The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 20, 1838, Image 2

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The warlike proceedings on' pur ftor
hern frontier) arc not, wo pre rejoiced to
say, "fffsuch thrilling interest as those
'which' wcrfi recorded in our paper of last
v week. Still, however, the various causes
for local' and. c'vn ' national anxiety havo
not yet subsided. Tho' subjoined extracts
contain all that is known up to the present
" time from the scat of war, and for those of
a morcnationat'fiha'racter, wc refer our rc'a-
' ders to our RSjfort of the proceedings in
Congress, which this week possesses unu
sual Interest.
f The news from tho Frontier 'is to Jan.
4th. There arc three regiments of Ameri
"can militia (3000 men) encamped at Niaga
Va Falls. ,
"Tfie namcW four of the principal per
sons in 'tno outrage at Scholosscr, arc as
certained, viz Captain Moshiet, deputy
Sheriff M'Leod, Lawyer McDonald ' and
Thomas McCormick.
Gov. Head is at Chippewa," and has
brought over from Toronto riioro cannon
and bombs. Tho royal forco is 5,000
only 78 regulars, but 500 Indians, 15 pie
ces of oraitiuico, '6 or 8 bombs .or mortaVs,
pd'ngrcves, ctic. At Navy Island the-patri-ots
muster about 2,000 and 25 cannon.
There was. important movements on fool at
Buffalo to bring about a negotiation between
'Gov. Head & Gen. Van Rensellaor, to
"permit the latter to como over on the main
Jand and' fight the battle (jut. Gen. '.V, ' R.
refused, Gen. Arculari'us'had demanded the
Slate cannon at Navy Island, and been re
fused. An attack was fcxp6ctcd certain on
Wednesday night. It Is "ropbrted ' Infe a
hove AlcLcod with 15 hicn, had been 6riv
en in a boat over the Falls by a shVt from
the Islan'd. Gen. Scott has left A'lbany for
the frontier. The Islanders ' arc in high
Troops continue to arrive at Buffalo Gen.
Randall s brigade had come in, and parts
ofthrce regiments of .General Burt's bri
gade. Tho militia, of Niagara County
were all disbanded Monday, but two com
'ma'nds of riiicmcn.
Gov. Head, one account says, is incen
sed af the Sehlosser attack another, that
he is now reconciled to McNab. As soon
"as tn'e 500 regulars from Lower Canada
came, Governor Head was to make tho
Gen. Jno. Jackson, of Lockport, com
mands'our militia on the frontier. These
troops exhibit a prudent and correct de
Buffalo. Jan. 4, 1'838.
Mr. Mackenzie was arrested by tho
Marshal a few minutes since i'i this city,
on a writ issued by Judge Colliding, the
'United Stale's District Judge. dOni. Adv.
Wc" understand that on Tuesday last,
211 .United States soldiers embarked at
NewiYork on board tho steamboat Utica
for tho Niagara frontier, and will bo at
Buffalo on the 12th inst, to act with the
200 other regular troops under the command
of Gen.Scotti
Major General Scott left New York on
Monday morning at 5 o'clock, on his Way
to ihd Niagara frontier.
The Boston Atlas accounts for the Cana
da revolt as follows:
In the first place it is a grievance and a
jjricvanco which will be felt to bo intolera
ble by those who have the slightest pros
pect of shaking it off, that the affairs of a
people should be under the control of a
'Colonial Afiilistcr, resident In another noun
try, totally ignorant of the condition of
tilings in the colonies which he rules, add
in whose appointment or dismissal, those
colonies have rib part nor lot whatever.
This in itself is an intolerable grievance;
it is a foreign yoke which Ho people will
liear longer than they afe absolutely obli
ged to.
The way tho thing operated in Canada
was this. The colonial ministers, mem
bers "asbf course they were, 'of tho English
aiistocJratiyj had very different ideas of
government,, ahd very different notions
about the welfare, df the "colonies, from the
"f louse of Assembly chosen by tho Canadi
jhvpdople, As the Canadians, gradually
imbibed ihe republican and the democratic
spirit, which Uio neighborhood of the Uni
ted States was sn adapted to inspire, they
passed a multitude of blllsi the object of
"which was to assimilate llid administration
'of affairs in Canada, to tho system which
they saw so successfully in opdfalldn along
then southern frontier. These bills of
course did not suit tho notions of the Bri
tish ministry; and they were all defeated
by the Legwlative council, the Canadian
houM of Lords, composed of members ap
pointed for life, by tle British ministry,
and selected from among (he most supple
tools and the most ferocious tories. that
eould any where b found in tho whole pro
Vinoe. So matters went on! the Canadian Le
gislative council rogularly defeating every
proposition for reform, till at length tho
Gvavli' ww to look upon thai body aj
intolerable nuisance, rnHsin In nrnvn
stumbling block in the way of every at
tempt to improve the political institutions
of the country. For this rcasou they np tho British Parliament, to abolish
tlfo Legislative council in its present form,
and to substitute in its place, sonic body
responsible to tho people, whoso destinies
it directed. This request tho British Pnr
liamcnt'r'cfuscd. Whereupon tho Canadi
an House of Assembly had rccourso to the
constitutional remedy ofstoppmg tho sup
plies until their request should bo attended
to; the British Parliament upon this, in de
fiance of the oppqsition of its best andriblest
members, passed a series of tyrannical res
olutions, in which 'they threatened that un
less the House of Assembly saw fit to vote
tho usual supplies, those supplies should
be levied and paid out, by the colonial gov
ernor, on his own mere authority in utter
defiance of the right of self-taxation guaran
teed tdthc Canadians by 'tho act of parlia
ment upon which their present system of
government is founded.
Tlils tyrannical threat instead of subdu
ing only roused the spirit or 6, Canadi
ans. They held public meetings in every
courtly, in which they passed tho most vi
gorous resolutions. Lord Gosford, the
Governor General, in vain attempted to put
a stop to these meetings by promulgating
against them an unconstitutional proclama
tion, and by depriving of their commissions,
as justices of the peace, and officers of
Jthc militia-, -all those who took a patt in
Infa'ct.'mOre than nine-tenths of the pop
ulation of Lower Canada, has lost all at
tachment to the British Government. It
was only supported by a little gang of office
holding Tories to whom British gold was
enough to make palatable any thing con
nected with it.
Four brothers, Lafaycltp Jones, Chani
bcrlano Jones, Caisar A. .Tones, and Achil
les Jones, are charged with the murder of
their uncle, Colonel Edward Ward, at the
residence of A. G. Ward, near Memphis.
A reward of S2V000 is otTcred for their ap
prehension, or 500 for either of them.
They left the residence of Mr, Ross, 5
jnltds above Randolph, Arkansas, on the
25th of December.
The Portland Courier says. "Thb iiow
Methodist chapel, lately erected iii Berwick
in this State, was burnt to. thti grdtmd on
the 13th ultj Tie ildthodisit denomina
tion in the town of Berwick is small, itnd
the loss of their house for divine worship,
which was to have been dedicated to the
service of their -lastcr a few days before
it was destroyed, will be seritiusly felt by
the society."
Tho trial of John Wilson, late Speaker
of the Arkansas House of Representatives,
for thd rtidfdcY bf Waj. J. J. Arillidny, a
member of that Hbuso, was commenced at
Little Rock oh the 13th, bufoio Justices
Brown, Sutler, and Hawkins, aitd contuiu
ed till the 10th. ilcssrs. Fulton and
Hawkins decided it to be a bailable case,
Mr. Brown dissenting. The amount of
bail required was 810,000.
The steamboat Vlckhurg, from Vicks
btirg, to New Orleans, took fire a few
nights since, near Baton Rouge, and in 20
minutes she was in a sheet of flame. In a
few hours she was entirely consumed.
Only seven bales of cotton were saved out
of the whole cargo. All the passengers
got a shore, but witli littl of their bnggngd.
Loss estimated at $100,000.
Cholera at Constantixe.- The chol
era has broken out at this place, and carried
oft' a great number of the French soldiers
among the officers the ilfarquis do Cara
man and N. Vieux, &c. Gen. Perrcgcaux
was in a dangerous state. -The bulk of the
army was to leave Oct. SfJ, d garrison of
3000 only remaining.
ilfissnimi. Tho population of Missouri
is estimated at half a million. In ten years
it is thought that the West will have thd
numerical preponderance in the Union.
An appropriation of 84000 has been
made by thd Legislature of Georgia, to
defray tlld dxpenses of an agent to bo sent
to Great Britain, to cxainlno thd Colonial
records of the statp.
The dwelling houso of Mr. Garner, re
siding in Antis township, Huntingdon
county, Pa., was on Thursday last destroy
ed by f'ue, and, melancholy to relate, three
of his children perished in tlld flames.
