jFBQG I liaic morn Mien tlio Altar of Ctd, eternal liut.llfy to cvuy fcrm cf 1 yrtuiiy ocr tl.c d tf "RIaJi." 'Ihomas JelTcrion. HUNTED AND I'UELISIIKD BY JOHN S. INCItAM. Volr.nsc I. BliOOMSBSUHG, COLUMBIA COSJNTY, FA, SATURDAY, 18, 1S37. Number 34. Jov'cs,isos,"s JTEcssagc. Tj the Sen'fe noil lLvre nf ' Rrfcttnlut'.vn rflic Cum mmi weullh if Pennsylvania : Fellow-Citizens : . , tn cuiimiuuiuitiiig lothe Lcgttlnturo llic Rcncrnl condition of the Commonwealth during tlio i,it , car, it is my grateful duty to iuKiiowIciIrc, tlitit throughout nil it chuniM tlio wise guardianship of a niTi'tful l'rovitk'iico Ins been Uiidy extend, cd over iw an n people. '1 tin dojin of man's short Biglilcd hut lioasted wisdom have sown distrust and ruin with over thcltiul; hut in lVuusylviuii.i tlio retraining tare of tho Kulcr ol nations has still been at hand to mitiato the evil, . WJiilo want of ooiifiilciirc and of employment, nmln i-oiiicquum general stagnation uf butjiwH, wero prostrating the encrgie oftho Liiilon, our crop grew ami were mitured in abundance our ci.i?oiM wero gcucrilly employed and remunerated foi tlitir labor uur cn-tcrpriw-i, public and pnvjtc, if not (juitoso suee.j. -ful in WJ4 anticipated, have i.c ther failed entirely nor materially retrograded, and good order, health and .hiippi.icsi, have llocJ tln slate. Tlic cviU under which others groaned fell lightly on us, and have, it is hoped, already aa-oinplUhed their tvorM. Our gratitude should therefore bo deep and ublich acknowledged. In perfjriiiingthc duty now before mc, it woulu bo criminal to treat li ,htly, or even for .a niotiicnt postpone the u' jei t which absorbs the attention 01 all. With tho public mind sensitively aroused tc it, the riper treatment of any uutl.-r becomes trcmely dillicult. Hut when tno deli.ute su' j ;. t ul l!ie eurreniy isthe one thus tin iimstauceil, tlieiiilii culty is greatly viilijiicid. Stilla sincere dcaiicuiiii a firm'c.ermlii.itioii, to consult alone thego.id ol tho country, will lead the patriot through ever) dilliculty ami enable him to accomplish much that at first ni.!it appearcJ lopclcM. In this spirit per mit me tj invoke the eo-opcru ion of tho legisla ture in demising and alopting whatever may be found w iihhi the province of our power for the r- -lief of tho community. Tlio diti irlivo i hara'-tcrintic of the present cen tury is an enlarged degree of civil liberty, coupler with a liberal and all -presiding t ommcric. In the cady and less civilized uod. innn subsisted on tin products of the cluso tho flock an 1 heard or the ground a outid his dwelling, and required little in tercourse with his neighbor. A later race ne.il sprung up, wh i, spurning the peaceful and oh urt avocations of their an cstor,-, made the sword ami the bow weld the moans of gratifying their neivano increasing wants, in tho midst ofwho-o iii,es.iiu broils, the tin ill of the merchant was lilt e under stood, or pursued with great danger and precariou. profit. To curb their lawless car.-cr in tho eoura. of thne, stron n id ulnoluto governments wero es ta'ilUlicd, whose ar'iitr try decrees nndedb ts thougi, they compelled pea -e and partiality protecle I jirop city, h id also tho ell'ecl of repressing liberty uiid n cripplin .commerce. Thco inseparable compan ions in Mini's history at length hurst their bonds an J now, in whitevc part of the earth a nation i hound fre.7. it coinnurcc is found to prosper in tin same proportion. The first oll'ipriiir of commerce, thus produ'Ci' by liberty. is. general circulating me limn, or cur rcavy; an 1 tho hojt proof of lbs pros 'crity of coin merce an.t perfection o.f liberty, arc. the sou n 1 nc and unifoimity of tint cuircner. In fa t it h a1 nnst impossible to conceive of a people suin icntl. free to refill lie their own nlTiirs. completely coin mcrcial in their In'iit and uirte.l in other roipects yet so blind to tli-ir bos' iutorcUs ai to neglect tin uniform regulation and soundness of that oi which their cvnni'rcul pnpo.