The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 08, 1837, Image 3

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Saturday, July 8, B37
tC?"TitE Visi6n of Confucius," a
well written literary production, was nr
ccivod too late for publication in this nuiri
bcr, on account of its extreme length. it
'shall certainly have a place in oir next.
In Cattawissa, Danville, and at McDow
ell's mills, the citizens celebrated this Anni
versary with the spirit and decorum that
should characterise all such fcstiv6 occa
sions. We regret, however, to state, that
an Irishman-, while the party were charging
a cannon at Cattawissa, placed the fire of
his pine upon the touch-hole before the
vadding had been sufficiently "fammcd
down," and that it biirstcd, at the same
time launching him into eternity. He has
left a wife and two children upon the char
ity of the world; ana" by his conduct he has
given another warning to lhbc who cele
brate the Anniversary of American Inde-.
pendence, to prevent the use of Cannons on
such occasions. Every anniversary gives
fresh cause to oppose the use of those pie
ces, the control of which 'arc generally pla
ced in the hands of persons incapable, from
habits of inebriation, of using them with
safety to the attendants or themsclvcSi
How ts this? Our subscribers alColc-
villc, Denton, CahVpbcll 'and Sugar Loaf
post offices complain of Great irrcudlaritv
and delay in receiving their papers"; and the
Post Master at Colcvillc informs us that
the Dnmocfat of the 17th of June did not
reach his office until the 2d of July. Now,
we cannot account for such delay; as Wc
pack our papers every Friday afternoon,
and send them by way of Berwick. The
cross mails leave Berwick on Saturday
and our papers siotM leave there the same
day; and if any delay occurs it must be at
some irttermddiatc post oiiicc. If wc hear
further complaints wc shall endeavor to as-
The attention of our reader! is particu
larly directed to the proceedings of a meet-
fnrr inmnnunil nf nlnltnvn nf 1 "O nC.
Convention, arid others, held in the Statu
Capitol at Harrisburg. It affords us some
gratification to observe our delegate, EznA
S. Hayhuust, Esq. so zealous an advo
cate for the extension of education; and we
icei assured mat any exertion m behalf of
this all-iinportant cause will meet a hearty
response from his intelligent constituents.
The proceedings explain the object of the
rlartlcirlants; & wc hope theirbeginninir may
be crowned with a system of improvement,
through the dd-operatitlg exertions of those
whom Ihey represent. "Knowledge is
power;'' aitd let it be freely dissemiiiatdd
to preserve our free institutions!
tC?NAYi.on has bceri clceted to Con
gress in tlie Third district over "IhKdrsoll,
h V n mmnrilif rif Oil .mnn ri1.
stood for Naylor, 5072 fdr Ingdrsoll,
4811. It musl be gratifying to the friends
of the defeated candidate to kndw that h2
received tho largest democratic vote ever
polled in the district.
The New York Express savs "A vdrv
b- ... w .... wiftu it lu JJUIIUU11 VKS
Hi 11 nv. Nnnin ia nrriiunir ItnPfi X. ll
cinanv inr nrnnn nmi MnnnU "
Bank cf the Metropolis The ftlbbts
announces thai (Kis Kniil-
tllrt wlinln nmmini f I to A.iUt i. rp.w-
"lirer of llin II. Kt-)tno l l..... i.t- i-
- v 1 iiu UUUI LIJ 11113 1 I
nun ni tun iiunni inmWi, nr.i. j j i
" . - ......
Tile1 Connecticut Lcglslaltiro Jiavd been
oullirnd In rnnnsil Inn law mvinir n l,r,i..,i..
juuon ino Treasury ucinff too neavv to bo
orile. Sinco tho passaco of tho law,
120,000 heads have been brought in about
lOjOOO ol them within the last years.
Tho number of Presbyterian churches in
Iho United States is eatitriatoJ at 3000,
Valued with tho property attached at three
millions of dollarsi
"When wo selected the motto which ia
placed at the head of the Democrat' as in
dicative of pur own sentiments, and the
course we intended to pursue in conducting
the paper, wo 'neglected giving our authori
ty. This error has been corrected ; and
tho name of the author of the declaration of
independence Will be found atta6hcd in the
present number. Having loVt a 'good a
very go'od Whig subscriber, on account
cf this motto, wc notice the correction for
the information of some half-a-dozen of our
exchange papers that arc similarly situated,
lie supposed itonc ofounowN productions!
Comment, w'dnld be superfluous ; and to
show how much wn regartl the loss of such
a patron, we do not hesitate in proclaiming
aloud, that nothing could afford Ms more
pleasure than t'o expunge from our list the
name of every subscriber who cither des
pises the sentiment or the author of our
motl'd. "ilurig be the heavens with black'
when the American lVess depends upon
the support of such enemies to its freedom,
and its advocacy df correct principles.
Third Presbytery of Philadelphia.
We learri that the Third Presbytery of Phil
adelphia decided at their recent meeting, to
continue their present organization, not
withstanding the decision of the late Gen
eral Assembly, cutting them off as a Pres
bylcry, which they hold to be im'ionstiltt
lionai, and not in accordance with the con
stilution of the Presbyterian Church.
Small Notes in Virginia. The House
of Delegates of Virginia have reconsidered
their vote respecting a proposition to allow
the Banks to issue small notes, and have
passed a bill,-which authorises the Banks
to issue in 'one, two, and three dollar notes,
two and a half per cent upon the amount of
their respective capital stocks, between this
time and 1st of March and they are requU
red to redeem them in specie after the 1st
of March, on the penalty of paying twenty
per belli thereon. The sum lo Do issiicd
will amount to $156)000;
Louis PiiVipnf. ThS recent acts of
clemency appear to have much increased
the king's popularity. He had gone about,
as in former years, Without guards, miner1
ling fredly among die people, and every
where gredtcd with hearty acclamations.
Mas! for Ireland. The distress of the
poor ill this neighborhood is beyond de
scription. We have heard of families who
have only had oHe meal d-day for the last
month. Most of the early seeds put down
have failed, and the ground has bedn re
Victims of the Baltimoue Flood; Out
of the seven unfortunates swept away by the
Baltimore flood, in a shantee on the Susque
hannah rail-road,-ritiar White Hall Mill, lour
of the bodids have been recovered. Some
of thcin word greatly bruised, and one had
tho skull fractured. It has been ascertained
that 2d in all wdrc drowiidd, of which ndm-
bcr tho bodies of 10 have been found.
FamIke DdwN East. The Eldstport
Sentinel says that A sdar'eity of provisions
in that quarter is severely felt many fam
ilies in a state bordering on starvation, and
have been compelled to dig their seed pota
toes from the ground to silStallt life.
Exemplary Damages. The mate of a
steamboat of the Mississippi has been fined
$5000, for striking a deck passcnge'r with
a billet of wood. The passcnge'r had refused
accordtilg to thd terms of his contract, to
assist in "woodlilg" tho bbat, when tho
mate struck him with a club across the right
temple, which caused him to lay several
hours without sense or motion;
Not bAd. "You will never get gold
back again from America,' said a disputant
on the commercial crisis. "How could it
be expected!" dbscrved a bystander, tired
of the argument, "why, the Americans have
not a Sovereign to sond.'
Novel Squirrel Hunt. The Lowell,
Mass. Courier says, a boy in tiid neigh
bourhood of that city a few days since, who
shot a squirrel on a stono wall; on searching
for him in tho hole in which he fell; drew
out a tin pot Containing 50 counterfeit
The whole lino of the Morris and Essex
Railroad, (N. J) is completed to within
one mile of the public square in Morris
town. All the rails nearly nro laid, and
the road will open by September 15th.
Insect PnoroaxTiON. A fly lava four
times during the summer, each time eighty
eggs, which makes 320; and it is computed
that tho produco of a Single fly. in the
course of tho summer, amounts to 3,080.
Cunious. Fact. So scanty is the supply
of water in Paris, that IVouis Phillipe lias
been heard to remark that he furnishes his
navy with wine at Toulon, at a less cost
r gallon, than the price of Seine water
in the capital.
Yfromch at the Polls. A fact withwhicli
wo were not before acquainted is stated ii
Miss Marlineau's now work on America,
I'liat tho women in New Jersey went
t'6 the polls and voted at State elections a-
bout forty years ago. Since then the law
denies them the right.
The Oxford (England) Chronicle, shows
us by the following paragraph how the Bri
tish reward their generals.
"The Duke of Wellington's pension is 12,
531.; this 13 in addition to 700,000. gran
ted him in nmney, the interest only of which
$ 35-,000.; besides this, lie is a Field Mar
shal; tioloncl of a regiment of horse and o
foot; Colonel in Chief of Engineers; Colonel
in chief of Artillery; Lord Lieutenant
Southampton; Lord Lieutenant of the Tower
Hamlets; High Constabld of the Towef
Governor of Dover Castle; and Lord War
den of the Cinque Ports; a Commissioner
for Indian affairs these offices produce
20,000., with several other sourcds
emolument and patronage enormous."
MARniED-In Mctz, New York, on the
18th Ult, by Elder Fuller, Mf: James B
'I'UttLe, of Chicago, Illinois, to Miss Sauaii
It. Dodce, of the former place.
