The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 19, 1837, Image 3

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    ''-SbxAs 'o threatening to "blor up" our
rentablo ncigliborby establishing th'b Dem-
Jcratfor calling on his advertising cUsto-
nersUdvlthdraw their support it is all
Iame?" TVo neither made such threats 'nor
ich calis. Our motto of '"live and let
foe" has always governed us in dealing
vith brptlter-typos of every political party;
,nd woliopb tho same liberal characteristic
jf our favorite profc&sioft may accompany
is through' lifer.
In Ye'grfrcl to the legal proceedings insli
uted agalrtst him, ho w entirely mistaken.
iVas contrary to our wishes and inclina-
ions that?" we obeyed the instructions of
iir 'client In tho case alluded to', and we
an assure our neighbor, thai since 'then,
to liavd' oh more than one occasion rc
ected fees, and declined giving legal ad
icc,"',uhdor similar circumstances. If ho
Rants' ".tSic names 6f parties he is perfectly
volcomouo them.
' : - '
i -MrJlharam: Tho next election is near
it'Htmdi'and as no candidate has yet been
cepmnjended for'tlie Legislature, we would
cipctfufty suggest the name of DANIEL
3ROSS,'of Bloomsburg. He is a sound
Icmocrai,,- and an unflinching and zealous
1 . 'S p . I "f 1 -ri I ! .i n rwl ! C
lUVOCaiO 01 IIJO liuiuuviu iiucsuuu, " ;
lominatcd will receive a strting support
Miner's Bank of PorrsviLtE. On
Tuesday last Joseph Thomas, Esq. tender
ed his resignation ns Cashier of this Institu
tion, which was accepted, &. Charles Loos
er, Esq was chosen by tho Directors to sup
ply trie vacancy.
Necessity lite flfolher of Invention. A
woman was brought up before the Boston
Police on Friday, against whom it appeared
that she had pinched an infant child black
and blue, to afford a pretext to beg Turn to
wash its bruises.
Pttrdy, Welch, Macomber Co'.
Zoological Exhibition.
rWIIB citizens of BLooMsncnn, & vicinfty, aro
.An.. ij... ii i hi it
H rcspccuuuy iniuniieu uiai uiu spicnuiu collection-of
the Zoological institute, New-York, will bo exhibit-
cd in this village, on BATUKDAV. 11)0 SECONU
OP SEPTEMBER NEXT, Tor ono day only.
This magnificent collection .of rare Beasts and
Birds from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and
South America, cmWcing the most valuable and
extensive variety of Animals ever offered td the
American nublic. The Exhibition is accompanied
by tho celebrated Boston I)nxns Baku, which will
Contrast. Tho kingdom of Greece 1 announco the arrival oftho Orimd Cavalcade; and
With a milion and a half of souls, has billy tho vv'10'0 will be arranged in a splendid Pavilion,
85 licensed practitioners of physic. The Prc.?aTcd "PTC for tl'o. cc ommodation ofG.OOO
. - r rit ii i -.i visiiurs ui uuu iisinc. ouuis win uu urovmeu lur uu-
town oi unicago. on J.aKc Aucmgnn, wnn nnA n,,;.,, rpiin
8000 inhabitants, has ho less than forty 'of rai History contained in this paragonof Menageries.
the medical fraternity! in part consist of the following, viz: the Unicorn,
niiimii i maui J or one homed Rhinoceros; j'olar or vv Into Bear;
I ri 1 e r. . I tfj r. ;!.. 1
Afi Institution that deserves Credit. rnna. 'n A, it,,! ' . Hin,,., n.
