Pill1 jL mwLml I liavo sworn upon tuc Altar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tjranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM fATOlEiSC I. BMiOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. SATURDAY, NOVEftlBER 11, 1837. IViimi)cr 29. its nd OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, XTyDOOR TO UoMSOn's S'fAOK OFFICE. c COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be ublishcd every Saturday morning, at UVO DOLLARS per annum, payable tialf yearly in advance, or 7 wo D Wifty Cents, if not paid within the I subscription will be taken for a si J wo JJollars year. shorter )triod than six months nor any discon- inuance permitted, until all arrearages lire discharge I. VVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a nuarc will be conspicuously inserted at (hie Dollar. for the first three insertions, hml Twen'pfivc ccnls for every subse. Mient nscrtion. IC-v liberal discount made to those who r-lvcrtise by the year TTERS addressed on business, must he post pai l. Gentleman's Magazinc- cjiroprielors have much pleasure in nnnounc-' to the reading puimc, mo compicie surecs rh haa attended the establishment of this Maga- 6 aiuedewt fur beyond their utmost expectations, I considerably exceeding the prosperity 01 any dicallori in America. The daily increasing shb ption list, and the .nusikiwus commkndatoiit lfrqs (ir-nK riitis, attest, the mierits and the ularity otthe uemleman's Magazine, eacnnum o'f which contains more OHIGIMAL MATTER In anyothcr monthly publication in 'the United lies, CONTENTS. t3riginal Talcs ofTowcrful Interest. Humorous I r l.!.. tlnl!Anlli.v.cf nf 1 nrv -.till Manm.-J fuel Sketches of Foreign Lands.; Poetry;- Charnc- istic Studiesi Unsays ou Popular fcubjccts, and buronhical Notices 6f Celebrated Jr Lcccntnc Srsona, wjthiiany Original Anecdotes. . . ick'cr Musknu: Dirkcm, fUoz.l the author of the Ickniek Papers, with a likeness; Dr. John Faust, s Sorcerer!, TUe JJuchesa 01 ot. Aiuans, onu ngha, the Negro Qilccn, have alrpady liccn'givcn! The new Publications arc reviewed in full; liberal tracts made from rare and valuabb work present- ,j a eomnlete account of the Popular Literature of m i. -.-i - QnnH . ..titn.- Kit to be obtained, will bo Given, with 'hc music, every number. The Gentleman's Maiazino will contain seventy jyr.xtra sized qctavo pages, of two columns each, ming, at the clcso of tho year, two large handsome lumcs of One Thou sad Seven Hundred and wenty-cight columns, each column containing ore than an octavo page of aycrago proportion, -fl fni-h monthly number has more readme; matter fflkn a volume of a novel. The w ork is neatly Stntcdon gopd. paper, and btitclicj in n ncuicoiorcu .ver. Several engravings will ho given m the .urseof the year; and the proprietors pledge them Ives to produce an as-rccablo book an epitome 'Life's adjunctives a Literary Melange possessing iricty to suit nil palates, and sufficient interest to immand a placo upon the parlor tablo of every entlcman in the Imiled btates. AN ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE, of superioa reduction, Embracing every possible variety of ICTORAL DISPLAY, and executed m firtt fyle of Art, by J. Adams, of New York, accom- anies the Uctoiieii JMt.MiiEn. Terms SJ2 per annum. To induce subscribers to forward their names mthediately, the publisher begs leave to offer tho blowing extra inducements for Clubbing, tho wantages of which proposition can only remain 1 force till Christmas next. The subscription to he Gentleman's Magazine will, for a singlo copy, o invariably Three Dollars per annum, payable in dvancc but a fivo dollar bill will produce two opies to the same direction, or a club of Ten Dollars vill command five copies, oct M-3t Insurance against fire. THE DELAWARE COUNTY Insurance Company. Capital authorised by Law, $250,000. CHARTER. PERPETUAL; THE public are respectfully informed, that this Cnmnativ will mako insurance, cither per- )unent or limited, on property and effects of every description, against loss or damage by lire, on me most reasonable terms, ui nicir oiucu m uuraiw, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Th rlti7ns nf Columbia countv aro hereby in- bv the above Company of every description of property, can bo effected by applying to the Undersigned agent, in Cutta;vissa The (YilWinir nro tho aiillual Rutcsof