The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 28, 1837, Image 1
f Am Pi! it WMm RAT. I have sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM. 1 f I 1 11 :' .1 - 41 1, Volume I. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next dooii to Uoiiison's Stack Ornci:, The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, patable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months ; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages arc discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrl'ion. CF.4 liberal discoinl made to those who a-'lUcrlise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. The Gentleman's Magazine The proprietors have much pleasure in announcing- the reading public, the complelo success which has attended tho establishment of this Maga 7jnc a success far beyond thcirutmost expectations, and considerably exceeding the prosperity of any publication in America. Thb daily increasing sub scription list, and Tim sumi'.hour chmmeniutory notices of the, attest tile merits and tho lopuIarity oftho Gentleman's Magazine, each num ber of which contains more ORIGINAL, MATTE it linn any olhcr monthly publication in tho United Slttttcs." CONTENTS. Original Talcs of Powerful Interest. Humorous and Graphic Delineations of Men and Manners. Novel Sketches of Foreign Lands; Poetry; Charac teristic Studies; Essays on Popular Subjects, and Uiogrophical Notices of Celebrated or .Eccentric Persons, with manv Original Anecdotes. Tho Lives of Paganini, with likenesses; Princo Pncklcr Muskau; Dickens, Boz, tlio autlior of tho 1'ickwick Papers, with a likeness; Dr. John Faust, tho Sorcerer; Tho Uuchcss oi at. a mans, anu Zinirha. the Nesro Queen, luve alrcaily l)een given. The new Publication are reviewed in full; liberal extracts made from rare and valuable work present ing a complete account of tho Popular Literature of uhj uay. iiu viiiniii wuiy i.ii.t i.uv v.. wise to bo obtaincJ, will be given, with the music, in every number. The GentL-urm's Maeazino will contain seventy two extra sirxdittavo pages, of two columns each, forming, at the clcso of thirycar, two large handsomo volumes of Ono Thousad Seven Hundred and Twenty-eight columns, cacli column containing more than an octavo pago of avcrago proportion, and each monthly number has moro reading matter than a voluino of a novel. Tho work is neatly printed on good paper, and stitched in a neat colored cover. Several .engravings will ,bo given in tho poursc of tho year; and tho proprietors pledge them selves to produco an agreeable book an epitome ofLifo'sndjunctivcs aLUerary Melange possessing variety to suit all palaics, anu suiiiciciii imBicav iu ' . - .1 l. .!.! rmiinand a Place upon uiu uauui u ...wj Rtnilnmnn in tlio United States. ATM KNfJIIAVED TITLE PAGE, of eupcrioa production, Embracing every possiblo variety of PICTORAL DISPLAY, and executed lu hrst stylo of Art, by J. Ajiams, of New York, accom panies tho OcTODEIl NuMllElt. Terms S3 per annnsn. To induce subscribers to forward their names immediately, tho publisher begs Icavo to oiler tho following extra inducements for Clubbing, tho advantages of which proposition can only remain in forco till Christmas next. Tho subscription to tlio Gentleman's Magazine will, for a singlo copy, ic invariably Three Dolhrspcr annum, payable in advance but a five dollar bill will produco two copies to the same direction, or a club of Ten Dollars will command five copies. cct l'';il INSURANCE AGAINST FIUE. THE DEL AW ARC COUNTY Insurance Company. Capital authorised by Law, $250,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. mHE public aro respectfully informed, that this l ijompany win muiiu uummiuc, ih i Tnancnt or limited, on property and effects of every deecription, against loss or damogo by fire, on the most reasonable terms, at their offico in Chester nio.orn .iimtir. PiMinsvlvania. il ..... I , V , mi uu r,r r.nlninlmi countv arc hereby in- , X VV tii.i v - - liv tho above Company 01 o..... .iriniinn of property, can bo eilcctcd by applying to tho undersigned agent,, in Caltawissa im fMimvinfr nrn tho annual Iiatcs of Iiibiuanco n l.n S100. unon tho most Common description of