CATTAWISSA RAClS. I .rtl . 7)tf9tn linn !nmi -. .1 n nT enrlna A P I the Cnttawissa Hridgo Company Shm-plas-tcrs. With the exception of better paper, they differ but a trifle in appearance from the previous issue. While noticing this now article of illegal currency, wo would morclrcmark, that Specie cannot bo ob- taincdfJn the country for the purposes of fchangc being 'locked up in the vaults of theUlifTcrcnt Hanks; and that those of our distant patrons, who feel inclined to do so, may transmit current Shin-pliisterS in pay ment, for their subscriptions 16 the "Colum bia -Democrat." Our abhorrence for Shin- plastgrst remains as heretofore ; but we arc reluctantly compelled to receive these vile issucaj.of the rich, or deny ourselves the gra tification of having the wherewithal to con duct bur business. - rrl'r MARRIED On Tuesday morning last, at St. Georges Church, New Yorjs, by the Ilcv. Dr. Mil. nor, the Rev. Alviikii Loi-iikhdaui:, lateof Phil adelphia, nnw Rector of the Sunlmry uml D.mville Episcopalian churches,) to A!is Huhax Oimm-.lia, daughter of the late Caleb Jlorton of ISow i ork. DIED In Bloom township on 29th tilt. WORM AN, son of Andrew Crivling, aged about 1 year. In Bloom township, on the 20th ultimo, Wilham JacksOx, son of Mr. Isaac Kuhn, aged lil years. ; In Liberty township, on the 27th ult. Mr. Jacoh CnAwi'onu.agcd about 71 vears. At Knoxville, Tennosi-ec, on the 10th ultimo', the Hon. John Wii.i.Iajis, former ly United States Senator, &c. (liAtLt!ic Sweet Springs, Virginia, 'on the 15th ult. the Hon. John Fi.ovd late Gov ernor of that Suite. IHVTIiiladclphia, on the 27th ult. Br.N jamin'S. Bonsai.l, United States Marshal forthb I''aslcrn District of Pennsylvania, in tlio 41)tli year ol his age. M to Y virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias issu- HjP ed out of the county court of Common 1'lcas, in ail J for the county of Columbia, to mo directed, TiJI bo exposed to public sale, at the Court house in Danville, at two o'clock, P. M. on Saturday the 30th clay of September instant: i1 certain lot of land situate in Boar- Ing creek township, L olumuin county, containing about TiniiTr-oNK jiciir.s. (about twenty acres of which b cleared, whereon is erected a AND STABLE, Adjoining Iandu of John Pcalock, Robert Walkin, Joseph Cleaver and Kichard Griffith. Seized, ta ken in Execution, and to bo sold as the property of . WtUiam Waters at the suit of Frederick sleigh. virtue of a certain writ of Venditioni Ex ponas, issued out of the same court, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the house of Daniel Snyder in Rlooinshurg, atone o'clock, v. al. on Monday tnc 2d day ot October next: Jl certain lot of ground situate in Hop- Kinsvme, llloom townslup, Uolumbia county, con taining one fourth part of an acre, more or less and numbered whereon is erected A FllAME HOUSE, AN FRAME STABLE, fronting; on Main street, and adjoining lots of Wil liam Smith, and the heirs of Charles Hall. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as Iho property of Jeremiah bhmdlc, at the suit ofStcphen Ualdy. BY ISAlAII SALMON, Shcrijf. Sheriffs office, Danville, . September 9, 1837. MAPS. IT ARGE MAPS of Mississippi and Alabama Mjt showing the Public and the Indian Lands, Indian Reservations, Land Districts, Township, streams, &c., Lngravcd Ironitho Government sur veys and plots in tlio General Land Office, Wash ington City; by E. Gilmav, Draughtsinan in the Ucneral Land Oihcc. F. TAYLOR, bookseller, Washington City, has justpublishcd (and secured the copyright according to Law) the. abovo Mapu, which wilt bo found infin itely more complcto and accurate, than any hereto fore published. They are published on sepcrato Bhcctsj each containing nearly six square feet, and will bo found especially useful and valuable to those interested in tho lands of either state, as they fcliow every item of information which is in possesion of the Land Ulhoo relative to Water courses, townshn UncHj Indian lands and jcecrMitious, land districts, &c", and will bo perfectly accurate and precise in ihesofpoints. They can he tent by mail to any part bf .dig. United states, subject only lo single lettp r postage. Price, two dollars, or three copies of ei ther will he sent by mail lor live dollars, A liberal discount will be mado to travelling agents, or lo any who buy to sell again. Editors of newspapers, any where, who will givo Uie abovo advcrtismcnt (including this notice) one ortwo insertions, snail rccci'o by return mail a copy of each map, if thoy will send a copy