The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 13, 1838, Image 2

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Twehty-twb Americans lulled! !
By an Express Bulletin from Buffalo,
received in this city on Thursday it is sta- money,
ilte city for a. fey days till the policy. hnd
'rcturfied, to Wheeling, leaving behind Iiim
i-'f d.V JMMliMlUHG.
a note; that it Would bo impossible , to
lind him lie was for foino weeks 'after
this, employed on business in tho country
for Dr .but finally decamped, takiue
with him a quantity of stolen jewellery and
Un arriving at JLomsvillc, ho per-
Wl that nnrlv nf KnValiat on thfi Hrit?Kh PClratCd ttlO forircrv On ForSVlll & Co
side, came over on Friday night, to Fort and with the money purchased an elegant
Scholossor, below Black Rdck on tho A- carriage and horses, and wont on to Whee-
mcrican shore, and attacked tho steamboat Imp, W v'sit llis who was residing
Caroline, being at the wharf at the nlaco, w.itli hor father. A reward of 81500 was
bn board of which were 36 or 'lb persons, offered for his detection, and he had been at
entirely unarmed. After killing a tiutnbcr WhoEling but a short time when ho was ar-
ol persons, they cast tho boat loose, set rested. His young wife, notwithstanding
her on fire, sind she drifted down tho falls crimes, his deception and neglect of
Of Niagara, afVd every soul on board "per- herself, and the bitter hatred of her father,
ished. Tho wfrold frontier was in a great was devotedly attached to her Husband, And,
state of excitement. at the period of his arrest, was in a situa-
Another account savs that 22 were kil- lio" peculiarly delicate and interesting.
led! That Captain Appfebec "who piloted Her feelings on tho occasion may riot be
the Caroline from Buffalo, "narrowly esca- conceived.
ped with his life; that Mr. Duifec, former- Crawford was carried to Louisville, and
ly'd'f the Eagle 3lago Office, Buffalo, was his trial came before tho Circuit Court on
lyirTg "oil the shore Avith His brains blown the 4th instant. The evidence is Said to
obit and t)a Wife attack was ""made nt ' n'- have been conclusive, as to his euilt, and
clock, A. M, by five boats, with frorn 100 his own contcasions tended tothe samo- rc-
.J. . " ' I 'PL. f l -l.-i 1 i.:n
mil JtiU'ote.u tw.vii:.vrj.v.
' I'roiji our CoiVctiiondent'.
Philadelphia Jan. 2, 1838.
Deah Sirs : After a long debate tho Con
vention (in committee of tho Whole) were
prevented from getting a direct voto on tho
following proposition, On the 29th ult. by
Mr. Woodward, in tho following words,
viz ; "And tho Legislature may repeal,
change or modify the charters of tho banks
Representatives this morning from tho Gov- heretofore incorporated, or wliieh may hero
ornor, stating that tho Irttornal. Improve- after be incorporated in this commonwealth,
nient bill had becoine a. law without his whcthor the power to repeal, change or
signature. After tho Clerk had read a ,.r , ,. , .
few lines of the message, Mr. Johnston, of mo(llfy bo rcsem,J m such clialcrs or not '
Arinstwmrr. moved llmt dm mpssnrro tin not but when the legislature shall ropeal the
M ' - I -
From the Pcnnsylvaiiia Hcportcf.
Dr. Daniel S-nmono.v (dBmocratl was
this mornitur re-elected Slate 'lreasuier
over II. WiTMun (federalist.) The voto on
joint ballot of tho two houses stood as fol
lows: Sturgeon, 08; Winner 59.
Amossage was received in the House of
2 lly IngiVm A iiUU.
"rni)T without Ttktt."
I9.JTVJW.11', ..VKWIX' 1.1, 183S.
to ISO armed men.
Governor Head had delivered a Message
to the Legislature of Upper Canada, in
which he denounces tho interference of A-
Tncrican citizens in forwarding the Revolt,
as a violation of the laws of nations.
