learning taught'ln schools, and the educa tion of books, ate beneficial in their place: yet these are not indispensable' to Oman's enlightened tlischa'rgc of his duties as-a cit izen. A stron'g-mituled, s"ou"nd-jlidging man, educated by observation and thought, and deeply interested in his country's wel fare, thought ho may be so unskilled in school-boy acquirements as to bo unable to write his own name, or'cven'fead'that of his chosen candidate, is yet far more capa ble of rightly using his nrivileraf vnlinir. than the. graduate of college, who has cir cumnavigated, tnc 'whole circle of the sci ences, and is familiar with every written language, but who haa-ncver spent a thought upon the government of his country, or upon the requisite qualifications of its offi cers. 1 he education of children is ho w be coming usuojeci 01 great anu engrossing- interest, -ana it is anOblo cause tor exertion. This is planting for the coming generation: but cannot something also be done for the present? Is not the moral' ifnpr&vcihcnt of inosc wno are now men anrt women, fath ers and mothers, as binding on tlleloverof- Miis.-country, ana his Kind, as that of chil urcn who ate to become these in future? Suroly it must be. Ev.cn the cause of edu cation would prospcY more successfully, if the duty ol enlightning the opinions of the patents received its due share ot attention. -.Parental example and authority arc power ful instruments 'in-clevaling or debasing the character of a child. 'And all efforts to ben- ' cfit mankind should begin' in he'family cir cle, Tor liere is the fountain-head of good and of evil. Contrast the influence of a teacher, however competent by his know! edge and wisdom, or Venerated for his pic ty and benevolence, with that of a parent, the brothers and sisters. The few precepts given, 'and a few hours spent in a school. are but feeble restraints in checking the vi cious tendencies wrought by the example, -of home, and fostered by its powerful and rpervading influences. Let the patriot, the philanthropist, and the Christian, think of these things. Let them 'follow the- example of those whom they must unite to oppose, in their perseve Tance, their activity, and iheir untiring ef fort. Let them enlist the press in their caiisc, and give 'the people line upon line, and precept upon precept leading them gradually and pleasantly onward in the knowledge -of their various duties. And surely the advantage of oral instruction and "public addresses should not bo left wholly in'the possession ofthciropponents. Then lot those who have studied human nature and who are friendly to the true interests of their fellow creatures, search outand reflect upon the best plans for enlightening public 1 -opinion, and diligently pursue those most -suitable for promoting the desired end 'To such, we take the liberty of suggesting a plan which was lound eminently usetu in a period strikingly similar, in many re spects.'to oor own. Then as how, there were disaffection and rebellion against the laws, fc murmurings and threatcnings, riots aud tumults, among the people, from the scarcity -and Inch prices oi provisions There was also an active dissemination of infidel and disorganizing doctrines, written In a stylo to attract thooor, sold at low prices, and disseminated with incredible industry. This plan was, to fight these vendors of anarcliy and atheism with their own weapons, and to establish by suu enrintinn n lind nfnnrinfllpril lSSUO nflrooMi called 'The. Cheap J?-Pitory,' in which three separate publications were produced every month, 'consisting of stories, ballads, and Sunday readings, written in a lively and popular manner, by way of counterac tion to the poison continually flowing through the channel of vulgar, licentious, and seditious publications.' The design succeeded beyond the most sanguine expectations of its projector and principal writer. Two millions of these publications wore sold in the first year; and the good effects said to have proceeded from these tracts, would be almost beyond ibelief, "were they not recorded in the letters oT Bishop Portucs, and others, equally cel cbraied characters of the time. Of one ballad called 'The Riot,' it is staled that it prevented a mob among the colliers near