The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 16, 1837, Image 4

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Next door to Roniso's Staok Otfice
Ti,e nnr.riMTrt.n nP.imfnDnr ;
JJjV Ir W " V - -J . WJ. W W- - (11 V V
published even Saturday morning, tit
TWO DOLL'ARS per annum, payable
half yearly in advance, or J wo Uollars
TP.f,1 f?"nfo if tint nnlrl 4,'7i,., 4j,n . ,?.
2Vb suuscriplion will be taken for a sllortcr
pcriuu man six mumns : nor any aiscon
tinttancc permitted, Until all arrearage
are discharged.
AI) VERTI SEME NTS not exceeding a
square ivill be conspicuously inserted al
One Dollarfor the first three insertions,
'and Twenty-five edits for every stlbsc-
tuitt user uvu. giJ m nucrui uistuum
made to those tbho advertise by the year,
LETTERS addressed onbusin'ess, must
be post paid.
tiV virtiift nf n rVrtnin writ nf Pirri 7?ntnm iaan
ft rtA mil nY ilin rmm'ttr fmirt nff!nmmrtn Plana
tti Him inr inn enn inr ni ;iiiin,i,iii rn mn HimntAi
... ... .j .. . ww.U...Wi4., w ,,iw UlU.VUltl
in It t,A nvnnaA,l ! i il.i J-i . 1
nill uvAJIUaHl IU JUUIlt, BU1U, Ut M1U WUUIl I1UUHI3 111
Danvillo, ot two o'clock, Pi M". on Saturday the 30th
iray ot scptonibcr Instant:
A certain lot nf lnnd sihinte. in Tinnr
rig ctcck township, Columbia county, containing
about tiiiett-one ACHES, (about twenty acres of
:which is cleared, whereon is erected a
Adioinlncr laiuld nf John Pnnlm-V Tinl.nrr WiVin
Josetlh Cleaver and Itinbnnl firiflitH, So!,! to
ken in Execution, and to bo sold as tho property of
TTrmr nr.. . .i j n . . . . . .
vriiuara iraiors ai me suit oi I redencc Sleigh,
lis vittuo of a certain writ of Venditioni Er-
ponas, issued out of tho same court, to me
uutciuu, win uo exposed to public sale at tlio hriuso
vi jjuiiia onyaer in iiioomsburg, at ono o clock,
to r if i . f . , . '
m. uii juuuuay mo u uay 01 uciouer next:
A certain lot of groitnd situate in Hop
Kinsriiic, Dloom township, Columbia county, con
taining ono fourtli part of an acre, more or less and
numbered ' whereon Is erected
1 1 fm AND
fronting on Main street, rind adjoining lots of Wil
liam Smith, and tlin hpira nf Phnrl
taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of
uuiLimuu omnuic, at tliesuit ot Stephen JUaldy.
gherifTs office, Danville, ?
September 9, 1837. 5
WHEREAS, by an act of tht) Ctehcral As
scmbly of Ihe Commonwealth of Pcnnsyl
vama, entitled "An act to regulate tho General
Elections within this
5lh day of February, 1799," it is made the duty of
hh Sl.ui-ir f . ,..i ... i ... .1 .. f
w. vuuinjr iu k1vg Juuuc nonce oi
outu uiecuon 10 do uoiaon, anu made known in such
nouce wnat oliicers are to be elected: Therefore,
I, Zsaiah Salmon.
Hictl Sheriff of thp.
mwi by this advertisement, to the Electors of
io county oi (Joiumuia, tual a
Will be hold in tlin cnirl mnntv nn HamA,, K
v " f ua Mi-ouaj IUV
10th day of October next, at the several districts
wereoi as louows, 10 wu.
That part of Bloom toionship, not in
cluded in the new Election district herein
after mentioned, at the house of E. II.
Biggs, in Blaomsburg.
Briar creek township, at the Town
hotise m Berwick.
isaiawissa townsinp, i the house now
'occupied by Stacy Marjerum, in the town
Eerry township, (a separate Election'
district) at the house of Jacob Seidel in
said township.
That part of Pishing cfeek township,
not included in the new Election district
hereinafter mentioned, at the house of
jjanici rteicr, in saia township.
Greenwobd toionship, ai the house now
occupied by Joseph Lemon.
Hemlock township, at the house, of John
McReynolds, in said township.