The aggregate force under the command
of General Jesup, in Florida, amounts to 8,
003 men, consisting of 4,637 fegulars, 4,
078 volunteers, 100 seamen, and 178 In
dians. Tho Memphis Enquirer of Dedi 15, an
nounces the death of a valuable ahd most
estimable citiicn, Dr. James M'Coii!) who
was suddenly killed on the evening of Ihe
1 lib Hit. near St Francis, Arkansas, by the
fall of a limb from a treo, while discharging
his duties as a surgeon to a body of emi
grating Chickasaw Indians. Ho was dres
sing the wound of an Indian a the time the
distressing casuallty happened . The de
ceased was a native of Fredericksburg, Va.
and had beon a resident of Memphis, Tenn.
but a few months. Tlie deceased is said
to have boon much beloved and respected,
not only by the agenu, but by the Indi
ans, w ho niauii'b-tti (,'reat sorrow at his
dewufa. jt.tiutMsnvim.
Tuesday, Jan. 0, 1838.
Mr. McConkoy nsked nndjobtaihed lcavo
of absence for ji few days. .
Mr. Case presented a petition from citi
zens of Bradford county, asking for tho in
corporation of a company to construct a
rail roa.d .from the pool of tho canal at Athens
to tho state line.
Mr. Kingsbury, one from the citizens of
Susquehanna county, for aid to tho FranE
lin academy.
Mr. Jamc3 eiglil petitions from citizens
of Pennsylvania praying the legislature lb
adopt resolutions jn opposition to slavery in
the district of Columbia, and territories of
the United States.
Mr. Pcltz one from citizens of Philadcl
dhia, praying lhat jury trials may bo grant
ed to persons claimed as fugitive slaves.
Mr. Carpenter, ono from Jacob ,
soldier of the revohltlonaay war, for relief .
also for tho incorporation of a company to
make a turnpike road, to bo called tho Con
ncllsvillc, &c. road company, and for aid
faom the stale to said road : also one for the
construction of a road from Grcensburg; in
Westmoreland county, to Henry Cohifart's
in Allegheny county.
Mr. Barclay, a petition of Bedford coun
ty, for aid to Dickinson college.
Mr, Paul, a petition of George Yei ts, an
old feoldier, for relief.
Mr. Case, ono from citizens of Bradford
coun,ty(. for authority to erect a poor house
in Baid County.
Mr. Sangston presented a petition from
sundry citizens df Fayette county, for tho
incorporation of a company to make an ar
tificial or turnpik road from the borough of
Unioutown, through Shiithfield by the lino,
and on Cheat river, or by Nqw Geneva and
the mouth of said river, to tho Virginia state
line ; Also one for a repeal of the law au
thorizing the location of a state road from
Uniontown to Monroe, on the National road
to the Virginia state lino ; Also one of Robt
Thompsoh, a soldiei of the Indian war,
asking relief.
Mr. Harper, ono from citizens of Leban;
on county praying for aid to enlarge alid
widen did UiiiUii Canal.
Mr. Fellz, due from thdditlzons of Phil
adelphia for a sdhool of tif is.
nnronfs of cdjimiTTEns.
Mr. Penrose, frbm the committtid on ju
diciary, reported a bill on the act, supple
mentary to the act relating to thocbmhiciice
mcnt ofactionsi
Mr. Irvln, fdom tlld committee bn that
snljdct, reported an act for the relief of
Spriiig Greek aitd Bald Eagle navigation
Mi1. Kelly, itpon ldavd glvdrt, lead In his
placd, a bill, an act supplementary to an act
incorporating the Tioga navfgation com
pany. The Senate tlldn again went into commit
tee of thb whold, Mr. Snyder in tlld dhair,
on the resolution relating to the right of pe
tition. Mr. James concluded his remarks
in favor of the resolution, and was followed
by Mr. Leet, who spoke with great force,
and strength of argument m opposition to
JanuaFy 11.
Air. Frailey, presented a petition from
citizens of Schuylkill county, for tho incor
poration of thu'Ofi'erman Coal Company ;
also one front Northampton and Alonrou
counties, for a Jidw county 10 bd Odlled Car
bon. Mr. Kingsbury, a remonstrance gainst
the division of Luzerne county.
Mi. Slenkcr, one from Henry Fritch and
others, for damages suffered in tho construc
tion oT the Pennsylvania Canal.
Thursday January 11, 1838.
Mr. Stevens presented a petition from
Wilkesbarre, for giving a iury trial to' run
away slaves ; one against the admission of
I exas, and ono lor the abolition of slavery
in the District of Columbia. a
Mr. Fagely, ono for tho carlyTcsumption
of specie payments aitd for making tho
stockholders liable individually for the notes
and deposites of those institutions.
Mr Geiger, two of same import.
Mr Hill, ond df the samo import.
Mr AVoodburn, one for increasing sala
ries of tho Presiding Judges of the state.
