The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 07, 1837, Image 2

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SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 1837.
For Assembly.
Evaia O. Jackson.
For Sheriff.
ToIiii Fruit,
Klias MclEcnry.
For Coroner. .
Isaac C. Jolinsois,
Jacol Scitlcl.
For Commissioner.
Stephen Baldy.
For Treasurer.
ifugh McWilliams.
For Auditor.
John Fulton.
tn Tuesday Ic.t
The freemen of Columbia county will
decide who shall be their official servants
they will choose between the tvill cf the
People and the wish of Demagogues:
They will choose between Disorganiza
tion and Regular Nominations between
their open friends and their secret enemies.
The Danville faction have abandoned the
usages and principles of the party they
have stricken from the ticket the names of
LIAMS they have substituted volunteer
candidates and Evan O. Jackson's paper
at Uerwick has foljowcd the fishy trail.
Punish the Disorganizors punish your en
emies and'youlwill do justice to your
selves, your party, and your principles.
Free yourselves from 'the iron-rod of In
triguers and Demagogues? who would con
trol every thing for their own'aggrandizc
Inent for the advancement of tjieir own
menial purposes.
Uird oti Ihc armor of principle, so long
worn and so gloriously triumphant on ma
ny former occasions. ,Go for principle
go for victory. Remember that FRUIT
and McWILLlAMS are identified with
you, in principle and in interest; and when
you give them "the pull Tim long pull
you only add a fresh wreath to your form
er victories, and save yourselves from the
scornful taunts of those who aim at de
stroying your harmony as a party, and your
rights and interests as individuals. .Then,
Again we say
Punish Disorganization punish Wolves in
Sheep's clothing punish the hypocrites,
who are headed by the Danville Junto, and
nt the tail-end of which are Evan O. Jack
son, his sleepy Sentinel, and his Dank
Whig Berwick Shin-plaster wire-workers.
Do this, and your triumph will be one of
honorable victory one which will prevent
another attempt of corrupt Demagogues to
impose npon honest credulity, and destroy
the usages and sacrifice the principles of the
great Democratic party.
The Peoples Candidate.
He was recommended by the People-
nominated by their Delegates and will be
elected by tho People. No artifice, nor
falsehoods, noi schemes of malice and dis-
tfrtfanteation, can alienate the affections of
the People; and with the People for his
friends, ho must and will triumph. Ho is
honest ho is capable he is deserving;
arid such men are always wanted to fill of
fices of honor and of trust.
The FedpWs Candidate.
They recommended him they nomina
ted him and they will elect him, maugre
Ml the base trickery and calumnlos of his
enemies, who are striving for power for tho
mere purpose of abusing it.
lC?0ur MiceIliuiuou3 readers will rs
Mivo attention after this number
fcoNone but an abandoned wretch,
vioso hypocritical prayers could have won
aficclions and secured the hand of an
heiress, and who thrco weeks after mar
riage attempted tho perpetration of a horrid
crime upon sleeping innocence, could dis
close similar feelings to those embodied in
the editorial department of the last 'Ber
wick Sentinel." The prescription ofblack
cat's blood, once rccompciidectiS)j!f a 'Quack
Sire, should bo copfonsj& administered
him: and 'the oncclhrcatcncd dissolution of
the nuptial lie, shcTitdJkcarricd into effects
'to save human nature from being disgraced,
with a race wjiich most probably will in
herit fiis unuTAi. 'disposition and propensi
ties. The libeller and slanderer of female
character, wlio in a political contest can
concoct calumnies and attack the wife and
chfldicn of an opponent; and who after de
livering a public lecture on religion and
morality, will attempt the destruction of
female virtue, and abuse the confidence of
a deceived partner, is only fit for the gal
lows or alio penitentiary; and should be
"lashed naked through the world," as an
unfit associate for the most degraded of
God's, creatures. As a Beast, .iff the im
age of his Cieator, he can only' excite dis
gust in the bosoms of all who look upon
him'; and as an educated Viper and Slan
derer, the world should shun him, for his
breath is more dangerous than the poison
of the Upas tree, while his smile is the
precursor of his base designs upon the in
nocent and unsuspecting. Ho may escape
public justice for a while'; but having the
mark of Cain upon his forehead, he will
suffer infinitely more from seeing the su
periority of others, and feeling his own de
generacy, than if it were meted out to him
with a knotted halter. A roat of Tar should
bo applied, in conjunction with the barrel
of feathers, upon his naked carcase, to make
the deformity of his body conform with the
foul mouth and wicked heart which sup
port and control its despicable operations;
and he should be drummed through the
public streets asan emblem of what is most
dangerous to, and despised by, a peaceable
and icspectable community. This notice
will suffice.
