The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 06, 1838, Image 3

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    president Martin Van Huron, redeeming
tho pledge lie gave to us, beforo liis .elec
tion, in spito of the threatening denuncia
tions of tho Federalists, :vnd ho may rely
safely on the virturo nnd patriotism of the
people to sustain him. .. .
p Resolved, That wljcn-, wo contrast th.o
official conduct of .Tosum ..Ritneh, . our
present executive, ;iftcrtlic pledge he javo
in his Inaugural Address', with the ofliclal
conduct of our present president , as a pub
lic officer, ,we deem him unworthy of the
confidence'of tho people, having violated
every important pledge he then gave.
Kcsolvcd, That although Governor Hit
ncr's last message to the legislature of this
state, as respects our stato banks, is in
accordance with tho opinions of tho dem
ocratic party, long since entertained; yet,
4taking into consideration his sudden con
version and his former violated pledges,
vo. have, and can place, no confidence in
Kcsolvcd, Thai wo consider that part of
Governor Kilner's late message which re
lates to the finances of the stale, an insult
to the understanding of the people of this
commonwealth, mas much as the present
.state of finances ol tins commonwealth, ex
hibits the lacis tliat were it not lor the, c
conomy of the general government during
the administration of Gen. JACKSON
which has furnished the, people of this state
with tho sum of 2,807,514 78, there
would be at this time, a deficiency in the
State Treasury of $017,370 01; as proof
hereof wo refer the people of this common
wealth to tho annual report of the state
treasury for the past year.
Kcsolvcd.That JOHN WEAVER bo an-
pointed tho representative, and GEORGE
SEITZINGER, the senatorial delegate, to
represent this county and senatorial district
in the 5th of March convention at Ilarris
burg, for the purpose of nominating a dem
ocratic candidate for Governor ofthis com-,
mnn wealth, and that they have power to
fill any vacancies, should any occur.
Resolved, That Peter F. Ludwig, Nich
olas K. Scitzinger and Abraham bliippcn,
.bo the conferees from this county, who arc
to meet a similar number of conferees from
Columbia county, should such, be appoin
ted, at the house of Samuel Irvin, on Mon
day the 5th dav of February next, for the
purpose of adjusting the difficulty existing
ill rCiailUU III DUliUUliai uuiiuiu Hum
'this senatorial district-
Resolved, That tho proceedings of this
meeting bo signed by the officers thereof,
and published in tho papers of this county
'mill of this senatorial district, and in all
such democratic papers ofthis state, as may
think proper to publixn tncm.
PETER KUTZ, Chairman.
Geohop. Bonny, Sen. I y Prcsijcnlgt,
William Cooper, J
John EisiiNiiowr.rt, J
Fkancis W.Huaiius,?
Henry Youth. $
The JJ hxlc JVomcn redeemed. A Mis
souri paper states that tho Senta Fo tra
ders had released two American women,
whdm tlicy had purchased of the Coman
che Indians, in Santa Fc , for 8400. Their
names vvcro Jtarris. and Plummer. They
were emigrating with their husbands, from
the State of Now York tn Tnxnrf. ill tho
spring of 1835, and when on tho border of
j I. ' J . .t . . t i I
uiuir country, incy were nttacKCU uy a par
ty L-amanchcs, though two husbands were
killed, their wives and children made priso
ners, nnu their wagons wcio plundered and
burnt. The women were treated with cru
elty one of tho children was Killed, and
another died trom harsh treatment.
rjTo the Distressed fc Afflicted!
Jlnd Family Drug JVarehouse.
HRAirii, .
"Ths poor mirn'g riches Ihc nch man's bliss."
nnHB subscriber would respectfully announce to
I his friends and the public that he has opened
a general assortment ot . .
Drugs & Medicines,
at his Drug nnd Chemical Store in Bloomsbunr.
and Hint lie win do nappy to supply tlio wants of
thoso who may give him a call. Among his as
sortment arc :
MARRIED On the 2d inst. by tho Rev.
Win, J. Eyer, Mr. John Kr.LLcn, to Miss
Lucy Ann Ely, both of Allium.
DIED, very suddenly on Saturday eve
ning last, Gconor. SnciiLr.n, of Mahoning
township, in tliooUtli year ol his age.
First ECate Tavern
"ILL be sold, at public sale, on the 'premises,
on Thursday, the first ami nj February
next, at 10 o clock nunc lorcnoon, mat
situate in Cattawissa, on the corner of Market nnd
Centre stjects, nnd now in the occupancy of Mr. 11.