The citizens of Buffalo are arming for
Tlclcnee; and hiuitia arc ordered out at
more than one place on the frontier, to en
force neutrality.
Governor Mardy, of New York, has
just issued a Special Message to the Legislature-,
in relation to the burning of the
Caroline, arid tho slaughter of American
'citizens. He recommends the State to
take the proper steps to redress tho wrong
and sustain the honor of the country. "He
says it is an outrage that has not been pro
voked by any act done, or duty neglected,
by the Governor of this State, ' or the U-nion."
sion to send in his objections to a bill which
had become a law without his signature, or
agency. Some debate arose upon this mo
tion which was attenvards moditied by
Mr. Johnston, as follows:
'Resolved, That such portions of tho
Executivo message in relation to tho Im
provement bill, passed in December last,
as contains the reasons of the Executive
for not acting on said bill, but suffering the
same to become a law without his agency,
be not received or read in this House, or
entered upon its juomalsj and that the u
sua! number of the oilier portions of said
message bo printed for the use. 'of the mem
The message as then redd tin tho call of
Mr. Ford. when, after some remarks from
Messrs. M'ElVvcc arid Stevens, the House
and a bill of errors in arrest of.jtidgment. adjdurncd Without taking the question.
Sti Louis Bulletin. Having already delayed our paper be vond
the usual hour, we have no timn tn rfifnr to
The Branch Mint in North Carolina has the contents of this document a document
commenced coining in gold and silver, and which we consider to bo replete with exec-
lt is expected that the Branches at fucw utive dictation, otlicial arrogance, and an o-
IMPORTANTI Receipts will prompt, ,
lv bo criven at this office, as an acknowludir-
received, on the ground that the Governor charter of any Bank or resume any of its ment for tlc amounts respectively duo for
nan no r.gui unuor me consmuuonai prov -. cort)0rato privileccs thev shall nrovidc ad- m,iflrii!ft ,! !,dv.rti.snm..nts. wl.rm.
equate and sufficient compensation to the tho cash may bo tendered by delinquent
stockholders of such Bank." Tho pre- customers. Is this a dun ?
suit. Tho forged checks and bill were pro
ducedattho bar. The casescemcd ahopc
less one, yet his counsel, Robertson and
Thurston, wrought up for him a defence so
ingenious, and appealed so powerfully and
successfully to the natural feelings of the
jury, though they could not but declare the
prisoner guilty, they sentenced turn to on
ly five years imprissonmcnt, instead often,
as his crimo demanded, and as every one
who listened to the testimony, anticipated,
It is aid tho counsel for the prisoner have
obtained time to file a plea tor anew trial,
Orleans and Canada will commence opera- pen attempt to change the meaning and
tipns soon. The principal coinage is of intention of a Law passed by a large ma-
pieces most proper lor common circulation, joruu of the Men
such as quarter eagle in gold, and twenty-
five, ten cent and live
cent pieces in sil-
violis question was sustained by a voto of
yeas 00 nays CO. An attempt had been
previously made to call tho previous ques
tion, but it was not sustained.
The convention is now engaged in con
sidering the first article of the constitution,
on second reading. The day of the' genei-
al election has been restored. The third
section is amended so as to read as follows, I
viz : "No person shall be a Representa
tive who shall not have attained the age of
twenty-ono years, and havo been a citizen
and inhabitant of the state three years next
preceding his election, and tho last vear
thereof an inhabitant of the district in and
for which he shall be chosen a Reprcscnta-
i.i lit
live, unless nc snail nave been absent on
public business of the United States, or of
this state."