JC7Hov contemptible must the edi
tors (?) of the Berwick Sentinel feel to pub
lish as their own what every hiah of com
mon sense knows they never Wrote. They
are the mere sucking-turkics, who swallow
the leavings and peck the cobs of the swine
herd who arc their masters; and as they
arc known to be incapable of doing the dirty
work assigned them, they arc mean enough,
to feel content with the hdn'of'of nominally
owning the putrid excresence of their feed
ers and kdepiirs;
Eva si . Jackson.
This gentleman was nominated by the
Democratic Delegate Convention; and al
though by a system of management peculi
ar to a curtain faction of Disorganizors; yet
we had intended to drown our feelings of
contempt for the petty intrigues' of his
friends, arid silently support bis election.
Can we do so still? Can we assist in clc
vating the very leader of a combination of
scurvy politicians, wlio have rebelled against
usdgc scowled dtourplinciples aild who
openiy avow ho oilier" determination than
to defeat tho wishes and interests of the
Central townships? Shall we pardon the
treason because the traitor is ctilled a Dem
ocrat? NEVER! If lie succeeds in his
election, he will owe us nothing he need
only thank the gullibility of voters, and tho
successful schemes of Intriguers and Fae-
tionists; and, if defeated, he must charge the
result upon his own and his friends indis
cretion, and upon the better jiidgrhent of
those who control the operations of the ballot-box.
He has abandoned our party and
its usages we havo abandoned him; and
next Tuesday will decide the pending issue
If elected, we shall not crumble and if
defeated, we shall not glory in his down
fall. We leave it to the People; and in
theii decision we shall feel satisfied.
It will be seen from a number of Com
munications in this week's paper that pub
lic sentiment has assumed a stern opposi
tion to the re-election of Evan O. Jacksonj
and that his defeat is aimed at by man of
the most zealous and unbending democrats
Hie own conduct has elicited this course
He has chalked a line of distinction and
proscription he has abandoned the usa
ges ahd principles of tho party ho has
oven refused the publication of the name of
n regularly nominated candidate in his pa
per at Berwick, which abuses and slanders
Fruit and McWilliams and for this treach
erous conduct ho must be rewarded in the
same coin with which ho treats others.
His defeat will be the consequence of a
barefaced attempt to break up the demo?
t .1
cralic party, concocted ty a lew icaucrs,
with himself at the head of the faction: it
will be owing to Iris Bank vote last year in
the legislature, and to his non-committal
sentiments ever since Ins return Home: u
will be owing to that course of disorganiza
tion which has cjuiractcrrzed At produc
itions in the
Berwick Sentinel," ever since
nominations: wind it will be owing to
his abuse of those honest citizen candi
dates, who were fighting the battles of do-
Tnocracy and equal rights when lie was in
his swaddling clothes, receiving the politi
cal instructions of his to'ry ancestors. We
regretted his nomination; but we more deep
ly regret that his treacherous conduct should
bo the means of operating upon the result
of thfc'coining election. We shall not glory
n his defeat for it will be mortifying to
see an opponent succeed; but we shall aid
the cause of the people against all such
intriguers andrtlisorganizors and "when he
docs fall, we, shall only pity him for his du
plicity and desertion of principle, and hope
may prove a good lesson to the party
hereafter in selecting their candidates for
office. The voice of the people is against
Kim; and his defeat is tho only means to
prevenj the few Factionisls from ever again
attempting to put down tho popular will.
I'hen down with him; and we shall be free
from an incubus upon the party, and hcrc-
fter prevent similar treacherous schemes
of intrigue and disorganization.
Is not a Democrat, or he would have
supported the regular nominations. He is
:i Disorganize or ho would not have strick
en from the ticket the names of Hugh Mc
Williams and John Fruit, and abused the
public and private character of these gen
tlemen in his "Berwick Sentinel." He is
a hypocrite, or he would not pretend to be
opposed to Banks, while his votes in the
Legislature ut call in favour of the picserit
Bankiiiu system. Ho is an cnelnv in dis-
guise opposed to tue principles anu usages
of the dcniociatic party and, if elected,
. i . .i . i ,
would 'only play Traitor to the wishes of
those wlio voted for him.
Is not a professing Democrat nor an
Intriguer nor a Demagogue nor a Bank
man. He is a plain, honest, and intelli
gent Farmer he practices no trickery he
s no office-hunter antl, if elected, will use
his exertions to sustain the Interests of the
people of this coiinty and the comlnon-
wealth. He is in favor of reforming the
present Banking systcni: he will go for
making stockholders personally liable for
the circulation of Bank paper he will go
for the Removal of the Seat of Justice to a
central spot and ho will go for what is just
and necessary to the public wall.
Then choose between the Bankmah, the
Federal in disguise, the Disnrganizor, and
the Officc-hunling politician, Evan O.
Jackson, whoso conduct indicates that he
would sooner "rule below than serve above"
choose between him and John Bowman,
who is a plain and honest farmer, and
whose principles and interests arc identified
with those of the yeomanry of Columbia
C5We are requested to state that Isaac
C. Johnson, Esq. declines running for
Sheriff. He is the democratic candidate
for Coroner.
ICTJohn S. Follmcr has declined being
a candidate for Sheriff at the next blection
Appointments by the President.
Jons MfKlxixr. to to one of the Annivtnin
Justices of the Supremo Court 6?thc United States.
llENHr U. Uitpi.v, to bo Solicitor of the, Treas
Jonx P. Duval, to bo Secretary of the Territory
of Florida.
John M. Reap, to bo Attorney for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania.
Joseph Howard, to be Attorney for the District
of Maine.
Vnin Solomox, to bo Marthll for the District
of Georgia.
Samuel II. Duval, tote Martha! for the Middle
JJifetrict ol i' i.
EononE B, Pat, to bo Secretary of the T.rira.
tion of tho United States al tho Court of his Majesty
die King of I'riitfiia.
Ukxjami Rush, to bo Secretary of tho Legation
of tho United State near J!cr Uritannic Mititr.
Olesifnt Smith, to lie a juktico oftlio i cace for
.tv iuuiivj w. uomiuu'm, , mo UifciriCl 01 UOlUm'
Alexander Wauoii, to bo a Juellro of tho
rcneo lor uie county ot Aloiauuria, in tho District
01 ivoiutuma.
Flour, in Philadelphia, is quoted at 80
In Pittsburg, at SO 50.
Eiook at tliis Picture!!
By referring to the journals of the House
of Representatives, page 910, wo find that
"Evan O.Jackson is an avowed Bank man;
and that he not only voted against making
stockholders responsible for tho issues of
Bank paper, but actually voted against any
restrictions upon the issue of Bank notes.
On the second reading of 'the bill to in
corporate the Bank of Susquehanna Coun
ty, Kir. llannon moved to amend the first
section by inserting the followiug words
'And that all the private property of the
said stofkholdcrs, in proportion, to the
amount of stock he, she or they, shall hold
in said corporation, be liable for tho pay
ment of all debts of the said corporation,
and the president and directors of said com
pany are hereby required to publish the
names and place of residence, and -amount
of stock of each stockholder, and the same
to bo posted up in a conspicuous partvthc
banking house, and to be corrected month
And on the question of agreeing to the a
mendmcnt, it Was determined in the nega
tive Evan 0. Jackson voting against it!
A motion was then made to amend the
section as follows.
"Thati if at any time after the said bank
shall have gone into operation, it shall fail
to redeem its notes in specie and become
insolvent, the stockholders thereof shall be
responsible in their individual capacities for
the debts due, in proportion to the amount
of stock held by each respectively, after the
assets of said bank shall have been appro
priated to that purpose."
Which wassalso determined in the negative
Jackson voting against the amendment!
The whole bill was then passed Evun
O. Jackson voting in f.vor cf fie Bank,
rfer opposing the sections restricting its
issues, and making stockholders personal
ly responsible ! Then, is he riot a Bank
man a tool of stockjobbers and specula
tors? Is he not "a Wolf in Sheep's
clothing?" Can Democrats vote for htm?
'Can they trust him? Away with such hy
pocrites! Let us tell him plainly "out
of th'ne own mouth, have I condemned
thec!" Let us rJut hi'm down for his hy
pocrisy put him down for a Disorgani
zor put him down as an enemy to our
principles, and an Office-hunter, whose
motto is "principle in proportion to inter
est." We want none such to have power;
and the sooner wo get ridofsurh intriguers
and disorganizors such traitors to our
principles the better for our party and the
Lot every Democrat be at his post on
l'ucsday next. Let no one stay at home,
and by negligence permit the Disorgani
zors hi obtain a victory. JOHN FRUIT
is the People's regularly nominated candi
date for Sheriff, and his enemies arc head
ed by Evan O. Jackson, with a crew of
IS. ink sattclitcs to aid him. Let us show
our itidignalion and our power at the Ballot-
box. Let us punish the trickery and trcach-
::ry of the Disorganizing ciew of hungry
OHicc-hUnters, who are using every means
to secii-e power at the sacrifice of the pop
ular will.
The Danville Faction will atteriipt to car
ry their points by their old game of issuing
Handbills containing all sorts of falsehoods,
and circulating them on the day of the elec
tion, to gull the unwaYy. Thev will spare
neither time, trouble, money, nor low man
agement, to defeat the election of Frii!t and
McWilliams, as Mcllcnry and Lazarus
stand pledged to. go with the Junto of Dis
uig.iui.Mii3 nuruimer. i ucn uo on your
.. : -. i r. . .
guard, Democrats! Libels, slanders, trick
ery, every mean scheme will be resorted to
by the Disorganizors to accomplish thei
unlia.lowed designs against the expressed
will ol the majority.
