The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 20, 1838, Image 1
the: LIMBIA MMOCRAT I have sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to ci'cry form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man.Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND "PUBLISHED DY JOHN S. INGHAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. BLOM$i5XJIG, COLUMBIA 'OOOTTY, PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1S38. . , Number 39. ,. 1 . ' , , , , , , , , v OFPICE Or THE DEMOCRAT, Next boon to Romson's Stagi: Orncii. TERMS: The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at . TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half, yearly in advance, or Two Dollars SATIIS, FUR AND StfTSSXA HATS!! F the most durable materials, and finished in a superior and fashionable 6tylc, at from JSJ2 STRAIT SHEEP. AME to tho premises of tho subscriber in Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, sometime in June last, TWO STRAY SHEEP. Tho owner can havo his property by proving tho Fifty Cents, if not paid toithin the year. $31,, just received and gj" No subscription will be taken for a shorter Bioomstargl December 2, 1837.' periou man six mamas; nuruinj aiscuii- samo and paying all charge. Dec. 23, 1837. PETER OMAN. 35-;3t4 A STRAY SfllEEF. tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a MT1AME to tho premises of tho subscriber in .11 1 J. I.. .-"Tj j fii I Tllrtnm tnroi.cliin f'nl mt.i1iii nn( ill HMm. smtnrp. imu. nr. r.nnxinciiniixiii jilxui in i wv ivnu.uii'. ww.w.iu vuiiM. ... w.v- One Dollar for the Jirsl three insertions, rw and Twenlu-hvc cents for every subse- figg1 - . U U ' I a 1L -a r-. "audit nscrtion. CJ"A liberal discount A. Siray tk&JkW Sliccp, made to those who wlvcrlise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must Tho owner is rcqucst-d to prove his property, pay I charges and take it away. JOSEPH COLEMAW. December 23, 1837. 35-3t HEY" GOODS. be post paid. TANNING- BUSINESS. njl HE subscriber would respectfully inform the $L public that ho lias taken his son WILLIAM wNVDER into co-partnership in hiaTnnncry, and that tho business will hereafter bo conducted under the- firm of Daniel & William Snyder, at tho old established stand in Bloomsburg. , Daniel Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf LEATHER ,fe,F good quality, and for sale at the lowest pri ccf, always on hand at tho old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri bers would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho liberal customs heretofore enjoyed by tho scirtor partner. Daniel Snyder, IVilliam Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf To the Distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS!S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. W and fll OR tho prevention and euro of colds, coughs, Asthmas, consumptions, snittine of Hood. all disorders of tho breast and IruiM. for sole at tho Drug store of the subscriber, in Bloomsburg. D. 6. Tobias. IIKAITII, "The poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." New-& cheap Goods, AT Till! I1 RUPERT & BARTON, (Successors to 13. II. Biggs,) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public, that they have pur chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they have-just received an extensive and splen did assortment ol An Apprentice tho Tannins business. A boy between 14 and J 7'. . WrtU Inmors for thfiiv vnrv liho.rnl Rimnnrt. nnl Cheaper than Ever! The Subscriber Would beg leave to announce to the peo pie of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that ho has just received a splendid assortment of sea sonable DRY GOOBS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, Uassimeres ami oattinells ; lnannels, and Canton Flannels, of every colour ; lilack, Broken and Green Mtrinos, of every shade and qualilii ; and in facta full assortment of Draiver Common uooas, among which are an extensile supply of Ca-roceries & Iiiquors, China, Glass and Queens-Ware, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CEDAPw "WAHE., Sperm. Refined and Common Lamp' Oil, BEiu'dvravc, Castsmurs, & Irota, men's anp women's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS together yith every variety of merchandize which can meet the wants or please the fancj' all which he will dispose of at tho lowest prices. lie returns his acknowledgments to cus 17 years of age will obtain a good situation by ap plying soon. Daniel Snyder, Tniliam Snyder. Bloomsburg, January G, 1838. 