Balli, 'in "which the mills were to bo at tacked, and the flour seized, And it is re lated Of the 'Villago Politics,' -that it flew, with a rapidity which may appear incredi ble to those whose memories do not reacli hack to that period, into every part of the kingdom. Many thousands were sent by .government to Scotland and Ireland. Nu merous patriotic persons printed large cdi tions,at their own expense, and in London alone many hundred thousand were soon circulated.' And this little publication is niil in have wielded at will, the fierce de mocracy of England,' and to havo tamed the tide of misguided opinion. And many persons-of tlio soundest judgment went so .far as to affirm, that it had essentially con iiiiiiiml wnilr.r Providence, to prevent a revolution.' Although" we are not so sanguine as to expect that any single publication would ;havc the effect in ' wielding1 will' an Amcr iV -nnmaaec. vet we are confident that much good might be wrought upon the public mind, by the circulation of tracts ;,;non in suit the limes and the people, nn, iii.ietrMincr. in a popular and attractive manner, tho dangerous tendency of these f-..o ,-lc-inrrs rtfrnmst laW Olid gOOd Or ,der pointing out tho mischiefs of disorgani zing the infidel doctrines, and oxcitinfc a desire to be faithful as Christians, husbands, ' r.u. ...i niiniH. To baring forward nny effectual result, there must be combi- ned, constant, and long-continued effort; there must bo nnweariod perseverance, "and untiring activity. Wo have made the sug gestion, arid leave it in the hands of thosc who love their Country 'and their country men, and are willing to labor in the good cause of enlightning public opinion. From the Saturday Chronicle. 'HUMAN GOVERNMENT A'NTJ LIBERTY. The relative proportions which Republi can forms of Government bear to those of a monarchial or dospotic character, have ever been a subject of enquiry amongst politi cians, 'philosophers, and historians of every age; and tracing the rise and fall ol em pires, with thc.progrcss of Republicanism from the earliest ages of mankind to 'the present day, would afford an admirable view of the march of humanfrecdom. We much regret that the synopsis from which we have made tho lollowing liberal extracts, in illustration of the present state of the differ ent governments of nations, lias never been published with the name of its compiler. It Would have afforded us pleasure to have awarded to him in our columns, tiic credit which is eminently -due for his able re search and dovelopem'ent. It will be seen by a reference to the subjoined statistics, that the human lamuy, is, as yet, only in the infancy tf a progress towards the en joyment of the natural and social rights of man. We begin with REPUBLICS. The only countries possessing a republi can fornvof Government, or a system which acknowledges the people to bo the source of power, recognizing no self appointed, or hereditary" authority, are the following 1. The United States of America, the freest, most enlightened and prosperous, which has a population of about 10,080, 000. 2. Mexico, whose population is 8,200, 000. 3. Colombia, 3,400,000. 4. Boli via, 1,500,000. 5. Guatemala, 2,000,000. 0. Peru, '2,000,000. 7. Chili, 1,700,000. Embraced in fhe continent of South Amer ica. 8. Hayti, population 810,000 (blacks.) 9. Switzerland, population 2,090,000. 10. San Merino (in Italy) population about 12,000. 1 1. Cracow, 30,000. We would further remark, that with the excoption of the United States and Switz erland, very few of the above nations can boast a population sufficiently rational and intellectual, to be enabled to appreciate the nature and blessings of Self Government. LIMITED MONARCHIES. The countries possessing a government m which the hereditary sovereignty of one Chief Magistrate or King, balanced by legislative representation of the people, upon constitutional principles and a greater or less extension of the elective franchise, are the following 1. Great Britain, the freest, most intclli gent, powerful & prosperous of them, has a home population ot 25,000,000; in llano ver 1,000,000; in British India, 159,352, 000; in Canada, N. American and West Indian Islands, 3,100,000; in the Ionian Islands (Mediterranean,) 209,000; in