The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 29, 1837, Image 3

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-iti if "7 -i . r-t m w
' "fC7AVc arc under many obligations to
Mr. Smith, one of our- Delegates to the Re
-form Convention for the transmission of
missing numbers of the "Daily 'Chronicle'
since llio adjournment of that body; and
' also to Mr. Hauius, of Union, for similar
UCJOur far.ners are busily engaged at
harvesting; and it affords us great pleasure
to announce the Hint, that irom all appcar-
B . . Ml f. 1 1-1 --.-
taiccs Uiey win oc ampiy rewarucu ior
their toils, by bountiful "crops. Wheat,
Rye, Conl, Oats, Potatoes every thing
in fact, promlses'to yicld'abundantly; and
.wo may confidently calculate on a great do
feline in prices on allH'liesc productions in
the course of a lew weeks'.
A board of Directors havo been chosen
for this iiistitufion, who have elected John
HI. GnwnKX. Eso. its President. No
T Cashicr has yet been appointed; and, from
wnai wo uiiuursumu, u win uu aumu Hint
ffiencc before the Bank will have occasion
Kor such an officer. The SIOO.OQC paid
. . i i i t. .,. ,:.,,
jfnto the Bank for the purchase of 'stock ha
Keen loaned out on landed or other security,
and until the prejudice's of the people sub
Ride, no notes will be issued. Probably
their nrcscnt course will answer the ends
'of the stockholders, and certainly prove
Beneficial to the community in its immcdi
u;atc nerghbourhood.
fCJTlic '"ninety days pennance" has
nearly expired, and yet we hear of no pos
ytivo movements 6n the part of the Banks
with respect to resuming specie payments.
lArc they determined to give Gov. Ritner
fan opportunity of annulling their charters
Iby proclamation? A fortnight more will
m .
"ublish the annexed communi-
cation with plcasuiu,
'rjn, personal ac-
fquaintance, having acquired our pro
Win his office, wc will freely endorse any eu
h logium on the moral character, eminent
qualifications, and stern political integrity
&f the individual recommended to succeed
the present Executive incuinhonU
For the Columbia Democrat.
Mr. Ingram : I have Sicon the names of
many persons announced as candidates for
Governor at the next election; and among
thcrs that of Isaac Slenkuiv, Esq. of Uni-
pn county. 11 the policy ot the democratic
Eparty requires a new man one "lrcsli
from the ranks of the pepplc" none better
could bo selected to concentrate a united
support, thin Mr. blenker. He is a licr-
man a Ponnsylvanian a genuine Demo
crat; and by his honest industry and appli
cation, has risen from a poor Farmer's
Boy to considerable eminence at the Bar,
and to merited distinction in the Halls of
legislation. His private character stands
!Vii3Kvitliniit snnl nr Itlnmitili! nml for nnlltieal
honesty and moral courage lie lias lew c-
wSauals, and certainly no superiors, among
thoso already named as "prominent" can
didates. He neither seeks nor declines of
fice, when oflered or conferred by the pco
jple; and their confidence cannot be mispla
feed in one so deserving and so qualified.
This comes from one who has always sup-
E ported the men and measures of the great
republican family, and who therefore prides
Ihimsclf in being
Criminal Statistic: There have heeil
3 capital executions in Pennsylvania sinfco
1790, and 27 persons pardoned for capital
convictions. Only one execution under
3 o v. Ritner. Tho number of persons par-
PUohcd for various offences during the abovo
eriod was 1101, tho remission of fines
fend forfeitures 1110.
Hank of Enxluml. Tho total numbor
i persons cmpioycu uy uic oanit in
i i it it. i 1. i niwi
,vas as follows: 820 clerks and porters
38 nrinlorii iind nun-ravers: 82 clerks and
. Tiorters at tho branchen; 910 total average
' snlnrv. 22(5. F.mml In 1 1 .fiilf).. or 91.-
015,200 paid for salaries only.
Fr,..i tho Kej-itsnc.
Amendments to the Constitution.
