The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 14, 1837, Image 1

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"I have sworn upou Iho Altar of God, eternal hostility to ctery form of Tyranny over 'the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferso
j it
Vblttni'c I.
Next Dootl to Romson's Stage Office.
'burnished every Saturday morning, at
TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable
lialf yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
Fifty Cents, if not paid within (he year.
No subscription toill betaken for a sfibrter
period than six months; nor any discon
tinuance permitted, until all arrearages
are discharged.
AD VERTISEMENTS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar jor the Jirst three insertions,
and Twenty-five cents for every subse
qucnt nsertion. ICJ'A liberal discount
made to those tuho alvcrlisc by the year.
LETTERS addressed on business) must
be post paid.
Union Agricultural Society's
HIE annual Cattlo show, and exhibition of
Agricultural products, and articles of domes
tic manufacture; will be held in McEwcnsvillc,
Turhut township, Northumberland county, on
Tuesday tho 24th day of October next, when
to tho full exto ' of tho funds of tho said society
will bo awarded to the .successful , competitor.
Viz: For every species of LIVE STOCK. In
thh particular, committee on premiums will more
especially direct tUiir attention to those animals
lliat may have been obtained and nurtured with a
view to tho improvement of Stock within the bounds
of tho 8ocicly.
2d. On every kind of Domestic Manufactured
articles of Iron, Wood, Wool, Cotton, Flux, Silk,
Hemp, .Film, Skins, cVc. In this department,
Cloth manufactured of Wool, Silk, &c, produced
within tho limits of tho society, will be entitled to
a preference over thoso whose mutcrials may bo of
loreign origin. 1'roviucu that no mauutacturcr re
ceive a premium for an article of manufacture of
the same description or kind upon which he receive
a premium formerly, unless a special improvement
over the former article shall bo so manife.-t as to
entitle him to it. Impi - cmcnt bblng the.pbjcct of
the Society, it will not bo deemed buthcicnt that
tho article to the best exhibited to entitle, if it
should not exceed articles previously exhibited from
llic same factory.
3d. .Oil agricultural products. Tho products of
the Field arid tho Dairy. Tho successful cultiva
tion of the vine; and also tho mahufticturo of Sugar
from materials, the growth of the district comprising
the Society will be interesting objects of premium.
Also samples of Malt and Vinous Liquor, of the
materials the growth of the district.
Tho fact that good ploughing is at the basis of
good and successful agriculture, induces tho society
to hold out premiums for tho best specimens of
ploughing (40 perches) to bo performed at tho
Cattlo Show. Premiums will be awarded for useful
improvements & implements in husbandry.
No animals, or specimen of .maiiuf.ictures that
obtained a premium at a former Cattle Show, shall
again be a subject of premium; nor will a premium
be allowed for any animal rsbed out of the limits
of the society, except those " 'xouuccdlor tne pur
, pose of improving tho stock and which shall have
been within the bounds ot the bociety at least one
year previous to the exhibition.
Tho best flock of sheep, raised Ity an .individual,
( not less than ten) taking into view their breed,
Whcallhful Btatc, and the quality of their wool, will
If-,- - 1 .1 , -i" !
wso ue inc oojcci oi.q premium.
To encourage the production of Barley, tho com
mittee on grain wilt award suitable premiums to it;
successful cultivators.
Successful experiments in the cultivation, of all
Kinus oi urops, uram, urasses, vcgciauics, vines,
Trees, &c. communicated in writing, win no latu
fore the commute as subjects of premiums
will bo held", commencing at I o'clock to continue
if expedient from day to day, in order that those
Ifclio have articles of manufacture: improved
flgricultultural implements. Grain and vcgetablo
feeds of superior quality, and all kinds of blooded
Mnd improved animals, may sell them and thus dis
Mributo them throughout tho country This sale offers
II good opportunity to those who result; put ofthq
Ijistriet, and havo improved stock, Sc, to expose it
pur sale, anu nicy are rcspccuuuy niviuu iu ,u
The committees of Vigilance will please to cxcri
ihn fnmla nf tho Socictv.
ncy are as loiiows:
KorthumberHul County David Watson, II
riiirf. llnvul IrclnllU. J. It. rriesuv.
Columbia Co. Wm. Dale, James M'Mahon,
I. H i . 11 II 1 1 1 fnmnvsivi
Union Co. Dr. Baskins, James Merrill Esq
m rVi in, w Tlnvi. Thomas (JUutran-
atles Lloyd; Bamuel Rogers, Hcnjamin Uear,
raham Bodoin, Cob Jacob Uecbcr,
' " O-F 1"
All .n!....ld nn.1 nrlixln. inlniuUI C. thn AilMinn.
t bo exhibited for inspection at 10 o clock, A. M.
wnittecs of inspection will bo appointed and ro-
ions to govern tho proceedings ot tho Uuy no
Ututcd, and notice given iu duo time.
By order of tho Board.
J. F. MURRAY, Sec'ry,
10, 1837.
From Philadelphia, by Rail Road Canal
to II arris burg, Northumberland, Daii-
vuic, isauuwissa, JSloomsUurg,
Berwick, If'ilkesbarre, Mil
ton, If'illiamsport, and
intermediate places.
TTgASSENGEHS can leave, the West Chester
JL Hotc, Broad street, I'hil.idcphia, daiy, at 0
o cock, A. M. reach Harritburir at 4 o'clock. 1 M.
of the same day ; Northumbcrand at 10 o'clock A".
ai. ot the next day; and Wilicslarrc on the sue'
feeding mornine at 0 o'clock : whnn CnjlMina vi
ininicdiatcy start for Oarbondalc, Tunkhannoek and
Montrose, and thence to thu Western part of New
i tint state.
JiETbltNING The Boats cave Wilkcsbarro
daiy, at 10 o'cock, A. M., and arrive at Booms-
burg at 4 o clock, F..M. It arrives at Harrisburg at
5 o'clock on tho fo owing morning, and readies
Columbia in time to take tho morning Caw foi
Phi adephia.
1 ho Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on the
West Branch, t .about 0 o'clock,!'. M. of the same
day on, which thtfy reach Northumberland and re
turn dailv. .
Tho Boats on the above linco liavp been repaired,
and arc now confidently recommended to the PUB
LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode
of travelling. EAT may Lo taken in Philadelphia
at the north-cast corner of Fourth & Cliesnut streets.
at No. 200 Market street, and at the West-Chester
Hotel, Broad street.
FREIGHT may bo forwarded by Rail Road from
Orricli & Nobles and 3. Ji ,cwis ifc Co, Broad street,
and by Copt. MeCabcs Line of Union Canal Uoats
to Harrisburg, whero they will bo received by the
Susquehanna Line from Jabcz Harrasdlh, Vine street
Whart, Schuylkill.
r: Me. c; gilchrist,
Wilkcsbarro, June 10, 18U7. Agcnll
TT ARfiE MAPS of Mississippi and Alabamn
HJ showing the PuLUc and the Indian Lnndi
Indian Reservations, Land Districts, Townships,
Streams, cVc, Engraved from tho Government sur
veys and plots in tho General Land Ollice, Wash
ington City; by E. Oilman, Draughtsman in the
General Land 0(l?cc.
F. TAYLOR, bookseller,. Washington City, has
ust published (and secured tho copyright according
to Law) the above Maps, which will bo found inlin
itcly more complete and accurate than any hereto
fore published. They ore published on sepcrate
sheets, each containing nearly six (.tmare feet, and
will befound especially useful ond valuable to those
interested in the lands of cillien state, as thuy. show
every item of information which is in posscssiou of
the Land Oilico relative to Water courses, township
lilies, Indiandniuls and reservations, land districts,
Src., and will be perfectly accurate and precise in
these points. They can be sent by mail to any part
of tho United stales', subject only to' single letter
postage. Price, two dollars, or three conies of ei-
tlicrwift lib sent by mail for five dollars. A liberal
discount will bo made to travelling agents, or to any
who buy tp scl,ajj
Editors' oi" i
newspapers, any where, who will
give the above iidvcriismcnt (including this notice)
one ortwo insertions, snail receive liy return mail t
copy of each map, if they will 6cnd a copy of the pa
per containing it to the advertise.
