DEMOCRAT. I have sWofn upon tho Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM. COLUMBIA "Volume I. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1837. Number 17. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, t rn-tr.-pT'cl HEW GOODS. VThe COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifti) Cents, if not naid within the near. fNo subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a I snuarc will be comvicuoushi inserted at jjf ,, One Dollar for the first thric insertions, 'and Twcntii-iive cents for everu subse- qucnt nserlion. CT A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. giLETTERS addressed- on business; must vc pusi JUllU. AND WIMfcESliARRE LINE OF (MAIL STAGES vw observed a notice in tho "Keystone," (under bnc which I published. sicme'd bv Mr. P. C. Gll- . 'christ, Agent, staling that the Susquehanna)! Boat tttano would carry passengers in less time titan the tfMail Stage which is not tho fuct. ll will bo un derstood that the Bd&t leaves Harri'sbUrir oh'c dav before the Stage; yet wo have taken Passengers , through to Wilkcsbarro in timo for tllb Montrose , ' , stages, notwithstanding the tardy manlier in which ijgjlho mail u brought irom Harrisburg to us at ior Jjthumberjarld; If nny other persons had Ihcconvcy 'jTmjcc.oi the niails from Harrisburg to NortKumbcr- .feland than those 'connected with the Boats, I would i. engage to start at the same hour with the uoat at 4, VirfIarri8burB, nrtd deliver tho mail and tile parscngcrs t0 OJWELVE HOURS sooner than the Uoat Lino .possimy can uo 11. When tho Compariy runs a stage from Nbrthum HbcrlanJ to Wilkcsbarrc, the mail can arrive at Nor 4-jthumberlaiid from Harrisburg by 1 1 o'clock, A. M. when tho Boil runs abovfc, they then keep Whack tlio stage at Northumberland until 4 o'clock P. " nn sometimes as late, as 7 o'clock, P. M. V'Thcso are factsfwhich, If tho Post Master General tti not.awaro of,1t is timo ho was made acquainted .,, With" them, -t " S$J-Any passengers ttfishing to take tlie stage at "WWnrlhttmtifivlnftrl In (rt i hmlnrf, Literature, Science, St General News. THE PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY CHRONICLE, A FAMILY NEWSPAPER.. PROSPECTUS OF SECOND VOLUME. Commencing May 20, 1837. The SATURDAY CHHONICLE is a family newspaper, published on n sheet of the largest mam moth size, and issued regularly from Philadelphia, every Saturday. It is entirely unconnected with party politics, and sectarianism, and is zealously uc voted to the cause of Literature, Science and Gen eral Intelligence, as calculated to entertain and in' struct every branch of tho family circle. The dc- sign of the publishers is, to furnish a newspaper that shall instruct as well as amuse, and enlighten the middle-aged, as well as entertain, and direct to prop er objects ol study, tho mind ol youth. J heir un precedented success during the past year (having obtained a very extensive circulation not only in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, but in every Stale of the Union) induces them to believe that their plan of publication is a good one, and during the succeeding year, they will continue to pursue it Zeahiusly, with such improvements and modifica tions as may from timo to time be suggested. General Contents of the Chronicle. Talcs and Essays on Literary. Scientific and Moral subjects Sketches of History and Biocraphy nclle Shoes 4' Slippers, Men's Shoes Reviews of new publications Stories from the and Doits. Classic writers Popular Statistics of the M'oild Jjadics' Department Uritnnal Communications from some of the best writers of Philadelphia and ciscmicrc jm-uicai Lectures science and Art- Agriculture and Rural Economy Popular Super stitions Curious Customs and Manners Euro pean and Domestic Correspondence Articles on Music, iHe Drama, and other amusements Varie ties, amusing incidents, &c. and a carefully prepared synopsis of tho Current News of tho Day, both For eign and JJomcstic. Attractions of the first Jolu'mc Tlie Subscriber "ST ETUKNS his thanks to customers for Ihc Br kLpatronago which he has received from them since he has commenced business in Hloom-jburg. lie hopes