property, viz: Stone or unci; diucumg houses Frame or Log do. Brick or Stone bams, Frame or Log do. Brick or Stone Grist Mills, Frame do. 30o 40 000 75 enls 750 100 02i ol00" 75 to 100 " Merchandize and furniture contained in houses, and gfain and utensils in mills and barns, in pro, portion. Information can uo nsu iy upi-.jmi, v. thcr personally, or by letter post paid, to EZRA S. HAYHUUST, Agent. Caltawissa, Scptcmbwr 30, 1837. TJ7UR CAPS, jua received, and for salo ot tho JJj new & choap ktoro ot J; T. Mussclman, Co, Oct. 11, 1837, BLOOMSBVRG, COLUMBIA SXJSOTEHANNAH LINE OF PACKET AND FREIGHT BOATS. From Philadelphia, by Rail RoadS,' Canal to Harrisburg, iorlhumocrtand, Dan ville, Caltawissa, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Jnikcsbarre, Mil ton, Williamsport, and intermediate places. PASSENGERS can leave tho West Chester Hotel, Ilroad street, Philadelphia, daiy, at 0 o clock, A. M. reach llorribburg at 4 o clock, P. M. of the same day ; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A. M. of tho next day ; and Wilkcsbarro on tho suc ceeding morning at 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will unmcdiatcy start tor Carbondale, Tunkhannock and Montrose, and thence to the Western part of Jcw York stulc. RETURNING Tho Boats oavo Wilkcsbarro daiy, at 10 o'cock, A. M., and arrive nt Booms burg at 4 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at o clock on tho following morning, and reaches Columbia in time to take tho morning Cars foi Phiadcphia. , , The Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on the West Branch, at about 9 o'clock, P. M. of tho same day on which they reach Northumberland and re turn daily. The Boats on tho above lines liavo been repaired, and aro now confidently recommended to tho PUB LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode of tnvolliu . E A T may bo taken in Philadelphia at the north-east corner of Fourth Sc Chesnul streets, at No. 200 Market street, and at tho West-Chester Hotel, Broad street. FREIGHT may be forwarded by Rail Road from Orrich &. Nobles and J. J. Lewis & Co, Broad street, and by Capt. McCabc3 Lino of Union Canal Boats to Harrisburg, where they will bo received by the Susquehanna Lino Irom Jabcz Harrasdin, V tno street Wharf, Schuylkill. P. Mc. C. GILCHRIST, Wilkcsbarro, Juno 10, 1837. Agent. BfiAF "FT AUGE MAPS of Mississippi and Alabama Git T I ! . 1 , .1.. T T 1- xLJi snowing mc I'uiuic aim iuu mui.ui nanus, Indian Reservations, Land Districts, Townships, Streams, etc., Engraved from the Government sur veys and plots in tho General Land Office, Wash ington City; by E. Giljiax, Draughtsman in tlio General Land Office. F. TAYLOR, bookseller, Washington City, has ust published (aiid secured the copy right according to Law) tho above Maps, which will be loumi iniin itcly more complete mid accurate than any hereto fore published. Thoy are publisbed on sepcrato sheets, each containing nearly bix square feet, and will bo found especially useful and valuable tothoso interested in tho lands of cither stale, as they show every item of information which is in possessiou of tho Land OHico relative to water courses, townsnip lines, Indian lands and reservations, land' districts, &c, and will bo perfectly accurate and precise in these noints. They can bo sent by mail to any part of tho United states, subject only to single letter postage. Price, two dollars, or thrco copies of ci ther will ho sent by man lor live uouars. a uucrai discount will bo mado to travelling agents, or to any who buy to sell again. Editors of newspapers, any where, who will civo tho ahovo advertismcnt (including this notice) ono ortwo insertions, suau receive y return uuui n conv of each map, if they will send a copy oi the p.x per containing it to the advertise. Washington City, Sept, 9, 1837. NOTICE To 7'ravcllcrs up the North Branch of the busquciunna. gA8SENGEKS by thoSusquehanna.lloat Lino from jforthtunbcrland, arrivo at Wilkcsbarro lilOltT UOUltS rooncr than hi the Mad Line of Stages, and reach Montrose TWENTY-FOUlt horns sooner. P. Mc. C. GILCHRIST, Juno 10, 1837. Agent. V a very superior quality, neatly bound, and printed on gold-edged paper, with coloured designs, for salo at tho cheap store ot J. T Mussclmad, Co. September 10,1837. Steam-syrup Molasses I a vc ,-cry superior quality, for sale at the new cheap storoof MUSSELMAN.