The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 23, 1837, Image 1
LIUBIA DEMOCRAT. I have sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Blind of Mali." Thomas Jefferson. MINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANK1N S. MILLS. Volume I. B1L.OOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 1837. Number 3ff. the Prcsstlcjil's Message to the two houses or, at the com mencement Of THE SECOND SESCIO.Y OF THE TWr.STT-virrii Fellow-Citizens of the Senate, and House of Representatives: We have reason lo rennw the expression of our devout gratitude to the Givku or ael noon for his tenign protection. Our country presents, on eve ry tide, the evidence of tlint continued favor, un der whoso auspices it 1ms gradually risen from a few feeble and dependent Colonics to a prosperous and ppwerful Confederacy. Wo aro blessed with domestic tranquility, and all tho elements of na. tional prosperity. Tho pestilence which invading, for a time, some nourishing portions of thu Uiuoii, interrupted tho general prevalence of unusual health, has happily been limited in extent, and arrested in ilsfatal career. Tho industry and prudence of our citizens are gradually relieving them from Ith'c pe cuniary embarrassments under which portions of them have labored; judicious legislation, and tho riatuTal and boundless resources of thj country, have afforded wise and timely aid to private enter prise; and tho activity always characteristic of our peoplo has ahcady, in a great degree, returned its Usual and profitable channels. Tho condition of our foreign relations has not materially changed since tho last annual message of my predecessor. We remain at peace with nil nations; and no efforts on my part, consistent with tho preservation of our rights and the honor of "the country, elm 1 1 be spared to maintain a position ho consonant to our institutions. Wo have faithfully sustained the foreign policy with which the United States, under tho guidance of their first President, took their hlnnd in tho family of nations that of regulating their intercourse with other powers by tho approved principles of private lif-:; asking and According cpjat rights and equal privileges; render ing and demanding justice in ill cases; advancing their own, and discussing tho pretensions of others, with candor, directness, and sincerity; appealing at all times to reason, hut never yielding to force, noi seeking to acquire any thing for themselves by its exercise. A rigid adherence to this policy has left this Gov eminent w ith scarcely a claim upon its justice, for injuries arising from acts committed by its author ity. Tho niot imposing and perplexing of those of tho United !?!ls upon lorcign Governments, for aggressions upon our citizens, were disposed of by my .predecessor. Independently of the benefits conferred upon our citizens by restoring to the mercantile, community so many many millions cf which tucy hail been wrongfully divested, a great service was also rendered to his country by the sat isfactory adjustment of so many ancient and irrita ting subjects of contention; and it reflects no ordi nary credit on his successful administration of pub lic affairs, that this great object was accomplished, without compromhing, on any occasion, either the honor, or the pcacoofthc nation. With European powers no new subjects of diffi culty have arisen; and those which were under d's cussion, although not terminated, do not present a more unlavoraulc aspect tor the I lit lire preservation of that good understanding, which it has ever been our desire to cultivate. Of pending questions, tho most important is that jvhich exists with tho uovcrnmcnt of Great Britain, in respect to our northeastern boundary; It is with unfeigned regret that tho people of the United States must look back upon tho abortive efforts made by tho Executive, for a period of more than half a century, to determine, what no nation should suffer long to remain in dispute, tho true line which divides its possessions from those of other powers. The nature of tho settlement on tho bor ders of the United State3, and of tho neighboring territory, was for n season such, that this perhaps was not indispcnsablo to n faithful performance of .tho duties of the f ederal uovcrnmcnt. '1 nuchas, however, changed this slato of things; and lias brought nbout a condition of affairs, in which tho truo interests of both countries imperatively require that this question should be put at rest. It is not to hodiseuised. that with full confidence, often ex pressed, in the desire of tho British Government to terminato it, wo aro apparently as far from its ad justmcrit as wo wcro at tho timo of signing tho treaty of pcacoin 1783. Tho solo result of long nendinir ncirocialions. and n perploxmi arbitration appears to bo a conviction, on its part, that a con ventional lino must no auopicii, irom 1110 iuiiom bility of ascertaining tho truo one, according to the description contained in that treaty. Without co inciding in this opinion, whicn is noi mougiii w no well founded, my predecessor gavo tho strongest proof of the earnest desire of tho United States to terminate satisfactorily this dispute, by proposing tho substitution of a conventional line, if the con. sent of the States interested in tho question could be obtained. To this proposition no answer has as yet been received. Tho attention of tho British Govern ment has, hovyever, been urgently invited to the subject, and its reply cannot, lam confident, be murh lonccr delayed. Tho gcnrral relations be tween Great Britain