The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 02, 1837, Image 3

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. 1
SATURDAY, SEPT. 2. 1837.
Th? OHicc of lic "COlYSJiW
BIA IWElTIOCIiAT" is removed
to thc?JRtiiI(Ung adjoining; W.
Robison'r Stage SMfiee. LAW
Office next door.
Our'Own Affairs. Jl few of our pa-
tions nave complied with our terms the bility to spread 'this denial before our read--rrtony
navc entirely overlooked our claims, ers in time to have effect upon the Dele-
,1!nn,l.niilnWii nftmivlillfT I irttfi nlnnlmno tlilt!f.ll irn 1 1 rtl 1 1 fliiaVlt. Kit
tho establishment of a new press our ex-
Uio esiaDiisnmcni. oi a new jm:3 uui ua-
''..ipc'nscsfand necessities they would doubt-
' lcHSpla'nk down the rhino;" and we hope
this gciftle hint may have the desired cllcct.
Tho'chara'cter and execution of a newspa-
per "rhamly depends upon the punctuality of
its patrons; forhy complying with its terms,
- theyigivo an impetus to the editor's cxer-
' tiorisV'afford the means necessary to pro-
curqTgopd materials, and thus arc certain to
sccuroiomplc enumeration for their patron
OTioTDemocrats of Columbia county will
clcctiTownship Delegates, to meet in Co'un-
ty.Xcravcntion on Monday next in this
'iDceLct every one turn out, and thus
- " jrivo the nrimarv expression of the scnti-
mpntof the nartv as to whom they wish
, . , . r .1 ir.
t-placedupon the ticket for the various offi-1,
rtess liet fair tlay dictate the nomina-
Vtions -let union and harmony induce a
feoitsolidatcd support from the party and
. ;r'i.lmi,:,nAiir will nf.
1 ... ..said; that deducting the commission and
l.0rC co lor amuse.ncu man ..
thin'gelsc. Wc go for union for success;
r ajiilt.wb hope the same spirit may actuate
loveryldcmocrat who cither attends the
Toyhship elections this day, or appears as
'a Delegate on Monday next.
D cmocracy of Columbia county
SviUtpfaco in nomination the difl'erent can
didates', for office. For Asscihbly, there-1
IhayojS&een but three individuals named
Daniel Gnoss, of Uloomsburg, William
SDavis, of "Washington, and Evan O.
Jackson, of Bui wick. The two first are
'"fresh from the ranks of the people,'
'having been candidates for office, although
, .. C 1
"nueviaung supporter U( UIU luu -,. ...w-
iBUiesj'oi uio ucmocrauc nariy: mo
SvasTthe representative of this county, in
r ,thejast Session of the legislature.
For the
''blhervoffices numerous persons have been
, -fn!med; and as we lake no public part for
ffiindividual, we can only hope that such
ymay be nominated as will secure the
kttnited and active support of the party,
yjffijfine, we wish fair means to bo cxerci
sedlin effecting the nomination of our whole
. A; "tticlict vvc wish l4good men and tnio" to be
V 'oucandidates and with the zeal and har
jropnygencrally manifested by thti Demo
i.'crabt' tiiis county, wc cannot fail to se-
)turo'a glorious triumph over all opposi
iioof Our nbxt number will raise the
names of the. Democratic candidates to its
-'131..., ui:.
.muai-nuuu, u m wu uuuuuu. y u.u
;itjyin;besucha ticket as will demand Blip-
. port anu ensure success, nay our wisnua
? , .
be realizea.
K).iir?TWo have been authorised to state
.ifeat&w announcement of the name of Sam-
.f-mu&r, t-, r-vt:ii;....iiin . n mn
wSHCreasy, Esq. of Miillinvillc, as acau-
Mdi'dato for Coroner, vvas without his knowl-
irrlrri!. TIo declines beinir a candidate for
t H ....
.imvrnflirm nt this u nction.
bcrn, and even the grand entre liito the vil
laSe will be worth witnessing. Thoso who
ftvnulil wish in "nvnlnro the creat museum
KwrTnliivA 'J ...Hi .nrtnlnlv Imvfl n Mrri rrrnli-
raW, i i m-. . i..i., x, nA
. . . ... . Hi:i
bvlnnivn nr.ll Anlmn nl Iln'ititn nnrl Mims.