of the pa per containing u io inu auvcruse. , 1 Washington City, Sept, 0, 1837. WANTED; TA111L kinds of GRAIN wanted, for which tho highest market price will bo paid, at the new anuttueap store of the subscribers. !?J J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 2,1837. FLAX-SEED : t AAA Bushels 6f Flax-Seed wanted, and AWF the highest price paid, by J. T. Musselman, Co - September 2. JOB PRINTING, Executed at this Office. y?j!!y-'iw- Mil I, n G-ENERAXj election. PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, by an act of the General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act to regulate the General Elections within thin Commonwealth, nas'ed ibn Bill day of February. 1700." it is made the dntv nf the Sheriff of every county to give public notice of nuuu I'lueuuu io i.o noiucii, and mauo Known in audi notice what olficcrn arc lo bo elected: Therefore, 1, Isaiah Salmon, High Sheriff of Iho county of Columbia, no makk kniiwv by this advertisement, to the Electors of said county of Columbia, that a GENERAL ELECTION Will be held in the said county, on. Tuesday the 10th day of October next, at the several districts thereof ni follows, lo wit. That part of Bloom townshin. not in cluded in the new Election district herein- cficr mentioned, at the house rf E. II. Jiiggs, in JJloomsuurg. Jiriar crctk township; at the Toivn house in Berwick. Catawissa township, at the house noiv occupied by blucy iWarjerum, in the town of Caltawissa. Demi townshin, (a separate Election district) at the house of Jacob Seidel in sunt townslup. That part of Fishing creek township, not included in the new Election district here!'-after mentioned, at the house of JJuniel rcclcr, in said township. Greenwood township, at the house nolo occupied by Joseph Lemon. Hemlock township, at the house of John uicjfci inouis, in saia lownsmp. Liberty township, ri the hoilse of lien ry Gibson in said township. Limestone townshin. la senerate Elec tion district) at the union school house in said toivnslnp. Mahonins township, at the Court house in Danville. Mifflin township, at the house of U'm, Woods in said township. Madison township, at the house of Jer emiah Wclliver in Jcrseytown. That part of Mount Pleasant township not included in the icw Election district hereinafter mentioned; at the house of Frederick Milter, in said toivnsmp: Sugarloaf township, at the house of E- zekicl Cole, in said township. Roaring crcilc township, at the house of John Ycagcr, in said township. The District composed of parts of the townships of Bloom, Mount Pleasant & Fishing Creek, which by ati act of the Gen eral Assembly passed the 15 th 'day bf April 1835 was establishod into a separate elec tion district, snail hold their election at the house now occupied by Isaac C.Johnson in the town ot (Jrangcvillc. The District composed of that part of minim townsiup laiu on ior a new town ship, to be calldd 'Paxtdn, which by Set of Assembly passed the first day of April 1830, was established into a separate elec tion district, shall hold their election at the louse of Adam Michael iu said district. At which time and places arc to be clcc ted by the freemen ol the county of Colum bia, One Person for member of the House of Iteprcsenta' tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia; Txvo Persons for Shcrifl' of Columbia county. Two Persons fur Coroner; One Person for County Commissioner. One Person for County Treasurer. One Person for County Auditor. And wiikrd.vs in and by the same act of Assembly for regulating the (jencral Elec tions of this Commonwealth it is enacted, that 'the Inspectors of the General Elec tions shall be chosen by ballot on the Friday next preceding the first I ucsday in Ucto hcr, (being this year the 20jh day of Sep tember) in each and every year, at such place in each town, township, ward or district as tho Citizens have generally met at for that purpose, public notice of which shall bo given by tho Constanta or Consta bles, by six or moro written or printcu au- vcrtisments, at least ono week oelore the said day; and the election shall bo opened between two and three o clock in the nltcr noon by the said Constable or Constables, to bo assisted by two qualified citizeus. Aim it is also required that tno inspec tors be at the place of tho district each, on the day of tho ccneral election aforesaid, at nine o'clock in iho forenoon, to do and perform the several duties required by the said recited act. By the first section of an act passed by the state legislature, on the second of April 1821, 'It is thereby enacted by the authori ty of tho same, that the several qualified electors who shall vote at any general or special election within this commonwealth, shall give tc the Inspectors of such election, separate tickets for each station or oflice voted for, which ticket shall contain no more than tho proper ndmbor of names; but no ticket shall he rejected by tho Judg' os of tho election in counting off the votes should the same contain fewernames than tho proper number, thoso for sheriffs & en- i oners excepted. And whereas by an act of tho General Assembly passed the second day dav of A- pril 1821, it is enacted, that it shall be tho duty of the Sheriff or Coroner, as the case maybe, to give public notice at the sanie time, and in the same manner, and under the same penalty, that ho is now required to give notice of any gcncial orspecial elec tion, that any person who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the tiovernment ol the United States. whether a commissioned officer or other wise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department's of the United States; and also, that every meji nwt or Congress, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the oflice or appointment of Judoe, Inspector or Cleric of any election in this state of which all the electors arc hereby notified and required to govern themselves accord- I here turn Judp-esf or the several election districts of the county of Columbia, will meet at the court house in Danville in the. said county, on rnday, the 13th dav of October next. By the fourth section of an act passed the second day of April, 1822. J he judges of the election in each coun ty or district, erected into a separate dis trict, after having formed the return of the whole election in the said county or district, in such manner as is by law directed, shall, within siad days, cause said return to be deposited in the office of the Prothonotary of said county or district, and shall also cause a duplicate thereof, signed and seal ed in the same manner is the said return, under a sealed cover, directed to the Sec retary of the Commonwealth, to be placed forthwith in the nearest post office, orto be otherwise, within twenty days, safely de livered to him, and they shall also transmit to each ol tire persons elected a certificate of the returns of his election. ISAIAH SALMON, Sffl. Sheriff's Office Danville, September Otli, 1837. N assortment of ileri7iosjust received, and for sale at the cheap store ol Ji. T. Musselman, Co. Notice to Builders'. HE School Directors of Madison township will attend at the house of Jeremiah Wclli ver, in Jcrseytown, on Thursday, tho 14th day of September, instant, for the purpose of receiving pro posals ior uuuuing SIX in said Township when and where plans will bo exhibited and proposals received UI1 o o clock r. M of said day. UAlitilJ TlluaiAa, l res t, SAMUEL KISNER, Scc'y. Madison, Sept. 2, 1837. ATTENTION! Ornngcvillc & Koliverslmrg K7"OU will meet for parade in Orangcville, on B Satuhdat, the 9th of September inst. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. proncrlv equipped, provided with four rounds of blank cartridges, and two rounds ol powder and ball. By order of the Capt. IRAM DERR, 0. S. Orangcville, Sept. 2, 1837. ATTENTION Washington Guards ! 'OU arc commanded to meet at tho public house of John McRovnolds, irl Hemlock township, on Saturday, the 9lh day of September hist, at 10 o'clock. A. M. lironerlv cnulpped.and provided with ten rounds of blank cartriges. By order of tho Cap tain. J. UUIULEMAN, U.S' September 2, 1837. fniIE Independent Troop will meet at the house Dfi oi jonu .uciicyiiotuti in iualuck iimvumuj'i on Saturday the 9th of September noxt, at iu ( clock, A.M. armed and equipped for drill. Uy order ol tho Captain. T. W. DRAKE, O.JST. Dloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837. CATJTIOIT. "HEREAS my wifo Raciiael has left my lied and Hoard without any just cause or provocation, I do hereby caution all pcrtons against trusting her on my account, as 1 will pay no debts ot her contracting alter this date. WILLIAM SHOEMAKER, eenwood, August 20, 1837. Gdshcu Cheese, rf""kF avcrv superior quality, for sale at the ISew U and Cheap Storoofthe subscribers in Dlooms burg. J. T. MI'SSELMAN, & Co. Aug. 20, 1837. JOHN S. INGRAM, ENDERS h'lB professional services to thociti zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate ful for business entrusted to his cdro. Ofhce in 11 samo building with the 'Columbia Democrat.' Uldomsburg, May, 1837. WANTED A TV APPRENTICE to the U acksmittilnc ou. eincss. A Doy between 16 and 18 years ef age, of good character ona steady nanus, win mm i situation by applying to tho subscribkr, at his resi' denco near ISepytown, JulyS, 1837. County Treasurer. WE ar authorized to state that HUGU Mc WNjLIAMS, Esq. will be a candidate at the next election for County Treasurer. AUg. MO, IHU7. SHERIFFALTY. To the Electors of Columbia 'county. IELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of ; my friends I offer myself s a candidate for and respectfully solicit your votes at the ensuing election. If successful, I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office with imnnnintii v mt n,UM, JOHN fc. TOLLMER. Limestone, Auguit 2G, 1837. COMMISSIONER. E have been authorised to announce STE PHEN UALDY. Esd. of CattuwisBn. n. candidate for County Commissioner at dm nor election. , Aug. 18, 1837. To the Electors of Columbia county. i a i njijiy&i At 111c solicitation of 1 many friends tlirouchoul the countv. I ofTcr instil an a canuiuaic loriuc omce Ol !( . r- 7. . A " SHERIFF, at the next General election, and would feel grateful ior your support. JOHN FRUIT, Madison, June 3, 1837. SHE KIFFAIjT Y Td the Electors of Columbia 'comity: F1 ELLOW CITIZENS: At the solicitation of a number of my friends I have been encouraeed to oner myscu as a uandulate lor the otlice of SHERIFF, at the ensuing General Election. If I should be so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I pledge myself, so far as my abilities will admit, to perform the duties of the oflice with integrity and numoniiy. PETER KLINE. Roaring Creek, May 20, 1837. SHERIFFALTY. To tho Electors of Columbia county : TnnELLOW CITIZENS: At the urecnt solicita tiousof numerous friends, I Oiler myself as A candidate ior tne ollicc ot SHERIFF. Should I be so fortunate as ts receive a majority of votes, and procure my commission, I pledge myself to oxecute the duties of the oflice with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS MclIENRY. May 13, 1S37. ' SHERIFF ALT Y. FELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of a great number of my friends and well-wishers, 1 again offer myself as a candidate for tho Omce of Sheriff of the county of Cplumbia, at tho next general elec tion. H you would be so good as to givo me your votes, there sliall lack nothing on my part to do my duty with accuracy and fidelity. WILLIAM KITCHEN. Danville, Juno 24, 1837i To the Freemen of Columbia county. ITELLOW-CITIZEN : Atlbc request of ma- ny personal friends, I solicit your votes at the approaching election lor tlio Oflice of Sheriff. Should a majority of your suffrages elevate me to tho station I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the oflice with correctness andimpartiahty. In ask ing your support, tho subscriber is prompted by a desire to promote tho public good; and ho hopes that his large family, his pdverty, and his inability to sup port himself by labor, may obtain him tho votes of those who can feel for tho wants of an honest and qualified neighbour. loAAu V. JUHlUi. Orangcville, July 29, 1837. TO THE ELECTORS OF CO LUMBIA COUNTY. ELLOW-CITIZENS: At the request of my friends I oiler myself as A candidate for the Office of Sheriff, at the ensuing general election, and solicit your votes and interest. Should I bo elected I shall en deavor to merit the favour, by a rorrect and faithful fulfilment of the duties of the oflice. WILLIAM RICHART. Madison, July 29, 1837. SUCrAR & COFFEE I RIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a half CentN per Pound, and a superior quality of SUGARS at Elgllt and Ten Cents, for salo at the new and cheap store of J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Aug. 20. 500 CORE BROOMS9 AT Twenty Cents each, for salo ot the cheap store of J. T. M USSE L.MAN, & Co. A very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, juet j-fy received, and ior saie ai 1110 new eiurc ui J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, August 20,1837. WANTED. A Journeyman Potter4 WILL meet with employment and liberal wa ges by making immediate application to the subscriber, at .fcspytown. HUGH THOMPSON, Aug. 19, 1837. AND WII.KESBAI1RE LINE Ot MAIL STAGES I observed a notieo in tho "Kevstonc." CnmW one which I tmblished.l simied bv Mr. P. h nil. christ, Agent, stating that the Susquchannah Boat j.ine wouiu carry passengers in less time than Hie Mail Stage which is not the fact. It will be un derstood that tho Boat leaves Harrisburg one day before tho Stage; yet wo have taken Passengers through to Wilkcsbarro in timo for tho Montroso stages, notwithstanding the tardy manner in-which the mail 13 brought from Harrisburg .to us at Nor thumberland. If any other persons had the convey ance of the mails from Harrisburg to Northumber land than those connected with the Boats, I would engage to start at the same hour with tho Boat at Harrisburg, and deliver the mail and the parsengcrs TWELVE HOURS sooner than the Boat Lino possibly can do it. When tho Company runs a stage from Northum berland to Wilkesbar're, the mail can arrive at Nor thumberland from Harrisburg by 11 o'clock, A. M.t but when tho Boat runs above, they then keen back the stage at Northumberland until 4 o'clock P. M. and sometimes as late as 7 o'clock, P. M. These are facts, which, if the Post Master General is not aware of, it is time he was made acquainted with them. (EjAny passengers wishing io take the stage at Northumberland, to no through to Montrose, will be taken oti in lilne to secure seats iii the Montrose stage, nolwithilandini' the delay of the Opposition . i n- .i..M.r., r m.j ii... uiui living ut nuriitumuzrinnu jjruviucu mcy jiJi upon a regular time for starting. WILLIAM ROBISON. Dloomsburg, June 10, 1837. SUSQ.UEHANNAK LINE or PACKET AND FREIGHT BOATS: From Philadelphia, by Bail Boad Canal to Harrisburg, Northumberland, Dan ville, Caltawissa, Dloomsburgt Berwick, Tfllkcsbarre, Mil ion, Williamsport, and intermediate places. . Tn&ASSENGERS can icavo Ihe West Chester Hotel, Broad street, Philadelphia, daily, at 0 o'clock, A. M. reach Harrisburg at 4 o'clock, P. Ml of the same day ; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A. M. of the next day ; and Wilkcsbarre on the suc ceeding morning at 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will immediately utart for Carbondalo, Tunkhannock and Montrose, and thence lo the "Western part of New York state. RETURNING Tho Boats Icavo Wilkcsbarre daily, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and arrivo at Bloomsi burg at 4 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at 5 o'clock on tho following morning,,.and reaches Columbia in time to tako tKc morning Cars for Philadelphia. The Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on tho West Branch, at about 9 o'clock, P. M. of the same day on which they reach Northumberland and r urn daily. . . The Boats on the above lines have been repaired and are now confidently recommended to the PUBj LIC as a plcasanti comfortable, and convenient mode pf travelling. SEATS may be .taken in Philadelphia at tho north-east corner of Fourth & Chpsnut streets, at No. 200 Market street, and at the West-Chester Hotel, Broad street. FREIGHT may bo forwarded by Rail Road from Orrich & Nobles and J. J. Lewis & Co, Broad street, and by Capt. McCabcs Lino of Union Canal Boats to Harrisburg, where they will be received by the Susquehanna Line from Jabezllarrasdin, Vinestrect Wharf, Schuylkill. P. Me. C. GILCHRIST, Wiikusbatrc, June 10, 1837. Agent. jtoticJe To Travellers up the North Branch of the Susquehanna. PASSENGERS by the Susquehanna IJoat L.ino from Northumberland, arrivo at Wilkcsbarre HlUllT IlUUJiS sooner man 01 mc muh of Stages, and reach Montroso TWENTY-FOUR hours sooner. P. Mc. C. GILCHRIST, June 10, 1837. Agent. 1TEW GOODS. The Subscriber AS juit received from Philadelphia, a fresh assortment of. GOODS, which have been purchased very low, and are now offered to custom ers at reduced prices. An cxcciicni nruciu in uu me is now offered at twelve and a half cents per pound first quality of Now Orleans Sugar at ten cents, and second quality at eight cents per pound. He has also a large and full assortment of Iron & Hollow-Ware, Which he offers at the lowest prices). The public arfe respectfully invited to call arid examine his as sortment. ( All kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange for goods. C. D. FISnER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1837: F a superior quality, just received and .for saM 1 by tho subscriber. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Ang. 0, 1837. JOURNEYMEN TAILORS TWO Journeymen Tailors, if good workmen, and of sober and industrious habita, will find constant employment and good wagee, by" applying lo the subscriber, in Bloomsburg, immediately. BERNARD RUPERT. August 26, 1837. Steam-syrup Molasses, OF a vory superior quality, for sale at the new and cheap more of M USSELMAN, & Co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers