The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 25, 1837, Image 2

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    feer frte; yatiti tht j7 6f griaf, for the'
grave could scarcely have more effectually
Reparoled her from her friends. Such
were among the deep woes and sorrows of
yenning! Thoro was nn praeo until Gen.
Sullivan, aided bv Generals Clinton. Poor,
Maxwell, Hand, Col, Proctor with his
Artillery and others, invaded the Indian
country in 1770, and drove the savages to
By a R?snhition of Congress of March
14, 1777, it was ordered "That" General
Washington he informed, that no piovUion
lias been made by Congress for the sup
port of widows whose husbands have been
slain in battle."
At a later day, vwhcn the distresses of
war were more fulfy realized, belter
thoughts prevailed, 4hd Aug. 10, 1770, the
following just anil beautiful resolution was
auoptcd by aft almost unanimous vote.
iPi f. .ii ii..
I liat it be and hereby is recommended to
,,.., i o. - r . '
itin enxnJ O. ....... iA. ..-t. ' 1 . . ' '
r.... r .i. .r.i '. . . , t
wi mo tviuiMva in sucii oi me omcers anu
, such of ihe soldiers enlisted for the war,
as have died, or may die in the service,
;m shall secure to them the sweets of that
liberty, for the attainment of which the
husbands have so nobly laid down their
By a resolution of August 24 1780, the
Resolution of May, 1778. graniinfir half
I "pay to these officers, who continurd to Ihe
7! XV l-.l r-
" "i i iir, Hi'.s rAiuiiueii lor sevrii
years after such officer's death, to his wid
ow or orphan children.
i hough the letter of the Resolutions mav
not reach us so as to found thereon a legal
claim, we do respectfully submit to your
Honorable Houses, that their equity and
spirit do extend to the widows and orphans
of those who, at Fyoming, nollly laid
down their lives to obtain the sweets of
Liberty and Independence to their coun
try, ror in the view of Patriotism and
Justice, what difference can it make, in
respect to a claim for assistance to the wid-
i ow and orphan left destitute by the death
of their husband or father whether thcV
were engaged to serve for longer or shnr
tor time? The term of cither ceased with
death, and left each in equal sorrow and
Sevrral widows applied to the command-
"er oi the Indian expedition in 177a, on lus
passage through 'voniing. They receiv
ed it rnhi on condition that tliev would
to yritj r the puultc tn renirn. bo ill were
the regulaiions of those disastrous times.
fSee note B on first pige.j
i he blood and lenrs at voming wen
not shed in vain. Perhaps few incidents
during the war, produced stronger sensa
tions of horror and pity, throughout Eu-
iropc, man tne yoming Massacre, rer-
I haps few circumstances had so powerful a
pendency to discredit in public estimation,
Line arms and efforts ot the enemy; or had
a stronger influence in arousing the people
of the whole civilized world, in behalf of
the American cause.
After the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis,
lund the war might be regarded as ended,
I Congress issued a Proclamation for a gen
eral I hanksgivmg, calling on all classes to
(acknowledge the goodness ol Almightv
IGod, in affording aid to our arms "In
confounding the councils of our enemies,
and suflermg them to pursue such meas
ure's as have contributed to prostrate their
I own desires and expectations; above all, in
I making their extreme cruelty to the inhab
litants of these States, when in their power,
I and their savage devastation of property,
the very means of cementing our union,
land adding vigor to every effort in opposi
Ition to them."
Thus, honorable Representatives of the
I States and People, have we'stated nutcase,
and we respectfully pray- that Congress
Would appropriate a tract of Litul equal to
thit grante! by the State "of Virginia to
Col. George Rogers Clarke's Regiment; or
in proportion to that granted by Cutmccti-
piiHo New i.oii'ionand tier otneriowns
tn be divided by Commissioners to be ap
pointed by the President of the United
Slates, to the old Wyoming sufferers,
their Widows, JJeirs, and legal Represen
Signed by order, and in behalf of the
W11jI.iI AM icuas, uiiamnan.
Anderson Dana, Secretary.