37-tf at the New Store House, just constructed th4? f,rm, termination to ) please through by Mr. Biggs, and opposite to Mr. Robi sons stage olhcc. J heir assortment is not only very extensive, but carefully selected to answer tnc demands ot the neighbour hood; and although they wish not to aicr' Use their prices, yet they feel confident, that LL persons indebted to tho subscriber Iry bond, they have be tier goods, and will sell chea- notc, oruooK account, or otiicrwisc, aro re- cr than any store In Uloomsburg, NOTEC.1D. attention to business, he solicits a continu ance of their calls and custom. rrj AH kinds of country produco will he taken in exchange for goods. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 1C, 1837. quested to call and settle tho s'amo before the firtt Uau of April, next, ilo is determined to navo oiu inatters iustly arranccd; and those who neglect ol tending to this notiro may rely on strict Irgal pro- ! .1.- ! , -r 1M. i no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838'. 37-tf INE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, &c. just re ceived, and ready for delivery to customers Their new stock has been purchased at at very reuuecu prices, y ilin tiinnnfnr.liirnra nsfnMishmnnla. nt (lin J ' J MUSSClman, i)' L0. D?Y GOODS, . SUCH AS fi UBSCRIBERS to St. Paul's Church, Blooms. Elite, Black, Drown, Invisible Green, andv3 burg, who havo not paid their subscriptions, WAITED. 14 illlll UU1 HlliK J Kilt k,twi v w . tA tcrs anU masons, 20 drillers, 20 common la- burers. 10 wood chopiicrs. and 10 teams, at Bridge No. 1, Catawissa Rail Road, by tlie subscribers. Schuuler, Frick, & Co. Catawissa Furnace, January C; 1838. 37-31 HIE subscriber would respectfully inform tho public, that he lias taken the ctoro recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcvillc, and in now opening and receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment oi uu muui u MERCHANBEEB, which ho will dispose of at tho most reduced priccst for cash or country produce, l lie puuuc are mu ted to call andcxamino for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangcvillc, Oct. 7, 1837 AND E&CIIANGE. ted Fancy coloured Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattmells ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Linnens and Muslins ; Vcslings, Stocks, i i CO W O will be called upon for the samo by the authorized collectors on Monday and Tuesday, the 24th and 2Sth of January, inst. January C, 1838. 37-3t g A general supply of FRE8H OYSTERS may always be obtained during tho season, by ap plying at mo Jieicctory ol llie subscriljcr m uloorus Imrg. JOHN R. MOYER. IJecerubcrS, 1837. 0 A First Kate Tavern Stand POP. SALE. IhX, be sold, at public gate, on tho premie, T Ann .l,n,. l,nvo wrv lllincr vhipl. n t' w" uU.' J"" "J 1 CUTUU " "u; ....... .v ......, jiErr.ut 10 o'clock in lie lorenoon. mat ... i .1 : r ,i -ri ' , ceSSlly or iaiicy limy uraiiu iiumi .iyaiu ui The Subscriber 'RUY resncctfullv informs Ids friends and tho Tinlitin. that ho has always on hand, at his Li- verv Stable in Bloomsburg, for tho purpobcs of Uiro i. . . 6r lixchange, a variety oi worses. Sulkies, GIGS. WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which ho will feel gratified to keep in rcadiuessfor Uio accommodation of customers. Personal application can bo mado at his residence, when every means will Do used 10 rcnucr umm oaf . j ,. i i.i - ..n sfactiorilo llioso wao may givu iiimu NOAH S. PRENTI8, Bloomsburg, November 4, 1837. J. T. Musselman, & Co. WTSTTOULD acain announco to their customers, WW and tho public, that they havo just re- eclred another fresh supply of MERCHANDIZE, mi.rarincr everv varietv of Drv Goods, Grocerlos tape to the finest article in Dry Goods, and from a nceiuc to a suive in uaruwaru. Their stock of HARDWARE, IRON China, Glass J QUEfeNSWARE : Groceries 8c Liquors. Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ware, S,-c. yc. iyc fyc. is more extensive and better selected than the samo articles in any of tho neigh bouring stores Thoso who wish new, cheap, anu soon articles of Merchandize, should call at tho "Uloomsburg Arcade either before or af ter examine elsewhere, anil make their pur chases, WELL KNOWN situate in Cattawissa, on tho corner of Market and ucntre streets, and now in tho occupancy of Mr. B. i. runner, mo nouso is well calculated lor a Public Hotel, and at present enjoys a laigo portion of custom. Part of tho building is thrco stories and contains 22 commodious rooms and chambers. Uicro aro Three lit of good water on tho prom ises, una 1110 dlttUhns is suliicient to accommodate loO horsos. On the premises is an Ico-hou3C, a rooiwiouse, and two cood falions. now occumcd by mechanics. I ho wholo Will bo sold toaretber. and nosecssion with a good titlo given on tho 1st day of April next Also, at the same time and place, A Three Acre Out-Lot, situated near the town of Cattawissa. and valuable' All kinds pf Country Produce .taken in for J10 PurPw ;f horticulture and pasturage. . ... ... I i tin tl'nna will hn inmln i.iv n thn minh.cnr and the property will bo oxhiblcd at any time, and attendance given on tho day of sale by B. P. Fortner, John P. Davis. Cattawissa, January 6, 1838. 37 It N. D. If fbo property bo not sold on tho above .1 I. ...ill L f . . imy ii win men pa rented, payment at the highest market pricos Uloomsburg, Jov. la, iaa7 STOVES. UST received1 oiid fur wlo at tho store of tho i i i! i a i c um rt r ":r& to:ifcuW intend to sell tg , n,F? ?JSTi "V " atthomoitroducca pneos at thpir new and cheap ' ' f rounij anJ uar8 CVfl S(ovts. o -ffUR CAPS, just roccived, and ftrsslc.t the store in Bloomsburg. They invito a . ca i St sies. C, D. FISIIEH. JT w&ehMnrt?e Br thoso wlio waMciioicoarui;iMi v-i nionmEburir. 8cPt. 30. 1837, -'' 1 ' Aonfmrniin, ) us. fWlIIE subscriber would respectfully announce to JIL bis friends and tho public (hat he has opened a general assortment ol Brugs & IVZedicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Bloomsburg, and that he will bo happy to supply tho wants of thoso who may give him a call. Among his as. sortmcnt are : Acid bcuzoic ' muriatic ' nitric ' sulphuric ' tartaric Anni seed Acetate of 'zinc Aloes. . , Antimony (crudo Arrow root Assafuctida Alcohol Alum Arsenic whito Asphaltuin : uark 1'cruvian red ' cinnamon '' 1 Balsam Copaiva de maltha . ' of fir Barley pearled Batcman's drops Bismuth (nitrate) ., Blacking, for boots Borax refined Brimstone Uuagundy pitch Bolo Armcrnii Blue pill ' , Calomel r . Carrosivc sublimate Calamino Camphor Catechu Cayenno pepper Cochineal Cocculus Indicus Columbo Cologno water Conserve of ro'ics Cream tartar Cubcbs Caraway seed Coriander seed Chamomile flowers Digitalis Elinor of vitriol Epsom salts Emery powder Essence of peppermint ot cinnamon Extract of colocynth ol hemlock of liquorice Eyo water r ocnugrcek seed Gambogo Galls Gintian root Golden tincturo Godfrey's cordial Gum Arabic Tragacantll Ammoniac Shellac Kino , Galbanuni Myrrh Gauiacum Juniper If clcbore, black Hiera picra Ink powder, black Isinglass Ipecacuanha Ivory ulaclc . . Key scr's universal pi as ter Jalap Laudnum Liquorice root Lunar caustic Lucifer matches 'Loco foco do. Morphiura Magnesia calcined , do carbonate Manna flako do common Mustard, whito Nipplo shells Nux Vomica Ppium Opodeldoc Orris root Oxalic acid Otto of Rosoa Ointment of mercury ' of Galls . of rod precipitate ' of Spanish fly Citron Wafers, "White wax Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, Ijuu lnaigcsUon, or sour Stomach, on hand, and ior sain at ' Tobias Health Emnorium. Bloomburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4t Oil of Almonds, ' Amber Anni seed Caraway Cloves f Copaiva. f Lavender ' ' Origanum , 4 Qrango , ' Peppermint , Pennyroyal Rosemary .Ruo . . Spiko ' , ,,Ktono . ' Sassafras Tansy " Tar . Wintcrgrccri Woimsccd British , ., ' Qroton Castor ' ' Harleam Pink root ' Paragoric Elixir Plaster, adhesive do strcnglhenirig Prepared chalk" Pearl powder Tills, Anderson's, Scotts, ' . jltooper s Leo's New London German 1 Morrison's ' . Evan's Dyott's ( ' Lcidios' ' of Aloes ' y of Assafastina . ' . ofOpium . ofQununo Quassia wood Quicksilver Qulnino Rhubarb Rochellc salt Rotten stone Roso water . Rust of Iron Sago, pearled Salammonlos, crude Saltoflartar (Sal.Volatilo Bait pctro Sanders wood ' Sarsapbarilla Sealing wax Senna leaves . , fjenaka snako root Soap, castilo ' shaving ' white castilo fancy Sodo, siipar carbonate Sub carbonate Spanish fly Spermaciti Sweet spirits of nitre ?oua powders. Spirits of hartshorn f of Lavender eomp. 1 of Tarpenrino Seed Laco Smelling bottles Scidlits powders Spongo Squill Sugar of lead Sulphur SucUiug bottles Tartar emetic Tincture of Alos ' of Aiifoioitida ' of Peruvian bark of cinnamon ' ofMuriatcof iron of Myrrh ' of Spanish fly of Colcldcum seed ofstnna ' of Valerian . ' of Guiacum Tooth powder ' brushes Valerian root Venice turpentine Verdigris, Vermillion Virginia snako root Vials, different sizes Vitroil, blue, grecn.white White Resin BawanVs Tonic Mixture, . R Vcgs tabic Vermifuge, a lasting euro for tha r ever and Ague, on hand and for sale by D. S. Tobias. Swaim's Vermifuge, AN invaluable family jncdicino cntary, bowM complaints, for worm, dy morbus, -omiting, pains or weakness In the stem ach, loss of appetite, fever and ague, &c kepVat jf ouias s Health Emporium. Swain? 