fes QaovERNon's message cokcujdgd. The law nftho lOtli April, 1835, 'to graduate lands on which money is ilnc mid unpaid to tlio Cotrininnvvealtli of Pennsyl vania," will expire by it? own limitation, on iha 10th of April next. The ohjcot of this law was to encourage the patenting of lands, by proportioning tho purchaso mon ey payable to tho Statn, to the actual valuo of the land. The end aimed at by tho Le gislature in passing it, has been largely at tail o I, as will appear on comparing the a mounl of money brought into tho Treasury from ttiu source, since its passage, with that of previous yeats. There are, wi;h out doubt, still many tracts similarly situa ted with tlios'o whinli have already obtain ' ed tho benefit of the law. I would there Tore recommend its further extension, not merelv as an act of justice, but as one which will have a good effect on the pub lic revenue. The lien of the Commonwealth on the land owned by John Nicholson and I'eter Baynton, has recently caused some excite ment amoni? the citizens claiming that prop erty. It has been the practice for many years for the Governor to appoint agents for tho discovery of the Nicholson land with the ceneral powers described in the act of 1825 on the subject; Heretofore the agents, though clothed with general powers of discovery, have confined their researched to a few tracts; hut latterly, ow ing to the increasing value of land "in tho roal and other regions, they have gbne into an investigation of the titles of whole sec tions of the State, and have thereby intro duced general alarm and distrust. Under these circumstances the Secretary Of the "Commonwealth, in whose office the re- mrtaof Nicholson's agents are filed for the inal action of the Nicholson Hoard; has, with my concurrence adopted a more strict 'course of proceeding than that heretofore indulged in. The report is now required to set forth a full description of the tracts attempted to be charged with thejien, and an explicit ileti.i' of the manner in which it js intended to establish the claim of the State, so as to inform the adverse claimant .of the facts necessary to bo disproved. This practice, together with the rule adopt ed by the Nicholson Roir 1, compose I of the Attorney General, Auditor General, Surveyor General, and Secretary of the Land Office, not to acton an v case of the kind hereafter, except at a fjill Board, has already checked much of the loo-c proceed ings of the agents, and the excitement of the claimants. The matter is now referred to the Legislature that such measures may be taken as shall be consistent,, not only with the claim of the State, but with the safety of land titles, particularly in tho coal re gions, a matter of far greater importance to the State, than the collection of the bal ance of the lien. Should the Legislature decline acting on the subject, and should the excitement continue, i may become ne cessary to supercede the commission of the agents as the only quieting measure in my power. During the past season, the geological survey of the state., commenced in the spring of 1830, has been regularly and ra pidly progressing, in consequence of the additional aid given by the legislature at its last session. The field of detailed opera tions has been chiefly confined to the por tion of tho s(ate lying between tho, south mountain and the New York state line, and the Delaware and Susquehanna fivers. Other portions of the state have also been explored, in a general manner, preparatory to a more minute survey. It will lie per ceived, that the operations of the season embrace all tiro anthracite f.oal bods, and many of the rich iron depositcs of the state. ben the formation thus nequire'd by the chief geologist, .shall be laid before the pub lic, which will be as soon as full certainty tif results, and the general interests of the survey will admit, it will be beyond u doubt. amp!v reward the patience and support of the friends of the measure. No feature in the rich mineral formation of this state is-more remarkable, than the vicinitv to cadi other of coil and iron. I reouentlv, they form different strata "f the same I til. Admitted as they are bv all, to be the main elements of our wealth, it is at prpsent hardly possible to estimate the advantages which we shall derive from tlie same union of them in the arts, which Providence Iras thus formed in their posi tion. When the attempts now ma'.ing iu Clearfield, Lycoming, SchuvlkilU and oth er counties, to smelt iron with mineral cod sba'l be successful, as they will be, as cer tainly as it is true, that AmViic.in ingenuity is equal to that of any o'tuor country, the cflkvt will be immeiisaly alvanlage MHover tin while state. Notonly will the hith erto barre i hills and silent valley of our mo inUin ranges, teem with usalul popula tion, but the whole agricultural portion of the state, will acquire additional value, from tho consequent increased demand for provisions to supply tho n.iiingand smelt ing districts. 