Liberty township, at the house of Hen
ry Gibson in said township.
t IAmestotte township, (a seperale Elec
tion district) at the Union sChoolhouse in
said townshipi
Mahoning township, at the Courthouse
in Danvilte.
Miffiin township, at the house of fVm.
Woods in said to wnship.
Madison toionship, at the house of Jer
emiah JVelliver in Jefseytowjn.
That part of Mount Pleasant township,
not included in the new Election district
hereinafter mentioned) tit the house of
xi mcj tun. .iucitcf f tti diccu iuiuiaitip
Kiiitiirlnn'f trinlnthin. ttl the. hnnac nf 7?.
zekiel Cole, in said township,
Roaring cfettt township, at the house
of John reager, in said townjifiipt
The District carnposed of parts of the
townships of Blooipj. Mpjini Tleasffnt'tSi
Fishing Creek, which by an acfof th'e'Gcn
pral Assembly passed thq l&lh day of April
1835 was cstablisliod into a separate elec
tion district shall hold their election at the
house now occupied by'Isaac C.Johnson
in the town oT'Orangevillc.
The District composed of thdt part of
-Mifflin township laid off for a new town-
ship, to be culled 'Puxtou,' which by net
ol Assembly passed the first uay ol April
lftMn. vnq rRlnllli1inf1 inlfl n Hfinnrntn nlnn.
tion district, shall hold their election at the
house of Adam Michael in said district.
At which timo-and places are td be elec
ted by the freemen oi tho county of Golum-
One Person
fnr mpmlwir nf lli flnnoA nf T?nnrBnntn
tivbs of thcvCommonwcalth of Pennsylva
Two Persons
for Sheriff of Columbia county
Two Persons
for Coroner.
One Person
for County Commissioner.
One Person
for County Treasurer.
One Person
for County Auditor
And wiikueas in and by the same act of
Asscmmy lor regulating tne Uencral Elec
tions of this Commonwealth it is enacted,
that 'the Inspectors of the General Elec
tions shall be nhnsnn liv lmllnt nn tlin Friilnv
nexl preceding the first Tuesday in Octo
ber, (being this year the 29lh day of Sep
tember) in eaeh and every year, at such
nlacc ill nnnb thivn. tniviisliin. wnnl nr
district as the Citizens have generally met
at mr mat purpose, public notice ol winch
shall be given by tho Constable or Consta
bles, by six or more written or printed ad-
vertisments, at least one week before the
said day; and the election shall bo opened
oetween two anu tnree o clock in the alter
noon by the said Constable or Constables,
I ..:..... 1. a !! 1 !.!
iu uu asaisiuu uy ivo ijuaillicu CU1ZCU9.
And it is also reauired that the Insnrtr,
tors be at the place of the district each, on
the day of the general election aforesaid.
at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to do and
perform the several duties Tequired by the
saiu recileu act.
I)v the first section nf an nrit n.issed hv
tne state legislature, on the second of April
1821, 'It is thereby enacted by the authori
. j j
ty of the same, that the several Qualified
electors who shall vote at anv (THnwrnl nr
special election within tins commonwealth,
..1.T . . f 1 . .1
siiiiugivu io me inspectors oi sucn election,
separate tickets for each station or office
voted lor, which ticket shall contain no
more than the nroner numbi-r 'nf names:
but no ticket shall be rejected by the Judg
es of the election in Counting off the votes
should the same contain fewer names than
the proper number, those for sheriffs-fc cor
oners excepted.
And whereas by an act ol the General
Assembly nasscd the second dav dav nf A-
urn 1021. it is enacted, mat it shall Hp trip
!lirm '. ' . .1 ... . ... ..
duty of the Sheriff or Coroner, as the case
may do, to give puunc notice at the same
time, and in the same manner, and under
tlie same penally, that hois now rpmiirm!
' s uuui;j ui iw yunuiiii ur special Biec
lion, mat anv person wno siia tin ri nnv
office or appointment of profit or trust under
,1. I" I .1 T . .
tne uovernnient oi tne united states:
whether a commissioned nffii-er nr other
wise, a subordinate officer or no-nnt. whn is
or shall be employed under the legislative,
executive or judiciary departments of the
United States: and also, that r.vr.nv
her of Congress, is bv law innannlilp nf
Homing or exercising at the same time, the
office or appointment of Judoe, Inspector
.... . -. j - i
or Clerk of aiiy election in this state of
which all the electors are hereby notified
and required to govern themselves accord
ingly. There turn Jlldiresf nr tbn unvrral lintinn
districts of the county of Columbia, will
meet at the court house in Danville in the
said county, on Friday, the 13th day of
uciooer next.
