The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 23, 1837, Image 1

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    f THE
1 mWe aWo'rn uflon the Alts of Cod, ctctiial hostility to every form of Tyranny oyer the Wind of Man." Thomfcs Jefferson.
Valtrtiie I.
'What a romantic spot for any one who
'admires sweet solitudcl" exclaimed Mrs.
Hubbard, as the exploring party paused,
and.the ladies alighted to rest the weary
'ccluded hut not solitary, madam," re
marked Oaptain Austin, leaning on his rifle
'and glancing his eye around with the air of
. a man vho is confident in his own supe
rior judgment. 'Yc have ho Bolitud'cs in
America. (
"Dear mc 1 thought mo'sloflhfs western
country Was called a solitude; and I am
sure wo have found it lonesome enough,"
said Miss Cunningham, sighing as she sca
led hc'rsTclf beneath the shade of a large
trcei '(
What' Is a solitude?" demanded the
captain, .very pompously.
"Thay Would be decided according to
circumstance's and tastes, I presume," repli
ed Mr. 'Hubbard, smiling as he drew his
young wife's arm Within his own; "Now
while Mary and I are together we sh'duld
hevercr find. a solitude."
"Irt my opinion, there arc only two cir
cumstances Which can justify the term as
applied .tbplaccs," pursued the captain.
MVe : may call it the solitude of nalUro,
where, wb find no life, as in the deserts of
Arabia;,and where man haa been add lias
nassed'awaV, it is rightly styled a human
Bolitude:--4uch are the ruins of Pelra, Pal
myra, and Babylon."
'Then tho,mbunds in odr western country
are solitudes, are they not!" inquired Mrs.
"No: becailse there is no proof that these
v were overdwellings of the living," replied
Cabtain Austin. "I know some antiquari
ans pretend that they have found traces of
fortifications, but I think these obinions er
roneous.' They were burial places. True,
ihcre must'ihavc been inhabitants in the vi
cinity, but they have left no trace of their ex
istence,2 except their bones In these ttioundS.
Natiiftf; then, has completely triumphed
over this works of man, if indeed ho ever
Had subdued her domain, which I much
ddubt; and nature, as I before remarked,
cannot bewailed solitary, while her em
pire is fuUqf living things. In our pleas
a tit land there is not a single desert soli-
1 Uidd; V
I "Yoii afe'still a true American, I see,
1 hdlwithstinding your foreign travels," re
marked Mr. Hubbard.
,yj .
"Do vou' thirik I could have less patrio
tisrji than an Icelander?" demanded Captain
A ,' warmly. ''If an inhabitant of that
" country of frost and fire, can believe Ins
(. iava-formediand snow-rovcrcd mountains is
tho pleasanteit home on earth, shall I be in-
sensible to' the high privileges which my
' birthright as a free citizen of this mighty
republic inspires? But one must go abroad
to ktiowhowito prize our conntry. It is
B not so mubh its freedom as its security,
:) which is the great privilege we enjoy."
"Why, there aro no dangers to be en-
' (countereaiin(buropc, tuatever l heard ot.
frcn remarked Miss Cunningham. "A great
slrft' inany gcnllerricn and ladies from the Urllted
m States novmake the tour of Europe, or
itrcci visit FranEevBnd England, at leasts and I
thought it was a most delightful journey."
cnl. "Yes, ''onemay travel through those
countries, if he has his passports; but iii
jnce he itiust submit to many sc'rnlini
zing aha troublesome delays. Then there
, are bepgars'to ahnoy you, and thieves and',. . SfiiJSiiiyi., ' ' . . . . .
highwaymen; on must guard against, if
i Vou aro-iSQiiucKV as to cscano mem. in
OIK i . 'Txmmi' , ,
jiaiy uuuAuniria you nruuuuui sunmmic
lllancc; puhltcTiipica aro constantly watch
Ing you, andwminguardcd expression may
mbject you taKjrrcst, or an order to quill
ho country. But these countries aro an
ffir! Jlopia f6r travellers, compared with Asia
plyin nd Africa: There men aro robbers by pro-
esdioh; a'n'd, as if these wcro not scourge
" ' uflicieht, the wild nnimals swarm there;
irocitfas boosts havo the undisputed pos
session of a great part of those continents.
Now it is a fact, which I could never make
an European philosopher comprehend, that
we have scarcely a single species of feroci
ous animals in all the Vast fortk's of our
country. A fierce hear is sometimes found
in the vicinity of the Rocky mountains, but
he rarely attacks our western hunters. I
have travelled from Main to Florida, I have
visited every stale and territory, except Or
egon, and in an my wondcrmps l never
mc't With an :ic( ident to alarm ttie, nor with
ny adventure which could be called dan
0, mercy! mercy!" exclaimed Miss Cun
ningham, who, in elevating her face to lis
ten to the eloquence of the captain, had
unconsciously gazed into the tree top above
her head "0, save me! save mel' ' she
shrieked, and sprang towards Mrs. Hub-
The partv, started by her scream's, l'dbk-
cd towards the tree, and there saw a large
panther evidently prepaJ'ed to spring on the
head of a victim. The horses saw the
terrific animal atul shook with fear; they
were quite as mii'ch frightened as Miss Cuii
nihghahi, though they could not express
their terrors so readily.
Captain Austin might have been a little
discomposed at this mal-apropos appearance
of a "ferocious animal" in an American
forest, buthc was not at all daunted. lie
raised his unerring rifle. The Whole grouh
were breathless with fear or surprise. The
next moment the sharp sound of the rifle
rang through the old woods, and awakened
the deeb echoes from the hill side, startling
from its quiet haunt many a bird and squir
rcl, whose peace had never before been dis
turbed by such a noise in that quiet place,
'There he is, there he is!" shouted Mr,
Hubbard, as the, smoke froni the rifle dis-
nersed "there, he is falling. You have
another charge, have you not? These crea
lures are hard to kill."
While he spoke, the panther had fallen,
struggling and shrieking, and lay wallowing
ill his goro on the ground. Captain Aus
tin, to mako sure of his work, placed the
muzzle of his rifle, aftbr reloading it, direct
against the head of the animal and dischar
ged it he never moved afterwards.
"You have found a ferocious annual at
lajt, captain," said Mr; Hubbard smiling
"Yes and lean say as the giilh.nt Perry
said of the British fleet I have mot the
enemy and he is mine.'1
A . ' 'nutria
nv o. r. H. james, fros! attila.
Arderic and Velamir, followed by alargp
train of their chief nobles, had ridden at an
carlv hour to tho pavillion of their greas
leader, to felicitate Attila on his nuptials;
arid now thby Waited wlili Ohoglsus and
Edicnn, In an inner apartment of the pavil
lion, which served as an antechamber to
that in which tho Mighty king reposed
They had remained there several hours;
and while Arderic spoke in a louder tone
with Onegisds, Velainircollfbrred with Ed-
icon apart; Doubt and anxiety, hbwever
were now beginning to cloud the c'bdnte
ridncii8 of ail; and sonic of the infe'rio at
tendants from tune to tilho looked in, to set'
if the kings had yet been admitted to the
presence of their chicfi
"This is very strange!" said Arderic at
length: "what may it mean?"
"It will soon bo noon!" said Velsmir:
"and it is more than strange that he, who
through life has risen daily with the morn
ing light, 8houlllshow himself thus tardy."
"It were well to wake him," said Onegi-
"Ay, if he may be wakened," muttered
Arderic, drawing back the curtain which
hung over an ornamented door of wood
work. "But what is here?"
Each slartcd forward at this sudden ex
clamation, and beheld, weltering from un
derneath the door, like water from the shelf
of a rock, and dabbling the rushes with
which the floor was strewed, a stream of
dark gore, which had been concealed by
the curtain. They gazed upon it, and then
in each olhcr's faces fora moment, and no
one. found a voice till Oncgisns, turning!
suddenly, as if to leave the chamber, ex
claimed, "I will call the attendants! We
must force the door!"
"On your life', Ouegisus!" said Arderic,
seizing mm in Ins powerlul grasp, and
rawing his sword: "you stir not hence!
We must deal with this deed alone, Vala
mir yon arc with me. Edicon, I can trust
in you, guard j onder doorway?"
"What would the noble Arderic?" Cried
Ouegisus. "Why grasp you me so tight,
O king? I seek not to oppose your will;
for if I judge by yon dark blood aright,
there is none in all this camp greater than
Arderic. What would the niighty king
with his servant?"
"1 would nothing thai is wrong, Oncgi
sns!" replied Arderic, freeing him from
his grasp, as soon as he saw that Edicnn
had placed himself before Ihe door which
led to the outer halls. I seek nothing that
is wrong! I covet not the greatness which
thou talkcsl of! I demand no pre-eminence
Valariiir, my friend, are we not equal in all
ihings? If there be any difference, thou
art superior to me in calm, considerate
wisdom, and no wav inferior to me either
in power or right! What I seek, Onegi
sus. is this only this! that we who arc
here present, may investigate this deed a
lone, and take counsel together upon what
ever exigency wc may tinu nolorc us.
Thou art a man of wisdom and of courage,
and true ever to thy word. Swear to me
that thou wilt bcarapartin whatsoever we
determine, in regard to the deed thai is past;
thou wilt join in whatever report wc make
regarding the dark secrets of ybli silent cha
maer; or wb must find iiicans to silence thy
tongue, lest it sow disscntion among the
host, and give us over to the power of the
"Willingly will I swear what Vou re
quire, oh noble Arderic!" replied Onegi
sus, "so far as regards the present deed
but if disscntions come and I see that thy
fears atld mine look the same I will not
pledge myself to take any part. I will act
freely, as my judgment shall dictate, when
the time shall arrive! Rather than do oth
erwise, I would bid you plunge your sword
into my bosom even now, and let me die
before the doorway of riiy murdered mas
"Onegisus!" replied Arddric, in a sol
emn and rilelancholv tone, "we know not
yet what has befallen; but the oath that thou
hast pledged is enough. None loved Attila
better than Arderic, while Attila remained
himself; but we all feel that Attila has been
unjust! Now Ictus seek admittance here!"
and ho struck upon the door with his
I'lenched hand, exclaiming, "ho! ddes At
lila sleep ? What ho! within there! The
sun stands high at noon!'
There was no answer. All was silent
as the grave.
There came an awful pause, whilo each
looked anxiously in the face of the other;
but then was heard a sound in the outer
chambers, and voices in high dispute;
the tone of' a stranger, though speaking in
the Hu'iinish language well, demanded en
trance, the tongues of the attendants refu
sing him aumittance. I nen again were
words spoken in the well known voico of
Theodore, the son of Poulinus "Out of
my way! By thb god of bditle's; I Will
cleave thee to the jaws! Be it on thine own
head fool! Thou strivest with a madman!
Then came a heavy fall.
"Give him admittance givb him admit
tance," cried Arderic and Valamir in a
breatlw "Oppose him not, Edicon. Poor
youth! ho will find himself already aven
ged," but as he' spoke, the door burst open,
and Theodore, with his naked sworn all
bloody in his hand, rushed in.
"Stand all without," cried Edicon putting
back those who wore following to seizo
him. "Leave us to deal with him. Tho
king has not yet como forth!" and closing
the door upon them, he drew across it tho.
massive wooden bar that hung beside iu
"Oh, Arderic, Arderic!" cried Theodore;
hast thou betrayed mc, too?"
"No, on my life dear youth," cried tho
king of the Gcpidte, catching him in his
powerful arms; "wc thought thee dead;
thou earnest not at the time!"
"How could I come ?'' cried Theodore,
'Waylaid on every shore, tossed by the
tempest, turned back, delayed; how could
I come? But unhand me, Arderic; I am
mad with injury and revenge! and I will
in to yonder false, faithless tyrant, and die
for my icvpnge!"
"Theodore, said Arderic, holding him
still with his left hand, but pointing with
the other to the Stream of blood which
flowed from bendath the door of Attila's
chamber; "eilhet the hand of some god, or
her dWih has avenged thee and thy poor
tldica already!"
Theodore gazed on it for a moment, and
an awlul glow ol satislartion rose in Ins
countenance. Then darting forward from
the grasp of Arderic, he laid his hand upon
the door, and attempted td Open it. It re
sisted, and setting his powerful shoulder a-
gainst it, he shook it with all his strength.
Again he shook it to and fro! The fast-
nings within gave way, and it burst open
with a loud and sudden crash. Theodore
look a step forward, aud then paused, while
all the others rushed in:
Tho light streamed down from windows
near the roof, and passing through the silk
en curtains, which both served for orna
ment, and to exclude the air of night; pour
ed softened, itito the chamber. It was an
awful scene, on which that calm, solemn
light, fell tranquilly!
There, M the floor, scarcely two paces
frotn the door, clolhed in the same splendid
robes, which, for the first and last time in
life, he had worn, with the jewelled circle
on his brow, the blazing diamonds on hi
broad chest and his sandals, lay the dark
and fearful monarch of the Huns, the victor
of a thousand fields the mighty conqucrer
of unnumbered nations! Mighty no more!
Awlul still! awlul in ueath! and trom a
small snot on the silken vesture which cov
ered that breast, wherein forso many years
had lain the fate of empires, and the desti
ny of a world, proceeded the dark stream of
blood, thick and clotted, but not yet dried
up, which had once throbbed in that lion
heart, and now had left it cold and vacant.
The rround around was flooded with the
stream of gore; his vesture was soaked and
dabbled in il; but it was clear i iat he had
failed at once without an effort or a strug
gle; fdf there ho lay lis calm as if in siccfl;
with even a smile of joyous triumph on his
lip, as he had entered that fatal bridal cham
ber, which was to be unto him the hall of
It wa3 an awful sight! but still more aw
ful, .still more terrible was ths object on
which the eye rested when it was raised
from Attila. A few cubits heyond him, in
a seat, wherein she had evidently waited
his coming, sat Ildica, the beautiful Dalma-
tian hride. On a table beside her stood a
lamp, just dying out; on her knee rested
her right hand, with the fair, delicate fin
gers clasped tight round the hilt of a small
dagger, from the point of which some drops
of blood had fallen upon her" snowy gar
ments; her other hand grasped light the arm
of thb chair. One of the shining tresses of
her long dark hair had dropped from tho
pin lhat held it, and fallen upon her bosom,
but in all else her dress was as she ap
peared at the altar. Her cheek, her brow,
Ifer neck, were clear and pale as alabaster.
Tho only crimson left was in her lips.
Some have written that she was weep
ing, but they lied! She wept not! Not a
drop of moisture was in her eye, though its'
liquidlight, puro and unquenched, beamed
thero as bright as ever. Bin those darklus
irous eyes as if the wholo world had van
ished from her thoughts as if to her thb
whole universe, excopt one dark and fear
ful object was annihilated wore fixed im
movable on the corpse of that mighty king,
itrltnm Hn it'nrrini linrt lnnn (VmiiwI lf rnn.
niivii.i ...... v. vvu uu.u .
quer, but who had fallen in the hour of joy, I
intemperance, and inconsumm.ite itijustieb,
by her own weak, delicate bund.
From the TT'aiiieshurirf Pu) Measmg'r.
you are in the habit of p'j'ilUh'uis'al
sorts' ofimvs perhaps the following ac
count of a trial for a Breach of Marriage
Contract, may find favor in your eyes. A
case of this kind is rather a novelty in these
parts, where our and lasses are known
to be irt the habit, of toeing the mark;' fuK
filling all their promises; especially those of
the ten ler kin i.
The facts were these:
The plantifT was a young gt ntlcman Who
some two years ago, having "wooed and
won" a fa r Jaughterof Eve, in this region,
started to the wide west, with the future
glittering before him, for the purpose of
seeking out a home for himscif and his des
tined bride. Many a day did he wend
his way over the beautiful brairies, despi
sing fevers and agues, toil and piin; think
ing only of the glowing future; seeing, in
imagination, the forc3ts falling before him,
and the prairies blooming around him,'
cheered on by the presence and favor of
the ;
"Girl he I'ft behind him."
When his wonderings were completed,
he returned, and claimed his affianced bride:
when lo! and behold! tlie false one had ho
trothed herself to another! Her imaginings
had not followed the wanderings of her
lover, but frail and fickel as woman is
known to be, she had lost the image of her
devoted; another had stolen into the conse
crated place; aud supplanted him! The day
that was to put her in possession of his
rival was fixed. He threatened that he,
would be ptesent and forbid the bann", her
father forbid his presence, unless he would
promise 'to quiet be:' He consented, aud
to save a riot, resorted to the law. Justice
was administered by an up-country Justice,
and the result was a compromise, while
the suit was hanging in suspense, by Awj
band's giving his note under seal, to his
rival, for twenhj-thrce dollars and twenty
five cents exactly!
As I recollect no statute, giving jurisdic
tion to Justices of the Peace, in cases of
this kind, I suppose he was guided by
what a fictions friend of mine calls 'tlia
cam, an law rf Greece Covnlry.
Music. We love music, and it is selfish
ove wa lo've it because it loves is and
most of all, do we love music in the (bines
tic circle. The Germans understand aU
this, and make . music a part of a regular
school education.
The Boston Courbr says, "rspentanca
generally conies when it is of no avail.'
A very good lessen to know by heart, and
it might be well for some folks to put it into
practice before it is too late.
A Long Xo3e. Napoleon died to sayi,
"strartge an it may appear, when I want any
good head-work done, I choose- a man, pto-'
vided his education Has bison suitable, with
a long nose. Hi breathing is bold smd
fiee, and his brain, as well as his lungi and'
heart, cool and clear. In my observation
of men I have almost invariably found that
a long nose and a long head go together."
The ruling passion strong in dca'h.-r
Dr. Harris in his Life of Oommodore Bain-
bridge, speaking of his last illness, says,
"His intellect continued perfectly sound
and collected, till about two hours before
his death, when occasionally it wandered.
At this time ho called for his sword" and pis
tols, which riot being attended' to, ha raised
himsolf partially out of bed, and demanded
those instruments with great vohemencro
and ordered that all hands shoillJ be called
lo board the enemy."
Tho Banks of the city ot Nov York have
agreed to reduce tho rato of iutercui ou ur
belauow W five per (xnK