Washington City, Sept, 0, 1837.
To 'Travellers up the North Branch of the
nA8SENGERS by tho Susquehanna Boat Lino
irom iNortliumucnanu, arrive at witucsliarrc
JUG JIT llOVHS tooner than b the Mail Line
of Stages, and reach Montrose T WE NT 1 -FO UK
houis sooner. 1". Ale. u. uilUill(l9 J ,
Juno 10, 1837.' Agent.
F a very superior quality, neatly bound, and
printed on gold-edged paper, with coloured
detigns, for sale at the cheap store of
.. T Musselman, Co.
September 10, 1837.
WHEREAS my wifo Riciiael has left my
Bed and Board without any just cause or
provocation, I do hereby caution all persons against
trusting her on my account, a I will pay no debts
of her contracting after this date.
Greenwood, August 20, 1837.
Steam-syrup Molasses,
,F a very superior quality, for talc at the new
' and cheap store of MUSSELMAN, Ss Co.
Sept. 5, 1837.
HEREAS my wifo Margaret has left my
bed and board without any just causo or
provocation, 1 hcretty caution an persons against
trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts
of her contracting after this date.
McDowell's Mill, Sept. !'3, 1837.
The Subscriber
IOTAS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh
M.JL assortment of GOODS, which have been
purchased very low, and are now offered to custom
ers at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cof
fee is now offered ot twelve and a half eentx per
pound first quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten
ccntr, and second quality at tight eenhper pound.
Ho has also a large and full assortment of
Iron & Hollow-Ware,
Which ho offers at tho lowest prices. The public
arc respectfully invited to call and examine his as
sortment. (Ij Alt kinds of country produce will be taken
in exchange for goods.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837.
F a superior quality, just received arid for sale
by the subscriber. C. 11. FISHRU'
Bloomsburg, Ang. 0, 1837.
UST received, and now opening at the new '&
encap store
58 Yards 0-4 Mcriilos;
.7 60 Yards 3-4 do.
SIOOO do. Bleached Muslin
SOOOdo. Brown do.
4000 Yartls New Style of Prints, at
iroin Oi to Vti cents per yard ;
30 I'icccs 900 yards of' Sattinctls ;
Blue, Brown, Olive, Black, Steel-mixed,
Ural), (Jlarct and Invisible Cloths
AH which they are determined to dispose of very
cucap lurcasu or country produce.
.. T. Musselman,
Bloomsburg, Sept. 30.
i5- Co.
very extensive Assortment of Cedar Ware, just
ruceivcu. anu lor sale at tue new store or
Bloomsburg, August 20,1837.
RIME Cpi FEH, at Twelve and a halt
Cents per Pound, and a superior oualttv
ui ouuAiio at uiigiu aim icn ucnts, tor salo a
tho new store of
Bloomsburg, Aug. 20,
LL kinds of GRAIN wanted, for which the
highest market price will be naid. at the new
and cheap store of the subscribers.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 2, 1837.
N assortment of AferiHosjust received, and for
saio at tue clieap store of
J. T. Musselman, Co:
Goshen Cheese,
;F a veri superior quality, for sale at the New
and Chean Store of tho subscribers in Hlnnma
'iir?. J. T. MI'SSELMAN, & Co. 0, 1837.
AscsiBsjig'ir ail w9
TENDERS his professional services to tho citi
zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate
fill lor business entrusted to his care. Office in the
same building with tho Columbia Democrat.'
Bloomsburg, May, 183f.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Bloomsburg Post-office,
oepiemucr ao, win.