- ICT'Tho communication of "Jl Demo
. . . . . - . -. i-x
1" .1 . . .--t:i r
licrar. lmnuaciiinir mo lnteirniv oi ivuu
lOackson, Esq. as an Anti-bank man, came
Ibo late for this paper. If necessary it will
.iff?.., 1 f - . I
' o - -
if eceive a ptace in uur nexi numuer.
f ' 4.V , tCT-The Zoological Exhibition, as ad- 25; Sarah Ann Snyder, 50; Mrs. Gearhart,
at at ' ,. ,. ... ,,v 25; Cash, 1.00; Joseph Coleman, 50; Jo-
f '"tl8ed "l F r .,, P , f y s''' McClnre, 1.00: Margaret MoClure,
I , Jin JBloomsburg. It will bo a splendid con- 25. Jano McOluto. 25: James McClnre.
A correspondent in tho last "Danville
Intelligencer" lias attacked the official in
tegrity of John Fruit, Esq. and published
a statement of his accounts, as Treasurer of
Columbia county, for tho years 1832, 1834,
and 1835. 15y this exhibit of his transac
tions, Mr. Fruit is made a defaulter to the
amount 02,073 83; and from tho face of
the account, persons not acquainted with
the manner in which business of that de
nomination is conducted, would readily in
fer that he really 'owed that amount, and
retained it in 1 is own. hands. This, how
ever, is not Tim cash; and, as the promul
gallon of the statement is only intended to
affect his nomination as a candidate for
Khcrifl, wo Icel m duly bound to give a
direct contradiction to it, from an cxamina
lion of Ins account, as iixinniTnu by tiiu
arc aware of the late hour ol the nnpossi-
as an act of justice to the abused, we pro-
.ia an vi junni-ii
nouncc the whole
point of 'fact, and
statement incorrect m
id only calculated to an-
swer a polurcnl purpose. Vc sibjo1n a
statc'ment Irom lluoii Mo Williams, bsq.
the present County Treasurer, as published
in the last "Intelligencer," from which it
will be seen that our own examination is
ratified, and that Mr. Fruit is not only free
from the charges of being a defaulter, but
entirely free from any responsibility or
censure on account of his official transac
From the Danville Intelligencer.
I, Hugh M' tniliams, Treasurer of Co
luinbia Count
ounty, do hereby certify, that I
of ihe bail of John Fruit, as
p -r, t i- r. . . .i
of Columbia County, to the
was one
Stale, for the years 1832, 1833, and 1831;
a" that John l'ruit was charged. at the Air
GcAomVa QfflC0 wilhtllc whole a.
lnollnt 0f 6t!ltc lax for tlcsc yCars; that
loscpli Uccn; Treasurer lor said county in
1835, collected and paid over part of the
monies enargen 10 .lonn rruu as aiorc-
Allowances, and the money collected by
jir, nCcn, the" balance in full of tho money
I lhr mniim
charged to John Fruit vvas paid by him to
me in county orders, and that I am accoun-
table to the State for any balance that may
remain unpaid, lor the years that John rruit
was treasurer ol Columbia county, of
which there is now but a small balance re-
maining unpaid.
Danvillo, August 24th, 1837.
10" At the request of the agent of the
General Assembly's Hoard of Education,
we give publicity to the annexed individu
al donations from members of ihe Prcsby
terian Church at Rloomsburir, towards the
advancement of the cause.
Hoiu Leonanl Ru . $5.00; Miss Har
net Kuncrt. s.OOt Mrs. .Marv Everett. 1.00:
Benjamin Boone, 2.00; James MeOlurp,
1.00; John Dietrich, 1.00; Miss Mary Mc-
Ulure, 1.00; John K. Girtnn, 50; Josiah
McClnre, 50; Mrs. Elizabeth Barbour,
5.00; William McKelvy, 2.00; John How-
ycr, 2.00; Mrs. Florence Clarke. 1.00;
Mis. Sarah Furman, 1.00; John Chembcr-
lin, 1.00; Isaac D. Gulick, 25; A Friend,
75; Robert Cathcart, 1.50. Whole amount,
Bloomsburg, Aug. 29, 1837.