Tho convention is now discrissinjj an a-
mondment to the 4th section of tho first ar-
Specie Payments In tho Houso of Re- lIolc vvIllch Soci w re-apportidn the state,
presontatives yesterday, tho Chairman df by making u nciv cniiiricralidri of taxablcs.
the Uommittec on Banks announced that
fC?Our readers will no doubt fool gratified
to see our lormer quality of paper used in
the publication of the Democrat, ami to learn
that wc have now a supply of tho saints kind
which will last until the termination of our
volume. If our patrons arc punctual wo
shall avoid a redurrence of tho chango hero-
after being more anxious to advanco than
to rctro'gade in tho confidence and esteem of
our supporters.
s Jlcprcsentutivcs of the people.-
One of the accounts states that while the
British and Canadians were killing the pcr
ifons on board the Caroline, they tried
"iVb Quarter"
CoMJinncE or Philadelphia, The
Philadelphia Commercial List states the
number of arrivals at this port in 1837,, up
to the 29th December, at 8, 140. In 1836,
the arrivals were 4,180 increase in one
year 3,901.
that committee would in a few days roport
a bill in relation to the resumption ol specie
payments by the benKs ot tins state. JO.
By an official account furnished to the
Governor of New York from the U. S.
District Attorney at Buffalo, it appears that
the number missing from the Caroline
is twelve. They were not in arms against
Canada, but mostly persons sleeping on
toard by invitation. The attacking party
Weie front 70 to 80.
It is not, perhaps, generally known, that
this individual, who has recently been sen
tenced at Louisville for a forgery, under the
assumed name of A C. Woods, upon
Ftirsyth & Co., was for some months last
sprinjri a resident of our city. The follow
ing facts respecting Crawford, wo learn
from a gentleman who had with h
sonal acquaintance, lie is the son
spectablo parents in the State of New
,York. His education has been good, and
his maSners are acomplished, and thoso of
to reuncu society, in
formed, dark complex-
k hair, and his age can-
rty. His first debut up-
world, was at New Ur
orne timo he transacted
ess; and linally wound
swindling a New ork
had furnished him with
sum of 80,000! He
cans, with the intention
native State. On his
isslppi on the steamer
rshall. he met with Miss
erbcawilul and accomplished girl,
-rlniiffhle'r of ono tif the first families in the
Sate of Virginia. A mutual attachment en
ysued between them, and oil reaching Whec-
Hng they became husband and Wife", much
against the will of her father.
Tho npxt thing wc hear of Crawford, he
defrauded a gentleman of Richmond, Va.
bv tho nanio of Swan, of 34,000, by means
oi a forged Bill of Lading. Tho interval
between tho forgery of tho bill, anil its peri
od of payment and the consequent detec
tions was nasffed bv Urawloru with ins
The navigation of tile Pennsylvania
Canal was closed at rittsbnrg on
ding the disastrous
ring tho year
past season hr
fifteen millions of pounds, During
entire season ot navigation, that is from
the 25th March to the 10th December, 18
37, the nuHiberof Canal boats noted at tho
Collector's office in Pittsburg was 241G,
freighted with 55,033,700 lbs.
Fiuiht, Jan. 5, 1338
Mr. Darragh offered a joint resolution, asserting
A committee has been appointed by the
Legislature of Maryland to enquire, into the
stale and condition of the circulating medi
um in use in that State the situation, prac
tices and condition of every banking insti
tution in the State and the causes of the
suspension ol specie payments by the
JCT Our Court bomm'enecs on Monday
next, and probably the greator pottion of
the term will bo taken up with tho trial of
criminals Two persons aro now confined
on t!?o charge of murder ono for robbery
and two cases of perjury and forgery, bo-
sides several minor sessions cases, will un
dergo legal investigation. Tho number &
nature of the offences, charged aro unprece
dented in any of tho courts of this judicial
district, and will unquestionably induce an
unusual attendance of witnesses and spectators;
The coming spring will givo an addition
al impetus to the increasing business and
prosperity of our village. Wo understand
that a Foundry, on an extensive scale, will
the 10th the right of iictition and declaring tho resolution banks, and to renort sunh remedies as mav be erected within Us prccints, and that the
It appears that notwithstan- hid-ited by the HousconteprcicntativcsinUonsrcss tantl tb effect a permanent tmard arainsl n.nnsiriirtinn of a TSlrn'nte. Is mntmnnlntfid
. couition of lraJd "!! T. f'-r,!. T Kira y future suspensibii; also to enquire" into nn vtMntt nrnofc. nnnsi,n tw. n,l
last closed, the tonnage ot the ; "7. 1. . ""..r." . "EV""'' u". the exnedienev ofmakinrr thenersonal for- : ,?,.. ,. ' " ' I
,0 vn,i,i ,1,.., r loqii h "s u' w uWiu gum a ono, mq i,.,.., p i, v but a irilitnit distance irom somo ot tho
rt : :.. - i Liint-.H ni 1.111s uiracmrs :mti Kinmcnmnnr.q tp-1 "
The Cincinnati Whig of Wednesday last
requesting our rcprcscntatiy
their exertions to have the same reemded.
