The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 18, 1837, Image 1

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I Iihvo sworn upon tho Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over tho Blind of Man." Thomas Jaflcnion.
Volume I.
Next noon to Rouisos's bTAai: Office.
published evenj Saturday morning, at
mVO DOLLARS per annum, payable
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollar?
.Fifty Cents if not paid within the year.
No subscription will betaken for a shorter
period than six months; nor any discon
tinuance permitted, until all arrearages
are discharged.
AD FERTI SEME NTS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first three insertions,
and Twenty-five cents for every subse
quent nscrllon. ICpA liberal discount
made to those who advertise by the year.
LETTERS addressed on business, must
be post paid.
The Gentleman's Magazine.
The proprietors have much pleasure in announc
ing to the reading puhlic, the complete success
which (ias attended tho establishment of this Maga
zine a success fur beyond their utmost expectations,
and considerably exceeding the prosperity of any
publication in America. The daily increasing sub
scription list, and Tin: xuMEniiUB co.mmeniiatiiiit
NttTibEs ok the, attest tho merits and the
popularity of the Gentleman's Magazine, each num
ber of which contains more
ban anv other monthly publication in the United
Original Tales of Powerful Interest. Humorous
and Graphic Delineations of Men and Manners.
Novel Sketches of Foreign Lands; Poetry; Charac
teristic Studies; Essays on Popular Subjects, and
Diogiophical Notices of Celebrated or Eccentric
Persons, with many ungimu Anecdotes.
The hiva of Faganini, with likenesses; Prince
Vucklcr Muskau; Dickens, Boz, the author of the
Pickwick Papers, with a likeness; Dr. John Faust,
the Sorcerer, The Duchess of St. Albans, and
Zingha, thcfNegro Queen, have already been gicn.
The new Publication nrn reviewed in full; liberal
extracts made from rare and valuable work present
ing a complete account of the Popular Literature of
the day.' An Original Copy night Song, not othcr
ve to bo obtained, will bo given, with the music,
in every number. ,
. The Gentleman's Magazino will contain seventy
two extra sized octavo pages, of two columns each.
forming, at the close oltlio year, two largo Handsome
volumes of Ono Thousad Seven Hundred and
Twenty-eight columns, each column containing
more than an octavo pago of average proportion,
and each monthly number has more reading matter
than a volume of q novel. The woik is neatly
minted on cood paper, and stitched in a neat colored
cover. Several engravings will be given in tho
course of the vear;and the proprietors pledge tlicm
selves ta produce an agreeable book an epitome
of Life's adjunctives a Literary Melange possessing
variety to suit all paiaics, aim suuirieiu mien-si iu
command a place upon the parlor table of every
Gentleman in the United States.
production, Embracing every possible variety of
PICTUllAlj UIHI'JiAl , aim cxccuicu iu nrsi
style of Art, by J. Aiiams, of Now York, accom
panies the OcToimn Numheti.
TermsStt per annum.
To induce subscribers o forward their names
immediately, the publisher begs lcavo to offer tho
following extra inducements for Clubbing, tho
advantages of which proposition can only remain
in force till Christmas next. The subscription to
the Gentleman's Magazine will, for a single copy,
be invariably Three Dollars per annum, payable in
advance but a five dojlar bill, will produce two
copies to the same direction, or a club of Ten Dollars
will command five copies. oct 14-31
Znsurance Company.
Capital authorised by Law, $250,000.
HB public arc respectfully informed, that this
nmnnnnv win ma to insurance, cuucr 1IIT-
limltftfl mi nrnncrlv and rfl'ects of everv
iiuiiviik ui it ! 1 ,
(cription, against loss or damage by fire, on the
most' reasonable terms, at their ollko in Chester,
Delaware county, Pennsylvania.