The First Branch of the City Council
I of Ba'timore is composed of twelve Dcino.
cr Hand twelve Federalists. At thetccent
r.ii limr of this bodva tontest arose as to
the choice of a President, upwards- oi
if irlv ' al'otmgs were had without maKing
, n '""t'ou each party adhering to its own
r .mil I .le. The difficulty ippi'ara to been
Ip-i Mv settled by lot. The Americaji says
i'i "previous to the appointment, the Van
lu irff.i mi-mbers msde a proposition to de-
ide '"V lot from which party the rresidcnt
.'.-,,'. ibnsen. The proposal was im-
l....i. nffpntpd hv the Whigs, and de-
k in l in fvor of the Vo.i Buren member,
le 1 i-i favor of the o.i
r , r'InthinZThu very best super
. i 'i i .ru nri aimTtl-
I I " 1,1 ,v - in in
t fihut- S!n'h.iZlW Ihs retards of the
Lsfswrs of the town of Woftdb.irrt, Mass. it
I ... .r.oi ilw.ix wfrA mnde in that town
Ii ii.nfjiffff'niliiii' last April, 270,81-1
I lwa. valued at $221,251.
In'.mVr of m des employed at this business
, Proa th New York Mirror.
following tato illustrates one of the
many instances of distress existing a-
mong the poor seamstresses of the city,
Tmd the lady who has communicated it
for publication in the Mirror, vouches
ToriU authenticity.
Dp. you give out work here? said a voice
so soft, so low, so lady-like, that I invol
untarily looked up from the purse I was a
bout purchasing foi my darling boy, a birth
day gift from his papa!
Do you give out work here?
Not to strangers, was the rude reply.
The stranger turned and walked away.
.That purse is .Very cheap ma'am.
I do not wish it now, said I, as taking
up my parasol, I. left the shop, and follow
ed, the stranger lauv
i ws ng i iinmpson s, sue nauscu weni
i ,n. i ,i . i i
1 1 hesitated then turned and came out.
11 ! ,1,1 i. 1
1 now saw
her face it was very pale
her hair, hlack as ni'ht, was parted on Kor
forclicad her eves too, were very black,
and there wai a rildmrss in them that
made me shudder. She passed on up
Broadway to Grand street, where she en
tered a miserable looking dwelling. I pau
sed should I follow farther? She was evi
dently suffering much I was happy
blessed with wealth, and oh, how blessed
'in husband, children, friends! I knocked
!ie door was opened by a cross-looking
Is there a person living here who does
plain sewing? I inquired.
I guess not, was the reply. There Is
a woman up-stairs, who used to work, but
she can't get no more to do and I shall
turn her out to-morrow.
Let me go up, said I, as, passing the
woman with a shudder, I ascended the
You can keep on up to the garret, she
screamed after me and so I did; and there
I saw a sirlit of which I, the child of afflu
ence, had never dreamed! The lady had
thrown off her hat, and was kneeling by
the side of a poor low bed. Her hair had
fallen over her Khouldcrs she sobbed not
breathed not: lint seemed motionless, her
face buried in the covering of the wretch
ed, miserable bed, whercun lay her hnsbandi
He was sleeping. I looked upon his high
pale forehead, around which clung masses
of damp, brown hair it was knit, and the
pale hand clenched the bedclothes words
broke from his lips 'I cannot pay you
now.' I heard him say. Poor Fellow! even
in his drcami, bis poverty haunted him! 1
could bear it no longer, and knocked gen
tly on the door. The lady raisdJ her head,
threw back her long black hair, and gazed
mildly upon me. It was no time for cere
monv sickness, sorrow, want, perhaps
starvation; were before me I came to look
foranersort to do plain work, was all 1
-1 .
could sav.
Oh, g'ivc U me, she sobbed; Two days
we haxe not lasted food! and to-morrow
She gasped, and tried to finish the sen
tence. but could not. She knew that to
morrow thev would be both houieless and
Tin finnfrirtfld. vou shall wdnl no more
1 kept my word. In a ff w days she told
me all of dav.i of happiness id a sunny
West Indian "isle. hr childhood's home.
