The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 02, 1837, Image 1

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I liavo sworn upon the Altar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mlnil of Man." Thomas Jefferson.
Inm'c I.
' From tho Boston Atlas.
Richard Montgomery was born in Ire
land, in the year 1737, and was a member
ofamost respectable family in the north
part of that couniry. They arc not of "the
titled nobility, but arc of such a standing
"asrcspects property and character, that
athey4 associate with the lushest in the land.
- This was the standing of tho family when
Richard was born, and such it continues to
"to to the present day.
tYrV$775, when troops were raised for
' the Continental service in these (then) Col
onics, Mr. Montgomery was found residing
on tho banks of the North River, in the
State of New York. He had previously
b6en in the British service, and been on
tluty'with his regiment in this country, and
had, in soldiers' phrase, seen a great deal
of service.' His career from the first (and
he held a commission at the ago of eighteen)
waSjiriarkcd with intrepidity and rcmarka
blecouragc, so much so, that he was a uni
versal5 favorite with his fellow soldiers,
i"rorn?the highest to the lowest. Notwith
standing which, he resigned his commission
whemhc returned with his regiment to Eng
land. Soon after this event, which was proba
bly only preparatory to the next step, he
returned to this country, and, being a sol
dier by profession, determined, if he fol
lowed his profession, that his talents should
-bo, used in the cause 'of liberty rather than
Uiatof tyranny.
vilh 1775, it has been stated, found him
Residing in tho State of New York, and the
Bame year found him in possession of a
commission of Brigadier Gcntiral in the
Colonial army. The post assigned him
Was under General Schuyler, who then
had "chief command of the northern army,
bo called, and whoso position Was on or
near the Canadian lines. He was not long
idle aftcrjoining the army, and his numer
ous engagements with the enemy were only
a series of victories, until he finally captu
red and took possession of tho important
Fort.ofSt. Jolin and city of Montreal;
Whilst these operations were going on,
"Washington was encamped with the main
tirmy in this vicinity, in Cambridge, and
then and there projected the expedition
Which set out under the command of Colo
nel Arnold, and crossed the wilderness from
the Kennebec river to the Canada lines.
The intention oT General Washington was,
that'thts detachment should join and co
operate with the northern army under
Schuyler, and that when united they would
'attack and capture tho fortress of Quebec.
After Arnold had been some weeks on his
march, 'and when he was in tho depths ot
the wilderness, news came to Washington
that Schuyler was sick, and was utterly
, Unable to lead the army to the intended at-
tack on Quebec. This was sad news to
Washington, for two reasons; first, he was
losing tho services of an officer in whom he
had great confidence; and next, tho gentle
! rnan whoin he believed to be second in com
mand, and who would of course . take
Schuyler's place, was one in whom ho had
Iittlo confidence for the execution of such
an enterprise as was then in hand. He be
i lieved fiio command devolved on General
) Wooster" and under this impression wrote
to Schuyler (who was then sick) as follows:
't "General Wooster, I am informed, is not
It of such activity as to press" through difil
'culties with which that service is environ
eJ am therefore much alarmed for Ar
, hold, whoso expedition was built upon
j, yours, nand who will inevitably perish if
the iriVasion and entry into Canada aro a
trbandoneUby your successor.'1
Thesefears, however, were not needed,
the fact being, though then unknown to
Washington, that Montgomery stood one
0 flegrco higher than Woostor, consequently,
he took the command, and Woostor, under
took a portion of the army.
AftCr this, when Washington was in
formed .that Montgomery was entitled to
(jrndiad assumed tho command, his joy was
unbounded. He knew Montgomery
character for enterprise, perscvcrcnce and
bravery, and consequently felt once more
full confidence in the success of the expedi
tion, th writing again to Schuyler, he
requested him 'to convoy his best wishes
and regards to General Montgomery.'
The result of this hold attempt on a for
tress which is one of the two strongest in
the World, is known to every reader of A
merican history. Montgomery fell in the
actual possession of victory, but his fall
created such a paViic and consternation a
mongst his followers, that defeat followed
almost instantly.
