The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 27, 1838, Image 3

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    "rDtivUl'EvCs. Dclsy Poke's chancier
for. veracity is good, Never licnrd any
' lliiitg agnliist cither her or tfrCcmun Poke's
character1 for truth. . t '
7Vi. Jf'ollivr.' I rnn'tio'l say. tiny thing
against her clraraclbr fo'rVulh in llio neigh
borhood. I lrWriS tfiiles from Poke's, I
havo ktiown lufr.for 12 orJM years. She
was at mv hotisc. I can't say any thine
against Freeman's character for truth. ,Ne
vcr heard any porson epcak of their chiinic
'ter for truth.
"Wo regret that we hav not been furnish
ed with the npceclies of the counsel em
ployed to ronductSjthis cause, nnd particu
larly with the truly classical- and eloquent
speech delivered by John Coormt, Esq. in
behalf of the prisoner. However to show
the mass of legal disquisition and authori
ties we subjoin the cases cited by the gen
tlemen on cither side.
Messr3. Comta and Fuicjc cited 7 S. &
H. 428 j Rriscoc's Crim. Ev. 557, 560, 590,
509, 000, 031 ; 1 DroWn's Hep. app. 20
22 ; 2 Chilly's Crim. law, 435, 483 ; 1
Kussel, 380; Addison's rep. HO, 102; 4
Dallas, 140; 4 Ulackstonc, 181; and 1
East. 215.
Messrs. Montgomery fc Coopkii, cited
Act of 1794 ; 2 Starkic on Evidence, 948,
905, 973 ; Koscoe.-ll, 593, 597, 000, 009,
030, 055 ; 1 Kussel on Crimes, 401, 415,
457 ; 1 East's Common Law, 224, 239,
281; 1 Phillips' Ev. 91; 4 Ulackstonc,
19 1 ; 5 Burrows Kep. 2796; 0 Am. Com
L.w, 573, 575; Addison's Itep. 381 ; and
1 Drown, app, 20 ; 7 Am. Com. Law, 99,
J ml go Lewis delivered his charge to the
Jury on Thursday evening, and after rqtir
ing aliQilt an hour they returned into Court
with a verdict of voluntary mamlaughier.
On Friday morning the prisoner was sen
teuccd to four years' solitary confinement
In the Eastern penitentiary, and required to
give bail in the sum of $1000 for his good
bchavior.ilnring the term of five years.
The Judge has promised us a copy of
!his eloquent charge, and also the sentence
taf the Court ; both of which will most prob
ably appear in our next number;
The following important preamble and
joint resolution were introduced into the
House of llcprescntativcson the 2zu inst.
by Mr, Reed of Philadelphia county. In the
Senate, Gen. Rogers, of llucks, and read
in. lus place, a bill of similar import.
RESOLUTION to preserve tho right of
rf . .1. ?. . CI
suuragc, 10 me citizens oi urn common
wealth, and to prevent negroes from
e.crciRin!r the same.
. WHEREAS, The right of snfirago has
been claimed and f xcrciscd by the negroes
of this commonwealth, in some of the cpun-
tios of the state, in the election of officers,
rcncrally, and public attention having been
it . f r
recently arouscu to an investigation oi sucu
ritrht, which it is said is recognized by tho
constitution-, the settled opinion or the grrat
inass of our fellow citizens is, that tho
right of suffrage is not guaranteed to the
negro, by the spirit of the constitution, if
the words thereof by any construction,
Would seem to acknowledge it, and it never
was tho intention of the wise and patriotic
framers of it, to indentify the negro with the
citizen, for the purposes, and with the rights
powers and privileges, which under tho
constitution, it is so universally admitted,
the white citizens of this commonwealth,
'shall have and enjoy. Jind whereas, the
court of common vileas of Rucks county
because certain inspectors and judges of the
last genoral election, pcrmilcit a large
number of tho lioeroes, residing theroiu,
to appear at the polls, and oxerciso the
right ot suiltagc winch unticr tne consuui
tinn. belongs to the white citizens cxclu
Vivcly; (through their president tho Hon.