Cape of Good Hope, and other colonies, 1,000,- 000 in the Island of Ceylon, 1,000,000 The whole population of tl "--''" piro is thus lf. , in unlimited monarchies, there is a lib eral infusion of Republican principles. This is particularly remarkable in the Gov ernment of Great Britain, in which all sup plies arc wanted bu the House of Commons or ueprcsciuauves oi uiu i cujm;. .no iui as payment goes, therctorc, tne crown, al though hereditary, is quite under the re straint of the people. Tho ministers are also held responsible lor the public acts ol the King, Ihcy being his good or evil coun sellors. If the ministers recommend or bring forward measures that are obnoxious or injurious to the interests of the People they are not supported by the Commons, and necessarily dismissed by the King. " . i r i The three great principles oi unman Government, which have subsisted from time immemorial Monarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy are said to be combined in the British Constitution. But it is remark able, that the more Rcpnldican reforms have been introduced, and tho nearer tho popular branch of that Constitution has ap proximated to the system of the United States the nearer also, lias it approached towards rational freedom and perfection We now turn to a darker side of the pu lure, and quote DESPOTIC GOVERNMENTS. The countries in which tho will of the sovereign is tho supreme law, but in which there arc various codes of subordinate laws, and governors, arc the following 1. Russia, which in Europe has a pdpu lation of 53 millions, and in Asia 3 millions, 410 thousand. 2. Egypt 4-millions. 3. Denmark 2 do 4. Prussia 15 millions. 5. Saxony 1 million 5 hundred thousand. 0. Turkey in Asia 1 1 millions 5 hundred thousand, in Europo 10 millions. 7. Arabia (despotic chiefs) 11 millions 500 thousand. 8. Tartary (despotic chiefs) 10 millions. 9. China 170 millions. Japan ao uo. ' 11. Austria 34 millidns and a half. 12. Asiatic Isles 20 millions. 18. Ba. varia4 millions 4 hundred thousand. 14. Italian Stato (papal) 10 millidns. 15. Brazil 5 millions. 10. Independent Indians (by chiefs) 1 million and a hall. 17. Snanish colonies 2 millions 7 hun died thousand. 18. Daniuli 110 thousand. Annum, if! 'Asia, 15 millions. 20. 3 millions. 21. Sigia 4, millions. Burmah 3 millions and a half. Ncpaul 2 millions and a half. Sindhi-l million. 25. CabaulOdo. Bohemia between 2 and four mil- Sialn 22. 23. 21. 20. lions. 27. 28. Thibet 30 millions. African "Nations, unknown, but sup to be 200;000,000. posed It therefore appears.that there are' now six hundred and sixty-five millions, nine hundred and ninety thousand of the human race, in a state of political slavery. The following list of Officers, of the General Government, from its commence ment under the present constitution until tho present time, is extracted fom the Cin cinnati Gazette; as a matterof reference, it will no 'doubt-prove valuable to all. Presidents. 178D, Gedrgc Washington, of Virginia. 1797, John Adams, of Massachusetts. 1801, Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia. 1809, James Madison, of Virginia. 1817, James Monioe, of Virginia. 1723, John Quincy Adams, of Mass. 1829, Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee. 1837, Martin Van Bur'cn.of New York. Vice Presidents. 1789, John Adams, of Massachusetts. 1797, Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia. 1801, Aaron Burr, of Now York. 1805, George Clinton, of New York. 1813, Eldridge Gerry, of Massachusetts. 1817, Daniel D. Tompkins, of S. Carolina 1825, John 0. Calhoun, of South Carolina 1833, Martin Van Burcn, of New York. 1837, Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky Secretaries of stale. 1789, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. 1791, Edmund Randolph, of Virginia. 1795, Timothy Pickering, ofPcnn. 1800, John Marshall, of Virginia. 1801, James Madison, of Virginia. 1809, Robert Smith, of Maryland. 1811, James Monroe, of Virginia. 1817, John Quincy Adams, of Mass. 1825, Henry Clay, of Kentucky. 1829, Martin Van Burcn, of New York. 1831-, Edward Livingston, of Louisiana. 1833 Louis McLane, of Delaware. 1835, John Forsyth, of Georgia. Secretaries of the treasury. 