derations, and'ho never smiled during the time he hold that weapon in his hand. U course was diffcit.from thaYof-rrtolti-' crs who had wielded weapons far whiic they used all their efforts to destroy' the wall, he exerted himself Hvholly ' to drive away those who were plastering it over with mud to destroy itstransparency. He drove them away and kept them in check, till his associates cooly purified the -partition, -washed tfff tire Wood, mud and impu rities with which his adversaries had pol luted it until having secured its transpa Tency, the multitude with one accord carri ed our hero and placed him on the greatest eminence in the path of preferment, "from which, after a s'easbn, he cheerfully de scended and took a path which conducted him directly back to the road of "domestic avocations"r from which ho was trans planted to an eminence at the termination tff-the way, "This man," said the inter preter, "is Georoe Washington." My interpreter requested me to turn my attention to another quarter. I complied with his request, and beheld a young man issue from the goalontho righthaiid road, which he -travelled a short time, but-imper-'ccptibly drew over as he advanced. Hav ing passed the parly wall without lnuch commotion, he ascended the elevations 'one after another with rapid strides, sword in hand, and quickly arrived at the extreme verge of the left hand road, and drew a whole troop from the former road after 'him, which lie, as by magic power, raised to some eminence to which each individual hspired. I observed that the first eminence on which ho seemed disposed to rest was supported by an arch, but by some dexter ous shift he removed it and substituted a pillar this pillar was founded on a Sword but strange to tell, the sword Was found ed on another foundation resting partially on the aflections of the people. I observed that this man, after having arrived at the extreme margin of the road, found himself 'in company with none but such, as had en tered at the goal, who hated him with the most implacable malice. I now perceived him assailed from various quarters, and that lie parried the many blows with surprising dexterity, till finally ho pursued one of his adversaries with so much force that he did not perceive a trap door in an elevated spot which he had in view, till he .was so near that all his efforts barely prevented his falling through it instantly. In this peri lous situation, hanging to the corner of the 'door, he was likely to be assaulted by a u nited troop of pursuers, so he had barely time to bwinghis body so as to drop upon the top of a naked pillar, which prevented his falling infinitely, though lie fell so far" as to bo out of hearing of his friends and below the malice of his enemies. He did not however remain inactive on his barren point, but" actually did, by means which I cnuld not distinctly perceive, ascend by a spider webb, or some other pygmy cofd, to the top of his former column and the mo ment he entered on tho one corner, the per son who had mounted it after his fall, has tily dropped off at the opposite. Having regained his former position he looked be low and saw that the foundation of the col umn had been materially changed since his former abode on it; but such was his desire to remain, that he settled down, and prepa red to sustain his hold. He was soon dis placed by a combination of his enemies, und attempted to pass over to the road of his early life, but being arrested, he was cast.through a trap door and never seen in either road any more. "This man is Napoleon," said my friend. My preceptor percoiving that I was puz zled, questioned me as to the cause of my embarrassment. 'My astonishment,' said I "irises from the factthat I seo the whole .multitude follow those who have attained, or are likely to attain, some high place, and though they see the accidents that dai ly happen, and the dangers to which they .ere constantly exposed, they pursue the same-bauUle with blind infatuation, the pur suit 6f which precipitated their predecess ors into the gulf below, or oblivion or infa my, At the termination o the wty." "Tho causes of ttits error," said my preceptor, "are. two old. First: They do not per. ceivc tho danger clearly in consequence of their proximity, for the sarao reason" thaf a. person camjot eico tho rock on tho side or summit Of a mountain- an clearly when at the baao of it, as if stationed at a distance, or on the summit of a neighbouring ridge. Secondly : They forget that similar effects usually flow but from similar causes. And which many persons