The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 27, 1838, Image 1
THE LI TIKI A MJIOCRW. . it. "I liavo sworn ufoon the Altar 'of God, eternal hostility to c cry form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man.--Thomas Jefferson. ritlNTED AND PUBtlSHED BV JdHN S. INGRAM AND FItANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. TUlAfc, OJf THOMAS T. POKE . . FOR TIIK MURDER OF Kkpihiteii roii tub Columbia Demociiat. In tho Oyer and 'terminer for Columbia county, held it Danville, January Term, 1839, hcfoio the Ho'noraMo ELtlS LEWIS, President, and tho Hun. William AfoxTuoxKitr, and I.f.(ikaiu) llurr.iiT, Usuirca, Associate Judges TMhnaa ;T. J'oke was charged with tho murder of John . liorncll ; the Grand Jury returned 'a thue nut' on tho Indictment ; and tho trial commenced on Monday, January 16th, 1838. Timiitfi Wi T- r, .... i ' ' - n 1 Veral, Jlltd Gtdnat A. FmcK and II. V. Tiiouk- toh, Esquires, appeared for tho Commonwealth. Joux Cooper and John O. MoxTnTunnr, Es quires, appeared for the Prisoner. After the indictment had boon read to hc prisoner, and ho had entered his plea of "not guilty," and that "ho pus himself upon his country for trial," the Court informed him that those good men whom he should hear called! were to pass judgment between the .ommon wealth fc him; upon his life, his deAth and his liberty; that ho was entitled to "twenty peremptory challenges without shoeing cause, and as many more as ho could bIiow sufficient cause for rejection ; and that if ho did challenge any he must do so before they were severally sworn or af firmed. The jury were then called, sever ally commanded to look upon the prisoricr, and Were cither swdrh and affirmed, or challenged as follows, viz : Jonathan' Purscm. affirmed. Hiram Phillips: challenged peremptorily Peter Appuiman sworn. Aid Holder sworn. William Giiiton, Esq sworn. John Ikelcr challenged peremptorily. r.,.i. tvii i . . . uuau-jm urn Having COnSCICIlllOUS ECril- ples against finding a verdict of gililty in a capital case, where the punishment would bo death, was challciigetl By the common wealth. John Shearer sworn. Moses Hartman: challenged peremptorily Joseph Brown having formed and ex pressed an opinion as to to the guilt or in hocenco 8f the accused, was challenged for cause. John Sharplcss having conscientious scruples, was challenged for cause by tho commonwealth. Abraham M. Robbins challenged for same cause. iibnry Kitclicn having formed and ex pressed an opinion was challenged for cause. John McVilliams sworn. John McMahan stvorn. Jacob Genscl: challenged peremptorily. Groves Dban: having conscientious scru ples, was challenged for cause. John Oiil, Esq sworn. Jacob Swivenheisor: challenged per emptorily. Johrt Johnson : having formed arid ex pressed an opinion, was challenged for cause; Frederick Swab'y: challenged pcrerftp iorily. Daniel Wo6dside: challenged percinp iorily, Jacob Sheep : having formed and expres sed an bpmion, was challenged for cause. John It. Eves: challenged for same -cause. John Remly sworn. Daniel Peeler: having formed and ex pressed art opinion, was ohallenged for cause'; John Stucker . challenged peremptorily. Alexander Colley sworn. John Hemuno rmetf.' Daniel Cromloy : challenged poremptor- Jonathan Lodge: challenged peremp torily. William S. Davis : challenged peremp torily; Henry Crawford riflaving' formed and expressed an opinjoRyaa challenged for cause, 4$' Jesso Funston't challenged for "same cause. John Vfnum sworn. BlLOOMsfcURG, COLUMBIA The Jury then empannelled consisted of the following persons, viz : Jonathan Pufsell. of Bloom. Peter Appleman, of HVmlock, Aid Holden, of Derry, Jniliam Girton, Esq., of Hemlock, John Shearer, of Limestone, Johii Mc Jniliams, of Liberty, John McMahan, of Liberty, John Ohl, Esq., of Hemlock, John ficmley, of Bloom, Alexander Colley, t of Sugar Loaf, John Herring, of Jloom, and John iVtrlnian, 6 Bloom. Iram Dkrr, and James Edoar, two con stables in attendance, were appointed hy the Court to attend the Jury, and severally sworn neither to speak to the Jury them selves, nor suffer any olher person to speak to them, touching any riiattcr relative to the trial ; and lodgings and entertainment were ordered to be provided for them at the pub lic house of Mr. William Ilenrie. The indictment was then read to the Ju ry by Mr. Comly, and the cause on the part of the commonwealth opened by Hiram A. Thornton, Esq., in a pertinent speech, iii which he explained the nature and impor tance of the cause, and the kind of evidence which would be produced in the trial against the prisoner at tho bah The Counsel for the Commonwealth then called the following witnesses, who sever ally testified as follows : . Stephen Sprout. This witness, a small boy about ten years of age was not permit ted to testify, because he did not know the nature of an oath ; and the counsel for the commonwealth placed him in proper hands to receive the necessary instruction. Sarah, Ann Sprout, sworn. Thomas Poke and Betty Poke were in the kitchen at Win. Sproul's house in Madison town ship, Columbia Couilty. Dorncll cajnc to tho door, and wanted in, and after he open ed the door and camo in, he took hold of Poke and pulled him back. Poke struck him, and Dornell fell out on the porch. He struck him with an axe only once. It was this winter, on a Saturday night. He hit him oh the back. When Dornell was fetched into the house he dragged one Ice. ahd after he was laid down he spoke, but with great difficulty. Ho died at Sproul' after a day and part bf a night. No person else struck Dornell, nor did Dornell strike Poke. I was very much alarmed at the time. My frfthcr was not at home, and no person was there but Mr. Poke, his daugh ter Betsy, Margaret Welsh, and brother Stephen. Dornell was bleeding at Ins foic head when brought in. Cross-examined by Counselor prisoner. It was after dark when Poke caiho to father's house. He came into tho kitchen, and his daughter with him.' Ho asked for supper and for lodgings ; and him and his daughter were sitting by the fire while wc were pre paring supper for them. Dornell was in tho bar room making a great noise ; and I 1'astcHeu the door of the kitchen with a knife to keep him ouf. Ho swofo and stormed a great deal, and when he pushed the door open the staple came out. When he came in Poke said " how do you do, John," in u friendly manner ; and Dornell took hold of him by tho hair of the head. There was no candlelight in tho kitchen when Dornell broko in, and itot much light' from tho fire. After Dornell fell down Poke had a fit right away, which lasted perhaps half an hour ; and whou Poke recovered, him and his daughter lifted Dornell up, bro't him in, and put a pillow under his head. Poke and father were sitting by Dorncll When I went to bed. Poke left our houso next morning after sunrise, Poko and Bet sy travelled in a! wagon. The stroke was given' before Dofnell was In five minutes. Re-examined by Commonwealth's Coun sel. It was light enough in tho kitchen to tell who camo in.' Tho blow1 was struck in tlio kitchen door while Dorncll was going out, and when he fell his feet lay inside of tho door. Dornell was an old nian, but he was a larger1 man than Poke. Poko was COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY JANUARY 27, not in the bar-room before he camo into the kitchen. Ho fwas at father's house tho same day about noon. Dorncll camo to our house on Friday at noon, and was there until tho time of his death. Dornell lived three quarters of a mile from father's. Margaret Welsh, sworn. This witness wa's nearly blind, but said she saw Dorncll break open the door, and take hold of Poke. She did'nt see Poke strike Dornell, nor did she seo Dornell until after he was brought in, when he was a little bloody. Saw Poke in tho fits. , Sproul came home about two hours aftcrgDornell was struck. Dornell died on a bed in the back room on Monday evening about 7 or 8 o'clock. Cross-examined by prisoner's Counsel The kitchen door was fastened when Dor nell broke it open. I made supper for Poke. Ttllliam Sproul, mvorn, It was Satur day night tho 25th of November last, that I came into the house, and saw Dorncll lay near the fire. Poke and his daughter were sitting with Dornell. I spoke to Dornell, but he made no answer. He died on the evening of the 27th of November last. Poke told me he had had fits. Cross-examined by prisontr's Counsel, Poko lives 9 miles from, our house, aHd it is 3 miles to Jerseytown. It is ten feet from the chimney to the door, and two feet from the out-sido of the hearth to the jam. Poke left iriy house after sun-rise next morning. slmhcn sprout. 1 his boy was again called, and after sonic examination with re spect to his bompetency on the grtfund be fore stated, was admitted to testify the Court leaving his credibility to be judged by the jury. Stephen sprout, sworn. JJornell was in the bar-room before Poke came. Poke sat down by the fire, and was warming himself, when Dornell came in and caught Poke by the hair and pulled him over. Bet sy Poke then struck Dornell with a stick of wood, and Poko got the axo and struck Dornell with it three times, and the last stroKo he hit him upon the head, and Dor nell fell down on tho pdrch his head out and his feet pretty near out. Then Poke fell down on the floor and had fits, tumbling over and over, and Betsy Poke had to keep hini.out of the fire. Dornell's face was to wards tho door when he first struck ; the second time he was a slep further, and the third time he was by the door. Poke draw cd up hard, and struck him betweeh the shoulders, Betsy Poko tried to catch tho axe. Poke's fits lasted half an hour, and Dornell laid at tho door till Poko recovered, when he and Betsy brought Dornell in and laid him on a pillow. When Dornell fell he said Poke you've killed me. Cross-examined by prisoner's Counsel. When Dornell camo into the kitchen, Poke reached out his hand and said " how do you do, John i" and Dornell caught him by the hair and pulled him over. I brought tho axo in. It was lying in the chimney corner. Ho struck with the side of tho axe. Poko was at our houso on Saturday at noon, and John Dornell, Jesso Robbins, and oth er s.wero there. Dornell and Poko spoko to gether and shook hands. Poko took a drink and offered Dornell a drink, but he refused; and Poko then went to Jerseytown. It was night when ho camo back. His daughter was witli him, and he had a grist and other things in his wagon. They camo first into tho kitchen; Dornell was in the bar-room making a great noise. Tho Kitchen door was fastened, and Dornell sworo and made a great noise at tho window, and afterwards broke open the door. There was no candle-light in tho kitchen. I don't know how many days aro in a year, nor in a month. I can dount six. Dr. Iiussel Parke, sworn. When I went into Sproul's j saw Dornell lying on a bed in a back room. I took a cloth off from his forehead, and discovered a wound probably three-fourths of an inch in length, which was down to tho scull-bone, but no fracturo could bo found. Dornell mado no answer to any questions, except inarticu late sounds. I could sec nothine in his eyes ) his pulse was regular, but slow ; and bleeding made no change. I could discov er no swelling in his baclt ; and while ex amining that part of his body, Dornell said his back did'nt hurt him, but his head did. I could again find no fracture, and really supposed it more the effects of liquor than any violence done him. I did not after wards see him while alive. I was at tho inquest on Monday night; we stripped the body, hut could find no marks on tho back; his scalp was discoloured, but I could find no fracture, but under the scalp wo found extravasated blood : we then took the scalp off, but yet could find no crack or fissure ; I was at the post mortem cxamin ation on Thursday evening after ; we took all the scalp off of the top of the head, and discovered a crack on the right side of the head on the temporal bone, which ei tended round tho occipital to the left side of the head, and a transverse fracture also ex tended from the occipital bone about three fourths of an inch in length ; we took off the top of tho scull, and found extravasated blood under tho temporal bone, on the right side of the head, which was an inch thickness and three inches in diameter ; on examining the brain wc found the right side softer than the left ; the chest and contents of the abdomen appeared perfectly natural and in the whole length ot the spine wc found nothing" wrong. This examination was on the body of John Dornell, and I was assisted by Dr. Murray and Dr McMahan I supposed his death occasioned by the bo agulum of blood in the Bcull, but the blood pressing upon the brain induced his death I think the effusion of blood was occasion ed by violence. Before death I discovered no symptoms of pressure upon the brain but I now thinic his death was occasioned by the effusion of blood. I heard the tes tiinony to-day respecting Poke's fits, an I never saw any body labouring under tl fits that acted as described by the witness es. A person having epileptic fits will not turn over and over ; and I have no knowl edge of other fits that will produce such an effect, unless intoxication. Cross-examined by prisoner's Counsel. From the examination of John Dorncll I think he did not receive more than ono stroke. I saw but ono placo where a blow could have been given ; and I found no mark except on the side of the head. There was no depression of bone where the effusion was ; and the blow must have been given with tho side of the axe. I nevci knew that fear or anger would produce fits : they might produce a total prostration of the sys tem, having more the appearance of a corpse than any thing else, and stimulents would be a proper application for relief. I con sider "Rush on tho mind" good authority. The clenching of tho fists and frothing at tho mouth are evidences of an epileptic fit; the contraction of the muscles keeps the body in motion, and rolling over is neither an impossible nor improbable concomitant, At tho inquisition befbro 'Squire Thomas, Stephen Sproul was examined, but not un der oath. He. was objected to because fie did not understand tho nature of an oath. He said Poke had