they will slill continuo their usual sup port; and ho ha now the pleasure of onering them a large and fashionable assortment of SEASONA BLE GOODS, which have been carefully selected embracing tho latest stylo of French, English and American MRS ES9 AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND Cloths, Cassimcrcs and Sattinc(ls, of dif- Jcrcnt styles ana colours; csillcs; J'tgur- eil Lawns and JacUonclts, Mluropean .y American Caliioeb Ginghams, Vesl ings, Damask Table Cloths, Hosiery, Gloves, Bonnet J rimmings, $:. Ac. ALSO, Ladies Morocco) tSeal, Pru- TOGETHER WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON, China, Glass ANI QUEENSWARE PAI1TTS3 OILSs MeHscmes and Dyc-Stufls ; CEDAR-WARE, GROCERIES & LIQUORS All of which will be sold on tho most reasdnible terms. Persons wishing to purchase, arc requested to call and examine his stock of Goods, and judge for themselves; frt All Hinds of country produce will Iks taken in exchange for goods. C. U. FISHER. Bloomsburg, May 6, 1837. LIST OP JTT?wYME1T7 For Columbia county, August term, 1837. GRAND JURY Mifflin. Gcorco Lomraberccr. John Keller. Hen- Korthumberlaftd, to fro throtivrh to Montrose, will ry Miller, Abraham Wolt. a 1 t j ir ... . 1 T . 7. ts .. - uc lucur un in umc tu secure teais tn lite mumrosi (jfge, notwithstanding the delay of the Opposition fmarriving at Northutitlerlnnd provided they fix upoi a regular lime jor slarlinc;. fc' WILLIAM ROBISON, Bloomsburg, June 10, 1837. SUSQUEHANNAH LIKE OF Roaring creek. Samuel Adams, James II. Chase John Yost. Mount Pleasant. Isaac Musgrovc, Johh Jones, John Ruckle. Dern. Richard Fruit, Evan Ilcndcrshot. Briar Creek. Charles Bowman, Benjamin Fow ler, Jr. Ileriry Knorr, William S. Evdns, SI Fi Palm er. Fishing Creek. Thomas II. Hutchcson. Hemlock. Caleb Barton, George Willetsi Liberty. Robert Butler. Mah'jtiing. John Wilson. Sugar Loaf, Frederick Lawbuch, Limestone. David Davis PACKET AND fREfGHT BOATS. f?Vom Philadelphia, by Rail Road $ Canal Up Harrisburg, JSorthumUerland, Dan ville, Cattaivissa, Blooimburg, Berwick, ff'ilkesbarre, Mil ton, JFilliamsport, and intermediate places. ITfASSENGERS can leave tho West Chester JL Hotel, Broad street, Philadelphia, daily, at C aclock, A. M. reach Jlarrisuurg at 4 o clock, 1'. M. Tql uiosame day Northumberland at 10 o clock A c-M. of tho next day ; and Wilkcsbarro on the sua tSSP'"5 nionlihg at 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will i'Sirnmediatcly start for Caibondalc, Tunkhannock and Tiiomroso, and tnence to mo western part ol iew York state. - i-RETURNING Tho Boats Icavo Wilkcsbarro f daily, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and arrivo at Blooms burg at 4 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at ,R'nMV nr. fl, f.,!lnM,i,. mr.,X., ...,.1 iColumbia in timo to take tho morning Cars for hiladelphia. The Boats also arrivo at Williams'port, on the Vest Branch, at about 0 o'clock, P. M. of the same ay on which they reach Northumberland and rc- rn daily. Tho Boats on tho aliovc lines have been repaired, WlSnd aro now confidently recommended to tho PUB PH a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode JJof.travclling. SEATS may bo taken in Philadelphia I atftho north-east corner of Fourth & Chcsnut streets, , ' 200 Market street, and at tho West-Chester i 1I1 JifSFREIGHT may bo forwarded by Rail Road from fcumcii ot ouics mm j, j. i.cwis ol uo, uroau sireei, Wjd by Capt. McCabes Line, of Union Canal, lloats Igularrisburg, whero they wilt bo received by the Susquehanna Line from Jabez Harrasdin, Vine street Wharl, Schuylkill. We ti m n r:rf nirnrcn -WlrV;ilftul.n T... in 1QTT A I TRAVERSE JURY. -Israel Wells, Thomas Painter, Danie Bloom.- Mclick. Briar Creek'. James Evans, Jr. Ludmg Die trich. Madison. Clark DilJine, Abraham illivcr, Inbn V: Eves. Wm. Michael. Deny. Rcubin Marlz, I nomas Gilliti, Robert McKce. licarini! Creek. Sebastian Hower, Isaac Rhoder, Peter Kline, Adam Marks, James A. Fox, Asa T. John, John Perry. CutlatuiSia. JOFcmi llrobst, lo. Uruni Greenwood. Joseph Lemon, John M. Parker, Tho. Mendinshall, Sugar Loaf. Philip Creakbaum. Mnunt Pleasant. Curtis Stattin. Firhinit Creek. Wm. Robbifis, Isaac Kline Philin Annlcman. Liberty.