John Fox,) havo recently decided, that
negroes have no sucn rignt, anu uociaiuu
it to bo their oninion. that tho word citi-
. zen, in the constitution, does not embrace
ni? iir (o tho noerocs of the stale, who
were all slavca ur nearly so, at tho timo of
inn nunm on ui mu consilium'"
whereas, tho convention to propose amend
moots to tho constitution, have by a very
large majority, approved of the introdue
iinn nC ilin word, "while" into tho amend-
fA constitution, thus acknowledging in tho
luilest anu moat sausiaciury jiiuuiiui, ma
correctness of nublic sontimcnt and of tho
'opinion of the- court of common pleas of
JlUCKs county, us uioresaiu in ruiauuii iu
this subject. .
Resolved by tho Senate and House o
Representatives of tho common wealth of
Pennsylvania in general assembly met, That
lrom anil alter the passago oi tins resolution,
if any inspector, judgo or other oflicer of
. . i '... 1 , .,1 ,1 l,; etain
Buy, UlCCllUU liUTCimui liuiu in "i.cin-,
for tho election of any officor pr officers
winuli tho electors ol memnors oi mo gon
oral assembly havo tho rieht to vote for.
strati kiiowinclv and wilfully reccivn aiu
cause to be countod, the volo of any nnfrrr
ormuhllo.surli inspector, judge or other j
oflicer. so offending, rm being convicted,
thereof, shall Ijo'dcfJirmtJ guilty of violating
thc'tfvcral ants Kf Tissoftloly- punishing
frauds at olectiops, and for' preventing ille
gal votes being received, ' subject to
all tho punishments and penalties whlah the
said acts impose. ' ?
"We learn from tho Philadelphia papers
that the Convention on Saturday last adop
ted Mr. Martin's amendment 'inserting the
word wiue ucloro "ireeman" m tnat'clauBo
of tho constitution relating to the qualifica
tions of voters. The amendment was adop
ted by a voto of 77 to 45.
This decision, we feel firmly convinced,
is in accordance with the wishes of a largo
majority of tho freemen of this Common
wealth. Tho bJacKs can never bo admitted
to an our social and domestic
relations, ami any attempt to confer upon
them equal political privileges would inevi
tably lend to. render, thftrr condition worse
than it is at present. Until society become
so debased as to adopt in practice the prin
ciples of amalgamation, the white and the
black can ievcr meet on an equality at the
polls, and ho who would r.onter viipon the
latlcr class that cualityjinistaket -the die- j
tatos or true pliilaiilhrophy, and strikes at !
the happiness and the welfaro of tho3ti whom
he seeks to elevate. Many other consider
ations, both of principle and policy, com
bine to render this decision acceptable to
tiro people of Pennsylvania.
The lollowing arc the yeas and nays on
inserting the word "white."
YL'.Afe. Messrs. IJank, uarclav, IJarn-
dollar, Bedford, Bigclow, Ronham, Brown,
of Northampton, Brown, of Philadelphia,
Chambers, Clapp, Clarke, of Indiana, Clca
vingcr, Cline, Crain, Crawford, Crum,
Cummin, Curl,, Dilluiger, IJona-
gan, Uonnell, upran, iuniop, Homing,
Foulkrod, rrv, r tiller, Gamble, Gearhart,
Gilmorc, Grencll, Harris, Hnstinsrs, Hay
hiitut, Helfleustoin, Henderson, of Dauphin,
High, Hopkinson, Hnupt, Hyde, Ingcrsol,
Kcim. Kennedy, Krcps, Lyoim, Magee,
Mann, Martin, McCahen, Meredith, Mer
rill Miller, Kevin, Ovcrfield, Payne Pol
lock, Purvianr.o, Read, Ritor, Hitler, Ro
gers, Rusftel, Snegcr, Shcetz, Sellerx, Selt
zer, Shcllito, Smith, of Columbia, Smith,
of Centre, Snively, Sterigere, Stickol,
Sturdevant, Taggart, Weaver, Woodward,
77. . .
NAYS Mossrf. Agnew, Ayrcs, Bald
win, Diddle, Carey, Chandler, of Chester,
Chandler', of Philadelphia, O hauncy.Clarko
of Dcavor, Clark, of Dauphitt, Coutes Coch
ran, Cox, Craig, Cunningham, Darlington,
Donncy. Dickey, Dickerson. Earle, Farel-
lv, rorwarn, Hays, nicster.-Jciih.", Kerr,
Koniginacher, Marclay, M'C'all, M'Dow-
cll, M'Sherry, Merkcd, Monlgoincry, Pcn
nypacknr, Porter, of Lituraiter, Reigart,
Scott. Sill, Thomas, Todd, Weidman, While
Young, Sergeant, President 45.
