The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 21, 1837, Image 1
Til! IBIA I liavo sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. : 1RTNTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. iNGltAflt. Volume I. BliOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUITY, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1837. . . Number 26. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Nuxt door to Romson's Stack OrncE. TRRMS : The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable fiulf yearly in advance) or 'Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid ivilhin the year'. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, find Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserl'ion. CJ"A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year: LETTERS aadrcsscd bn business) must be post paid. GRA1TD EXHIBITION. SPEED THE PLOUGH ! Vnioii Agricultural Society's CATTLE SHOW. THE annual Cattle show, and exhibition of Agricultural products, and articles of domes tic manufacture; will ho held in McEwimsville, Turbut township, Northumberland county, on Tuesday tho 24th day of October next, when SMBjssHSKysas to tho full exto-' of tho funds of tho said society will bo awarded to tho successful competitors. Viz: For every specie oT LIVE STOCK. In this pirticular, committee on premiums will more especially direct thir attention to those animals that may have been obtained and nurtured with a ?icw to tho improvement of Stock within tho bounds of the Society. - . 2d. On every kind of Domestic Manufactured articles of Iron, Wood, Wool, Cotton, Flax, Silk, Hemp, Furs, Slliriff, &c. In this department, Cloth manufactured of Wool, Silk, &c, produced within the limits of tho society, will bo entitled to a preference over those whoso materials may bo of foreign origin. Provided that no manufacturer rc rcivo a priynium for an article of manufacture of the samo. description or kind upon which no receive a premium1 formerly, unless a special improvement over tho fdrmcr article shall bo so manifest as to fntillo himtoti i Impi - 'cmcrft being the object of tho 8oclciy, !t will not lo deemed, sufficient that tho article be tho best exhibited to entitle, if it should not exceed articles previously exhibited from tho same factory J , , , ,. 3d. On agricultural products. Tho products of the Field and tho Dairy. Tho successful cultiva tion of the vine; and also tho manufacture of Sugar from materials, tho growth of tho district comprising the Society will bo iutercstino; objcctH, of premium. Also samples of Malt and Vinous Liquors, of tho materials tho growth of tho district. VTfio fact that good ploughing is at the basis of good and successful agriculture, inducqs the society to hold out premiums for the best specimens of ploughing (40 perches) to bo performed at the Cattle Show, l'rcmiumswillbo awarded foruscful improvements & implements in husbandry. No animals, or specimen of manufactures that pbtained a premium at a former Cattle Show, shall again be a subject of premium; nor will a premium bo allowed for any animal raised out of tho limits of the society, except those i' '.roducpd for tho pur pose of improving the stock and which shall have J been within tho bounds of tho Society at least one I year previous to tho exhibition. J he best flock of sheep, raised Ity an individual, (not less than ten) taking into view their breed, ilhealthful state, and tho quality of their wool, will also be the object of a premium. To encourage the production of Barley, tho com mittee on grain will award suitable premiums to it; successful cultivators. Successful experiments in tho cultivation, of all kinds of Crops, Grain, Grasses, Vegetable, Vines', Trees, &c. communicated in writing, will be laid beforo the committe as subjects of premiums I AN AUCTION .will ba held, commencing" at 1 o'clock to' continu if expedient from day to day, in order that oa Ifericultultural implements. Grain and vegetable ifcos ol supenor quaiuy, auu uu wuu L 1 : 1 ! .,, ..II llipm nrul thus dis pim liniuuvi-'U uiiiiiiaiD, muj w. tribute them throughout tho country This fialaojlrrs district, and have improved stock, &c, to cxposo it ijur sale, anaincy me ramiuij : The committees of Vigilance will please to exert their influence to increasa tho funds of the Society. J hoy aro as follows: Kortlumhirhnk Countv David Watson, II ftjuW Tnt.n -inrent. Jas. 1. Sanderson, John v iftfeart, David Ireland, J. It. Priestly. Columbia Co. Win. Dale, James M juanou, oscph llrobst, Valentine llcst.O. Cameron. Union Co. Dr. llaskins, James Merrill Eeq. enry Oyer, Jas. K. Davis, Thomas Uiugan, rxanucruruham. hveomine Co. John Burrowcs, Esq., Gcorgo dm. John Cuminim. Esq. A. Woodward, inarlca Lloyd; Samuel Jtogeru, Ucnjamm uear, iuranam uouom, uoi Jacou mccdit, AH nn.1 nrtna iiilmnln,! fill-t lift AllCtlOIl. iUEt bo exhibited for inspection at 10 o'clock, A. M. lnTn.vtl.l-. et nnilin illl.n ,iiTl.tlltnil mill Tfl- Jiauons to govern mo procecuings oi uic uujr uu j-tituted, and notice given in duo time. ..