The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 23, 1837, Image 3

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    propriety, not to.say necessity, 01 1110 mea-1
sn'rcy ih Order to enable tlicm to perform the
various ami important duties imposed upon
them, induces ino to repeat thb rccominon
dation. Tlio Military Academy continues to an
swer all tlio purposes of its establishment,
and not only furnishes well-educated offi
cers to the Army, hut serves to difiuso
throughout the mass of our citizens, indi
viduals possessed of military knowledge,
and scientific attainments of civil and mili
tary otiginceniig. At present, tlio cadet is i
bound, with consent of hit! parents orifiiar- j
dians, to remain in service fivo vonrs from i
the period of his enlistment, unices sooner
discharged; thus exacting only tine year s
service in lha Anny after his education is
completed. J Ins docs not appear to nir- i
sufficient. Wnveninu'iit ought lo command
forajongcr period, tlio services of those
who aro educated at the public expense;
and I recommend that iho time of enlist
ment bo extended lo seven years, ami the.
terms of tlio engagement strictly enforced.
The creation of a national foundry for
cannon, lo be common to the service of the
army and navy of the United Stales, lias
been heretofore recommended, and appears
to bo required in order to place our ordi
nance on an equal fooling with that of oth
er countries, and to enable that branch of
the forvicc to control iho prices of those
aitielcs and graduate the supplies to iho
wants of tho government, its well as to reg-1
ulato their quality and ensure their imill'r-!
nitty. The same reasons induce me. to re- j
commend the erection of a manufactory of i
gunpowder, to be under the directum of'
the OrdiliMico office. The establishment i
of a manufactory of small arms west of the '
Allegheny mountains upon the plan propo-
sou uy the fcccrclary ol War, will contrib
ute to extend thiougliout that country the
improvements which exist, in cbtahlit.ii-
meats ol a similar description in the Atlan
tic states, and tcml to a much more econ
omical distribution of the armament requi
red in the western portion of our Union.
The system of removing the Indians
west of the Mississippi, commenced by
Mr. Jefferson in 1801, and has been slead
ily persevered in by every succeeding Pres
ident, and may bo considered the settled
policy of the country. Unconnected at
first with any well defined system fur their
improvement, uto iiuiucomcnts- neiu out to
Indians were confined to iho greater abun
dance of gaum to bo found in the West;
bat when the beneficial c flu; Is of their re
moval were made appaieul, a mom phi
lanthropic and enlightened policy was
adopted, in purchasing their lands east of
the Mississippi. Liberal prices were giv
en, and provisions inserted in all the treat
ies with them, for the application of the
funds they received in exchange, to such
purposes as wero best calculated to pro
mnlc their niescnl welfare, ami advance
: ,.:..:: . : rm .
IIIUII lUlllIU I'll lllWlllllll. 1 IIC3U IllCaSlUCS
have been attended thus far with the hnppi
.est results.
It will be seen, by referring to the re
. r .!.", -' r .....
ponoi uic I'ominifsinurr 01 inoian Aiinrs,
that tlio most sanguine expectations ofiln
friends and promoters of this system have
been realized. The Choclaws, Cherokccs.
and other tribes thai first riniirralod bevond
the Mississippi, have, for iho most 'part,
auaiiuouctl the hunter state, anil leeoi,i
ciuuvaiors 01 meson. I no miprovciiieiu
in their condition has ijccn rapid, ami it is
believed that they al-e now fitted 10 enjov
., , : 1.. ft. I'....
UIU lilHUMlllVBUI .1 niuijilli IIJIIII III IJIt'lll-
inent, whit!h has been submitted .to them.
nml vni.nivr.fl Innn ctnnt.mi ml I (.m.iin!
loo stroiinlv urre this subieel unon the at-
Stipulations have been made with all the
.wississinni. oxeent v.-ii i llio mm n I no
it vnni nils, hp Niv iNi'innim in r.iv nr :
iiiiuiiiujii:i:a, m.uiuuiltt Ullll oiurivui lltyi'li
a Wisconsin, ami iMiamies in iniiiann
ion will bo completed tlio present year,
P 1 1 n m ticlnnnn 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 line Imnn niiiiriorirl I
vtl lUllllJttW UY CU1I1U Ul tilt' UlUUO. l,tLiII
rtcr treaties had been made with thoin to
iui iMicci, jias anson ironi vanuiiH catipuu
rififif tnir I!i1Viirtn(1t i-i it ntii-ili r I ttinm Tit
sisianco ny porfions to ;nom mo trade
Mil lliAiti mill Inn irniiicitinii nl 1 1 1 r i nil
TMin;ii ii in rn ni imprnHinii unicis
neso ohslac es must be overcome, lor tlio
vtlllllDUl l iiuwut i tint j urn iiiw ..m
riant mlfitnela mwl nltniwlmunrr 1 in ll'llinc?