- Wm. I ampUell, Jonn McMaiicn.jacoii Budman, John McWilliams. Mifflin. Christian, Miller. Danville, June 21, 1837. TR2A& XaSST, For Columbia county, August term, 18J17 A regular correspondence from Europe, furnished by an ablo and eloquent writer, now on a tour through Europe; and engaged expressly for the Chronicle. Of this correspondence more than forty letters have been furiiished. A series of articles on Medical subjects, embracing lectures on Anotomy, in familiar language, from the pen of a distingun-hcd Physician of Philadelphia. Tho republication, in a supplementary sheet, o he choicest and best articles of the several London Annuals, for 1837, embracing articles from all the prominent English writers of tho present day. The cost of these Annuals at retail is about f 30 their -!..-1 . 1 t r. A. i :i i principal cuniuuis jiuvu uceii luriusucu me rcaucrs of the Chronicle gratis. 1 he republication of tho inimitable Pickwick Pa pers, Irom the pen ol the best comic writer of the cgc, Charles Dickens, Esq. Original contributions on Literature, Science. Law, Education, Poetry, Political Economy, &c., lroin a liutnucr ol tho very best writers in America. Extra Attractions for the second Volume The publication of the original articles, written for the Premiums of 250, embracing a great num ber of compositions of merit. Tho original tale, to which will be awarded the prize of 100, will proba- lily be published in the hrst number of the second .olumc. The European Correspondence will bo rcuularlv continued, as will also the stones trom the Classics, and indeed all the attractive features of tho first vol umc. Tho notes and observations of a literary gen- tleman, now on a tour through tho Western and Southern States, are also promised for publication in tho Chronicle. Choice literary selections will bo furnished from the London Alonthly, Uentley s Miscellany, Black wood's, and other European Magazines, care being taken to select tho very best articles, "winnowing tho w boat from tho chair," from tho great mass of English Literature, and not to allow their number to interfere with our usuhl variety. Advantage will bo taken of every circumstance calculated to add in tercet to tho columns of tho Chronicle. Tho pub lishers being determined to allow nono to outstrip them in the "March of Improvement." During the past year the publwiers have paid, for-onginal con tributions, premiums, correspondence, xc, more tmin 1000 Hollars, And a still larger sum will be expended, for similar purposes, during the publication of the second vol umc. TERMS OF THE CHRONICLE. For a singlo copy for ono year, itx advance, six copies for 10; or three copies for $5. For six months, one dollar. (C'Small notes on all solvent Banks, received at par, in payment ol subscriptions. Address (posi paid.) MATTHIAS 5c TAI LUK, i'ubhsilfrs.' Philadelphia. Martin Stiles ct al Jacob Yetter John McKim Jr. ct al. vs. Samuel Ileflhcr ' vs, Nathaniel Williams vs, vs. John Stiles vs. Joseph Paxton ct al. Christopher Heller Wm. McKclvy et al. William Kitchen Frederick Switzcr Overseers of Dirry Mary Caldwell Abraham Van Horn Jacob Grow Mary Strawbridgo Uommonwcaltn ct al Peter Englo Michael Brobst ct al. NOTICE travellers up the North Branch of the A'bXm Adms uuaiyi.7iufi;iu. i ueorgo ouno ' Jn&A8SENGER8 bv thoSusoiiehonna Boat Lino Jonas Hft'ymah LtllB from Northumberland, arrivo at Wilkcsbarro John Fulkcrson ct al l.'lnHrP timrif! .... ;...(.. nr:i Tin, I f Knrseera nf Knar nirl j.' " w . . vwiw 'i m.'