Of the deaths of father and mother of
cruel sislcr and brolher-in-law how she
left that home, hoping to find a brother in
America how &.;o sought him in vain,-
hut found, instead, a husband he too, an
Englishman, a gentleman and scholar, had
been thrown upon the world. Sympathy
deepened into love alone in a crowd all
the world to each other, they married
he procured employment in a school, she
plain needle-work, loo lone application
to the duties of his school, long walks, and
scanty fare, brought ill health and confined
him at length to his bed. 1 he shop trom
which his poor wife obtained work, tailed,
and tlieir resource was cut off. She had
looked long weary days for employment
manv had none to give others gave no
Work to strangers. Thus I found them
to comfort them for a little time then I
trust, they found indeed a Comforter in
Heaven.. . . .
The husband died first died, placing
the hand of his poor wife in mine! 1 nee-
led not the mute, appalling look he gave
. ... i t . i i.
me. 1 loon her 10 my own nappy numc
it was too lale!
It is a very little time ago, I went one
morning to her room; she had pftfiied a rest
less night; had dreamed, she said of her
dear George she called ine her kind and
onlv fiiend begged nte to sit a little while
beside her, and looked up" so sadly in my
face, that my own heart seemed well nigh
breaking. I left her not again. .
In the still, deep night, i nearu ner mur-
itlur. :Sister Anne, do not speak so harsh-
lv tn riiei oh mamma, why do you leave
me: 1 hen again sue saiu, give mv mi m sister. I am very faint. Ilertfoul
wn an-aiii in her own sunny home.
h "'J '
Lay me by my George, and God will
liUss von. were her last words to mo
led mv bushed children to look upon her
sweet nalo face, as she lay in her coffin.
Tlmv Imd iipvcr seen sorrow or death, and
them the -first knowledge of
both; then I told them of the sin, the cm
eltv, of those who wound Ihe strangers
Rapid Travelling. The steamboat
Cleveland, a new boat on tho Lake, made
her first trio from Cleveland to Buffalo,
(100 miles) in fourteen hour and a half.
The following table will show the state
of parties in the . last Legislature, and the
Federal gain this year.
1SS6. 1837.
V. B. F. V. B. F.
Albany 3 0 0 3
Allegheny, 0 0 2
Broome, .10 0 1
Cattaraugus 2 0 0 2
Cayuga 3 '0 0 3
Chatauquc 0 3 0 3
Chenango 3 0 0 3
Chemung l 0 10
Clinton JO 10
Columbia .3 0 0 3
Cortland .0 2 '6 2
Delaware 2 0 2 0
Dutchess 3 0 0 3
Erie 0 3 0 3
Essex 0 1 0 1
Franklin 0 0 0 1
Genessee 0 4 "0 4
.Greene "2 0 0 2
Herkimer 2 0 2 0
Jefferson 3 6 3 0
Kings 2 0 0 2
Lewis 10 10
Livingston 0 2 0 2
Madison 3 0 3 0
Monroe 0 3 0. 3
Montgomery 3 0 0 2
New York 6 7 0 13
Niagara 0 2 0 2
Oneida 4 0 0 A
Onondaga 4 0 '6 4
Ontario '6 3 0 3
Orleans 1 '6 0 1
Otsego 2 0 0 2
Oswego 3 0 3 0
Putnam 10 10
Queens 10 0 1
Rensselaer 3 0 0 3
Richmond 0 1 0 1
Rockland 10 10
Saratoga 2 0 0 2
Schenectady 10 0 1
Schoharie 2 0 0 2
Seneca 10 10
St. Lawrence 2 0 2 0
Steuben 3 0 3 0
Suffolk 2 0 2 0
Sullivan 10 10
Tioga 10 0 1
Tompkins 2 0 0 2
Ulster 2 0 0 2
Warren 10 10
Washington 0 2 0 2
Wayne 2 0 0 2
Westchester 2 0 9 2
Yatct 10 0 1
04 34 28 100
1st District, Gulian C. Verphu e'i:
Henry A. Livingston.
Edward P. Livingston.
Martin Leei
Laurens Hull;
John Maynare.