1789, Alexander Hamilton, of New York. 1795, Samuel Dexter, of Massaclruset'ts. 1801, Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut, 1802, Albert Gallatin, of Pennsylvania. 1814, George W. Campbell, of Tennessee. 1814, Alexander J. Dallas, of Pennsylvania. 1817, Wm. H. Crawford, of Georgia. 1825, Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania. 1829, Sam'l. D. Inglfam. of Pennsylvania. 1831, Louis McLane, of Delaware. 1833, William J. Duafic, of Pennsylvania. 1833, Roger B. Taney, of Maryland. 1834, Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire. Secretaries of war. 1789, Henry Knox, of Massachusetts. 1796, Timothy Pickering, of Pennsylvania. 1790, James McHenryl 8?' !eLteTd,Connccticut. loui, iicnry ucaruoni, oi iiiussuouusuua. 1809. William Eustus, of Massachusetts. 1813, John Armstrong, of New York. 1815, William II. Crawford, of Georgia. 1817 Isacc Shelby, of Kentucky, (did not accept the appointment) 1817, John C Calhoun, of South Carolina. 1825, James Barhour, of Virginia. 1828, Peter B. Porter, of Now York. 1829, John II. Eaton, of Tennessee 1834. Lewis Cass, of Ohio. 1837, Joel R, Poinsett, of South Carolina. Secretaries of the navy. 1789, George Cabot, of Massachusetts. 1798, Benjamin Stoddart, of Maryland. 1802, Robert Smith, of Maryland. 1805. Jacob Crowninshield, of Mass. 1809, Paul Hamilton, of South Carolina. 1812, William Jons, of Pennsylvania. 1814, Benj. W. Crowninshield, of Mass. 1818, Smith Thompson, of New York. 1823, Samuel Southard, of New Jersey-. 1829, John Branch, bf North Carolina. 1831, Levi AVoodbury, of New Hampshire. 1831, Mahlon Dickcrson, of New Jersey. Post masters general. 1789, Samuel Osgood, of Massachusetts, 1791, Timothy Pickering, of Pennsylvania. 1795, Joseph Habersham, of Georgia. 1802, Gideon Granger, of New York. 1814, Return J. Meigs, Jr. of Ohio. 1823, John McLane, of Ohio. 1820, William T. Barry, of Kentucky. 1835, Amos Kendall, of Ken'Ucky. Chief justices of the supreme coiirt 1789, John Jay, ofNew York. 1790, William Cushing, of Massachusetts. 1'790, Oliver Ellsworth, of Connecticut. 1800, John Jay, df New York( 1801, John Marshall, of Virginia. 1833, Roger B. Taney, of Maryland. Attorney generals. 1780, Edmund Randolph, of Virginia. 1704, William Bradford, of Pennsylvania. ft Ml I T - t nva, unanes iec, ot Virginia. 1801, Levi Lincoln, of Massachusetts; 1805, Robert Smith, of Maryland. 1800, John Brcckcnbridgo, of Kentucky 1807, Cresar A. Rodney, of Delaware. 1811, William Pinkney, of Maryland. 2814, Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania. 1817, William Wirt, of Virginia. 1829, John McPhcrson Berrien, of Georgia 1821, Roger B. Taney, of Maryland. tooi, uimjamni r. uuuer, oi Hew Yorli 19. ITAUTiOirOTTIIE SHIP PEiNnSKL,- VAMA. This Ship, the largest ever built, was launcbed from the Navy xani, rnuaucipnm, on Tuesday last, the 18th July. Tho fol lowing account we tane irom me aihuucu" Sentinel. . , ttVnr tlin benefit ol our distant reaucrs, wo will remark, that the day was one dllic finest that can well be imagined in our cli mate; and that Irom an cany nour m mo forenoon until the tunc fixed on lor tnc launch, about half past two o'clock In the afternoon, all the streets and avenues in the southern part of the city and district, were thronged with men, women and children, hastening to occupy the windows and roofs of the houses, the temporary sianus wnicn had been erected for the occasion, as well as tiie wharves from which it was suppo sed a glimpse of the splendib spectacle could be caught. The river was filled, with vessels of all descriptions, from tbelarge shin down to tho slight battcau, all tlccora- ted with streaming banners, anu several oi them enlivened with military music. The Jersey shore, as far as tile eye could leach, above and below the Navy Yard, was oc cupied hy'a continuous line of spectators. At about ten minutes past two, the appoint ed signal guns were fired, and the noble Pennsylvania glided into the water in the most easy and graceful manner, so much so, that instead of the mdlintain waves and 'the danger to 'small craft, which had been predicted, the swell was so slight as to be scarcely perceptible to persons on shore, and could not have caused the least alarm to tho most timid lady oh the river. Her reception into the water