We understand that no part of the constitu
tion, was acted Upon by the Convention.
further than the first reading in committee
of the whole. The following is an account
of what has been done, and offered for the
consideration of the people, that their opin-
i r i '. i i . i
ions may uc lormcu anu exprcsscu 10 me
delegates "prior to their meeting again in
Article 1. Representatives to. lie elected
the third Tuesday of October. Senators to
be chosen for three years. In case a-pcr-soli
has been previously a qualified elector,
and snail auseni nimscii irom uic state, lie
may bo eligible as a senator or Represen
tative on one year's residence after his re
turn. No district shall cloctmorc than two
Senators, unless a single city or"County be
entitled to more than that number. Gen
eral Assembly to meet first Tuesday in
Article 2. The'Gov'crnof Hot to hold his
Office for more than two term's of three
years uCccsstvcly. The Governor to ap
point, and with the advice tmd consent 'of
the Senate, all judicial officers, or nomina
tions. In case of the death or resignation
of the Governor, the Spcaker'df the Senate
to perform the duties of Governor. Anoth
er Governor to be elected at the next gen
eral election.
Articles. A'lhcrtdeU to 'read as follows:
In elections by the citizens, every free
ina'n of the rigc of twenty-one years, having
resided in the state one ycaf, or if he had
previously been a qualified elector, siic
months before the election, and within two
years next before the election,, paid a slate
or county tax, which 'shall have been as
sossed at least ten days before the election,
shall enjoy the rights of an elector: Provi
ded, that'frcCmen of the United States, hav
ing resided in the state as aforesaid, being
between the ages ol twenty-one anu twenty
two years, shall be entitled to vote although
they shall not have paid taxes.
Article G. (County officers.) Registers
and Recorders, Prothonotaries, and Clerks
of courts, to be chosen by the citizens in
the several counties once in every term of
thrco years, and bo capable of re-election.
Justices of the Peace to be elected by the
people for five years, and hereafter only one
person to be elected as slicrill or coroner,
Articles -1, 5, 7, 8, and 9, cither not acted
upon, or agreed to without amendment.
Thc Philadelphia and Baltimore rail road
was opened last week. By this route the
passage between the two cities will be redu
ced to live or six hours. 1 he rail road
commences at Wilmington, (to which place
the communication to Philadelphia is by
steam boats,) and runs to the'Sus'quchanna
opposite Havre de-Grace. From the latter
place it is completed to Baltimore. lb.
The New York Mercantile statC3 that a
lorgery has been perpetrated on the state
hank of New York since the 1st instant, for
upwards of $10,000.
have decided, by a vote"rf RmonJ:
cannot legally put in circulation notcVuPY.
less value than five dollars,
Hoi" WnATiinu., The thefmomcter at
Charleston, South Carolina, on the Oth inst.
at 2 o'clock, P. M. was 101'.
Jl symptom.' The New Ilariipshirc
House of Representatives, by a vote of 13G
to 00, passed resolutions- on the 7th inst.
instructing their members of Congress and
Senators, to vole acainst a National Dank
of any description. The Senate passed the
resolutions unanimously.
The Legislature adjourned tho day fol
lowing, after a session of 32 days, having
passed 101 acts".
js a ray of light in the following
rom tho Pittsfield Spy, worthy of
remark from
nresent consideration
"A thousand dollars drawn from the earth
in the shape of products adds that sum to
the capital of the country: but the same
amount made artificially by "swampping
roosters," benefits no one, nor the commu
nity. "Paddy, do you know how to drive?"
said a traveller to the "Phnston" of a jaunt
ing car. "Sure I do," was tho answer:
"wasn't it I who upset your honour in a
ditch two years ago?'
The entire population of Maine is -175,-151
of which 255,289 are under 21 years.
MARRIED On Thursday morning last
in this village, by the Rev. George C
Drake, Mr. BRIGHT R. PAXTON, of
Cattawissa, to Miss EMELINE, second
daughter of Jolm Barton, Esq. of E'spy
town. On Thursday the 20th inst., by the Rev.
I. Bahl; Mr. HUD EON OWEN, to Miss
EMILY J. JACKSON, both of Berwick.
"In tho midst of life wo aro in death."
In this piafco oil Saturday evening last,
very suddonly of Croup, WILLIAM, in
fant son of Bernard Rupert, Esq. aged 3
years, 8 months, and twenty-six days.
Y V1TVTUE of sundry writs of Venditioni
Exnoncu to mo directed, will be exposed to
public sale, at the court-house, In Danville, on Mon
day the Slst of August next, at ten o'clock, A. M.,
being the first day of the court, the following Ileal
Property, to wit i
A certain Ti-act of iLaiid,
Situate in Mt. Pleasant township, Columbia county,
in tho possession of Philip Btctler, containing Fifty
acrea, more or lcss( whereon is erected ono
Adjoining land? Iato of Daniel Stctler, Matthias
Sliipman, Peter Laubauch, Uarnard Stctler and Zc
l)oalh White. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Charles Stetler, at tho suit
of David Pctrikin.
