The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 26, 1837, Image 3

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Saturday, August 26, 18B7.
The Office of the "COJVn
BIA DEMOCRAT" is rchkoVcd
to the Building ad joining W.
Bof)ison's Stage Office. IjAW
Office next door.
70ur readers will perceive from the
advertisement of the Sheriff", that a County
Treasurer will be elected on the second
Tuesday of October next, agreeably to a
jato'act of Assembly for Columbia county.
Wo liave heard no person mentioned for
this office; and all wo hope is that a good
accountant and genuine Democrat may be
put injfnomination by our County coiivcn
tionvV'i . .
'ICpCofrouEss meets on the 4th of next
month; and after receiving the President's
Message, which will bb delivered on the
day following, we shall be better able to
anticipate what measures will be adopted
by- the general government to obviate the
cVisting pressure.
IjGTWe arc authorized to state that any
reports, now in circulation relative to any
'change in the political principles of John
FRtotT, Esqi are without foundation, and
oVily invented by his enemies to prevent his
election to the office of Sheriff". Tic is, as
4ie always has been, a genuine Democratic
Republican; and in soliciting the suffrages
of all voters for sheriff", he feels no inclina
tiomto' sacrifice his political principles or
abandon his party.
' Certain rumors arc afloat respecting the
officialconduct of John Fruit, Esq. while
Treasurer of this County; and, a garbled
"statement of his transactions will appear in
the ''Danville Intelligencer" of this weeji.
Wcare authorized to say that the matter
wlUTbe fully explained by the present Trea
surcr'Hugh McWilliams, Esq., and that
Mr. Fruit will be entirely freed from any
censure on account of the performance ol
his duties as Treasurer of Columbia coun
tyi Our readers may look for this expla
nation'in our next; and however much such
late and malicious publications are calcula
ted to operate Upon the Delegate elections,
we dariliniy rely upon the integrity of the
Democratic party, who know Mr. Fruit, to
take afirm stand against tlieso Vile attempts
to clefeat his nomination. He is a genu
ine Democrat an honest and rmod citizen
full,of spirit and philanthropy, and sub
ject to ho censure for official misconduct in
anycapacity in which he has served the
C7?James AriMSTiioNo, Esq. a thorough
going political Antimasou, has Lcen ele-ted
CdsKier of tiie West Branch Bank at Wil
liamspbrt. This thing cannot prosper.
The people arc aware of its political or
vgariization, and they will neither owe nor
trust' the concern.
fOThc Union Agricultural Society
will hold a Cattle Show at McEwensville,
Northumberland county, on the 21th of
October next.
ICJLewis Dewaut, Esq. has beennom-
if, inateid'as the Democratic candidate for As
( semblyj in Northumberland county, and
will undoubtedly bo elected over his oppo
nent,; Wm. A. Muench, who has nothing
but whiggery to recommend him.
iru i 1 - -
wl ti A Mulatto, named Btlrnside, was on
'sSruesday last sentenced by judgo Lewis to
three years imprisonment In the Eastern
Penitentiary, for attempting to commit a
rape 'upon an elderly German woman in the
t.Ti'lTH'i-r rt.i.u :.. it.:.. ...
imuuui tr usiiingiuiiviiiu, ill una uuuniy
lasTho "Miltoiiidn" from whom we
feceivedTtho information published in our
in last number, contains the following denial
ror . bf the rumor ; -
L "Wc are authorised to say, by a respec
,. table citizen direct from York, that the
i statement in our last paper, copied from the
Reading Chronicle, stating that A. W.
. , Sterling had been arrested on a charge of
' swindling, is lajso ami uniounueu.
tCpJfamilton Alricks and Simon Sal
lade, Esqrs. have been nominated by the
Democrats of Dauphin county for re-election
to tho State Legislature. Mr. Alricks
was one of the ablest representatives in the
last session; and wc can only hope that his
re-nomination may be attended with Success.
C7"Our readers will find on our fourth
page, an interesting and glowing descrip
tion of the horrors attending the disastrous
explosion of thr Ben Shcrrod Steam boat.
Mr. Ingramt Please announce the name
of HUGH McWILLIUUS, Esq. as a
candidate for County Treasurer.