To show the political sagacity, as well
as the bravery of Montgomery, one fact
may be ndticcd. Whilst he was pushing
his conquests along the Canada lines, Con
gress saw the advantages that would be
gained, if the Canadians could be brought
over to take part with these colonics, and
appointed a committee to proceed to the
Northern Army and there confer with and
assist General Sehuyler. In tho instruc
tions to this committee arc these words:
"Congress desires you to exert your utmost
endeavors to induce the Canadians to ac
cede to a union with these Colonics, and
that they form from their several parishes
a provincial convention, and send delegates
to this Congress. "This was done in the
wisdom of Congress, arid all the formality
of a travelling Committee had to be used to
lay the invitations before the Canadians.
But, what was Montgomery doing all this
time? He had done, single handed, and
by the volition of his own will, the very
thihg which Congress had voted to do.
When he took possession of Montreal on
the 12th of November, ho issued a procla
mation or address to tho Canadians, in
which he gives the same invitation that the
Congress committee was. instructed to give,
and tho language of the twp 'documents is
so similar, that it would almost appear as if
they had been written by the same hand
So much for the sagacity and zeal with
which he devoted himself to the service of
his adopted country!
Montgomery's sense of honor was very
acute. He was one of the most high-mind
ed of men. An instance in proof will be
given. When the Fort of St. John capitu
lated to him, his own soldiers were riot in
the most comfortable situation as respected
their clothing. The British soldiers were
well provided. The circumstance was
rather tempting to the victorious army, par
ticularly on the approach and within the
reach of a Canadian winter. They thought
then, as some politicians are said to have
thought since, 'that the spoils belong to the
victors. Uut Iwongomcry said JNo: pri
vate property shall be respected. These
men are our prisoners, but we will not
strip them. He describes tho circumstance
himself, as follows, in a letter addressed to
General Schuyler at the lines and any
other language than his own would do him
injustice, when that ran be had access to.
'The officers of the first regiment of
Yorkers ami artillery company were very
near a munity the other day, because I
would not stop the clothing of the garrison
of St. Johns. I would not have sullied my
own reputation nor disgraced the continen
tal army, with such a breach ofcapitulation
for the world. There was no driving it
into their heads that tho clothing was real
ly tho property of tho soldier. That he
had paid for it, and that every regiment in
this country, especially, saved a year's
clothing to have decent clothes to wear on
particular occasions.'
To such noble conduct did his sense of
honor prompt him.
In thoso days it was no drawback to a
brave man and a soldier, that he was an I
rishman. Washington esteemed tho tal
ents and services of-tho Irish Montgomery
as much as he did those of tho Amorican
Schuyler. An instance will bo given
The insubordination of tho troops was a
source of great trouble to all tho command
ing officers in tho colonial service. This
contempt of authority had gained such as
cendancy in the northern army, that Schuyl
er, and Montgomery were both driven to
the determination at one time of lesigning
their commissions. Washington heard of
their chagrin, and wrote to Schuyler as
"I am very sorry to find that both you
and General Montgomery incline to quit
the service. Let me ask you, sir, when is
the time for brave men to exert themselves
in the cause of liberty and their country, if
tins is not? Should any difficulties that
they may have to encounter at this impor
tant crisis deter them? God knows thcrj is
not a difficulty that you both very justly
complain of, which" I have not in an emi
nent degree experienced. We must bear
up against them, and make the most of
mankind as they are, since we cannot have
them as we wish. Let me, therefore, con
jure you to lay aside such thoughts whilst
the country so much needs the services of
gentlemen of your abilities."
One more instance will only be given,
to show the esteem in which Montgomery
was held by Washington. After he had
heard of his fall in the city of Quebec, he
wrote to General Schuyler a letter, from
which thn following is an extract:
"I am heartily sorry, and most sincere
ly condole with you, upon the Vail of the
brave and worthy Montgomery. In the
death of this gentleman, America has sus
tained a heavy loss, having proven himself
a steady friend to her rights, and of ability
to render her the most essential service."
West Point was one of tho most imprcg.
nable posts of the American army during
the revolutionary army. Its command
ing situation afforded a prospect of the
country for many miles round, and its na
tural delences, assisted with a little art,
rendered it one of the most important fast
nesses of the American army during the
eigni years contest with the British na
tion; and the consequences attached to it.
in a military point of view, was evinced
by the frequent but unsuccessful efforts
of the enemy to obtain possession of it.
