1 MM OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next -booh to Rouison's Stage Office. ship, to be called Paxton,' which by act of Assembly, f passed the first day of April 1830, was established into a separate elec tion district, shall hold their election at the house of Adam Michael in said district. At which time and places are to be elec ted by the freemen of the county of Colum bia, One Person for member of the House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia. Ty&d Persons for Sheriff of Columbia county. Two Persons for Coroner. One Person l3r County Commissioner. One Person for County Treasurer. One Person for County Auditor. And whereas in and by the same act o Assembly for regulating the General Elec tions of this Commonwealth it is enacted, that 'the Inspectors of the General Elec tions shall bo chosen by ballot on the Friday next preceding the first Tuesday in Octo ber, (being this year the 20th day of Sep tember in each and every year, at such place in oah town, township, ward or district as the Citizens have generally met at for that purpose, public notice of which shall be given by the Constable or Consta bles, by six or more written or printed ad vertismcnts, at least one week before the said day; and the election shall be opened between two and three o'clock in. the after noon by the said Constable or Constables, to be assisted bv two qualified citizens. BY virtue of ii certain writ of Venditioni Ex- And it is also required that the Inspec ponas, issued out of the same court, to mo tors be at the place of the district each, on the day of the general election aforesaid, at nine oe'lock in the forenoon, to do and perform the several duties required by the said recited act. By the first section of an act passed by the state legislature, on the second of April 1821, 'It is thereby enacted by the authori ty of the same, that the several qualified electors who shall vote at any general or special election within this commonwealth, shall give to the Inspetocrs of such election, separate tickets for each station or office voted for, which ticket shall contain no more than the proper number of names; but no ticket shall be rejected by the Judg es of the election in counting off the votes should the same contain fewer names than the nroncr number, those for sheriffs & cor- !SIsESOT2CSM. oners excepted. pril 1821, it is enacted, that it shall be the scmbly of thd Commonwealth of Ponnsv . uul' .0I lne D?erm coroner, as the case vama, entitled "An rfct to reSulate the General De' 10 lve lmmic' notice at tlio same 'Elections within thi3 Commonwealth, passed the l'mc an& m tne' samc manner, and under Sthday of February, 1709," it is made the duty of tile same penalty, that he is now required Hie bheriff of every county to give public notice of to give notice of any geneial or special olec- :-"-ccuu,io.)enoicon, and made known in such lion, that anv nnrsnn who shr.il 1ml, 1 office or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the United - Slates, whether a commissioned officer or other wise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary departments of the United States; and also, that eveuy mem ber, of Congress, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the samc time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election in this state of which all the electors arc hereby n6t'rfied and required to govern themselves accord ingly. There turn Judgcsf or the several election districts of tho comity of Columbia, will meet at the court house in Danville in the said county, on Friday, the 13th day of October next; By the fourth section of an act passed the second day of April, 1822. The judges of the election in each coun ty or district, erected into a separate dis ' The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable "half yearly in'ddvance, or Two Dollar? Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. 2VS subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permilledi until all arrearages arc discharged. AD VERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at ' One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twcnty-fiye cents for every subse quent nsertlon. $iCrA liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. Y virtue of a certain writ of 'Fieri Facias issu cd out of the county court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Columbia, to me directed, Will bo exposed to public sale, at the Court house in Danville, at two o'clock, P. SI. on Saturday the 80th day of September instant: A -certain lot of land situate in Roar ing creek township, Columbia county, containing about tiiihtt-one aches, (about twenty acres of which is cleared, whereon iscrcctcd a AND STABLE, Adjoining lands of John Pcalock, Robert Watkin Joscph Cleaver and Richard Griffith. Seized, ta ken in Execution, and to be sold as the property of William Wntnra iUn e.iU T I.1 ti.;l. directed, will be exposed to nubile sdic at the house Tot Daniel Snyder in Bloomsburg, at ono o'clock, i . ai. on Monday tne 2d day of October next: A certain lot of ground situate in Hop kinsvillo, Bloom township, Columbia county, con taining one fourth part of an acre, more or less and numbered whereon is erected A FRAME HOUSE, AND 171? A ST" A TIT,. SSSSMsWCWJ ; fronting on Main street, and adjoining lots of Wil liam Smith, and the heirs of Charles Hall. Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of I wcrcmian tolnndlc, at the suit or Stephen Ualdy. BY ISAIAH SALMON, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Danville, September 9, 1837. NEW STOKE. X T. Mussblinan, & Co. ESPECITCLLY announce to tho public rfe . HEREAS, fry in act of tho. General As- nouce wnat olliccrs are to be elected: Therefore. I, Isaiah Salmon, High Sheriff of tho county of Columbia, do make kxo-s by this advertisement, to the Electors of eaid county of Columbia, that a GENERAL. ELECTION Will be held in the said county, on Tuesday tho JOfti day of October next, at the sovcral districts thereof as follows, to wit. That part of Bloom township f noftn- ciuueu m uie new Election district herein after mentioned, at the house of E. II. Biggs, in Bloomsburg. Briar creek township, at the Town house in Berwick: Calawissa township, at the house now occupied by Stacy Marjerttm, in the town of Catlawissa. Derry township, (a separate Election district) at the house of Jacob Seidel in auiu luivnsiup. Tliat part of Fishinsr creek .f...l..l ". .r .. a t,. .. -' that thev have iust received and opened a splendid assortment of FRESH GOODS in tho store-room adjoining Gross s Hotel, m moomsuurg, where they will feel happy to wait upon all those who may feel disposed to give them a call. Their stock ofGoods is very extensive, and have been care fully selected; and they flatter themselves on being able to sell better and cheaper goods than have here tofore been offered to the public in this icinity. Among their stock will be found the following supe rior articles of Superfine blue, black, brown, olive and steel-mixed broad cloths, cassiincrcs and sattinetts, canton and woolen flannels, rose blankets, a general assortment of calicoes, nierinoes, circasians and boinbazetts, mer ino camlet, tartan plaid, figured and plain silk velvet, silk and Valentin vestinsrs, brown & black silks, pungecs, merino and thibit dres3 handkerchiefs, crape and merino shawls, Hag and bandanna handkerchiefs, figured and plain bobinett, book muslins, jaconetts, mull muslins, Irish 1 nen, linen and cotton diaper, Canton & Italian crapes, fancy cravats, stocks and shirtcollars, gloves of all kinds, hosiery, prunella and morocco shoes, cotton and silk umbrellas travelling baskets, and a general assortment of do mestic goods, such as