starting in the right hand road have.nrriycd, and, heard of the. glonous' resiingVptacdslo whicltheylfc' bcch'comtnitled ai the end th'uy ar'e led to conclude in tho excitement which is life cdricoinilant of eagenress, that they can at tain equal success. On such occasions it is quite common to forge't that in their eager ness they have thrust thclnselvcs through tho party wall at their own bidding, and arc unwelcome guests on tho eminences upon which they have Obtruded. They do not perceive in the hurry of the chasc'that they arc escaping danger only by accident,, and that no true security for "elevation can exist except in popular affection and that can only be procured and permanently re tained by means similar to those which kept their eminent predecessors inposscssion of it. This cardinal point once lost sight of, various artifices are usually resorted to and the fraud once discovered often ends its inventor more speedily in tho very gulf he desired to avoid-. Another eminent cause of this Infatuation is, that the adven turers having heard of the efficacy of glasses, provide themselves with those articlcs( through which they constantly look but owing to the obliquity of them, they usual ly conceive themselves much nearer the object of trreir desires, than they really are, and hence are induced to follow a hbpclcss journey, that every one, but themselves, discerns must end in misfortune: some pro euro retrospective lens, through which they peep into futurity, and arc of course con stantly in error. Thus the multitude in their eagerness sec a "Washington, or a Cin cinnatus, on the most enviable eminence, and their false mediums point them an easy road to similar cites." I expressed my gratitude for the l&ssori and my preceptor, replied "I will show thee one thing more." He then reversed the lens in his tube, and handed it to me, observing that "he dare not show futurity clearly, but that the glasses are now ar ranged so as to be moderately prospective." I looked and saw the party wall become more transparent, less cloudy; the path on the left less precipitous and uneven, and fewer persons at the extreme verge of it. In proportion as the wall became more clear and the persons on the left consequent ly more under the supervision of those on the right, I observed the attempts to force a passage diminished; at which phenome non I expressed much surprise. "Why," said I "aro tho temptations to pass less powerful when the restraint appears to be weaker?" "It is because no honest man evor attempts to pass forcibly," said my preceptor, "and those who do make such attempts, are those who owing to tho "evil of their ways" desire to escape behind sdme opaque body, to hide their deformity." "Besides" continued my friend, "it does not follow that the wall is weaker and easi er overthrown when transparent, than when opaque. On the contrary, it follows, as a consequence, that the more opaquo and cov ered with blemishes and stains it is found, the less likely will travellers be to observe the wounds inflicted tfpon it by Knaves, till they have perforated and probably irre trievably, ruined it: and hence the extreme necessity of preventing one blemish. Any object having an infinite number of figures on it, may receive one more earh day for a long time and yet those who see it every day will not perceive tho increase yet had there been more originally, the first would be instantly detected, and the perpetrator of the offenco exposed and pnnished." I inquired if 1 might be permitted to sec the actual operations of future travellers, which being answered in the negative, my friend bade me look above the road. I com plied and saw a dark body hanging over tho whole plain which appeared moat gloomy on the right. I gazed upon it with anxiety and saw the darkness assume an infinite variety of shapes. At one time it assumed tho shape and form of a cloud, at another appealed like a mountain, a lake, an abyss, a gulf, and then transformed into vacuum. "Now," said ray preceptor, "this cloud, under whatsoever shape it-assumes, is tho primary cause of all tho spots and opacity which continue in tho party . wall. This doud shuts out tho rays of the sun, serves as a convenient covering for those who arc underhandedry cutting through the wall, and by reason of its trans formed shape, ts extremely difficult to coun teract, guard against, or overcome, When travellers have by experience learned to de feat those who use its mantlo in the shape of a cloud or a mountain, by hearing the operations of thctr adversaries, in tho ab sence