The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 15, 1837, Image 4

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In pursuance of nolirenssucd tolhtlv hv
the Banks of this city on the 20th ult. n rnn.
Yention of delgsic3 from the Banks of tin
state assembled m Columbus on Tvlontlay
last for the purposo of considering-" the
proper 'course to bo -a'donte'd to secure the
kitizons. from overissues of bank pnper, and
-to rcguiato, as tar as practicable, thenirren-
cy between the Banks themselves tind citi
zens. Wc learn, from tt printed copy -of
the proceedings of this convantion, wliich
Was placed in our hands at too late an hour
V appear at length in this day's paper, that
-of thirty-two Banks in this stato, ttfenty
throc had delegates present: -arid thai three
"others, vhoso delegates were unable to at
tend, forwarded statements oHheir condi
tion, -which were laid before the conven
tion. Wm. E. HtnjAnD, Esq. ofSt. Clairs
villc, was chosen to preside over its delib
erations, and J. Dklafield, jr., Esq. of
'Columbus, was appointed secretary.
The subject is one of much interest; and
Ave now extract from the minutes the reso
lutions to wliich the conventon came &t the
close of its deliberations, without a desscn
ting voice. They arc as follows:
1. Resolved, That each bank pledges it
self not to sell during the suspension, other
than by the exchange of coin, any of its sil
ver, gold or bullion.
2. Resolved, That the business of each
bank be so conducted and managed, as to
enable it to resume specie payment at any
moment. '
3. Resolved, That the rate of exchanges
Tor drafts at sight upon eastern cities shall
not exceed two per cent.
4. Resolved, That each bank shall receive
of its customers at par, in payment of debt
due the bank, the paper of all the banks
represented in this convention, and of such
other banks of this state, as shall agree to
the measures adopted by this convention.
5. Resolved, That each bank shall furnish
all the others with a copy of its " bank
statement," officially certified, every sixty
days, commencing "witli the first weekly
report in August.
H. Resolved, That any bank wishing to
preserve the paper of any oilier for exchange,
shall notify such bank of it intention to do
so, and the balances between such banks
ehall be settled cither by the paper of the,
bank requiring the exchange, or by drafts
at sight at a quarter per cent, less than the
selling price of the debtor bank.
7. Resolved, That it be recommended to
the several banks to pay out the paper of
other Ohio banks than their own, as the
most gradual aud useful way of reducing
the circulation, and of rendering that aid to
the community which their ordimary busi
iness evidently'requires.
8. Resolved, That no bank will commence
calling upon another with its paper, and for
exchanges, except after one. month's notice.
9. Resolved, That if upon the returns pro
vided for, it shall appear that any bank is
endeavoring to put out or sustain an impro
vident issue of its paper, it shall be the duty
of all the other banks to cause the same to
be promptly redeemed.
10. Resolved, That each bank represented
in this convention, will be deemed to have
assented to the foregoing arrangement, un
less it notifies the others of its dissent there
from within thirty days.
1 1 . Resolved, That the proceedings of
this convention, signed by the president and
secretary, be printed, and a copy thereof bo
furnished to each of the banks represented,
and also to those not represented, with arc
quest upon the latter to signify their con
currence in the measures adopted, by forth
with furnishing to each of the banks repre
sented an officially certified copy of their
respective bank statements,
Tho report made by the committee to
whom were referred the official statements
of tho condition of the several banks repre
sented, shows them to be not only entirely
solvent, but to have a large excess of means
bcyondall their securities. The following
nvlni't frnm that rnnnrt dives the Mineral
result of a comparison of the statements of
all the banks present, anuinoscirom which
communications were received:
The whole debts of every descrip
tion, owing by the banks,
arc U,57i,747,02.
The cash and available means to
the, imf. nrC. 17.715.100.79.