Benjamin Boyer,
Mary Brown,
I'ctcr Bruglcr,
John Dietrich,
Thomas Ellaot,
Daniel Fulmcr,
Aaron Gcarhart,
George Groh,
Henry. Ilagcnbuch,
Uzal Hopkins,
John Haslet,
Miss Anna tendig,
John Jacoby,
Mrs. Mary Lilley,
Alex. Nowakowski,
Daniel Purscl,.
William Snyder,
Rev. Tobias,
Charles Washug,
Thomas Wceb,
Daniel Wraver,
Ueriry Wertrasn,
James Yeoman. 45
ueorgo Ueers,
Hopkins Boone,
Elias Dictcrich,
Alexander Emit,
Mary Fulmcr,
Miss Abigail Goble,
Michael Hawk,
John Howcr,
William Howell,
Jacob Hcinbauch,
George Knorr,
Jacob Leiby,
ucnjamin Mcrrcl,
Overseers of the Poor,
John Kobison,
Henry Trimbly,
1 homas Vance,
Thomas Wright,
Georgo T. Wolcot, 2
Jacob Wagnor,
Josia M'Clure,
October 7, 1837.
UST received' and for salo at tho store of tho
subscriber, splendid assortment of WOOD
STO VES. both ..'lam and with Boilers. Also an
assortment of round and rquaro Coal Stoves; of
liflercnt Mies. u. u. riojiisic.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837.
"01 let mo court Lethean streams,
Tho sorrowing sense to steep,
And drink oblivion of the themes
On which I cannot weep."
In that season 6f fife, when tho heart's
enthusiasm gives fervor tO( all its pflijctions
first commenced tjialiinfortunatc attachment
between Augustus and Amelia. The geni
us and accomplishments of Augustus were
the themes of every tongue. Hp possess
ed a proud aspiring soul he anticipated,
with sanguine confidence, the time when
his talents and industry would be an honor
to himself, and service to those around him.
Ilis own Amelia, with a heart that could so
well appreciate his excellencies, found a
proud enjoyment in those plaudits so often
associated with his name, and happiness in
those warm aft'uctlons which her own
charms had created. O! there was not one
thorn among the roses of lieir own Eden
there was. not one cloud in the pure skies
that illumined its bowers there were no
sounds but those told of happiness, in cheer-
ing wuispers to me neart. If Amelia s
voice was heard in song, the strain was of
tho most joyous melody her liarp had not
one sound of sadness in its varied notes
and lightest in tho dance were her own
footsteps, ariiorig its graceful evolutions.
Thus passed those days away, till Augus
tus, m the tumults of the world, exchanged
the dreams of those romantic hours, for tho
cold realities of life; and cold they were to
one so enthusiastic: rugged indeed to one
so ambitious, were those steps towards the
tempieof lame, over which not even genujs
could give wings to bear him but step by
step his wearied feet must tread, till even
the hope which carried him along seemed
to sicken with delay.
Deep in his susceptible heart were the
stings of disappointed ambition. In those
woods which SUrfbund the beautiful village
where so many of his days had been pass
ed whero breathed the murmurings of his
discontent and even those haunts which
endeared this adopted home, were sought,
not at once, to indulge in dreams of love
and hope bin to hide, amid their shades
the dark despondence of his spirit.
Amelia, too, whose presence was once so
replete with bright associations, served but
to increase his gloom vain was all the
gaiety with which she hoped to dissipate
his care. If in brighter hours, Augustus
was beloved with the fervor of her feeling
nature; he was now, in his moments of
gloom, cherished in hei heart with an af
fection yet more impassioned. But why
(thought she) the gathering shades upon his
brow. Can he not be happy without the
applause of a multitude? Can he not leave
the scene where his hopes have failed and
seek in love and friendship, alone, a joy
worth all ambition could have promised?
Amelia was happy still for Augustus was
to her as in her best days; and in losing the
fickle favors of the world, she knew he had
not lost that which ought to have secured
them. But with" all the splendor of talepts.
Augustus was deficient in firmness of mind
and independence of spirit. His time was
wasted in gloomy indolence,' till he at length
sought in intemperance a fancied oblivion
of his ills, Tho companions of his virtuous
days forsook him his friends, while they
mourned his degeneracy, left in the haunts
of dissipation one who might command tho
respect a,nd admiration of all.'