Gen. Jackson's Letteus. The follow
ing explanatory remarks in relation to the
letters of Gen. Jackson, published in anoth
er part ofour paper, arc from the Globe of
General Jackson's Dictation. The Let
ters from General Jackson to the editor of
this paper, recently publishedj have been
the subject of so much calumny and mis
representation, that wo owe it to ourselves
to say a word in reference t'6 the motives
which actuated us in publishing them.-
The'y 'we're introduced iii ati editorial reply
to the charge by Judge White', that Gener
al Jackson was solicitous to 'establish "a
Bank of the U. States, founded tipbn the
money's of the United Stales, and attached
to the Treasury Department." The ad
dress containing these charges was publish
ed by Judge White, simultaneously at
Memphis and Knoxville, the two extremes
of the State of Tennessee, both a long dis
tance fr'Om the residence of General Jack
son. The bbj'c'ci of publishing it at these
extremo points, was, .to act upon the ap
proaching election, before General Jackson
could have time to refute its calumnies and
falsehoods. In exhibiting this bug-bear of
a national uanlc, it was the object ol Judge
White to subserve the interests ol the Bank
of the United States. The editor of this
paper felt it to be due to General Jackson's
tame that his letters should be published, to
disabuse the public mmu Iroin the false
hoods ol Judge White. JNo other motive
could have balled forth these letters from
their privacy. No man cah read them
without being convinced that General
Jackson is Opposed to a national batik, bf
any and every description, and that the
charges ol Judge White are utterly lalse
and calumnious.
Wo trust our democartic cotcmporaries
will do us thejustice to republish the above
From the JVcst. The many butrages
committed dally by bands of organized ruf
fians, appeal loudly upon the citizens of
Louisville to do something ellcctual lor
their prevention. fSightbclorc last, a hack
driver in the employment ol' Mr. Leach,
while passing along Hear Grass creek, was
knocked down, and left for dead after the
attempt had been made to throw him into
the creek. ManV other similar acts have
been committed. Yesterday, wc under
stand, a man was knocked down and prob-
ibly killed by n rbbbcrs It si'ems not
probable, however, that sikh a deed could
have been perpetrated in the open dav,
though it Is certainly pot without precedent
in tluscitv. Louisville Jour.
A Western City. The Maumee Ex
press aavs: A Iricnuoi ours who nas neen
making an examination, informs us, that
since tho commencement of the year 1837
the number ot buildings put up in this place
has been nearly one per day:
The Democratic citizens of Columbia
County, frieildly to, and supporters of the
present administration of the General Gov
ernment, and opposed to the present Anti-
masonic Governor, Joseph Kitner, anti ins
misadmiiiistrallon of the affairs of the state,
are hereby notified to meet at the usual pla-
. . i i. . i r
ces oi Homing townsnip meetings iur iu
election of Inspectors of the general election
and townshin Assessors, on Satllrdau the
2nd of September next, for the purpose of
choosing two delegates to represent cacn
election district in County convention, at
tho house of Daniel Gross in Bloomsburg
on the following Monday, at 12 o'clock of
said day, for tho purpose ot selecting and
nominating candidates to be supported by
the democratic party at the next general
election for Member of Assembly, Sheriff,
Coroner. Commissioner, Treasurer, and
Auditor. ,
htiAur.rcs K a i. Pin.
Stliiiding Committee.
August 10, 1837.
TnCTHEREAS my wife IIaciiael 1ms left my
y y lied and Hoard without any just cause or
provocation, I do hereby caution all persons against
trusting her on my account, a' I will pay no debts
ol Iter contracting aucr mis uuiu,
Greenwood, August 20, 1837.
J. T. JTfusscImaii, & Co.
RESPECTFULLY announce to tho public
that they have just received and opened a
splendid assortment ol r JU.Sil (JUL) US in the
store-room adjoining Gross's Hotel, in Bloomsburg,
...I .1.- In r.-i i ?n .1
wuuru uiuy win icci uuppy in wuu upon an muse
who may feel disposed Id give them a call. Their
stock of Goods is very extensive, and have been caro-
luny scicctcu; and tncy natter tncmscivcs on ncing
able to sell better and cheaper coods than have here
tofore been offered to tjic public in, this vicinity,
Among tlicir stock will be lound the following tupc
rior articles of
Superfine blue, black, browri, olive and
steel-mixed broad cloths', cassimercs and
sattinctts, canton and woolen flannels, rose
blankets, a general assortment of calicoes.
mcrinoes, cirensians and bombazctts, mer
ino camlet, tartan plaid, figured and plain
silk velvet, silk and valcntia vestiilirs'. brown
& black silks, pungces, merino bfnu thihit
dress handkerchiefs, crape artd nlerino
shawls, flag and bandanna handkerchiefs,
figured and plain bohinett, book muslins,
jacohetts, mull muslins, Irish I pen, linen
and cotton diaper, Canton & Italian cranes,
fancy cravats, stocks and shirt collars, gloves
of all kinds, hosiery, nrunelle and morocco
shoes, cotton and silk umbrellas travelling
baskets, and a general assortment of do
mcstic goods, such as muslins, checks,
tickings, cotton yam, &c.
at 6 & 8 CENTS tier yaril.
They have also a general assortment of
liar iron, steel. nnitx. snihee. snritrs
screws, hinges, locks, latches, glass aad
uruss uureau khoos, Knives ana tones
SVOOns. lamns. brass and iron rnntllextieks
buckles, ausrers. flat irons, hand and nan
ncl saws, frying pans, waffle irons, curry
conyjs, stiovns, aripping pans, enjje
mills, iron saliares. braxx nnrlirnns. mllinn
i , ' . . . v "
imwcs, arawtng univcs, scissors, razors
.... i. .1 r: .
siicciucics, snoe mncers, niaiea smtrs
irimblcls. knittincr ninn. shna tries, steel.
yards, and a general assortment of brush
. . O '
cs, IVC.
China, Glass
Paints, Oils,
&C. &.C. &C.
They respectfully invite those who want
rresh and Cheap goods, to call and sue
their assortment. ,
SCZrCan't be forever selling $10,000
irortn of goods.
taken in payment or exchange.
Bloomsburg, August 20, 1837.
Goshen Cheese,
OF a very superior quality, for sale at the New
and Cheap Store of the subscribers in Blooms
burg. J. T. M'"SSELMAN, & Co.
Aug. SG, 1837.
PRIME COFFEE, at Twelve and a half
Cents per Pound, and a superior quality
of SUGARS at Eight and Ten Cents; for sale at
the new and cheap store of
liloomsburg, Aug. SC.
T Twenty Cents each, for sale at tho cheap
store of J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co.
Steahi-syrup Molasses.
F a very superior quality, for salo at the new
and cheap store of MUSSELMAN,&Co.
very cxtensivo assortment of Cedar Ware, just
received, aiid for salb at the new store of
Dloomsburg, August 20,1837.
TWO Journeymen Tailors, if good workmen,
and of sober and industrious habits, will find
constant employment and good wages, by applying
lo thos'ubicribor, in liloomsburg, immediately.
August 20, 1837.
TENDEHS his professional services to the citi
zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate
ful lor business entrusted to lus care. Office in tho
same- building with tho 'Columbia Democrat
Dloouiiburg, May, 1837.
County Treasurer.
WE are authorized to state that HUGH Mc
WILLIAMS, Esq. will be a candidate at
tno next election for County Treasurer.
AUg. 20, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
PELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of
my friends I offer myself as a candidate for
and respectfully solicit your votes at the ensuing
tiwumi. ii succcssiui, 1 pledge mycirto perform
tho duties of the office with impartiality and fidelity.
- . . . . JOHN S. FOLLMEK.
Limestone, August 2G, 1837.
WE have been authorised to announce STE
PHEN HAt.nv Re nr n :
a candidate for County Commissioner at the next
Aug. 19, 1837.
To the Freemen of Columbia countu.
17JELLOW-OITIZEN : At the request of ma.
JSj ny personal friends, I solicit your Votes at the
. i. : i . . i- . i
ujijjiuai'uiug uiccuuri ior inc
Office of Sheriff.
Should a majority of vour sulfrairea elevntn mi In
tho station I pledge myself to discharge the duties of
me oincc with correctness and impartiality. In ask
ing your support, the subscriber is nromntcd bv
desire to promote tho public good; and ho hopes that
his largo family, his povcrtv. and his inability to khii-
port himself by labor, may obtain him the votes of
tnose wno can leel lor the wants of an honest and
qualified neighbour.
Orangeville, July 29,1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county:
ELLOW-CITIZENS : At the solicitation of
many friends throughout the coilntv. I oiler
inyseu as a candidate lor tno ollicc ol
at the next General election, and would feel grateful
ior your support. JOHN FRUIT
Madison, June 3, 1837.
ITiELLOW-CITIZENS: At the request of my
; friends I offer myself as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff,
at tho ensuing general election, and solicit your
votes and interest. Should I be elected I thall en
deavor to merit tho favour, by a correct and faithful
imminent ot the duties of tho office.
Madison, July 29, 1837.
ELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of
a great number of my friends and well-wish
, : if i .. i ' l . . f . i
i ugmu oner my sen us u canuiuaic iuriuu
Office of Sheriff
of the county of Columbia, at the next general elec
tion. If you would be so good as to give me your
.uli;b, uiciu fjiaii lain uviuiiifj uu fian iu uu my
duty with accuracy and hdchty.
Danville, Juno 24, 1837;
To the Electors of Columbia comity:
I7JELLOW CITIZENS: At the urgent solicits
tions of numerous friends, I oiler myself as a
candidate for the olhce of
Should I bo so fortunate as to rcccivo a majority of
votes, and procure my commission, I plcdgo myself
to execute the duties ol the olhce with lidelity and
impartiality. ELIAS McHENRY.
May 13, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county:
I7HELLOW CITIZENS: At the solicitation ofa
number of my friends I have been encouraged
to offer myself ris a Candidato for the office of
at the ensuing General Election: If I should be so
fortunato'ils to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I
pledge myself, so far as my abilities will admit, to
perform the duties of the offico with integrity and
Roaring Creek, May 20, 1837.
my Dicr Elizabeth
I feel sory to larno thai I am not permitted to
come and seo you openly, but my inmd and my
heart is with you every day, yes every hour O I
jiopo the time will arrive, when wo my join hands
and heart? and pass on in. pease, cheering each oth
er to our far journeys cnt untill the gates of ever
lasting life shall be opened and admit us tn the
glorious presence of oiir Lord I will conclude with
a few waymcs
o let my name iri graven stand
both on your heart, and on your hand
scal me upon your arm and waro
"that pledge of love for ever there
N U do not bo unesy about the bearer of this
letter for nothing will bo said
and I will remain your lover till death
J German
Answer to the Prose,
sir your hart I never felt for
your hope is gon u stray
by joining hands and harto two'
Copper for Dros will Never Do
Answer to waymes
I let your name ingravin stand
your oath you took and Lyes havo tqld
you sealed it upon your hart and ware
that pledge of tho Devil is ever there
The Subscriber
HAS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh
assortment of GOODS, which have been
purchased very low, and ore now offered to custom
ers at reduced prices. An excellent articio of Cor
ns is now oflernd nt mrn nnJ n l,.ie
pound first quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten
Jfo has alsoajargeand full assortment of
Iron ol Hollow-Wntip.
Which he offers at the lowest prices. The public
are respectfully invited to call and examine his ns-
ffr All kinds of countrV nrnilnm .lll t
, -W - J I MAUI
in exchange for goods. ,
Bloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837.
A Journeyman Potter
WILL meet with employment and liberal wa
ges by making immediate appKcalion to tho
subscriber, at Ebpytown. ,
Aug. 19, 1837.
Purdy, Welch, Macomber Co's.
Zoological Exhibition.
HE citizens of DLooMSncno, & vicinity, are
respectfully informed that the splendid collec
the Zoological institute, New-York, will b'o exhibit
ed in this village, on SATURDAY, the SECOND
OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, for one day only.
This magnificent collection of rare Beasts and
Birds from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and
South America, embracing the most valuable and
extensive variety of Animals ever offered to tho
American. public;. I he Exhibition is accompanied
by the celebrated Boston Biiass Band, which will
announce the arrival of the Grand Cavalcade; and
the whole will be arranged in a splcndld Pttvilion,
prepared cxpresly for tho accommodation oC.OOO;
visiters at one tisme. .Seats will be provided for La
dies and Children. The living specimens of Natu
ral History contained in this paragon of Menagerie,
in part consist of the following, viz: tho Unicorn,
or one homed Rhinoceros; Polar or White Bear,
Eland, from Central 'Africa, Black Ottricli; Kanga
roos; Gnu, or Homed Horse; Himlostah, or Great
Sloth Bear; Grisly Bears from the Rocky Moun
tains; Helicans, Vultures, Hyenas, Zebra, Lama,
Camel, Dromedary, Elephant, Buffalo, Leopards,
Timers, Lions, and numerous other rare and inter
esting Animals, which will be exhibited at
The 2ii of September Next;
On entering the village, the Boston Brass Band,
mounted on the splendid stud of (rained horses; will
play the most lively and spirit stirring airs.
At half past 3 o'clock P. M. Mr. Van Amburgh
enters a large cage, tho inmates of which are a Liori
and Lioness, a pair of Abiatic Leopards, andAfrican
Leopardess, and a Royal Asiatic Tigress forming
them in most astonishing dnd terrific groupcs. He
then enters a cage containing a Lion anil Lioness
and a Royal Tigress, accompanied by an jnfant,
leiring in its arms a Lamb, thus exhibiting the
astonishing power of man over the Brute creation,
and exemplifying tho Scriptural annunciation, that
"the lion and the lamb shall lie down together, and
a little child shall lead thcih." . . ,
djFor further particulars sec bills at principal
hotels. ,
ICpAdmiltancc only 25 cents Clnlare'n
Under 10 years of age half price.
Aug. 19, 1837.
On tit tint of July'. 1837, will he published, beatl
tifuilt printed, cm good paper, and sliteh'ed in t
wrapper, extra large royal octavo, the fwst
NUMur.ii of anew Periodical Work, entitled
The Gentleman's SlagazincJ
THE announcement, of a new periodical, in the
present state of affairs, may create some feel
ing of surprise; but having contemplated an altera
tion in the nature ofa very popular monthly pub
lication, 'Every Body's Album,' tho proprietors deem
it best to proceed in this perfected arrangements and
produce a periodical embodying tho roost wholesome
points of the old work, but conducted with sufficient
energy and talent to ensure the success of their new
arrangements. The respectable and extensive sub
scription list of the Album, to which this work is de
signed asa successor, will at onceplace THE GEN
TLEMAN'S MAGAZINE in a circulation equal to
that of any other monthly work in tho United States,
and guarantee the continuance of its publication, with
the certainty of payment to the enterprise of the pro
prietors. .
The contents of the Gentleman's Magazine will,
in every respect, be answcrablo to the meaning' of tho
title. We do not pretend, in our literary pursuits,
to fly as "eagles soar, above tho ken of man, nor
shall wo bo content with merely skimming tho sur
face of the ground; our piges will not be filled with
abtrusc predictions, nor shall we display tho brilliancy
of our critical acumen in matters "caviare to the mil
lion." In short, we do not mean tq bo profoundly
learned, nor philosophically dull. Wo wish to pro
duce a gentlemanly agreeable book an epitome of
life's adjunctives a literary melange, possessing
variety to suit all palates, and sufficient interest to
command a laco upon the parlour table of every gen
tleman in tho United States.
In the varied and ample page of contents attached
to each number of tho Gentleman's Magazine, origfc
nail articles will bo found, from some of tho most
celebrated writers of tho day. Essays, Humorouti
and Didactic Graphic Delineations of Men and
Manners. Free and Spirited Translations pf tho
lighter portions of tho Literature of continental Eu
rope. A. Scj-ics of Original Biographical Notices of
the principal stars in tho Dramatic hemisphere.' .The
Current Litoraturo will bo reviewed in full, Mid lib
eral extracts made from rare and valuablo works.
An Original copy Right Song, not otherwise to bo
obtainod, will bo given, with tho music, in every num
bcr. '
The Gentleman's Magaiino will contain ttJvtnrjf.
two oxtra sized octavo pages, of twb columns caclli
forming, at the closo of tbc year, two largo handsome
vo.uuics of Ono Thousand Seven Hundred and
Twcnty-cight columns, each column containing oae
third more than on octavo page of average propor
tions. SeveralongravinsswUlboBivcninthecoiOTS
of the year; and the proprietors pledge themtelvee
that tho c itl"nan's Mairxzina shall bo tho largeet
& tho cbeupret r.1 'i'1' v ' 1 i i ' -1 f'- "