ALSO: Jl certain Lot of Ground, situ.
ate in Liberty township, Columbia countv.' contain.
nig ocvcniy ucrcs,more or less, bounded by lands of
iiuuciiomiuiuuu, jusL'puivcrr, cc joscpn liobmson,
in the possession of James Thomas, sen'r. whereon
is erected ono Log
ItBrt. 1 mi mm -i w a. m. WiSlS
leu m
About Thirty acre's are cleared, and on the premises
is an Apple Orchard. Scizpd, 'taken in execution,
a. 10 uo som as uic property ol Samuel Thomas, jr.
JUsbUt Jill the rizht. title, and
ciaim inat qcicnuant lias in a certain Lot of Land,
situate in Mahoninir township: containing fiftv acres
uuiu ui lusi, aujoming janus oi AUranam Htrom, A-
uranam nicnscn ana Jolin t oust; whereon is erected
About Forty acres is cleared land, with an Annie
Urcharil. fccized, taken m execution, and to be
sold as tho property of George Wertman.
. , ALSO
Jl certain Tract of Land, situate
Roaring creek township, Columbia county, adjoin
mg lands of J. Cooper, Win.lG. Hurly, A. Starks,
Leonard Roup, George Stinc, and others, containing
seventy-seven acres, whereon is erected u
About forty-six acres aro cleared. Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob
Roup. uy ,
Slccriff's Office, Danville, July 39, 1837.
To the 'Freemen of Columbia county.
ELLOW-CITIZENS: At the request of ma
ny personal friends, I solicit your votes at the
approaching election for the
Office of Sheriff.
Should a majority of your suffrages elevate me to
tho station I pledge myself to discharge tho duties of
the ollice with correctness and impartiality, mask
ing your support, tne subscriber is prompted by a
his large IHVJniptc the public good; and he hopes that
port himself hv laborTiriV and his inability to sup-
Tthoso who can feel for the wants ol im hc votes of
qualified neighbour, A
OrangcviUc, July 29, 1837.
j friends I oiler mybclf as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff,
at the ensuing general election, and solicit your
votes and interest. Should I be elected I shall en
deavor to merit tho favour, by a correct and faithful
fulfilment of the duties of the office.
Madison, July 29, 1837.
fnAKE NOTICE that wo have applied to the
K Judges of the court of Common Picas of Co
lumbia connty, for the benefit of the insolvent laws
of this commonwealth, and the said court have ap
pointed Monday the 2st day of August next,
To hear us and our creditors at tho court house
in Danville, at which place you may attend if you
think proper.
July 20. 1897.
The Overseers of ihe Poor
F tho Townships of Derry, Liberty and Maho
ninir. and thoso of all othor Townships in Co
lumbia county, as also ol tlio county 01 ioruiurn
bcrlahd, favourable to tho erection of
aro hereby requested to meet in Daxvillk, on the
2 1st day of August next, being Monday of court,
to devise such preparatory measures as may bo ne
cessary for that purpose.
I.R.McCAY, .
Overseers of Mahoning township.
July 29. 1837.
N APPRENTICE to tho Blacksmithing bu
siness. A Uov between 10 and 18 years ol
ago, of good character and steady habits, will find a
situation by applying to the subscribkr, at his rosi
donco near Espytown.
July 8, 1837,
ll SEtr
ALL persons Indebted to the subscriber on Sub
scription Lists, or otherwise, are requested to
make immediate payment to Charles Kaler, Esrfi
oi uioomsDurgj ana moso. naving demands against
me are solicited to authenticate their accounts for set
tlement, and leave them with the same person before
the first of August next.
. 'Persons holdinir the Subscription Lists nftbs
Danville, Cattawissa, Roaring Creek, New-Colum-
l.ln Mfttm, U! ... 1 V . '
.v.u... . ivo.-aiii. miu i is.iurs congregations, arc
requested, to hand them to. Esquire Kaler, and also
to pay over to him any moneys which they may have
rcceivcu on me same.
July 15, 1837.
WlT i tip cm n . ii' , . ,
of 'the subscriber, in Esnvtowh. on Tnu.