The Board ofDirectors of the Sussex Bank, Sloth Tier: Grislv Una from tl.n Rnrfcv M.
in New Jersey, have passed a resolution au- tains; Helicons, Vultures, Hyenas, Zebra, Lama,
thorizing their President and Cashier, to Camel, Dromedary, Elephant, Buffalo, Leopards,
purchase five thousand dollars worth of Timers, Lions, and numerous oilier rare and inter-
Mlvcrln the citv of New York, and nav I C6lI"S Animals, vvlncn will be exhibited at.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
TTTtELLOW-CtTIZENS s At 'the solicitation of
many friends throughout tho county, I offer
myself as a candidate for the office of
at the next General election, and would feel gratdful
for your support. JbllN FRUIT.
Madison, June 3, 1837,
FELLOW-CITIZENS: At the request of my
friends I offer myself as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff.
at the ensuing general election, and solicit your
votes and interest. Should I be elected I Bhall en
deavor to merit the. favour, by a correct and faithful
fulfilment of the duties oftho office.
Madison, July 29, 1837.
To the Freemen of Columbia county.
FELLOW-CITIZEN.: At tho request of ma
ny pcrsonat friends, I solicit your votes at tho
approaching election for the
oi Office of Sheriff.
Should a majority of your suffrages elevate me to
the station I pledge myself to discharge tho duties of
tho office with correctness and impartiality. In ask
ing your support, the subscriber is prompted by a
desire to.promotothc public good; and ho hopes that
his large family, his poverty, and his inability to sun-
port himself by labor, may obtain him tho votes of
those who can feel for tho wants of an honest and
qualified neighbour.
Orangeville, July 29, 1837.
out the same at the counter ollhc iiank,
in small sums, with a view of furnishing the
citizens of that county with small change
necessary lor incir oruinary uusiness.
Coinage of gold at 'the Mint daring the
month of July, 1837:
Remaining uncoined30tli jund S100.215
Deposited for coinage 01,510
Mr. Editor: Will you mention the riaine
f WIMilAM S. DAVIS, of Washington,
s a suitable person to represent Columbia
bunty'jin the next Legislature; He is a
cnuinbndcmocnA. emihenlfv qualified; and
fridmiriafed will ably anil faithfully reprc-
cnt tho, interests ol Ins constituents.
Lwfe ."4.5 ' ;'. mi.
Mt. Editor: Many of the democrats oi times."
Amount coined in July
Remained uncoined 31st July
BaltimohC, August G.
The following ts the 'cdncludirig paragraph
of tho letter of the New York correspon
dent of the Merchant, which we take from
that paper of yesterday. We lay it before
our rentiers as one ol "tne signs oi me
We know no ono subject upon
1 I
hiflttnwnehinhavo been waitmsr to sec nom- which so trreat an unanimity ot opinion
nSTinnmade for the next Assemblv: and exists, as, that of an early resumption of
t Stiu. i i.- n-.i . w- mH sP"te payment by the banks; Excepting
p i'Vj' "aQ j the speculaloi-3 and shavers, there is but one
espcctiuiiy suggest me name oi uahihu vo,cc on ti,c subicct.
SRQSSof Bloomsburg. Mr. Gross has "Tho North River Batik this day paid
in extensive acquaintance with the
The 2d of September Wcxt,
On entering tho village, the Boston Brass Band,
mounfed oh the splendid fctud of trained horses, will
play the most hvclv and spirit stirring airs.
At half past 2 o'clock 1'. M. Mr. Van Amburgh
enters a large cage, the inmates of which aro a Lion
and Lioness, a pair of Asiatic Leopards, and African
licopariless, anu a ltpyal Asiatic Tigress lonning
them in most astonishing and terrific grouper, He
then enters a cage containing a Lion and Lioness
and a Royal Tigress, accompanied by an Infant,
loiring in its arms a Lamb, thus exhibiting the
astonishing power of man over the Bruto creation,
and exemplifying tho Scriptural annunciation, that
"the lion and flic lamb shall lie down together, and
a little child shall load them."
(jj"For further particulars see bills at principal
hotels. .
icy Admittance only 25 cents Children
under 10 years of age half price.
Aug. 10, 1837.