Mr Ford, one against extending the Col
umbia rail road to Ilarrisburg, and one for
tho samo, and one for giving a jury trial to
funaway slaves.
Mr Cdlliilg ttvo against extending the
Columbia rail road to Ilarrisburg.
Mr W. C. Reynolds, one for aid Id the
Tunkhannack bridge ; one for jho establish
ment of a school of nrts, and one from Re
becca Roberts widow of an old soldier.
. Mr Lavcrly, ono for aid to Dickinson
Coliego diie for a now dounty out of parts
bf Lycomiugi Ccittie and Clearfield ; one
for the Water street and Phillipsbnrg turn
pike .' ono for extending tho Colnmbia rail
road to Ilarr'isbilrgi and two for aid to the
Lowisburg and Jersey Shoro turnpike and
bridge company.
Mr Chaitibcrlain. one for giving a jury
trial to runaway slaves j one against the an
nexalidn of Texas to the Union ! one in fa
vour of the entire abolition doctrino, and
threo for tho Stoystown and Johnstown
BUitc rood.
From out Correspondent.
Plni.Anr.i,PiiiA, Jan. 8, 1838.
Gr.vri.r.MEN : To-day Mr. Chambers of
fered an amendment to the first article of
tho constitution to conic in between the
13th and 11th sections of that article, which
goes lo prohibit the Legislature from grant
ing divorces. Not agreed to'.
A new section was then offered by Mr.
Bell which prohibits tho Legislature from
granting divorces in all cases where the
courts have power to decree divorces, which
was agreed to.
An amendment was offered by Mr M'Ca
hen which provides that the legislature shall
not connect two or more separate subjects
in one ljiw, or grant an appiopriation for
Iwo distinct objects in ond bill. To this
an amendment was offered by Mr. Merrill,
but the previous question was called and
sustained, which cut off the amendment.
And on the question will tho Convention
agree td tho amendment offered by M'Ca
hen 1 tho yeas were 55 nays 00. So it wa3
determined in the negative.
January 9.
A motion was made by sir. McCahcn, to
pos'tiibhc the 1 llh section for tho purpose
of introducing a new section, somewhat
similar to that negatived yesterday. Not
agreed to. Tho 1 1th, 15th, 10th, and 17th
sections were severally read and ho amend
ment ofTcrcd. Tho 18th was read and a
small amendment offered, which was liot
agreed to. The 18th scctioil was agreed
to. The 10th was read and no amendment
offered. Section 20th was read and a mo
lion was made by Clark of Ind.. to amend
it so that all bills shall originate in. tho low
er house. Ndt agreed to.
On leavo given a niot'on whs made by
Mr. Dunhtp, to insert after the word "rev
enue" the words " and making appropria
tions'." So as to make all appropriations
originate in the House of Representa
tives! Tho previous qudstiou was railed
and sustained which cut off the amendment.
The old section was .adopted.
A motion tf-as hltitle by Mr.-Eatle to post
pone the 21st section for the purposc,of in
troducing a proposition for tho repeal of fu
ture charters. Not agreed to.
The 22d sedtion being under considera
tion iin amendment was offered by MrBcll
for thd purpose of restricting thd legisla
ture ill granting charters, Ac. The prc
vlbils question was dalled by Mr. Dickey.
An appeal was taken by.Mh Bell on the
ground tlidt thd call for tho previous ques
tion was out of order: The house sustain
ed the chair and Mn Bell withdrew his
amendment and tho section was adopted
without amendment!
Jahiiary 10.
The fordndbii session was spent in con
sidering an amendment on tho subject of
combining more than one subject in one
law, and sundry amendments thereto, which
was subsequently witluhawn.
An amendment offered lo the 21th sec
tion, going to provide for a censor to teach
the Legislature how to word tho laws was
efTercd by Mr. Riter and negatived, yeas
13j nays 81.
A motion was made by Mr. Stcrigcrc
providing in detail for a limitation on grant
ing charters of all kinds. It was divided
into three parts. Tho first two wero nega
tived. A motion was made to amend the
third division which relates to repealing and
modifying chatters. The previous ques
tion was called but not sustained. The
question on striking out somo wordy pro
visos 'which in fact destroyed tho whole
section, was not agreed to. Other filotions
were made relative to restricting the grant
ing f charters and "log-rolling," but thdy
wero subsequently withdrawn. The divis
ion was iiogatived.
January 11.