of light, it assumes the appearance of a gulf, which combinesdarkness with.roud sounds, and'tttus the cars of the traycljer arc rcnderccLus'cless also. And so ofjlll'its othcpultipllcd shapes; and when no oth er appcJKancjSwlll longer delude vacancy serves noucccivo all the$mscs at once."' '(it is perfectly rational," continued he, "lo conclude that evil men who started on the left, or who have entered it in after life, should endeavdur to preserve tho di-. versified spots and the entire density of the wiill, in 'order to cover their own wick edness and -procrastinate the day of retribu tion and therefore men of this description havo commonly raised all the vapour in their power to increase the density of tho mass; And if for one moment they per ceive, a likelihood that the clotfd will ho dispelled an attempt is mado to change the aspect of it." "And now Confucius!" said my 'companion, "all that I require of thee in return for the use of my glass is, that through thy whole life thou wilt Use thy endeavors to remove arid dispel this cloud. Be assured my friend, that it is in vain to scour and clarify the wall, in vain to guard it with force of arms, in vain to build it high and impregnable, while it remains enveloped in darkness! It is in vain to sta tion honest men by the wall on the right to walch the operations of those on the left, while the light is excluded! Those who aim at securing the permanency of the di vision by requiring those on tho right and those on the left frequently to change pla ces, will, in all probability, be disappointed, if tho exchange bo made under the cover of this mist: and those who, to'prevent the division from becoming' too dense, would entirely remove it, and thus throw the whole plain into one common field, will also be disappointed, if this darkness remain, be cause it is better for men to have a material guide which carUibefr in the dark, than no guide at all. If thou wouldst prevent those on the left from oppressing those on the right, and prevent those on the latter walk from raising in sedition against those on the former; if thou wouldst prevent those on the path of "domestic avocations" from becoming sycophants and slaves, bowing to the mandates of their neighbours, keep up tho wall, in its most transparent state, clear of blot, breach or stain. Let it be of the most clastic material! Let it be easily pass ed and show no derangement! Let it bo closed quickly on having beon brushed asidey and let the roads from side to side be equal? ly travelled. Let them be kept clean, which can only be done by admitting the rays of the sun of reason in its meridian splendour. This infusion of light can only follow the expulsion of the cloud; and as the cloud can only be driven away by gentle means, properly and continually applied to the causes on which it remains suspended; therefore, Confucius apply thyself to its expulsion in this manner, but abstain from all force." Here my preceptor left me, and my wife having become alarmed at my long absence, came to the arbour in search of me, and awoke me.- I retorned with her to my cottage and found a table spread with a clean eloth on which my rustic meal con sisting of a wheaten loaf and cool milk from the spring house, with fresh strawberries for a desert. I found the infant in' the cra dle fluttering with joy at my approach. These arguments in favour of domestic tranquility which I found in the cottage, added to the stronger one, which hung on my arm, induced me to adopt the resolu tion to get back to the private road as soon as I could (if at any time I found myself out of it) &, to labor for the removal of the cloud of ignoranco as tho most eligible mode of promotingthe lappiness of man.- CONFUCIUS. Telegraphic Courtship Last week the young girl who manages the signals at one of the telegrapic stations, Bidston; we believe, had tho following query put to her by signal: "How d'ye do, my dear.'" To this she immediately replied, adopting the same mode of communication, "Mind our own business, sir, and don't be ogling the girls." An editor in New York inquires ofanoth- er how much would be left of him after rrarimr him down to a statfl of truth and decency? A very pertinent, and at tho same time im pertinent question, An Athenian, who' wanted eloquence, but was very bravo, when another had in a long and brilliant speech promised great aiiatrs, got up and said, 'Men of Athens, all that he has mid, I will do, ANTI-BANK CONVENTION. This convention-assembled -afllarrisburg . . i. , a1- -i. - - - r.. on the 4th mst. nnu aticra temporary oiga mzation it adjourned to.thfeet next1morning. The following delegates were in atten dance. Armstrong Wm. Curll. . n., n at ir:. n- t t., VH;il. VI UU. ill. 4X1.1111, JSI kl . I J VJ 11 again, John Ititter, Mark Darrah, Gen. "Win. it- i. t t it -. T;l i i.i t nr.. riign,viauou uunr, i uiur rnuuri, .inu. ti mi ner, Wm. Shocner, Henry Shaffer. Bradford Dr. Seth Salisbury Almon II. Read. Centre. Dr. S. Stroeckcr, Wm. Sinyth. 'Clearfield. A. It. Wriirht. Tims. II enin- hill, Jno. Campbell. Columbia. John Rhoads, Geo. Smith. EzraS. Hayhurst. Lrauyurd. JJavid fll. JL'arclly, ucorgc Shcllito. Cumberland. David Hume, J. C. bun lap, Samuel Fought. JJauphin. Samuel D. Patterson, John Kncpley, Charles C, Rawn, John M. Eber man, George Fisslci, George Boycr, Jacob Smith, Henry Sprigman, Herman Alricks. Delaware. Jocsph Williams. Indiana. Jaiiics Clarke. Jrjfjrson. Thos. Hastings- Juniala. Andrew Parker, Wm. Zeiglcr, John Cummin. Lycoming. John A. Gamble, Thomas Tuggard, Robert Fleming. Mifflin. Maj. Cummings, Capt. II. Mc Ilwaine, Ephraim, Banks; James Corbctt. Montgomery. Gqu. ll. Sheets, Joltri B. Stereigcre. Joel K. Mann, Dr. Sellers. Northumberland. Montgomery Swo ncy. Hamlet A; Kerr. Perry. JaHies Black, Martain Stam baugh, Alexander Magee, Thos. Bc.wcr, George Stobp. Philadelphia city. Eli Dillon, J. Wilt banks. Philadelphia county. E. A. Pcnniman, Charles Brown, Pierce Butler, John Foulk rod, Wm. J. Young, G. W. Riter, Benj. Martain, Charles J. Ingcrsoll, John Jj Al' Cahcn, Thomas E.irle Schuylkill. Kfcps. Union. IL C; Eydr, Samuel Rcbcr", II. A. Zellcra; Venango. Christian Myers; Westmoreland. John Y. Barclay; On Wednesday the committee appointed for that purpose reported the following 6fli cers and order of business For President, JAMES BLACK, Esq. of-Pcrry county. For Vice Presidents: Thomas Hemphill, of Clearfield Col, Samuel Redeii, of Union. John Wiltbank," of Philadelphia city. John Knepley, of Dauphin county. Maj. David Cumuinos, of Mifflin.- Dr.- Samuel Stroecker, of Centre.- John Rhodes, of Columbia. Montgomery Sut.ney, of North'land. For Secretaries. Hamlet Jl. Kerr, of Northumberland. Charles C. Jldwn, of Dauphin. E. JJ. Penniman of Philadelphia.- Andrew Parker, of Juniata. . 1. That the convention appoint a com mittee of - to submit resolutions Xo it, for its consideration. 2. Thattlie Convention appoint a com mittee of- to draft a memorial to Coiigross, upon tho subject of the currency. 3. A committee of to prepare ari address to me people of Pennsylvania. The above report having been read it was unanimously adopted. On motion of A. H. Read, Esq. of Brad ford, the blanks, were filled with "nine." I he President announced the following gentlemen as composing the above committees.- 7'o draft Jleslulions.G. C. Rawn, W. Smyth, Ezra S. Hayhurst, Tho. Hastings, M. Sweuey, Benj, Martin",-Sam. Stroeckcr, John Foulkrod, David Cummings. To memorialize Congress, C. J. In gcrsoll, John Y., Barclay, David Hume, John Wiltbank, Robert Fleming, Ephraim Banks, A. It. Read, Joel K. Mann, George Smith. To draft an Mdress to the People. S. Salisbury, George M. Keim, D. M. Farrel ly, Henry C. Eyer, James Clarke, Gen. II. Slicctz, A. K. Wright, Eli Dillon, John M. Eberman. The convention then took recess; and in tho evening the following preamble and resolutions were-reported and adopted. Whereas, the present banking system of this state is entirely inconsistent with the spirit of our free institutions, and especially detrimental to all the productive industry of tho country, ruinous to' agriculture and manafactures, and pernicious to private morals and tho common weal; therefore, Resolved, first: That it bo respectfully, but earnestly recommended to tho people of Pennsylvania at the ensuing gonoral elec tion, to chooso only such members for the legislature, as will pledge themselves, and may be relied upon for temperate, but ef ficient, and thorough reform of the bank ing system. Secondly. And who win advocate tho eailiest possible suppression of all bank notes and paper money tinder twenty dol lars, and tho gradual increase of the metall ic basis, as far and as fast as the public interest will allow, so as to render tho pre cious metals, ns . . " i'viuiu, jiiu circu lating medium of the country. 