& Co. and cheap i Sept. 5, 1837. UEENSWARE, of every variety of figure and price, just received & lor sale by T. Mussclman. S Co. Sept. 30, 1837. HusheUof Vlax-Hced wanicu, nnu tho highest pneo paid, by t 'l Mussclman, S Co. September H.ntSt-XM.1 kv. Urnndv. Gin. Cordial, &c. just ie ceived. and ready for delivery to customors, at very reduced price, by J. T. Mussclman, to. Sept. 30, 1837. COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, iS37. 1TEW GOODS. The Subscriber AS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh . assortment of GOODS, which have been purchased very low, and aro now offered to custom- cm at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cor rr.r. is now offered at twelve and a half cents per pound first quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten cents, and stcond.quality at eight ccnlspcr pound. He has also a large and full assortment of Sron & Hollow-Ware, Which he offers at the lowest prices. The public ore, respectfully invited to call arid examine his as sortment. (Hj All kinds of country produco will be taken in exchange for goods. C. B'. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837. F a superior quality, just received and for sale Iv tlio subscriber. U. 13. rlolluit. Bloomsburg, Ang. ti, 1837. USP received, and now opening at tho now & cheap store ffttS Yard'3 G-4 Merinos; ffGO Yards 3-4 do. EOOO do. Bleached Muslin ; SOIVO do. Brown do. 4000 Yards Ncw S(yl0 of Prints, at irom U to Uo ccuts per yaru ; 30 Pieces 900 yards of Sattinelts ; AUOU Blue, Brown, Olive, Black, Steel-mixed, Drab, Claret and Invisible Cloths. 11 which they aro determined to dispose of very cheap for cash or country produce. J. T. Mussclman, $ Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30. ge - very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, just received, and for salo at tho new store oi J. T. MUSSULMAN, & Co, Dloomsburg, August 20,1837. SUGAR. & COFFEE ! RIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a hall Cents ncr Pound, and a superior quality of SUGARS at Eight and Ten Cents, for sale at tho new and cheap store of J. 1 . JMUSKEL.MAJN, XI JO. Dloomsburg, Aug. 2G. , WANTED. ALL kinds of GRAIN wanted, for which tho highest market price will bo paid, at the new and cheap store of tho subscribers. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 2, 1837. JOHN S. INGRAM, TENDERS his professional services to tho citi zens of Columbia county. Ho will feci grate ful for business entrusted to his care. Office in tlio samo building with the 'Columbia Democrat.' Uloomsburg, May, 1837. Esisfc of betters Remaining in the Bloomsburg Post-oJJhc September 30, 1837. Ecnjamin Iloycr, Mary llrown, George Uccrs, Peter Hruglcr, Hopkins Uoone, John uictrich, Elia3 Dictcrich, I homas Ellaot, Aloxandcr Emit, Daniel t ulmcr, Mary Fulmcr, Aaron Gcirhart, Miss Abigail Goblc, Gcorgo Groh, Michael Hawk, Henry llagcnbuch, Johnllowcr, Uzal Hopkins, William Howell, John lluslct, Jacob Hcinbauch, Miss Anna Kendig, Gcorgo Knorr, John Jacoby, Jacob Lciby, Mrs. Mary LiKcy, Uenjamin Mcrrcl, Alex. iNowauowsKi, Overseers of tho Poor, Daniel Purscl, John Robison, William Snyder, Henry Trimbly, Rev. Tobias, Thomas Vance, Charles ashug, Thomas Wright, Thomas Weeb, George T. Volcot, 3 uanici w raver, Jacob Wagner, Henry Wcrtman, Josia M'Clurc, James Yeoman. 45 BERNARD RUPERT, P. M. October 7, 1837. stoves. JUST received' and for salo at tho store of the subscriber, splendid assortment of WOOD STOVES, both Plain and with Uoilcrs. Also on assortment of round and square Coal Stoves; of different sizes. C. D. FIBHEH. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. NOTICE. rmilE Co-mrtiicrshin of Davis t Williams, con- Jj tractors on tho Caltawissa Rail road, was dis solved by mutual consent on tho 11th of August last. All persons having demands against said firm will call on E. Davis, who has assumed to pay the tamo. EZRA DAVIS, DAVID WILLIAMS Oct. 11,1837- MARTJIiE THE subscriber bogs leave to inform the public, that ho continues the above business, in its various branches, in fcchnsgrove and Milton, where ho has constantly on hand an assortment of MONUMENTS, Head & Foot Stones, TOMB-TABLES, F ALL SIZES AND DIFFERENT ALSO : QUALITIES. Mantles, Centre-Tallies, WINDOW ANI DOOR.-SIX.IjS, mado to order, on tho shortest notice, and in the best manner. Tho public aro respectfully invited to give him a call. Lettering, bolh.Enalish and German, done in neat, bold, and beautiful style. GEORGE GUNDRUM. September 30, 1837. CTjTho Terms, &c. can bo ascertained by calling upon tho Editor of tho "Columbia Democrat," who will attend to any orders wJiicU may be made by tho people ot tins neighbourhood, and guarantee u speedy and faithful execution of any job which may bo specially ordered. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that ho has taken tho store recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcvillc, and is now opening and receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o BEERCHANDI35B, which ho will dispose of at tho most reduced prices for cash or country produce. The public aro invi ie'd to call andcxamino for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangcvillc, Och 7, 1837 ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Girton, deceased, by Note, Bond, Book Ac count, or otherwise, are requested to make payment to tho subscriber beforo the 15lh day of November next; and all persons having demands against said estate aro requested to present them, properly au thenticated for settlement, to the subscriber. WILLIAM GIRTON, Sole Administrator. Hemlock, Oct. 7, 1837. SHARP SHOOTIHG. jpiAPT. HIRAM A. ROOT, ofCaltawissa, late Xlj ly from Tomkins county, New York, shot across tho Susquehanna river, ranging the enormous distanco of four hundred yards, and killed a Crane. The feat was done on tho 28th inst. on Col. l'axton's farm, in Bloom township, in the presence of a num ber of spectators. This is but onoofthomany mir aculous feats that Mr. Root has performed with his rifle; but he is a first rate marksman, and those who excel 111 this art, can have a chance to try their skill with Capt. Root, on a bet of from Ten to One hun dred dollars, string measure. He will bo found at the public hou.50 of S. Brobst, in CatUwisaa vil lage, where ho will bo very happy to wait on any Gentlemen who may favour him with their custom. Cattawissa, Sept. 30, 1837. fTTIIE subscribers thankful for past favors, have Kj tho pleasure of announcing to their custo mers, and the public in general, that they havomst received and aro now opening a fresh supply of cheap ana SEASONABLE GOODS carefully selected for tho season, ut their new and cheap store in Bloomsburg. Como friends and patrons, one and all, And sco our purchase for tho fall; If you'll but call and take a peep, Surely you'll say, thoy'ro very cheap. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. ETERSHAM and Bearskin cloths, for Over coats, just received and for sale by J. T. Musselman, $ Co. Sept. 30, 1837. LANKET Shawls, and Ladies' Capos and Tippets, just opened at tho new & choap storo of J. T, Mussclman, i$- Co. Sept. 30, 1837. LANKETS, of various sizos and qualities and warranted a fresh article, for salo at tho new and cheap storo of T. 3Iussclman, Co. Sept. 30, 1837. AMLET, for Cloaks, for salo very cheap at tne new cc ciieap storo ot J. J. Mussclman, $ Co. Sept. 30, 1837. Nnmlicv M SSjgJ DEFERRED Tun Costume of ourAsiemcAn FATrtfeiia. Tho dress of tho venerated John Han. cock, is thus described in the bdok entitled "Familiar Letters on Public CharacJBIs,,, "At this time, (Juno, 1782,) about noon, Hancock was dressed in a red velvet cap, within which, was one of iln'o linen. Tho latter was turned up over the lower edge of tne veivcione, two or three inches. Ho wore a blue damask gown, lined with silk; a white stock, a while satin embroidered waistcoat, black satin sniall clothes, whito silk stockings, nnd red morocco slippers." Ho was then about forty-five years of ago. A hint to wooeus. 