Absent Messrs. Baruilx, Drll, BroWn,
of Lancaster Drown, of Northampton,
Brown, of .'liiladelpliia, Butler, Clapp,
Cope, Henderson, of Allegheny, Long, My
ers, Sorter, of Northampton, Royer, Ste
After this decision Mr. Scott moved an
amendment authorizing the legislature at
at any time after the year 1800 to extend
the right ol suuragc to others than white
freemen, which was rejected by a vote of
78 to 38.
Mr. Dunlop then moved to amend by
giving to negroes now in Pennsylvania, and
their . descendants, tho right of stuTrage,
provided they shall possess a certain amount
of property. This amendment was under
consideration when the convention adjourn
ed on Saturday.
A shoemaker in "Whiteeross street, Lon
don, pawns his wooden leg cvnry Monday
morning, for half a crown, and redeems it
on Saturday night to enable him to take
the nir on Sundays.
Thcro is a new game at. the .South a
man has put up a fat hogto be ounssjJD.rn,
at one dpllar a chance tho tine guessing
nearest tho weight of his porkship to bo
his owner. -
Strange reports arc in circulation rqlatiyo
to tho young Queen.' It is rumored that tho
dissipation of tho mahj branch of the Han
over family has not inaroased . her virgin
Gon. Maraheau JJ. Lamar, has asson
ted to becomo a caiididato for the Texan
Presidency. ' '
A groat meeting in favor of the Canadi
anpatriots, was hold in Detroit on the 1st
instant; It is represented as having bcon
full of spirit,
Commodoro Stmart, U is reported , at
Washington, will bo nominated by Hhc
Conservatives of Pennsylvania for tho
Presidency. Who are tho Conservatives
of Pennsylvania
Gov. White's mossago to the legislature
of Louisiana is, loss than two columns long.
A good example.
Daniel O'Cfonncl has delivered himsdlf of
another furious invective against America.
Ho is out of favour with his countrymen
hero on this subject.
One of tho mpst destructive firps'lhat has
over occurred in this cduittryj hsppoijbd at
New Orloans on ths ltd Inst, Several lives
were lost, and tho amount of property des
troyed is pstimatfld at $1,000,000.
Tho Hon. Wdliin Shannon is lh drnv
rrratir rundtj:itr fur governor in Ohio.
Hy Ingram & HI 11 p.
"xbutu wituoi-t rs-tn
SjlTCIUhlY, JiM'V.IRV 97 1 1838,
JC?We aro tinder obligaltons to Dr. Pc
trikin, for Congressional documents, and to
Mcssrij. Hdyhitrst and Smith, for favors of
a similar kind connected Avith tho proceed
ings of the Reform Convention.
trj On our fourth pago we have pub
lished ah article relative to the installation
of the Rev. J. P. Hudson, of this place, as
pa.slor of the Presbyterian congregation at
Williamspoit ; and also a bill reported m
tho House of Representatives on 'the lGlh
inst. relative id the West Branch Dank.
Doth articles may. prove interesting to our
readers ; and the space occupied by the
publicalion-of Poke'g trial i3 our only apol
ogy for giving them an out-iulc insertion.
wt ma irmayji
A bill was reported in the House of Rep
resentatives on the 15th instant, and made
the order' of the day for Wednesday last,
providing.for thcfuturc regulation, of. Ranks
and Loan coinp-afiics. ' It provides' against
declaring more than eight per cent, dividend
on the capital stock paid in'; restricts their
liabilities in proportion to their capital;
places loans to -stockholders and directors
upon the same footing with other persons
makes stockholders individually liable-for
double the amonnt;of stock held by them
when their institutions refuse to redeem
with gold or silver; debars thepayment of
any loans to the state for charter?, except
the profits arising from the sale of stock by
auction ; obligates Banks, to redeem their
notes with specie on'the first of May noxt
and fixes upon a mode for compelling such
course ; prohibits the issue of notes under
the dciomination;of, &10 afte Jifnuary 1
1840; and com pells' tho publication annual
Iy of their statements to the.Auditor Goner
al, setting forth the amounts, namos and re
sidence of stockholders and depositors.