8 Panacea, , '.' , EN OWNED throughout tho whole world for i its cflicacious qualities as a familv medicine: constantly on hand, and for sale at the Drugstore of D. S. Tobias. Leidy's Compound Sar&aparilla, .. R blood pills for Rheumatio affections, general debility, ulcermia Rnrne nf iTn. tiau ttirnnt nA body, whitp swelling, diseases of the liver and skin, iciier, nng-worm, piles, cramps, ccc for sale at J ouias 3 Health Emporium. Compound Fluid Extract, FORthc euro c-f pimples orpostulcs on the face, biles, pains in tho bones, chronic rheumatism", tetter, white swellings, &c. &c for sale at Tobias's Drug Warehouse..-, Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double wedtlw J and an assortment of Black Merinot. of a ve ry superior quality, just opened and for sale at th' New; and Cheap Store of the subscribers in Blooms burg. J. T. MUSSULMAN, & C JOUN S. INGRARI, . P7RENDERS his professional services to the cfti H zensof Columbia county. He will feel grate fulTor business entrusted to.his cao. Ofllc? in tho samo building with tho 'Columbia Dmoc.' Bloomsburg, May, 1837 In fine, his "Emporium of Health" will bo found to contain every variety of Jhe most approved Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Oils,Fruit, Confections, tj-c. $-c. which aro warranted of good quality, having been carefully selected from tho bout established ware houses in Philadelphia ; and which he will sell at most reduced prices. He will use every exertion tb accommodate and benefit his customars. and there fore respectfully solicits tho patronage of a liberal public. JJ. a. TOBIAS., Bloomsburg, January C, 1638. 37 It "ssmw go . i Cheaper than cheap! THE subscriber would respectfully announco to Ihc people of B.loomsburg ilnd vicinity, & to the public m general, that ho has just returned a second time from the city, and is opening out hia purchase, which, together with his former stock comprises a neat and general assortment of PRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinetts, Merinos', , Merino Shawls Handkerchiefs, Dress Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslins, Vcslings, Stocks, Hosiery, dj-e! . ALSO s An extensive assortment of . , , . Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass', y Queenswarc, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils, Paints, Salt, Fish, .J'e. , Ml of which he offers for sale at his store room in Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite the rosi ouicc, vvnero mo puuuc aro rcspcctrully invited to call and see for themselves, ash,e intends felling his goods still a little cheaper than any yet offered to the public, for cash or country produce. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. TJIE DELAWARE COUNTY Insurance Company.' Capital authorised by Law, $250,0f)6i CIiARTEft PERPETUAL. THE public drc respectfully informed, that this Company will make insurance, cither per manent or limited, on proporty and effects of every description, against loss or damage by fire, on the most roasonablo tonus, at their office in Chester Delaware county, Pennsylvania. ' Tbo citizens of Columbia county are hereby inv formed, tliat insurances by the above Company of every , description of property, can bo effected by applying to Jho undersigned ngent, in Caltawia. Tho following arc tho annual Rates of Insuionce on the flOO, upon the most Common description of property, viz: Stone or Brick dwelling ju, houses , 30to40ecntt Frame or Log do. 60 to 75 Erjick or Slone barns, 50 to C2d l Frame or Log do. 75 to 100 " Brick or Stone Grist , . . Mills, G2jJ0 100" Frame do. 75 to 100 Merchandize and furnituro contained in houses,' and grain and utensils in mills and barps, in pro. ortion. Information can bo had by applying et her porkoually, or by nUsxpoii paid, to EZRA S. HAYUU.RST, Agent Cattawissa, September 30, 1837. December 9, 1H37 r