Insiuance on the S100, upon tho most Common description of property, vizi r.. II I fl i atone or uricn dwelling showcx 30 to 40 cents 00 to 75 " 50o02i " 75o 100 " Tramc or Log do. Brick or Stone barns, Frame or Log do. Brick or Stone Crist Mils, Frame , .do. 02iol00" 75 to 100 " lf...li.n.ll.A nmiriWthi.. .Anlnlnl in hnilFCH. rid grain and utensils in mills and tarns, in pro. I portion, jniormauon can le tisd i.y ai pijina -ei- EZRA . HAY HURT, Agent. Cattawlssa, rptemberuo, IH37. UR CAPS, ju -1 received, and for sole at tho nov & cheap store 01 J. T. Mustelman, y Co. Ool, 14, 1837. SUSQ.UEK ANN I1 LINE OP PACKET AND FREIGHT BOATS. From, Philadelphia, by Rail Road -y Canal to Harribbwg, Northumberland, Dan ville, Callawissa, Rloomsburg, Berwick, if'ilkcsbarre, Mil ton, If'illiamsporl, and intermediate places. PASSENGERS can leave the West Chester Hotel, Droad btrcet, Philadelphia, dnily( at 0 o'clock, A. M. reach Ijarri&burg at -1 o'clock, P. M. of the samo day ; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A. M. of tllo next day ; and Wilkesbarre on tho suc ceeding morning ut 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will immediate,) btart for Carbondsilo, Tuhl.hannock and Montrose, and thence to tho Western' part of New' York state. ItETtfRNING Tho Doats cavo Wilkesbarre daily, at 10 o'cock, A. M., and arrive at Dlooms burg at '1 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at 5 o'clock on the following morning, and reaches Columbia in time to take tho morning Cars foi Phildclphia. Tho, floats also arrive, at. Williamcporl, on the West Brunch, at about ! o'clock, P. M. of the eamc day on which they reach Northumberland and re turn daily. Tho Uoats on the above lines , have been repaired, and arc now confidently recommended to the PUB LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode of travelling. SEATSmay be taken in Philadelphia at tho north-enst corner of Fourth & Chosnut streets, ut No. 200 Market street, and at the West-Chester Hqtel, Broad street, i FREIG HT, may bo forwarded by Rail Road from Orrich $cNob!cs and J. J. Lewis & CotBroad street, and by Ca'pt. McCabcs Limj of Union Canal Boats to IIurrlsburg,.whcrc thoy will bo received by the Susquehanna Line from JubczIIarrasdin, Vine street Wharf, Schujlkill. .i . P. Mc. C. GILCHRIST, Wilkesbarre, Juno 10, 1837. Agent. NOTICE To Travellers up the North Branch of the Susquehanna. PASSENGERS by theSufjquehanna Boat Lino from Northumberland, arrive at Wilkesbarre JilGUT HOURS tooner than by the Mail Line (if Stages, and reach Montrose TWENTY-FOUR houis sooner. - i . itlc. o. UliiiilKloJ , June 10, 18371 4371. F a very biipcrior quality, neatly bound, and printed on gold-edged paper, with coloured detigns, for sale at tho cheap store of T Mussclman, Co. September 10, 1837. Steam-syrup SVMasses, F a very superior quality, for sale at tho new and cheap storoof MUSSELMAIN,tS.Co. Sept. 5, 1837. UEENSWARE, of every variety of figuro and price, just received fie. lor talc by J. T. Musselman. Co. Sept. 30, 1837. FLAX-SEED : K Bushels of Flex-Seed wanted, and j tho.highcbt price paid, by . T. Mimelman, $ Co. September 2. INE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, &c. just re ceived, and ready lor delivery to customers, ot very reduced prices, by . T. Mmselman, Co. Sept. 30, 1837. N assortment of HARD WARE, just opened and for sale ut the new fie cheap storo ot .. T- Mussclman, t,' Co. Sept 30, 1837. "Br ADIES' FUR CAPES,' just received, and for yi A sale at the new & cheap storo of J. T. Mmselman, tf Co, Oct. M, 1837. NLEIGH WII.IPS & BELLS, just received, and for sale at tho new & cheap store of J. T. Mussclman, Co. Oct. 14, 1837. STONE COA1.. TON OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, just received, and for sale at the new ond cheap storo of J.T. MUSSELMAN, c Co. Oct. 28, 1837.' j-fi'AMLET, for ,C;oaks .for sale very cheap at Viy tho now & cheap storo of ' J. T. Musselman, $ Co. Sept. 30, 1837. tTSjp Pieces of assorted Calico, just received, 2Ui$ and for sale at the cheap store of J. T. Musselman, Co. nioomkbtu-f, October 21, 183t , HEW GOODS. The Sn1)scril)cr 'AS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh assortment of GOODS, which havo been purchased very low, and arc now offered to custom ers at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cor rEi is now offered nt twelve and a half cents per pound first quality ,pf New Orleans Sugar at tei ced.'