It was here that Arnold conceived the
horrid ptlrpose of bartering his country
lor gold. I his conspiracy, however,
which aimed a death blow at liberty in the
western hemisphere, resulted, as every
one knows, only m the universal contempt
and ignominy of Arnold, and tho lament
ed death of the unfortunate Andre.
It was in tho latter part of the year
17 , the fourth year of the struggle be
tween England and her colonies, that the
Urilish meditated another attack on West
Point, which they intended should decide
tne contest. For this pnrpose, secret
preparations had been going on for some
time, and small parties were daily sent
out to reconnoitre the American camp.
About three or four days before this me
morable action took place, one of these
reconnoitcring parties, fatigued with the
exertions of the day, and finding thf in un
able to reach their place of destination
before night, halted near the entrance of
a wood, resolving there to take up their
quarters for the night. The partv was
headed by a brave officer, Col Wi .
who though young, had already distin
guished himself in several engagements.
Being within three miles of the American
camp, and of courso liable at any moment
to bo surprised and taken prisoners by
the Americans, or the savages who' prow
led around, two of the party were obliged
to act as sentinels, while the others repo
sed themselves. Col. W , not being
inclined to sleep laid himself on the ground
near a tree, which his comnanion had as-
cended, and was soon completely absorb
ed in a reverie of bright hones of future
glory, strangely mingled with thoughts of
those nc had ictt in Ins native land, sud
denly he was aroused by tho tramping of
a horse, and seizing his musket, was pre.
paring to awaken his companions, when
he nreccived through tho trees, a foaming
stood, who had ran away with its rider;
an instant ho perceived it was a lady,
. , I
darting through the thicket, he caught
the bridle of the horse just in time to pre
vent her from being crushed under his
heels. He assisted the lady to dismount,
and half dead with 'error, she sank almost
senseless on the trunk ofa tree. By the
time the officer had secured the horse, she
recovered from her fright, and informed
him that she was the daughter of General
Montrose, commander of the garrison then
stationed at West Point; that riding out
with somo of her companions, her horse
had taken fright, and she was soon lost to
their view, and probably but for his time
ly assistance, she would have been dash
ed to pieces in the forest. When the la
dy Was sufficiently rested, the gallant of
ficer, at her own request, set out to escort
her home. The sun was just setting in all
its splendor and throwing its departing
beams upon the beautiful variegated hue
oi mo uisian; iorests, as tiiey came in
sight of tho American cncamnirient: thev
had not proceeded far, when they met the
lady's companions, her own brother and
a young friend, riding at full Speed in
search of her. Overjoyed at finding her
in safety, they forgot for a moment the
presence ofa stranger; the rescued ladv
was first to remember, and turning to the
officer, said, "by what name shall 1 thank
the brave preserver of my life?" "Re
serve your thanks, fair lady,
whosehands I was but the humble instru
menf," said the officer; "my name is Es
gene W Colonel in his majesty's 42d
regiment." "Engcne W - said th
lady's brother, "is it possible he can have
forgotten his friend Georire Montrose?'
"What ! arc you George Montrose?" said
the officer, and the soldiers embraced each
other. They had been classmates and in
tihiatc friends at Oxford, and when the
fallior of Montrose removed with his fam
.. . . . . f. t , , .
lly to America, just befdre the breaking
3 . , , . ,. u"-a,v,"fa
friends expect at parting to meet again as
soldiers in a different cause,
The morning at last dawned, which Was
as it might be said, to decide the fate of
the colonics; fot the British were already
in possession of New York, and several
other importaut places, and expected, if
successful in this last attempt, to bring
the colonies into entire submission. But
their projects were defeated th'c Ameri
cans received Intellgence of their move
ments a few hours before, and made such
hasty, preparations as time would permit,
and being actuated by one spirit, "to con
quer or to die,', this small garrison of five
hundred men, held out against four thou
sand of the British troops, till they recei
ved relief from head, quarters, three days
after, and then the British were entierly
defeated. General Montrose was woun
ded, but not mortally, and his son esca
peil unhurt, although he was in the thick
est part of the fray. Several of the ene
my were taken prisoners, among whom
was the gallant Col. V . Severely
wounded, he would never have recovered,
but for the care and attention of Kmilv
Montrose. After tho campaign was ended,
these two persons, so singularly bro't to
gether, were united in marriage.
