8 sed of-tW it Is now owned inianly by 1 those whoso official station Enabled titan to obtain it by an abuse of the trust confi ded tb them oy llio Btatc and'ihat the said bank has riot yoVgone ihto operation, nor fa tho capltal'stock paid irt. f. Yhcrcfotc, . Resolved, That tho Committee oh banks bo instructed to investigate tho manner fn which llio sale of the stock of the West Branch 'Panic, at Wifliamsport, waS 'ctiYi- ductca, and enquire into tho trtitli 61 Till or any of the above 'cited allegalrori's aiid charges) Tand if the siiftc shall be suslained, and the committee satisfied that those tip pointeato "Superintend the sale ofeaid st'ocfc, disrcirarded the provision Bfttl ?eculations nitric act oi incorporation, ana conuucieu 'the sale in a fraudulent and unfair manner, '. ... . . ,i in t... t-!ll tnen 10 report 10 ms nousc uy um ui otherwise; and that tho said committee have power to send Tor persons iand papers. &VriA.71WlV 'iT 11838. vrf- -i;.. i ';'jr'Tho "following communication was 'sent tos'By somo tfnknown friend, With the'usiial mark to copy. It originally 'ap-'-'peafed'tn the "LewisburgStandaid" of the llth'Yttst., and without either, comment or IrtiSv.,1! 'l.m XUam nf It ,v.tlH Zr v"c6iresp'6nilent, wccomply with KIs request. t From tho Lew'uburg Standard. t On Wedaiesday'tho 3d 'bf January the Itevt J. 1 Hudson was installed Pastor of the Presbyterian coftgregaiidnTn William sporU The "ins'tilfation scfm'ort. was ''preached by tho ReVerend P B Marr, and tlfe Reverend J. Btis'oft fircsided, proposed "JhecohtiilutioTiill rmesYidhs, and dclivied the charge to We pastor. , Tho cRcvv Isaac Gricr 'delivered 'the charge to 'vtlic people. It is, 'rh'bst sinccroljr hoped .,that tho rclaHoi) Which lias been cbnstitulcd , bdtween. thisMnfant congregation and their . pastor yifibe lasting ahd a source of mutu al cbniibrt and edification. Itlias recently been rumored, tiiuch to Vheprejudicof Mr. H. that lie had vlola "ted matrimonial'cngagement. The tongue vof slander is ever on the alert. As the """characle'r of a minister of iWgospel is dear er" wHirh thSh, fire, I take this opportunity ""of disabusinglhc public and floing justice o Mr. H. by slating, on good authority, "that this is a vile slander, invented lo ac- ' VnWi'fflf'iri drrtArinn nnrirSsea and prevent his installation"over ihe 'congregation in I ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a Bloomsbldrg. But at ne very time when this square, ijlUl be conspicuously inserted at "report was jnost ic'urrent, he received a Ode Dollar for the first three insertions, ' unanimous call Xb become the pastor of that and Twenty-five cents for every subsc- c'ongrcga'iion, lhus showing in what esfi- quent nsertion. Cp A liberal discount rKatniri it was held bv those who were best made to those icho advertise bv tht year. qualified to judge. All men, butespecial- LETTERS addressed on business, must NeW & cheap (ooas, AT THE First ICatc Tavern Slan'U WI.L lie sold, t pubhq sale, on the premise, on Thursday, tht Jint day of Ftbruary ntx,nt 10 o'clock mtlie lorcnoon, uiai 'Ivo the Distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM Md Family Drug Jl'urehouse. OFFICE tiF THE DEMOCRAT, ext door to Roijison's Staoe OrricE. tfERMS : 3fVie d0UMBIJl DEMOCRAT vMl be published every Saturday moYliingt at TlV6 DOLLARS per annums payable Italf yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty 'Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will beihkcn for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. y all professing christians, should bo cau- I10US 11UW nicy ICGUIVU illiu tllkuiaiQ ibui. that are injurious to the reputation, peaco and nrosneritv of others. I he tongue is a deadly evil ahd it requires a strong re- be post paid. (Succcssdrs to K, II. HlgB) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public, that they have pur chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they haVe just received an extensive and spleh" did assortment of which they arc now op'cniiig for the exa mination arYdvaccommodation of Customers, at the New Store House, just constructed by Mr. Biggs, and opposite to Mr. R'oui sons stage oUice. Their assortment is not only very extensive, but carefully selected to answer