'Women,' observes some writer, whoso name we do not re-j j member, "may bo compared to fruit: thdso that fall to tho ground of their own accord, arc gencrclly tainted, and good for nothing; but those that will not fall witjjtfuba good deal of shaking, are sound and worth Hav ing." .iiood. Let Lord Byron say what ho will of bread and butter, girlhood iq, a beautifel season, and its love its wntrp', tincakulating, devoted love so exaggerat ing in its simplicity so keen fiom its fresh ness is the 'very poetrv of attachment: aS- tcr years we have nothing like it. " Comment on the Times., Such is the head, of the paragraph in, .which- thq Star first announced that 'a man un town was turning a grindstone for a dollar a day. lie sits, or sat at the corner of'Eldridge and Stanton, turning away without noticing the passers by anu the bystanders who saluleu him with all sorts of wit and attempts at wit. In the same ward; wa understand another is seated with rod, line, hook, bait and sinker, angling in a pail of water for a dollar a day. Each of these industrious fel lows, having nothing to do, . is paid by a, club of persons who have nothing else to do but to make up a purse, and pay each his dollar regularly at night. iVr. Y. Sun. From the Baltimore American. Among tho petitions presented to tho House of Representatives on Monday, Mr. luams presented ono irom moro than 3,- 000 women of the city of Boston, against the annexation of Texas to tlio United States, which he asked to bb printed witfl the petition offered some days sinco by Mr. TT'ise , from certain women in Halifax, in tho Slate of Virginia, praying Congress to furnish husbands for Nothcrn Females. Ordered accordingly The Speaker presented the memorial of James II. Causlen, of the District of Co lumbia, declaring that he had commenced proceedings against the bank of the Metro polis, in the city of Washington, lor non payment of its notes in specie; that an inj junction had been laid by the District Court on the proceedings; & that, m his opinion, the ban!; hail lorleitcu its charter Wherefore, the petitioner prays that tho charier be declared forfeit. The memorial was laid on the table. Unprecedented Punishment. Tho N. York Sun of Tuesday states that Capt. Samuel R. T. Adams, of the ship Austerlitz, was on Saturday brought be fore Judge Bctts, on a charge of most inhuman treat ment of u man named Collins, who acted as steward or cook on board his ship. It appeared during the cursory examination which took place, that while tho Austerlitz was lying at Key W est, by Cupt. Adams order, an iron gag was put in Collin's mouth, and h was hauled up to tho rigging and two hundred and fifty lashes were administered to him! Thojonly rcofou or excuse gnen by Captain Auams lor this extraordinary and cruel degree of punishment, wa that his colleo had not been sulhciently clear!! Judgo Bctts held him to bail in $1000, for his ap pearance to answer tho chargo at the next session of the court. A letter irom Havana, dated September 25, says, "Tho captain, mate, and crew of the schoonc Jemima, of New York, arrived hero in the brig Augusta, of Boston, yesterday; they were taken olf tho wreck 011 tho 10th instant. Tho schooner was thrown on her beam ends in a violent calo of wind on tho 14th inst., in lat. 3142, Ion. 74, 56 west, from Carthagcna, bound to New York, had on board somo barrels of sugar, tobacco, and cocoa nut j. Nothing saved, not even clothing, papers. &c Two of tho crew aro colored men. who. altlioucli fortunate in escaping with their lives, aro so un fortunate, under tho existing laws here, as to bo thrown into prison." Tho lato cashier to tho Copenhagen Theatre has been convicted of defrauding tho establishment of 70,000 dollars' The sentence is loss of honor and his right hand, and hard labor in a foi(ress till tho money bo restored, or the criminal dies. A Mr W. M'EIroy recently married a young girl in Patis, Ky. and soon afterwards ran away. Tho father of tho girl advertises him, and requests all editors "friendly to young unmarried girls, wi dows, and old maids," to copy tho advertisement. A steamboat from New Orleans to Louisville, a few days ago, picked up a couple of mulattocs, swimming in tho middlo of tho Mississippi Tho mackerel fishery of Now England lias tliii ypjr proved on entire failure. 1 i itt 1 il f I" Iff!' f I ft 1 1 1