-. .. ..!!.. T .1-.. 1... By order of tho 13 our J. J. V, MURRAY, Scc'ry. SUSQUEHANNAH LINE OF PACKET AND FKEIGHT BOATS. From Philadelphia, by Rail Road Canal to Har'risburg, Northumberland, Dan ville,'' Caltawissa, liloomsburg, , Berwick, ffllkesbarre, Mil ton, IVilliamsport, and in term cdiatc places. PASSENGERS can leave the West Chester Hoto , Broad (trcet, Philadelphia, daty, at G o'cock, A. M. reach HarrUburg at 4 o'clock, P. M of the samo day ; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A. M. of tho ,ficxt day ; anil VVilkcsbarre on the suc ceeding morning at 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will i-J r. n..i.-..i.i 'P....1.1 .. 1. 1 illlllllUIiUUJ BlUll IU1 uaiuuiiuuivf Jl Ullliu.liiucjv UI1U Montrose, and thence to the Western part of New York state. , ItETUKNING The Boats ,cavo Wilkcsbarro daiy, at 10 o'cock, A. M., and arrive at(llooms burg at 4 o'clock, Pi M. It arrives at Harnsburg at 5 o'clock on the following morning, and reaches Columbia in timo to take the morning Cars fot Phiadcphia. Tho Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on the West Branch, at about 0 o'clock. P. M. of tho tamo day on wliich they reach Northumberland and re turn daily. The Boats on tho above lines havo been repaired, and aro now confidently recommended to tho PUB LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and comcnient mode of travelling. EA T may be taken in Philadelphia at the north-cast corner of Fourth & Chcsuut streets, at No. 200 Market street, and at the Wcst-Chc&tcr Hotel, Broad street. FREIGHT, mav bo forwarded bv Kail Road from Orrieh & Nobles and J. J. Lewis & Co, Broad street, and by Capt. McCabcs. Line of Union Canal Boats to'Harrisburg, where they will bo received by the Susquehanna Linqfrom Jaboz Harrasdirr; Vine street Wharf, Schuylkill. I . Mc. C. GILCHRIST, Wilkcsburrc, June 10, 1837. Agent. 3M ARGE MAPS of Mississippi and Alabama B A showing the Public and the Indian Lands, Indian Reservations, Land Districts, Townships, Streams, &c.. Engraved from the Government sur veys and plots in the General Land Office, Wash ington City; tiy IS. Uilmax, urauglitsinan in tne General Land Office. I . TAYLOR, bookseller, Washington City, has list published (and secured the copy right according to Law) tho above Mans, which will-he found infin itely more complete and a'ceurato than any hereto fore published. They are published on sepcrate sheets, each containing nearly six square feet, and will bo found especially useful and valuable to those interested in tho lands of ejthcr state, as they show every item of information which is in posscssiou of the Land Office relative to Water courses, lownfchjp lines, Indian lands and reservations, land districts, &c, arid .will bo perfectly accurate and prcciso in theso points. They can be sent by mail to any part of the United states, subject only to singlo letter postage. Price, two dollars, or thrco copies of ci ther will ho sent by mail for fivo dollars. A liberal discount will be made to travelling agents, or to any who buy to sell again. j Editors of newspapers, any where, who will glvo' the above advertisment (including this notice) ono ortwo insertions, shall rcceiveliy return mail a copy of each map, if they will send a copy of the pa per containing it to. tho advertise. Washington City, Sept, 9, 1837. NOTICE To Travellers up the North Branch of the Susquehanna. TTJA8S.ENGERS by tho Susquehanna Boat Lino B from Northumberland, arrive at Wilkesbarrc KlGUT HOUllS tooner than by the Mail Line of Stages, and reach Montrose TWENTY-FOUR houis sooner. P.' Mc C. GILCHRIST, June 10, 1837. Agent. F rf very superior quality, neatly bound, and ' printed on cold-cdecd paper, with coloured designs, for sale at tho cheap store of J. T Musselman, $ Co. September 10, 1837. Steam-syrup Molasses, ,F a very superior quality, lor saic at ine new and cheap storeol Muooriijaimi,. vju. Sept. 0, 1837. UEENSWA'RE, of every variety of figure and price, just received 6i for salo ly .. T. Musselman. $ Co. Sept. 30, 1837. FLAX-SEED: Bushels of Flax-Sad wanted, unu 1 the highest price paid, by . T. Musselman, Co. September 2. INE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, &c. jut re ceived, and icidy for delivery to customers at very reduced prices, by . n J. T. Miaschnuu, .y to. Sept. 30, 1837. HEW GOODS'. The 'Subscriber HAS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh assortment of GOODS, which havo been purchased very low, and arc now offered to custom ers at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cof tee is now offered at twelve and a half cents per pound first quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten cents, and second quality at eight cents per pound. Ho has also a largo and full assortment of Iron & Hollow-Ware, Which he ofi'crs at the lowest prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his as sortment. (fj All kinds of country produce will bo taken in exchange for goods. 