Mr. Reigart ofTercd the following as sec
tion 24 of tho first article, viz:
"No corporate body shall bo hereafter
created with Banking, discounting or loan-
ing privileges without the current action of
two successive legislatures' : nor shall anv
law hereafter enacted contain moro than tho
enactment of ono corporate body." To
which iur, iiiester ouereU t io lollowihg as
a substitute, to wit ;
"Tho Leglslaturohall' not grant or re
new any charter of incorporation until after
itiieeimonths public notice of the applica
tion for the same shall have been given, in
sUoh manner as shall bo prescribed bv Itiw:
Nor shall any corporation hereafter created.
poswessing banking, discounting or lonu'tng
privileges, bp continued for moro than I5
cars without renewal ; " and no such enr.
pjiratibii shall be created, extended or rcviv.
cti, wnoso cliartcr may ndt bo modified, al
tcrcil, or repealed by the concurrcnt'action
of two successive Legislatures, subject to an.
cquitiibl6 and just indcmnificalldh,"
January 12.
Mr. Ilicstcr modified his amendment .
Thb debato pn a multitudo of amendments
which were offered in almost cvVry shanc
and the calling of the ayes and nays on them
occupied the day. 'ihe propositions wpm
so numerous that J cannot even name thon'i
let tilon'o givo copies.
Soon after Convening in tho afternoon a
vote was taken on tho modified aineiHlmcmV3
of Mr. Hctstor, which wAs negatived, yeas
03, nays 03. An amendment offered bv
Judge Hopkinson was negatived by tho
samo vote, but the v'otes reversed. After
an infinite amount of manoeuvring, moving
to aiTjdurnv &c. a motion to reconsider thd
vote on Heistcr's amendment prevailed.
And after a few speeches made, obviously,
for the solo purpose of consuming time, and
the rejection of ma'iy amendments and pro
positions to pdstpono, adjourn, &c, and af
ter tho adoption of 0110 small verbal amend
ment, a final vote was lakcii on Heistcr's
amendment, which was adopted in the fol
lowing words, at half past 0110 o'clock on
the morning ol the 13th, viz:
" No corporate body shall bo horcaftdr'
drcatdd, renewed or extended, with banking
br discounting privileges without six months'
public notice of the application of thd samo.
in such Inarinor as shall bo prescribed by
law : nor shall any charter for the purposes
aforesaid) bd giantcd for a longer period
than 20 years, and every such charter shall
contain a clause reserving to the Legislature
the power to alter, revoke and annul thb
same, whenover in their opinion they iiiay
uc injurious to the citizens bf this common
wealth, in such manner however lhat no in
justice shall be dond tb tho corporators. No
law hereafter dnactdd, shall contain mord
than one corporate body." Yeas 80, nays
This proposition was very unsatisfactory
to tho mcniUers who voted for it, but they
appeared to be convinced that no irreatcr
safeguard could bo obtaindd. It was bro't
forward by an anti-masoil and had two or
three others of tho samo political division.
amongst its supporters. The Democrats
being unable to effect any amendment by
their own strength, were dompellcd to ac
cept tho best proposition brobght forward
by their opponents, and so stood to Heistcr's
with the most unflinching firmness ; every
one who was present voting for it, except
Mr. Fry, who first voted against it but sub
scqiieiitly moved to reconsider it. On thd
final passage many whigs fell in, in conse
quence of the verbal amendment, and voteiL,
for the amendment, so it is certain lhat it
will finally prevail. Such as it is tho com
munity must adopt or reject because nothing
more can be passed here.
, January 13i
No session to day.
Respectfully, &c;
Fr'oih tho PliilatliUia Gazette.
Mil; Editor;
Tho following receipt for cheap washing
appeared in tho Philadelphia Gazette about
threo or four years ago, and has been in
use evdr sinco 111 tho family of 0110 of my
friends. For nearly a year it has been used
in mine, and I recommend it as one of tho
greatest labor saving inyentions that has
been lately introduced into use. If those
who see it, would recommend it to their
Washerwomen, it would save them from
mally an hour.s hard rubbing with thoir.
hands. I have the authority of a chemistj
that the ingredients aro not at all injurious
to tho articles cleaned by thoir aid.
receipt for 7vasiiing with
little labor.
Take fivo gallons of water, ono pound of
brown soap, cut up into small pieces, two
ounces of soda broken up fine, two quarts
of lime water, (made with cold water,)
and put them in a vessel to boil. Put tho
clothes in water over night. When tho
mixture isat boiling heat put tho clothe;
into it without wringing thorn. Let them
boil one hour, thon put a basket over a tub
and put the clothes into it to drain. Then
wash theni thrbUgh ono clean hot water,
and afterwards rinso them as commonly
N. B. This is not suited to coloured
stuffs or woolens,
Tho editor of tho Now York Courier
states that ho has now on its' way from
London, a printiug machine which will '
print six thousand sheets per hour.