The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 13, 1838, Image 1
Si COLUMBIA BEIIIKR Vr I have BWorn upon the AltaV of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. BliOODISBUBGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY PA. SATUHHAY, jATOAMY 13, 1838. Number 38. IHli s. . OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT) Nkxt booft to Romson's Stage Office. TEPJMES t The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday mornings at TfFO DOLLARS per annum; paij able half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid ivithin thqyear. "jo subscription will betaken for a shorter neriod than six months: nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arm are discharged. arrearages ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for (he first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every tjuent insertion. ICT"M iwerai aiscount made to those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. SEDEBllF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to tno directed, will bo exposed to nublic Bale, at the court house, in Dan villo, on Thursday, the 18A day ofjanu- ury, 1838, at 10 o'clocU, A. iu. ttie loiiow ng Ileal Properly, viz : All the right, title, interest and cla'nn, which defendant lias in a certain situate in Caltawissa township, Columbia countv. containing Fifty rcrcs, more or less 'supposed to be the one-seventh part, adjoin ih" lands of David John, the heirs of Sam uel Mea'rsi scn'r. and others, whereon are erected A IiOG HOUSE, A ST'ONE KlTCHEft; AMD LOG 3APJ.T. About thirty acres arc cleared land, and on the premises is an Apple Orchard Also : The Seventh part oj a J ract oj Land, situate itl the township and county aforesaid, containing Eighteen acres, about hinc acres of which is cleared, and adjoin ing the above mentioned tract, and land of John Rhodes, and others. Also : The Seventh part of a Trad of Land, situate in the township and county aforesaid, containing about 20 acres, adjoin ing the above tract, Jacob Drumhcllcr, and others, whereon is erected A FRAME HOUSE, And Iog Stable. Ten acres of tho Appfe Orchard. land is cleared, with an Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as tho property of John Drumteller, ALSO Six Acres of Land, situate in Green wood township, Columbia county, adjoin ing lands of Josiah Ileaeock, Thos. Jleh dcnhall, and others, whereon is erected a LOG EOTJSE jJfcgk , A JLOG- BAEK". The laud is all cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Watts. ALSO All the right, title, intirest and claim that defendant has in a certain lot of ground, sjluated in Bloom township, Columbia co. Containing one aero and a half, more or less adjoining land of "William Sloan and the Pennsylvania Canal, whereon is erected A FRAME HOUSE AND A FRAME SHOP. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel Gross. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. Danville, January 0, 1838. The Estate of JOHN KITCHEN, late ,of Madison township, Columbia coun tt, deceased. WJOTIOE is haoby givro, tt&t hattm Trt JJ mcnlory have bji granted to tho (wlMri ! on tho elalo of wild docmwal. Thnrefore aJ pernons having claims against mU eetftto aio to. quvtrtl to present them, and thaw indebted aru to quoted to raaka immediate payment Nancy Kitclten, Executrix, Richard Dematt, Exeoufor Navsmber 1T-, MOT. T. Musscliaan, & Co. rOULD again announce to their customers, and tho public, that thoy havo jobt re ceived another fresh supply of MERCHANDIZE, rabracrhg every variety of, Dry Goods, Groceries Idquors, Hardware, &c. which they intend to sell el the most reduced prices at their new and cheap storo in Dloomshurg. They invito a call from those who wantchoico articles a'talraost cost prices. Decomber 0, 1837. TANNING- BUSINESS; flBHE subscriber would respectfully inform the , public that ho has taken his son vylliLIAJW SNYDER into co-partnership in his Tannery, anil that tho business will hereafter bo conducted under tho firm of Daniel & William Snyder, at ifio old siauiisucu sumu in uioomsourg. Daniel Snyder Bloomsburg, January G, 1838. 37-tf X E A T ll E fl f good quality, and for sale at the lowest pri- !H. nhvnvn mi linni! nt llin ntil pf.ilri:lipil Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri bers would respectfully solicit a continuance of the uucral customs hcrctoloro enjoyed by tho senior partner. Daniel Snyder, William Snyder. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf Ah Apprentice S wanted lmmmcdialcly by the, .subscribers, to the Tannine business. A bov between 14 nml 17 years of age will obtain a cood situation bv ap plying soon. Daniel Snyder, . ( JVtlliam Snyder. , Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-t'f NOTICE. LI. persons indebted to the subscriber hybdndj note, or book account, or otherwise, are re quested to call and settle the same befure the firit day of April, next. He is determined to haye old matters justly arranged; and those who neglect at; tending to this notice may rely n strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake1. . llANIEL SNYDER, llloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf ' NOTICE. UBSRIBERStoSt. Paul's Church, blooms burg, who have not paid their subscriptions. will bb colled upon for the samp by tho authorized collectors on Monday and Tuesday, tho 24th and 25th of January, hist. January 0, 1838. 37-3t PUBLIC SAME. ILL bo sold, at public sale, on Monday, the 15th of January irist, at the court-house in Danville, at 10 o clock in the Wrcnoon, Two Tt'M-pIac StoTes, With a largo quantity of stove-pipe, and a Drum to each stove. At'endanco will bo given by The County Commissioners. January C, 1838. WANTED. imr rvT,-nrArn .tit i ' . . tin , E ,-.,n iju i iiii'jr x win uo given io u sioue cut 2A ters mm masons, 20 drillers, 20 common la borers, 10 wood choppers, and 10 teams, at llridge No. 1, Catawissa Itail Head, by tho subscribers'. ocnuyier, J'rick, y Vo. Catawissa Furnace, January C, 1838. 37-3t TO CREDITORS. TAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Judees of the Court of Common Picas of Columbia county, for the benefit ot the Insolvent laws ol this Commonwealth and that thev have annotated Mondav the 1 G th day of January next for hearing me and rny creditors at the court house m Dan ville, when and where you may attend if you think proper. , , JOHN KINNARDJ December 30, 1837.' THE subscriber would respectfully inform tho public, that ho has taken tho storo recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangeville, and is now opening anil receiving Irom ftcw York and rmiaucipnia, n spicuuiu assortment ol an Kinds o MERCHANDIZE, winch ho will dispose of at tho most reduced prices fnr rnsli or r.Aiintrv rirmlnrn. Thi nnlilin am invU frill n mmII nmlnvnmlnn 4Vp 4 Tin tti i-nl r i r WILLIAM FAUX. Orangcvlne, Oct. 7, 1837 AND EXCHANGE. The Subscriber EHV respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho has always on hand, at his Li- cry Stablo in' Dloomshurg, for tho purposes of Hire or mchangc, n variety at Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLE1GIIS. which he wilf feel gratified to keep in rcsdiuess for tlio accommodation ot customers. Personal application can banVado at his residence, when every means will bo used to render entire sat' isiacwoii io uiuse who may give nun a can. , NOAH 8. PltENTIS, Dloomsburg, November 4, 1837. INE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, occ, Juet r ceived, and ready for delivery to customers at very reduced prices, by J, T. Mussehnan, $ Co. Notice to Collectors. HE Collector? of 1830 are hereby requested to pay off their duplicates at the next Janu ary Court, and tho collectors of 1837 oro also rc nucstcd to nav tho half of the amount of Tax on hcir duplicates it tho next January court ItlUH MCWILLIAMS, Treasurer of Columbia county. December 23,1837. 3G-4t PROCSiABSATXON. HE RE AS, tho Honorable ELLIS LE WIS, President of the Courts of Oyer and 1 cr- mincr and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, in tho eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; and the Hon. WrtliiM Muxtoomkhi", and LnoxAnn llvrrnT, Esquires, Associate Judges in Columbia county, havo issued thejr precept bearing date tao 2d day of December, in, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred an& thirty-seven, and to me directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G il eal Jail Delivery, ueneral quarter Sessions of the F.eace, Common fleas', "and Orphan's Court, IN DANS ILLE, in the countv of Columbia, on the third M Inday of January next, (being tho 15th day) and to continue two weeks, NOTICE is thertfure hereby given to the Cor oner, the Justices of tho Pence, and Constables pf the said Cdunty of Columbia, that they bo then and there in their proper persons, at ten o clock, in the forenoon of said day, with.thcir records, inquisitions, nnd,i)thcr remembrances, to do those tilings which 10 meir oinces appertain 10 ue uonc. Ann moso who arc bound by .recognizances to prosccuto against the prisoners that are or may bo in the jail ol said county ot Uolumuia, arc to bo then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to bo punctual in their -attendance, a. grccably to their notices. Dated at Danville, tho 15th day of December, in the vcar ol our Lord ono thousand eicht hun dred and thirty-seven, jmd in.tho 03d year of tho independence of tno umxd states oi Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? Dec. 15, 1837. 