1.. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837. .F a superior quality, just received am for sale ' by the subscriber. u. i ISllfclt. Bloomsburg, Ang. G, 1S37. USP received, and now opening at the new & cheap store . , .108 Yards 0-4 Merinos; SCO Yards 3-4 do. :tOOO do. Illcached Muslin ; JEOaOdo. Brown do. 4O00 Yards Ncw Sty1(! of Print3! at from Gi to 28 cents per yard ; 30 Pieces 900 yards of' Sattinctts ; ALSO Blue, Brown, Olive, Black, Strcl-mixed, Drab, Claret and Invisible Cloths. All which they arc determined to dispose of very cheap lor cash or country produce. T. Musselman, Co. Bloomsburg, Sept 30. very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, just received, and for sale at the new store ol J. T. MUSSELMAN, A; Co. Bloomsburg, AuguM. 20,1837. SU&AK. & COFFEE ! PRIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a halt Cents per Pound, and a superior quality of SUGARS at Eight and Ten Cents, for sale at the ncw and cheap store of J. T. MUSSULMAN, & Co. Dloomsburg, Aug. SG. ALL kinds of GRAIN wanted,' for which the highest market price will be paid, at the new and cheap store of the subscribers. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Scpt.2, 1837. A N assortment of ilfen'nosjust received, and for sale at the cheap store ot Jl T. Musselman, Co'. Goshen Cheese, 'F a vcrv superior quality, for sale at tho New and Cheap Storeoftho subscribers in Blooms burg. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co., 1837. JOHN S. INGRAM, TENDERS his professional services to the citi zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate lul lor business entrusted to his care. Office in the same building with the 'Columbia Democrat.' Bloomsburg, May, 1837. List of 'Letters Remaining in the Bloomsburg Post-office, September 30, 1837. Benjamin Boyer, Gcorgd Beer's, Hopkins Boone, Elias Dietcrich, Alexander Emit, Mary Fulmcr, Miss Abigail Goble, Michael Hawk, Mary Brown, Peter Brugler, John Dietrich, Thomas Ellaot, Daniel Fulmor, Aaron Gcarhart, George Groh, Henry Hagcnbuch, Uzal Hopkjns, John Ha6lct, Miss Anna Kendig, John Jacoby, Mrs. MaryLillcy Alex. Nowokowski, Daniel Pur6el, William Snyder, Rev. Tobias, Charles Washug, John Howcr, William Howell. Jacob He'mbauch, George Knorr, Jacob Leiby, Ucnjamm Mcrrel, Overseers of tho Poor, John Robison, Henry Trimbly, Thomas Vance, Thomas Wright, Thomas Wccb, Gcorga T. Wolcot, 3 Daniel Wravcr, Jacob Wagner, Henry Wertman, Josia M'Clurc, James xeoman. 10 BEltNAltD KUl'ERT, P. M. October 7, 1837. STOVES. UST received and for Side at tho store of tho QjJ subscriber, splendid assortment 01 u uuu SrOYISS. both Claw anil wiiu iiouers. mi 1 assortment of round and squa 0 ("00 Mover, of dillc.cit sizes. t". B. FISHER. Bloonioburg,Scpt.30, 1837. MARBLE . THE subscriber begs leave to inform the public, that he continues the above truniness, in its various branches, in Selinsgrovo and Milton, where he has constantly on hand an assortment of monuments; Head & Foot Stones, OF ALL SIZI'.S AND DIFFERENT QUALITIES. ALSO : Mantles, Centre-Tables, WINDOW AND DOOR-SIL.L.S, made to order, on the shortest notice, and in the best manner. The public are respectfully invited to give him a call. Lettering, both English and German, done in a neat, bold, and beautiful style. GEORGE GUNDRUM. September 30, 1837. fXjThe Terms, &c. can be ascertained by calling upon the Editor otthe "Columbia Democrat, who will attend to any orders which may be made by the pcoplo of this neighbourhood, and guarantee a speedy and lailhlul execution ot any job which may ho specially ordered. THE subscriber wo.uld respectfully inform the public, that he has taken (ho store recently pecupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcfille, and is now opening and receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds of MERCHANDISE. wjiich ho will dispose of at the most reduced piiccs lor cash or country produce. The public are uni ted to call a.'iu examine for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangevillc, Oct. 7, 1837 LL persons indebted to- the estate of Thomas Clirlon, deceased, by Note, Bond, Book Ac count, or otherwise, arc requested to make payment to tho subscriber before the 15th dav of November next; and all persons having demands agaiiut said estate are requested to present thenr, properly au. thenticatcd for settlement, to tho subscriber. WILLIAM GIRTON", Sole Administrator. Hemlock, Oct. 7, 1837. SHARP SHOOTX1TG. 4""1APT. HIRAM A. ROOT, of Cattawissa. late lyfrom Tomkins county, New York, shot across tno sue-quelianna river, ranging the enormous distance of four hundred yards, and killed a Crane. The feat was done on the 28th inst. on Col. Paxton's larrn, in Uloom township, in tho presence of a num ber