.and second quality at eight cents per pound. He has ulsoa largo and lull uMoitmrnt of Eron & IS olio w-Ware, Which lie offers at the lowest prices. Tho public arc respectfully invited to call and examine his as sortment. KjT All Mnd of country produce will bo taken in exchange for goods. C. Hi FISHER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1837. F a superior quality, just received and for sale by tho subscriber. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Ang. C, 1837. USP received, and now opening at the new & cheap store 8 Yards 0-4 Merinos;' ' 50 Yards 3-4 do. it Oft do. Uleachcd Muslin ; iiOOO do. Brown do., 4000 Yards Now "Stylo of Prints, at from G to 28 cents per yard ; J?0 Pieces 900 yards of Sattinctts ; ALSO BlUe, Brown, Olive, Black, Steel-mixed, Drab, Claret and Invisible Cloths. All which they ore determined to dispose of very cheap for cash or country produce. J. T. Mussclman, 4' Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30. very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, just received, and for sale at the new store of J. T. MUSSCLMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, August 20, IS37. RIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a hall Cents per Pound, and a superior quality of SUGARS at Eight ond Ten Cents, for sale at the new and cheap store of J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Go. Bloomsburg, Aug. 2G. WAITED. ALL kinds of GRAIN wanted, for which the highest market prico will bo paid, at tho new and cheap store of the subscribers. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 2, 1837. JOHN S. INGRAM, ftaENDERS his professiuiial services to the citi jj zens of Columbia county. Ho will feel grate ful for business entrusted to his caic. Office in the samo building with the 'Columbia Democrat.' Bloomsburg, May, 1837. IT v Tf UST received' and for sale at the storo of the Qjp subscriber, splendid aisortment.iof WOOD S'VO VES. both a"ain and with Boilers. Also an assortment of round and square Coal Stover, of different sizes. C. B. FI81IEH. Bloomburg,Scpt.30, 1837. legislative Keysfcone. During the ensuing session of the legislature, the Keystone will bo published twice a week, ana con tain full reports of the proceedings in both houses, It will aifo contain an account 01 1110 proccemngs of the reform convention, which, (judging from similar bojics in other btates and the convention that formed our present constitution ), will hardly close its session before spring. TJic political complexion of flic legislature and tho important Mibject which will necessarily come beforo it, will render tho next session pcouharly'in tercsting. All eyes ore turned this way for speedy reform in our present defective currency. Decided action relative to tho improvement system is ardently desired in many quarters, Theto to matters of themselves, form subjects of intenbo interett to tin) people at large. On the 4th of March, a democratic convention will, assemble hero and nominate a candidate for goNcrnor, An account of this, together with the preparatory movements qf the party in all quarters, will be faithfully detailed. From these circumstan ces, thcre.ncver was a time when a a paper from the scat of govftmcnt will bo of such indispensable value to all the citizens of the commonwealth, as for the ensuing six months. , The terms of the Keystone are the same as here tofore. J During tho session semi weekly $2,00 For tho ycai 3,00 Any person forwardlnc-ms. 3,C0fhall receive tha Keystone from tho time of subscribing to the clot a of tho session or six copies sent to any one office for $10. PACKER, DAltUET Si PARKE. Harrisburg-, Oct. ai, 1837.' OLLOW WARE, just received, and for sale at the store or J. T. MUSBELMAIV, 6c, UO. November 4, 1837. MARBLE fHHC subscriber begs leuvc to inform the public, Jfj. that he continues the above business, in its vai.ous branches, in Sclih'igrove and Milton, where ho has constantly on hand an assortment of MONUMENTS, Head & Foot Stones, .TOMB-TABLES;, OF ALL SIZUS AND : DIFFKKUNT CUALITIHS. ALSO : UFanllcs, Cciilrc-Taljles, WINDOW AX J) DOOR-SILLS, IDOOlBcSlPes flsGSo made to order, on the shortest notice, and' in the best manner. Tho public aro respectfully invited to give him a ca)l. . ... Lettering, both English and German, done in a neat, bold, and beautiful style! . . GEORGE GUNDRUM. September 30, 1837. ... fXJTho Terms, &c. can.be ascertained by calling upon tho Editor of the "Columbia Democrat," who will attend to any orders which may be made by the. people of this neighbourhood, and guarantee a speedy and faithful execution of any job which may be specially ordered. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that ho has taken the store recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcvillc, and U now opening and receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds 0 which ho will dispose of at the most reduced prices for cash or country produce. The public are invi ted to call and examine for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangcvillc, Oct. 7, 1837 LL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Girton, deceased, by Note. Bond. Book Ac count, or otherwise, arc requested to make payment to me sunscriucr uctorc tho 15th day of No, ember next; and all persons having demands oaainst said estate aro requested to present ihcm, properly au- uicnucaicu lor settlement, to the subscriber. WILLIAM GIRTON, Sole Administrator, Hemlock, Oct. 7, 1837. LOOK HERE 1 1 1 srsw lag Aeiisiss'o PinHE subscribers thankful for past favors, have H. me pleasure ot announcing to their custo mers, and the public in general, that they have just received and aro nowopening a fresh supply of ehcaji and SEASONABLE GOODS carefully selected for the season, ut their new and cheap store in Bloomsburg. C'ime friends and patrons, ono and all, And eco our purchase for tho fall; If you'll but call and take a pee), Surely you'll say, they're very cheap. J.T. MUSSELMAN, fc Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. STORE GOODS AT COST! THE subscriber is going to remove to the West on the first of January next, and would re spectfully inform the public that he is now telling off his stock of Merchandize, consisting of J3ry &oads, Hardware, Groceries, Queens Ware, &c. At cost, for cash or country Produce, or Lumber BARNHART BARBE. Cattawissa, Oct. 11, 1S37. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber arc so licited to call and settle immediately, other wise their accounts, will bo placed in the hands ol amagistrato for collection. BARNHART BARBE. Cattawissa, Oct. 14, 1837. ETERSIIAM and Bearskin cloths, for Over coats, just received and fur salo by . T, Musselman, Co. Sept. 30, 1837. LA'NKCT Shaws, and, Ladies' Capes and Tinncts. iust onenod at the new Ss cheap btoiu ot' J. T. Musselman, $ Co. Sopt. 30, 1837. LANKETS. of various sitoa and qualities 1 and warranted a fresh article, for sale at the now and cheap store of , J. T. Mussclman, Go, Sept. 30, 1837, PROSPECTUS OF THE Pennsylvania Farmer, Atid Common School Inlclligcnccrj A semi-monthly publication devoted to Agriculture Gardening, and the General Improvement of th'J Mind, published at Harritburg.Pa.by Dexjaxi Paiiki;. . . Nothing need be said as to the importance of tho science tf agriculture, which being the great busi ness of our country, the sure read to competency and-tliemain source of wealth, lies at the foundation Of our national prospcrity. 'I lie experience o'f every year, and: csrecially of tho last few years, has shown that agriculture has been entirely too much neglected for the best good of. our country. Thu great desire of the present age for the accumulation ofucalth.and the pfetailitig spirit to seek for itT-n a new and shorter course, than that pursued by our ancestors, had led many fiom the slow but certain means of agricultural labor, to the more alluring employments of professional life, and commercial enterprise, or the still more hazardous fields 'of speculation and adventure, in which a few have succeeded even, beyond their own expectations. The result of this unnatural state ptthings has been what might very well have been predicted; a great .rarfily of all the products of the soil, with such an enormous increase in the price, rfs to. cause their importations from foreign countries, to the great impoverUhingijpd .ditcicdit of our own, -( This f uinl these e lis have now become ap rarcnt. 