Received the above contributions for the
funds of the General Assembly's Board of
Agent G. A. B. E.
JC7We have also been solicited to make
a similar publication of acknowledgments
for iamiml donation8i by persons in this
noi hbourhoblli t0 the Kev Mr. Hall,
i . c , . . .
agent for the American Board of Commis-
sioncrs for Foreign Missions.
William Robison, $2.00; Robert Cath-
rt, 1.00; Willia.n McKelvy, 3.00; John
Bovcr, 2.00; W ilham Nea , 1 .00; W . Btrd,
. 10()j
sloi)I1i l QQ. J sloa)) 5Q. gHgan 1Jiirleyi
50: Marv Barklov. 50: O. H. Fisher. 1.00
l...-l TTm....' r.n. r 11 Ac.
i uuuuo uuiuci, uu, iiuuruu jumi, u.
Afri, on. n.,..ii o i rt. r....i.
- 5.00; Miss McWilliams, 25; Benjamin
Boone, 1.00; Hon. Leonard Rupert, 5.00;
iurs- Mcuriue,
jOThc democrats of Union county
have nominated Henry learick, Esq. for
I v '
Assembly; and the antimasons havo nomi-
- natcd Frmcis Jl. Doyer. Neither party
I ...i I i C I rr'.li..
I ..l,.inl,r..l llm Clm.ifTn lir tn ttintn lliL'rtl
w. "'"--" . i
I . . . . .
leaving tho success or candidates more uu-
pendent upon their individual exertions than
..nnn rnl,. fnnl,lr.
I upon party feeling.
Military Encampment. On Tuesday
next there will be an encampment of Vol
unteers from the different neighbouring
counties, at Duncan's Island. It is antici-
pated to he a splendid and large concern;
and those who are fond of military display
...r.,,1. nnrlninlv tin
hr-.AV ,, -r..
subjoined communication, which is the pro-
dnction of a subscriber, notwithstanding we
feel no disposition to support the individual
named unless lie he fairly nominated at the
County convention.
Mr. Ingram' Please announce through
your paper iliat Evan O. Jackson, Esq. of
nn.t..:nir :.. i im:. r.
, , .0. . . .
scat m tho legislature. His nomination
should not he opposed, for two terms have
always been allowed for anv office, and
w '
nothing can certainly be said against his
faithful representation of the interests of his
Mr. Editor: I was much pleased to ob
serve the name of Daniel Gross mciition-
ed in your paper as a candidate for Assem-
bly. lie certainly incrits the support of
0f tho Democratic party, and if nominated
will certainly receive a warm support from
Mr. Editor: Please announce the name
of John P. DAvis, of Cattawissa, as a can-
uiuaie lor uounty Commissioner, lie is a
good citizen a good accountant a good
democrat and will unquestionably make a
good Commissioner.
Please be so kind as to
announce JOHN RHODES, as a candidate
n, ,.,) 'm,...
lor bounty J reasurcr.
J T Tijpn'PY
MARRIED On the 27th ult by Stephen
Baldy Esq. Mr. Hiram Burger to Miss
Sarah Hower, daugliter of George How
cr, nil of Roaring creek, Columbia county
.- ,.ff,ff.BW,t,.,L1. ..
DIED. In Briar Creek tdvvnshin. on
s . w ,,pr p . t jn AT Sl.
J '
in the 38th year of her are.
In Hemlock township, on the same day,
at Hannah wife of Peter
. , ,...,, r T .
"l'l "-""' J'--S" ""
dee'd. aged about 30 years.
Ifllll -til Vl'!ir.
LL kinds of CHAIN wanted, for which the
highest market price will lie paid, at the new
and cheap store of the subscribers.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 2, 1837.
Ilushelsof Flux-Sted wanted, and
the highest price paid, by
J. T. Musselman, Co.
September 2.
N assortment of Merinos just received, and for
sale at the cheap store of
.. T. Musselman, $ Co.
Notice to Builders.
THE School Directors of Madison township
will attend at tho house of Jeremiah Wclli-
vit, in Jcrscytown, on Thursday, tho 14th day of
September, instant, for the purpose of receiving pro
posals lor uuilmng
in said Township when and where plans will bo
exhibited ami proposals received till 5 o'clock P. M.
ofsaid day.
UAl.uli 'i'llUjYiAO, j res t.
Madison, Sept. 2, 1837.
Oraiigcvillc & Kolirersbui's:
OU will meet for parado in Orangeville, on
Sxtuuiiat, the 0th of September iust. at 10
o clock. A. M.. pronorly cquipneu, provuicu wiui.
four roiuuls of blank cartridges, and two rounds of
powder and ball. lJy order of tho uapt.
Orangeville, Sept. 2, 1837.
Washington Guards !
YOU are commanded to meet at the public house
of John Mcltcynolds, in Hemlock township,
on Saturday, thoUtuUayot cscptcnmcr inti. m iu
o'clock, A. M. properly equipped, and provided with
ten rounds of blank cartnges. uy oruer oi tuo iap'
tain. J. DEIDLEMAN, O.S'
September 2, 1837.
milE Independent Troop will meet at tho house
1 - . , . v . in '
ion oaturuav ino tun oi ocpicmuvr iiuai, i "
I . . . , f , i j ;il
ciock, Ai.wmoa inonippcuwrunu.
y 01 " 0 0 op amr. w. DRA1CE, O. .
, TllnrotJ,...,. lo I fi 1 St.
DJoomebuxy, Auj-19 Wl.
riio Democratic citizens of Columbia
County, friendly to, and supporters of the
Prcsct administration of the General Gov-
irillHUlll, UIIU up IUSCU 10 U1C nrCSCni Anil
vawvlllUi tiuauiflj lilLIIUif UIIU 1113
imsauimiusirauuii 01 incanairs 01 ine stale.
ccs of h(f,din tou.nshin mcGtins fo 'l!ic
election of Inspectors of the neneral election
aml township Assessors, on oaturdau the
2.m f. Member next, for the purpose of
election ilistrint in nM, ,..,,!
the house of Daniel Gross in Bloomshurfr
on the following Monday, at 12 o'clock of
Ba'".uay, lor n o purpose oi selecting and
Huiuiiiauiiir uauuiuaics to ue sunporicu nv
t,,e democratic party at the next general
election for Member of Assembly, Sheriff,
Coroner, Commissioner, Treasurer, and
Standing Committee,
August 19, 1837.
J. T. ilfussclmnii, Sc. Co.
ESPECTFL'LLY announce to the public
splendid assortment of FIJES11 GOODS in the
store-room adjoining Gross's Hotel, in Uloomsburg,
I where they will feel happy to wait upon all those
wno may lcel disposed to give them a call. Iheir
stock ofGoods is very extensile, and have been care
fully selected; and they flatter themselves on being
able to sell better and cheaper goods than have here
tofore been offered to tho public in this vicinity.
Among their stock will be found the following supe
rior articles of
Superfine blue, black, brown, olive and
steel-mixed broad cloths, cassimcrcs and
sattinetts, canton and woo'lcn flannels, rose
blankets, a general assortment of calicoes,
merinoes, eircasians and bombazetts, mer-
ino camlet, tartan nlnid. fi.mrml nnd nlnin
silk velvet, silk and valentia vestinn-s, brown
J, i.l 1- ,.:ii. . i
uiauiv suks, HiiigLus, inenno ana uuuii
llrftSS Iiniifll;pmhinfc frino nnil in or inn
shawls, llarr and bandanim lnindknrrhiefs.
figured and plain bohinctt, book muslins,
jaconetts, mull muslins, Irish 1 nen, linen
and cotton diaper. Canton & Italian cranes.
fancv cravats, stocks and. shirt collar,. Mm-ca
I n ...... .
ol all Kinds, hosiery, pruncllo and morocco
shoes, cotton and silk umbrellas travelling
baskets, and a general assortment of do
mestic (joous, such as muslins, checks,
tickings, cotton yarn, &c.
at G & 8 CJEHfTS per yard.
They have also a general assortment of
Ear iron, steel, nails, snikee, sprigs,
screws, hinges, locks, latches, glass aad
orass uurcau tcnous, knives and Jorku,
spoons, lamps, brass andiron candlesticks.
buckles, augers, flat irons, hand and pan-
net saws, Jrying pans, wajjle irons, curr.y
combs, shovels, dripping pans, coffee
mills, iron squares, brass andirons, cutting
knives, drawing knivet, scissors, razors,
spectacles, shoe pincers, plated spurs,
gimblcls, knitting pins, shoe tacs, steel
yards, and a general assortment of brush
es, yc.
China, Glass
Paints, Oils,
rugs & MiEiiscronss
&C. &C. ctC. &c.
They respectfully invito those who want
Fresh and Cheap goods, to call and see
their assortment.
tCfCan't be forever selling S10.000
worth of goods.
taken in payment or exchange
Bloomsburg, August 20, 1837.
RIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a half
Cents per I'uimd, and a superior quality
of SUGARS at Eight and Ten Cents, for salo at
the new and cheap store of
Bloomsburg;, Aug. 20.
T Twenty Cents each, for salo at the chesp
store oi j. i; MUooiaLiMan, ct ira.
County Treasurer.
WE arc outhomcd to state that 11 1 Gil Mo
WILLIAMS, Esq. will boa cundidau at
the next election for County Treasurer.
Aug. 20, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
FELLOW-CITIZENS : At tho solicitation of
my friends I offer myisclf .is a candidate for
and respectfully solicit your votes at tho ensuing
election, it succcsslul, I pledge myself to perform
the duties of the office with impartiality and fidelity.
Limestone, August 20, 1837.
E have been authorised to announce STE
PHEN 1IALDY, Esq. of Cattawissa. as
a candidate for County Commissioner at the ncit
Aug. 19, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
17JELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation f
ntany friends throughout tho county, I offer
myself as a candidate for the office of
at the next General election, and would feel grateful
for your support. JOHN FHUIT.
Madison, Juno 3, 1837. .
To the Electors of Columbia county i
BTELLOW CITIZENS: At tho solicitation of a
number of my friends I have been encouraged
to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of
at the ensuing General Election. If I should be so
fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I
ledeo myself, to far as my abilities will admit, to
perform the duties of the office with integrity and
rm mi kline.
Roaring Creek, May 50, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county :
"w r t t (yr pt'im'i'vc . i ...
' tion3of numerous friends, I offer mvself as a
candidate for the office of
Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of
votes, and procure my commission, I pledge myself
to ciecute the duties ol the ollice with fidelity and
impartiality. ELIAS MclIENKY.
May 13, 1837.
ELLOW-UITIZENS: At the solicitation of
a great number of rriy friends and wcll-wisE-
ers, 1 af;aiu offer my self as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff
of the county of Columbia, at the nest general elec
tion. If you would be so good a? to give me your
votes, there shall lack nothing on my part to do my
duty with accuracy and fidelity.
Danville, June 24, 1837.
To the Freemen of Columbia county.
R7HELLOW-OITIZEN : At the request o'fma
ny personal friends, I solicit your votes at the
approaching election for tho
Office of Sheriff.
Should a majority of your suffrages elevate mo to
the station I pledge myself to discharge the duties of
tho office with correctness and impartiality. In ask
ing your support, tho subscriber is prompted by d
desire to promote the public good; and he hopes that
his largo family, his poverty, and his inability to sup
port himself by labor, may obtain him tho votes of
those who can feel for the wants of an honest and
nualiticd neighbour.
Orangeville, July 29, 1837.
I.'T T fYlU f'ITt'fVS. A ). rnmiKct nf mv
' friends I offer myself as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff,
at the ensuing general election, and solicit your
votes and interest. Should I be elected I shall en
deavor to merit the favour, by a correct and faithful
fulfilment of the duties of the office.
Madison, July 29, 1837.
WO Journeymen Tailors, if good workmen,,
and of sober and industrious habits, will find
constant employment and good wages, by applying'
to tho subscriber, in Bloomsburg, immediately.
August 20, 1837.
Steam-syrup Molasses
F a very superior quality, for s-alo at the new
and cheap store of M USSELMAN, & Co.
very extensivo assortment of Cedar Ware, just
received, and for sulc at the now store of
Bloomsburg, August 20,1837,
Cosbcu Cliccse,
OF a vcrv superior quality, for sale at the New
and Cheap Store of tho subscribers in Blooms
burg. J.T.MrSSELMAN.&Oo.
Aug. 0,1837.