The Subscriber
AS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh I
assortment of GOODS, which have been
purchased very low, and aro now offered to custom
ers at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cof-
fre is now ofleral ot twelve anil a halj cents per
IELLOW-CITIZENS : At the solicitation of
a great number of my friends and well-wlidi'
crs, 1 again offer myself as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff
of the county of Columbia, at tho next general elec
tion. If you would be bo good as to givo mo your
votes, there shall lack nothing on my part to do my
duty with accuracy and lidcnty.
Danville, June 24, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county:
I iiuiiiiu uii ifiULMJ : ji mu mucin buiiuiu
i ' tions of numerous friends. I offer myself as a
candidate for the office of
Should I he so fortunate as to receive a majority of
votes, and procure my commission, I pledge myself
to execute tlic duties ot the oluco with fidelity and
impartiality. ELIAS McHEKllY,
May 10, 1837.
if Columbia county he has long and
juslyjtaliolifcd in the cause of democracy
ind.wtu think ho could In a measure be re-
jvarded for his services by placing him on
ho ticket for Assembly. Ho is well qua!
lied, and if nominated will be elected
$onc need doubt but that he would prove a
, tealoire jmd efficient representative;
people $05 and costs upon a suit brought againsl pound first quality of Now Orleans Sugar alien ? S"s"'"g Vws
them before the case went to trial. Suits cents, and second quality at eight cents per pound. So mt4,f so far a
lJ Zeal are multiplying eyery day upon these sus- "e h I - largo and full assortment of du rf t
To tUe Electors of Columbia coUlit'y:
-oct t riTT i',i'nivKTVQ. a. .1. ..i: u.: r
' number of my friends I have been encouraged
to oiler myself as a Candidate lor tho olhcc 01
at the ensuing General Election. If I should be so
r '. ji . i . j 1 4 . : .. .! : ,.. r n' - t
riended banks, Bill hilders begirt td look
up since the decision in the case of Wmut
vs. tho Commercial. A storm is brewing.
The only way for the banks to escape it is
to resume at once, ion cannot pick aiury
out of five hundred men, that would give a
verdict in favor of a bank that will not re
deem its notes on demand." Republican.
Mr." Tngramt Will you please let tho
public know tllat Mr. JOSEPH Blt'OuST,
merchant of Cat'tawissa', vill be strenuous
ly supported for County Commissioner
lie ursrgoou Uemocrat, aha every way
qtialifledto discharge the duties of the of- j
beef and' if 'nominated will be eicct'ddbv ail
v uverwaeiming majority;
i '.Thistate contains 701,331 inhabitants,
Boston, ,0,325. Most of the other larger
kowris, about one dozen in nuriiber, contain
rrom'5tb 15,000 each, except Lowell, the
"Uitybf Spindles," Which lias 18,000:
Nantucket has 0,000.
i P.ublic Lands. Tlio President of the U.
States has issued a Proclamation, ordering
a sale at Auction; commencing on the 0th
Irv' . n i M! . 'T .
wcioDer next, oi certain puonc unappropria
ted land, in the tollowlng pia.ccS:
At Laporto; in the btato ol Indiana.
MARRIED. On Thursday last, in
Bloomsburg, by the Rev. Geo. C. Drake,
ANN DOliNIL, both of Rush tbwhship,
Northumberland county.
On Tuesday last, by tho Rev. D. S. To
bias, Mr. AARON FREY, to Miss MAR
GARET ZIMMERMAN, b'dtll of Milllin
On Thursday last, by tab same, Mr. AR
BRASS, both of Limestone.
On the 10th inst. by the Rer. Mi". Dill,
Mr. tiEOltGE B. BROWN, Merchant of
Danville, to Miss SARAH A. GEAR-
HART, of Rush township, Northumber
land county.
DSIsEIGtATH meeting-.
At Helqkla, in tho State of Arkansas.
Onclousas. in the Stato of Louisiana,
At St? Stephen's, in tho State of Alabama.
AV unpecuma, liune otaieoi Mississippi,
AJ Milwaukee, in thd lorritbry of WIs
f The sales will bo kept open for two
Tho Democratic citizens of Columbia
Codnty, friendly to, and supporters of the
present administration ot the Ueneral Gov
ernment, and opposed to the present Anti- letter for nothing will bo said
iron cc tioiiow-ware, humanity.
Which he oilers at the lowest prices. The public
are respectfully invited to call and examine his assortment.
QT All kinds of country produco will bo taken
in exchange for goods.
Bloomsburg, Aug-. 19, 1837.
'E have been authorised to announce STE
PHEN. IJALDY. Esq. of Cattawissa, as
a candidate for Counly Commissioner at the next
Aug. 19, 1837.
IIE Independent Troop will meet at the house
of John Mcltevnolds in Hemlock township,
on Saturday tho 9(h of September next, at 10 o
clock, A. M. armcjl and equipped for drill.
By order of thftCaptaim . . .
T. V. DRAKE, O. S.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837.
my Dicr Elizabeth
I feel sory to lame that I am not permitted to
come and sen you openly, but my mind and my
heart is with you every day, yes every hour O I
hopo the time will arrive, when wo my join hands
arts and pass on In pease, cheering each oth-
r far jourrtcys cnt untill tho gates oi ever
lasting life shall be opened and admit us to tho
glorious presence of our Lord I will conclude with
a few waymes
o let my name in graven stand
both on your heart, and on your hand
scal mo upon your arm and ware
"that plcdgo of lovo for ever fhero
N B do not bo unesy about tho bearer of this
majority of your suffrages,
as my abilities will admit,
the oilicc with integrity and
bidcnl Judge of tho courts of Over & Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, court of Quarter
oussiuns oi ine reacc, and ot UomrnoiU'Ieas, and
Orphan's Court in the eighth Judicial district, com
posed ol tho counties of Northumberland, Union,
Columbia ;and Lycoming, and the Hon, William
Montgomery and Leonard Rupert, Esquires, asso
ciate Judges in Qolumbla county, have issued their
precept bearing date the 22'd day of April, in the
year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-seven, and to me directed, for holding tho
several Courts of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Lc
livery, ueneral Quarter Sessions of the
Peace; Common Pleas, and Orphun's
IN DANVILLE, in tho county of. Columbia, on
the third Monday of August next (being the 21s't
day) and to continue one week.
fiohce is therefore hereby Given, to the Coroner,
the justice of the, peace and Constables of the said
county of Columbia, that they be then and there in
thcir proper persons at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, with their records, inquisitions. & other
rcmcmnranccs, lo do those things which to their
offices appertain to bo done: And thoso who are
bound by recognizances, to prosecute against.tho
piisoncrs that are or maybe in th'c jail of taid coun
ty of Columbia, are to be then and there to prose
cute against them as shall be just. Jurors aro request
ed to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notices. .
Sheriff's Office, Danville, July 15, 1637.
. Tho . amount of Broad Cloths Imported
into theJJnitcd States in 1835, was $5,371,-
562i In 1830, it was $8,020,282.
an unwifid mSii whb in times like
tlieojloes not take a newspaper; West
Andlhe. is an unjust man, 'who in time
like these,' does hot pay lor his nowspapcr.
And he is both uiiwiso aiul tiniust who
(discontinues his nowspapcr because ho ima-
fmp.a Vin nnn't afford tn tnkn it. m vr.t
s'y 'spends twepty-fi vo cents every day for cigars
inl arid'BUier foolery.
of .of
6jvj,WAR. Therti havcbcoii 2,il4 cn
feaganjeius between tho Christinos and Car
listsjjnSpain since 1833, causitig the death
bf 3148 persons.
