IILI 1 "I hdve sworn upoli tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny oer the' jgniideHan. Thomas Jefferson, PRINTEi) AND PUBLISHED BY 'JOHN S. INGRAMt Volume I. POETRY. From the Lycoming Gazette !fc Chronicle. THE BEAUTY OFVIttTUfi. Ami I 'lease whilcjfiey sooth the distress of. our mind I it , . afhovr trp in inn .inn. nr nviin ptnrp on Ah m cut tn ;mys ihw pleasure wc find! .Ami music ami uancing our suiti's cuuiuunut .... i a i - i . : .! .i -iJ.i . r.i. ii Ah no! but in Virtue thisfdcaiuie is found! n timt-ipii nvwi ii n iintinmv crnm nnrrv mm trnv Their eilks and their tntins enrapture the mind; in ti it n ctnif nmi fin av 1 hfm tnri or nti enrt li I All no! then truo jilcasuic in vutuo uclu.ii: mi 11 .1.. - i. r i ' a in ii iumuti i i u 111 v i i tvii-. imvujui v TCm-nv rni t ri llin Altera rl Vlfolnrn mntnpn! findl THE LOVED AND LOST. I II. J rwy ..v. ......j . Ill death a ctrrnnl bleep; tm . t. l 1 il-r "tl'fc I'!"" ' - 7 wvif jjut i to unomsno was so near They mark'd her charms decay. 1 lil me n t;il lulling icai wua gunc, And all was ncnfcless clay! A.Uh I ' 1 HI II I II ILIIUUII . I was not tlicre to fco licr die! I . 1 1 1- T II L1U.IIIM 11 V. 1 MU til HI II HI III I I ' f, k.unvwj That nought around ill vain: wn. -i. i r i r -. l. A 1 1 ' I ruakubi iiuui nvi iimiuuhvv And sooth d Iier dying paim I was not there rind slid is fioul . 3NEHS IBlMs&flKMB'E'o DETII. hi the whole course of our observation . . . 1 I I 1 mrn is not so miRrcnresmucu arm anusrsu m iicmiiiiiin; nn iinui ! uiiiiiu null ot, ' " " " 3" an nvii UMiiinni nnu. a inniiir i it w:is in t neir TI I I . I .. .1- f "I- iiii iiik iii'irii v iii'.ii :m ill? ml! f 11 j iinin cnnsicniaunii. anu nnsnair: niu i ncse. :u:ik. inn iuiiv Kirnnfrn n nnrnf ny 13 nils! .-. lnlrA ,l,n 1 h pin m l,iia ..! lAnflm I Ii i Mn .v. a u,t .t f .I.. .1 . iX IIU DDM IU1II 1113 1IUUWI19. U1U I1UIIUUI liis colors, the orator his tropes, to pour- tray death as the grand destrtlver, the one tny, Hie prince of phantoms and of shades But can he be called a destroyer, who for a perishable state gives us that which is cter- the best friend only of the best, who never penrtu Ihnm nt thntr utmost nonrl. nnn w iosg lnends Inn nroves the most valuah c VJ illtiSU b lill 411 U 11IU lUlllIUOkt Willi nu 111 temporary, to establish that which alono is real and hxcdf And what are the mourn ful escutcheons, the sable trophies, and the melancholy insignia with which we sur round 111111. t ic senu c ira o mom. i e moui- prmir p!iirns nmlthPRlitnv u'nrinf I hnsf" nnnpii nrn inn 111 p in:rR nni 011111 v mrrnrs. not of the dead, hut ol the living. 1 lie arK (lomuiu ui iicain we urcati iniieuu 10 liift'iTiiiii.nn ill niiiiiu (ji liiu iiiiiiia LiiiiLiuiiu hi It: hut if they are ruj;ced, they are short, IHl II IS (UI1V U1U3U Ul.U iUB DlllWUlll, mill are wearisome ana loner, remaps ne sum monsus too soon Iromlho least 01 me, dcii it is not his fault, butddf own: or ho sum- lions us late; the call is a reprieve, rather than a sentence: lor who would wish 10 sit gt the hoard, when he can no longer par- uko oft he banmict, or to live on to pain when he has lone heen dead to pleasure: r'liiiu f -1 ri ciiiiipiinii iiii'ir vii'iiiiin iii iii-hiii. but how much more dreadful would bo their power, could they sentence them to lilef TMrv. io il.o ::i r .1 t :.. i,:u c il,,. 4iiu i" niu ituiur ui 1111: buiii 111 lino 111111, & J ' : c uuu niu, 1a u irar iev to ucatu. aim wnui u run uu.uii, 19 u iiuBsnori to inc. i no: wisdom thanks death for what ho takes. id still more for what ho brinus. Let us Men liko sentinels bo raadv. bocauno wo XSIjOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA arc uncertain, and calm because wc arc prepared. There is nothing formidable about death but the consequences of it, and these wc ourselves can regulate and control. The shortcstlife is long enough if it lead to a belter, and the longest life is too short ifjfltido not. Colton'a Lacoti. YOU NO LADIES Whenever you sec young men spen ding their leisure hours at sonic resort of gamins, or other idle amusement, it is "lire sign they will never become great men. Shun them, girls they Will never make good husbands.' A beau, dressed out as some arc, is liken cinnamon tree the hark is worth more than the body. Such beau fops, and the whole pleasure loving fatrrnity, are short lived animals'. Thev lenlc nrpltv in th jay sunshine of summer; but, poor crea tures, they cannot endure the approach of lutnmn,. and the old age of winter. They have their little hour of enjoyment and that is the end of them. When any person, though in the garb of a gentleman, addresses you in the language if fulsome flattery, vou should recollect, young ladies, that lucre arc men of prey a? well as beasts of prey. Love, like the plague, is often communi cated by clothing and money. PUNCTUATION. ' The man is either good or had; ''And which I wish to know; , May gc.iio, with yunctillioushand, . By punctuations show. He is an old experienced man in vice and viche Incss; he 'is never tound in opposing the workers ol inuntitii; he can df.liciit in the downfall of his neighbours; he can never itnjoicn iii the prosperity of his fol low creatures', he is alwavs pleased when the poor are in distress; he ii ready to as sist in destroying the peace and happiness of society ho takes no pleasitie in scr ving the Lord; he is uncommonly diliornt in sowing discord among his frjends and acquaintances; he lakes no pride in laboring to promote tlio cansc of Christianity; he has not been kculwi.nt in cdeavouring to stigmatize all public teachers; he makes no EXURT10N3 to subdue his evil raisions; ho strives, hard to bliilt tip Sataii's King loin he lends no aid for the support of the gos pel among the heathens; he contributes largely to the fiinnd.iof the evil adversary; be pays no attention to good .advice; he gives great iiekd to the Devil; he willjicvcr ao to Heaven; he will go where he will receive a justrcnompence of re ward. N. B. If in reading the above, you put a semicolon at the end of every word in small capitals, the character of the person will ap pear to be be that of a very good man; but if you place the snmi-eolon at the termination 'if the words in Italics, and leave it out at the first mentioned, you will make him one of the worst characters. YOUNG MEN. ALWAYS I1AVEAV OIWKSr IV VIEW. The highest object you can have in view is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. The next highest is, to honor thy father ind mother. The next is to love thy neighbour as thy self. The next, to servo thy country honsstly and faithfully in whatever station thou art called to (ill. And the next to choose tllee a wife in thy youth, hut be careful of your choice. Do not marry a fool, unless you wish to beget yourself trouble' Remember young men, always to fiave an object in view; and let your aim be elevated. This s the safeguard of character and the mainspring of excellence. Never indulge in that too general and beastly habit of licking your scgar all over previous lo ignition. Keep your temper in controversy or quarrel; as your antagonist warms, do you cool down. COUNTYf PA. SATURDAY, Q6tOBER 7, 1837. GTIATITUDE. Jfn Extract. 1 remember once that a Philadelphia mer chant many years ago, whose wealth and importance only equalled the goodness of his heart and purity of his principles, res cued a mech'anic from the clutches of pov erty, and what was worse in those days, the hands of the Sheriff. The son of the incchanic was young, but old enough to know his father's benefactor. Many years after this, the merchant fell into difficulties, and at the most trvins moment, when all his former friends had foMaken him, the mechanic's son, now comparatively wealth- y ttepped forward to his relief. "I am much indebtctl to vou," said the reduced merchant. "By no means," said the olh cr, i nave only paid the debt winch my father contracted at the corner ofOhcsnut street thirty vcars aeo, whea I was uist old enouuh to know the cause of mv poor mother's tcar3. The merchant grasped his hand and hurst into a flood of tears. Either tray uill do. 'Will you have me, Sarah!' said a young man to a modest young girl. 'No, John,' said Ihc girl, but you may have me if you will.' ' That's right, we like to' see the 'gals'1 claim their privileges of saying lio, even though they mean yes. Saiah was a girl of true grit', and will make John a good wife, but he must look out for breakers, if he don't stand 4boutand do up the chore's in 50 od season. ' The Gridiron and Frying-P'an,A young lady of, high accomplishments (anJ no piide,) iiuabscnco of the servant, stepped to the door on the ringing of the bell, wlrich announced a visit'from one of her admirers. On entering, the beau, glanced at the harp and piano, which stood in the apartment, 'ex claimed, '1 thought I heard music on which instrument wtite you performing, Mis!' -On, the gridiron" , sir, with the ac companiment of thcjf'vtVig'Mil'rcplicd she, 'my mother is without help, and she says that I must learn to finger those instruments sooner or later, and I have this day com menced taking a course oflcssons,' Haver hill (Mass.) Gazette. A fclldw once exhibited a scull at a fair near London, as the scull of Oliver Crom well. A gentleman observed that it was too small for Cromwell, who had a large head, and died almo3t an bid man. "I know that," said the, exhibitor, undisturb ed, 'but you .tee, Sir, this was his scull wh'eii he was a bov.'. Philip Hone and Crockett. "l have met with many polite men in my time," says Col. Crockett, "but no one who pos sessed in a greater degree what may be (tailed true spontaneous politeness, than this camanchc Chief always excepting Philip Hone", Esq. of New York whom I look upon as politest man I ever did see, for when ho asked me to take a drink at his own sidebodid, he turnedhis back upon mc, that I mizht not be ashamed to fill as much as I warited. THat was what I call dohig the fair thing." 'My child take those eggs to the store and if you can't get nincpcncc a dozen bring them back.' Jimmy went as directed and came back saying 'mother let me alone for a trade they all tried to get 'em for a shilling, but screwed 'on up to ninepence.'' A sick man observed to his wife, "My dear t am not well to-day. Will you pre pare mo a light dinner?" "What will you havo Mr. A.?" "Apple dumplings." They were accordingly m'ado, and Mr, A. sat down solus to a dish of eighteen. After having dispatched sevonteen and a half, and showing strong symptoms of finish ing the remaining morsel, a littlo urchin, 6on of his, cried out, "O dad, gim mo that." lie very emphatically replied, "Go away my ron, poor dad is sick.' THE AGRICULTURALIST & THE POLITICIAN BY R. It. LIVINGSTON. As agriculture is the basis of arts by fur nishing the materials upon which they work, so it is the parent of science, by uni ting nien.in civil society, who without its aid would have continued to be wandering savages, but little advanced in improvement beyond the beasts of the forest, that affor ded then) a Vniserable and scanty subsis tence. t "It is for this reason that the mythol ogy of Ifvost nations have made their gol den age consist in the enjoyment of rural happiness, and placed the invqntois of agri cultural improvements among the number of ther Gods: Thus Ceres, Pan, Pomona, fcc, were worshipped under different names by all the civilized nations of the Pagan world And our own holy religion teaches us that the cultivation of a garden, and the enjoy ment of its fruits and flowers, were the cm ployment and the reward ol innocence when man was most perfect. It is a little remarkable that innocence and reason still concur in receiving pleasure 'from the same object. The first wish of childhood is ni ral happiness; nor is that ever lost sight of, except where some turbulent and resistless passion depraves and hurries away thejsoul In every period of life il animates virtuous and ingenious minds. The idea of rural re treat in the evening of his, days, accompa nies the mechanic to his shop, the merchant to the exchange, the lawyer to the bar, th physician to the sick bed, and the divine to the pulpit, who sees, even there, his earthly paradise upon the confines of heaven, an hardly wishes to enter the celestial mansions by any other path, How much then is to bo lamented that indolence or pursuits of little moment, withdraw the attention men, whbsc lights, whose talents for obser vation, and whose fortunes enable them be useful, not only to the community of which they tire members, but to mankind at large not ..ki. their contemporaries only but to future generations: One great cause of ths neglect of agriculture byhien of th character I have mentioned, is a'misplaced ambition which generally ceizes upon them at the very period of life at which they are best fitted for agricultural pursuits. Youth has too manv avocations and is tod unstea dy to pursue the slow progress of expert menls, and the dcycreptitude of old ago de prives it of the strength and activity ncces sary in rural economy; it is the season of life in which wc may enjoy the sedate plea surcs of the country, but hot undergo its toils. Tlvc middle age, when the cfiorvrs cejicc of youth is over, when.the body re tains its strength, and the mind enjoys it greatest vigois the period'best' adapted to the useful labors of agriculture; but unfor tunately this is tho ago of ambition , which hurries us away from the peaceful path, where every step i3 strewed witli flowers, to lose ourselves in the endless mazes of politics. And yet ifdmbition is the love of fame, how much arc wo deceived by pur suing it in this rough and thorny track? The littlo politics ofpur town; our county, or even of our state. nro mere matters of a day; and howevcrimpnrtant they may seem in our eyes, while wc arc ourselves the ac tors on this bus stage, thev will appear to others of too littlo moment to arrest their attention. Our fathers were politicians, their fathors wero politicans, and yet wc hardly know the parts tboy severally acted, or even the names or principles of the par ties they opposed or supported. In liko manner the intrigueing politicians, and the wordy orators of tho present day, will be buried with their principles and their par ties in eternal oblivion; when the rriari who' has introduccd'a new plant, or eradicated a destructive weed, who has taught ns to im prove our domestic animals, or to guard' a gainst tho ravages insccta, who Has inven ted a new implement of husbandry, or sim ply determined tho angle the mould-board should make with ploughshare, will bo re inombercd with gratitude as tho boucfactor of oocioty Number 24. Filial Reverence of the Turks: An e- qually beautiful feature in the character of the Turks is their reverence and respect for the author of their being. Their wives' advice and reprimand are unheeded, their words are bpsh -nothing but their mother is an oraido. She is consulted, confided in, istened to with respect and deference, hon ored to her lalest hour, and remembered wjth affection and regret beyond the grave. My wives die, and I replace them," says the Osmanli, "my children perish, and others may borne to rhe, but who shall re store to me the mother who has passed away, and who is seen no more" The Heiri r, or swift Dromcdarii. 1'alking Vvith an Arab of Suse, says Jack son the traveller, on the subject of these fleet camels, he assured me that he knew a young man who was passionately fond of a lovely.girl, vhom nothing would satisfy but some oranges; these were not to be pro cured at Mogadore, and, as the lady want ed the best fruit, nothing less than the Mo rocco oranges would satisfy (her. The rab mounted his heinei at dawn of day went to Morocco (about one hundred milea from Magadore,) purchased the oranges and returned that night after the gates were shut, but sejit the oranges to the lady by a guard.of one of the batteries Anecdote. Wre were, much pleised at the advice 'one Jonny Raw gave to another, I 1 4 l,rt tCTU-inm cniil 1i 1111 I1UUIU .l3lCaillUU.lL. V-iJJIlllLiUI, ouw iii 'you had better look outfor"y3ur boots to night, or those fellaw (the bopt-blacks) will get them, and, i n Do darn'i n you get tnem again without paying ninepence; so you Had butter pij them under your pillow, the way I do.' Bangor FarMf, An almanac, published in the'year 17?0,. has the following very remarkable predic- . tions, which have been fulfiled to the very letter: "By the pewer to eee through tho wajs of Hea ven, In one thontind eight hundred and thirty-sercn, Will tho year pass away without any spring, And on Enjland's throne shall nut sit a King'' CHOLERA IN CENTRAL AMERICA, s We published on the 7th nit. an account by private letter of the ravages of the Chol era in Central America. We find it con firmed by a letter from Grenada, with ad ditional particulars? The letter is dated 2nd July. N. Y. Gaz. "The Cholera is now in Leon, commit 'ing.grpat ravages among the inhabitants. In St. Salvador, it destroyed "1300 persons in 19 days, and at Touganta, 1200 in 21 days, and in many other villages, two thirds of the inhabitants have been taken" off by this pestilence. "In two of the Indian villages near St. Salvador, the Indians rose, en masse and butchered many of the inhabitants, st.Uirjg that the President of the Republic and oth ers, had poisoned all the fivers to kill tho ,poor people and deliver the country up to the English; and, as a farther proof they inquired why have none of the rich died. They actually murdered a poor" English man who was wandering on tho banks of the river Limpa, in quest of a strayed mule, under tho pretext that he was going to poi son tho river that is, a river as largo as San Juan. So general has been tho idea that tho waters are poisoned, that the peo ple there (Grenada) will not drink the well water on any account." S A black servant, not lOOmiles from St. Andrews, being examined in tlio Church Catechism, by the minister of the parish, was asked "What are you made of Jack?" He said, "of mud, massa." On being told ho should say, "of dust," he replied, "No massa, it no do, no stick togeddcr! When a Broome County girl catcher a smack, she says if it was any one but you, I should make a fuss about it, Broomo Co: Oour; i