P. Fortifcr., Tlio house is well calculated for a
Public Hotel, nnd at present enjoys a laigc portion
of custom, Part of ,tl)p, building is three stories
nnd contains MM commodious rooms nnd chambers.
There arc Three Wells of cobd water on the prem
ises, mid the Slaliliiig is sufficient to accommodate
loo horses. Un tho premises is nn Ice-house; a
Wood-house, and two good bhops, now occupied
by mechanics.
1 ho whole will be sold together, nnd possession
with n good title given on tho 1st day ot April next.
Jllso, at the same lime and place,
A Three Acre Qut-koi,
situated near the town of Cattawissa, nnd valuable
for the purposes of horticulture and pasturage.
1 lie terms will ho made easy to the purchaser :
and the property will bo oxhihtcd at any lime, and
attendance given on the day of side by
D. P. Forlner,
John J'. Davis.
Cattawissa, January 0, 1838. 37 It
iV. B. If tho property he not sold on the above
day it will then lx rented.
One of the latest instances of absence of
mind is tiiat of a man who on turning down
the bed clothes at creep in, placed
bin candle in the bed and blew himself
A spirited sketch on stone of tho Penn
sylvania as she appcarcu in tnc gaic in iiic
fihwnru. has Dccn laKcn uy mr. vjarrui
ton Barton of the navy
The legislature of Kentucky is discussing
tho niiDstion of a convention to amend the
rnnsiitiiiinn. and a resolution to that effect
has passed one branch.
In one land district in Michigan, 13,020
acres were sold in six months, ending on the
last day of October.
Tiir. nimiT WAY. No less than 300 la
dies of Louisville (Ky.) wcic present at the
recent ball invcn in that city by the youug
There will, it is thought, be as many
tnrRil at Cincinnati this season
as tho last. Pork thero now brings
nor humdrcd.
Mrs. Wirt, widow of the lamented Wirt,
is about to publish at Baltimore a spicnuiu
Floral Dictionary, with aa engraving
Sausage mhat. Somo sausages recent
ly sold at New Haven, Conn, turned nut to
be composed of read flannel, brown paper,
,und potatoes;
An Albany whig paper thinks it is a na
tional disgraco for Gen. Jcsup to capture
tho Florida Indians.
Tun Mandans. This tribo of Indians
urn nlmort extinct . from tho ravages ol the
small pox. More than 2,500, out of 3,000,
have fallen victims to it.
llne-rntlOTIvr. COAST. Tho amount ot
Abaco. the coast of
Vlnriiln. nnd tho Tortucas, is said to a
mount annually to more than half a million
of dollars.
Uon,.u hnmrtrrps. Eicht Thousand
Tlnllnradnmiirrca were last week obtained
Lhir.oln. a merchant of Uos
the Saratoga and Schenectady
Rail Roaii Company, in an action for dmna-
irna siistn not HV 1 10 niailll 111 UV a uuinoiu"
of tho cars oh' their ioad in August, 1830.
In pntifipnunnpn fit tho cbllission, Mr. Luv
i- j-Mn imil hi, tliiirli hrn'kcn. and Mrs. L.
was slighly wounded.
Jill hands clear the tvay.Vf a find the
following extraordinary marriage in tho
New York Sun. On Tuesday evening,
bv the Rev. Mr. Coates. Mr. Edwin B.
Pnnlv. Into treasurer of tho Ninth Ward
Pickwick Club, to Miss Julia Ann Mas-
FT-HirE subscriber would respectfully inform the
M public that ho has taken his son WILLIAM
SNi'DER Into co-partnership in hitf Tannery, and
that the business will hereafter bo conducted under
tho firm of Daniel & William Snvder, at the old
established stand in Uloomsburg.
Daniel Snyder.
Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf
F good quality, and for salo at the lowest pri
ccs, always on hand nt tuo old established
Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri
bers would respectfully solicit n continuanco of the
liberal customs ncrctolore enjoyed by tho senior
JJamcl csnydcr,
If'illiam Snyder.
Dloomsburg, January fi, 1838. 37-tf
An Apprentice
S wanted immmediatcly by tho subscribers, to
tho Tnuniug business. A boy between 14 and
17 years of age will obtain n good situation by ap
plying RUUIl.
JJamcl Snyder,
TfVliam Snyder.