'I he public works will find ntnplo employment, and a population four times our preaent number, will bo support ed in happiness, because in the enjoyment of competence, produced by honorable and profitable inuuutry.' li.ve.-v attention should be to the full devuiuiHSiuetit ol inu rcoources of tho state, In turn point of vie.vj permit me to be sdcjk vour tuvoraulu reception of tho me tinnu; ul luu t'raiiKiin Institute, which will bts latJ ueioro jou, oultiB subject of a tjehool ijm3 and hojuiu. The object S 1 c? tablish an Institution to afford Instruction in tho application of the sciences and arts, to the practical business ol lite, particularly to agriculture, and to teach tho correct the ory and practice of mining, with the scion- cos therewith connected. i bo proiect is of tho deepest importance to the future pros perity ol the commonwealth. It is necessary to invito the attention of the legislature to the act of 1 5th April, 831. relative to the standards and denomi. nations of weights and measures. That act expired, by its own limitation, on tho 15th of last April, before anv of the duties enjoined upon the executive were perform ed. I he agency ottlio I'ranklin Institute, bad been requested and obtained by my predecessors, and the matter has been since continued in the same well qualified hand. The accompanying letter from the clnir nian of the committee, to whom the sub- jeet is now entrusted by the institute, will explain the cause ot dplay which has oc curred, and the proposed cost and manner of accomplishing the object. But as no thing can be done unless the law he re- enacted, permit tnc to suggest tho propriety of that measure. It lias been frequently. a icproar.h to Pennsylvania, that her great staple, coal, is not used on her public works, while neigl - boring states have it m successlul opera tion. Though it is not hy any means cer tain that mineral coal, particularly of the anthracite kind, has been successfully usp.l to generate steam any where on rail road", it least to anv prnhtable extent, vet the object is one of paramount importance here. A lew years more will so thin our lorests. tint wood, to supply our locomotives and ntlnr steam engines, must hecune scarce. Now is the proper time to provide a sub stitute. All see that it must tic coil. Hit the use of it for this particular purpose, is not vet sufficiently understood: nor the re quisite knowledge ever be acquired by state experiments, except at greatly increased ex pense. 1 would therelore, advise that in- ucements be held otr by the state, to en courage individuals to embark in the under taking. Such a stimulus will soon effect the object. The culture of the mulberry and the production of silk, are now known to be well adapted to the soil and climate of this state. The care ot the sill; worm is also uitod to the other employment of the mass of our population, and the manufacture of the article will add greatly to our wealth. I'he legislature endeavored to promote it, y the act of 1832, authorising the estab- ishmcnt of one silk company in each coun- bit the means adopted, seem not to have produced the desired remit. A com pany has been cbarteted in each of the counties of Beaver, Chester. Cumberland, Lancaster, Lebanon and Philadelphia, hut without much apparent success; nor is it; perhaps, desirable that they should sue eed. The silk business will, undoubted ly, become one of first rate importance a- mong us and will probably be the sooner irlv established, if lelt to the unrestrained exercise of private enterprise, properly en couraged by the legislature. With this view, I would recommend it at a small pre mium beoff red by the state, for a limited time, on upended quantities oi ine article, when tho production of our own soil and ndustry. Tho "accompanying memorial from the 'society for alleviating the miseries of pub lic prisons,' will be read with interest as coining from a body that has accompanied so much for humanity in the perfection of the penitentiary system ot rennsylvania. I'heir object now is, to carry that system the county prisons, with the view ol obviating the demoralizing effect produced by throwing the mere debtor or the new and comparatively guiltless culprit into the sane den of v ice with thooul ami hardened offender. It appears