In the House .this bill will most probably
pas3 ; but the concurring action of the Sen
ate, and the approval of the Governor will
doubtless be withheld, and consequently it
will only provo an effort towards reform.
There has been a great excitement', at
Warren lately respecting the affairs of thip
institution. It was discovered that an in
dividual owing tho Dank 100,000 cancel
led his note by giving a(tuortgage on proper
ty not worth 620,000, and that othors
severally owing 00, 50 and $40,000 were
treated in like manner tho valuo of their
propqrty (being but a nominal concern
Iloldcts of nolos on hearing this' demanded
more than previous assurances of its 'sol
vency; and some even went so far as to
threaten to raze the' banking-houso to the
ground unless the' cpqplicd with their re
quest. Willi-tins1 statement before us, we
would advise our friends to keep their hands
olf, until the Dank settles its affairs at
home at least until tho president of the
Dank agrees lo rcccivo its notes in payment
of private debts duo him, which at presBut
isthefadl. The last "Warren Du'llotiri"
says nothing about iho master.
EC 7" Thoso who are fond of exhibiting
their skill with the rifle will find ample in
ducement to attend, the, disposal of a Dev
onshire Dull, advortisoiUn another Column.
A finer animal of the kind could not be
found any, whero; and 'for size, .tr&nth,
beauty, colour, and weight, wo never saw
his oqual; and, whilo muqli credit is duo
Mr. Deidloman' for his ontep'rising spirit in
obtaining him, wo are confident that every
one wquld bo astonished and gratified at
tho docility and noblo appearances of the an
imal. '
jcyJamos P. Linn, Esq. ail Attorney at
Law and 'Squire, of Lowisburg, Union co.
has issuod Shin-plasters, some of them on
titllntho bonrer to Five Cents I Wondqr
if Mr. Linn uses such notes when giving
change to clients for professional services X
As a magistrate, u mini standi v nd (spell
ing the!' ' , f - " .P'.;i bn r - ' ir 'ti
some r
Tim tncl nnwa fVAm C. A TJ A T A'l isA.
Uio evacuation of Navy Island, and llio de
livering ur of tho State cinnoh to tho prop
er authorities. It is supposed howovot that
this abandonment is only induced from a
disposition to procure a moro favorable ral
lying, point,' for the purpose, of more 'effect
ually invading Canada; They evacuated
on tho I7lli insl. Tho Navy ' Islanders
numbered 510 at the lime of disbanding.
We shall noxt week hoar moro titan mere
conjecture respecting this movement.
Important Indian Treaty. A troaty
las been, concluded, according to the De
troit papers, with the Saginaw Indians, by
which tney accjept a location on the head
waters of the Osage, west of the Missouri.
They arc to occupy for five years two of
tno ceucu. reserves on tue west oi aaginaw
Day. , 'Phis complqje t,!ic,cxtinguishmont
of Indian titlos within the lower ppninsula
of Michigan. Government 5s 'to pay the
entire nett proceeds 'of the land aS'valucd at
the land oflicc to ue inv'e'stcd in stocks for
a perpetual aitnuijyafter deducting debt?.
The, liitcr Bil.-k good story is told of
a chap in iNortli uarulina, who"wentthe..en-
lire hgiiro in tho way of marrying, tho uirls
who w;onld liavc-him, without ; waiting for
any of them to die ofT as the law directs.
Alter having married the thirteenth, some
of his first loves came down upon him and
had him placed salely m iail.' But aper-
sott so fond of perfect liberty and who could
get into hymen s noose with cueh ease-,
lound little dilhculty in -getting out of the
"jug," and the next news of him he was
minting at large with a heavy reward of
fered lor his apprehension. He was short
ly recognized by a gentleman, who, - anx
lous to get the reward, invited him to his
house, de-riicd liini to sit r do jvn, called jn
his wife,to cjial wi.tlj himari inducpient
io uumnr iiiiii inciu,- wnue 'lie 'niauo -somc
excuse for leaving a (ew moments and star
ted for a constable to arrest .'the runaway.