Mr. Penrose offered a resolutlori instructinc the
committee on the judiciary to enquire into tho ex
pediency of giving journeymen mechanics engag
ed in mining or manufacturing employ menis, aprc-
lercnco in me payment 01 tlicir claims for wages,
not exceeding six months, out of tho effects of in
solvent or deceased employ-ens, Which was adopted.
sponsible for tlle'sdlvoncy of the isSue of tho
The same" committee are likewise direc
ted to enquire into the expediency and
practicability of changing the banking sys
tern ol the tiato in such u manner as mav
most extensive drd (nines. Should theso
enterprising schchlcs be carried into effect,
and the extension bf tho Cattawissa rail-road
be put under contract, we shall truly enjoy
the pleasure and benefits arising from an in-
says, "The market, this morning, was HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE'S.
an ciMMA
tin liSMKflMHVV
unusually full of every description of prb-
(luco, and seasonable fruits. Pork, good
sized hoirs. for familv use. in abUiidance. at
we liJarn fron1 .3 30 to 3,50; butter, freshf 20 cents;
mi a per- (Ji1ic;C)S( io. to 20 ccnls each; turkeys;
m r re" 50 to 87 1-2 cents; eggs, 18 to 20 cents;
Rabbits, by the hundred, ;i3 almost every
wasron had more or less,") at from 8 Id 12
1-2 cents, each.
Miss Joanna Trontinan, of Georgia, is
Thursday, January 4.
Mr. Hirst oflcred tho following preamble and re
solution, which were adopted:
Whereat, The present militia law is burdensome
to the brigade inspectors and expensive to tho com
monwealth as well iu respect tothe costs of appeals
as (o tho collection of fines and ill unequal in ils.op
orations iu relation to tho salaries of captains or
commanding officers of militia cort-panic There.
JCcsMvid, lhat the committee qn the nuhtia sys
tem be instructed to enquire into the expediency of
said to liavo originated th s expressive dc- reporting a wu so to alter tnemmtia luw in relation
vice ol the Texan i am On tho denarturc u
of the bridge of volunteers from that State,
lead to the establishment of a State Hank, flux of enterprising and industrious stran-
with a capital sufficiently large to supply gers, and tho abundance of cash which al-
the wants of the trade and commerce of ,s atlclld suoh operations, cither in tho
the Mute mi a union of all such solvent , r , , Ci 1 . n,- .
banks of tlie State as may be willing to shape of Bank notes Shin-plasters, or Mint-
convert tlicmielves into brunches of said urups. u nun u y mujiu mi uu muy uu
state bank, by a transfer therotoof all their commonccd, completcd,and provo piofitablo
to thoso who engage in tho respective un
stock and assets.
in the fcarly part of tho struggle, this lady
presented them with an ensign with a sin
gle star in its centre. This was tho first
flag of the kind ever seen ip Texas.
ftlr. luphraim u, Unttcr has recovered a
verdict ol" 8320 damages of tho town of
iMgdford, Mass, lor injury sustained by his
wife, a boneof whoso arm was broken by
being overturned in a chaise, in the :iigut
timo, owing to a block of granite encum
bering tho highway.
Tho Syracuse salt works during the last
quarter, .manufactured 1,077.024 bushels of
salt, being an increase of 112,088 bushels
over the corresponding quarter of 1830,
The amount paid into the state treasury for
duties on the above is 507,314, bein an
increase" of 87,003 ovor the same quarter
of 1830. '
make the same conturm to the laws made for the
volunteers upon the same bulijcct, and that the said
appeaU may be held and the lines collected in the
saipc manner in the militia us is provided for vol
unteers, and providing that (he captains or com
manding oil'iccra of companies shall each rccoivo
about ten' dollars for their annual campensadon, to
include the pay of musicians.
On motion of Air. Fling,
Resolved, That the coinmittco tq whom was re
ferred that part of the Governor's message wliieh re
lates to the reduction of tho ttatc taxes, be instruc
ted io enquire into the expediency of repealing the
several laws of the commonwealth Imposing a tax
upon the retailers of foreign merchandize.
The '..'ar against Shinplastcrs has been
op;ngu at Mobile by tho btate s Attorney.
He has taken out indictments auainst the
several individual issuers of them in tliat
city, and commenced prosecuting them
On the 2 1st ult. one of the utlcrcrs, named
George C. Barnev, was convicted and li
ned S 150.
.1 Fair Charge Tho privilege of ad
vertising a man's wife in Augusta; Georgia
costs a man fatty dollars in advanco.
A Mr, JohpG. Parker, an American, rc
siding at Toronto, Canada, was recently
arrc3tcd in his own Store by British loyal
ists and cast into prison. His Jannly rest
ding over the store, two armed men rushed
up stairs and treated the wife of Mr. Pa"f;
uer most brutallv, presented a pistol and
threatened to blow her brains out. This
Last week one of the wandorihg sons of
Israel, who carried his bundle on his back,
announced to tho people of Bloomsburg
that ho would dispose of his 'notions' at
public auction. Tho first salo went off'
very well; but at the adjourned sale, just as
the crier was iii the heighth of his glory,
tho poor Jew was abruptly informed by
Constable Shannon that his presenco was
required before Esquire Painter. Tho
Jew was either frightened at Justioo, or at
the devils, and other emblems of Pandemo
nia, which usually beset a printing offico -
A letter in one of tho New Ypik papers
wife in the elly or New York in a wild and stales that Canada volunteers arc "enlisted
extravagant coutsc ot ltlc. lie was arres- io mini, reujuAa m ouhuuu.
A petition is circulating in Now York
calling upon tho Legislature of that blate
to repeal the law wnicn prevents mo ( oanKs
frd'm Issuing notes of a less denomination
than five dollars.
ted at length at Wheeling for the forgery,
but the matter was coiriproinlscd by a note
to Swan from Crawford, for thoJsnn1 for
ged, with a responsible endorser, Al the
instance of hi father-in-law, however, he
vaa immediately arrested oitlehalf of the
State, and lodged in prison to await his Wo leafm from the Peora Register, that
trial. By the assistance of the friend wlio the crops in that section havo' proved (o be
had endorsed for him, lie released himself Very good; The corn has been generally
and escaped to this city, Hefe, by a issue gathered, and has yielded fr'tfra forty-fivb
of deceptions he contrived to establish to sixtv bushels per aero.
himself in the offico of Dr.- -, as a clerk, ' :
for which capacity he is said to be prcemi- Tho Galena Advertiser states that du
,,! ,,,iiiflrtH He boarded tit the Citv rini! the vear 1G37, the number of arrivals
Hotel, and was well known to rriatty otour afid departures tif steamboats at that port
most rrsneptnhlc citizens. While here a re- was sfcvcn hittioreti aiui scvanieciy uujcnn
Ward of 6100 was offered for his dotaojl6m
by the civil authorities of Wheeling, and
hts wife's father and the polico officers
dimn on to St. Louis to apprehend him
Ho became swam of tho fact, and weut from
is 40(Jto 500 miles abovo St. Loui, and
has only been BCttlcd about 12 years.
One fifth of the population of Cincinna
ti are Germans.
Gov. Noblb says, that the Stato Geolo
gist, in his preliminary survey, has discov
ered numerous scams ol coal, limcstono,
marble, sand-stone, alum, slate, frcc-stonc,
water-lime, peat-moss, and abundant depo
sits of every variety of iron ore.
he confessed, his errors, and was mulcted
circumstance has, very naturally produced into a penalty of 850 for each offenco, ma
mucn excitement among our citizens resi- I;in , 9100 one-hnlf of which was justly
O I (li nTirtrtr rC Clnvnrnfw fi (tin J n Trunin .
1 no uuiiato Ativerusor says:--"A com- ( However, tho wanderer atram cot a
Mnn,. n ' iia nn nn.a I ..... IJ v, . w 1 n u
completely armed and equipped, joined
the patriot camp at Navv Island. Another
The expenditures of tho Government for company is expected from Lockp'brt.
the year lew, on account ol Indian trea
tries, weio 3974,083, of which about 8000,-
000 were in bchalt of tho Menomonies,
Pottowatanues, Sacs and Foxes,- and the
Honda Indians,
Mr. S. Rosa, at Painesille, Ohio; offers
ten dollars' tfl tlie lady who shall wear at tho
It is said that the farmers on both sides
of tho river Niagara have sent in liberal
supplies to tho Canadian volunteors.and 6v
cry thing to mauo mem comtortabie.
There arc numbers of well executed
counterfeit Mexican dollars in circulation.
Tho number of students at the Universi-
,Tvri(iivB-iv a-. . ( a n n .i I fir line O niTihirinn tnmp mi ima i 1 n m r ahap.
vi n,,,.l fnir nfll n P.m,.r,nmmlv A.rri. tV Of Virginia, at UllBHOttCSVllle, ttie ...uu muU u.w
best suit of Wbollcn of largesl number ever present so cany m tie reacn wc
I Tl. .. .... - enwl i'n l. K I
cultural Society, the
her own manufacture
. v ... ,
ic limits of their lineilscs.
Tho Dismal Swamp Canal, which con
nects thp waters of the Chesapoake a,t Nor
folk with those of the North Carplina
Sound, was never in finer order; Lake
Drummond furnishes constantly ait ample
supply, giving over five feet of water which war, mates some startling remark
is the requireu depth. No less than 00 subject of tho expenditures of the
schooners, ono sloop,- and 17 lighters, p"asJ there. He says "This war co
. 11 1 ! . Kf j. 1 . I . -1 1 " 1 (awn AOO J -
season. 1 heir conduct is said io ne ex
cccdingly exemplary, Out. of the above,
we find 100 attending the' mathematio
coursu. G3 ancient lansiuaces. 05 modern,
89 natural philosophy, 03 moral, 73 che
mistry, 10 civil engineering, c.
A writer from the scene of the Florida
irks on the
costs on an
hearing on Monday, by consent of tho
County Commissioners, and as thoy failod
to prove an actual sale on tho second day's
action, he was oxhonorated from tho pay
ment of the penalty in that case; and hav
ing compromised matters with his Excel-'
lency on reasonable terms; got out of tho
scrape by paying about forty dollars. This
may provo a caution to others' of tho tribe,'
IGP-The West Branch Bank at W illiams-"
port, has instituted legal proceedings against
tho editors of tho "Gazette & Chroniclo."
for exposing somo of its violations of prin
ciple and charter. JIow monstrously ten
der some folks aro when you tramp on their
corns 1 A sorry affair for a Bank, and
sed through it in rvovember with lull car
goes, and in the same month thero wont
outwards 51 schooners, 3 sloops, and 17
lighter, partially loaded,
average, about $73,000 per day, and daily u"' ",u "
increasing. Thero aro about ten steam- lhe' would P"sccute, may not provo very
boats employed, Koine of them receive 1,. beneficial to either thi little morainolh or
000 a month, its directors.