There can bo no doubt that the banks of
Ohio are prepared to rcsuma specie pay
.nia atnnv moment. trovidcd other hrsti-
tutions do the same. But they will not bo
expected by tho people, whom they serve
and asBist, to pay out the specie to serve
the purposes in other parts oi tne country
while other banks refuse to pay it to them,
andtoourcttizcns-.0ifo Stale Journal.
Tk TVorwffMffans Ptr.nvtind HHonnifesaS
a eingnttr-fact that bed bugs do not, exat in
that city. Perhaps it is riot to be wondered
.about their diet
v. ! wtj W"'Y oTRKT ' " wj
There are m-the State of New 'York,
708. towns and 9 ;cities. The population
of 'the cityofnIVew York in 1"8S0, was
202,589; in 18315, inyns 2"70,080 There
arc at present, 12-t inc&fporatcd villages in
this Stato. The villages are governed by
a President and Trustees, who are anually
elected by the people. The whole num
ber of persons in the State of New York
in 1825, was, 1,010,408; in 1835, the
number Was -2,174,517. In 1825, there
were in the State, 7,100,907 acres of impro
ved land. ,,111 1835 thorc were 0,055,420
acres of improved land in the State thorc
aro 1749 Post Offices. Tho amount of
tolls collected on all the New York canals
in 1830, was $1,014,330 43. The number
of bbfttsvrcgistered in the Comptroller's
office, navigating the canals in 1836, was
3,107; the toUl number of elearnecs on all
the canals in 1830, was 07,270'.
There arc 11 railroads now in Operation,
in the State. Total number of miles 233.
The total amount of sales by auction in
1820, was 53,253,292 98. There arc in
tho State of New York 1 1 banks for sav
vings. The capital of the Marine Insur
ance Companies in the city of New York
is $0,0'50,000. Of fire Insurance Com
panies, $5,000,000. The capital of the
Insurence Companies exclusive of those in
the city of New York, is 84,020,731,00.
In the Custom House in this city, there are
employed, In the collector's department 54
clerks: in the naval office, 13; in the sur
veyor's office 0 clerks; in the appraisers
office clerks. There are 109 Inspectors
11 night watch, and 8 boat hands The
number of arrivals in the Port of New York
from foreign countries in 1830, 2293.
There have arrived at this port, 200,493
passengers from foreign countries) during
the last six years. Tho assessment of real
estate in the city of New York in 1830,
was $238,742,303; of personal estate, S75,
758,017. The total number of interments
in the city of New York, during the year
1830, was 8,009; the total number of inter
ments eincc 1824, is 81,407. The pres
ent number of whale ships owned by indi
viduals and companies in this State, is 55;
tonnage over 1G,000 tons, and crews
of about 1,350 men. There were in the
Auburn State's Prison, in December, 1835,
702 convicts; in the Sing Sing Prison, in
September, 1830, 722 convicts.
3Ianufaclures The value of manufac
tured articles" in the State, was 00,009,
007. The value of manufactured articles
in the city of New York in 1835, was 92,
788, 347. There arc 8 glass factories in
the State, and 2 chain cable factories.
The number of altornoys and councellors
in the state in 1837 is 2,101.
Tho number of practising physicians and
surgeons in the state, is 2,870.
The number of clergy in tho state in
1837, is 2.102.
The number of rank and file, in the state,
by the military returns of 1830, was 103,
010. A Spice of the Romantic The Bal
timore Monument relates that a lawyer
from the West married a lady a few days
since in that State, with whom ho had fall
en in love some twenty years ago, and
whom he had never seen since until the
time of the marriage. Tho gentleman
would have married her at the time he was
seized with the tender passion, but for the
declaration which she ono day playfully
made, thaf'aho would never marry a poor
man!" Determined to remove this objec
tion to him. ho pushed for the west, and
after twenty years hard toil, and when tho
lady had forgotten him, he had amassed
sufficient wealth to encourage him to re
new his proposal. The lady, luckily, had
remained single, his proposal was accepted,
they wero married, and on Wednesday
morning they left this city for his home in
the west.
Good nature. We excissorize the fol
lowing from tho Philadelphia Commercial
Where's the use of sighing like an old
bellows, wearing long-faces, and looking as
melancholy as Patience on a monument?
We move that every man whoso face here
after measures more than two feet and a
1talf in length, shall be expelled frdm good
society,' and 'put into the middle of next
month All in favor of this motion say
aye contrary, no the ayes have itf Clear
out you long faced gentry Presto? be
tfowversptioii is th daughter of reason.
Next noon to Capt. D. Gnoss's Hotel-.
published every Saturday morning, at
TIVO D OlflAR S.pcr nhnum , payable
half yearly inadiance, or Two Dollars
Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year.
No subscription toillbb taken for a shorter
period than sixinonthsi nor any discon
tinuancc permitted, until ail arrearages
Urc disblfafsted.
ADVERTISEMENT'S hot exceeding a
siftta're will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first three insertions,
and Twenty-five cents for every subse
quent iiscrtion. ICpA liberal discount
utad'e tb those xvho advertise by the year.
3 to&WSfo
ETURNS his most grateful acknowledgments
1 to customers for tlieir liberal patromnfe. and
would respectfully announce to them, and the pub
lic generally, that he continues regularly to receive
Latest Fashions,
From New-York and Philadelphia. He would be
thankfiH for a continuance of their favours ; and he
will promptly execute any work which may be sent
to him from neighbouring Villages.
Ca'ttawissa, June It), 1837
JLlferatuic, Science, & General Kcwsi
Commencing May 20, 1837.
newspaper, published 011 a Bhcct of the largest mam
moth size, and Issued regularly fl'om Philadelphia,
every Saturday. It is entirely unconnected with
party politics, ahd sectarianism, and is zealously de
voted to the cause of Literature, Science and Gen
eral Intelligence, as calculated to entertain and in
struct every branch of the family circle. Tho de
sign of the publishers is, to furnish a newspaper that
shall instruct as well as amuse, and enlighten the
middle-aged, as well as entertain, alld direct la prop
er objects of study, the mind of youth. Their un
precedented success during tho past year (having
obtained a very extensive circulation not only in
Philadelphia nnd Pennsylvania, but in every State
of the Union) Induces them to believe that their
plan of publication is a good otic, and during tho
succeeding year, they will continue to pursue it
zealously, with such improvements and modifica
tions as may from time to time be suggested.
Generul Contents of the Chronicle.
Tales and Essays on Literary, Scientific and
Moral subjects Sketches of History aud Biography
Reviews of new publications Stories from tho
Classic writers Popular Statistics of the Woild
Ladies' Department Original Communications
from some of the best writers of Philadelphia and
elsewhere Medical Lectures Science nnd Art
Agriculture and Rural Economy Popular 8upcr
stitions Curious Customs and Manners Euro
pean and Domestic Correspondence Articles on
Music, the Drama, and other amusements Vario
ties, amusing incidents, &c. and a carefully prepared
py nupsis of the Current News of tho Day, both For
cign Bud Domestic.
Attractions of the first Volume.
A regular correspondence from Europe, furnished
by an able and eloquent writer, now on a tour
through Europe, and engaged expressly for tho
Chronicle. Of this Correspondence more than forty
letters hare been furnished.
A scries of articles on Medical subjects, embracing
lectures on Anatomy, in familiar language, from tho
nen of a distineuifcbpil Phveirinn f Pliil.l.lnl.:.
Tho republication, in a supplementary sheet, of
mc uiiuicii aim iii-si article 01 tic several London
Annuals, for 1837, embracing articles from all the
prominent English writers of the present day. The
cost of these Annuals at retail is about $30 their
principal contents hare been furnished the readers
of the Chronicle gratis.
The republication of the Inimitable Pickwick Pa
pers, from tho pen of the best comic writer of the
ege, Charles Dickens, Esq,
Original contributions on Literature, Science,
Law, Education, Poetry, Political Economy, &c,
from a number of tho very best writers in America.
Extra Attractions for the second Volume.
The publication of the original articles, written
for tho Premiums of $250, embracing a great num
ber of compositions of merit Tho original talc, to
which wilt he awarded the prize of $ 100, will proba
bly be published in tho first number cf the second
The European Correspondence will bo regularly
continued, as will also the Stories from the Classics,
and indeed all tho attractive features of tho first vol
umo. Tho notes arid observations of a literary gen
tleman, now on a tour through tho Western and
Southern States, are also promised for publication in
the Chronicle.
Choice literary fclcctions will bo furnished from
the London Monthly, Bcntley's Miscellany, Black
wood s, and othir European Magazines, care being
taken to select tho very best articles, "winnowinir
the wheat from the chair," from tho great mass of
English Literature, and not to allow their number to
interfere with our usual variety. Advantage will bo
taken of every circumstance calculated to add in
terest to the columns of trio Chronicle. Tho pub
lishers being determined to allow none to outstrip
them in tho "March of Improvement." During the
past year the publishers have paid, for original con
tnbuttons, premiums, correspondence, &c, more
tli an
1O0O Dollars,
And & still larger sum will be oxpended, for similar
purposes, during the publication of the second vol
Tot a , singfo copy tor one year, $S, in advance efr
coplcs for $l0j-or three copies for $5. For six
months, one dollar.
0;8mall notes- on all solvent Banks, received at
piid.vm I",ytnent of ahseripUons. Address (po
MATTHIAS & TAYLOR", Publf.hera,
My27,1837, Philadelphia
TfUIM. S. TttfJllAM.
fWENDERS his professional services to the citl
JT zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate
r..i A, i.woinoox Kiitmiilrvl tn bu cam. OlBdcia tus
same building with the 'Columbia Democrat.'
Bloonuburg, May, 1837.
Valuable Kteal Property
PROPOSALS will he received iy Vhe subscri
ber, at his residence in Espytown, until the
Fourth day of July next, for renting, for one or
more years, the following property, to wit:
A Good Farmi
situate in Bloom township, about two and a half
milea from Uloomsbttrg. Also, a
situate on said farm, together with n FULLING
MILL AND FACTORY, on the sjiiie premised.
Also, a
with netossary outbuildings, In Bloomsburg, now
in the occupancy of Mr. C. 1J. Fisher.
Gj"The preference will bo given to those who will
rent the whole property. Possession given oil the
first day of April next.
N. B, Under thd pfos'ent Lease tlio Mill will be
put in good order, and kept so!
Espytown, April 80, 1637i ,
Tailoring Business.
I'hc Subscriber
ETURNS his acknowledgments to his numc
rous friends and customers fur their past favors
ami would now rcspcctlully announce to them, tlia
he has received the latest
From Philadelphia, and as there aro material chan
ges, invites peisons desirous of having their car.
IneliU made in the neatest and best style, to civeliim
a c511. He will endeavour to plcaso all who favour
him with their patronage, by executing his work
in a neat and fashionable manner, aud at the short
est notice. PETER R. HEIGHMAN.
Orangovilte, May 13, 1837.
A Jouriieymtm Tailor,
Who will find constant employment. None need
appjy except a good workman. ALSO
Is wanted. A lad between the ace of M and I'l
years, of industrious habits, who wishes to learn the
1 allonng business, will find a good situation, by
applying immediately '
Orangcvillc, May 13, 1837i
Onthc JirilofJuly. 1837, to be publMtd, beau
tifully printed, on good paper, and stitched in u
wrapper, extra large royul octavo, the rmsr
kumueh of anew Periodical Work, entitled
The Gentleman' Magazine.
HE announcement of a new periodical, in the
- . - Milllt; JUCl-
llli Of sumrise: lint lv;,,nm
mi nvuk nuiu: ill nil. lira innu a.a in ... . i
. - . - (j utiiwiiii.iuij mi aucru
tionintho nature of a very popular monthly pub
hcat!on,hvcry Body's Album,' the proprietors deem
it best to nroccml in H... rf..i .
produce a periodical embodying the most wholesome
Ilftinta nrilin nl.l .. 1. 1 . i .1 . . ...
, . .... iu rK) uu conducted with sullicient
energy and talent to ensure tho success
arrangements. 'The respectable and extensive snlu
k is dc
, , - in utiiLumiion equal to
that of any other monthly work in the United States,
anil fTllnrfintrifi flm f. ... . . '
the certainly of payment to the enterpriw of tho pro-
The contents of tbn
in every respect, be answi-rnliln tml, ,.,;.. r.i
title. We do lint nrt.i.,l ! 1
a ,-.v.w..., .11 um luciaiv pursuits,
tody as ' eagles soar, abovo tho ken of man," not
....... . uu lomeni wiui merely skimming the sur-
taco of tho ground; our page, will not be tilled with
abtrusc predictions, nor shall wodisplay thebrilliaiicy
Ol uurcntical nt-iimn In 11" .. . -.1 r
1; 1 11 "tavKTu mine mn
iion. In short, wo do not mean to l,c profoundly
learned nnr iiliilnon-jl,;.,!!.. .1.. 11 nr. . 'i, . J
, , f" "j uuii. 10 pro-
fill... n nnillflninnl.. 11 ..I
-ww buiiM iiiu; ugn-rauio nook an infome o
Wo 8 adjunct., es;i literacy melange, possoam;
v """ t'uiuies, ana sullicient inltrest to
wiiimaiui a puco upon the parlour table of crcy ffvr,
tferriim in tho IJnit..l Kt,,tn- ' fc
---- . -
In the varied and nmnln nana r.,i .
to each number of tho Genflcmirn's Mamr.i,. nri:
nail articles will be found, from some of the most
ni ii t - A nVll0J-uy' Assays, Humorous
and Didactic Rnni Ti;..: .: ...
Manfters. Irce and Spirited Translations of
IlRlltcr Portions ofllm,.rn.,,. r . . ., ,
.0 " JluilJ "J 1 unum null x.
rope. A Series of Original Biographical Notices
Lurrent J.ilrmtnrn ..ill i, ..,:,. i i..
f . . v " 111 mil, ami lib
eral extracts made from nr. ,...! ,
-w..r..w. n W1 ulu iUuum, io wuiea tins worl
rmMvfucccsgorwiIlal onco place TUB
furiltliriTi hot nf i
a Ai Aii w.i kv ;
An Original Copy R,B, Song, notothonvKe to be
obtained, will be given, with the music, in every num-
Tho Gentleman's Magazine will contain seventy
two extra sued octavo page, of two columns each,
forming, at the closo of (lie year, two hrrge handsome
vo,umcs of One Thousand Seven Hundred and
1 wenty-eighl columns, each column containing one
third more than an octavo page of average propor
Hons, Several engravings wilt bo given in tho coirse
ofthe year; and flic proprietors pledge fhcmsclves
.1 G"tfomanB,MKano shall bo the largest
fc the cheapest monthly work in the Unhid Sutes.
TERMS. -ITie subscription to tho GentlemaVB
Maearmo will, for invariably Three
Dollars per annum, payable in advance a S3 note
may procure two copies, to tho same direction, or five
copiosforJIO. Address, iuve
To Travellers.
Nbrthfimbcrland and Ifilkesbarre
I obsened ft notice in 'the "Kcvstonc." fundcf
one which I pu'blishcd,') signed by Mr. P. C. Gil-
cnrisi, Agent, siauiig mai 1110 ousqucnannaii Hoat would carry passengers in less time than the
Mail Stacc which is not 'tlio fact. It will bp im.
dcrstood that tlfe Boat leaves itarrisburg ono dav
1. . W. , . I
Dcioro me owgc; yci wo navo laKcn J'assciigcrs
through to Wilkesbarre in time for the Montrofa
stages, notwithstanding tho ardy 'manner in which
the mail is brought from llarrixburg to us at Nor
thumbcrlani), if any other persons had tho convey.
uiii.v uiw muiia ii.iiii a m .uuif. w mil iiiiunLcr
land than those ronnccVc'd vith th6 Boats, I would
engage to start at tho same Ii6nr vfth the Boat at
Ilarnfhurg, and deliver the mail mid the parecngcrs
TWELVE HOURS sooner than the Boat Line
possibly can do it.
When tho Company run's n sagc from Northum
berland to Wilkesbarre, tho mail can arrive at Nor
thumberland from Harritburg by 1 1 o'clock, A. M.j
but when Ihc BoAl rtins aboVc. thev then keeri
back the slagoat Northumberland until 4 o't lack P.
M. and sometimes as late as 7 o clock, P. M,
These arn facts, which, if the Post Master General
is not aware Of, it is time he Was made acquainted
with them;
KjAny passengers wishing to take the stage at
Norlhumbcrtand,io go, through to Montrose, will
be taken oil in tim't to stfettre seats in 'the Mufttrme
ttage, notwithstanding the ttday uf 'the Opposition
in arriving at Northumberland provided they fix
upon a regular time fur starting.
Bloomsburg, Jtmu 10, 1837.
The Subscribed
ETURNS his thanks to customers for tho
.nntimmfrn uliirti In. Jma nv.iva.t fn.M ilM
since he lias commenced business in Bloomsburg.
He hopes they will still fcllhtiimo their usual sup:
port; and he has now tho plcAiiuro of offering them
a large and fashicnablo assortment of SEASONA
BLE GOODS, which hao bfcfcit carefully selected,
embracing tho latest siyle of French, English and
Cloths, Cttssimetes and Sattlnttls, of dif
ferent styles and colours; Silks; Figur
ed Lawns and Jackonctts, European
American CitlicOes fy Girighttmsi Vest
ings, Damask Table Cloths, Hosiery,
Gloves, Ihnnet Trimmings, -c. $:.
ALSO, Ladies' Morocco, Seal, Vt
nelle Shoes Q- Slippers, Q- Men's Shoes
and Boots.
Toar.Tiir.n with an assoiitment ok
China, Glass
Medicines and Dyc-Stufl ;
All of which will bo gold on tho most reasonable'
terms. Persons wishing to purchase, are requested
to call and examine his stock of Goods, nnd judge
for themselves
Vj- All kinds of country produce will bo taken
in exchange for goods;
Bloenuburg, May 6, 1837.
The Subscriber
Wb ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and
.H.B, the public generally, that ho continues to ma
nufacture Chairs, Bedsteads,
His stiopis near Mr. McKclvy's storehouse, at the
Basin, on the Pennsylvania Canal. He will bd
thankful for favors, auduso his endeavors to plcasei
Benjamin Zerr.
ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he
j carries on the almvn I.ikIiw. ;., i:m:....:n
, ' ... "HVJi ,,, ...IHIIII , HIV,
and that ho keens i-nnct-n.ii., nn i..i ... . .
ui, iiuuu Ull USSUIilllUllI
Which ho v ill warrant of tho best materials, and"
well manufactured. His shop is on Main Street
and he wBIfecl grateful for a fchare of pairortage.
To Travellers up the North Branch ofthe
"OA8SENGERS by tho Smajuehanna Boat Line
7,;n,.Nor,humbe,,wd nrriveat Wilkeibarrtf
UGHT HOURS sooner than by the Mail Linf
of Stages, and reach Montrose TWKNTY-FOLi
horns sooner. p. mc. O. GILCHRIST,
June 10, 1837, Agent