed Caraway Cloves , , Copaiva ' -Lavender Origanum ' Orange Peppermint Pennyroyal Rosemary Rue Spito Slono Sassafras , Tansy Par 1 Wintcrgrecn ' Wormseed British Croton Castor Harlcam Pink root Paracoric Elixir L Plaster, adhesivo do strengthening Prepared chalk Pearl powder Pills, Anderson's, Scotts, ' Hooper's ) LcesNcw London German ' Morrison's Evan's ' Dyott's Lcldiea'. ' of Aloea , of Aesafoctina ' of Opium ofQuinino Quassia wood Quicksilver Quinine Rhubarb Rochcllc salt Retten stono Roso water Rust of Iron' Sago, pcarlcjl Salammoiuac, crude Salt of tartar Sal Volatile Salt potro Sanders wood Sarsapharilla Sealing was Senna loaves. cnaka snako root Sonp, castilo ' shaving ' whito castilo ' fancy Sodo, supar carbonate Sub carbonato Spanish lly Spormaciti. , Sweet spirits of nitro Soda powders . Spirits, of luirtshom of Lavender comp. ' ofTorpcnrino Socil 'Laco Smolling bottles Seidlits powders Spongo Squill ' Sugar of lead Sulphur Sucking bottles Tartar emetic Tincturo of Aloes 4 of Assnfictida ' of Peruvian bark ' gf cinnamon of Muriate of iron bf Myrrh of Spanish fly of (Jolchicum seed ' of senna ' of Valerian ' . of Guiacum Tpoth powder 4 brushes Valerian root Venice turjientinc Vordigris, Vorniilliatx Virginia snako root Vials, diflbrcnt sizes Vitroil, blue, grcen.white Whito Rosin Acid bcuzoic 4 muriatic 4 nitric 4 sulphuric ', tartaric Anni sedd Acetate of zinc Aloes Antimony (crudo Arrow root Assafoelida Alcohol Alum Arsenic whito Asphaltnm llark Peruvian red 4 cinnamon , Balsam, Copaiva 4 de maltha 4 of fir Barley pearled Batcman's drops Bismuth (nitrate) Blacking, for boots Borax refined Brimstone Buagundy pitch Bole Armcrnia Blue pill Calomel Carrosivc sublimate Calamine Camphor Catechu Cayenne pepper Cochineal LCoeculmi Indicus Columbo Cologne water Conserve of roses Cream tartar Cubobs Caraway scd Coriander seed Chamomile flowers Digitalis Elixor of vitriol Epsom salts Emery powder Essence of poppermint 4 ofcinnamon Extract of colocynth 4 of hemlock 1 of liquorice Eye water Pusnugret-k seed Gamboge Galls Gintian root Golden tincturo . Godfrfr's cordial Gum Arabic 4 Tragacanth 4 Ammoniac 4 Shellac 4 Kino 4 Galbanum 4 Myrrh 4 Gauiacum 4 Juniper IfeUlioro, black Hiera picra Ink powder, black Isinglass Ipecacuanha I vorv black ICeytcr'n universal plaster' Jalap Lamlnum Liquorice root Lunar caytio . Lucifer niatches Loco foco do. Morpltium Magnesia oalcined ilo oM-botiato Manna flake do common Mustard, white Nipple shall? Nut Vomica Opium Opodeldoc Orris root Oxalic acid PttoofHoses, Ointment ofmcrcary 4 of Galls 4 ofrod precipitate 4 of Spanish lly 4 Citron Wafers, Whito wax In fine, his "Emporium of Hpalth" will bo found to exmtain every variety of the most approved , Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dyc-Sttiffa, Gilt, Fruit, Confections, $-c. yc. which are warranted of good quality, haying been carefully selected from the beat established wure Loose in Philadelphia ; and which lip will soli at mast reduced price. He will use vry exertion to accommodate and benefit his cuit'gnicrs.land there fore respectful! v solicit the patronage of a liberal public. ' I). 8. TOBIAS. I) loom-burg, January 6,188s. 37 4t