Exciting the Slaves. An Englishman,
! harned Matthew Holmes, Was. committed
I to tho jail at Franklin, Louisiana, on the
J ith utt, for using language calculated to
Llnllamo tho slaves, and to lead to insuuDrdi-
(lattnn1' Tlin lnitrti nf tllnt alnfn iri ilnitli In
anvman who declares sentiments calcula
ted W excite tho slarcs against their masters.
masonic Governor, Joseph Rittoer, and his
misadministratbn of the affairs of the state,
arc hereby notified to meet at the usual pla
ces of holding township meetings for the
election of Insnectors of the coneral election
and township Assessors, on Saturday the
2nd of September next, for tho purpose of
choosing two delegates to represent each
election district in County convention, at
the house of Daniel Gross in Bloouisbunr
on the following Monday, at i2 o'clock of
said day, for the purpose of selecting and
nominating candidates to be supported by
the democratic party at the next general
eicuuun lor mumuui ui nssuiuuiy, ouuiiu,
Coroner. Commissioner, Treasurer, and
Standing Committee:
Augdst 10, 1837:
and I will remain your lover till death
J German
Answer to tlio Prose.
sir your hart I never felt for t
you r hopo is gon a stray
py joining hands and harts two
Copper for Dros will Never Do
Answer to waymca
I let your name ingravin stand
your oath you took and Lyes have told
you sealed it upon your hart and warb
that pledge of the Devil Is over there
(Treat Shooting Match.
THE following Articles will bo shot for at the
public house off, Brobst, in Cattawissa, on
the letu ot August inst., to wit:
One Eat Steer, weighing 800 lbs. $d0 0
Three Etirht-dau Clocks, at $20. 00 0
One Thirty-hour Clock, 5 00
'Three good Watches, -18 00
A Journeyman Potter
I lia. meet with employment and iincrai wa:
y ges by making immediate application lo tlr
subscriber, at Eipytown.
Auff. 10, 183T.
$143 00
TJio price of Targets will bo One Dollar each.
Marksmen will bo restricted to 100 yards when
altn,lnrp at a roaf. niltl fill vnrit. when fihoOtinCTOff.
.Wjiand. Marksmen, and othors, from tho neighbour
Tstug counties, aro invited to attend. J"
CatUwisse, August 9, 163T. -t-
Roaring Creek, May 20, 1837.
BY VIRTUE of sundry writs' of Venditioni
Exponas td me directed, will bo exposed to
public sale, at .the court-house, in Danville, on Mon
day tho 21st of August next, at ten o'clock, A. M.,
being the. first day of the court, the following Real
Property, to wit :
A certain Tract of I:mil,
Situate in Mt. Pleasant township, Columbia county,
in tho possession of Philip Stctlcr, containing Fifty
acres, more or less, whereon is erected one
Adjoining lands latb of Daniel Stctlcr, Matthias
slupmfl, Peter Laubauch, Barnard btctlerand Ac
boath tUiiic. Seized, taken in execution, and to
bo sold,as Otpjiropcrty of Charles Stetler, at the suit
of David U'ctrikin.
ALSO: A certain Lot of Ground, situ
ate in Liberty township, Columbia count contain
ing Seventy acres, moro or less, bounded by lands of
Kobcrtoimonton, Joseph Kerr, & Joseph Ifomnson,
in the possession of James Thomas, scn'r. whereon
is erected ono Log
About Thirty acres aro cleared, and on the premises
is an Apple Orchard. Seized, taken in execution,
os to be sold as the property of Samuel Thomas, jr.
ALSO: All the right, title, interest and
claim that defendant has in a certain Lot of Land,
situate in Mahoning township; containing fifty acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of Abraham fctrom, A'
braham Mcnsch and John Foust; whereon is erected
About Forty acres is cleared land, with an Apple
Orchard. Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of George Wcrtman',
ALSO: ..
A certain Tract of Land, situate in
Roaring creek township, Columbia county, adjoin
ing lands of J, Cdopcr, Vm. G. Hurly, A. Starks,
Leonard Roup, Goorgo Stinc, and others, containing
seventy-seven acres, whereon is erected a
Tint? TT midp
About forty-sir acres aro cleared. Seized, taken in
execution, and to bo sold as tho property of Jacob
Roup. BV
Sheriff's Office, Danville, July 29, J837-
TO creditors;
AKE NOTICE that we have applied to the
Judges of the court of Common Picas of Co
lumbia county, for the benefit of the insohent laws
ol tins commonwealth, and the said court have ap
pointed Monday the 21st day of 'August next,
To hear us and our.credilors at the court houso
in Danville, at which place you may attend if you
think proper.
July 29. 1837.
TENDERS his professional services to the citi
zens of Columbia county. He will feci grate
ful for business entrusted lo his care. Office in tho
same building with the 'Columbia Democrat.'
Bloomsburg, May, 1837.
OF a superior quality, just received and for sale
by the Mibscribcr. O. B. FISHER.
Bloomburg, July SCj 1637.
On the first of July. 1837, will lepublithed, beau
tifnlly printed, on good paper, and stitched in a
wrapper, extra large royal octavo, the fiust
NU.MiiiMi of anew 1'eriodical Work, entitled
The Gentleman's Magazine;
HE announcement of a new periodical, in tho
present stato of afiiurs, may create some feel
ing of surprise; but having contemplated an altera
tion in the nature of a very popular monthly pub
lication, 'Every Body's Album,' the proprietors deem
it bout to proceed in the perfected arrangements, and
produce a periodical embodying the most wholesome
points of the old work, but conducted wilh sufficient
energy and talent lo ensure the success of their new
arrangements. Tho respectable and extensive sub
scription list of tho Album, to which this de
signed as a successor, will at once place THE GEN
TLEMAN'S MAGAZINE in a circulation equal to
that of any other monthly work in the United States,
and guarantee tho continuance of its publication, with
the certainty drpayment to the enterprise cf the pro
prietors. The contents of the Gentleman's Magazine will,
in every respect, be answerable to tho meaning of the
title. We do not pretend, in our literary pursuits,
to fly as "caglca boar, abovo the ken of man," nor
shall we be content with merely skimming the sur
face oftho ground; our pages will not be filled with
abtruso predictions, nor bhall wo display the brilliancy
of our critical acumen in matters "caviaro to tho mil
lion." In short, we do not mean to be profoundly
learned, nor philosophically dull. Wo wish to pro
duce a gentlemanly agreeable book an epitome of
life's adjunctives a literary melange, possessing
variety to suit all palatps, and sufficient interest to
command a pUco upon the parlour table of every gen
tleman in tho United States.
Ih thevarictl and. amplo page of contents attached
to each number oftho Gentleman's Magazine, origi
nal! articles will bo found, from some of the most
celebrated writers of the day. Essays, Humorous
and Didactic Graphic Delineations of Men and
Manners. Free and Spirited Translations oftho
lighter portions oftho Literature of continental Eu
rope. A Series of Original Biographical Notices of
the principal stars in the Dramatic hemisphere. The
Current Literature will bo reviewed in full, and lib
eral extracts made from rare and valuable works.
An Original copy Right Song, not otherwiso to bo
obtained, will bo given, with the music, in every nurri
Tho Gentleman's Magazino will contain seventy
two extra 6izcd octavo pages, of two columns each,
forming, at tlio close of the year, two largo handsomo
vo,umc8 of Ono Thousand Seven Hundred and
Twenty-eight columns, each column containing ono
third mora than an octavo pago of avcrago propor
tlons. Several engravings will bo gi'ven in. the courts
of the year; and tho proprietors pledge themscke
that tho Gentleman's Magazino shall be tho largest
& tho cheapest monthly work in tho United States,
TERMS. Tho subscription to tho Gentleman's
.Magazine will, for asinglo copy, be invariably Three
Dollars per annum, payable in advance a. (J5 note
may procure two copies to tho nwnc direction, or five1
copies for 10. Address,