osprctators. This is but pne of Uicmany.rnir aculous feats that Mr. Root has performed with his rillc; but he is a first rate marksman, and those who excel m this urt, can havo a chance to try their skill with Capt. Root, on a bet of from Ten to One hun dred dollars, string meas6re. He. will be, found at tho public house of S." llrobst, hi Cattawi'ssa vil lage, where he will be very happy to wait on any Gentlemen who may favour him with their custom. Cattawissa, Sept. 30, 1837. IiOOK HERE!!! f TTfHn subscribers thankful for past favors, havo Jl. the pleasure of announcing to their custo mers, and the public in general, that they have just received and aro nowopening u fresh supply of cheap and SEASONABLE? GOODS carefully selected for tho season, at their new and cheap store in Bloomsburg, Come friends and patrons, one and all. And eed ourpurcha'so for the fall; If you'll but call and take a peep, Surely you'll say, they're very cheap. J. T. MUSSELMAN, t Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. PETE RSIIAM( and Bearskin cloths, for Over coats, just rocelved and for tale by J, T. Musselman, 5 Co. Sept. 30, 1837. ?LANKET "Shawls, und Ladies Capes and I ippets, just opened at tho ncw & chcup store of Jt 77 Musselman, $t Co. Sept. 30, 1S37. LANKETS, of various sizes and qualities and warranted a fresh article, for sale at the new and cheap store of J. J . Mussetman, ey Co. Sept. 30, 1837. :MLET, for Cloaks, for jalo very cheap at tho new &. cVap rtoro of J. T. Mu-ne'man, Co. Sept. 30, 1837. From the Memphis Inquirer. BRIEF DISCOURSE. Text. 'There is a way which secmeth right to a man, but the end thereof,' &c. We hope It will not he deemed sacrilege to quote here this sublime precaution from the Oracles of Divine Truth, as a text to discourse from in the manner which fol lows, although in aid of subjects of a some what secular nature, appertaining however to morality: It may. seem right to,a man to neglect paying his debts for the sake of spending or speculating upon his money but at tho end thereof is a bad paymaster. It may seem light to a man to live be yond his income but at the end thereof is wretchedness and poverty. It may seem right to a man to attempt to live upon the fashion of the time but the end thereof is disgusting to all sensible folks and ruinous to health, reputation and property. It may seem right io a man UJ, attempt to obtain a livelihood without , industry and economy but the end thereof is hunger and rags. It may seem right to a man to, keep constantly borrowing of his neighbors, and never willing to lend but the end thereof is very cross neighbors. It may seem righttoaman to be al ways trumpettirijj of his own fame the end thereof is his fame don't extend very far. It may seem right to a man to trouble himself very much about his neighbor's bu siness but the end thereof is great negli gence of his own., , It may seem right to a man to be con stantly slandering his neighbors but the end thereof is nobody believes any thing he says. , , . It may seem right to a man to induleg ids children in every thing but the end thereof is his children will indulge them selves in dishonoring him. It may seem right to a man to put off every thing which ought to be done to-day until to,-morrow but tho end thereof is such things ars not done at all. It may seem right in a man to attempt to please every body but the end thereof is he pleases nobody. It may seem right to a man to excel liis neighbors in extravagance and luxury but the end thereof is he excels them in. It may seem right to a man to take ori (y one .or two glasses of rum a day but tlie end thereof is a drunkard. It may seem right to a man to take newspaper but the end thereof is that' man and his family arc totally ignorant of the oidinary occurrences of the day. It may seem right tp a mart (0 obtain his news by borrowing and stealing of his neighbors but the end thereof is annoy ance to his neighbors, and fraud upon the printer. It may. seem right to a man to pay eve ry body before he pays the printer and the minister but the end thereof is he pays the most needy last if he pays them at all. It may seem right to a man to worship the creature more than the creator -but tho end thereof is -an idolator. It may seem right, to a man to bo inces santly occupied in hoarding up tho treas ures 0 this world but tho end thereof io he has none in the world to come. To conclude- it may seem right to a. man to further extend his discourse, at the expense of tho patience of his reader but the end thereof is here! Newspapers. There are now about one thousand newspapers established in tho United States, from 'inch are issued at a moderate calculation, ono hundred millions printed shecta annually, which if in one continuous sheet, would roach four timo from polo to pole, and if cubodird in a boo'i from w uuld be equal to issuing six vcluiuc e .r' uic 1. every u. utoni tin. vc . Auj. 10, 1837,