-it do,ionds. A souu uuif'inu currency will therefore be tho first com merci.il effort of u free people. Ily i-uinmcrce is meant n t that mero importati i of foreign anl exportation o'doniesti-g iods whi I is carried on in seaport tnw'tn but the, general i!i posal of articles of all kinds, whether 1I12 prodii.e n thrcha-c tho field, the forest, the mine or tlie fi tory, by those who hacein'ru than they need, ti thoso whoreiiuirethein wherever fans irte.l. An by cwrenci is infndcl tint circulating e piiv.ile.i whih cadrrfveivos in return for tho arl'n-les sold and which will procure him an e pul oiiouht i value of others th it he may whh to purchase. It is iwntil when it is eithct compo.ed of tho proeiou metals or of piper a tually representing an e.pii 0'iimiiit ofsporio, or of property iou-tiiitly conver tible i-it'i specie, wiie where deposited for its in slant redemption; anil it is 'in f iriu w hen it is taken in an onul ratcin evc-y part of the country through whi'h it was intended to circulate. Such a currency, tho want of which was 0110 o tho greatest diniciilties of the rey.dulion, Was anions the first carPs of tho political father of uur libera ted and commcn i.il I nion. - - A national paper cuneney wmhy them created with the consent of Washington, afer a fullctam illation of tho fears of its opponents ami of the wnnts of tho country. Gradually and uiVocttialli iterformed itsolliic tilt tlic siuootion f its contin uance was again brought round in- tlie courso ot yp.irs; unin it was opf o-ed. and was, for a time dbpensed with; butaiain tho wants of c iliihtciei! audcijiia'I commerce oercome the scruples of Mad ison and onco more the business of the country found a sum reliance. Hero it tnifht bo suppo-cd that doubt und experimenting would h ive ended. -Hero it might bo hoped that the acts of as enlight ened and as puro patriotism as ever grired the his tory of anv iiat'ou. micht acniiire tlio f irec of pre cedent, and settlo the voxod question in favor rf the wants ol tin people and in opposiii m to fears whi "h two long and .full trials had not realized. Hut no. The doctrine thatou-ry man's understanding of the constitution, was the constitution, and that no pre cedent however safe in its experience, or authority of names however venerated by tho country, net rvnn Mm Aar ,Ia if tint cmiri'mo court of 1:10 na tion, wpro to- avail any th n wai bf nehuJ. !' itl il doctors aroie wluso jri I' avowol objre. was to ivo the piople fr.n tin power of thci-- own con itltutod a cuts, an.l Irom tlio lull t J.ieo oi o.i jmu created by their own hands fjr their own convent enco, 'l'hey found tho count v hca'thy an I pros- per jus in all its relations, and neeJiui; only u yli'jios3nio rcstrictiaii 01 via uxuusrair-ea at it vlfiur. To niaUo occujou for tho oxerciwofthoi elill, thov KJaJed on tho lutiouol spirit of alvon tura ints all tho wildnow of snojulatian, an I whe ) parnlizeil itsstrensth. Hut now. like nil other cm- pyric, tlnngh they have produced the disearo they cannot or will not apply the remedy. Never was there a country with a s Hinder and more uniform currency than ours, when, from what motive it is now ttse!es to inquire, the first a":taik wa mala irpinitin 16"'J. Even the might of that popularity which has, formed so singular an era iu our history as a peoples-made slow progress during the first J ears of the momentous warfare. In this state, so distin giiishcd for her giulitudo and devotion to tho baler of it if the legislative and executive voii o may be taken us an im c, public o. inion remained true to the common inttiests bo at' ns the session of 1831-2. Anu in lonjrcss, when arraigned at the bar of the house, by the Ex-c-utivc assertion of danger to the deposits in 1833, (ho American people by their representatives, de clared themselves satisfied with their cuneney, and with the depositary of theirwcalth. Hut. while tliC'iicws of this verdict was yet fresh in the r indofthc nation, the unauthorized uud tartling measure of the removal of tno deposits was consummated. Since which time a succession if measures, characterized by ret klcsncs3, ine n si