.v O . tor mages, ana rcacn juomroso TWiin i x-ruuu j f : Ti I , , r,.r miniQin uouis sooner. i . inc. v. uiiiviiivioi , Wm. Scout, Geo. Fetteman, Joseph Maus, vs. Samuel Smith vs, Legrand Dancroft vs. Same, vs. William Badleyr vs. Overseers of Liberty vs. Wm. McDowell vs. D. Montgomery's Ex'r's. vs. George Hooucr Jesse r unston Andrew McRcynolds John Bittcnbcndcr ct al. Wm.' McKclvy ct al. Robert McCurdy ct al. Michael J lower Matthew McDowell Lucas Brass CATTAWISSA HOUSE HIE SUBSCRIBER returns his acknowlcdg. mcntsto his friends for thcirllberal patronage. and would respectfully inform tho public ill general. that ho has fitted up his establishment, in Cattawis- sa, near the bridge, and SIGN OF THE CROSS wm. KEYS, Uune 10, 1837. Jacob Shuman Juno 17, 1837. Jacob Wclkcr Charles Jennings, n a very superior style, which will render comfort and convenience to all w ho may favor him with their custom. His TABLE is supplied with tho luxu' ries of a bountiful market; his BAR well stored with tho choicest Liquors; and his S1ABLING con tains plenty of provender, and is attended oya care ful hostler. He solicits all to givo him a call, and eelsconhdent that he will render satisfaction, S. BROUST. Cattawtssa, Juno 17,1837, TllE LAST OF THE VIOLETS. 'Twas like a fairy tale to pass to the woods, And enter the.swcct solitude and gaze On the fair spirit of its loveliness. Delicate as a crcaturo that but breathes The perfumed air of providence." L. E. L. In one of the loveliest sports of earth's gardens grew a cluster of blue violets; some tall shrubs grew near them, by which they were shaded from the intense heat of the sun, and also from the rough visitlngs of the rude wind. There were nav flowers of all names and hues within sight, and a brook that murmured gentle music constantly flowed near them. Hut their best blessing is nottold yet. What in all the wide world is happy, if it be not loved? Tho sun may shine brightly round us, yet its smile may impart no Warmth of the heart; sweet words may be whispered to us, but their sound is hollow; praises may bo showered upon us, but we are indifferent to them. We catch ourselves wondering that we are nothappy, and the heart ponders over the blight im aginmgs ot its own creation till it wearies and sickness and yearns for a participator in its joys and sorrows; and then if it meet with one, a new world opens around us, being ourselves happy, we strive to make others so', and then we become better, and wiser, and kinder, and gentler to all man kind, through the loyc of a sijjgle being, And so were these violets blest. They would talk in theif own sweet language all day of the bliss they should enjoy at night and when it came they would look tip be tween the branches ol the trees Inch over them and sec "one bright particular star' beaminfx upon them, and that was their lover. And if such a word bo admitted 1 love's dictionary, truly inight they be prou of such an one, so high, so much beyond their sphere, and so constant! Let the day have been what it might; still with th cveninccame the star; and when no others were to be seen, and it was wet and dark he would peep forth, if only for d minute This lasted for a loner while, and it might have lasted a great deal longer, but one day there was an unusual noise near the violets and they looked up, and saw fluttering jus above them a buttcifly, with wings of gold spotted with green. They were astonish ed and not a little proud ofsuchavis and more so still when the visitor told them that ho had forsaken all the bright flowers of the garden for their sweet 3akcs and that he would come daily and sing tb them, and love them for ever, flic star appeared that night but it looked dim The violets did not notice its changed ap ncarance. so nleascd were they with their now lover, who came thenextday, amWh next, till he intoxicated the bcautilui ami foolish little things with flattery, and then they forgot him who had loved them so well and so constantly. Night after night the star shone down upon them but more faintly; its radiance declined into a mild dim look of pity, then it disappeared en tirely. Now that thoy were left alono they grieved sorely for their ingratitude, for they had no rain for some time, and they were thirsting. The snn scorched them sadly; the little brook had dried up, so that they had no music, and no star shone upon them now. The butterfly continued to come and sip the dew from the violets; but ho now be gan to talk of other flowers, and he came less frequently, and would no longer sing to them, till at last they upbraided him for his neglect, and then he laughed and said they must be very foolish little things to bclicvo all that ho had said; and as they were dissatisfied ho should leave them. Ho