'naming east oftho Mississippi to certain
( Concluded on fourth page.)
My Ingram To 11111s.
I can' say to you at preterit of the movement
this tide of tlio water.
'riuvit W1TIIOIT ri.AU.
SCT'-'We have now completed the publi
cation of the messages, and our miscellane
ous readers may hereafter anticipate some
thing moro palatable, in our Usual variety
of matter.
PC?" We must apologize to our patrons
for the quality of the paper on which this
nuuibet is printed. Our next may demand
a similar request; but after that, wo shall
certainly have our usual article, and thus
continue the heretofore neat appearance of
tho "Democrat." Wo arc daily expecting
our winter supply from' the city.
Agreeably to a resolution of the. Legisla
lure, the Auditor has issued a cir
cular to the Prothonotarics of Iho different
counties, requiiiii!'' those who have issued
shin-plasters, whether corporations or indi-
iduals, to give ; statement of the amount in
circulation on the first of November last.
We have heard from none other, except
lioiough of Lcwisburg, which had up
wards of alloal, The statement,
when published, will exhibit a beautiful
picture of illegal currency.
A caso of importance was decided at the
i f..i r c ; c nl.,
i.. ... t . . i . i l : .1 : .iir,
Rtr. cli... nln.tnii.i A ..n. inno ni.nimi
fof, stealing a pocket boolc containing
Xrtv cent shin plasters. lie was coii-
- w t Q i.v ii l: mo unuii) urn wtw w
'Kin tv was rendered as to the notes, it
"g ucciuoit mat as tney woro ibsucu m
1-.? . n . . . rt
"'.w I Ul lUlk 1L WU3 11VJL Ull
J t . 1 1 . 1 ...1 1 .1 , .........
vtiuuiuw ui iuuu uuuu.iriv muiu ami v.
'er. sentinel.
letter received in Charleston, fiom St
fstiiio, states, that on Wodnoaday, the
lilt. I be chief Wild Cat. with sevonteon
"ors and two squaws, made their c
itom tho fort at that placo.
From tho Albany Argus.
Tho following letter from our attentive correspon
dent at Lcwlttown, conllrms tho Information rc
crhccHia Uufl'alo, and published yesterday. It is
Iho only additional intelligence from tho Upper
Vo)i the correspondence of the Albany ' Argus.
Tho steamboat Tranpit arrived at Niagara, U. O,
Ibis morning. From passengers who camo over in
her, n Icani that tho gmcrinncut Irobps marched
out ncainst tho 1'nlriolfi'jcMcnlny morning, and, af
ter nphort fckinnMi, suceccdedlinlminqlhcin from
their position, four miles from Toronto, und setting
firo to tho Montgomery House, occupied oh their
iptartcre; from wlikh the nuoko that was rccn cs
terday originated, Thry reported a los of killed
and wounded, on liotli mJom, of nliout twenty.
Tho govcrumenl party feci eoiiliifent that they will
ho ahk" to defend the city aKaiint any attack oftho
I'attioH. Tho Governor has olfcrcd a reward of
one thousand pounds for tho apprehension of Mac
kenzie, who commands the Patriot.
Several warrants have hceu istucd, and ar'rcSU
made, for treason. , l)r. Muirison, of Toronto, and
.Mr. Parker, of Hamilton, aro iu pri.-on. "o hac
Jiif.t learned that the ferry from Qucoiifcton to this
place, is guarded, to present the escape of llio&o o
gainsl whom warrants have 1-ccn issued.
A report is now current, which is believed by ma
ny to ho true, that n large body of patriots arc on
their march from tho western districts to Hamilton.