that the jails of ma ny of the counties are very old structures; that of Delaware was built in 1721, L in- castor in 1710, l orK in I71'J, iMirinamp- ton in 1750, and those oTOhester and Cum berland at an early day Mot of the oth ers are enn.Mruete.l on the old plan, though recently built. It must theielore be that thev are all ill adapted to the increased population and improved prison discipline oT the present lime. Permit me to recom mend this matter to vour serious attention, as one intimately connected with the moral wellarc ol tho stale. Perhaps the best measure that couhl now be adopted would be the pas-ago of a law making it the duty of the secretary of the ommonweelth to collect Irom the biu'rill ofthe different counties, and report to the next legislature for their action on the s il. rt so I 1. i'I ! I' jeet, lull inlormation oi ineii iicoi imiiuing. sro interior arrangements and discipline oi ill the country prisons m the state, together with the actual arid usual numbers of nru- ourrs. whether as debtors, persons accused of ciime, orVonviets, and the kind, cost and manner of subsisting them. I ho occa sion would also presont a fine" opportunity lor acnuiring correct aim uuauii inmiiii.i- tion as to the education, moral culture, anil temnerate habits of tho convicts, so as to nxh hit the connexion between ignorance or intemnerance and crime, In legislation on tho subject, caro should however be ta ken to exclude the idea of an intention t interfiim with the rights of d btors, and persons mere v confined for trial, by any investigation not necessary to the adminis tration ol justice, or by the application to them ol the system ol involuntariy lauor, The law of the 0th April, 1830, imposing a Sjata UUf upon proceedings to courts, and upon deeds, mflrtgajres, letters testamentary and letters of administration, was' passed when tho public revenue required extraor dinary expedients.for its increase. The condition ,and future prospects nftho Trea sury, arc now diiteront. . l nis tax was always much complained of. Paid, as the greater poition of it is, hy the Mready dis tressed and perhaps improverished .debtor, or by the family nftho deceased owner of a limited estate, which, by the law is liable to the same tax as a large one it falls on a portion of society that can least afford it. I would therefore recommend its repeal. The revision of the cml code lately closed, has intn.dnced some new provisions into the laws of the State, which are not found to .operate well in practice and will require further legislation. By the old law of the State, debts due to a person who was himself n debtor, could not be taken in execution by his creditor. By thc22d scc tcction ofthe present act, "relating to exe cutions," this may bo done without any limitation. It appears to me, that this pow er overclaims upon others, is calculated in some inlances to produce groat hardship. I have recently heard of a case, in which the months' earnings, forming the only support of the family of a citizens thus situated. were at (ached for an old debt, incurred while he was in other circumstances. Such an unlimited provision could only have been admitted into the law by inad vertence. I would therefore suggest the propriety of exempting a certain portion of the earnings, or the earnings for a designa ted time, of the debtor, from execution, in the same, manner as household utensils, atld other necessary articles are now hy law exempted. There can be no loss oi in hislice to the ceditor in such a provision. because the honest debtor will voluntarih devote to the payment of his debts, all the money be can spare Kom the support of his family, which no law should be permitted to interfere with. 'And the dishonest man, when he finds that his daily labor tloes not contribute to tho supply of his own wantt and those of his faintly, will riot labour at all. So lint, from the present law, little good will result to the creditor, and much evil may be entailed on the debtor's familv and on Society. I have thus recommended such measure? as at present seem to bo expedient and ne cessary. I will not now occupy more oi your time, except to say, that it will afford trie sincere pleasure to concur in any othei means', for the good ofthe Commonwealth. which the wisdom ot the Legislature tna devise and adopt. JOS. K1TNEK. ExncuTivn CiiAMBEn, llarrisburg, Dec. G, 1837. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Nrxt door to Roiuson's Staoi: Offici:, 77ic COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will b, puUishcl every Salur lay morning, a T'VO DOLLARS per annum, payabl half yearly in a 'vance, or Two Dollar Fif'y Cent is, if not pai I within the year. No subscription will lie taken for a shortei perio I than sir months ; nor any discon tinuance permi'ted, until all arrearages arc discharge .- ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding v square will lie conspicuously insenel at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twen'y-five cents for ivry m''sr. quent nsertion. SQ. liberal diseoun ma 'e 'o those who r Ivcrlise by the yca; LETTERS a hlresscd on business, mus be post paid. STOKE GOODS AT COST! THE subscriber ingoing to remove to the WeM on the firkt nf January iicut ami would re spcctfully inform the uhlic that lie is now belliut oil his stock of Merchandize, consi.lmg ot Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Queens Ware, &c. At cost, for cash or country Produce, or Luml cr TJARNHAKT BAHI1K. Cattawis a, Oct.H, 1837. A III. persons indebted to the eubseril cr am ko- 7!?A lieiteu to cull and scttlo immediately, other tvue their accounts will be placed in the hands o nmasistrale for collection. HAUNIIAKT DAI5DC. Uattn'wissa, Oct. H, 1837. TII12 milisrril cr would rcprcrtfully inform the public, that ho linn taken the btoro recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcvillc, nml i now opening and receiving from New York anil Philadelphia a splendid aKtortmcut of all Mnds o MERCHANDIZE, which ho will dispose ofat tho most reduced prices tor cn-di or country produce. 1 lie public arc. mvi' ted to call and examine, for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangoville, Oct. 7, 1837 JOHN S. INGHAM, WlfiiVDEHS Ids professional tervices to thociti W zensof Columbia county. Ho will feel grate. ful tor business ontrutted to hts cure. OKco in tho samo building with tho 'Columbia Democrat.' UloomburK, May. I837. . lUItOAl'S, just received, and for salo at tho now fc cueap store ot J. T, Mumltnan, .J Co. Orphan's Court Sale. X purtuanco.of on order of tho Orphnn'i Court of Columbia counlv. will bo exposed to sale, by nubile vendue or outcry, on Monday, tlc frit day of January next, tho following dttciiUtl ical rro petty, to wit : A certain TRACT OF LAND, situate iu the township of Madison, Columbia coun ty, bounded by lands of William Giiton. Krq. John Heller. John Uillhcim. and others, containing about Klfillty-Kour Acres, about two-thiidt of which is cleared land, and on which arc erected a AND A BANK BARN, a LOG STABLn, a 8PKIKG-I10USC, and other out-buildiugs. A good sprhiir of water in c,ouac nirnt to the dwelling, and on the premUcs is an ex cellent PEACH & APPLE uv 5 containing a choice selection of fruit. The land is watered with numerous springs, ami about FIVE ACHES of which is good meadow ground. (T'The sale will commence nt 10 o'clock of fold day, on the premises, when duo attendance will be given, and terms of sale made known, by WILLIAM CIKTON, Adm'r. December 0, 1837. f ? general supply of FRESH OVSTEHS may always be obtained during the season, by ni- plymgat tnc Kclcctory ofthe subscriber in lilix'mi burg. JOHN It. MOVEU. Decembers, 1837. run AND PtfSSIA at? SATJIT, CTKF tho most durable materials, and finished in a X. K superior and fa-hiouablc style, at from to cacti, jutit recched and for sale nt the store of C.li. FISIIEK. Uloomsburg, December 2, 1837. The Eitalc of ADAM WELLIVE11, late of Madison Township, Columbia coun'y, deceased. "TSJOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad JLI ministration have been granted to the sub- urihcra on said estate. J hercfore all persons hav ing claims against said estate are requested to pre cnt them, and thoso indebted oro requested to make immediate payment. Cail Thomas, Thomas Jl'ellivcr, November 17, 1837. Administrators The, Esia'e of JOHN .KITCHEN, late J ita:(ison- toivnslnp, Columbia coun ty, decease I. -pTOTIOE is hc'cby given, that Letters Testa isl nientory have Vein grant) il to the mbscri- iers on the estate of said deceased. Therefore al- pcrsons hating claims againt said estate nro ic- lU-Mcd to present them, and those indebted arc re- UCbted to make immediate payment. Nancy R'i'chen, Executrix, Richard JJcmolt, Executor. November 17, 1837. AND 1 EXCHANGE The SubKcrilicr "IK7'EItY respectfully informs his fijerukand t)ie V public, that he ha always 011 hand, at his Li- very btable in Uloomsburir. for tho nurnosesof Hire or Exchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiucss for the accommodation of customers. Personal application can be made at his residence. hen every means will be. used to render entire sat isfactionto those who may gie him 11 rail. NOAH 8. 1'ilENTIS. nioMuburg, November -1, 1837. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE. THE DELAWARE COUNTY Insurance Company. Capi'al authorised by Law, $250,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. THE public are respectfully informed, that this (yojnpany will make insurance, either jrr uictuent or limited, on property and effects cf ccry description, against lois or damage by fire, en ll.'o uiosi rcHonawo terms, nt ttieir cllico in Cluster Delaware county, Pennsylvania. 'J'bo citizens of Columbia county are hereby in formed, that insurances by the above Company of every description of property, can bo ellWted by applying to tha undcrs'ianed asont. in Cattawissu The following ore the annual l!atoof Insiuiinco on tho $100, upon tho most Comtoon description of 1 rapetty, viz: 6Yoie or liriek dwelling houses 30 to 10 cent it Frame or Log do. 00o75 " Urick or Stone barns,' flOofjal " Frame or Log do. 750 100 Brick or Slant Grist Mills, 62JO100" Frame do: 75 to 100 Merchandize and furniture enn'tainrd in huises mid gruiu and utensils iu mills and barns, in pro, portion. Infoin.ution rani chid by applying ei ther personally, or by letter juit ) iul, to EZKA 8. 1IAYHUU6T, Agent. Cattawissa, September 30, 1837. R IRON, Just received, ond for talc ot the new Si cheap store of VqvejTAlMti-4, 1837. t T. Mussclman, 5 Co, HATS New & Cheap Goods, at tiii: 7 ffiHEOL'C HQS- RUPERT & BARTON, . . (Successors to K. II. Hlggs,) RESriiCTFULIiY niinntinro to 1) o r friends nntl tho puhlic. that they huo pur chased from E. 11. TIij jrs his intorcst in ftp storo fonierly kept hy hint, nntl that ihcy Inivo just received an oxtensito and F len did assortment of Fall & Winter Goods, which they arc now opening fur the e.a.. initiation and accommodation of Customi-rii, tit the New Store House, just cunstriiiMed hy Mr. lligirs, and opposite to Mr. Itohj sons sin-re office. Their afsortnient is nt only very extensive, hut carefully s-'elecln to answer the. (lemaude ofthe neighl cur. hood; and although they wish not tor ver lise their price, yet they feel confident that they have heller goods", and will sell chea per than any store iu Hlootushtig. Their new stock has hcen purchased at the inniuifucturcr.s' csluliif litncnt., nt the very lowest prices, and consists of , DP.Y GOCDS3 8UUII AS ' Illuc, Black, Drown, Invisible Green, and Taney coloured Cloths, f assitnrres and Sallinclls ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, anil Calicoes ; lAnncns and Muslins ; J'cslings, Stoiki, RADIUS' BQKTNETS, 1 CO In fine, they have every thing which ne, ccssily or fancy may di'Mre fro in n yard n tape to the finest article in Dry Go.nds, and from a needle to a stove in llardu are. Their slock of HARDWARE, IRON., China, Glass, aUEENSWARE : F-A.I1TTS, Groceries & Liquors. Oih, Salt and Pish, Holl ir-ivarc, i-c. ly-c. .y-c f)-ci is more extensive and helter selected than the sanui articles in any of the neigh houring stores. Thosr; who wish ?ie,' chcan, rnfl rooit articles of Merchandize, should cail at the "llloonishurg Arcade" either heforc or af ter exaining elsewhere,-anil luakelheii pur chases. All kinds of Country Produce taken in payment at the hihest" market prices. Illootnshurg, Nov. 18, 18.T7. HEW GOODS. The SultMorlfscr AS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh assortment of GOODS, wlmli lmvn ht-m purchased very low, and aro now tillered to ruitoin- crs at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cor rr.r. is now oll'ercd.iit tuehc 111, il a half cinlf per round- first quality of New Orleans Sugar at tin' renh.anH second quality at e'gil en j tr Lqund: lie hn alsoa large and full assortment of Iron 81 Hollow-Ware, Which he offers at the lowest prices. The t ublic oro respectfully invited to call and examine his as sortment. (C)" All ''inds of country produce will be taken n exchange for goods. .-.CD. FISHER. Uloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1837. F a superior quality, just rcccicd rrd for sale by tho subscriber. C. II. FISHER. Illoomslurg, Ang. 0, 1837. Salt I Salt ! - . 0(2 J3 J9 quantity of Rrnvml Alum Salt, juit received, und for 6ale at tho cheap More of J. T. Mussclman, $ Co. Nov. 11, 1837. t i STOVES JUST received and for salo at the store of th subscriber, splendid assortment of WOOD i l U I both . lain and with ltoilcrs. AFko an vsortmciit of round and tquaro Coil Srv; of dtllercnt Eizcs. C. 1J. FI6HLII. lHoonuburg, Scj t. 30, 1837. 8 Pieces of, Assorted Merii oi, double we'dtli and on assortment of lilacc thri-o, of ave n tuperior quality, just opened ami for rele ot tha N cw and Cheaji btorc of U10 subKril era la Dlocnj hurg. i, -p. m 1 eSELMAN, i Co. Octobers J ,.1807.