iin MJ10IBAT. I havo Buorii upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Mail." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM. B5BliOOMSBUI2.Gr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, -SEPTEMBER 9, 1837; Number 20. -dm' ! nca nie le, i itott ecoa oil m -tS yro (port 1U. g bo uttt in! Jr. "';0Wlt!E OP THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to Rodiso's Stage Omen; TKefiOLUMDM DEMOCRAT icill be published every Saturday morning, at TlVOp OLLARS per annum , payable Half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No.suoscriplion will betaken for a shorter period than six months: nor any discon tinuance permitted, itrilu all i 'are discharged. 'arrearages ADVERTISEMENTS Hot exceeding a ? square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first thrccmscrtiolis, ' ' and Twenty-five, cents fpr e'very sitbsc (fiicnt nserlion. fZP A liberal discount piade to those who advertise by the year. ' LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. NEW STORE. i X 3f. Mussclman, "& Co; i f E8PECTFULLY announce to tho public - Mm, that they have just received and opened i splendid assortment ot rituaii uuuus in tnc : rtorc-room adjoining Gross's Hotel, in Bloomsburg, '.- where they will feel happy to wait upon all those H vvllo may fed disposed to give them a call. Their stock of Uoods is very ortciiRiw, and nave been care fully, selected; and they flatter themselves on being ablo to sell better and cheaper goods than have hcre tofoYo fiecn offered to tho public tu this vicinity. Among their stock will ho found the follow ingsupe 'rior articles of Superfine blue, black; brown, olive and teel-niixQil broad cloths, cassimcrcs and gattincttsfj canton and woolen flannels, rose blankets! a ccncral assortment of calicoes, morinoes; circasians and bombazctts, mer ino camlcti tartan plaid, figured and plain silk velvc'f, silk and valcntia vestings, brown & -Black " pilks, pinigces, merino and tlitbit dress handkerchiefs, crape and merino shawls, flag and bandanna handkerchiefs, figured. and plain bobinett, book muslins, iaconcttiw mull muslins. Irish linen, linen h and cotton diaper,Canton& Italian crapes, ft fancy cravats, stocks andshirtcollars, gloves of all kinds, hosiery, prunella and morocco m shoes, cotton and silk umbrellas travelling k oaskefsJnnd a general assortment of tlo m mestic' goods, such as muslins, checks, m lieldngsfcoilon yarn, &.c. MUSLINS AND CALICOES at 6U& 8 CJEWJCS per yard. Thoyhavc also a geifcral assortment of ' BOOTS & SHOES. QLS0- . HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Bar iron, steel, nails, spikee, sprigs, in i 'scrcwsi'hingfs, 'locks, latches, glass aad prasariburcau. knobs, knives una jorks, Blrt sP9ns.tJai.nPs brass andiron candlesticks buckles, augers, flat irons',, hand and pan mrt nel saws", frying nans, tvoflle irons, curry jiij combs, shovels, dripping jians, coffee iters mills, iron'squares, brass anilirons, culling knives, drawing knives, scissors, razors, 1(1 t spectachs.i shoe pincers, plated spurs ,rl gimbletsfiknitting pins, shoe lacs, steel- ,gIiK yardtj and a general assortment of brush bw -(,111 ALSO China, Glass AND aUEENSWARE TOOETHErt WITH AN ASSOUTMENT OF &b.oce:rxes3 liqtjoes3 v laints. Oils, "brugs & Medicines saffi1 assbd gneiss jL &C. &C. &0. &.G. TmWespeetfully invite those who arit their assortment. trjp'Canftte forever selling $10,000 iiiorlh of goods. All kindf of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken.in payment or exchange. Bloorruburg, August 20, 1837. A very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, jiurt received, onu lor sale at mo new more 01 J. T. MUS3ELMAN, & Co. Bl'wmwburg, August 2fl, 193T. County Treasurer. E nfo authorized to state that HUGH Mr- WILLIAMS.IIsq. will be a candidato at the next election for County Treasurer. AUg. 2U, IBH7. SHERIFFALTY. To the Electors of Columbia county. T mv fr1fiiiu T nfliT mvflplf n rnmliftni fn'r ...J -..w. ...J and respectfully solicit your votes at the ensuing election, if successful, I pledcc myelf to perforin the duties of the office with impartiality and fidelity. JOHN S. FOLLMEIt. Limestone, August 2G, 1837. 