was hailed by the enthusiastic and successive cheers of the immense assemblage. Every one was de lighted all expressed their high gratifica tion at the scene. In the course of an hour or two, the ship was placed in a suitable position, and tho multitude had quietly dis persed. Oife of the features in the specta cle that we heard frequently spolccn of du ring the three or four hours that were oc cupied with it and it is one that reflects the highest credit on our population, was the perfect order and sobriety that characterised the deportment of the immense multitude, with scarcely an exception. It is scarcely possible, for such an occa sion to pass, without tho Occurrence of 0mc unforeseen accident. We have, how ever, as yet heard of but three. A short time previous to the launch, an individual fell into the river from a vessel nearly oppo site Christian street, and almost immediately disappeared, although there were a number of boats at a short distance, whose crews made every exertion to save him. We un 'derstand that a boy fell from a wharf or pile of lumber, and was drowned; and at the same time another was severely injured. We sincerely trust that this catalogue will not be greatly 'enlarged. With these un fortunate exceptions, the day was 0119 of the most delightful and inferesting that has been witnessed by the citizens of Philadel phia, lor many, many years .rrffucfics vs. Shin Plasters 'How much have I to pay for my breakfast said a gentleman yesterday morning to the keep er of a French Restaurateur below Canal street.' 'Seven bill, sarc. 'There take your change out of thai,' said tho gentleman, throwing down apledge of the Second Municipality, which looked like an old tattered and pasted Continenta ler, although only two days out of Mr. Doane's hands. 'Sacre.' I no want such dam roltane stuff as dat, I no take him no more, sarc.' 'Why not? It passes current.' 'Yes, sare, he pass too tarn current for my use. I lock up twelve dollar and twenty five cent last night in my drawer, and ile dam cockroaches he take him all, no leave me nolin but fragment. Ho eat up Mon sieur Nye, he eat up Monsieur Doane. He eat up do Second Municipality he eat my profit dam he cat me up next.' 'But, my dear sir, can you give irie any reason why these 'dam cockroach,' as you call them, should cat up these noles in pref erence to any other?' 'Give you reason? by gar, Igivoyou six, seven, eight reason! Do hill he is so ragged, so what you call him rottunc, dat dey paste him all up all ovarc. Do cockroach ho like paste, he dat him and he cat dd bill too, and I make all dc loss and lose do profit, I take no more Second Municipality Sacre! do more I take do poorer I get ofl'.' The gentleman finding thn KmnMiM determined in Ins opposition, Mexican cating, received his and travelled. planked his bltt change, Women and Horses. "When I sec a a child," said the clockmaker, "I always feel safe with the women folk; for 1 have always found that the road to a Woman's heart lies through her child." "You seem," said I, "to understand the female heart so well, I make 110 doubt you are a general favorite ambng the fair sex,'' "Any man,' ho rdnlicih "that nn.lor. stands horses, has a pretty considerable fair knowledge or women, for they are jist alike 111 temper, and require tho very identical same treatment. Encourage tho timid ones, be genllo and steady with tho fractious, but lather tho sulky ones liko blazes.' Sam Luther says, that human reason is liko a uruiihen man on horseback, set it nn on ono cifln n.1 !. i I 1 .. . uiiun uimoics over on the other; THE CURRENCY. The opposition papers ask whether ti,c lnmnpml!f 'nnrtv nrn in favnr nf n mm.ii hard money currency? If by this is mcuiit , a currency cxtlusively metallic, wo answer ,,. , , luc democratic press, nor the. leaders of the democratic party, have, as far ns wo know, nn tiMiimr inn ucmncrauc nnriv. nn. 11.. k ever uccn in lavouroi a currency exclusive. ly metallic; and tho federal whigs know it well enough: but they merely reiterate and circulate tho charge, false and unfounded as it is, for political effect. "We liave thougln, and still Jhink, the specie basis, loo narro and that it ought to be enlarged; but neither convenience nor expediency require thai the