did leavo them, and never came again; the next day he flew past them, and they watched him, and tho tallest of them saw him settle on a rose bud. Ono by one tho violets drooped, and witl ered and died, till at last only one re mained; and she was dying. It was night, and she was sadly wondering whether tho next day's sun would spare her, when the butterfly passed by onco moro, and lingered for an instant to taunt hor with her loneliness. He flew away, and tho flowei bent its head to the ground with very shame and misery; she was dying with thirst. Suddenly she felt a drop fall upon her bosom; it was fol lowed by more; and there was a gentle shower; tho violet looked up in wonder and I gratitude, and there smilling, through tho trees, mingling pity and forgiveness with ils old familiar looks of Iqvc, was tho star. Tho flower had learnt a lesson a dear but I valuable one'; and she remained constant to her star, and loved him better and truer than ever. From the Baltimore Monument. THE SABBATH We have just returned from the taber naclc of the Most High, and the voice of the messenger is slill in our ears. Hoy blessed to the heart is the holy institution f the Sabbath! How timely is its quiet ing recurrence, just as we were growing weary in the spirit with the care and bu siness of lifej or becoming too much ah- orbed in the world, and learning gradu ally tofdrgctthc hand that has thus far grad ually led us on, and the voice to our ears aa sweet as music! The Sabbath has a thousand holy in fluences which come over the mind with a rectifying power, arid win us to the con templation nf more sublime and ennobling subjects than those over which we ,too of ten grovel with a fond attachment, tho greater portions of our lives. There is something in the quiet and repose of a great city, contrasted with, its hurry and bustle but the day before, which is some thing to the heart. The impressive so lemnity of the house of God, brings thoughtfulness -and calm reflections and the elbqence of music as it stirs the waters of our better feelings, wins upo.n tho soul, and opens up its avenues for tho reception of that word which is life and Salvation. , How blindly do they err to their owrf discontent and misery who aro forgetful of their Sabbath privileges! Who never suffer their minds to react from worldli ness of feeling or to react only to become absorbed with the agitation of exciting pleas ure. To them, there is no season of deep and holy thought no" hour sacred to heaven born contemplation not a moment wheii the soul lifts itself up with a rapturous sense of its divine origin to contemplate the sublime attributes of its God, and its own glorious origin and distinction. In such seasons there is joy for the heartvhich cannot be told in words, nor understood by those who havo never experienced it. There aro moments in which tho Soul enjoys communion with that Being who is greater than kings and priests who made the mountains the deep quiet valleys the everlasting ocean, and tlio starry firma ment that arches over all with its myste ry of sun, moon, and twinkling stars. And is not the Sabbath then a blessing to man? And is he mad with worse than tho maniac's insanity, when ho pass es by the hallowed day without partaking of hs divino influence? Can his labor bo sweet in the coming week? Can his mind have gathered back from a thousand trials and perplexities its serenity, its quiet and systematic action? Wo fear not. And week after week will his moral preceptions grow moro obtuse arid his sensual feel lings stronger; and he will soon add anoth er to those who are even now imparting tho leaven of their unholy influonco to every proportion of society. "Josh," says a stumpy bullet headed black to a molasses dipped companion on crossing tho drawbridge "Josh, pay mo dat dare ftp vot you borrowed o' me." "Golla mighty, vat you mepn to ax a man for money these times, don't you see all do marchent breaking, how can you spect mo to pay; I'se spendid payment too." Military Display. No less than 50,000' men arc to bo assembled in tho autumn re views in Prussia. Tho omperors of Aus tria and Russia are expected to fro prcset Agent.