tho demands of tho neighbour hood; and although they Wish not to 'adver tise their prices, yet they leel comment that they have belter goods, and will sell chea per than any store in Bloomsburg. Their new stock has been purchased at the manufacturers' establishments, at the very lowest prices, anu consists of DRY GOODSj SUCH AS Blue, B'lach Brown, Invisible tlreen,hnd Fancy coloured Cloths, Cassimer'es and Sattfnetts ; Silks, Merinos, Gingn'ams, and Calicoes ; Linnens and Muslins ; Vesting, Stocks, LADIES' SONETS, WELL KNOWN S STAND HEALTH, "The poor man's riches the rich man's Hun." J. WEST BRANCH BANK, In the House of Representatives on the 15th ins't. Mi. Laverty introduced the fol lowing preamble and Vesolutions, which were rttad and agreed tot anvd made the or der of the day for Wednesday last. Whereas, in pursuance of an act passed cm the third day of April last, appointing iRit!iii nersons Commissioners to sell the JiiWckof the West tlraneh Bank, at Wir liamsport, majority t)f .the said Commis sioners convened for that purpose, and del egated their powers t6 a committee of five of Ih'cir number, to suptniitend the sale or oaid stock; And whereas, it is alleged, that a majority m saiu committee conuucieu me sale of the said slock in an unfair and ille gal mariner, In order to monopolize the 'atock; themselves ; and defraud the Com .'monweallh out of the premium which it would otherwise havo sold for abovo its par Value. That the said committee, who are how the principal owners of the stock, in violation of the express provisions, 'of the net of iricorp oratiojSi refused to require the ojaymant of five dbllars oil ea'cft share of stocki together with the premium or ad vancd abdVo War valu, fdr which it was Sold, at the lime it was stricken down, and t,husieftit discretionary with the bidder to afterwards exceptor refuse to c6mply with the terms of the sale, as might suit his in terest: That the said CommitW, in puV Wncc of this arrangement, suffered their own agents and persons with whom they were interested, to bid off a large amount df stock at a premium greatly beyond its value, without complying with tho requisi tions of the l;lw, thus excluding nil other 6ona fide bidders who were.actidg in good faith, from participating in the Stock, and after competitidn had ceased, and many who would have taken stoskat a fair pre rn'iilmhad publicly withdrawn from the sale, permitted the same, individuals to re iinniiih their bids, abandon the stock brought ai a jiremium, and again become tho purchasers of the same stock at par val ue upon a rubiequent day. That the pre sent Cashier of the Bank, and then a com missioner aflpointsd by the state; to see that fli'6 sale was fairly and honestly conducted, and lo guard her Interests, before the whole a&eittiily who were bidding for stock, and in the presence bf a corrimilte'c, called up on the people to tike notice who' it was that nrst Diu a premium, anu cuutaiunu u Hast odium and cnsdre upon them: That a member of saidedmmittee, wiih the coun tenance and approbation df a majority bf his colleagues, also repudiated the bidding bf the stock above par, by making dUblic speeches to Ihose assembled to bid for stock, & entleaviirtd to intimidate as dissuade ihoia who were anxitiusto obtaifi stock,- TANKING- BUSINESS, nnllE subscriber would respectfully inform the 1 public that he has taken his son WILLIAM .SNIDER into copartnership in his Tannery, and lfint flu. lmsuip&q will lirrrfinrr hn rondlictcd undfcr the firm of flanicl & William Snyder, at the bid established stand in uloomsburg. Daniel Snyder. Dloomsb'tirg, January S, 1838. 37-tf OF gdA'd quality, and for sale at the lowest pri ces, always on hand at the old established Tannery, adjoimnp; Snyder's Hotel. The subscri bers ould respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal customs heretofore enjoyed by the senior partner. . Daniel Snyder, jrillium Snyder. Dloorusburff, January 6, 1838. 37-tf An Apprentice "M"S wanted immmedialely by the subscribers, to I the Tanning business. A boy between 14 and 17 years of age will obtain a good situation by ap plying soon. Daniel Snyder, JFiiliani Snyder. Woomsburg, January C, 1838". 