Gentlemen now hero from Mackenzie's camp,
Btalo that it was Ins intention to have taken the
town by surprise, but being discovered, it was
thought prudent to wait for reinforcements before
milking an open attack.
A lioehestcr correspondent of the Eve
ning Journal wriicn on the 9th, that Messrs.
iJidwcll, Kolph, ami Mackenzie, ol the
Upper Province, bad reached J,owistou.
Ii is possible; but our Lcwiston correspon
dent on the 8th says nothing ou the sub
1 he same writer says that 0007 lias been
offered for the apprehension of Mr, IJid
wcll We have seen no such intimation m
any other quarter".
S HEREBY GIVEN, to all legatees, cTcditors
rind other persons interested in tho Estates of
the resjicclivo decedents and minors hereunto an
nexed, that tho Administration and Guardian ac
counts of the said Estates, have been filed in the of
fice of the Register of tho County pf Columbia,
and will bo piesciited for confirmation aiid(ollov
tinco to tho Orphan's Court, to bo held at Danville,
ill and for the county uforecaid,on Tuefday tho 10th
day of January next, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
let. .Tlio, account of George V. DrcMiuach, ad
ministrator oftho Estate of John Diiosbach, latoof
Hemlock township, deceased.
"d. Tho account of Keuben Blue and Robert
Lyons, adininiMrato'rof ihceulato of Thomas Lyons
bite of Liberty lowmhtp, deceased.
3d. The account of Daniel Vcller, administrator
ot the estate ot Hnnnah Cleaver, lato of Culawissa
towjifclup, deceased.
4th. The account of John Mowrcr, Guardian
of William, Sarah, Joi-eph, Levina, and Uavid
Gcigei , minor children of Daniel Gcigcr, late of Cat
awUsj Unnship, deccaed.
Cth. 'fhe account ol' Henry Knorr, (Jtialdlan of
f'lephen and Debora A uchculmch, minor children of
Philip Anchcnbach, lato of Dloom lovviif-hip, de
ceased. Rib. The account of Patnucl llarman, Esq. ad
minittrator with the nillumicard of Cornelius Rey
nolds, late of Milllin township, deccatrd.
7 th. 'J'ho siiiplcmcntary and final account of
Henry Knorr, administrator of John Hoss, late of
Ilriar Creek township, deceased.
AJ.HX. P.EST, Itcgtstcr.
Register's Ofiicc, Danville, ;
December 14, 1S3T. 5 33 4t
Cheaper than Ever!
An affray occurred beiwccn two Irishman
named t'lanugnn and Cuinplcll in the cm
ploy of the 1'arrandsville company, iu Hem
lock township, in which the former lost his
life. An inquest was held over the body, who
cpnrlcd, that ho came to his death by a rup
lure, occasioned by a kick which ho received
from (Jampbell, iu the aflrav. He has been
lodged in the jail of this county.
The body of a man was found in the
Juniata river, last week, near Lewislown,
Mifilin county; supposed to be a German,
Jo or 40 years ol age. io traces were
found by which the cause of his death could
lie ascertained. llo is described as fol
lows: black hair and beard, 5 feel 8 inches
high, and had a small scar on the leftside
of his chin, his clothing were good & of a
line quality.
MARRIED 11 v tho Rev. D. S. Tobias, Mr.
Cams ri.iv 2i m?:kuman to Miss Waiiah;
iia'uii, both of Milllin township. . .
Uy the same, Mr. Dvmii rvr.wuaun, to Miss Sii.oniii.ii, both of Dloom township.
In Ucrv.ick, on Thursday last, by Rev. I. Dahl,
Mr. J.M!. Id i.LT to Miss llj.srtii McFaiilax,
both of Uloomvburg.
j. aure Society will hold its annual meeting at
Williamsburg, ("ear jVlelJowel s MilcO at IS .
clock, M. on tho firt Thursday iu January, 1833,
when it is hoped that every society m tho county
will bo fully represented by delegates, and that full
reports from tho societies will be given in, at which
tune also, one or more addresses may bo expected.
Wilt. McMuhlin, Sec.
It is confidently expected, that every
link in iho Wabash and Erin ('anal will bo
completed within two years. The exten
sive and important beuelits which will fol
low the completion of this undeilaking, are
Dr. I'nvsiL'K the distinguished Physi-
. . . , -. e . I.
cii'ii and wiirgcon, nun rroiessor oi inn
Medical School, of the University ol Penn
sylvania, died at bis residence, in Philadel
phia, on Friday morning December 15.