muslins, checks, tickings, cotton yarn, &c. MUSLINS AND CALICOES at 6 & S CJBJWTS per yard. They have also a general assortment of BOOTS & SHOES ALSO HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Bar iron, steel, nails, spiltce, sprigs, screws, hinges, lucks, latches, glass aad brass bureau knobs, knives and forks, spoons, lamps, brass andiron candlesticks, buckles, augers, fat irons, hand and pou nd saws, frying pans, waffle irons, curry combs, shovels, dripping pans, crffec mills, iron squares, brass andirons, cutting knives, drawing knives, scissors, razors, spectacles, shoe pincers, plated spurs, gimblcls, knitting pins, shoe lacs, steel yards, and a general assortment cf brush es, i5'c also China, CS-lagg AND Q,UEENSWAIIE ABC r tocetiier with an assortment of GROCERIES. LIQTTORS. :mmm not included m the neiv Election district , tricti after having formed the return of the iiereinujier mentioned, at the house o" whole election in the said county or district .., i ct.c , at sum luwnsnip. in suuu manner as is uy law directed, shall Greenwood township, at the house now Wltllin swi1 )'s cause S!'d return to bo occxipied by Joseph Lemon. deposited in the office of the Prothonotary Hemlock townshin. nt f he. hm,, nrrnh,A"1 bouihv or uiimci, ana snail also McReynolds, in said township. c; ,lso ? pheate-thereof, signed and seal Ti,t,. 4.1 7 ,,r ed 111 the saiuo manner as the said return .Z'Vship, the house Pf lien- under a scaled cover, directed to the Se , saiu cownsmp, rotary of tho Commonwealth, to be placed jsimetione townsmn, a seperate Elec- lorlliwith in the nearest post office, or to be uuiiici; ui uie union scwoi house in otherwise, wttnin aw wmm &C. &C. &.G. &C. They respectfully invite those who want auu uncap goods, to call and see "Kin- usHonment. ; r be Jorevcr scllitig 010,000 ah Kiinis ol COUNTRY PRODUCE linen in payment or exchange. Bloomsburg, August (3, 1837. SKEW GOODS."" The Subscribe! said loivnship. Mahoning township, at (he Court house in Danville. Mifflin township, at the house of Il'm. Woods in said lownshfj). Madison township, at the house of Jer emiah JPclliver in Jerseylown. That part of Mount Pleasant township, not included in the new Election illstit , ..... - hereinafter mentioned, at the house Frederick Miller, in said township. Sugarloaf township, at the house ofE- xelciel Cole, in said township. Rdarins creek township, at the house of John Veager, in said township. The District composed of parts of the townships of Blooin,- Mount Pleasant & Fishirrg Creek, which by an act of the Gen eral Assembly passed the loth day of April 1835 was estalmsliod into a separate elec tion district, shall hold thoir clrction at the house now occupied by Riaac C.Johnson in the town of Orangeville. Th District composed of that part of MiiJlin townsfjip laid oil lor anew town- twenty dave. safclv tin. liycrcd to him, and they shall also transmit to eacli ot the persons elected a certifin.iin ot the returns ot his electron. ISAIAH SALMON. Shr Sheriffs Office Danville, ? September 9th, 1837. S N assortment of Merino just received, and for sate ot uie cucap store ol J. T, Mussclman, Co. fnoshcii Cheese, V a vorv superior quality, for eule at tho New nn.l Chcan Store of the Mibscrilirrn in Ulnn'ma- burff. J. T. MI'SSELMAN. & Co. Ave- 0,1837, W A1TTZ5D. A Journeyman Potter HT5TJLI, meet with employment and liberal wa. -Ww ok uy maicmg immediate application to the subscriber, at Eepytown. Ill Gil THOMPSON. Aug- IB, J637. J',sl fcnodfrom Philadelphia, a fresh assortment of GOfillS i,:,.i u ' . . e a rcduce.1 prices. An excellent art!. de E. is now ollcrc.1 at twelve and a half cads ner pound fust nnnlilv nrw, n..' .. y. P.er r,t, n,i .,' ! ' .7 " V"nougar at ten it l "-"" 'iaiy aieigu cents iter pound. Ho hps alsou large and full assortment of Sron &. Hollow-Ware WliU i. ..m..- ....... w7 "-" ui me lowest prices. Tho nublie soTtmcnt. examine his as. r. All 1 . t - inpvpl"' : '! ' C?UI,try rroduce taken Bloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1837. O. D. FISHER. bv Ti,rT,!,if y,jurt rpccivod nml fonI l)V tlio subucrillir. f' t mu...... very extensivo assortment of Cedar Ware iust reccved. and for sale at the new III ot J JJIoomsburgi August 20, 1837.' SI? GAB &. COPFBa I" M CV. Vp. 4 " 01VO a 1'alf ot Cents nor 1...m.,i .i ' . . " SUGAlta a P.l,i.r" , ... 1 Tr IMiity the now and cheap store o7 ' lX Ml al J. 1 . MUSSELMAN, & Co Bloomsburg, Auf. 2q. ' ' WAITED". " 12"?.. .T which the .e7D .i; fTi ' Xw ' M Paw. at the a LINE OK p. I m Y J. TACKET AND F11EIG1IT BOATS. From Philadelphia, by Rail Road Canal to Harrisburg, Northumberland, Dan ville, Caltawissa, Bloomsburg, Berwick, ITilkesbarre, Mil ton, Jl'illiamsport, and intermediate places. PASSENGERS can leave the. West Chester Hotel, Broad street, Philadelphia, daily, fit 0 o'clock, A. SI. reach Harrisburg at 4 o'clock, P. SI. of tho same day ; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A. SL of tho next day ; and SVilkcsbarre on the suc ceeding morning at C o'clock ; when Coaches will immediately start for Carbondale, Tunkhannock and Montrose, and thence to the Western part of New York state. RETURNING The Boats leave Wilkctbarre daily, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and armc at Blooms burg at 4 o'clock, P. SI. It arrives at Harrisburg at 5 o'clock on tho following morning, and reaches Columbia in timo to take the morning Cars fot Philadelphia. Tho Boats also arrive ot Williamsport, on the West Branch, at about 9 o'clock, P. SI. of the same day on which they reach Northumberland and re turn daily. The Boats on the abovo lines have been repaired, and nre now confidently Tccommcndcd to the PUB LIC a? a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode of travelling. EAT may 1 o taken in Philadelphia at the north-east corner of fourth & Ghesnul streets, at No. 'J00 Market street, and at the West-Chester Hotel, Broad street. FREIGHT may be forwarded by Rail Road from Orrich fc Nobles and J. J. Lewis & Co, Broad strrct, and hy Capt. SlcCabes Line of Union Canal Boats to Harrisburg, where they will be received hy the Susquehanna Line from Jabez Harrasdin, Vinestrect Wharf, Schuylkill. P. Sic. C. GILCHRIST, Wilkeebarrc, June 10, 1837. Agent. TT ARGE SIAPS of Mississippi and Alabema ta A bhowing tho Public and tho Indian Land, Indian Reservations, Land UistricU, Townships, Streams, &c, Engraved from tho Government sur veys and plots in the General Land Otlice, Wash ington City; by E. Oilman-, Draughtsman in the General Land Office. F. TAYLOR, bookseller, Washington City, has ust published (and secured the copy right according to Law) the above Slaps, which will be found infin itely more complete and accurate tlwn any hereto fore published. They arc published on sepcrato sheets, each containing neaily six square fe, and will be found especially useful and valuable to thos interested in the lands of cither state, as they show every htm of information which is in posset-siou of the Land Ollico relative to Water courses, township lines, Indian Iamb and reservations, land dUtricts, "I5!,. .n "Tfcctlv accurate and precUc in these points. 'I hey can be sent by mail to any part of tho United states, subject only to single letter postage. Price, luo dollars, or three copies of ci ther will he sent by mail for five dollars. A liberal discount will bn mado to travelling agents, or to any who buy to sell aguin. ,. Editors of newspapers, any where, who will give the abovo advertismcnt (including this notice) one ortwo insertions, shall receive by return mail a copy of eacli map, if they will send a copy of the pa jcr containing it to the advertise. Washington City, Sept, 0, 1837. Jo Travellers up the North Branch of the Susquehanna. PASSENGERS by the Susquehanna Boat Line ? Il0yt6, sw'- titan b;i the Mail Line j .uiicS, mm rcacit iMontrosa TWENTY-FmiR nmilB annnA. 11 11 t, UUA Juno w,, 837. 'UST. l a VCrV KUnnnnr mi.-JI. . n. nrin.P.1 .i .'."".1'' "r-y ''ountl, nnt dosi-.,; r,,i' .;,...,""' i-i,lT coioure - al mo encap store of September 10, MtlSSl Co. CATJTIOH. tmnn i Uclorutnoanl w hho, lZy iua c provocation. I .l,,l, i 1 JUit r"se w trusting he; on my ae7o, " a, l" ffn nS of her contractinaftPP , I'-u' 1 W WILLIAM SHOEStAKER Greenwood, August 20, 1337, - 4 'iu, uy Septembers. 7' Ml(3scl"Wn, Co. a ml a erv sunerinr p . w 'U U. 1 M.IV 'UIIN S. INGJIAJU We T-aUerv nTTTor imsinp.; : ::: i.y- wm reel m -.Uu.uurg, May, 1837. provocation. I hri... .....V .. y Jut causo n toting heron my iccom ' 1 C80"9 n8it of her contr.n,-.! u.nt'. B I will pav nr. a.i... ...Mgaucr mis date. nud cheap store of thombscrib crs. now I Ml'fWELRHN, & Co, Bloomsburg, Rrpt. 2 1837, McDowell's Mill., Sept. EVAN M. LEWIS. 23, 1837. County Treasurer. nrc authorized to state that 11 ( GH M . WILLIAMS, Esq. will he a cat.d 1 J the next election for County J rcasurcr. Aug. 20, 1837. To the Electors of Columbia county g7ELLOW-CITl52ENS: At the solicit-. ,f J3j my friends I offer myself as a candidate fur SHEESIFF,, and respectfully solicit your votes at the r m, election. If siiccensful, I pledge melf la petlcrm the duties of the office with impartiality nr J ( JOliN S. l'OLl',1 ' Limestone, August 20, 1837. WE have been authorised to nnnnimrc PHEN UALDY, Hun, of Call... a candidate for County Commissioner ut tiic election. Aug. 10, 1837. 1; I To the Electors of Columbia couiv ELLOW-CITIZRNS: At the ' many friends ihrouhout the o myscll as a can.hdato for the offi.e (1 SHERIFF, at the noxt General clectisn, and w 1" f for jMur support. JOIi.s I t Sladison, June 3, 1837, I SIBEUifefAIiTY. Tc the IStcctors of Columbia c;nitj : Tin t rrr nr'tnnntn .... ,si..n.,v. .1 kjii l,IviC3: AltllCSOll- 3 n umber of m v friends I havi- to oiler myself an a Candidate for the tl,'. : 01 at the ensuing General Election. If I tVs.' -fortunate as to obtain a majority of our ,r pledge myself, to far as my abilitic 1 v. ill c perform the duties of the office with intc ; , huwa'nity. PETER KLI. Roaring Crock, Slay 20, 1837. SHERIFFALTY. To the JJIcclos-s of Columhla county FCLLOW CITIZENS: At tho urgent r lions of numerous friends, I offer n.yll ui.iuiuiHc ior 1110 oiiice of SHEiaiFF. Should I bo so fortunate as ta rocchc ji majn.,.. votes, and procure my 'commission, I plnl- -v to execute the duties of the office with f-f'r a.. 1 SHERfFFAlLTyT" ULLOW-CimEiVS: At the so.,,,... n great number of n 1 ...... u .urn r . uga... u.iermyseii 03.0 candidate for I'jo Qlfiee of SheriiT of the county of Columbia, at the next ge 1C c 11011. If you HOll M bcmmbl n votes, there shall lack nothing 01, w r. l0' duty with accuracy ami fidclitv. J 1 DnnviHe,Juo2J(1S'i;iA"I1IN SEHSSSBSFIPiiiTp: n" election for the Shan01?0 of Sheriff. U nition clca.e ,e . me oiucc with correetnewi and imnarii il,.. r . Iy0ur supportrtho MibShnn',i 1 a IhcL .-i'V)a''or W obtoln him the . .... , nuainl ,". ,w l"owai" "fan honest . m-Hjijuuiir, ISAAC C. JOHN' i'N Vranqevtlle, July 29, 1837. and T0 Ti' i?M?SfEW0RS of CO- IUMIiU COUNTY. cf l TtELLOW-CITlZEN'?. OfHce of Sheriff. llio ensuino' irpn... .. .. ' ueavor to .1 c " uu v,e' 1,1 ' ' jW richaiu JATTAWISSA HO 5. Hi: THE SUB8CRIBBR returns hi n, "'"'"J-rurlheirl: s atknowlc:' ernl pa'ron ami wo.,1.1 .... .; : rrsrv 'ur tlmt ho has 7Za mo.r"1..,l.' I'Wic in gin . near tho bridge, and" 1 SIGX G i' THE i".?IC 6,,.Pcor stylo, whWl wm r , 'u luiivciuencc th nll.,l. p u ' ' " ' custom, in, T TAnr ' ,na fvo' " choicest UmZ l5A'vell stored v.ilh W plemv 'of C' ,q 'd h CABLING c r ful .i..i" y ,,PWc. " and laitei1,.,l i, pp ttawif8B,Junc.l7I837 S.imOUST. Executed at this Office ' tl. T, Ml'ftHEL MAN .V Ctf