The bride turned a little pale, and then
little flushed, and at last had iust the
right quantity of bright, becoming color,
and almost shed a tear, but not quito, for
a smile camo instead and chased it away.
The bridegroom was warned not to for
get tho ring, and a'l wore assembled round
tho altar. "I will," was uttered in a
clear, low voice, arid the now name was
written and Sophy Grey was Sophy Groy
no moro: and she turned her bright faco to
bo looked on, and loved: and admired, bv
tho crowd of relations and friends surroun
ding her; and they thought that Sophy
Stoketon was still dearer and prettier than
even Sophy Grey had been and then the
carriages were entered, and tho house was
reached, Sophy walkod into her father's
Number 19.
house her childhood's home her home
no longer and tho bridal drees was chan
ged, and the travelling dress took its place
and all crowded round her to say good bv
to look and look on that dear facts
more to feel that her fate was scaled to
pray that it might be a happy one to think
that she was going away away from her
nome away with a stranger? and tnars nml
miles were mingled, and fond looks, and
long embraces, and father's mingled tear
and sorrow was on her cheek: and the sis
ter's teai, that vainly tried to be a smile,
and the mother's sons: and Rn
I - 1 "J V.Wjf
left her father's house left with the bright
beam of joy and hope upon her brow; and
another morncn', the carriage door was clos
ed, the last (good-by uttered and Sophy
was gone. Uh! how melancholy! how
lonely docs the hcuie appear, where but i
moment before all had been interest and
hurry! Who ha3 not experienced thedc-
sertcd sensation, When those we have been
accustomed to see ate gone when the
agitation, the interest at parting is over.- the
forlorn, empty look of the room the work
box, the drawing materials, the music, all
gone; or berhaps, one single thing left to
remind how all was a flower, perhaps,
that had been gathered and cast aside the
cover of a letter Which had been scrippled
over in the forgetfulncss of the happy con
Modesty is an essential moral qualifica
tion to every individual in society, but this
virtue shines with a peculiar lustre in trie
female character. As the sun in the fir
mament, through the medium of its rays,
imparts a genial warmth to our earth, and
thereby accelerates the growth ofvegeta
tation, so this bright luminary of virtue dif
fuses its vivifying iuflucnce over tho maral
horizon, and dispels the clouds of vice by
: r..i t '' i
113 "Jjiuguni oeams. ucnuine modesty,
.!.. . r, ,
m contradistinction to false modesty, may
be known by its general unassuming; char-
acter and a manifest diffidence in attaching
claim to undcrserved merit. The perpet
ual cultivation of this invaluable moral prin
ciple, is essentially requisite both at homo
and abroad. At home it establishes a char
acter of virtue, and abroad it deservedly
excites universal applause.
Whenever I want to be exquisitely hap
py I call up to my recollection the pas
sionate emotions which thropped in tlie
bosom when it had counted about eighteen
J summer suns. The age of romance, fancy,
and imagination too often ceases at five and
twenty, but there is no pleasure so exqui
site as the first sensations which female
loveliness excites in tho bosom ofa roman
tic youth. It approaches to the ecstacyof
a higher existence. Tho object of his
thoughts seen afar off is sufficient to put
him on flame. The very green sward
which she treads acquires the character of
holy ground. The house in which she,
resides kindles the flame of devotion. But
how soon all these fine feelings subside in,
the breast of the male sex. It glows, and
flames, and burns for a few short years on
both sides of twenty, and then sinks dowri
forever. The heart of woman is different.
Love and cfiection are the absorbents of
her whole existance. Man has a hundred
other objects,
Young men are not unfrequentlv discour
aged from engagirig in useful studies, or
elevated pursuits, because they are told they
possess no Genius. There is hardly a
word in the English language which has
been moro misapplied than th'is. Original
genius, says a distinguished writer, which
is by many supposed to moan a natural bril
liancy of intellect, is uotjiing moro than an
acquired habit of th inking. And any per
son, with the assistanco of thoso about
him, may bo considered as tho author of his
own genius.
Mi fortunes. Misfortunes eat into us as
do insects into the pearl-shell, but it ia onl
lhat poarls may gt$w."