7E linvc been authorised to announce STE PHEN DALDY, Esq. of Uattawissa, as n candidate for County Commissioner at the next election. Aug. 19, 1837. To the Electors of Columbia county. ' 7ELI0W-CrraENS: At the solicitation of ' many friends throushout the county. I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, nt the next General election, and would feel grateful for your support. JOHN FRUIT. Madison, June 3, 1837. fSBIERIl'l'AIii'Y. To the Klc'clors of 'Columbia county: BTELLOW CITIZENS: At the solicitation of a J number of my friends I liaNe been encouraged to oiler inyfcO.lt a Candidate Tor the office ol SHERIFF, , at the ensuing General F.lecl'on. If I should be so fortunate as to obtain a niajorily of your suffrages, I pledge, myself, to far as.my abilities will admit, to perform the duties of tho office with iiitegritf and humanity. Roaring Creek, May 20, f837. . SHERIFFALTY. To the Iilcctors of Columbia county : BTELLOW CITIZENS : At the urgent solicita ' lions of numerous friends, I offer myself as a andidatc lor the office ol SHERIFF. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of otcs, and procure my commisMon, I pledge myteli to execute the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS McIlENKV May 13, 1637. SHERIFFALTY n rn-piit iitimlipr nf mv fripuds nuil villvisli- 1 rigam olh-r mysOllas a candidate lor the Office of Sheriff of the county of Columbia, at (ho next general clcc lion, ll you would uc so goou as 10 givo me your votes, there shall lack nothing on my part to do my duty with accuracy and mlclity. YVlLil.ilA.Vl iviiuiiwr. Danville, Juno 24, 1837. To the Freemen of Columbia county. TTNELLOW-CITIZEN : At the request of ma Rj ny personal friends, I solicit your votes at tho approaching election lor me Office of Sheriff. Should a majority of your suffrages elevate mo to tho station I pledge myself to discharge the duties of tho office with correctness and impartiality. In ask ing your support, tho subscriber is prompted ny a dctiro to promote tho public good; and ho hopes that liis largo family, his poverty, and his inability to sup port himself by labor, may obtain him tho votes of those who can feel for tho wants of an honest and Qualified neighbour. Orangcville, July 2!T, 1837. . TO THE ELECTORS OF CO L.UMBIA COUNTY. IJELLOW-CITIZENS: At tho request of my friends I offer myself as a candidate for tho Office of Sheriff, at the ensuinfj general election, and solicit your votes and interest. Should I bo elected I shall en doavor to morit the favour, by a' correct and faithful fulfilment of tho duties of tho office. WILLIAM RICHART. Madison, July 20, 1837. SUGAR 8c COFFEE ! ITklRlME COFFEE, at Twelve and n half I Cents nor Pound, and a superior quality of SUGARS nt Eight and Ten Cents, for sale at tho new and. cheap storo of J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Aug. 20. 500 GOEW BP.OOMS3 T Twenty Cents each, tor saio at uia encap etorc til J.T. MUBSBIjMA.'x, cs v.e. WIIiltESBARRE LINK or MAIL STAGES I observed a notice m tho "Keystone," (under one which I 'published,) signed by Air. I. C. Gil christ, Agent, stating that the Susquchaunah Boat hmo would carry passengers m less tunc han tnc Mail Stage which is not the fact. It will bo un derstood that .the Boat leaves Harrisburg ono day before the Stage; yet wo havo taken Passengers through to Wilkcsbarre in time for the Montrose . stages, i'iot.wihsanding tho tnrdyiinnncr in which 'the mail is brought from Harrisburg to us at Nor thumberland. If any other persons had the convey ance of the mails from Harrisburg to Northumber land than those connected witli the Boats, I would engage to start at the same hour with the Boat at Harrisburg, and deliver the mail and tlie parscngcrs TWELVE HOURS sooner than the Boat Lino possibly can do, if. When the Company runs a stnee from Northum berland to Wilkcsbarre, the mail can arrive at Nor thumberland from Harrisburg by 11 o clock, A. M but when the Boat runs above, they then keep buck the stage at Northumberland until 4 o clock 1 M. and sometimes as late as 7 o'clock, I'. JU. Thcseare facts, which, if the Post Master General u no aw arc of, it is time he was made acquainted wftli them'. rrtvlni nassencers ivtshinir to take Ihe slase at h'urlhumicrland. to so through to Montrose, will he lutcen on in lime lo secure scats in the Montrose stave. nolwUhslandlnir the dclan of the Opposition lit timVlllg III tltWtllUCUU'tU, IVHUfcl llliyt upon a regular tine Jvr starling. WILiIjIAAI KUUIOUH. Blootnsburg, June 10, 1837. SITSdtUBHANNAH LINE OK ""',rr PACKET AND FREIGHT UOATS. From Philadelphia, by Rail Rpad Canal to Harrisburg, Aorummuerianu, uan : villo, Cattaicissa, flloomsburg, Bcrivi'tk, inikcsbarre, Mil Jon, IFilliamsport, and intermediate places. ASSENGERS can leave tho West Chester Hotel, Uroad street, Philadelphia, daily, at C o clock, A. M. reach iiarrisourg oito ciock, r. -u. of thb same day ; 'Northumberland ttt 10 o'clock A. M. of tho next day; and wilKcsuarro on me suc ceeding morning at 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will immediately htart for Carbondalo, Tunkhannock and Montrose, end fhence io tho Western part of New York fctatc. RETURNING The Boats leave Wilkcsbarre daily, at 10 o'clock, A'. M., and arrive at Blooms burg at 4 o'clock, V. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at 5 o'clock on tho following morning, and reaches Columbia in timo to tako tho morning Cars foi Philadelphia. Tlw Boats also arrive at Williamsport, oh the Vcst Branch, at about 9 o'clock, P. M. of the same day on which they reach Northumberland and rc urn daily. The Boats on the above lines havo been repaired, and are now confidently recommended to the PUB LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode h'f travelling. SEATS may be taken in Philadelphia at the north-east corner of Fourth & Chcsnut streets, at No. 200 Market street, and at the West-Chester Hotel, Broad street. ' FREIGHT may bo fonvarded by Rail Road from Orrich & Nobles and J. J. Lewis &. Co, Broad street, and by Capt. McCabcs Lino of Union Canal Ooats to Harrisburg, where they will be received by the SusqUclianna Line from Jabcz Harrasdin, Vine street Wharf, achuylKUl. . . y. Mc. u. uitiuiimo i , Wilkcsbarre, Juno' 10, 1837. Jgtnt To Travellers up the North Branch cf.the ousauenanna. "BrA8SENGERS by the Susquehanna Boat Line ! irom AoiiiiuiiiuenuiHi, u. ...v-.. ElGllT HOUltS sooner than by the Mail Line of Stages, and reach Montroto TWENTY-FOUR hours sooner. i: uc. j. vinculum , June 10, 1837. Ag- IfEV GOODS. The Subscriber AS Suit rnilvnl from Philadelphia, a assortment of GOODS, which havo been purchased very low, and arc now offered to custom era at reduced prices. An oxccllent article of Cor fee is now offered at twelve and a half cents per pound fast quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten cents, ana second quaiuy ai agm nmof" t" Ho has also a large and full assortment of Iron & Hollow-Ware, Which ho offers at tho lowest prices. Tho public aro respectfully invited to call and oxamme his as sortment., . , 03" AH kinds of country produce will bo taken , exchange tor good,. C. B. FISHER. Bloomshurg, Aug. 19, 1837. tfmV a superior quality, just received and for sale W by tho subfecriber. j, d, iwuu" Bloomburg, Ang. 8,. 1837. CATTAWtSSA HOUSE THE SUBSCRIBER returns his acknowlcdg ments to his friends for theirlibernl patronage, and would respectfully inform the public in general, that ho has fitted up his establishment, in Cattawis sa, near the bridge, and SIGK OF THE CP.SS n a very superior style, which will render comfort and convenience to nil who may favor him with their custom. His TABLE is supplied with tho luxu ries of a bountiful market; his BAR well stored with tne cnoiccsi j.iquors; and liis si AUljlAU con tains plenty of prqvcndcr, and is attended by a care- lul hostler, lie solicits all lo give him a call, and cclsconlident that he will render satisfaction. S. MIOBST. Cattawissa, June 17,1837. literature, Science A General News. , , , THE PHILADELPHIA . I SATURDAY CHRONICLE, A FAMILY NEWSl'ArEIt. PROSPECTUS OF SECOND VOLUME. Commencing May 20, 1837. flic SATURDAY CIIHONICLE is a family newspaper, published on a sheet of tho largest mam moth size, anil issued regularly lrom I'luiailclpnia, every Saturdny. It is entirely unconnecteil with party polities, and sectarianism, anu is zealously de voted to the cause of Literature, Science and Gen eral Intelligence, as. calculated to entertain and in struct every branch of the family circle. The de sign of the publishers is, to furnish a newspaper that shall instruct as well as amuse, and cnligliten uic middle-aged, as well as entertain, and direct to prop er objects of htudy, the mind o,i youth, ,-inoir un precedented siicces's during tho past year (having obtained a very extensive circulation not only in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, but in every State of the Union) induces them to believe that their plan of publication is a good onf, and during the succeeding year, they will continue i pursue it zealously, with such improvements and modifica tions an may from time to tinio be sugestcdr General Contents of the Chronicle. Talcs and Essays pn Literary, Scientific and Moral subiccU Sketches of History and Biography Reviews of new publications Stories from the Classic writers Popular Statistic of the Woild Ladies' Departmcnts-Original Communications from somCof the best writers ol I'huadelphia and clscwhcro Mcdipal Lectures bcicnce and Art Aericulturc and Rural Economy Popular Super stitions Curious C.ustoms and Manners Euro pean and Domestic Correspondence Articles on Music, the Urania, and other amusements varie ties, amusing incidents, &c. and a carefully prepared synopsis of tho Current is ews of the Day, both r or- cign und Domestic Attractions of the first Volume. A regular correspondence from Europe, furnished by an able and eloquent writer, now on a tour through Europe, and engaged expressly for the Chronicle. Of this correspondence more than forty letters have been furnished. A scries of articles oh Medical subjects, embracing lectures on Anatomy, in familiar language, from the ncn of a distineuished Physician of Philadelphia. Tho republication, in a supplementary sheet, of he choiccit and best articles of tho several London Annuals, for 1837, embracing articles from all the prominent English writers of the present day. The cost of theso Annuals at retail is about $30 their principal contents havo been furnished tho readers of the Chronicle gratis. Tim renublieation of the inimitable Pickwick Pa tiers, from the pen of the best comic writer of the i-iro. Charles Dickens. Esn. Original contributions on Litoraturc, Science, Law, Education, Poetry, Political Economy, &c, from a number of the vary best writers In America. Extra Attractions for the second Volume. The publication of tho original articles, written for tho Premiums of $350, embracing a great num ber of compositions of merit. Tho original talc, to .which will be awarded the prize of $100, will proba bly be published in the first number ot tho second volume. . Tbe European Corrcsporidcnce will bo regularly contmued, as will also the Stories from tho Classics, and indeed all tho attractive features of the first vol ume. Tho notes and observations of a literary gen tleman, now on a four , through tho Western and Southern States, aro also promised for publicaUon m the Chronicle. Choice literary selections will bo furnished from tho London Monthly, Bcntley's Miscellany, Black wood's, aid other European Magazines, care being taken to select tho very best articles, "winnowing tho wheat from thp chair," from tho great mass of English Literature, and not to allow their number to interfere witli our usual varioty. Advantage will bo taken of every cir?umstanco calculated to add in terest to tho columns of tho Chronicle. Tho pub lishers being determined to allow non to outstrip them in the "March of Improvement." During the. past year tho publishers havo paid", for original con tributions, premiums, correspondence, kc, more than 1000 Dollars, And a still larger sum will bo expended, for similar purposes, during the publication of tho second vol ume. TERMS OF THE CHRONICLE. For a single copy for one year, $2, in advance, six copies for $10; or three copies for $5. For sir months, ono dollar. (fj Small notes on all solvent Banks, received at par, in payment of subscriptions. Address (post paid.) Matthias & taylor, Publishers. Philadelphia. NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. On the first of Juhi. 1837, will le published, beau tifully jirinlcd, on good paper, and stitched in it wrapper, extra, large royal octavo, the hbst NUgBtn of anew 1'eriodical Work, entitled The Gentleman's Magazine. THE announcement of a new periodical, in tho present state of affairs, may create some feel ing of surprise; but having contemplated an altera tion in tho nature of.a very popular monthly pub licatjon, 'Every Body's Album,' the, proprietors deem it best to proceed ill the perfected arrangements, and produce a periodical embodying the most wholesome points ot the old work, but conductcdwith sufficient energy and .talent to ensure the success of their new arrangements. 1 he respectable and extensive sub scription, list of tho Album, to which this.work is de signed as a successor, will at once place THE GENi TLEMAN'S MAGAZINE in a circulation equal to that of any other monthly work in tho United Stales, and guarantee the continuance of its publication, with the certainty of payment to the enterprise of the pro prietors. Tho contents of tho Gentleman's Magazine will. in every respect, be answerable to the meaning of the title. We do not pretend, in our literary pursuits, to fly as "caglcsoar, above. Jlic ken ofman," nor shall wo be content with merely skimming tho sur face of tho ground; our pages will, not bo filled with abtrukc predictions, nor shall we display the brilliancy of our critical acumen in matters "caviare to the mil lion." In short, we do not mean to be profoundly learned, nor philosophically dull. Wo wish to pro duce a gentlcfnanly agreeable b,ook an epitome of life's adjunctives a literary melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, and sufficient interest to command a place upon the parlour table of every gen tleman in the united btatc.. t In the varied and ample pagc qf contents attached to each number of tho Gentleman's. Magazine, origir nail articles will be found, 'rifiiip'somc of the most ce'ebraled writers of tho day ..Essays, Humorous nnd Didactic Graphic Deingfltions of Men and Manners. Free nnd Spirited -Translations, of tho lighter portions of the Literature of continental Eu rope. A Series of Original Biographical Notices of tho principal stars in the Dramatichcmisphcrc. The Current Literature will ho reviewed in lull, onano- , cral extracts made from rare and valuable works. An Original copy Right Song, not otherwise to bo obtained, will bcjrivcn, witlltlfe music, in every num. bcr. . ' , The Gentleman's Magazine will contain seventy two extra sizcd.octavo pages, of two columns each, forming, at trio close of the year, two largahandsomo' vo.umcs of Ono Thousand Seven Hundred and T enty-cight columns, each column containing one' third more than an" octavo pago of average propor tions, Spvcral engravings will bo gh en in tho course' of tho year; and the proprietors pledge themselves that tho Gentleman's Magazine shall bo the largest & the cheapest monthly work in the United States- CHARLES ALEXANDER JOURNEYMEN TAILORS fjjrtWO Journeymen Tailor.fr, if good workmen) H and of sober and industrious habits, wiltind constant employment and good wages, by applying to the subscriber, in Bloomsburg, immediately. BERNARD RUPERT. August!, 1837. A Journeyman Potter WILL meet with employment and liberal wa ges by niaking immcdiate application to tho subscriber, at Espyfown. HUGH THOMPSON. Aug. 19, 1837. " AN APPRENTICE to the Blacksmithing bu binces. A Bpy between 10 and 18 years of age, of good character and steady habits, will find a situation by applying to the subscribkr, at Ins rcsi dcnconearEspytown. jqhn HAZLET, Jr. July 8, 1837. 11Y REQUEST, my Dicr Elizabeth, . I feel sory to larne that I am not permitted to co'mo nnd see you .openly, but my mind and my heart is with you every day, yes every hour Ol hope the time will arriie, when wo my join hands and hearts and pass on in pease, cheering each oth crto our far journeys cnt unUll the gates of ever, lasting life, shall bo opened and .admit glorious presence of our Lord I will conclude with a few waymes o let my name in graven Btand both on your heart, and on your hand f,pal me upon your arm and warn "that pledge of love for ever there N B do not bo unesy about the bearer of this letter for nothing will be said and I will remain your lover till death , J German Answer to the Prose. sir your hart I never felt for your hope is gon a stray , by joining hands and harts two Copper for Dros will Never Do Answer to. waymes ' I let your name ingravin stand ' ! your oath you took and Lyes havo told you. sealed it upon your hart and ware that pledge of the Devil is ever thcUabelh' Steam-syrup Molasses, OF a very suporior quality, for sale at tho new and cheap store of MUS6ELMAN,&Co. JOB PRINTING, Executed at this Office,