35 4t Tiidt Oi' .Jurors. GRAND JURORS, FOR JASlTAnT TEUM 1838. Blooom Wni. Brown, Samuel iloonc, JohnBh tenbonder, Wm. M Kclvy, Jacob Hess. Briar Creek John Knorr, Amos E. Kitchen Mahlon Hicks, ;IIcnry Brittain, Jacob Shelliammcr, Catawissa Jacoti Kriech, Lewis 1 etter, Ira r ox, Dcrry John F. Manville, William Bice. Greenwood Wm. Johnston. Limrfctono John Gougcr. Liberty Samuel Wilson! Midliii Jacob Gcarhart. Mahoning Samuel Gulick, Thos. Butler, Wm Colt. Mount Pleasant John II. Vanderslicc. Roaring Crcok Asa T. John. TRAVERSE JURORS! rnisT WEEK. Bloom John Rcmlcy, John ycrtman, Frcdk Swaby, John M. Chambcrlin, John Herring, Jona than l'ursell, Josepli Brown, . Briar Creek Groves Ddan, Joseph Dills. Catawissa Moses Hartman, Jacob Genscl, Hi ram Philips, John Sharpless. Dcrry Jonathan Lodge, Jcsso Kunston, Win. S, Davis, Robert McKce, Thomas Foster, Aid Hodron fishing Creek John Stuckcr, Daniel Peeler, Greenwood Henrv Kitchen. John K. Eves. Hemlock Pcher Applcman, senr. Caleb Barion William Girton, Esij. John Ohl, Esq. Daniel Wood. side. , Liberty John Mc Williams, John M'Mahan. Limestone David Dye, John Shearer. Mifflin Jacob Swcbonhelser, Wm, N. Brown Mahoning Isaac Hull, Henry Sanders, John Patton. Abraham Robins. Madison Daniel Wellivcr, Henry Crawford, Ja cob Sheep, Daniel Cromley, Uriah Mills, John Johnston. Mount Pleasant Lawrence Rood, William Kitchen. ,, . Sugarloaf John Ikcllcr, Aloxanbcr Colly.' SECOND WEEK. Bloom Robert Richard. Briar Creek Bcniamin Huehes. , Catawissa Jacob Martz, Abulia Thomas, Rciv ben blambach, John Zielcr. Dcrry John Mundcnhall, David Dcrr, Wm. M Brearly, Richard Kuownovcr, Wirt. Carnahan, Jas bheep, John Uravvford, John Blec, Henry JJieiien' bacher, Greenwood Simepn Kinney, Jeremiah Hay cock, Hemlock David Rishol. Limestone Wm, Montgomery, Joseph Fulton, Jacob Wagner, James Caldwell, John Smith, Wm, Campbell, David Knownovor. Mahoning Gideon Mellon, Thomas Hayes, Samuel Yorks. . Aladi'son Wm. Holdron, Wm. Wcllivcr( Saml. Wilson, Jesse Barber, Solomon Moyer, John Best. Roaring Creek James A j Fox, Henry Met. The Estate of ADAM WEIjAVER, late of Madison Township, Columbia county, deceased,' TrOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad Jf ministration .rjavo been granted to tho sub scribers on said estate' Therefore all personsbav ing claims against said estate, oro requested to pre sent them, and tboso indebted nro requested to make immediate payment. Cahl Thomas, Thomas Welliver, loviaW 17, jsar. AdaJbiaWutors NOTICE 8 HEREBY GIVEN, to all legatees, creditors , and other persons interested in tho Estates of the respective decedents and minors hereunto an nexed, that the Administration and Guardian' ac counts of the said Estates, have been filed in the of fice of the Register of tho County of Columbia, and will bo presented for continuation and allow ance to tho Orphan's Uourt, to bo held at Danville, in and for the county aforesaid, on Tuesday the lCth day of January next, at 3 o'clock, P.M. 1st. 1 he account ofUcorcc W. Drcwhbach. ad ministrator of the Estate of John Dricsbach, late of Hemlock townhhip, deceased. 2d, Tho account of Reuben Blue and Robert Lyons, administrator of, the estate of Thomas Lyons late of Liberty township, defeased. 3d. '1 he account of Daniel l ettcr, .administrator oti'e estate of Hahnah Cleaver, late of Catawissa township, deceased. 4th. lho account ol JohniAIowrer, Guardian of William, Sarah, Joseph, Levins, and David Gcigci, minor children of Daniel Gcigcr, late of Cat awissa twnehin, deceased, 5th. The account of Henry Knorr, Guardian of Stephen pnd Dcbora Auchpnbach, miuqr children of 1'JuIip Auchcnbach, late ol tiloom towlislup, de ceased. .,) 6th. The account of Samuel Harman. Era. ad ministrntpr with the will amies cd of Cornelius Rey nolds, laleol Mitiuuiownsnip, deceased. 7th. Tho supplementary and final Account of Henry Kugrf, administrator of John Hess, late of Briar Ureck township, deceased. AlEX. BEST, Register. Register's Office, Damille, ? December 14, 1837. 