But Amelia, with woman's constancy,
was faithful still. Manv were the efforts of
her family to lead those affections from an
object no longer worthy her regard but
Augustus, scorned and forsaken, found one,
at least, whoso look would not reproach.
whoso tongue would never censure.
For him the music of her harp was still
awakened but at times a melancholy tone
would steal into those strains meant for
gaity alone that eye, through its glanco
wero all his own, was fast losing the luster
t i.i.ii .
oi nsnue unu mat ciiook, wnero tne roso
once bloomed so brightly, had not now ono
trace of its crimson tinge. Each day as it I
passed, brought deepor melancholy to tho'
heart of Augustus and faintei with ovcry
Number 25.
morning's dawn, beamed the eye of the un
fortunate Amelia till, at last, it was shroud-
einn .iieatli.., She died the victim of love
a"4 grief;. Deeper,.stjll .deeper, in the in
toxicating bowl Augustusought to steep
)js .distracted senses., , Thou'rt nothing
all are nothing now (thought he) he dare
hot think upon the past he would not
dwell upon the future his constitution ex
hausted by excess, and wasted by the de
sponding melancholy which he so long had
.cherished, warned him of his approaching
end. He awaited it with impatient despair
and Augustus, too, found an early grave
the victim of disappointed ambition and
of blighted affection;
Editorial Labor. Tho Otaheite Ga
zette is printed in a barn, which answers
eyeiy purpose for a publication office,
bulletin office, editorial office, printing office
and chamber, patlor, kitchen, doghouse and
stable for the editor, his family.. and cattle.
' ii -i, ,i in i
He docs all his composition, writing, select
ting, book-keeping, jmarkeljng, deviling and
press work, himself. lie saysi(. with peise
verance and economy, he thinks he can get
along. If he don't", it will not be his fault.
Very True. The editor of tile
Democrat says; "To be editor,
publisher, and devil, all at the same time,
is a very laborious situation'
A Mrs. Bank, of Tennessee, has recently
presented her husband with five little bran
ches. When William, Prince of Orange, landed
in England, he said to. the people whom he.
first met, 'I am come for your good; for all
your goods.1 , -vrv
An Irishman speaking of an oppressive
landlord, wished that the man might live to
sec his own children fatherless!
Beautiful Cofnpdyison. As .the vostrich
uses both legs and wings when the Arabian
courser bounds in her rear as the winged
lightning leaps from the heavens when the
Eternal has unbound their bolts so does a
little nigger. run like the devil when a big
dog is after him.
Typographical Errors. A publisher of
a periodical at the south offers $100 for
the best tail for his paper. A man at tho
east offers for sale a large quantity of fun-
poivder, and several boxes of pigs. A per
son at New York advertises a louse to let,
and possession given immediately.
An angel incapable of feeling anger, must
envy the man who can feel and yet conquer
iti r-
Matthias, the Prophet,(is still travelling
about tho country. Ho lately passed through
Wellsburg, V,a. qn foot,' dressed in a long
frock coat and carrying another coat on his
shtfulder His beard gave him a savage
appearance. He had one follower.
Specie. Tho brig Rosalba, Captain
Rae, has arrived at Philadelphia, with up
wards of 38,000 Spanish dollars.
The people of Patterson, N. J. were).
considerably amused by some transactions
in court. Tho grand jury indicted forty
persons for selling liquors, and then pre
sented the court itself, as a nuisance, for
having licensed as many grocers as it had
done. The court refused to receive the
communication from thejury and discharged
that body forthwith.
A correspondent of the Dedham Patriot
says that a child has been born in Foxbor
ough, of the fifth generation, that has now
living, six grandmothers! five of them in
A horse-stealer was shot at St. Louis on
the 15th ult. by the owner of a Horse, which
I he was in the act of stealing.
iriwi iiira.
not oiuy riiUAVtJ a pjan, Lut