T bo citizens of Columbia county arc hereby in-
bv the abovo Company ofi
ev6ry description of property, can bo cllectcd by
applying to tho undersigned agent, in Cattawissa
Tho following are, tho annual Ratciof Insiuanco
qn the $100, upon the most Common description
of property, viz:
Stone or Brick dwelling
houses SO to 40 cents
Frame or Log do. 00 to 75 "
Brick or Stone barns, 50 to 024 "
Frame or Log do. 75 to 100 "
Brick or Stone Grist
Mills, 02Uol00"
FMnc . do. 75 to 100
Merchandize anifurnitnro contained in houses,
and grain and utensils in mills and barns, in pro.
portion. Information can bo had by applying ci
ther personally, or by letter post paid, to
1 EZRA . HAYHURT, j-lgeiU.
Cattawissa, cptcmber30, 1837.
itljrATl2 vnlf.l nrnl fnr ttnle at the
iUU WO w( J"" ti-wnm, .
H new &. chcan storo of
From Philadelphia, by Rail Road Canal
to Harrisburg, Northumberland, Dan
ville, Callawissa, Bloomsburg,
Berwick, fl'ilkcsbarrc, Mil
ton, U'illiamspprt, ,and
intermediate jdaces.
PASSENGERS can leave the West Chester
ilutcl, Broad street, Philadelphia, daily, at G
o'clock, A. M. reach Hnrrisburg at 4 o'clock, P. M.
of the same day ; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A.
M. of tho next day ; and Wilkesbarro on the suc
ceeding morning at C o'clock ; when Coaches will
iiumcdiatey start for Carbondale, Tunkhanhock and
Montrose,, and thence to the Western part of New
York slate.
RETURNING The Boats cave Wilkesbarro
daily, at 10 o'cock, A. M., and arrive at Blooms
burg at 4 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at
5 o'clock on the following morning, and readies
Columbia in time to take the morning Car3 foi
The Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on the
West Branch, at about 0 o'clock, P. M. of the same
day on which they reach Northumberland and re
turn daily.
The Boats on tho above lines have been repaired,
and nro now confidently recommended to the PuB
LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode
of travelling. bl.A 1 omay be tiken in Philadelphia
at the north-east corner of Fourth & Chcsnul streets,
at No. 200 Market street, and at the West-Chester
Hotel, Broad street.
FREIGHT. may be forwarded by Rail Road from
Orrich & Nobles and J. J. Lewis fc Co, Broad street,
and by Oapt. McCabes Lino of Union Canal Hoats
to Harrisburg, whero they will be received by tho
Susquehanna InnclromJaucz Ilarrasdin, Vmcstrcct
Wharf, Schuylkill.
Wilkcsbarrc, Juno 10, 1837. Agent.
To Travellers up the North Branch of the
PA8SENGERS by the Susquehanna Boat Lino
from Northumberland, arrive ot Wilkcsbarrc
EIGHT JIOUUS .sooner than hy the Mail Line
of Stages, and reach Montrose TWENTY-FOUR
hours sooner. I . ale. u. tiii.iyiiiiioi ,
June 10, 1837. Agent.
aO&F a very superior quality, neatly bound, and
printed on gold-edged paper, with coloured
designs, for sale at the cheap storo ol
J. T Musselman, $ Co.
September 10,1837.
Steam-syrup Molasses,
F a very superior quality, for sale at the new
and cheap storeot MUbbWlj.VlAJiN, & uo,
Sopt. 5, 1837.
UEENSWARE, of every variety of figure
and price, just received & lor sale uy
J. T. Musselman. .y- Co.
Sept. 30, 1837.
Bushels of Flux-Scat wanted, and
tho highest price paid, by
. T. Musselman, Co.
September 2.
mi! itrnmlv. Gin. Cordial. &e. hist re
reived. and rcadv for delivery to customers,
at very reduced prices, by
T. Musselman, Co.
Sept. 30, 1837.
v v -
N assortment of HARDWARE, just opened
and for Balo attlic new cc encap store oi
,. T- Musselman, $ Co.
Sept 30, 1837.
TT ADIES' FUR CAPES, just roceivod, and for
sale at the new it clieap store oi
J. T. Musselman, to.
Oct. 14, 1837.
LEIGH WHIPS &B HLLS, just received, and
for sale at tlio now clieap store oi
J. T. Musselman, Co.
Oct. 14, 1837.
apSB iUpt received, and for sale at the new
and cheap storo of J.T. MUSSULMAN, oc o.