HIT ttip Urol it-iv Anii.lH..i'iLr-ll . .
V w
-- ... UUj v. ..uguM ni;fc, uiu lungwinf; pro
perty, to wit :
wne Mahogany Aule-lJoard, one Sofa,
Tables, Jiureaus. Fanm nnd Jl'fmUnr
Chairs. Looking 7ipiUtr,U n
Coohing'Stdve, one hedvv two'horse IVaa.
trnn n nmrhnm rf..J.. fx .
gon,a Dearborn rVaggon,.a Carriage, a
variety of Ailchcn lurflititrc, and other
articles, too tedious to mention.
Sale to commenco at 10 o'clock. A. M. when due
attendanco will be given, and terms of sale, made
known by JOHN UARTON.
bspytown, July 15, 1837.
sident Judge of the courts of Over & Ter
miner and GencrarJall Delivery, court of Quarter
OrnhW, 7w ;fa,Ce' ?T.i i T,nr 1 nnd
3l nf ,l V "FSf ,Ud'C!aI dlst"c 'Tc?m"
posed of the counties of Northumberland. Union.
Columbia and Lycominjr, and the Hon. William
Montgomery and Leonard Rupert, 'Esquires, asso-
date Judges in Columbia county, have issued their
precept bearing date tho 22d day of April, in the
year of our Lord, one thousand eiuht hundred and
thirty-seven, and to nio directed, for holding tho
several ourt3 ol
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De
livery, General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's
IN DANVILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on
the third Monday .of August next (being Uic 21st
dav and tor.nntinnnnnn wnrlr.
Notice is therefore. hereby Given, to the Coroner,
the justice of tlie peace ami Constables of the said
county of Columbia, that they be then and therein
their proper persons at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, with their records, inquisitions. & other
remembrances, to do those things which to their
olTiccs appertain to be done: And thoso who are
bound ly recognizances, to prosecute against the
piisoncrs mat aro or may be in the jail ofsaid coun
ty of Columbia, are to bo then and there to prose
cute against them as shall be iust. Jurors are request
ed to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
uicir notices.
Sheriff's Office, DanVille, July 15, 1837.
ELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of
a great number of my friends and well-wish-
crs, l again oiler myself as a candidate for tho
Office of Sheriff
of the county of Columbia, at the next general elec
tion. If you would be so good as to give me your
votes, tncro snail lacK notlnng on my part to uo my
duty with accuracy and iidchty.
Danville, June 24, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia coun,a.
ELLOW-CITIZENS: At the solicitation of
many friends throughout the county, I offer
myself as a candidato for the office of
at the next General election, and would feel grateful
for your support. JOHN FRUIT.
Madison, June 3, 1837,
To the Electors of Columbia county:
nELLOW CITIZENS 1 At the urgent sphcita
' tionsof numerous friends, I offer myself as a
candidate for the office of
Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of
votes, and procure my commission, I pledge myself
to executo the duties of the offico with fidelity and
impartiality. ELIAS MclIENRY.
May 13, 1837.
To tho doctors of Columbia county:
FELLOW CITIZENS: At the solicitation of a
number of my friends I havo been encouraged
to offer myself as a Candidate for the offico of
at the ensuing General Election. If I should bo so
fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I
plcdgo myself, so far as my abilities will admit, to
perform the duties of the offico with integrity and
Roaring Crock, May 20, 1837.
Corn, Rye, Oats & Potatoes,
OR which CASH will bo paid on delivery.
Enquire at tho Buckhorn.
July 8 183T.
ENDEKS his professional services to the citi
zens of Columbia county. Ho will feel grate
ful lor business entrusted to his care. Office in the
same building with tho 'Columbia Democrat,'
Bloomsburjj, May, 1837,
mmr A TBw- r,wm . .
W All. SiT A tf3'lT,$k
I observed a notice in tho "KevBtnn " rno
one wliirli T nnlilifilin.l Plnnn.l l... ht ti r r.i
chnst, Agent, stating that tho Susquchannah Boa
uniu wouiu carry passengers in less time than the
Mail Stage which is not the fact It will be un-
uciiuuu iuui uic uoat icave3 xiarnspurg one uav
S yet wo have taken Passenger
tlirough to Wilkcsbarre In time for the Moiitroso
staces. notwithstandinff the tardv mnnnrr in tvlitrh
.the mail is brought from llarrisliurg to us at Nor-
thumbcrland. If any other persons had the convey.
ance of tho mails from Harrisburir to Northumlwr.