'J'ho Po3t Oflico at OolesVilld, Columbia
co. has been discontinued.
Counterfeit SI1 notes, issued in Gettys
burg, Adams co. feigned by David Zieglcr,
aro iu circulation. They arc well oxecu-
mtcd, but differ in several places from the
'enuine notes. In tho counterfeit notes tho
nimloof Mr. Zieglcr, is spelled Zelgler in
stead of Zieglcr.
Wo givo below, tho latest intelligence from Can
ada. Tho "Sons of Liberty" of .Montreal, have is
sued an nddrcf-H to tho young men of tho Colonies,
setting forth tho causes w hich have induced them to
lake up arms against tho government of Great Drit-
ain. 'J'ho address will bo published in our next.
From tho Dufl'.do Journal of Monday last;
Ul'l'tti."- CANADA.
Extract from a Letter to tho Editors, dated
(Jcnnssrowx, Dec. 10, 1837. To-night per
steamboat Transit, tho Hon. M. S. Uidwell arrived
hero from Toronto, having been ordered by tho Go
vernor to lcafo tho province. Ho brings jiotitivo
news oftho engagement of J oronto,
Tlio loss of
!" . . .. r . 1
live- ou both sides wero only six , m ur ,,air u u ...
two royalists. This morning, Mr. Mclv. ah left J o
ronto with four hundred royalists to march to Lou-
don, thero to meet tlio painoi uuuj ... ..... .......
dUtrict, who mustered very largely, destroyed tho
jail und court houses, and released tho prisoners,
from whence thoy wero to march to Hamilton, there
to releaw John G. Parker, who is arroslod for high
treason. Ho was discovered by his letters being in
tercepted, which woro sent to somo patriot leader in
Lower Canada. Many warrants aro out. Air.
Miching of Chipiwoy, was arrelod at 1 oronto,
and U in ftUoi Mc Mclazio has not been
beard of, nor none of hU men arrosted. This is all
Notice to Collectors.
PETUIE Collectors of 1S30 aic hereby requested
H to nav oil their implicates nl llio next .lanu
ary Court, and the collectors of 1837 are ol re.
ipicstcd to pay tho half of the amount of Tax on
their duplicate at the uel January court.
Tieasurcr of Columbia county.
December 23,1837. 35-41
EREAS, the Honorable ELLIS LEWIS,
President of tho Courts uf Over and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
cessions ol till) Peace, nud Court of Common i leas.
and Oiphau s Court, in the eighth Judiiial District;
composed of tho comities of Northumberland, l-i'iiion
Columbia and Lycoming ; and tlio Hon. William
Mii-tiiomi;iiv, and Lkun.viiii, Esnuiri's,
AHsdcinte Jiidges in (Columbia county, bavo issued
their prcccjit healing date tho "d day of December,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and tlurty-scven, and to mo ilneclcd lor holding
.'1 Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n
cut. Jail IJcliue.ry, (icncral (Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common
Picas, and Orphan's Court,
IN DANVILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on
tho third Monday of January next, (being tho 10th
day) anil to continue two weeks,
KOT1C13 h thtrcfure hcrcbii m'ren to the Cor
oner, Iho Jm-tlces of tho Pouco, and Constables of
tho said County of Columbia, that they be then and
there iu their pinper persons, at ten o'clock, iu the
lurenoon ol said day, with their record-., uiquiaitiom,
and other remembrances, to do tho-o thinus which
to their offices apportiiiu to bo done. And those'
who aro bound by recognisances to prosecute
against llio prisoners that aro or may bo iu the tail
of said county of Columbia, arc to bo then and thero
to pro.ccuto against tlicm as Mian be just. Juror
aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a
crccably to their notices.
Dated at Danville, tho 15th day of December, in
the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hun
dred and thirty-seven, and in tlio G3d jcar of
tlio independence ol the Uiu'ed slates ol Amcr
Sheriff's Office, Danville, ?
Dec. 15, 1837. y 35 It
Shin-Plaster liiipcsilion !