Dy the fourth section of an act nassed the
second day of April, 1822.
i he judges of the election in each Coun
ty or district, erected into nsm-irnln
trict, after having formed the return Of the
..1.1- .1 1 .. .
wuoie eiecuon in me saiu county or district,
in such manner as is by law directed, shall,
withlll siad davs. cause said return In hn
deposited in tllC offico of tho Prntlmnntnrv
of said county or district, and shall also
cause a duplicate thereof, signed and seal
ed in the same manner as tho said return,
under a scaled cover, directed to the Sec
retary of the Commonwealth, to be placed
forthwith in the nearest nost office, nrtn lm
otherwise, within twenty davs. safnlv dn.
livdrcd to him, and they shall also transmit
to each of the persons elected a certificate
of the returns of his election.
Mierjll s Ullicc Uanville,
. . ... -- - ' j '
September Ollt, 18,37 .
N assortment of Merinbs just received, and for
t . . . i , , -
Eiiitr ai me cucap store 01
. Ti Mussetman, $ Co.
GJoshcis Cheese.
,F a very superior quality, for sale at the New
' and Cheap Store of the subscribers in ninnnm.
burff. Jj.T. Ml'SBELMAN. & Co.
Aug, SO, 1837
John s. Ingram,
RnENDEKS his professional cervices to theciti
JB zpns of Columbia county. JIo will feel grate
ful for business entrusted in lira mr. DiTw- in il.o
same building with the 'Columbia Democrat.'
iiiDotribuurg, May, la7.
Exeeuled at this Ojtet.
County Treasurer.
ri . ,,.i. .;,.! cfnip tbnt IIIJCH Mc
wil.t.tAMS Kon. will ben candldato at
the next election for County Treasurer
Aug. HO, 18U7.
To the Electors of Columbia counlu.
J my friends I onermypclf as a candiuotc lor
and respectfully solicit your votes at the ensuing
Cie-CllCII. II BUCCL-SS1UI,. I JHUUIJU 1111-11 IV j,viiwll,
the duties ol tne ollice witn impariiaiuy anu imcmy
Limestone, August 20, 1837.
E have been authorised to announce STE
PHEN IIALDY. Esq. of Cattawissa. as
a canclmatc lor County Commissioner at tne nex
Auj. 19, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
rELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of
m.itiv fr.Pnf tlirnnMinut (lift rrmnttf. I o(Var
my eel I ai a candidate lor the oihee ot
at the next General election, and would feel grateful
for your support. JOHN FRUIT.
jiiauispn, June ;i, isa7.
SME il ll-TAIT Y.
To the Electors of Columbia county :
ELLOW CITIZENS: At the solicitation of a
number nf mv friend a I li?.v ftnpn n mii r a rrA
to oiler myself us a Candidate for the office of
it the cnsuiiii? General Elrctinn If I .l.nnl.l 1, .n
fortunate as to ohtnin a mninritv nfvnnrfiiifrrrinBc T
pledge mysslf, to far" as my abilities will sdmit, to
e .1...- . r.l . . .. ' ,
fmiiuiiu wu uuuh oi me ouice witn integrity anu
Roaring Crsek, May 30, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county :
ijiuiiiiuiv L.iii,rjia: At the urgsnt solicit
P tiom of numernm frirn.U T i,iVr rvCir-- -
candidate for the office of
Should I be so fortunate
votos, nd procure my commission, I pledge myself
ra.mureiuuuuaraoi me omce with fidelity and
imDrtiIitv. Kr.lia iir-vii-
May 13, 1837
gTELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of
JL. 8 8rea' numDer ot my rnends and well-wishers,
1 again offer myself as a candidate for the
Office of Shfir.fF
of the county of Columbia, at the next general elec
tion. If VOU WnillH hn an trnnA J
ft"-" a i,ivb inu your
votes, there shall lack nothing on my part to do mv
duty with accuracy and fidelity. '
n i. , W'l'WAM KITCHEN.
Danville, JUne 24, 1837.
To the Freemen of Columbia county.
.niiu w-uiri.UiN At the request of ma
1 11V personal friemla. T ,tt:.: . - . ..
approaching election for the
Oflice of Sheriff.
Should a majority of your sufTragcs clevalo me to
he station I pledge myself to discharge the duties of
the ollice With correetneKa ml !mn,H:.i:i.. r i.
i j'u, .laiiiY. lIlabK-
ing your support, the subscriber is prompted bv a
r. , r....fuiu Buuu; annne hopes that
his large family, his poverty, and his inability to sup
port himself bv lahnr. mnu nhtoi.. I,: .1.-..... ' ,
v , V 7 ' "-"" mu votes oi
those who can feel for the wants of an honest and
quatiucu ncignuour.
Orangeville, July 29, 1837.
JUiUUlA couivTr.
:BI;I.OW.OITIZEN8: At the request of my
lricnds I plTcr myself as a candidate for the
Omce of SherifT.
at the ensuing general election, and solicit your
votes and interest. Should I ,bc elected I shall en
deavor to m.rif tlin 1... . .... . , ...
e ii-i . , . "'"" ") tuiiecvuiiu lalltltUl
fulfilment of tho duties of tho office.
Madison, July 29, 1837.
rKIHE SUDSC1UUER returns hi, acknowledg
- vMs.uiim '".ruiJUCO.
and would respectfully inform tho public In general
tliat ho has fitted up his establishment, in Cattawisi
sa, near the bridge, and
mk -Keys,
n a verv sirnnrinr tfutn m
. . -v,i.f ,Y,ni;ii win render comfort
ie s o?',; y11"J.MW Wi' JUXU.
t'attawi, June 17,1837. m0i
500 corit BROOMST
i twenty ctnu tuh, for sale at Uie chean
.store of J.T.MUSSELMAN,VctP
J. rJT. MitssclJ.iaB-, & Co.
mESPECTFULLY announce to the pullic
that they have just rcrcUcd and opened n
splendid assortment of FRESH GOOOS in Uw
if nrn.rnnni nit Hotel, in Uloomsburg,
where they will feel happy to wait upon all those
who may feel disposed to givo them a call. Ihcir
stock of Goods is very extensive, and nave uccn cart
fully selected; and they flatter themselves on being
uble to sell better and cheaper goods man nuvo n;
toforebcen offered to the public in this vicinity
Among their stock will bo found the following supe
rior articles of
Superfine hluc, blank, brown, olive and
steel-mixed broad cloths, cassimeres and
sattinctts, canton and woolen flannels, rose
blankets, a general assortment of calicoes,
mnrinnpQ. nirpnclnnci ntnl linnilm7Plts. mnr-
ino camlet, lartan plaid, figured and plain
silk I'clvnt. cilk nml v.-ilontiii vnfitinirs. lirnwn
& black silks, pungecs, merino and thibit
uress nanuKcrciiicis, crape anu merino
shawl.", lino- mill limiilminn limnlkmvliinf!.
figured and plain bnbinctt, book muslins,
..n ii ..,.,,.i:.. i: i. i . ....
jiiijiiuiiu, niuii uiuaiiiis, iiinu i null, llliuu
and cotton diaper, Canton & Italian crapes,
fancy cravats, stocks and shirt cnllnra. rrloves
of all kinds, hosiery, pruncllc and morocco
iilmnu nnll.H n... I .III. . . 1 if... i it
muka, I.UIIUU uuu UII1UIU11L13 irUVKlllIlg
baskets, and a o'nnnrnl flssnrtmnnt nf ln.
mesne goous, sucn as muslins, checks,
ucKings, cotton yarn, v:c.
at & 8 CENTS per yard.
They have also a general assortment of
Bar iron, steel, tinih. WZw -mnVo
Screws, hinirts. lnrl-o K.lAa ;
brass bureau knobs, knives and forks,
spoons, lamps, brass andiron candlesticks,
buckles, aimers, flat
nel saws, fniincr vims, nmflc iViim mmi
comos, shovels, drimnmr vans, coffee
mills, iron squares, brass andirons, cutting
ftnucs, urawincr Knives, scissors, mmm.
ajjKuacies, snoe pincers, plated spurs
gimblcls, knitting pins, shoe lacs, steel
yards, and a general assortment of brush
China, Glass
&MB ilSS1 I?IIEffi3
&c. &c. &c. &c.
Thev rcsncctfullv i lU'ilO llinan i.,t,n
. , j ... u n am
Irsh and Cheap goods, to call anb bek
'"hi Juauriineni.
K7Can't be farmer
worth of goods.
All kinds of Crmivmv
taken in payment or exchange.
Woomsburg, August 20, 1837.
The Sihmviov
'Anli,l"Cej;frm..P1'il.!,(:'lia, a fresh
nu"r7iTnri V ,UU1J"' w' J-ave been
ers .t" ; 7 a"a. are "ow on'"C(l to 'toni-
.. ..... inrire ana a half cent nrr
pound- quality of New Orleans sSga at Un
cents, and second nualitv nt ,;..h, " ' .
He has alsoa lame an, W Zl TJ""""'
iron & tt.ailnrxT-iw
Which ho offers at the lowest prices. The public
are respectfu v invito .n i.i . .... . ,,1.ut,"c
sortmenU "u ulam,nc lus as"
inEhangffooZ" W,U to n
nimA. a.. - D- rreiiER.
- bi ""a. i, laji.
SSSf mam a rtZ
Itatt'J"" 1" nd for sale
very extensive assortment of Cellar Ware iust
"coved, and for sale at the new store of J '
Bloom.hurg.AuU; SffitMAK' C"
COFPKn, at Twelve and a half
o SUGARS at FM,t Snd a Pior quality
ftcnew andX to? CC"" fr "lo '
J. i. fllUSSELMAN Pa
Bloomsburg, Aug. 20. v0
L""?! .K4IN tcd,forwhieh tho'
"K the now
T f It - a . . .
fARGE MAI'S of Mississippi and Ala! 1
Indian Reservations. Land Dmiriri. r
Streams, &c Engraved from the (iovcrnmm !
. n...i ,.Tn,d , i.n f:.,-.i T . .. 1 ..... '
IMI'tnil Cilv: bv E. OiLMAV. TiranM.i
1-'. TAYLOR, bookseller, WttshinRU,,, CitT,
cunt rinlw . '
furn-imljlislicil. Thev art! iiiilitiol.,.,1 sW
sheets, each containini: nearlv SIX. Nfinirn
..mi i ' r. i f', ..i. "
ilifrrntivl in llii (.-.nda nf nitliAi .iai. . !
nvnrv iti-irt of infonnntinti tvliirh U l ....
- --' - - - ! ''J.-vytajw
the Land Offico relativo to Water coun-o, tonnJ
linos, Indian lanus nuu reservations, land di.
&c and will bo iicrfectlv accurate ami i,,..:.1
these points. They can besent by mail toauv ,1 h
.r TT:i..i ...1.1 i .i.. .. .
Ul tuu Ulllicu Dtraivo, Buujcu Ulliy 10 BlllPie
postage. Price, two dollars, or three oopim
tner win ne sent uy man iot live dollar, a. lit
.n..... ...:u i. ... i....n:
who buy to sell ngain.
4 4 liuuuia u iii:j-h, imy IVIieri1, WhonJ
give the nbovo advertismont (including thij no':
nno nrtu-n Invprliniia. hIihII rirH.ivHliv r,..,...
- , nn ii nn I
copy of each map, if they will send u copynfii(,
pur uuuiuuiiiig 11 iu iiiu uuuiiiBt.
Washington City, fc'cpt, 9, 18,1
I observed o notice in the "Keystone," (u
one which I published,) sigtit-d by .Mr. 1'. l.u
clirint, Agent, stating that the Sunquchannah E
Line would carry passengers in less time ihni
Mail Stage which is. not the fact. It will U a
dcrstood that the lloat lenrca Harrisburg ow
before the Stage; yet tto have taken I'awm
through to WilkcsbanHii time for the Monirj
stages, notwithstanding tho tardy manner in kB
Ihe mail is brought from Harrisburg to us at Ni
thumberland. If any other persons had thecotw
anceofthc mails from Hrtrrishurg to Northuiue
land than those connected with tho Doats, I
engage to start at the samo hour with Ihe Hum
Harrisburg, and deliver the mail and the Hirsoijii
TWELVE HOURS sooner than the Doit La
possibly can do it.
When the Company runs a stage from Nunlm
berldnd to Wilkesbarrc, the mail can arrive tt y
thumberland from Harrisburg by 1 1 o' lurk. . I
but when the Hoat mns uboie, they thru l
hack tho singe at Northumberland until 4 oVW
M. and sometimes as late ns 7 o'clock, 1'. 11.
These arc facts, which, if the I'ost Ma.tir (ifixi
is not aware of, it is tims he was made arquaum
with them.
JSyAny partengcrs wihing to take the lipi
Northumberland, to go through to Monlrtt, rl
be taken on in time to secure seals in the Mni"i
singe, rwtwitfutanding the dtlai of the Ot
in arriving ul NorthuMuerlund provided Iky k
upon a regular time for starting.
Dloomsburg, Juno 10, 1837.
K CI n .. ta o. I '
From Philadelphia.'by Rail Road ,V fans
10 If arrisburg, Northumberland, Dan
ville, Cattawissa, Bloonnbitrg,
Berwick, Jl'ilkcsbarrc, Mil
ton, iniliumsporl, and
intermediate places.
PASSENGERS can leave the West Cbwn
Itnlnl Ii:..l .1 . Til. -1.1 I- I .!. I TI.. .it, uiudu nircci, i iiUiiuejpniii, ii.n. i
o'clock, A. M. reach Harrisburg ot o'tlo. i. I'.M
of the Kimn Anv . A.rr,.it,n.l,A-in...i if k.
.,v , Willi, llllllUlllllltl ML 111 ,11, -
M. of the next day; and WilWhiure on the sue-
-v...B iiiiiiiiiiiK hi. I, p noes. ; w(ieu io.iciira ,,
immediately start for Cnibondalc, TunkhaimooliiuiJ
Montrose, and thence to the Western part of ' ,
daily, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and nrrivo at UlwJ
burg nt -1 o'clock, V. M. It arrive' at Harrisburf ?
.) o c Wl- il,, -u.. :.. :. ,..! r,.-,A
i, , 1UII11I. l( JIJUI lllll)j, IUIl l.w"
Columbia in time to tako the morning Cars fa
ilio Uoats nlso arrive nl Williamsport. en v
. u. ..v, ,lv UIUUI .1 11 riOCK, J . .11, Ul 111' ran"
dav Oil willed ll.i.v r,.nK T'.,l,,..l,-.l..,lnmin-
- --', i.avi. lluillluillUUIIllii-i
turn daily.
Tho UoaU on tho abovo lines have been repaid
and are now confidently recommended to the TIB
LIC ns a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient m,
nl trni-Mlll..n Onln-n . i . . .., ?i. 1-1. Mil
.,i,B, aiJtx i o may i;e tauen in rmian'ir-
at the norUVeabt corner of Fourth & Che?nntslf1'
at No. 200 Market street, and ot tho West-Che'
Itnlnl Tl 1 .... . ' I
FREIGHT may he forwarded by Rail Road tew
Orni-li Ar 1.T1.I 1 . T m r. .1 l....t
i,lii,jo uuu j, j, i. CW1S K IO, Jiroau ""
and bv Cant. M.Pnl, t t r it..:.... I'.l Hosts
.111IU 111 J mull ii-
to Harrisburg, where they will he received
husquehanna Line from JabezIIarrasdin, VinctW
. urn, ocnuyiKUl.
-ir.,L . V- Mc- 0 OILOHRIST,
Wilkcsbarre, June 10, 1837. Agent.
Io I ravellers up (he North Jlranch of At .
"TPA88nNGEnS by tho Susquehanna Roat Liw
fhr.,'m No'lhuinWrland, arrivoat Wilkestom I
kIGUT llnilliS! ii...- i.. ji.. if,,, .mi
r ., owner l ui llic i'ihii
oj Muges, and reach MonUose TWENTV'KOLR
llOUfft Innni.' t, . . n m. ,,,,idhi
June 10, 1837. Agent.
few A cm s-pr or,
..i... ,- . I, .MIIIIIQl,
IWO Journeymen Tailors, if good woikmj
and nf nl,. .i :.. , ! v .i ill fine
riiT( "I., uuu mucinous imiHw, -
tn i, v l:. n,ent D"d good wagos, by apri)i"
to Uio subscriber, in Dloomsbunr. immediately.
Augtist 20, 1837.-