1; u a.any of thote, who, having been Iutci) by the examples and oiccessof others ortlie prospect held out to tl elr view, from, the producing to the consuming class, and being disappointed in their ex pectations, orp now disposed and are making arrange ments to ic. urn to the hone t, the healthful and the independent employment of tilling the soil ,hc-o they uresure of being amply recompensed for their labor. ' x, Pennsylvania is emphatically an agricultural state, and has thus suffered loss from the late fluctua tions and changes, which havo embarrassed' cur country, thpn any of her sister states. Her soil is not surpassed by any in the world, and her German and other citizens are justly celebrated as being among the first farmers in the Union. It has thcro fore been considered, peculiarly proper, that in the heart of this garden of our country, an cgricultural paper should be established, to gather up the cxpeii ienco of intelligent farmers from all quarters, and send it abroad, not only ever our. commonwealth, but to every part of the United States. For the purpose of doing this, and supplying what has been considered a desideratum among the periodicals of our states, the put Usher has been induced and cm couraged by numeious friends of agriculture.'and general improvement, to establish the Pennsylvania Farmer. Ha has received assurances which lead him confidently to expect that its columns will be' enriched with contributions from some of the mosrt;' distinguished scientific and practical farmers and gardeners in our own, as well assomc of our. sister", htate.s, v, hicli with extracts and republications . of standard and new works upon the science of agricul ture, will render it both interesting pud useful' to every farmer who desires to excel in his most lauda ble en ploymeut. . -n ' Pemisylv ania has established and is now maturing a system of general education by common schools, which is intended to carry the blessings of knowledge to every man's home, and place within the, reach of every child in the commonwealth, the means of m 6truction and improvcineni. This object U all im portant, ond our means being purple, it is confidently hoped that the plan will continue to bo. improyecj , & carried out, till tlic'ininds of our citizens thall ha as highly cultivated. ns their fields, and the harvest, of intellect be as rich and abundant as that gathered from the soil. Then bhall Pennsylvania bo, indeed tho Kt-'ystono of our Un'on, tearing a polish not' equalled by any stato or kingdom, in the world. ,- - f. The events of the last few monlhs have shown that an increasing interest is felt in this department and therefore it cannot bo doubted but that tho Common School Intelligencer, will be welcomed ast a co-laborer in so important-?! vVOrk, and being made' tho vehicle of communication between the friends ofi education, aid in the. proper arranging and develop-' ing of the system, and be the means of doing much good. To the advancement of those objects, and to tho dissemination of useful scientific information calcu. lated to expand t)ic mind and improve the heart, shall the coluin s of the Pennsylvania Fanner and Common School Intelligencer, be exclusively devot--it, and it is confidently expected that a generous public will award to it a liberal support. Tho Farmer and Intelligencer will Lc printed up on line white paper and with new type, in royal quarto from, each number containing eight i;ages of matter. .It .i)l bo commenced in the month of November, or as soon as a sufficient number of sub scribers arc obtained to justify tho expense, and re; gularly issued during the first and third weeks of every month, at ONE DOLLAR P13R ANNUM payable beforo tho issuing of the bixth number. Any person who will procure and forward ten. res ponsible subscribers shall receive a copy, or eleven papers will tie sent to any one office for $10... Post masters and others friendly to the objects are roquet-ted to net as agents in obtaining tUiscri bers, ami forward tho names to the publisher on or before tho first of November noxti Harrisburg, October SI, 1837. R Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double wdth .and an assortment of Black Mtrinot, of ave n superior quality, just opened and for sale at the New mid Cheap Storoof the subscribers in Blooms- burg; J.T.MCSSELMAN.&Co. October 21, 1837. JUST roceived, a handsome assortment of Silks & Fur Hats, which will be sold cheop at tho storoof. C. I!.. FISHER. ONNIT SILK3. of a very superior qnallty: jut recoived, and for wla at the. naw tloi-a f J. T. Afoasimati, cj- CW.