3 35 4t Ii2f AND BATIK, F the most durable materials, and finished in a superior and fashionable style, at from .4 9 to each, just received and for sale at the storo ofsp C.B.FISHER. Bloomsbiirg, December 2, 1837. AM Bloom township, Columbia county, in OctO' her last, A stray Sheep, The owner is requested to proe his property, pay charges and take it uway. JOSEPH COLEMAN. December 23, 1837: 35-31 ,VME to tho premises of the subscriber in Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, sometimo in Juno last, TWO STEAT SHEEP. Tho owner can havo his property by proving the same and paying all charges. 1ETER OMAN. Dec. 23, 1837. 35-3t. HEW GOODS. Cheaper tkan The SuJtscriljcr Would bpg leave to announce to the poo pie, of Bloomsburgand vicinity, that he lias just received a splendid assortment of sea sonable . BUT CSOOBS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, , Cassimeres and Sattinctts; F(anndS, and Canton Flannels, o) cvtry colour, Black, Brown and Green M rinosTqf every shade and quality ; end in fact a full assortment of Drawer 4" Common Goods, amoiig which are an extensive supply of Sa-roceries 8k Liquors, China, Glass and Queens-It are, DRUGS AtfD MEDICINES, CEDAR V" ARE 3 Sperm. Refined and Common Limp Oil, Ila'rdivarc, Castings, & Ei'on, men's and women's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, together willi every variety of merchandize which can meet the waiils or please tho fancy all which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. He returns his acknowledgments to cus tomers fpr( their very liberal support, and with a fi'rnt determination to please through attention, to business, ho solicits a con'tinu. ance of tli'eir calls and custom. (njv( Hinds' of country produce will be taiea in exchange for goods. , , 1 0. B, FISHER. Dloomshurg, Dec 16, 1837. OYSTERS ! J A general supply of FRESH OYSTERS nay always be obtained during the season, by ap plying at tlio Refectory of the subscriber in Bloonw. burg. JOHN R. MOYER. PooesaUrS, 18ST. New & cheap Goods, AT THE RUPEItT & BARTON, (Successors to E. II. Biggs,) RESPECTFULLY iinnminre to their friends and the public, that thev have ntir- bhased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the slore fpmicrly kept by him, and that they nave just, receiveu an extensive anu splen did, assortment of Fall & Winter toods, which they are now opening for the exa mination and accommodation of Customers. at the Neiu Store House, just constructed uy mr. uiggs, anu opposite to Mr. Koui sons stage ollice.4 Their assortment is not only very cxtensiyct hm carefully prlected io answer tno uemantis ol tlio .neighbour hood; iijid although they visit not to adver tise their prices, yetthuy feel confident tha; they have better goods! and will sell chea per than any store in Bloomsbiirg. k xjicirnuv siocK nas ncen purcnaseu ;a.t the manufacturers' establishments, at the very lowest prices, and consists of SUCH AS Dive, Black, Brown, Invisible Green, h'ncl runny cowurea viouis, vassimcre and Sattinctts ; Silks, Merinos', Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Linnens and Muslins ; Veslings, S(ocks, LADIES' BONBTS; Q PS -tl In fine, they have every thing which no' ccssity or fancy may desire from a yprd of tape lo tho fijicst article in Dry Goods, anil from a needle to a slove in Hardware. Their stock of HARDWARE, IRON China; Glass, QUEEXSWARE f Crroceries fit Liquors. Oils, Salt and Fishmiim'nvdre, in more extensive and kMfefieJcctc,d that the samo articles in aivJibf , the' ricish- hnnritnr atnrAR. . .' Tlioso who wish.w,7;aiidigood articles of Ierchaiidi7.e, Duulq!5lL ,Bt the. "Bloomsbiirg Arcadu" e3ffir,ihe(pre'or af-' terexaming elsewhere, ah!,fpailjc,tleir pur chases, 'f All kinds of Country Prfliluce takcin iri payment at the highest market prices, ' Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1837. - II. I. be paid, hut no addition-i al charges, for the eion and del cry ot Irani Hunter, an apprentice io tno l aiiortg ousiiK'fB, wjio aliijuatulalca irom my cmploymnt on Sundaj- morning last. Said boy is about 16 years of age, fair complexion, dark hair, and had on. a dark brown new coat and pan' taloonsr A II persons are cautioned against harbor ing or trusting said boy at their pcrlU . BERNARD RUPERT. Bleomsburg, De. 8, 1837, BT received' and for sale at, tho sloro of the .Ubscriber splendid afsortment of WOOD. STOVES, both.vlain and with Bcilcrs. Alfo an, cssorfmcnt of round and square toul .StivCj; of different she. C. D. FISIIEB, Bloomiburg,Scpt.80, 1 87,' 8Ficefl of AssortiKl Merinos, oublo wodth---. and an canrUnent of Black Mcrinot, of avo rv superior quality, jurt opened and for ralo at rha. New and Chap Storo of the'suhecribcre in B1qos) burg; J. T. MraBLMAK, Oo. AR IKOIn, Jut recojvec, and ftr whs it th coir seap storo of J. T. Musstlman, 5 Co. , usj fie