William jV. Mosely:
By our exchange papers from Bradford
county, we learn that proceedings under
the statute iiave been commenced against
the Towanda bank at Tnwanda before a
iildge ol that county, and mat the bank u
supposed to have forfeited its charter in
point ol law. 1 Ins being the case, the
proceedings will be laid before the execu
tive, tvhosc duty it i,s immediately to issue
his proclamation, declaring the charter ol
said bank null and void. ill the wiley
. 1 !
and corrupt auvisors, oi ins imbecile ex
cellency induce him to endeavor to secure
his re-eh ction by buj-'ing up all the bankt.
whose charters mav come belore him, ai
the expense of violating a positively imper
ative statute, and the oath he has taken to
support the constitution and laws; or will
fear compel the performance ol (liny, anu a
reliance upon mc monster oi wnijrticuuun.
,f i .1. . - r ... t. !
which we presume will be saved, let tin
principle laid down for executive action be
what it may, it hav ng stipulated tor till
years servility! By private letter we learn
that the cashier of the I owanda bank,
broker from New York, was despatched
to farm our farmer Governor; by pronii
sing allegiance to the whig cause, and thai
he has written homo to his friends the as
avrance of the Governor, that they would
be saved if they would comply with hi
considerations. Nothing could be asked
on the score of fnrice'r support, as he has
been a most hostile opponent of whiggcrv
and antimas'onry, until the late election,
when finding a probability of defeat from
an influx of foreigners on the public works,
he proeurd tickets with tvpo similar to the
daui'jcarlic ticket, on the outside, and the
names of the Tory candidates on the inside,
anil thus evinced a determination to be with
the winning party. 11 the lacu related to
lis be true they argue corruption of unpfc
cedented magnitude but what may not be
expected from a Governor; who can heap-
i ii , . i" ,4
proacueu oy a nnnx oiuccr on a qursuon
relative to the institution he represents
which is to come before nun lor otiicial ac
tion in a fcty days? If the law shall be
disregarded in pursuance of the assurance
said to have been given we would suggest
to the aggrieved citizens of Bradford the
propriety of laying the whelo matter before
tfie legislature, wfio on such a grots viola
tion of law, duty, and the sanctity of an
oath would undoubtedly impeach the Gov
cruor. Keystone.
2d do
3d do
4 th do
6th do
7th do
8th do
Trom the Northumbrian,
Incidents in the early settlement
Country. Few,, if any, arc now aljve to
tell of the difficulties and dangers encoun.
teredln the early setllcment of the .country
bordering on the West Branch of the Sus
quehanna, by the hardy pioneers who ven
lurcd into The wlldcrntiss". These brave
men haye. passed from among us, never to
return and we fear without leaving a re
cord df the many trials thev had to under
go in rescuing this delightful country from
the hands ofllic savages. Whatever relates
to that period must, ho interesting to the
majority of olir 'readers, and we have pre
pared the following from an authentic
In the year 1772 Mungo Reed resided
on SliamoLin Island, near Ihe junction of
the two branches, Thomas Grant and Cpl.
Hunter resided on tho farms now in the
possession of their heirs: aud Robert Mur
dock near by Mr. Grant. These gentlemen
may be considered as among the must set
tlers of Northumberland county. The
principal pioneers from that pqriod down
to 1770. wcie Capt. John Kelly, Capt.
John Lowdcn, the father of tho lale Beth
unl Vincent, and connexions, Cant. W. Pat
terson, Capt. John Brady, Ludwig Derr,
Reuben Haines, Samuel and Joseph Wal
lis, Robert Martin, William and Samuel
Maclay, William Hutchison, Cornelious
Atkinson, Moses Kirk, John and Robert
Eson and Capt. Gray, Robert Fruit,
Walter Clark William Clark, William Wil
son and Robert Clark were also among the
early settlers. The names of other early
settlers are not now recollected. The prin
cipal dependance of the settlers at this pe
riod was the meat of the deer, of which
there was an abundance. In 1772 there
was but one house where Sunbtrry now
stands, one at Old Fort Augusta, one on the
Grant Farms one on Shamokin Island, one
in Northumberland, and but four or five
between that place and Milton, where there
was one.' Between Milton and Muncv
Hills there were ix families, and tint mure
than eiulit or ten on the Susauehnnna above.
At thin time the only mill iipar the Simquc
hanna was Ludwig Dcrr'i near where Lew
isburg now stands. Some time after were
built, Widow Smith' mill on While Deer,
Hamrighl s on Chilhsquaque, a mill near
Cattawissa nn the North Branch, and Free-
land's on Warrior Run, a few miles above
In the year 1773, '74 and '75 the coun
try was settled very rapidly, and began to
present a cheerful appearance, but in the
years '76 and '77 a check wa put to its
rapid settlement by signs of approaching
troubles with the Indians, who had ever
considered it as their own property, and
were now desirous of regaining what the
white man had taken from them. The Six
Nations had roamed for ages free as air
through this beautiful valley, snd excited
by the British and lories they appeared ea
ger to shed the blood of those who had
ventured this far from the busy hum of the
more thickly netllrd portion of the country
into that valley which they looked upon as
sacred to themselves. Amonc them was
John and Roland Mnnteiir. chiefs of the
Seneca tribe from whom Monteur's Ridge
took its name men of fine proportions
and possessed of the savage character of the
Aborigine, inveterate enemies orthe whites,
whom no kind licnlinent could persuade
. I. r ii ,, . 1
io or ineniuy. i ncy acted a conspicuous
part in the Indian depredations which fid-
lowed, and were at the taking of Fort Free
land in 1770.
At this time, 0777) on the West Branch
there were four forts, lo wit; Fort Horn.
live miles above where Jersey Shore now
stands, I-on Antis, opposite Jcrsev Shore.
in which there was one dismounted cannon,
the only one belonging to any of the forts;
l-on iwuncy, now Muncy Farm; and Free-
land's Fort, on Warrior Run. four mile
from the rivet, and about 18 from tlieiunc
uon nunc norm and West branches of the
Susquehanna. These M ere all stockade forts
and not capable of opposing much resls
tance to an enemy.
I he first Indian depredations on the
West Branch were committed by the Six
Nations in the summer of 1777, when
Levi Jones' & Saltsman were killed at the
mouth of Kettle Creek, about 70 or 80
miles above Northumberland on the ex
treme frontier. Early hi the spring of 17-
io tne lamuies oi urown, Ueniamin and
ii . i , . r!
ijook were an euncr hiiicu or taken priso
ners, four rnilcs from the mouth of Loval-
sock Greek. In the same year Thornnson
and .bhoeielt were killed on the waters of
the I.oyalsock. On the same day two mil
itia men; and the wife and child of Poter
cimilh. and tho wife and child of William
King were killed by the same party of In
dians, on the road, near the same place,
as they were tavellihg with a wagon. The
next day after the last mentioned persons
were killed, a party of militia from Fort
Muncy, under Capt- Reynolds, proceeded
up the river to Fort jintis, for the purpose
of scouring tho country, and whilst there
men, Able Cady. Zephaniah Miller and
Samuel Armstrong, who had crossed tho
river early in thombrning, to dig potatoes
from Fort Antis, where killed wilhin sight
of the fort. A few days after the return of
the parly to Fort Muncy, Joseph Webster's
children, who were on their way to their
farm, worn taken by the Indians. The el
drst, a son, was killed, and the others
i i.. i . . . .
iwo uuuguiera anu a sou, were retained z
Shortly after this tho same party (of
which weuiuci jaeeni was one was ecm
back to Fort Anlis with ammunition, and
while iheio an express informed ihem of
the mapsncrc at Wyoming. They immedi-
ilclv proceeded to I'ort Horn for the pur
pose of conducting' the inhabitants to a place
of safety, and on the road three men were
killed by the Indians. Mcming, Andrew
Donaldson nnd John Alc.Miichcn, oppositd
the mouth of Pino Creek, on the mouiiinin
side of tho river. Th'1 partv moved Ihe
inhabitants about throe mile? down the riv
er from Fort Horn and encamped in t'ie
woods on one Hamilton'd farm. Next
morning they crossed the river for the bo
dies of the three men who were killed, and
buried them in Fort Antis. The means
used to convey the inhabitants down the
river were fiats, cano'ew, hog troughs, horse
troughs, and in short every thing of which
they could form a raft or float sufficiently
trong to carry them and their effects
Ono of these sunk in .wJiuU called the
"Race Ground," hut fortunately no lives
were lost. They all arrived at Northum
berland in four or five davs ;iftcr their de
parture from Fort Antis. All the inhabi
tants north of the Muncy Hills were brought
down at this time.
In June 1778 the families of James Mc-
Night and Durham attempted to make tlieir
way to Northumberland from the neigh
borhood of Milton, for refuge, hut were at
tacked by a party nf Indians who had laid
in ambush for them, and a son of Mr. Mc-
Night was killed, and, Mrs. Durham tomn-
hawked and scalped, Mrs. M'Night was
on horseback with a child in her arms
the horse became frightened at the firing.
turned and ran back to the farm with hi
rider on him, she holding the child by the
feet for a considerable distance. A child of
Mrs. Durham was killed, but idie recover
ed and lived wilhin a few miles of Milton
until 183 , highly esteemed by a numerous
circle of acquaintances, when death called
her away.
Early in the spring 1770 James M'Night'
left Fort Fret-laud with six men for the
purpose of getting his horc at his farm,
was attacked by the Indians, and himself
and five men killed. One man escaped.
A scouting party left the fort anil attacked
the Indians aud one man was killed, ma
king seven that day. On the 21st of July
as six men wpre hoeing corn m the field
in which Fort Frcelantl stootl they were at
tacked by Indians, three were killed, two
taken prisoners, and one escaped into tho
In our next we will give a short account
of the taking of Fort Frcelantl near Milton.
Call not that man wretched, who, what
ever else he suffers as to pain inflicted or
pleasures denied, has a child for whom he
hopes, and on whom lie doats. Poverty
may gn'nd him to the dust, obscurity may
cast its darkest mantle over him, the song
of the gay may be far from his dwelling,
his face may be unknown to his neighbours,
and his voice he unheeded by those among
whom he dwells, pain may rack his mints,
and sleep may flee his pillow but ho has
gem, with which lie would not part for
wealth defying computation, for fame filling
world s car, for a luxury of the highest
health, or for the fwretesl bleep that ever
sat upon a mortal eye-lid;
Time, thou art sadly calumniated, and
yet thou bearcst it patiently. Few there
arc who bless thee many are they who
curse thee, nevertheless thou preserv'est the
unvarying steadiness of thy flight, progress
ing with unruffled wing", deaf lo foolish
prayers, and blind to childish tears, and
thou art a blersing equally to those who
curse and bless thec. Some men call thee
enemy hecausc by thee friends are nnrted.
and the shout of eonvivbditv Milled; but
without thy flight, which in the vm- es
sence of thy being, Ihe crown of thv glory,
and the gracefulness of thy beauty, what
would this world be!
town; fJtVA
Five. Reasons.- "Mistress Grimes, lend
me your tub?" "Can't do it all the hoops
are off it's full of suds besides I never
had one because I washes in a barrel."
The Porllaiitl Times, in sppaking of a
man being robbed of five hundred dollars,
asks "what business hasi a gentleman with
five hundred dollars in these times?" Wo
should like to see tho man that could rob us
of five hundred dollars at any time! Edi
tors arc not so soft now-a-da'vs as to carry
money about them.
All the children (females) being bom in
England ate chrictcned Victoria' as fast as
they come along, and mothers are shock
ingly .provoked if their ''new bom" are not
girls just at this lime. One woman who
had twins, one boy and one girl, called'
them both Victoria.
"We remember to have heard a woman,
who was scolding her brats for some pranks,
exclaim, "Well, you two little villains, if I
"can make, nothing of you, as sure us I live
i win ion aoinyour fathers"
"My I.prd," iaid a fellow condemned to
be hanged for sheep-stealing, "all I auk or
your Lordship is, that I shall not bo hanged'
on a Friday." . "Why!" asked . tho judge'
in surprise. "BeeaifseV' was the answer,,
"it is always considered an unlucky day."
''Never he critical upon the ladies," was
tho maxim or tin old Irish peer, remarka
ble for his homage to the sex; "ihe only
way in the world that a true gentleman
ever will attempt to look at the faults of a'
pretty wotaau is to shut hit eyes,"
wan 383; tho uuaiirot icuiaiefl