Dloomsburg, January 0, 1838. ' 37-tf
LL persons indebted to tile subscriber by bond,
note, or book nceoiint, or otherwise, nro re
quested to call nnd settlo tho samo ifbre the first
uuy nt April, next, llo is determined to have old
matters justly arranged : and those who neglect at
tending to this notice may rely on strict legal pro
ceedings for tho purposes of settlement. Thero is
no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER.
Uloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf
Acid beuzoic.
Anni seed
Acetate of zinc
Antimony (cruda
Arrow root
Arsenic white
Dark Peruvian red
Dnlsain Copaiva
dc maltha
of fir
Barley pearled
Datcman's drop
bismuth (nitrate;
Blacking, for boots
Borax refined
Buagundy pitch
Bole Armcrniit
Blue pill
Carrosivp sublima'to
Cayenne pepper
Cocculus Indicus '
Cologne water
Conserve of roses
Cream tartar
Caraway seed
Coriander seed
Clmmomilo Ilowcrs
Elixor of vitriol
Epsom salts
rhnery powder
Essence of peppermint
Extract of colocynth
of hemlock
of licpjorico
Eye water
l'cnugreek seed
Chilian root
Golden tincture
Godfrey's cordial
Gum Arabic
Myrrh ,
Ilelcbore, black
Iliera picra
Ink powder, black
Ivorv black
Kvyscr's universal plaster
Jalap . .
Liquorice root
Lunar caustic
Lucifer matches
Loco foco do.
Magnesia calcined
do carbonate
Manna flako
do common
Mustard, white
Nipplo sheila
Nux Vomica
Orris root
Oxalic acid
Olto of Hoses
Ointment of mercury
' ot Ualls
' of red precipitate
of Spanihh lly
Wafers, Whito wax
Oil of Almonds,
' Amber
Anni seed
' Cloves
' Copaiva
' Lavender
' Origanum
' Orange
' Peppermint
.' Pennyroyal
' Itoscmary
Kuo .
' Spike
f Stono
' Tansy
' Wintergreen
' Croton
' Castor
Pink root ,
Paragoric Elixir
Plaster, adhesive
do strengthening
Prepared chalk
Pearl powder ,
Pills, Anderson's, Scotts,
.' Hoopers
Lee's New London
German .
' Morrison's
.' Evan's
' Leidies
' of Aloes
of Assafoelina
' of Opium.
' of Quinine
Quassia wood
rtochcllc salt
Itottcn stouo
Hose water
Bust of Iron
Sago, pearled
Salammonias, erude
Salt of tartar
Sal Volatile
Salt pctro
Sanders wood
Scaling wax
Senna leaves.
Scliaka snake root
white castilo
' fancy
Sodo, supar carbonate
Sub carbonate
Spanish fly
Spcrmaciti i
Sweet spirits of nitro
Soda powders
Spirits of hartshorn
of Lavender coinp,
' of 1 arpcmiuo
Seed Laco
Smelling bottles
Seidlits powders
Sugar of lead
Sucking bottles
Tartar emetic
Tincturo of Aloes
' of Assafcctida
' of Peruvian bark
' of cinnamon
' of Muriate of iron
of Myrrh
of Spanish fly
' of Colchicuin seed
of senna
' of Vnlerian
Tooth powder
Valerian root
Venice turpentine
Verdigris, VcKiuillian
Virginia snnko root
Vials. diHercnt sizes
V.itroil, blue,grecn,whitc
White Bcsm
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni
Exponas, to mo directed, will bo exposed
to puuitc- sale, at the court house, in Dan
ville, on Thursday, tlie Qth day of Janu
ary, 1838, at, 10 o'clock, A. M. the follow
ing Real Property, viz : .
Jill the. rizhi,' title, interest and claim.
which defendant lias in a certain
situate m Cattawissa township, Columbia
county, containing Fifty rcrcs, more or less
supposed to bo the Onc-seveitth part', adjoin
ing lands ol David John, the heirs or Sam
uel Mcars, scn'r. and others, whereon are
About thirty acres arc cleared land, and on
the premises is an Apple Or.-.hard.
Jiiso : J lie kcvcntli part oj a J ract oj
.Land, situate in th.c township and county
aforesaid, containing JJighlcen acres, about
nine acres of vyliich is cleared, and adjoin
ing tlie above mentioned tract, and land of
John Rhodes, and others.
Jilso : The Seventh nart of a Tract of
Land, situate in the township and county
aforesaid, containing about 20 acres, adjoin
ing the above tract, Jacob Druinhcller, and
others, whereon is erected
ana ijUK isLaoie.
, I 1 1 ..
innu is cleared, with an
seized, taken in execu
tion, and to lie sold as the property of John
.A certain Tract of Land situate tn the
township ol Urecnwood, Columbia county
containing 100 acres, more or less, adiom
mg lands of Archibald Patterson, Edward
M'llenry and Frederick Roalir, whereon is
Swaim's Vermifuge,
N invaluable family medicine for worms, dys
cntarv, bowel complaints, cholic. cholera
morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom
ach, loss of appetite, fever dndague, &ckept at
J ouias s Health Emporium.
Swaim's Panacea,
ENOWNED throughout the whole woridfor
i its efficacious dualities ns n fnmilv medicine.
constantly on hand, and for sale at the Drug store of
JJ. S. Tobias.
Ten acres of the
Appfe Orchard.
Leidy's Compound Sarsaparilla,
It blood pills for Rheumatic affections, general
dcliility, ulcerous sores of the nose, throat and
body, whito swelling, diseases of the liver nnd skin.
tetter, ring-ivofm, piles, cramps, &r for sale at
J olnas's JJcalth Emporium.
TAKE NOTICE, thai I have, applied
to the Judges of the Court of Common
Picas of Columbia county, for the benefit
oi tnc insolvent laws ol this Commonwealth,
and that they have appointed Monday the
loth day ot January next lor hearinc me
and my creditors at the court house in Dan
ville, when and where you may attend if
you think proper.
Bloom, Dec. 10, 1837.
A Eiog' Bant
and other buildings. Eighty acres of the
land is cleared, with an Apple Urchard
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of David It . Jnnman and
Joseph Joltmcr. ,
Six Jlcrcs of Land, situate in Green-
wood township, Columbia countv, adioin-
ing lands of Josiah Hcacock, Thos. Men
denhall, and others, whereon is erected a
and In'fytv
The land is all cleared. Seized, taken m
execution, and to be sold as the properly of
If illiam II alls.
Jill the rizht. title, interest and claim
that defendant has in a certain lot of ground,
situated in Hloom township, Columbia co.
containintr one acre and a half, more or less
adjoining laud of William. Sloan and tho
Pennsylvania Uanal, whereon is crccicu
t& AND
mm&L r-RAMB shop.
Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold
as the properly of Daniel Gross.
WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff.
Danville, January 0, 1838.
The Subscrilicr
ERY respectfully informs his iriends and th
public, that he has always on hand, at his Li
very Stable in Uloomsburg, for the purposes of Uix
or Exchange, a variety of . n, .
HorSes; Sulkies, .
which he will feel gratified to keep in rcadiucss for
the accommodation of customers.
Personal application can he made nt his residence,
when every, means will be used to render entire sat
isfaction to thoso who may give him a call.
Dloomsburg, November 4, 1837. i
Insurance Company.
Capital authorised by Law, $250,000'k
THE public are respectfully informed, tht this
Company will make, insurance, cither per
manent or limited, on property nnd effects of every
description, against.foss or damage by fire, on tho
most rcasonablo terms, at llieir ollice in ijiiesicr,
Delaware county, Pennsylvania. . v
The utizeris of Columbia county are hereby inJ
formed, that insurances by the above Company ot
every description ol property, can le cllectcu uy
applying to tho undersigned agent, in Cattawissa
The following ore the annual Kates of Insurance
on the $100, upon the most Common description
ol property, viz:
tslonc or JJnck dwelling
Frame or Log do.
Prick or Stone barns,
Frame or Log do.
Jirickor Stone Grist
Frame do.
.Merchandize and furniture contained in houf ce.
and grain and utensils in mills and barns, in pro.
orttoil. Information can be had I13' applying ci-
hcr personally, or by- letter post paid, to ( .
riKA o. HAYIlUKol, Agent.
Cattawissa, September 30, 18.17.
3 UDSCRI13ERS to St. Paul's Church, Dlooms.
f3 burg, who have not paid their subscriptions,
will bo called upon fur tho samo by tho authorized
collectors on Monday and Tuesday, tho 21th and
25th 01 January, inst.
January C, 1838. U7-3t
'ILL bo sold, at public sale, on Monday, the
15th of January inst. ot the court-houso in
Dunvillc, at 10 o clock in tho forenoon,
Two Tcrt-platc Slbvfcs,
with a largo quantity of stove-pipe, find a Drum to
cacli stove. AV'cnuanco win uo given uy
The County Commissioners.
January 0, 18J8.
-WMPLOYMENT will bo given 10 20 stone cut
JPi tcrs anu masons, 20 drillers, 20 common la
Cr. in wood dumpers, nnd 10 loams, at Ilridgo
' . . v. , 1... .1 i...M.:i..
No. 1, Catawissa nan uuuu, uy umiiuuuiu".
Scnwiicr, f rtcic, v uu.
r'.MwIufi Furnace. January 0, 1838. 37-3t'
In fine, his "Emporium of Health" will be found
to contain every variety of tho most approved
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuffs,
Uils, Jrutt, Conjecttons, yc. yc.
which arc warranted of good quality, having been
cnrefullv selected .from tlio best established ware
houses ill Philadelphia ; nnd which ho will sell at
mobi miuccu prices, iiu win uso every excruuu la
accommodato nnd .benefit bis customers, and there
fore respectfully solicits tho patronage of a liberal
public. 1). Si TOUIAS.
Uloomsburg, January 0,1833. 37 4t
Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific,
tho prevention and ciire of colds, coughs,
unil all disorders of tho breast and lungs, , for sale at
tho Drug store of tho subscriber, In Uloomsburg.
D. S. Tobias.
Jl'aw'anCs Tonic 3llxlure,
jTlkR Vecfablo .Vermifuge, a lasting euro for tho
f ever nnu Aguo, on liana anu lor saio ny
JJ. S. Jobuts.
Compound Fluid Extract
IOIt tho cure of pimples orpostulcs on tho face,
biles, pains in the bones, chronic rheumatism,
letter, whlto swellings, ac. ate, lor saie ai
Tobias's Drug Warehoused
Che&per than cheap !
THE subscriber would respectfully announce
to Iho pcoplo of Dloomsburg and vicinity, &
to tho public in general, that ho has just returned a
second time from tho city, nnd is opening out his
purchase, which, together witn lus lormrr stocK
comprises a neat nnd general assortment of
Consisting in part of an assortment of
Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Satltnetts, Merinos
Merino Shawls Handkerchiefs,
Dress Jionnet Silks and
Trimmings, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Linnens,
Muslins, Vestings, Stocks, Hosiery, $f.
ALSO,, ,
, An extensive assortment of
Hardware. Iloilow-ivare. China, Glass
& Ouecnswarc. Crockery, Groceries and
JAquors, Oils, J'ainls, Salt, Fish, tyc,
All of which he oflcrs for sale at his store room in
Uloomsburg, on Mln-strect, .directly opposite the
Post office, whero tho public arc respectfully invited
to call und see for themselves, ns he intends selling
liis goods still a little cheaper than any yet offered
to the puulic, ror casnor country prouuee.
nioomibvrg, Dee. SO, 163T.
30 to 40 cent
000 75
50oG?i '
75o 100 "
75 to 100 "
UST received' and for salo at the sloro of tho
subscriber, splendid ussorlmcnt of WOOD
STOVES, both i'lain and with Boilers. Also nri
lissortment of round and square Coal stoves; of
different sizes. C. 1). FISHEU.
Ulooni.burg, Sept. 30, 1 837.
PTnilE subscriber, vvpuld rrspectfully inform thn
fi public, that to has taken tho store recently
occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcvillo, and is
now opening nnd receiving lrom New iork anu
Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o
which he will dispose of at the most reduced prices
for cash or country produce. . The public aro invi
ted to call and examine for themschrs.
Orangcville, Oct. 7, 1837
INE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, itc. just Mr
, reived, and ready for delivery to customers
at very reduced prices, by
J. T. Mttssclman, S Co.
flOENDERS his professional services to the citi:
q zensof Columbia county. He will feel grate
ful tor business entrusted to his caro. Ofiico. in tho
samo building with the 'Columbia Democrat.'
Uloomsburg, May, 1837 ,
Pieces of Assorted Jtfertnos, double wcdlh
nnd nn assortment of Black Merinos, of av-
superior nunlitv. iust opened nnd for sale at the
New nnd Cheap Stpreof the subscribers in Ulooms
burg. .J.T.MrSSELMAN, jVCo.
AR IRON, Just reacived, and for sale nt th
new & cheap store of
J, T. Mttssclman, Col
BTUR CAPS, just received, and for.ral'e at th"
; 'new ferhesp store of , , .
J. T. Mussilxndn, t? Co',