37-tf 1VOT1CE. ALL persdHs indebted td the subscriber by bond, note, or book iccount, or otherwise, ire re quested to call and settle the same Itforc the Jtrtl day of April, next. He is determined to have lilil matters justly arranged; and thoe who neglect at tending to thin ndtico may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDEK. flloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf rib 14 CO H W o pa in In fine, they have every thing which no ccssity or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the finest article in Dry Goods, and from a necaio 10 a stove in iiaruw.iru. Their stock df HARDWARE, IRON China, Glass, EMPLOYMENT will be given to 20 stone cut ters and masons, SO drillers, '20 common la borers, 10 wood choppers, and 10 teams, at llridge If o. 1, Catawissa Hail Road, by tho subscribers. Schuyler, Frtrk, Co. C'atawLva Furnace, January C, 1838. 37-3t fMHE subscriber would respectfully iriform the 1 public, that hb lias taken the slore recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangeville, and is now opening ttnd receiving from New York and Philadelphia, i splendid assortment of all kilids o MERCHANDIZE, whifh he will dispose of sit tho most reduced pricbs for cash or country produce. The public are invi ted to call and examine for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX, drangevillc, Oct. 7, 1837 AND Q,UEENSWARE : PAI1TTS, Groceries & Liquors. Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ware, is more extensive aild better selcbtcd than the same articles in any of the neigh bouring stores. Those who wish new, cheap, anil good articles bf Merchandize, should call at the "Bloomsburg Arcade" cither before br af ter exaining elsewhere, and make their pur chases. All kinds of Country Produce taken ill payment at the highest market pricbs. Hloomsuurg, ISov. 18, I8J7. HEW GOODS. situate In Cnttawissa, 6n the corner of MArket and Centre streets, and now in the occupancy of Mr. B. P. Fortncr. Tho house is well calculated for a Public. Hotel, end at present enjoys a laigo portion of custom. Part of the building is three stories and coMnins 'i'Z commodious rooms and chambers'. There lire Three Wells of good water on the prom ises, and the Mailing is sufficient to accommodate 150 horses. On the premises is nh Icc-hdUse, a Wood-house, and two good Shops, now occupied by mechanics'. The whole will b'o sold toccth'cr, and posscksion with a good title g'A 'ciion the Utday of April next. Also, at the same lime and place, A Three Acre Out-Lot, situated near the town of Cnttawissa, and valuublo lor tho purposes of horticulture and pasturage. The terms will bo made easy to the purchaser ; and tho property will be cxhibtcd at any time, ond attendance given on the day of sale by B P. Forlner, John P. Davis. Cattawissa, January C, 1838. 37 It iY. li. If the properly bo not 4old on the abdVo day It will then bo rented'. Cheaper than cheap I THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the people of Illoomsburg and vicinity, tc to thu public in general, that hb has just returned a second time from the city, and is opening out his purch&s'c, which, together with his former stock comprises d neat and general assortment df DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of ad assortment of Cloths, Cttssimefes, Satlinetls; Merinos, Merino Shawls ij Handkerchiefs, Dress Bonnet Silks and T rinxmings', Ginghams, Calicoes, Liniiens, Muslins, Veslings, Slocks, Hosiery; 4e; ALSO, An extensive assortment cf Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass, iff Queensware, Crockery, Groceries and lAqitors, Oils, Paints, Sedt; Fish, yc. All of which he 'offers for sale at his slore room in Bloomsburg, on Main-strciit, directly opposite the Pdst office, where the public are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves, as he Intends selling his goods tiill a little cheaper thall any yet oil c red to thu public, for cash or country produce. GEOHOE WEAVEtti Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. HE subscriber would respectfully announce to Ilia friends and tho public that he has opcnd general assortment of Drugs & ESedicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Bloomsburgi . and that he will ho happy to supply tho wants, u those who may give linn a call. Among his as- Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, OU the prevention and cure of colds, coughs, Asthmas, consumptions, spitting of blood, Unit all disorders of the breast and luncs, for side at the Drug store of the subscriber, in Bloomsburg. D. S.. 'Tobias-. RawanVs Tonic Mixture, H Vegetablo Vermifuge, a laf tirlg cure for the I ever and Ague, on hand and. for sale by D. S. Tobias. Mead's Jlnti-D'yspeplic or Slom'ach Pills, ITOU indigestion, of sour Stomach, dh huud.nnd ; for sale at , . Jomas Ilcedth Emporium. Illoomiburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4t Cheaper than Ever! Th'C subscriber A N invaluable family medicine for worms, dy Wbuld bcr leave to announce to the nco- A entary, bowel cdmplaints, cholic, cholci pic of Bloomsburg and vicinity, lhat lie has just received a splendid assortment bf sea sonable DRY GOODS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, Cassimeres and aattmelts j flannels, und Canton Flannels, oj evny colour ; Black, Brown and Green Mi rinos, of every shade and quedily ; und in fact a full assortment of Drawer $ Common Goods, among which are un extensive supply of waini's Vermifuge) s cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stoin- ucli, loss of appetite, lever anil ague, ccc. kept at Tdbias's Health Emporium. Swaim's Panacea, RENOWNED throughout the whole world for its efficacious qualities us a family medicine, constantly on hand, and for sale nt the Drug store of S. Tobias. KftSsiz&i EXCHANGE! 'riiti Subscriber Groceries & Liquors, China, Glass and Queens-Ware, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CEDAP WAP.E, Sperm. Ilcfined and Common Limp Oil, Hardware, Casting, & Iron, MEN 8 AND WOMEN 8 mTEItV respectfully informs his friends and the BOOTS. SHOES & SLIPPERS. iintilic. tllat hh has alwavs on hand, at his Li-I ,i. . .... r i jJ 'ik .llttnrl tri nnv q fVtir nr.m 1 11 1,1 ffir I Rtal.l a In lllnrtmtlitl Tit eT llih TilirnriEi'fl nf H ltfe I P. . anu vctG fining n . r " . . I . I j - ilZ? 11 w nc i cah mett the wants or p caso n. lr nn, rjihprwon h hmh That I or Exclnlnce. a variety of I. , i . ..... 1 . eecFetintHgUe, bnfair ihanagementi and tl- HorSSj SulkteS4 legal measures were resorted to by a ma- GlGS WAGfJNrJ, AND SLEIGHS, jority of fiaid fcornmiUb e, to obtain the stock ff. , ke ,n rtidiue fM Ihemiclveij tVIlhdut paving a fair yaluo for thfc of cus(oh',et.. It, by endeavoring td Keep the stpclt, at ptrMnai application can be made at his residence, BartVffiereby they might retain in their hen every means will be used to render entire stft- bwn lianas, tne enure uisiuaui ... ..., .vUuw... iNUAii b. riir.! uoi imd thus defraud the State 01 ner Donui peedfe the application of the stodk to ad Vance their own irileresta, and accommo. Bate their friendsi And whereas, it is fnorfoVer alleged, tllat tho Cdmmonweallh iiaildiltalargo sum by the fraudulent and iliek'al conduct of the committee aforesaid isithst the flkwk hw lcn unfairly dtsjio- Iiloomsburs; November i, 1637. Salt ! Sail ! -foAURELS ofLake p.h, dalar. ZaW WW fluantily of Ofouud Alum Bait, fast rtcuvtw, nd for sale at the cxieup sure oi which cah mebt tho wants or please the fancy all which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. lie returns his acknowledgments lb cus tomers for their very liberal support, and with a firm determination to please through attention lo business, ho solicits a Continu ance of their calls and custom., (KJ'.AU kinds bt country produce will bo takeri In exchange for goods, i , C. IJ. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Dec, 10, 1837. Leidy's Compound Sarsaparilla, OR blood pills for Rheumatic affections, general debility, ulcerous sores of the nose, throat tnd body, white swelling, diseases of the liver and skin, letter, ring-worm, piles, cramps, &c. for sale at 'Tobias's Heedlh Emporium. Compound Fluid Extract, e cure of pimples or postujes on the face, , pains in the bones, chronic rheumatism, white swellings, cVc. &c. for salo at Tobias's Drug JVurchtiusc. 8 Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double wcduW and an assortment of Mack Merinos, of a t ty superior quality, just opened and for sale at tb New and Cheap tito'rcpf tho subscribers in Dloottis burg. J. T. MI'SSELMAN, & Co. sortment arc : Acid benzoic ' muriatic nitric ' sulphuric tartaric Ann! seed Acetate of 2inc Aloes Antimony (crude Arrow root Assafstidii Alcohol Alunt. Arsenic White Asphalturii llark Peruvian red cinnam'dli Balsam CopAi'vn, d'e maltha dflir Barley pearled Butcman's drop Bismuth (nitrate) Blacking, for boots Borax refined Brimstone Uiiagundy Wtch Bole Arm'crnia Bluo pill Calomel M Carrosive sublimalo Calamine Camphor Catechu Caycnilc pepper Cochineal. Cocculus iH'dicus Columbu Cologne water Conserve of roses Cream tat tar Cubebs Caraway seed Coriander seed Chamaihile flowers Digitalis Elixor bf vitriol Epsom salts Emery powder Essence of peppermint ' ofcinnamon Extract of colocynth ' of hemlofck of liquorice Eye water Fccnilgreck seed Gamboge Galls Gintian root Golden tincture Godfrey's cordial Gum Arabic ' Tragacahfh 1 Ammoniac ' Shellac ' Kirio Galbanuni ' Myrrh ' Gauiacutn Juniper Ifclcbbre, black lllcra picru Ink powder, black Isinglass Ipecacuanha Ivory black Kcyser's Universal plaster Jalap Laudnum Liquorice root Lunar caustic Lucifer thatches Loco foco do. Morpliium Magnesia calcined do carbonato Manna flake do common Mustard, white Nipple shells Nux Vomica Opium Opodeldoc Orris root Oxalic aciil Otto of Hoses Ointment of mercury of Galls ' tit red precipitate ' of Spanish fly ' Citron Wafers, While wax OU of Almonds, Amber A mil seed ' Caraway Cloves Copaiva Lavender ' priganutrt ' Orange Peppermint Pennyroyal ' Rosemary ' Ruo ; -Splko. ' Stone Sassafras Tansy I'ur ' Wintergrrcri ' Woimsccd ' British ' Crotoil Castor t ' Harlcaril Pink root. Paragoric Elixir Plaster, adhesive do strengthening Prepared chalk Pearl powder , Pills, Anderson's, 8cotl; 1 Hooper's Leo's New London German ' Morrison's ,E. van's PybU's 4 Leidicn' 1 of Aloes ' of Assafcclina ' of Opium of Quinine Quassia wood Quicksilver Quinine; RhubarU Rochclle' salt Rotten stono Roso water Rust of Iron. Sago, pearled Salammonios, erudd Salt of tartar Sal Volatile Salt pctre Sanders wood -i Sarsaphariltii bcahng wax Senna leaves Scn'aka snake root Soap, castlle shaving white cdstilo fancy Sodo, supar carbonate Sub carbonate Spartlsh fly Spcrrilaciii Sweet spirits of nitre 3dda powders Spirits of hartshorn ' of Lavender comj), of Turpentine Seed Laco Smelling bottles SeidliU powders bponge Squill Sugar of lead Sulphur Sucking boftlcs Tartar emetic Tincture of Aloe!) ' of Assafoetida of. Peruvian bark of, cinnamon ' of Muriate of iron ' of Myrrh ' of Spanish fly of Colchicum seed ' bf senna 1 of Valerian ' of Guiacuni Tpoth powder ' brushes Valerian1 toot Venice turpentine Verdigris, Vennilliari Virginia snake root Vials, different sizes Vitroil, blue, grccn,whit8 White Resin T7(0Rthi Jh biles, Utlbr, whil JOHN S. INGRAM, 1 inENDERS his professional services to the titf 1 zens of Colulnbia county, Jle will feel gntty fiilfor business entrusted to his care. Qflic in the same building with the CblUrtibia Dainocrat;' Bloomsburg, May, 1837 Ih fine, his "Emporium of ilcalth'1 will bo found to cbntain every variety of ilio most approved Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dye-Slvjfiil uus, j'Ytiit, Confections, yc. $c. which.aro warranted of good quality, liayine been carefully selected from thb' best established warc: houses in Philadelphia ; ahd which he will sell at nibst rcdiicld prices; Ho willuso every cxcrliiSBto accommouiite ana licnclit Ills customers, ana tljiwe forp respectfully solicits tho patronage of a lil(l public. D. 8. TOBIAS. Bloomsburg, January fi, 1888. 37 4t J. T. ITIiisscInmii. Ar. Co: TT0ULD again announce to their customer' a'nd tho public, that they have just i ceived another fresh supply of MERCHANDIZE, embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groccrifi uiquors, jiaruwarc, otc. wuicn mey imcnu w -.j at tho mot reduced prices at their new and chm sioro jn Dioomiuurg. iney invuo a s " those tvho want choice articles at almost cost price IXxqwher 0, 1QW, F UR CAPS, just rwcived, and fur tale at the Hew a. tamo store of J. T. Musselman, COi Bkramburg, December S, 1837; OYSTERS ! ! A general supply of FRESH OYSTERS may always be obtained during tho season, by ap piying at th Refectory of the subscriber in Blooms I irg. JOHN K. MOVER, Docember 2, 1837,