'Phirdly. And who will maintain the principle, that the legislature is empowered ! to modify or repeal bank charter. ,.i 4 the ntlbllck interest reniiifpq. IVim,,., terms, and contlitiona' as shall do equal at I bound, bv tho most R.nrrnil ntil id puuimumy io eniorco inc contracts ofbanU t. nnf. tltrtif hnfna 11 rrnlil nti1 jit.jr iiivii ui'bva in guiu uuu FJHVCr. Fourthlu. And who will Im trim melioration of the constitutional 1 Talse banking system whose advocates 4 1LLLUUI lllUUlllLailUHt UIIU ULJ1 111' ;i I I Mil nl ll a puics 10 government inc. present distress iiivwuiinjt ...mi. ... uiiubiui,-! "ncrinabli to no aci oi government, nut to the viccn o system itself. i Jlcsohcd, Thati nm system ofbanlh, ' permitted, it ouidit to t; nnn ini tho be uaiuiiu niiiat liLMiia uiiu iikiviinrrnQ nm member of tho community, desirous o nvailitifr himself of thrum nml ?f n.n. i..J , 0 ., - . cuar j ters be granted, thev omrhf to Im i.i V i . " . - viiiu, j mnil with 'imnin rntiti-inf inno n i ; -"uimuiioi akt-uu Ill's aj ic against imposition, loss, and delay tj llcs'olued. That weannmra nfthn K... Circular, and that we deem it expedient aw 1 proper for the general government to re 1 ; ii ii. i if i ... a i uiru a I uiL- mmiic. uue.q in nn nun in and silver, and that we recommend to it, t-. uissoive an connection with banking insy tutions in the disbursement and coliectio: ilits revenues. Resolved: That the issue anil n:o nf. poration notes or certificates of loan, as t circulating medium, by whatever nnmo.i. situated, and bv whatever nftfwviitlii. nv. 1 , ' -J 1 n cd, wc repudiate as worse than the diseasi it.... i 1 . 1 . . . i liil"v w n lnmnripri in rnmwiv It was then agreed that when this cornea-" uon auiourns, it win adjourn to meet aa i i . . ? ! av nun nasi o ciocK. io-morrow morniri'. 1 A . 0 Thursday, Juhi 0; 1837. On motion of Mr. A. E. Pcnniman, it ; was agreed to rc-considcr a vote of the con-' vention yesterday made, by which a res olution in that dav's nrnremlinrrs. u-na 3. dontcd as a Substitute fortlm fnltrm-i olution, reported by the special committee T l mi j . .i . . it... ... J xiusoivcu, i nai uic stocKlioiuers el al i banks slinnlil Im linlrt rnannneiMn Vr ik.'i debts of their resncctlVG institutions, in iTinr i ll-wll II Irllinl Bnnnn! I lt. ... . . ' 1 meir pnvaio popertyj The said resolution being" under consider ation various amend by Messrs. Brown, Butler, Earlc, Pcnn mart; of Philadelphia county, and others, and rejected. Oh motion it was agreed tlfat when tlm convention adjourns, it will adjourn to inee. at half past 2 o'eldck this afternoon', Afternoon P. M. Convention met: And proceeded with the consideration of the resolution this morning before the con vention making the Stockholders liable, which after various propositions of amend ment was finally adopted as reported b) tho committee, adding the words, as "part ners in trade." at the end nf thn wsnlnlinn as reported. Mr. E. A. Penniman of Philada". county, . offered the following resolutions which we're unanimously agreed to. Jicsolved, That the evils which the peo ple of Pennsylvania arc now afflicted with,, ai'e the results of that system which sub stitutes paper for gold and silver, arid will only ccaso when that system is abolished. Jlesolved, That the action of this conven tion looks to the gradual, constitutional, yet effectual abrogation of the entire banking : monopoly system, and a restoration of the lawful currency of the country, gold anl silver. On motion of John M. Eberman of Dau phin, the' following resolutions was unani mously adopted. Ptsohed. That we havo undiminished confidence in the tnl publican virtue of Martain Van Burcn, Pres- lllnnt nf llin TTnl.swl Ci.i .1 . 1 . will pursue and carry out the principles and policy of his venerable and patriotic predecessor, Androw Jackson. Upon a suggestion that the committee appointed to prepare an address to tho peo ple of Pennsylvania, and the committee la prepare a memorial in ii,noi, : . h 1 ' 1 ' miuouu jeet of the currency, were not ready to re On motion, it was Resolved, That the committees to rennrt nn ulilrnco i 1, ,nn. pic of Pennsylvania, and to prepare a me- uiundi 10 vongress, upon tho subject of the currency. boauthnri7iPfl lish tho respective documents submitted to their charge, after the adjournment of thiJ convention. On motion, it l'na 7?cn?mt,7 'Pl.nt tlm thanks of this convention aro hereby ten dered to the Commissioners of Dauphin county, for tho use of the court house. wn wonon ot u. sprigman or Dauphin, Jlesolved. Tlmt tli od by the officers of the convention, and published in the democratic papers of the JAMES BLACK, President. 1 homas Hemphill, .Samuel Runisu. John Wiltdank, John Knepley, David Cumminos, Samuel Stroecker, John Rhodes, Montgomery Sweney, Hamlet Ji. Kerr, ?' Charles Jl. llnun c sno.: ji. I'enmman, Andrew Parker, - j MuuivwuvSi -i