.land than thoso connected witli tho Boats, I would
??.g,.! 6tari. a.t.t!,e ?mo hour with the Boat at
iiuimuurg, anu ucuvctuio mail and 1 10 parsengcis
TWELVE HOURS sooner tbn .h h
possibly can do it. , , , t . t
. When tho Company runs a staze from Moribnm.
b.crlanito Wilkpsbarrc, the mail can arrive at Npr-
thumberland from Harnsburg by 1 1 o'clock, A. M.;
1 wnen Boat runs nbovo. they then keep
back the stage at Northumberland until 4 o'clock P.
M. and sometimes as late as 7 o'clock. P. M.
These are facts, which, if the Post Master General
is not awaro of, it is time he was made acquainted
with them.
Northumberland, to eo through to Montrose, imll
j.. J-,.... . j' .'i . p . . . .
uc luncii u m imre 10 secure teats in me Montrose
'taSe,nolwithtandivsthe,dtlayofthe Opposition
in arriving at NorthumherhJrovidei they fix
jv Lr " J
upon a regular time for starting.
Dloomsburg, June 10, 1837.
From Philadelphia, by Hail Iload S? Canal
1 0 Ji arrisourg, j orlhumberland, Dun
ville, Cattawissa, Bloomsburg,
Btriviek, Jjllkesbarre, Mil
ton, jyilliamsport, and
intermediate places.
PASSENGERS can leave tho West Chester
Hotel, Broad street, Philadelphia, daily, at 0
o'clock, A. M. reach Harrisburg at 4 o'clock, P. M.
of the same day ; Northumberland 10 o'clock A.
M. of the next day ; and Wilkcsbarre on the suc
ceeding morning at C.o'clock ; when Coaches will
immediately start lor Carbondalc, Tunkhannock and
Montrose, and thence to tho Western part of New
York state,
RETURNING The Boats leave Wilkcsbarre
daily, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Dlooms
burg at 4 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg at
5 o'clock on the following morning, and reaches
Columbia in time to take the morning Cars for
The Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on tho
West Branch, ot about 9 o'clpck, P, M. of the samo
day on which they reach Northumberland and re
turn daily.
TJie Boats on the abovo lines have been repaired,
and are now confidently recommended to the PUB
LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient modA
of travelling1. SEATS may be taken in Philadelphia
at the north-cast corner of Fourth & Chcsnut streets,
at No. 200 Market street, and at tho West-Chester
Hotel, Broad btreet. ,
FREIGHT may be forwarded by Rail Road from
Oxrich & Nobles and J, J. Lewis & Co, Broad street,
to HarriSDiriBMcQabes Line of Union Canal Boats
Susquehanna Lino from jni bo received by tho
Whart, Schuylkill. Vinestrcet
P. Mc. C.
UltiUllUlOl ,
Wilkcsbarre, June 10, 1837.
To Travcllers.up lite North Branch of the
PA8SENGERS by tho Susquehanna Boat Lino
from Northumberland, arrive at Wilkcsbarre
EIGHT HOURS sooner than by the Mail Line
of Stages, and reach Montrose TWENTY-FOUR
hours sooner. P. Mc. C, GltCHRIST,
Juno 10, 1837'. Ag'-
Information Wanted.
NY information respecting Hiram. Jackson
and Levi Leister, would air
lord much gratification to tho subscriber, at present
residing at Danville. They aro from Brandon, m
Rutland county, Vermont ; and are supposed to bo
livinc near New-Columbia, in this county.
THE SUBSCRIBER returns his acknowledg
ments to his friends for their liberal patronage,
and would respectfully inform tho public in general,
that he has fitted up his establishment, in Cattawis
sa, near tho bridge, and
n a very superior style, which will render comfort
and convenience to all who may favor him with their
custom, His TABLE i supplied with the luxu
ries of a bountiful market; his BAR well stored with
the choicest Liquors; and his STABLING con
tains plenty of provender, and is attended by a care
ful hostler. He solicits all to givo him a calL and
eels confident that he will render satisfaction.
CattawUsn, Juno 17,1837.
OF a superior quality, just received ard for sale
by the subscriber. O.D.FISHER.
liloomtburg, July 22, t837.