Oct. 28, 1837.
P1AMLET, for Cloaks, for sale very cheap at
JJ tho new &i cheap store ot
.. T. Muuelman, Co.
Sept. 30, 1837.
TJfc Pieces of assorted Calico, just received,
2a3J alul fur saloat tho c,ieaP6lore of
The Subscriber "
f H'AS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh
i assortment of GOODS, which have been
purchased very low, and are now offered to custom
ers ot reduced prices. An excellent article of Cor
fkk is now ofl'ered at- twelve -ami half . ?irr
pound first quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten
...,.i ,.,...! ,.,,t:. .......( j j i
He has also a lame and full assortment nf
Iron & Hollow-Ware,
Which he oders at the lowest prices. Tho public
aro respectfully invited to call and examine hi3 as
sortment. CTr" All kinds of country produce will bo taken
in exchange for goods.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837.
f iF a superior quality, just received and for sale
xO' l the subscriber. C. B. FISHER.
Illoomsburg, Ang. 6, 1837.
US P received, and now opening at the new &
cheap store
iW8 Yards 0-4 Merinos;
50 Yards 8-4 do.
:iOOO do. lilonchcd Muslin;
000 do. Brown do.
4-000 Y:irtls Ncw Stylc of P"nt8, at
lroin Oi to 28. cents per yarn ;
30 Pieces 900 yards of SattincttS';
Blue, Drown,-Olive, Black, Steel-mixed,
Drab, Claret and Invisible; Cloths.
All which they arc determined to dispose of very
cheap for cash or country produce.
J. T. Musselman, Co.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 30.
very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, just
received, and for sale at the new store of
Bloomsburg, August 20,1837.
RIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a halt
Cents per Pound, and a superior quality
of SUGARS at Eight and Ten Cents, for sale at
tho new and cheap store of
Bloomsburg, Aug. 20.
LL kinds of GRAIN wanted,. for which tho
highest market price will bo paid, at tho ncw
and clieap store ot tne subscribers.
Bloomsburg, Kept. 2, 1837,
VENDERS his professional services to the citi
tl zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate
ful for business entrusted to his care. Ofijcc in the
same building with tho 'Columbia Deifiocrat.'
Bloomsburg, May, 1837.
UST received' and for sale at the store of the
Q subscriber, splendid assortment of WOOD
STO VES, both i'lain and with Boilers. Also an
assortment of round and square Coul Sloven; of
different sizes. C. B. F1SHEK.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837.
Legislative Keystone.
During the ensuing session of the legislature, the
keystone will bo published, twice a week, and con
tain full reports of the proceedings in both houses,
It will also contain in accounUpf tho . proceedings
of the reform convention, which, (judging from
similar bodies in other states and tho convention that
formed our present constitution ), wifiniardly closo
its session before spring.
The political complexion of the legislature and
tho important subject which will necessarily come
m-iuru 11, win rentier 1110 ncxi session jjcuiiuariy in
teresting. All eyes uro turned this way for speedy
riform in our preent defective currency. Decided
action relative to tho improvement system is ardently
desired in many quarters. These two matters of
themselves, lorm subjects ot intense interest to tne
pcoplo at large.
On the 4th of March, a democratic convention
will assemble here and nominnto a candidate for
governor. An account of this, together with the
preparatory movements of tho party in all quarters,
will be faithfully detailed. From these circumstan
ces, there never was a tima when a a paper from the
scatof govetmrntwill bo of such iiidispensablo value,
to all tho citizens of tho commonwealth, as for the
ensuing six mouths.
Tho terms of thcKcystonoare the samo as here
tofore. , ,
During tho session semi weekly 2,00
Forthoycai a,00
Anv person forwarding us 52,00 shall receive tha
Keystone from tho time of subscribing to the closo of
the session or si copies sent to any onoouicoior
Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 1837.
OLLOW WARE, just received, and for salo
at the store of J. T. MUSSULMAN, & Co.
THE subscriber begs lcavo to inform the public,
that ho continues tho above business, in its
various branches, in Sclinsgrovc and Milton, where
110 nas constantly on lianu an assortment of
Head & Foot Stones,
Mantles, Ccnlve-Tablesj
made to order, on the shortest notice, and in the
best manner.
Tho public aro respectfully invited to give him
a call.
Lettering, both English and German, done in a
neat, bold, and beautiful stylc.
September, 30, 1837 , , .,
fjCjTlio Terms, &c. can be ascertained by calling
upon the Editor of the "Columbia Democrat," who
will attend to any orders which may be made by the
pejplo of this neighbourhood, and guarantee a
speedy and faithful execution of any job which may
be specially ordered.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
public, that ho has taken tho s-turc recently
occupied bv Mr. McDowell, in Orangi ville. and is
now opening and receiving from Ncw Voik and
Philadelphia, u splendid assortment of-all kinds o
which ho will dispose of at tho most reduced prices
for cash or country produce. The public are invi
ted to call and examine for themselves.
Orangcvilie, Oct. 7, 1837
LI,persons indebted to the estate of Thomas
Girlon. deceased, bv Nnin Tin,. A Tlr,l- A
count, or otherwise, nrn rpniipetc.l tn ,nl-n .,..,-,,,.
to the subscriber before tho lflth day of November
nexr, aim an persons navmg demands againf t said
estate, are requested, to present them, properly au
thenticated for settlement, to the subscriber.
Sole Administrator.
Hemlock, Oct. 7, 1837.
flJHE subscribers thankful for past favors, have
J3. tho pleasure of announcing to their custo
mers, and tho public in general, that they have just
received and ere now opening a fresh supply of cheap
a mi
carefully selected for the season, at their new and
clieap storo m lJIooinsburg.
Come friends and patrons, ono and all,
And see our purchase for tho fall;
If you'll but call and tako a peep,
Surely you'll say, they're very clieap.
IHoomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837.
THE subscriber is going to remove to the West
on the first of January next, and would re
spectfully inform the public that he is now selling
off his stock of Merchandize, consisting of
Dry Goods, Hardware,
Groceries, Queens
Ware, &c.
At cost, for cash or country Produce, or Lumber
Cattawissa, Oct. 14, 1837.
ALL persons indebted to tl subscriber arc so
licited to call and ecttlo immediately, othcr-wiio-
their accounts will bo placed in the hands oi
magistrate for collection.
Cattawissa, Oct. 14, 1837.
PETERSHAM and Bearskin cloths, for Ovor
coats, just received, and for sale by
,' T. Musselman, Co.
Sept. 30, 1837.
LANKET Shawls, and Ladies' Capes and
Tippets, just opened at tho new & cheap
stoie of ,
J. T, Musselman, Co.
Sept. 30, 1837.
LANKETS, of various sizes and qualities
and warranted afresh articlo, for salu at tho
new and cheap store of
J. T. Mttiielman, $ Co.
Spt. 30, 1837.
Number 80.
or tiik , ,
Pennsylvania Fawner,
And Common School Intelligencer :
A semi-monthly publication devoted to Agriculture
uarucmng. and the General Imnrovemcnt of the
Mind, published at Harrisburg, Pa. by Benjamin
Nothing need bo said as to the importance of the
science of agriculture, which beinc tho trrcat busi
ness of our country, the sure road to competency
and the main source of wealth, lies at the foundation
of ournational prosperity. The experience of every
year, and especially of the last few years, has
shown that agriculture has been entirely too much
neglected for tho best good of our country. The
great desire of the present age for tho accumulation
of wealth, and the prevailinc spirit to seek for it in a
new and shorter course, than tliut pursued by our
ancestors, had led many from the slow but certain
means of agricultural labor, to tho more alluring
employments of professional life, and commercial
enterprise, or the still more hazardous fields of
speculation and adventure, in which a few have
succeeded even beyond their own expectations.
The result of this unnatural state of things has Lccn
what might very wrtl hac been predicted; a great
scarcity of all the products oCthe soil, with such an
enormous increase in tho prjee, s to cause their
importations from foreign countries,' to the great
impou'rishmgand discredit of our own.
This folly and these 0 'ils have now become' ftp
parent, and many of those, who, having been lured
by the examples and success of others or the prospect
held out to their icw, from the producing to tho
consuming class, and being disappointed in thcircx
pcctations,aro now disposed and are making arrange
ments to return to the hone t, the healthful and the
independent employment of, tilling the soil whcie
they arc sure of being amply recompensed for iheir
labor. , 1
Pennsylvania is emphatically an agricultural
stiitc, and has thus suffered less from the late fluctua
tions and changes, which hae embarrassed out
country, than any of her sister stales. Her soil is
not surpassed by any fn the world, and her German,
and other citizens arc justly celebrated as being
among the first farmers in the Union. It has thcro
fore been considered peculiarly proper, that in tho
heart of this garden of our country, an agricultural
paper should be established, to gather up the cxpcii
lcnce of intelligent farmers from all quarters, and
send it abroad, not only over our commonwealth,
but to every part of the United States. For the
purpose of doing this, and supplying what has.becn
considered a desideratum among the periodicals of
our stales, the publisher has lcc'n induced and en
couraged by numerous friends of agriculture and
general implement, to establish the Pcnnsyhania
Farmer. Ho has received assurances which lead
him confidently to expect that its columns will be,
enriched with contributions from 301110 of the most
distinguished scientific and practical farmers and
gardeners in our own, as well as some of our sister
states, which with extracts and republications of
standard and ncw works upon the science of agricul
ture, will render it both interesting and useful to
every farmer who desires to excel in his most lauda
ble cn.ploymeut. ,
Pennsylvania has established and is now maturing,
a system of general education by common schools,
which is intended to carry the blessings of knowledgo
to every man's home, and place within tho reach of
every child in tho commonwealth, tho means of in
struction and improvcmeni. This object is all im
portant, and being ample, it is confidently
hoped that the plan will continue to be improved
& carried out, till the minds of our citizens shall be
as highly cultivated as their fields, and the harvest,
of intellect be as rich and abundant as that gathered
from the soil. Then shall Pennsylvania be indeed
the Keystone of our Un'on, bearing a polish not
equalled by any state or kingdom in the world.
Tho e cuts of the last few months have shown
that an increasing interest is felt in this department
ami therefore it cannot be doubted but that the
Common School Intelligencer, will bo welcomed as
a co-laborer in so important a work, and being made
the vehicle of communication between the friends of
education, aid in the proper arranging and develop
ing of the system, and bo the means of doing much
To the advancement of these objects, and to tho
dissemination of useful ocicntific information calcu
lated to expand tho mind and improve the heart,
shall the colum-s of tho Pennsylvania Farmer and
Common School Intelligencer, be exclusively dctot
hi, ami it is confidently cxpei ted that a generous
public will award to it a liberal support.
Tho Farmer and Intelligencer will bo printed up-'
on fine while paper and with new type, in royal
quarto from, each number containing eight pages of
matter. It will be commenced in the month of
November, or as soon as a sufficient number of sub
scribers arc obtained to justify the expense, and re
gularly issued during the first' and third weeks of
every month, at ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM
layablc licforc the issuing of tho sixth number.
Any person who will procure and forward ten res
ponsible subscribers shall receive a copy, or eleven
papers will lie sent to any 0110 office for $10.
Post masters and others friendly to tho objects
aro requested to act as agents in obtaining subscri
bers, and forward tho names to the publisher on or
beforo the first of November next.
Harrisburg, October 21, 1837.
R Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double wedth
and an assortment of ISlack Merinos, of ave-,
rv superior quality, just opened and for sale at the
New and Cheap Store of the subscribers in Blooms
burg. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co.
October 21, 1837. "
UST received, a handsome assortment of Silkt
& Fur Hats, which will be sold cheap at the
storo of. C.B. FISHER.
ONNIT SILK8 of a very superior quality,
jiMt reived, and for solo at tlniitfw.tow pf
J T, Mitttilmcsij
J. T. Musselman, y vo.
Dloomklurg,Oetobr31, 183T.
J, T. Musselman, $ Co,
November 1837.
Oct. H, 1B37,