tency, and sbort-si,bted expedient, have ful I w 'd eai h other in such rapid succession, as scarce ly to allow time to become acquainted with their irue character. Tho country 1ms been carried through a course ofstato hank currency exclusive gold and silver urrcn and treasury note current j, whi, h is on Iv rmt'ier name for so much new national debt 'ill gold and silver, the only legal tender, and the 'rue constitutional basis of.ill currency, haveaitu i 1 i casil to he uteil as money, and oic now bought ind sold as an artii le of merchandise in the n aikt t. I "pon I'cnnsylvania, as was befnie iemaikcd,tbe "vilo' tiinperiug with tin lurrcncy, has-fallen c p irativcly lightly. This is owing to var ous an c: - The general prosperity of business, and tho full irires for all kind of produce and articles, which pe- ai'ej for tliol i-t four jears, hid just diic.icuin- lercil tlie l.inns mid industry ot llw slaleottlu- lebts cntiiled on them bv the -everse that followed ISM, and left both in the best possil Ie tonditiou t.i icar a change. J he ilcMs. to the lianRs particular y, were either much diniiiiished, or generally of a emporary kind, incurred for mere present aocom- nmlalinu. The ruinous spirit of spcnlation. owing to the noro caiitijus habits of our fellow citizens had not iiaiisuri irogress in this state, as in some other loitions of the riitou. Though it Ind spread a- 1 irm'uuly during the few pa't vear.s. yet the amount f cugagc ccnts made under its iinhoh promptings v n not such as materially to eilect our business iiiisactions. The hurricane which has sweptnver lie linl has it is hoped, purified our business at- nosplicre ot tins infectious tliseusf. 1 tie act i len- il remedy h i3lieen. farthe preseuteir-ctual, thoiull I ire evero than even the sternest patriotism could iresjrilie. The completion an J operations of a large portion f the public w irks an 1 other means of inlcrii.il com luiiication. In I a diet I mil -h t-i tho real capital. i'id had invigorated the useful and sure enterprise flbcstiln, by a lording a market to the rich and uirivallod products of ro note secti ins and by con ferring on our iitieiii the certain profits rf a largo lrrying trajo in aluust every quarter olthoconi louwe.ilth. The la-v of 1828. pnhb ituir tho circulation of II ink notes under liv ilo'l irs. h id pla-cd our cur rency on a film r'i'is th ri f imiitI.- hv restriinin; ho tin reisiot piper circu'ati in, in 1 1 y iuercai,ig ho proporlio i of siiwi" in the hands of tho com niinitv an 1 in th" Hatik. The cn'ili ni'-d pre once and operations of thi! imk of tho Unitol .St if?. al givo fi the other tite luiiks aid t the curreii'y general y a s iu:id ,os n id u i 'irn.itv that wireo trcmely I eiielici.i'. "h stale al -o own I milch to th? so'i 1 c'-arscter of ipr hanki'i r in-tit itions grn -raMy, a.ul t tlm (-afu ind prudent m inner in which tjey had fur years a-t ' ciii eonilucte I in com pa 1011 wit'l utliirs. The nature t vi ofthe lu-Tcantilo biidness-of our 'ommercial metripo'ii was of 1 lirii" kind thin hit of some ofthn other seil-'uiird cit isi Hor t iri gene -ally resided in tho agri ultu iil rerions if tho west, whose interests, not b liivj o-t3iii.'ely I onnecled with I11M 11 nations, were not -o mate 'ally nfl'a ted by the derangement of traJe as were ho e depen linr 011 the So'ilhcru cotton, to' a -co, I in 1 sugar plantation. Ilcr il.iiim 011 other stales h ive been therefore generally secured, and the ef fect on her credit and that of her institutions, has iccn salutary m proportion. re.t:ier musttlic stcaily chaia tor ot tlie tlcaluig mrtion of our community bo overlooked. TJiepru-j lent, though enlarged views and solid oj c ations 1 f the inerclniits, and tho nlmi alilo manner 111 tvhicli the mannf.11 Hirer i maiiitaiued their credit, mil operations throiiuhout tho reve.se, arc worthy ' if all probe. Sustained in tliev were by the stead- 1 fin habits and sure capital of the methanics and' '11 cmers. all have passed the ordeal in a maimer at nice beneficial and honorable to the state. Hut all thoso advantages would have been of lit- , Ic avail, if during the first panic, of the suspension, an alarmed community had font into council an excited legislature, whoso action thai on tlie suli- . jei t would only have tided to the evil: and whose failure to act at all, wouiil nave riuiieu 1110 oiiiuin if its continuance to their own heads, l.