R. EDITOR, Sin lly a fall I got my shin
skinned, winch took cold, and became cry
sorcvhdu 'Squire Covcnhovan, of Orangovillo, said
lie Had sint-laslcrs that wero good lor soro slims,
which I agreed to try and found my shin grow
worse rapidly. Yet I boro it for somo days ; but
fnlding it still to grow worse, I took it off, and burn
ed it. As I am fully persuaded they aro on impo
sition on tho public, ami not good, I liavo taken this
method of cautioning the unwury of their poisonous
cll'ects. They aro a pretty looking thiiig, and closely
roscinblo monoy yet they aro deceptive, like tho
serpent iu its coil, which will sting when loast ex
pected. Yet somo say thero is n difference in tho
manufactories of them, yet I fear thoy aro all filled
with poison.
Very respectfully,
Rohrsburg.Dec.lO, 1837. 54 if
CAME to tho premises of tho subscriber in
Uloom township, Columbia county, iu Octo-
bo r last,
k t.i ft- 1.
a iray ft juj.
The owner is rcqnect-d to prove bis property, pay
charges and take it av. ay.
December 23, 1837. !13-3t
CAME to tho prcmifcs of tho subscriber m
Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county,
sometime iu June last,
TWO ST?. AT S:S3?.
The owner can havi) his properly lly proving the
same and paying all cnargc.?.
Dec. 23, 1837. 35-3t.
The Suliscvilicr
Would beg leave to announce to tho peo
ple of Bloomsburgaud vicinity, that he has
just received a splendid assortment of sea-sonablo
Consisting of even variety of Cloths,
isuiaimcrus nun nuiiineiis ; j.'iunniis,
and Canton Flannels, oj cvrrt colour j
Jllaek, Prawn and Green Jf rinos, of
every shade und ijuality ; and in fact a
full assortment of Drawer Common
Goods, among ivhich arc an extensive
supply of ;
(Groceries fit laiquors,
China, Glass und Quccns-Ware,
GEDi.?w V-A?wE3 -
Sperm. Refined and Common Limp Oil,
Bffni'clivavc, 4J:tstiEBgs & Iron,
together with every variety of merchandize
which can meet the wants or please tho
fancy all which lie will dispose of at the
lowest prices. . . ., .
He returns his acknowledgments to cus
tomers for their very liberal support, and
with a firm determination to please through
attention to business, he solicits a continu
ance of their calls and custom.
fj y All kinds of country produce will bo taken
in exchange for goods.
Uloomsburg, Dec. 1C, 1837.
rnn j.YMunY n.nM 1838.
Tllooom Win. Drown, Samuel IJoone, JohnDit
tciibendcr, Wm. M'lvelvy, Jacob Hcsn. Creek John Knorr, Aiivm E. Kitchen,
Mahlon Hicks, Heiuy lJiitt.iin, Jacob bhclhamnier.
' Jacob ICriech, Lew is Ycttcr, Ira Fox.
Derry John F. Manville, William Rice.
Grei iiwoo l Win. Johnston.
Limestone John Conger.
Liberty y.imuel 'Wilson.
Milllin Jacob Gcarhai't.
.Mahoning Samuel Gulick, Titos. Duller, Wm.
Mount Pleasant John H. Vaudcrslice.
Roaring Crcok Asa T. John.
rni ST weiwc.
Dloom John Reinley, John Wertman, Frcdk.
Svvatiy, John M. ('hainlierlhi, John Ilcrring, Jona
than i'urcll, Joseph Drown,
Driar Creek Groves Doftu, Joseph Dills.
t'.it:iwi.i .lo..ei H.irtman, Jacob Gcusel, Hi
ram PIi!lii, John Shaiplos.
Deny Joiialhan Lodge, JccFunstnn, Wm. S.
Dav is.iioberl .Mi Kec'I'lionun Fooler, Aid lloldrou.
J''i-hiug (.'nek John Slacker, Dauiil Peeler.
Greenwooil IJcmj lvitchon, John K. Lves.
Homloi I. Petlcr Apiilem.m, hour. Caleb Darton,
M'illiani Girlon, Esq. John Old, Esq. Daniel Wood
side. Jiibeily John McWilliaim, John M'Mahan.
Liincstonc David Uy, John Shearer.
.Milllin Jacob rMvelieiiheiser, Wn.. N. Drown.
Mahoning Isaac Hull", Henry Sanders, John
P.'itton, Abraham Robins.
.Madison Daniel Welliver, Henry Crawford. Ja
cob Sheep, Daniel Cromloy, Uriah Mills John
Mount Pleasant Lawrence Rood, William
Sugarloaf John Ikellcr, Alexanber ColIj
Dloom Robert Richard.
Driar Creek Uenjainin Hughesi
Calaisa Jacob .Mattz, AbUha Thomas, Ren
ben Slaiiihiich, John '"mler.
Deny John Mem'en'iall, David Dorr, Wm. M.
Drcaily, Jvnownovcr, A in. Carnahan, Ja.
Sheep," John Cmwl'ord, John Dice, Henry Diell'en
baehcr. "
Giecnwooil Simeon Kiniioy, Jeremiah Hay
cock. Hemlock David Rishrl.
Limctone Win. Montgomery Joseph Fulton,
Jacob Wagner, James Caldwell, John Smith, Wm.
Campbell, Davi.l Kuownr.vor.
Mahoning Gideon Mellon, Thomas Ilayos,
Samuel Yoiks.
Madison Wm. Holdron, "Wm. Welliver, Saml.
AVilson, Jeiso Raibcr, Solomon Moyer, John Debt.
Roaring Creek James A. Fox, Henry Mctz.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform tho
public, that ho has taken tho store recently
occupied bv Mr. McDowell, in Orangey illo, and is
now opening und receiving from New York and
Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o
which ho will disposoof at tho most reduced prices
for cash or country produce. The public are invi
ted to call and examine for themselves.
Orangovllle, Oct. 7, 1837
taken in payment for.subsoriptlons ot th Of
iioo of tlio Columbia Democrat,
TAKE NOTICE, that I have applied
to the Judges of tlio Court of Common
Pcas of Columbia county, for the benefit
of the Insolvent laws of this Commonwealth,
ami that they have appointed Monday tho
15 th day of January next for hearing mo
and my creditors at the court house in Dan?
vine, wncn ami wticrc you may aucnu u
you think proper'.
Bloom, Dec. 10, 1837.
gCT'Thc Wyoming Republican will in
sert three times and charge this ( office',
sending the papers conlaiiiiiig the same.
XrEiliiary Appeal.
RE hereby notified that a Court of Appeal, for
hearing Absentees at the trainings in July,
September and December last, will lie held at the
h!L'o r.f Win. RobUon, iu Dloomsburg, on Satur
day, the 30th day of Deecmbei iii-l. at. 2 o'clock in
the afternoon. " M. McDO WELL, Crpiain.
.1. T. Mssssfl!3i:ui, & Co.
TTaTOULl) again announce (o their customers
j v and the public, that ihey have jcst re
ceived another IVc-h siqiply of
embracing every variety of Dry Goodi, Groceries
Liquors, Hardware, &c. which they intend to sel
at tlio most reduced prices at their new and cheap
store in Uloomsburg. They invito a call from
tho.-e who want choico articles at almost cost pi
civ. December 9, 1837.
- .
SX pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, will bo epoed to salo by
public vendue, on Suurdai, tlien'xti day nf Jan
uary, next, tho follow ing property, late the estate of
MutthUts llellcr, dce'd, h : a certain plantation or
situate in Mu.lUou township, Columbia Countyi
containing 225 ACRES, or thereabouts, adjoining
lands of John Va-tiue, Samuel Moore, Jonathan
Mamcteller and JN'aney Giuglcs, wheroon is erected
A Waggon House, Spring House,
and other necessary buildings, among which is a
good Cider l'rcss. About 100 ucrcs aro cleared,
and on tho premises is a good Applo Orchard, ccc.
'J'ho Sale vv ill com mence at 1 0 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, ou the premises, when attendance
will be given, and terms made known by
Br tub CoinT,
Danville, December 10, 1837. 34 4t
LANICETS, of various sizes and qualities
and warranted afresh article, for sale at the
new und cheap store of
J. T. Mussclman, Co.
xTlF the mofct durable materials, and finished in
xa ffl superior and fashionable sty It, at frOm'fiiO
to 5h' each, just rsoeived and for wile at the sEbrd
of '7 CU.FlSilBIff
Dloomsburg, Deoombor 3, 1837.