precious metals should be made the ex clusive medium of the country. Wc are not opposed to banks regulated and restrained by legislative acts but thinic tne time nas arnvcu wncn tnc public safisty requires that our banking system should' be rcrilodclled, and the pr;icti"c the destructive practice of monicd institu- . lions increasing their paper circulation st pleasure, 'should be strictly prohibited by the legislature, under the heaviest penalties We believe that by the time the next Ic. gislature of Pennsylvania assembles, there will be a strong leolmg throughout the com- mon.wcalth against the present condition of things, and that, in order to allay tin feeling, 'it Will be necessary to impose the following restrictions upon the banks: No bank to divide more than 0 per ccrr. in one vear anv surnlus above this in h paid into the state treasury. No bank 'to issuo notes uNDiiit $10. No bank to permit its circulation lo cecd three dollars in notes, to one dollar r specie, Returns to be made monthly, uc C der oath. The charter of every bank in Pennsylva nia, that shall not pay specie by the first' January, 1838, to ba forfeited and foil ipso facto. The directors to boliablo in their nersnrj uuu in uift:i tv 11 iiiiv til liii.-su uriiYis r.i i .,,! ... :i r :.: .... 1 1 j j 1 shall be violated during tlfci'r adiniuisir tiou. By these means tho specje basis vou! be sufficiently enlarged for :il( the purposp of life,and the public secured 'for the fuiu. Irom the present disastrous state of linn? which, if not entirely produced, has be greatly aggravated by the over issues the banks. The federal whigs allege that tho laic. well as the present administration was r posed to the credit system. What th mean by this term wo do not understa. becanso they have never distinctly su their views on tins subject. But if ih. mean, by the credit system, that sjsr which has prevailed for several years pa which seems to be made up of a spiru wild speculation and enormous overlradn. and under which the banks have flom1- the country with a paper circulation vL in '".i"rL-'tJe no reason w not reuecijj.. .Qf my frieml ; ministration, should be ashamed or afr ' to avow that he is opposed to it. I'c sylvaniun. Specik Circular. It was alleged bv t federalists, that the specie circular open: to drain tho specie from the east to the By the returns from the banks of Kcntuck Indiana, Ohio, anil Michigan, it appr that the entire aggregate of specie im four States, is only $5,080,094, whilst circulation & deposites of the banks hiiku. nts to $23,388,114. As there is no m than the due proportion of specie in t quarter, it appears that the federal clamr against the treasury order, has been ra1 without a cause. Keystone. No return yet from tho Bank of tho l'i ted States agreeably lo the terms of its r charlcf. Why talk bf the safety of gin' and restrictions, when this corporation u tramples with impunity upon tho slighi r straints imposed upon it by tho venal 1 la'ture of 1835-0. Ibid. Specie ijj tiik country. AVo have k assured' on the best authority, that in 1 single township of Oley, in Berks cow. remote from.the scat of justice, and the then of activo business, there is Ttt HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR gold and silver coin. This is by no nir ii solitary instance of the abundance ol'-, cip now jn the country. Yet, Cover, Ritnqr and his federal , 'friends are flow' us with ''shin-plasters," because there is apecio !!! Ibid. Tin: DiJik. A friend has shown us a pent picco of the new coinage; it is stna, in circumference than those formerly c tdd; on one side are the words oni; W encircled with a wreath, on the oilier finely cut figure of liberty; not tho old h( and trunk, that onco looked so ilarinr from our coin; butaneat. tidy female fig suiiicionllv dressed, linltlmrr 111 onciu1" siau, surmounted with n 1 lortv can. . - - , n nthni hntlfl cnelniiiu n oltll.l ..icinhPfl B'1 ' the word mdcutv. The figure is in representation of Britannia or the 1W coins. U. S. Gaz. f Some contracts, says tho Baltimorf morican, fordiliveries of wheat of the' crop have been made at Richmond, at , vii n mi 'n nirnniu 1 in nn f 11 uivr snnf mnnlli nt fill fifl A I fioi nr W deliveries; and at 1.50 for Septcmbc ' livoriosi