What was the poor man's astonishment on
returning with the constable, to find that
the gay Lothario, taking advantage of his
short absence, had awscnnUtd with hi
iuifc This makes the fellow's stock of
wives now on hand fourteen.
MARRIED On the 21th instVbyStl
Rev. William J. pyer, Mr. Petkr ' Lauk-
iiuFi ot ucrmanv, to iMiss. u.VTAinaNn
Nbidiwohr, of Catlawissa.-
. On the 2!2th inst, by tho same,' M:
Thaac Wetz. of Newcastle. Schuvlkill
County, Pa to MisJ Maijocrut Hawk, of
DIEDt At Danville on Tuesday tfit
16th inst. Miss Jane daugiiler of James
Donaldson Lsq. aged nineteen years.'-
FJPHI2 PUOPRIETOR of tho North Dranch
I .Line of Mail Stairs Would inform'tbs tfav-
flh'liff public that ho has redncpil the fare to TWO
for through pastrngers, snd four cent'!
amilelor.wiy passsiieers. Graving P, ottlnnnber
land daily at tho arrival of the Hntmbilrg Stage.
(C'Por peote at.Northuinboiland, annlv at II. II,
Burr's Hotel, lletufmng leaving WilkoaVarre
ovory morninjr lietween fi and 9 o'clock ; far sf aU
apply at the Holds pf G. Korher and George P,
Sloele, Wilkflafcarrc? ,',V , . -i .
. William Hobison.
' BloomsWirg, January 87, 1838. 40 tf.W
wreat ghootiog, ftEatch!
HE public are .roipectfully infqrmed, that on
TUJJ613iy, tiiQ.S7th day ofc FlBP.UARY
next, the famous
broughtJo tUU county, frpinth? s'ljff of,?TV York
by Mp Vatentfnft fldlemnr.wffltk Bitot -for at
Bloomsburg, Uotutnbia county, ; Hi is a full-blooded
Uovonshho, of a bright cherry red colour, and
weighs, in common running ordsr
Ha is cortninlv the largost and hsndsomert nnirrial
oitho kind ever introduced Into this section of coun
try; and th,psj, who would desire 4 prize worth 'oan
teytlintf for, are iii-viUtl to altond on thuabave tlay
and exhibit their skill,
I MurksSion from all the adiouilng counties ere ro
quettsd to attend, t ". 'i '
Uloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 it t
Saook at This.! .
PIRITS, for Ttneing and cleansing Ladies Ic
Gentlemen's waarlng anparrvl, and rectorelng
thom to their original colour and Inightupfs. This
txoullent Benrfwitor nsvoT faiR, ho riattcrvslth what
articlo'tha garment may bo stairMd. It remores
all gmuw from the collars of coat, spots and stains
caueod by lirnft, pamta, tar, oil, &c. &c. for sale at,
Tpbias's Health Emporium.
Bloomsburg, January S7, 1808. 40 3t .
-AULfflmVMFH Ootn;h Sirup and Family
WW,' far sal at ,
Ttbias s Health Emporium,
Rl.HUKATJBf) nil ml Ph0' ijr tl.r nr. '
j j( imm a.-ia ri'imiulv- la.'rn, fljjtrnv in r 1
",inn.? r"-t ittfr frt sore fc,-,,vis Ut
. f ny r.. .
)HE nl)scribcr wulic to encago for one -rear
or ma iuh uuy oi piu noit, ma irlco
A Wagon-Maker, '
urh an ono as can make Ono and Tno Isrse Wa
gons in a firm and substantial manner. .Also J
for tho season, who can come well
A good workman. .Either of'tho aboTe -will obtain
reasonable wages bj applying to tho undersigned.
Henry Wells.
Blooimlmrg-, January 27, 1838, 40-tf
THE partnership herotoforo existing hctween
tho undersigned, trading under tho firm of
Joteph Lemon, tc Co.. wag mutually dissolved on
tho 16th of January, 1833, All persons haying de
mands will pleaso to present them for settlement, &
uiuie inueuicu, 10 mo urm are requested to maw itn-
mcuiaio payment.
Joseph Lemon, .
Will iam Lemon,
'Isaac Lemon. ' . ,
January 27, 183i;
Estate of Jacob JFintcr, late tf'Mouni
' Pleasant township,. Columbia county,
"j&fOTICE U ho'eby given, that Letters of Ad
JLm ministration have been granted to the subscri-
Dcr on tno estate of said deceased. Therefore all
persons having claims against said estate are to
iju"sted to present them, and thoso indebted aio i
quostod to make immediate payment'.
JJavtd Lves, Adm'r.
January C, 1838. 48-Ct
Estate of LUDWIG. HERRING; late
oj.JSloom township, Columbia county",
OTICK is hereby given, that Letters of 'Ad
ministration have been cranted to tho sub
scriber on said estate. Therefore all personahav.
ing claims against said estate, aro requested to pro;
sent them, and thoso indebted are.rcqucstcd to rpao
immediate;, payment. If thoso indebted do hoi at
tend to this call before tho first day of ,March next,
their accounts will be placed in proper hirids to on
forco collection'. i , '
, f John Herring, Adm'r.
Janvary, 37, 1838. 40-Ct
The Estate of VZAL HOPKINS, Etq
"TWTPTIGE is -hereby given, that Letters of Ad
JL ministration on the estate of Uzin-Hopicijis'.
iijqvlalq of Bloom tqWnship, (Jelumbia.county, dt
ceaspd, lias been granted by the llegister of Wills
ice. Li and for said county, to tho subscriber, ri
.'Tit in Bloomsburg. Ah persons hating claims oa
said"estato are rcqliifsfcd to present them for settle
liveirt; and thoio indebted aro required to mike imi
weihatc payment.
JOHN R. SIOrBR, Adm'r.
Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 3 Ot
Tailoring Business.
; ' B. RUPERT, ia
Rfi ETULNS his acknowledgmonls to customs
Jl, for their very liberal support, and would now
respectfully announce to them, and the public, gen
erally, tliat ho has just received tho latest
from Phibidelphia, in which malerlsl change sio
made. . His ehop is at tho old stand, in the same
building with tho ppst-ofiice.
(XjlS'one but good workmen aro employed at his
shop; and thoso who want their garments made in
inrati durable and fashionablo slvje, aro itiTited tq
giraJiim n call, and they may rely on having their
work well and expediliously executed.
Ho would also announce that ho costinuos reg,
ularly to rcccivo thorashions, and that any ordsrt
from abroad will bo promptly executed.
Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. , ( ,
UJ) EMAINING in the Tost Office at Dlootai
Jurfej .burg, January 1, 1833. . , . v
Mary Jlowycr John Klino. . . , -
John Baylor Ematiucl Lazarus .
Josepli Coleman PctcrMench
Lewis Compton Babina Miller ' ' '
Tliomas Cox ' Andrew Melfck
Andrew Lmms ' ' Peter Miller.' f Tanner). '
Rov. Wm. J. Eyer
Jnraas C. Fox
Henry Gciger
Daniel Geigcr
Thomas Ilartman
Daniel Howcr (
Calharinn Ilartman
Edward Hicks
Mrs, Eluslwth Jaeoby
Rebocka 1. Jphnson
Mrs. Sallv Ann Kcndv
G. & D. Nowhard i
Georgo Russel .' ,
Daniel Reedy (2) ' ,
Charlolto Hitter
MrklJlitabeth Shumaiw
" Maiy Sloyman
" Rebecca Vandcrslieet
Henry Weaver
Micheol JValtar
Jacob WojJer. i
ticqrge qtgler , . 36
(C"Perons calling for tho above letters will please
say they are advertised. B.' RUPERT, P. M
January 13, 1838; 88-3t
TSTSn"ILL be paid, hut n addih'eii.
. , , , V v aicnargos, lor tlio apprchen
non und delery of lram-llmlter, nn apprcntico'
to the '1 a(orig business,, who abtquatulattd from
my employmnt on .Sunday morning last, Said
boy u about 10 years of age, fair complexion, dark
hair, and had on a dark brown' now coat and ppn.
taloons. All persons nro cautioned against harbor
ing or trusting boy at their peril.
Blesmsburg, pcc, i837 . , , (
I'ST lecejvod, arid fur sale at the'store of ths
ciVi," ri;.il l." ortrru-nt of tV(Jui
t - s 1 3T