struc5 Dorncll three times once about tho middlo of the. back, and be tween that and tho shoulders, and tho third limo below the neck. lie never said he was struck upon the hoad. Dr. John C. Murr,ay, sworn. I was at tho post mortem examination of John Dor nell's body at Millville, on the 30th of No vember, 1837, which was an inquest held by tho Coroner. After the body was dis interred it was carried to the sohool-house, near tho grave-yard, in a coffin, where it was taken out and laid upon two benches for examination. Wo examined tho body externally, but found' no marks of violonco except upon tho head, which appeared to bo contused, and a small wound abovo the left oye. An incision was then made from oar to ear across the top of tho head. Dr. Parke and myself dissected, and Dr. Mc Mahan took tho notos of examination, Tho 1838. Number 40. anlerior portion of tho scalp was dissected forward, and the posterior portion .back wards ; and wo found a largo collection of extravasated blood between tho scalp and the bone, extending over the parietal bono of tho right sid,e, and the occipital bono. The occipito frontalis and temporal muscles, ana the tacia ana perecranium being remo- vcu, we discovered a fissure nine and a hal inches in length, in the cranium, covering about tho middle of the right temporal bone, and passing across the posterior-inferior an gle of the parietal bone, across the upper portion of the occipital bone, and termina ting in' the lamdoidal suture on the left side'. We also discovered a transverse frac ture three-fourths of an inch in length, com mencing in the main fissure, and running up to the lamdoidal suture, one inch from the saggetal suture, on the left side. Here the Court suggested the necessity of using languagewhich would let those understand the meaning ivho were not acquainted with the technicalities of anatomy.' We then removed the top of the cranium, and found a large collection of extravasated blood be tween the bone and dura-mater, about 3 or 4 inches in diameter and about an inch in depth. We then removed the dura-mater, and found the brain confused and disorganf ized, especially under the coagulated blood. There was considerable extravasated blood in the substance of thb brain. Wc opened the chest, but found no morbid appearance, except an adhesion of the plura-castatis and plura-ptilmonaris, produced from previous inflamalion. The cavity of the abdomeit was natural ; and from the occipital bone down the whole length of the spine wero found no marks of external violence. Thq pressure on the brain from extravasated blood, between the bone and dura-mater, occasioned his death was caused by exter nal violence of some kind. I hardly think that a person in fits would turn over and over. , Cross-examined by prisoner's CounseL I can't say from examination whether there was more than one stroke or riot. ; We discovered but one spot, and the blow3 might have been repeated on the same place. The perecranium was separated from the bone on the right side of the head. I havd attended patients witli epileptic fits, but not while a fit was on them; oiie patient was sit ting up, and his lower jaw dislocated by tho spasmodic contraction of tho muscles. Anger and fear combined might produce a fit of appoplexy. I discovered neither ex ternal nor internal marks of violence on any other part of tho body. After fitsj th$ pa tient would be apt to be prostrated arid sore. ,. Dr. McMahnn, sivom. I was present at the post mortem examination. I think the collection of extravasated and coagula ted blqod between the bone and dura-mater caused Donnell's death, which must have, been occasioned by external violence I could not say whether there was one or more blows on the head. I never saw a per son with fits rolling about ; after fits they arc generally more or less .prostrate. Chross-ixamined by prisoner's Counsel. There were no external evidences of vi olence on the back. If there wero two strokes on the head they must have been given on tho same place ; and tho stroko was given with tho side of the axe. John lusner, sworn. On the evening that Poko came to 'Squire Thomas's, ho got into conversation about Dornell. I asked him whether he was angry when ho struck him, and ho rqplied that ho was inj as good a humor as he ever was. I told him I was sorry to hear him say so. He stated no reason for striking Dornellt 'Squire 'lhomas and family, Mrs. Poke and her daughtor, and others, were present. . , , Cross-ea&mined by Prisoners Connscll I cannot say positively that Poko under stood my question; but the woids were sed in English and German. Poke and, myself have had' some differences, but they were qoon over. Caleb Thoms, Esq. affirmed. 1 heard" a conversation between Poke and' John