-oni that jii whi h it naw so deservedly and plainly ro3ts. Under this conviction, when strongly urged in May last to convoke tho legislature, that memirol J . ,1 .1 1. 1 r.:n c. ..i,- was tiet iiiieo anu mo ri'snu iii ct-tu u miu niuuci 1dditio11tothoodvanta1.es whlih we ulicady pos-' sessed in the novel conflict now waging between iho intere ts of "tie government' anil tliote ot tlio leoi le. Hy avoiding that measure wo have ivsca .10.1 the utter pro-strati jii of tho currency by a v.nt mitobn of small notes whi h tho legislature would iio'uhlv h-uouutliori oJ and which would havo oiilinucd to curse the cointry lunt after tbp prc icnt . if j circulation of a similar dosi ription shall lavo di 'appeared. ' Wolnvoaljo avoided tho evil of an undue ex. p vision by tho botlVi of their general lirculatiou, whi h would have undoul to Hy folli wis) a law le- 'albiiu tlio suspension, ami wmcn lias necu pio vented hy tho wholcboma fear, under which they acted for tho last six months. In do linia r to convene tho TiCgblalure, ercalon ww Uutu U a,ix;al UJ tlw iatriolLui uf Uw people in support ot ll i" rri'ilit til llic stu'te nntl her iiis'itntintiR, t nil I" warn tl c lirttka nirrinst f ppcti aiiiirr on thr. niibfortitne of tlie times, hy floodin!T tl c 0 utry with an increased and depreciated paper eireulation. They were at the fame tune encoiiraiictl to hone , that if the proper course was pursued the measure into which the'v had heeil com-' pellcd hy necessity, woi 1 1, tfno undue ad-1 v.intapes were taken of it, not he punished as a crime, hut treated as a mtsmrlutie. It is now my hinh gratification to heahle to announce lo the Legislature, that not only have-our fellow-cilizcns fjenerallv amply i .- i oustaiunii tneir old reputation lor ijootl faiJi it 1 1 ti ijiiiu iiiuii i: in uiu irv iiiij i'iims, inn linn the portion of them connected with the Hunks, have rcdlizeil all that was expected. The report of tho Auditor General, when laid before you, will show that there hits been a material decrease in tlie- amount of noU'f i i circulation, and an increase of spe cie tiuco the suspension: Also that the debts due to the H inks ' nveheen reduced, which result must have been produced without distress to the coinuiuiiity, s no complaints if lhat kind have been made known; and that private deposits, which are the best (idciicc of public confidence, have suffered vcrv little diminution. Itciurns bad been received on yesterday from all the hanks in the" State -except the Northampton Hank, the I.umlierimms' Hank it Warren, the llonesdiile Hank, and the Columbia Hridge company, the whole nuin hct in t ie Slate being fifty. Their circulation, specie, discounts and deposits, stood as follows in the begining of May and November 1837. lAIav. November. Circulation, 21,003.51: 0511 10, 10 1,530 21 Specie, -4,391,072 Discounts, 80,H.7,0I3 Deposits, 12,101,008 Hence it appears that 'leciease of circulation, SI. 809,003.81, or near 21 0,000,510 88 13! 00,0.12,755 00 151111,030,279 21 there has been a to the amount of one fourth, since the suspension nl discounts to the amount of $10,101,808 13 or about one fifth, and of deposits to the amount of 537,728 91, or sdiniit one-twentieth and that specie h.is iiificased more than one-half, or S2, 515,13855. .The returns yet tube receiv ed will not materially vary tho result. It thus appears that the banks oM'cnnsyl v:ni ia are in a much sounder condition than before the suspension; and that the resump tion of specie payments solar as it de pends on their siuiation and resources may lake place at any time. Hut we must not rest content with the contemplation of this gratifying stale of things. Though a favorable combination of circumstances has for the present guar ded in from the extent of injuiy to which t'le occurrences of the past j ear exposed t'u- Commonwealth, it is not the part of priidunce again lo r-ly on a similar escape IV un danger. O.ir duty is, if possible, to prevent its recurrence. The Jhmln have well sustained then - selves through the crisis; hut tho Hank svs'cm that could admit of sujIi a ciiah. must he defective. The fact that agcner.il suspension of pay ment in gild .and silver has taken piace, without producing a general fnrfeituie of the charters, though it was the evident ii -tenti.in of the Id-gisl.itnre to prevent or pu .-. isli such a catastrophe hy that penally, neither justifies thu ,su:ipi;iision, nor proves that the penalty is unjust . it only shows ha a crisis has arisen not foreseen by the Legislature of 1821. in which the infli. tion of the penally would be productive of more evil to the cninmunity than a continuance of the suspension. It is a remarkable in stance pf the "iriual repeal of a general law of the land by the expressive, hut si lent action of public necessity, by which even the fierceness of parly zeal bus been restrained. Of the voles polled at the l.ite general election, a small innjoriiy were hy a party one of whose prol'cpsed principles was oposition to Hanks., It is a fair suppo sition that this majori'y held t'uwo the sus pension, the fame proportion of tho hank notes of tho State. It was therefore in their power to have closed up ami f.nfeited the charter of every hank in the Common wealth except perhaps two or three. They h ive not done, so, and tho reason is, lhat tha'r own, und the public interest, would have thereby sufl'ered. The public agents, hold Legislative and Executive, tiro thorefore hound to art on ibis plain intimation of ihn public, wish. And this cousinicijoii thfi Legislature are the most compelled lo re-' sped, inasmuch as bv the 19th article of Iho act of 25th of .March, 1 82 1, no forfei ture can take plncii for inert suspension ex cept at iho desire and hy thu action of tho neoole who are the note' holders. Hut though thu Lecislaturo may thus he restrained bv existinc rights, fromeonstnio- ting n hanking svstoui entirely in tho new, vet it is their duty to take such measures foi ilto protoctiou tjf Urn future, ilia aa- t r of tin; rase demands and will admit. : 1 ur firrai oiijcci ni a reiorin m me bsuiK- inn sysleni shrtuIiUn-pfreetually to eurli the power to do evil, without Itite'rferins wi lt the capacity to promote the common pood. ' I o accomplish tins desirable end. I would recommend tlie incorporaii-in of the follow- inn provisions, or of otlters calculated to produce the same results, iti all future Hank laws, and their instant application, so far as chartered rights and the failh of the State j will allow, to the Hanks now in existence: 1. That the profits or dividend pavahleto uic am isniFivit.1. i i.- urn vi i it-sun irti in ,1... -..-i-i,..i.i.,o c. .,..1 ... per PPnt per ylinum 011 lu. ,.apila aclu.,Hy paid in 2. That the notes in circulation he still furthpt reduced, in proportion to the amount i of capital stock paid in. It may, by the present laws he limbic lhal anionnt. : 3. That wherever the specie of any Hank shall fall below a fixed proportion to iho no'es in ( ircttlattort, all increase of circula tionhnll he strictly prohibited and summa rily punished, until the proportion required by law shall he restored. 4. That no loan shall be made to any hrn kei or other person engaged n dealing in money, notes, bills, or other evidences of debt, until persons engaged in oilier busi ness, and ptusentLg equal security, shall be first accommodated; nor any loan he made on pledge of stock, nor on a iy other security, except that which is tisui.lly de manded. And that loans to Directors, di rectly or indirectly, shall be placed under similar icstrictions with those lo brokers. , That the amount of loans lo any intlivjd. mil or firm, whether asdrawci or endorser, or both, shall not he permitted to exceed a certain stun fixed by law, except with the consent of three-fourlhs ofthe Directors. , 0. That the excess of annual profit be yond 0 per cent, shall be invested by the ofiicers of curb hank, in such manner as shall he approved hy the State Treasurer, until it reach a certain amount to be fixed by law, iu proportion to I lie capital paid in, as a separate fund to tecure the salety of the hank, and to redeem its noles in case of accident. The fund lobe under the di rection ofthe Stockholdeis. who shall he permitted, after its completion, to receive ali the. earnings of the Hank, until they shall he reimbursed for such portions ofthe dividends between 0 and 7 per cent, an were therein invested. ' Hut after they shall have been thus repaid, all excess of divi dend over 7 per cent, shall be periodically paid into the Suite Treasury for the use of the Commonwealth, together with theluiul iiself, at the expiration ofthe charier anil discontinuance of the Hank. That every Hank iu the Slate shall be compelled to keep its notes at par in liar- risburg. Philadelphia and l'iltsbuig, the . ..I., .i .i - one tlie capital, anu inn diners ine ureal rcial emporiums of the Common. wealth, or be summarily liable to the hold er for any discount inc.irrcil. That a" law be passed fixing a period, J nt more di years limn lanl than three, four, or five the present, fur the expulsion from circulation of all notes of a low er de nomination than ten dolla'S. That the President and Directors for the year during which a suspension of s crie payments sbnll occur in any Hank, shall he i idividual'v liable for its notes, and for all oilier eh ims against it. That hcreal'er no bonus or price shall he paid to the State hy an Hank for a char ter or recha-ler, oilier than the excess over 7 per cent, of its annual profits as above mentioned; und lhat al! new stock shall be sold hv auction, the excess above par value to be iho property of the State, hut lo be invested iu the fund above described till the exiiiratinii ofthe charier. And finally, 'hat no bank be allowed to oi us menus, anu are neiu wan peneci con go into operation nniil one third of its Mock fidenee. The only nhsfacle in the way, is shall have been aclually paid in. .- These improvements ol the system, I have little doubt, would he effectual. A limit to the private profits ol hanking hns heroine minifn-tly necessary, lo pro- tect sor.ietv against the danger and evils springing from the ih-siro lo realuo large dividends; hut it should be accomplished in such a manner a to strengthen and not wea- t-.., il.rt li..n!.- l,ii,. incr. tlio nnhlin irorill IS involved in their soundness. It is to pro- tho custom of the .American merchants for tl ice tilts double result that a l profit, be- another year. Moans will be fomiiiuo ai ynnd a reasonahlu sum. is recomnien led to range the gradual payment of the small bar ho retained for thu public use; hut that, in ance yet due, without loss to one party Ot stead of being taken at once into thu puMio inconvenience to Iho other. And then if coffers, it should Im invested, with thu con- sua! trade will he resumed. To tha prcy sent of an officer elected by Iho Legiitature, duction of this desirable result, which will" i i such manner as shall p'romoto iho bo3t be the signal for the resumption of epeci interests of society, hy infusing additional payments, tho Increasod soundness of th soundness and health into the currency, j banks of this Slate, and the noble and patrl-' To prevent iniseoiiMrticiion, it Is proper to otip efforis made by tha merchants of th-1 state that no intention is ontertabiud of cre.i- north, anj the planters of the eotith, tor ting a safatv fund syatHin. by which all meet thir engagement hy purchasing epef. thu hanks oftlw Suite shall ho Involved in cie at any prieo. anJ by shipping their eo' one eouunnn doom, to ha infiieteJ at any ton and other articles, to pajr tSeir depfe mom mt by legislative- or executive authort and redeem Uhe honor of the dooatiy,'41X it-jury to the community, by restMininir the pn Ms ot the stockholders; and to heiifLt huth the community and the stockholders l.v permanently investing- the excess of pn fits of each hank, in a separate fund for i.s i.wn simnnVt -ml -n.,nf:v,..- -...i ...:.u lout governmental conttol or intcrfetencc of any kind. '. - The restrictions of circulation to inv a'. mount hearing a just and a safe proportion to capital paid in, and to specie, and the presence in each hank ofa nnnnnnpnt fund (which should he eonsiderahle') 'to auaran- tee the safety of the ba'nk"creditors. would nt all timss merit and obtain unlimited pub lic confidence for the bank. ' The limitation of the profits ofthe stock holders with the increased responsibility of directors would both remove the temptation" to undue speculation for the sake of obtain ing large dividends, and the consequent danger ofthe hanks being compelled ever to refuse redenij ti in in specie. It would also nnst efljotually check the increase of banks be ond the actuill wants of trade, so that there would he lilt'e risk ever after iti creating any bank whose stock could bo suliscribcd and paid in. ' ' ! ' The rcgnlati.,11 to keep all the bank note's ofthe State at par, at certain points, would give a unifoni i y to our currency over the State and a Slate soundness and charac ter to it, oyer tho Union, which would be beneficial and desirable in every rs--pcct. . . The keeping of all the notes ofthe State at par all over the Stale, and the prevention of loans to men; dealers in money, wheth er as brokers or directors, would go far towards the abolition of paper shaving, and have the effect of seeming batik accommo dations for the useful man ""of- busiii'essl This desirable irsult would also be aided by limiting tlio nmnuutof loans attainable by each person, and by discountenancing loans on pledge of stock The disuse of all notes under S10 would still further widen the specie basis, and in crease the soundness of the paper system, Now is the time to take means lo accom plish it, even in the midst of the illegal small notes and general depreciation of the dav. The banks have generally diminish ed their circulation. The decrease consists proportionality, and in some instances mainly, of a withdrawal of five dollar notes, preparatory to partial resumplion. If they lie now told that these ipites will he discon tinued at a period not far distant, they will take measures on the resumption of specie . payment, and of their usual amount of bu siness, to throw an increased quantity of ten dollar net's into circulation. Thus the change can lake place with little shock to the community or less lo the hanks. '' To extricate the commerce and currency, of the country from its present difficulties, Vm is ll,R P.0"'T of Sljue legislation, ind therefore little is required to be done. The general resumption of specie pay ments, even though, left to the unaided en-' terprise of the American people cannot he far distant. All the signs of the times indi cate it. The premium on specie, though recei't'y fliii'luMing on account ofthe grea ter denian I of tlns season of tho year, has f-dlun regularly and considerably. The general business of the country, is fast re covering its healthy tonr, thou'uli far short1 ofthetisifi' amount. The prices of land an I of produce and all other ariicles, have neither dccr-ascd nor experienced that sud den rise which betokens a great want of confidence in the ultimate soundness of the currency. Tho notes of tho banks ' much decreased in amount havo lost the grealer part of their disiant circulation, and are now. generally clustered around the in stitution whence thev issded, in the hands the remaining debt to Luropo, foranicles nnugni on creuii ny ine importing mercnanur (ofthe Union. T! is will however soon he! rnnoved. Tlie crop of another year woulJ- completely clear it oil, even if the resump-' , lion of the usual business intercourse, werft m.idu lo depend on its preious and full discharge. But such is not, or will not be , the case. Europe and particularly Great Urilatll cannot well afford tr liH (lf-nrivflil of'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers