The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 15, 1837, Image 3

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Saturday, .!y fl55, B837.
tOTho communication of 'Sit.ctatoh
in innilmiesililn bnr.nusn wc neither know
. tm niiltnH tmi 1i!u 1 nntrrii niifl 1inVni1cn t.
reflects on the private character of an i'lnli-
viuuni. uc can nave u atram i;v ennme at
nnr rtttinn
JCr" The original communication in our
nrrsnnt ntimhnr ins n.vrluiind our usual va-
j '
iiliri tut itti nvtnnnn Intwrflt tt'tll Ivrtll ronn'
ilm null inM i it r fid .Vivft r t viir
ozmncv miDiisncu in our cunuu nuiiiuur.
K7The Address of llit) A"hti-Barik Con-
tTiiiftmi ni 1 1 nnrtnnr in rtilt tinvt
The Reform Convention adjourned yes
ierday, to meet again oft the 17th of October
. nr ; ii !..! 4 : ...
J1UAL u luiuiuu iu una uuiLiai iiiuiiiutiuu
41im lmrn ti i I aim nninn flint tlio rfi.
0 , 4
fa " i o-
ux.ietcd from cahdidatcs for the assembly
itMii trtvn innm unitin lncrriipt nim in rnsnnr i
tn inn rrrnnit nrr ni p.nnnnrs in it lmmur misli
fiin finnnfrv - run rr i in 1 nnrnn Etinn 11 rif
rt ildi iiuiiuii wuimi in iiiw.iva iat ui;itii i: 11
is seen. Lottie Democrats ol everv coun-
In Init1 I in vnnnm m nniHtinn ni 1 1 r I 1 rt I
sicr anu lis miscmcvous uraia some real
mined action. Wc subioin an extract lrom
11th inst;
"Very little lias been done for a wcclt
nfict. wo. win n mirn nn inn lain mm.
trt mnnt firm in nn inn v. Till ni I inmiinr nnvf .
T siovtnt trtll AT ilrtiiiitlM fficin it'll! lin
lade on the Judiciary system before ad
journment: but eventually Justices ot the
JL lsUV t ill Ull.l.lkl II 1 111 UVUIIIUI Ullll
Wo perceive by the various democratic
fnnatofl ni hn nine nrnminnnr rriiiMiMntn2 ! r
iMtncrot tue tnrco nrsi named trcntlumen.
II nominated bv Uic 4t l ol March convon
linn lirMill Kn nloi(fll hit nn niinxinlinl tilitfr
mriinritv. nc ihnir sfprn rrnlMinn intnnrniv
lllO nconlft nnd in Fnvnr if ihn nrinnmln ni
tlt'n (nrma
TiiiniiiHiifTi'ii nif I'rnniinn r i u mnnnninni ni
wa iau w luiaiuiim ii I UHIIIJL Ull"-'
ui mii niii:tiss:irv iiiiius ims mnnmnniu iihr
nfivnr hfifin wimn ntnil nnil n mnntinrr wns
:n. inirnnm' nni iniuumir n lvn nniiriin
hat onlv $2800 is Wanted tfl finish it: nnil
they have determined to potitioii fcongrcss
Who can doubt tho success of their pcti-
tions? Tho sum dqsircd is bul small; and
1)0 object one of deep solicitation to every
Tnerican citizen who would perpetuata
tho memories of those patriots whoso, lives
were sacrificed in tho cause of liberty and
their country. Wd feel confident that Con
gress will at once make the appropriation
fifrom tho overflowing treasury of the gen-
jjreral government.
C7During tho thunder-storm on Tues
tay last, one of tho main bracos of tho Cat
Mtjawissa Uridgo was struck by lightning,
ffiffld completely slivered. Wc are happy
Sstato that tho bridgo sustained no other
6C?The '.DerwickSentinel'i notices-ani
jmpo3tor who represented himself as a vol
unteer in the Florida campaign, and exhibi
ted several scars which he said were rcceiv'-'
ed in engagements with tho Indians, that
deprived linn of tho power of speech. Af
ter replenishing his pockets at tho cosl of
the charitable, ho unfortunately for the fur
ther success of his villainy, got drunk,
when the power of speech returned, and
upon examination his wounds were pro
nounced venereal blotches, lie was "car
ried out of town on a rai ." The same
scoundrel played ofl the successful part of
his begging game in this village.
fCyWe have fine weather for llay-ma-king;
and tho grain fields promise abundant
crops to out farmers. EVciry thing looks
cheering in the country.
Specie. The Hank of the United States,
it is said, will resume specie payments in
about a fortnight; fc several C6untry Banks
will do the same thingyor a day or lii'o in
order to avoid the penalty upon their char
ters; What fdlly to attempt the evasion
of alaw, by finesse, at the expense of their
comirionobligations to community.
From the expressions of public senti
ment in every quarter, wo have n6 doubt
but our next legislature will be composed
of the right sort of materials to remedy the
present evils arising from the oppressive
system of Banking. It will be soon from
the proceedings of the Anti-Bank conven
tion thai pledges arc recommended as essen
tial from tho candidates of the democratic
party; and from numerous exchange papers
we obscrvv tli.t.a simultaneous feeling ex
ists throughout the commonwealth: Wc
extract tho following from the "Venango
Demoorat,". and recommend it-to the seri
ous consideration of the democratic party of
this county. Let us have "good men and
mur.;" and no danger need hereafter be ap
prehended from the operations o'ftlie monied
Wc would suggest to the democratic par
ty in the various counties of the state, the
propriety of requiring a pledge from their
candidates for the legislature, that they will
vote in lavor ol a resolution repealing the
cliarter ol tne United Stales Uanlv of Pcnn
sylvania, at 'the cohimeiicc?nenl if theses
sion. We understand this course will be pilr
sueu nere, aim we nope, generally tlirougll
out the coni.m'on wealth. The people are
not likely to he iicnenttcu much Uv the do
liberations of the convention to revise the
constitutioni as tho federal party have the
ascendancy in tliat oody, anil they ever op
pose the wishes of the peoplo. They cat:
put this mischievous monster down througl
thc:ir representatives in the statu legislature,
Its destruction has be,en willed by this
state and tho nation. Then bring the foul
usurper uown and strew salt where
COAirTiRADE.-The Mauch Chunk
'Courier of 'Monday says "Up to the 6th
inst. 83,355 tons of coal hive been sent to
market from this regicfnVihcejtho opening
of the Navigation, being ncarly double the
amount shipped up to the same date in
1830, including'100,000 tons shipped from
Parryville by the Beaver Meadow Compa
nies'. The Lehigh Company's shipments
this season will exceed those of last year
about 50,000.
rut . . r t-v
j no venango Democrat gives spine
very interesting statistics respecting this
county, from which we glean the" following,
Its. population is estimated at 10,000.
has 19 townships eleven of which arc
limestone land; and coal and iron ore abduiid
throughout the bounty generally. There
are 13 furnaces in operation, arid ii being
constructed. A daily lino of stages hills
from the seat ofjusticc to Piltsburg, Mead
villo, and Erie, and a tri-weekly to Phila
delphia. Eight years ago this county was
a wildrierncss: Vb' hope our friend Shu
gert may not only detail, but reap the bene
fits derived froth ihc Improvements in his
adopted place of residence. Ho is a warm
hearted fellov, zealous in a good cause,
and deserving of a better fate than generally
crowns the exertions bf an independent ed
JC7We would much rathor participate
in the "cold comfort" of congratulating a
favonto candidate upon having received a
largo vote for any oflice, than occupy tho
unenviable position of our neighbor of tho
"Register," who can never expect to' bo on
the strong side in his own district. When
his favorites prove successful, it is owing
more to a schism in the democratic party
than to the popularity of Tory principles
such as are applauded by tho Register;
gentleman pojiping his head through a
'3 shop window, exclaimed What
is it
o ciocK is it uy your lapuoardf upon
which the tailor lifted up his lapboard aiid
struck him a blow on the head, answering,
'It has just struck one.'
frVThe dimensions jf the irr'cat ship Pe.tnstl'
vania. which 13 to bo launched at Philadelphia on
p 1 . fji .
Length on mam gun deck, 213 feet,
Do. of keel,
Breadth of beam,
Depth of hold,
Length of main mast.
Diamtter of do.
1)1 EI), At the residence of John Moore,
in Danville, on the -1th Charles Y. Mooke,
son of baniuel Moore, aged 21 years.
In Washington, Columbia 'comity, on
Sunday morning last after a few hours ill
nesft, Mrs. Elizadeth. Williams, wife of
Mr. Benjamin C. Williams, aged about
50 ycarsi
In Columbia county, tho morninginf the
2-ith ult. Dan'iel, son of Stephen and
Catharine Derr, aged 2 month, fc 31 days.
Mr. Derr has lost his wife and one child
within a few weeks; he is how left with an
only child, not two years old, td comfort
him. in this world.
At his residence in Bloom township, on
Friday evening last, HenkV Tkimiiley,
LiSq. m the ooth year ol Ins age.
2$ei& Advertisements.
fC7Some writer in the" ''Register," who
legally "demurs" to almost every thing
democratic, talks more about "riifllo shirts"
than principle's, The reason probably is
tlio scarcity of the latter, and his being too
monstrous lazy to wear clean linen of any
description. This is a new subject for tho
venom ol the "grccn-cycu monster. l no
"dog in tho manger" could'ut hold a eandlo
to sucl a fellow.
LL persons indebted to ths subscriber oil Sub
scription liists, or otherwise, are requested to
nuko immediate payment to Uharies Kaler, lisrfr.
of Blooimbtlrg ; and those having demands against
mo arc solicited to authenticate their accounts for set.
tlerhcnt, and leave tlicm wllh the same pcrsdii before
tho first of August next.
'Persons holding the Subscription fcisla dftUfc
Danville, ivuttawissa, Jtoarmg Urcek, rvcw-UoIum,
bia, Mount Pleasant and Fisher's congregations, are
requested to hand them to Esquire Kaler, and also
to pay over to lum syiy moneys winch they may hav
received on tne same.
July 15, 1837;
To Bridge Builders.
THE Commissioners bf Columbia county, will
attend at the house of John M'Rcynoldi, in
Hemlock township, on Saturday the iflb day of
July instant, for the purpose of entering into con
tract or contracts for building
one of them across little Fishing Creek at or near
Robert, Montgomery's Mill in Madison township,
mm oiuuu niiuuiicnn, ana a wooucn arcn super
structure of rlcrhtv frwrt nnn Tln nil... An .I,.
a "J ' 'l " IIV VlUl-l uil Ll 1 v
slate road above Espy-town, near tho dwelling of
P 11 cS 1... rni i .i
. jj. uwuuy. mp pian oi mis unugo lias not
been definitively settled by the Commissioners; but
proposals will be received for building an entire
stono bridge; and also for a bridge with stone abut
ments anu wooucn superstructure of about 85 feet
span. Plans and snccificatinns will liiTMl;ti1 t
the time and place of letting.
Commissioners Office ?
Danville, July 8th, 1837.$
'ILL BE SOLI) at nubltr; sntf ni tlti limian
of the subscriber, in Efim-lnu-ii. nn Tittr.
iiai- uie ursi uny oi August next, thc-lullowmg pro.
peny, to wn :
One Mahogany Sidc-Jloard, one Sofa
Tables, Bureaus, Fancy and' Windsor
Chairs, Looking Glasses, liedstesds, one
Cooking-stove, one heavy two-horse H'ag
Son. a Dearborn lViurtSn. n Cnrriatrp: a
variety of Kitchen Jntrniture, and other
urncies, wo icuious to mention.
Sale tn commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. when due
attendance will be given, and termi of sale made
Known ny JU11W UAK1 Ui.
Espytowil, July 13, 1837.
sident Judge of the courts of Over & Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, court of Quarter
oesoions oi me rcace, and ot Common Pleas, and
urpnan s ,ourt in tlietiglith Judicial district, com,
nosfcd c!f tlio
Columbia and Lycoming, and the lion, William
Montgomery and Leonard Rupert, Esquires, asso
ciate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their
precept bearing date ihc S2d day of April, in tho
year oi our, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-seven, and to me directed, for holding the
several courts ol
Oyer and Terminer tind General Jail De
livery, General Quarter Sessions rfhe
Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's
IN DANVILLE, iii Hie county of Columbia, orl
the third Monday of August next (being the SUt
day) and to continue one week,
A'otVe is therefore hereby Given, to the Coroner,
ine justice ol the pcaco and Constables of tho said
county of Columbia, that they be then and thero hi
their proper persons at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, with their records, inquisitions. & other
remembrances, io do those things which to their
offices appertain to lo done.' And those who aro
bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the
prisoners mat are or may be in the jail ol said coun,
ty of Columbia, tiro to bo then and there to prosC'
cuto ngaiiist them as shall be hist. Jurors aro request,
'cd to bo punctual in their attcndaifce, agreeably to
iiieir nonces.
Sheriff's Office, Danville, July 15, 1837.
Iiist of Letters,
Remaining in the P. O. at Bloomsburg,
July 1st, 1837.
Rebecca Adams,
Maria Biggs,
William Erasmus,
Col. Thomas Fields,
L. 8. Gibsbn.
Joseph Garrison,
William Howcl,
Caroline N. Hazard,
John Long,
Murray Manvillc,
Rako '&. Chcmberlin,
James Shebrcy, Esq
Samuel White,
Androw R. Jacdby,
July 8, 1837.
Jesse Beers,
Andrew Crivcling,
Obcd Everett,
Michael Cood,
S; Gcist or J. Foulk,
Jacob Hartman,
Lydia Hall,
Jacob Jacoby,
Andrew M'Fadcn,
Jacob Riscwick,
Elizabeth Shipman,
Samuel Webb.
John Van Sickle & Co,
Coni, ISyc, Oais & Potatoes,
I7HOR which CASH will be paid ou delivery.
J Enquire at the B itckhom.
July 8, 1837.
N APPRENTICE to tho Blacksmithing bu
siness. A Boy between 16 and 18 years of
ago, of good character and steady habits, will find a
situation by anplvimr to tho subscriber, at his resi
dence, near Espy town. JOHN 1IAZLET, Jr.
July 8, 1837.
Seventy Men & Horses
3o o WMka
IO) ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the
HSi) town of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that a spa.
cious pavillion will be fitted up, on tho Commons
I'llC Slllnillliil ftslnliltiTirnhnt hna Iixa..
1 . . .......... .....,. H. WLVIl ILL
fitted out, iii a stylo superior to any thing oi the kind
imuiuu io iuo puonc, wiin a company ot ayUEoT
v ARIAIS Horses, which for performance stand
unequalled in America.
( The .band attached, is of tho very first order, and
wiuiout any impropriety, may be called the best
their number.
Tlio Manager, in soliciting tho public patronasro
wuuiu respccuuiiy state that nothing will be intrcd
ced into the performance that can in the least olt'ei
tho most delicate and fastidious persons; but the
whole will be conducted with tnat order and
spoctability calculated to increase the patronage
genteel society. Tlio Boxci will be partitioned
lrom thC 1 lit tO mevrnt inrnnvntnnr' nr nnnnv
auco to the ladies and gentlemen tho immenso
crowd usually visiting this exhibition.
DOORS open at 1 o'clock, P. M.
ADMITTANCE, Boxes 50 cents, Pitt 25cts,
children under 10 years admitted with their parents
to the Boxes at half prfce.
This Circus will bo exhibited atDanvillo ori Men
day the 17th of July;
From Philadelphia, by Pail fioad Canal
iu u urusuurg, iorinumuerianu, JJan
ville, Cattawissa, Bloomsburg,
Berwick, flllkcsbarrc, Ml
ton, U'illiamspori, and
intermediate places.
ASSENGEjis can leave the West Chester
Hotel. Broad street. PMIn.lolnti;. ,!:i..
clock. A. M. reach Hnrrislnircr ni 4 nVlnl, T t
of tho same day; Northumberland at 10 o'clock A.
m. oi the next day; and Wilkcsbarro on the sue
ceedmg morning at 6 o'clock ; when. Coaches will
immediately start for Carbond'ale, Tunkhannock and
Montrose, and thence to the Western part of New
RETURNING The Ho-it w Um'.-.u
daily, ,aL 10 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Blooms?
ourg at -i o ciock, f. M. It arrives at Hamsbure at
i I . ".II "
u u tiuu. on yio ionowing morning, and reaches
Columbia in time In tnln l lie mnrnir. o r.
Jhe-lioats also arrive at V illiamsport, on the '
West Branch'. nt 'Aliniii h P at nr ,
. v.vwv,. in. ui lllUBUIUO
day on which thev reach Nnrtlinmli.rti,n.l .J
. - , ., ' " " M1U IS"
turn daily.
I he Boats on tho above lines have been repaired,
and aro now confidently rcrnmmnn1il in thn pr,n
LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient modo
i. 1 1 ' --! i ttiri . . . .
u imveuiiig. or,A. i o may i.o taken in Philadelphia
M tlio nrtrtll-anr,. fP .1. It. ....
.uiwumuwiiii;i uii uurm 06 uucsnut streets,
at No. 200. Market street, and at the West-Chester
Hotel, Broad street.
FREIGHT mnv he fiinvflntol l,,TJ!l U.l
. J """"IfUj llfUl.lll .tuiu
Orrieh & Nobles and J.J. Lewis & Co, Broad street,
and by CapU McCabcs Line of Union Canal Uoats
to Harrisburg, where they will be received by tho
ousqucuaniia i.ineiromjaoeznarrasdin, Vinestreet
Wharf, Schuylkill.
Wilkcsbarro, June 10, 1837. Agent.
For Columbia county, August term, 1837'.
MiJJlin. George Longaberger, John Keller, Hen
ry Miller, Abraham Wolf.
Roaring creek. Samuel Adams, James H. Chase
John Yost. ,
Mount Pleasant. Isaac Musgr'ove,. John Jones,
John Ruckle.
Den-y. Richard Fruit, Evan Hendershot.
Briur Creek. Charles Bowman, Benjamin Fow
ler, Jr. Hc'nry Knorr, William S'. Evans, S. F. Palm
er!. Fishing Creek. Thomas H. Hutchcson.
Hemlock. Caleb Barton, Gcorgo Willots".
Liberty. Robert Butler. '
Mahoning. John Wilson.
Sugar Loaf. Frederick Lawbuch,
Limetlone'. David Davis
"WTELLOAV-CITIZENS: At the solicitation bf
M. a great number of my frionds and well-wishers,
1 again offer myself as a candidate for the
Office of Sheriff
of the county of Columbia, at tho next general elec
tion. If you would bo so good as to give mo yodr
votes, thero shall lack nothing on my part to do my
duty with accuracy and fidelity.
Danville, June 24, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
BTJELLOW-CITIZENS: At tho solicitation of
many friends throughout tho county, I offer
myself as a candidate for the oliice of
SMircra ire??.
at the next General election, and would feel gjatefu'
iur your support. JU11A f JiUl i .
Madison, June 3, 1837.
Bloom. Israel Wells, Thomas Painter, Daniel
Jlriar Creek. James Evans, Jr. Ludwig Die
trich. Madison. Clark Dildine, Abraham Williver,
John P: Evea, Wm. Michael.
Dcrry. Rcubin Martz, Thomas Gillin, Rob'ert
. Roaring Creek. Sebastian Hower, Isaac Rhodor,
Peter Kline; Adam Marks, James A Fox, Asa T.
John, John Perry!
Cattawissa. Joseph Brobst, Geo. Drum.
Greenwood. Joseph Lemon, John M. Parker,
Tho. Mendinshall,
Sugar Loaf Philip Crcakbaum.
Mount Pleasant. Curtis Stattin. .
Fishing Creek. Wm. Robbins, Isaac Kline,
Philip Applcman. ,
Liberty: Wm. Campbell, John McMahen, Jacob
Budman, John Mc Williams.
Mifflin. Christian Miller.
Danville, June 24, 1837.
To the Ulcctors of Columbia county:
B7JELLOW CITIZENS. At the urgont solicita
; lions of numerous friends, I offer myself as a
candidate for the office of
Should I bo so fortunato as to rcceivo a majority of
votes, and procure mv rnmmiecinn r ,.in,i,.n ,,.rir
to execu'to tho duties of tho office with fidelity and
impartiality. ELIAS McHENRY.
May 13, 1837.
To tho RIcctors of Columbia county:
i,lcii4i4Uv UU1.KINS: At tho solicitation ora
' HUnib.r nf mv frtpiwla I linvn luinii iMnniir(irrr
to offer myself as a Candidate for the oflice of
at the ciisu'frfg General Election. If I should! be so
fortunate as to' obtain a mainritv nf vmiro.iilT.i. T
. r j - - - hu. ulO 4
pledgo myself, so far as my abilities wil adinit, to
perform the duties of the oflice with integrity and
Roaring Creek, May 20, 1837.
For Columbia coltnty, August term, 1837.
Martin Stiles et al. v. Jnbn Rtit
Jacol) Yctter vs. Joseph Paxton et al.
jonn iicmm Jr. et al. vs. Wm. Scout,
bamucl lletrnor
Nathaniel Williams
Christopher Heller
Wm. McKcIvy et al.
William Kitchen
Frederick Switzer
Overseers of Deny
Mary Caldwell
Abraham Van Horn
Jacob Grow
Mary Strawbridge
Commonwealth ct al
Peter Engle
Michael Brobst ct al.
Abraham Adams
Georgo Stino
Jonas Hayman
John Fulkcrson et al.
Overseers of Roaring )
creek 5
Jacob Sliurran
June 17, 1837.
vs. Ueo. Fctteman,
vs. Joseph Maus,
vs. Samuel Smith
vs. Lcgrand Bancroft
vs. Same.
vs. William Bradley
vs. Overseers ofLibcrty
vs. Wm. McDowell
vs. D. Montgomery's EV,
vs. George Jlooner
vs. Jesse Funston
vs. Andrew Mc.ReynoIds
vs. John Bittenbender et al.
Wm. McKelvy ct al.
Robert McCurdy et al.
Michael Hower
Matthew McDowell
Lucas Brass
Jacob Welkcr
vs, Charles Jennings.
THE SUBSCRIBER returns his acknowledg
ments to his friends for their liberal patronage,
and would respectfully inform the public in general,,
thaf ho has fitted up his establishment, in Cattatvis
se', hear tho bridge, and
Handbills, Blanks, &c.
in a very superior style, which will rpnder comfort
and convenience to all who may favor him with their
custom. His TABLE is supplied with the luxu
ries of a bountiful market; his BAR well stored with
tho choicest Liquors; and his STABLING con-'
tain plenty of provender, and s attended by a care,
ful hostler. He nolicita all to give him a call, aM'
feels confident that ho will render satisfaction.
CatUwissa, June 17, 1837,