and tho United States are of the roost friendly character, and l am wen sausii cd of tho sincero disposition of that Government to mWininin them unon their present footing. This disposition has also, I am persuaded, becomo moro general with tho peoplo of England than at any niw nrAviniK ueriod. It is scarcely necessary to say to you, how cordially it is reciprocated by tho Government and peoplo of thd United States. The conviction, which must bo common to all, of the that result from keeping oncn tills irritating question, and thd certainty that its final settlement cannot bo much longer deferred; ..ill T inict Inn it in nn earlv and satisfactory adjust' tncn't. At youi last sossion I had before you tho between the two Govern ments, and between this Government and that of Iho State of Maine, in whoso soliciluuc, concerning a subject in which sholias so deep an iniercu, ufiinn nfilin llnlnii narticinatcs. The feelings produced by a temporary intcrap inn nrw Wmnninns relations between and tho Unitod States, which are duo as wcl to tho recolloctions of former times as to a correct alt- preciationof existing .Interests, have been inter- cultivate an actlvo friendship in their future course. M ho opinion, undoubtedly correct, and steadily entertained by us, that thu commercial re lations at present existing between the two coun tries aro susceptible of great and reciprocally bene ficial improvements, ja obviously gaining ground in Trance; and I am assured of the disposition of that uovcrnmcnt to favor the accomplishment of such an object. This disposition shall bo met in a pro per spirit on our part. The few and comparatively unimportant questions that remains to bo adjusted between us, can, I liavo no doubt, bo settled with entire satisfaction and without difficulty. Between Bussia and tho United States, senti ments Of good will continue to bo mutually cher ished. Our Minister recently accredited to that Court, has been received with a frankness and cor dialiiy, and with evidences of respect for his coun try, which leave us no room to doubt tho preserva tion in future of those amicable and liberal relations which have so long and so uninterruptedly existed between the two countries. t)n the few subjects under discussion between us, an early and just de cision is confidently anticipated. A correspondence lias been opened with the Gov ernment of Austria, for the establishment of Vliplo- iuuuk iciuuuiis, in roniormiiy Willi mo wisncs ol Congress, as indicated by an appropriation act of the session of 1837, and arrangements made for the purpose, which will be duly carried into effect. With Austria and Prussia, and with the States of the German empire, now composing with the latter the Commercial League, our political rela tions are of the most friendly character, whilst our commercial intercourse is gradually extending, with benefit to all who aro engaged in it. Civil war yet rages in Spain, producing intense suffering to its oWn people, and to other nationsin convcnicnci) and regret. Our citizens who have claims upon that country will bb prejudiced for a timo by the condition of its Treasury, the inevitable consequence ot Ion? continued nnd cxhaustinc in- ternal wars. Tho last instalment of tho interest of the debt duo under the convention with the (juccn of Spain has not been paid; and similar failures may bo expected to happen, until a portion of the re sources of her kingdom can bo devoted to the ex tinguishment of its foreign debt. Having received satisfactory evidence that dis criminating tonnage duties wcro charged upon the vessels of the United Stales in tho ports of Portu gal, a proclamation was issued on the 1 Ith day of Uctolicr last, m compliance with the act ol May .a, 1B.J-, declaring that tact; and tho duties on foreign tonnage which wcro ievtcd upon Portu guese vessels in tho United States, previously to the passage of that act, are accordingly revived. Tho act of July 4, 183G suspending the discrim inating duties upon tho produce of Portugal im ported into this country in Portugese vessels, was pascd upon tho application of that Government, through its representative here, under tho belief thai iio similar discrimination existed in Portugal to tho prejudice of tho United States. I regret to state that such duties aro now exacted in that coun try upon the cargoes of American vessels; and as tho act referred to vests no discretion in tho Exec utive, it is for Congress lo determine upon tho ex pediency of fuluro legislation on the subject. A gainst these discriminations, affecting the Is of this country and their cargoes, seasonablo rem onstranco was made, and notice was given to tho Portuguese Government that unless they should bo discontinued, tho adoption of countervailing meas ures on tho part of the United States would become necessary, but th'o reply of that Government, re ceived at tho department of State through our Charge d'Affaires a. Lisbon, in the month of Sep tember last, afforded no ground to hope for tho a bandonmont df a system so little in harmony with tho treatment shown to tho vessels ot Portugal and their cargoes in the ports of this country, and so contrary to tho expectations wo had a right to en tertain. With Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Naples, and Belgium, a friendly intercourse has been uninter ruptedly maintained. With tho Government of tho Ottoman Porto dnd its dependencies on tho coast of tho Meditcrancan, peace and good will ore carefully cultivated, and have been fostered by such good offices as tho rela tive distance and the condition of those countries would permit. Our cotnmcrco with Greece is carried on under the laws of tho two Governments, reciprocally ben eficial to tho navigating interests of both; and I have reason to look forward to the adoption ot oth er measurei which will be moro extensively and permanently advantageous. Copiosoftho treatise concluded with tho Gov ernment of Siam and Muscat aro transmitted for tho information of Congress, tho ratifications hav ing been received, and tho treaties made public, sinco tho close ol tno lasi annual session, vircauy iiuvo :vo reason to congratulate ourselves on tho pros pect of considerable commercial benefit; and we have, besides, received from tho Sultan of Muscat prompt evidenco of his desires to cultivate tho most friendly feelings, by liberal acts toward ono of our vessels, uesiowcu in a maimer su sinning a 10 re quire on our part a grateful acknowledgement. uur commerco vviiu iiiu imuuus ui ?uv u.m Porto Bico still labor under heavy restrictions, the continuanco of which is a subject of regret. Tho only effect of an adherence to them will bo to ben efit the navigation oiomcr countries, anno eipuuau both of tho United States and Spain. Tho independent nations ol this continent have ever since thev cmcr cd from the colonial state, ex perienced sevcro trials m their progress to me per manent establishment of liberal political institutions. Their unsettled condition not only interrupts their num niKnnees to prosperity, buthasoften seriously injured the other powers of tho world. Tho claims nf nnr rilizens upon Peru, Chili, Brazil, tho Ar- centino Itcpublic, tho Governments formed out of tllO KCpUUllCS Ol VvUlUIIIUlU, tiuu ..iva.vw, w.w p.... pending, although many of them havo been pre- gcntCU lor cxaiiuiiui.uu mmu ;vu,MI Venezuela, and Ecuador have re- ..nnlltr fnrmcd a convention for tho purpose of as certaining and adjusting claims upon tho Bcpublic of Columbia, from which it is earnestly hoped our ;il nrn lonir. receive full compensation for tho iniuiics originally inflicted upon them, and for n 1! tt tho delay m auuru.i.s u IKUn CfcdeValion, which wanUonly the ratifica- lion of that Government. Tho progrss of a subsequent ncgociation for the settle ment of claims upon Peru, has been unfa vorably effected by the war between that power and Chili, and tho Argentine repub lic; and the same event is also likely lo produce delays in the settlement of our de mands on those powers. The aggravating circumstances-connect ed with our claims upon Mexico, and a va riety of events touching tho honor and in tegrity of our government, led my prede cessor lo make, at tno second session of the last congress, a special recommenda tion of tho course to bo pursued to obtain a speedy and final satisfaction of tho inju ries complained of by this government, and by bur citizens. lie recommended a linal demand ol redress, with a contingent authority to the executive to make repri sals, if that demand should bo made in vain. From the proceedings of Congress on that recommendation, it appeared that the opinion of both branches of the legislature coincided with that of the executive, that any mode of redress known to the law of nations might justifiably be used. It was obvious too, that congress bclioved with tho President, that another demand should be made, in order to give undeniable and satisfactory proof of our desire to avoid ex tremities with a neighboring power) but that there was an indisposition lo vest a discretionary authority in the Executive to take redress, should it unfortunately be ci ther denied or unreasonably delayed by tho Mexican Government. So soon as the necessary documents were prepared, after entering upon the ditties of my office, a spe cial messenger was sent to Mexico, to make a linal demand of redress; with the docu ments required by the provisions of our treaty. The demand was made on the 20th of July last. The reply which bcais date the 20th of the same month, contains assurances of a desire, oh the part of that Government, to give a prompt and explic it answer respecting each of the complaints, but that the examination of them would ne cessarily bo deliberate, that in this exami nation,, it would bo guided by the princi ples of public law and the obligation of treaticsflhat nothing should be left undone that might lead to tho most speedy and equitable adjustment of our demands; and that its determination, in respect to each case, should be communicated through the Mexican Minister heie. Sinco that time, an Envoy Extraordina ry and Minister Plenipotentiary has been ac credited tp. this Government by that of tho Mexican Republic. Iio brought witli him assurances of a sincere desire that the pending differences between the two gov ernments should be terminated in a manner satisfactory to both, lie was received with reciprocal assurances; and a hope was en tertained that his mission would lead to a speedy, satisfactory, and final adjustment of all existing subjects of complaint. A sincere belioverin the wisdom ot tno paci fic policy by which tho United States have ihvays been governed in their intercourse with foreign nations, it was my particular dosire, from tho proximity of tho Mexican ucnublic, and well known occurrences on our nontior, to uo insiumentai in ouviaung all existing difficulties with that Govern ment, and in restoring to the intercourse be tween tho two republics, that liberal and friendly character by which they should al ways be distinguished. 1 rcp-ret, tnerctore, the more deeply to have found in the recent communications of that Government so lit tle reason to hopo that any future efforts of mine for tho accomplishment ol those de sirable objects would be successful. Although the large numuer, and many of them aggravated cases of personal wrongs, have been now for vear3 before the Mexi can Government, and some of the causes of national complaint, nnd thoso of tho most offensive character, admitted of immediate, simple, and satisfactory replies, it is only within a lew days past that any specinc communication in answer to our last dc mand, made five months ago, has beon re ceived from the Mexican Minister. By the report of the Secretary of State, herewith presented, and tne accompanying documents it will be soon that for not ono of our pub lic complaints has satisfaction been given or offered: that but ono of the cases of per onal wrong has beon favorably considered; and that but fdur cases of both descriptions, out of all thoso formally presented, and earnestly pressed, havo as yet ben decided upon by the Mexican Government, Notpordoiving in what manner any of tlio powors given to tlio ixecuuvo aione could bo farther usefully employed in bringing this unfortunate controversy to a satisfactory termination, the subject was by my predecessor referred to Congress, as one calliiiL' for its interposition. In accordance with tho clearly understood wishos of the Logisituto, another and formal domand for satisfaction has been made upon tho Mexican Government, with what success the documents now commnnicated will show. On a careful and deliberato exam ination of their contents, and considering tho spirit manifested by tho Mexican Gov ernment, it has becomo my painful duty to return the subject, as it now stands, to Con gress, to whom it belongs, to decide upon mo time, me mouc, anu tno measure ol re dress. Whatever may bo your decision, it shall bo faithfully executed, confident that it will bo characterized by that moder ation and justice, which will, I trust, under all circumstances, govern tho councils of our country. The balance in the Treasury on the 1st day of January, 1837, was forty five mill ions, nine hundred nnd sixty-eight thou sand five hundred and twenty-three dollars. Tho receipts during the present year from all sotirces.Jncluding the amount of Trea sury notes issued arc estimated at twenty three millions four hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one dol lars, constituting an a'ggregrate of sixty-nine millions four hundred and sixty-eight thou sand five hundred and four dollars. Of this amount, about thirty-five millions, two hun dred and eighty-one thousand three hundred & sixty-ono'dollars will havc4been expended at the end of the year on appropriations made by Congress; and the residue, amoun ting to thirty-four millions, one hundred and eighty-seven thousand one hnndrcd and forty-three dollars, will be tho nominal bal ance in the 1 reasury on the first of January next. Hut of that sum, only one million eighty-five thousand four hundred and nine ty eight dollars is considered as immedi ately available for, and applicable to, pub lic purposes. Those portions of it, which will be for some time unavailable', consist chiefly of sums deposited with the States, and due lrom the lormcr depositc banks. The details upon this subject will be found in the animal report of the Secretary of the 1 reasury. The amount of Treasury notes, which it will be necessary to issue during the year on account of thoso hinds being unavailable will, it is supposed, not exceed four and a halt millions, It seemed proper, in the condition of the country, to have the esti mates on all subjects made as low as prac ticable, withoutprejudicc to any great pub, lie measures. I he Departments were therefore, desired to prepare their estimates accordingly, and I am happy to find that they have been able to fraduate them on so economical a scale. In the great and often unexpected fluctuations to which the reve nue is subjected, it Is not possible to com pute the receipts beforehand with great certainty; but should they not differ essen tially lrom present anticipations, and should the appropriations not much exceed the estimates, no difficulty seems likely to hap pen in delraying the current expenses Willi promptitudo and fidelity. Notwithstanding the great embarrass ments which have recently occupied in commercial affairs, and tho liberal indul gence which, in consequence of those em barrassments, lias been extended to both the merchants and tho banks, it is gratify ing to be able to anticipate that tho Treasu ry notes, which have been issued during the present year, will be redeemed, and that the resources cf the Treasuiy without ;inv resort to loans or increased taxes, will piovo ample for defraying all charged im posed on it during 1838. 1 he lloport ot tne oeereiary oi tue i rea- suavy will attord you a more minuio expos ition of all matters connected with the ad ministration of the finances dnring tho cur rent year; a period which for the amount of public moneys disbursed and deposited with tho States, a's well as the financial difficul ties encountered and overcome, has tew parallels in our history. Your attontton was, at the last session, invited to thenecesity of additional legisla tive provisions in respect lo tne collection, safe-kcoping, and transfer of the public mo ney. jNo law having been men maiureu, and not understanding the proceedings of Congress as intended to be final, it becomes my duty again to bring tho subject to your notice. On that occasion, threo modes of perfor ming this branch of the public service were presented for your consideration. Theso wore, the creation of a national bank; the revival, with modifications, of the doposito system established by tho act of the 23d of June, 1830, permitting the use of the pub lic moneys by the banks, and the discon tinuance of tho use of such institutions for tlio purposes referred to, with suitable pro .,i;nn. fnr ihiir accomplishment through the agency of public officers. Consideimg j thd opinions of both Houses of Congress on tho two first propositions as expressed in the negative, in which I entirely concur, it is unnecessary for me again to recur to hfim. In respect to the last, you havo had an opportunity sinco your adjournment, not only to test still further tho expediency of the measure, by the continued practical o pcration of such parts of it as are now in force; but also to discover what should over bo sought for and regard with tho ut most deference the opinions and wishes of the peoplo. Tho national will is tho supremo law of tho Republic, and, on all suujects witnm the limits oflus constitu tional powers, should be faithfully obeyed by the public servant. ( hinco the measure in question was sub milted to your consideration, most of you hayc enjoyed tho advantage of personal communication with your constituents. For one State only has an election been held for tne federal Government; but the early day at which it took place, deprives the moA. sure under consideration of much 'of the sup- jnii ji iingiii oiucrwiso nave derived trom the result. Local elections for State ofii cors have, however, been held In several of the istates, at which the expediency of tho plan proposed by the Executive has been moro or less discussed. You will, I am confident, yield to their results the respect due to every expression of the public voice. Dcsiiing, however, to arrive at truth and a just view of tho subjectin all its bearings, ;uu vyui at wo anino ume remember, tliat questions of far deeper and more immedi ate local interest than the fiscal plans of the National Treasury wero involved in those elections. Above all wc cannot overlook the stri king fact, that there were at tho time in those States more than one hundred and sixty millions of bank capital, of which large ponions were suujcctto actual torleilure other large portions upheld only by special and . limited legislative indulgences and most of it, if not all, to a greater or less ex tent, dependent for a continuance of its cor porate existence upon the will of the Stato Legislature's to be then chosen. Apprised of this circumstance, you willjudgo wheth ther it is not most probable that the peculiar condition of that vast interest, in these .re spects, the extent to , which it, has beeii spread through all the ramifications of soci oty, its direct connection with the then pen ding elections, and the feelings it was cal culated to infuse into the canvass, has ex ercised a far greater influence over the re sult, than any which could possibly have been produced py a conflict of opinion iii respect to a question in the administration of the General Government, more remote and far less important in its bearings upoit that interest. I havo no formed reason to change my own opinion as to the expediency of adopt ing the system proposed, being perfectly satisfied that there will be neither stability nor safety, either in the fiscal affairs of the government, or in the pecuniary transac1 tions of individuals and corporations, so long as a connection exists between them, which, like the past, offers such strong in ducements to make them the subjects of po litical agitation. Indeed I am more than ever convinced of the dangers to which the free and unbiassed exercise of political o pinion tho only sure foundation and safe guard of republican government would bo exposed by any further increase of tho al ready overgrown influence of corporate au thorities. I cannot, therefore, consistently with my views of duty, advise a renewal of a connection which circumstances have dis solved. The discontinuance of the tiSo of.Statd banks for fiscal purposes ought not to be re garded as a measure of hostility towards those institutions. Banks properly estab1 lished and conducted, are highly useful td the business of the country, and will doubt' less continue to exist in tho States, so long as they conform to their laws, and are found to be safe and boneficial. How they should bo croatcd, what privileges they should enjoy,' under what responsibilities they should act, and to what restrictions they should be subject, aro questions which, as I observed on a previous occasion, belong to the Stato to decide. Upon their rights, or the exercise of them, the General Gov ernment can havo no motive to encroach. Its duty toward them is well performed, when it refrains from legislating for their special benefit because such, legislation would violate the spirit of the Constitution, and be unjust to other interests: when it ta kes no steps to impair their usefulness, but so manages its' own affairs as to mako it the interest of thoso institutions to strengthen and improve their condition for the security and welfare of tho community at large. They have no right to insist on a connection with tho federal Government, nor on the use of the public money for their own benefit. The object of the measure under consid eration is to avoid for the future a compul sory connection of this kind. It proposed to place tho General Government, in regard to iho essential points or tho collection, safe keeping, and transfer of the public inoiiey 1-