Is busily engaged, in company with John
Lazarus, using every means to oppose the
regular nominations, notwithstanding ho is
one oi mo candidates on the ticket. He
has bound himself to the juggllnc car of the
Disorganizors ho opposes McWilliams
and he roust be put down for his treachery
He has linkad his chance with a volttnteei
candidate and he can no longer bo viewed
as withm the palo of regular nominations
nor longer expect tho support of democrats
Then John Fruit is tho , only regularly
nominated candidate for Sheriif tho only
one who supports und adheres to regular
nominations and as such will receive ill
I l .
u.uuviueu support ofthe honest member o
jtiie oomocratio party,
Who controls the editorial. department of
the Berwick Sentinel?
Who struck the name of Hugh Mc Wil
liams from the regularly nominated ticket?
EVAN 0. JACKSON, alias the Sentinel.
Who abuses and villifics John Fruit and
Hugh McWilliams, the regular nominated
candidates for Sheriff and Treasurer?
EVAN 0. JACKSON, alias the Sentinel.
Who procured a nomination by trickery
and management?
Who was the first to disorganize, and rp
pose tho regular nominations?
EVAN 0. JACKSON, alias the Sentinel,
Who played Traitor to Democratic prin
ciples List yenr in the fijgislaturc, and voted
in favour of the oldaiftfilperniciotis Banking
system ? , Jj
Who voted against rcpctfli'ng the charter
of the Mammoth Bank?
Who has boasted that he can control
public opinion in Columbia county to suit
is own purposes?
Then, can Democrats support such a Dis-
organizor of the party and such a Traitor to
icir principles and usages. Next Tuesday
will decide this question; and ifwo know
ny thing of I'UnLtc SENTUir.NT, we pre-
lict his certain dufcat by an insulted and
abused party of freemen.
C7The disorganizing candidate for the
Legislature is not Geieral Jackson:-
It is a Mister Jackson of Berwick, who is
better known by his green spectacles thjn
by his correct political principles.
tC7The Berwick Sentinel' calls us the
nominal" editor of this paper. Now, we
will wager onet of the Fran lulent .Viin
Plasters, vri.vjtd at that orncn, and
sold to Pedlars, that tho author of that
discovery canr'noUcll Jack-son from Jack
ass, either by sjftjrtg it in print or looking
nt the animal, "vl.lio bet is ntfere'l on the
knowledge of tli'e spurious circulation al
luded to, and on the presumption that the
'grecn-eyed monster" posscssfs the Oa-
melcon's faculty of changing toluurs I
iC7BowjiAN ami Jackson are both citi
zens of the democratic township of Briar
Creek, and Bowman will beat him at least
85 votes. So much fir public sentiment
where both are well known;
CoNcnnas. Tho Bill to postpone t'lc
payment of the October Instalment of the
Dcpnsitcs to the states, lias passed the
Housfi of Representatives by a vote of
118 to 100. The House postpones the
payment for three months, which will
probably be concurred in by the Senate
the latter body having postponed the pay
ment indefinitely No tunc is yet certain
ly fixed upon for adjournment.
The treaty with the Indians now at
Washington has been concluded upon gov
ernment terms SI ,000,000. Of this Mini
3200,000 is to applied as annuities for their
support; $100,000 to tho Half Breeds
$70,000 for debts diio the (government;
$300,000 for tho erection of mills and other
buildingp; $18,000 annually in Merchan
dize; $170,000 for Blacksmith establish
ments; and 8170,000 td purchase tobacco,
salt, and provisions;
A CuniosiTV. Our neighbor, Mr. Rohi
son, of tho Stage office, exhibited a potato
top at our office this week, on which were
seventeen potatoes, of tolerable growth, and
growing from 12 to 2 1 inches from that
part of the stem which was in the ground.
We never saw any thing of the kind he
fore; and as Mr. Robison intends preserv
ing them for seed, we may next fall expect
a rare nation of potatoes;
tC70ur Sugnr-Loaf subscribers com
plain about not receiving the three last num
bers of the "Democrat." Thpy are regu
larly sent; and wc presume will reach them
"all in a lump" after tho election.
C70tir Obituary record this week an
nounces tho death bf Uzai. Hoi-kins, Esq.
SnmucVJaudon, Esq. Cashier ofthe bank
oflho United Slates, has been appointed
the agent of tho Bank to reside in London;
and Mr Cowporlhwait, one of the Assistant
Cashiers, elected! his micccssor.
Flour at TolcdoOhio,) Sept. 10, Mill
up td 88, and wheat 81 cash per bushel.