If there lie some ilie dodgtbl,
By being somewhat subtle,
It now appears quite clear,
She did not dudge James Tuttle;
ftenconffc with a Pear. An Arkan
correspondent to thd "Louisville Journal,'
gives. an account of the death bf a Mn Har
ris, near the mouth ol White river, in an
attemtit 16 kill a bear. Having wounded it
bn went into the nnvn tr (ret another shot
when Bruin 'caught him by die ham-string
and bit the largo artery in two. He died
in a'few minutes. He is represented as an
old hunter, having killed hundreds of bears
and been in four or five previous fights with
.7 valuable Connie. Ihcrc resides m
one of the interior counties of North Caro
linaa man and his wife, who have eighteen
children living, all of them married, and
having anlbnfer them, eisrhtu two Children
so that the united hoilsdfidld Is one hundred
and twenty. Truly herb is a goodly train
Spinsters. Among the industrious and
trugal ancestors, it was a maxim, thai
yduhg should never be married un
til she had spun herself a set of body, table
and bed linen, rrom tins custom, all mar
ried women wcrd termed spinsters an ap
pelhitldn ihey still retain in all law pro
Jl Butcher's Dun. The following note
was, actually sent to a creditor in iNcw
Ydrk, a few days since:
Mr. B Sir, I won't wait I am about
to leave the place I have given you line
unori tender line Vtiu'vo skinned me; and
reduded irio to d Sparc-rib. If you don't
pay me immediately, I'll shin up to you
by a constable with a hook in his hand, at
your cost. A uutclicr s word lor it.
A cotc'taporary has the following: "The
Clergy live by our sins, the doctor by our
diseases, and the lawyer by our lollies.
What do printers live on; echo answers
what? Why you goose, they live oh wind."
The mayor of a provincial town in Eng
land, conceiving that tho word clause was
in the plural number, always talked of a
claw in an act of parliament. It is evident
Oniniml nf fr. J. Q. Jldmns unon Sts
j j - - i- -
iiensions. "The violation of moral prin
ciple committed by a bank in suspending
specie payincms, is, m uiy estimation, not
inferior to that of fiaudulent bankruntcy in
an individual. Tho right til ally Legisla
ture to authorise sudh a suspension is ques
tionable, and the repeal of laws expressly
enacted to enforce tho fulfilment of contract;
dt the very moment whdil the'v have been
broken, is a mockery of all moral principle
mi1 n nnnmlnl trt Immnn lnric1(tlirtn
Well gentlemen,- how do you like this
shot from one of your champions?
The New Orleans Herald sayS:- Specie
is selling in this city for 15 and 20 per
cent premium. Tho banks paid l4 per
cent, for 810,000, when arrived a few days
since' from Mexico.
Love. The editor of the Methuen Gaz
elto tnakes thd followingsweepirigassertion
"What, a man! and never love! Pshaw!
Such a man must havo a heart of ice, a soul
as lifeless as a corn cob ; the gizzard of a
goose, and a head as sappy as cocoa uut."
New-Orleans, June 21.
TEXAS Advices to the I7ib inslnnt
had been received at New Origins from
Galveston Bay. On the evening of that
day the Congress o'f Texas adjourned after
M nrntpnntnil onooin. Tt. TNT I 1
nboDiuiii m iiu new vjricans
Bee derives the following information from
The town of Nashville had he'en taken
and racked bythe Cumanchc Indians, who
massacred the lew inhabitants that remain
ed. They can, it is said, bring fifteen thou
sand well armed warriors in the field anil
their bravery and prowess have always put
the Mexicans even in the zenith nf ilmlr
power in fear and trembling.
1 bo number now ciiMced in dev.nsiMirKr
the nn.
it is sal 1, by painted white men, who, being
dissaiisficd with the government, Vidve ioin-
cu mem, anu icau mem on to i oci s nf
pmc and carnage.
several families were murdered fifteen
miles from Washington'. & such is tin. nnn.
thy of the people in that town no steps were
lUKuu in arresi incir moon thirsty course.
President Houston has granted furlougl
10 nearly an me cinctcnt men composing
uic army 01 me Hcpunnc, until about the
middle of September, and in case of not re
turning at the time specified arc to forfeit
all their landst and other privileges and e
As might be expected-, the disbanding 'of
nm.. i. l. .n.. -ii. .i? p .
mi; ii"-v iias givuu iiiuuii uissausiaciinn 10
the pcbple; who from its absence are expo
sed to the incursions of the Indians and
Mexicans. The army also appears to be
dissatisfied With President Houston their
wish was to attack, and if possible, take
ttiaiamoras, uut 1'resident II. would not ac
cede to their demand. Baltimore Amcr.
MEXICO. We are inddbted to tho po
litencss of Captain Collins, of the brig O
pelousas, arrived yesterday from Vera
Cruz, for files of papers of that city to the
12th June, inclusive. The Opclousas sail
ed on tnc nth, and has on board 131,000
in specie consigned to different housc3 in
this city.
I he message of President Bustamente
was sent to the assembled Congress oI'Mex
ico on the 1st of June. It speaks in rathe
pacific tones towards the United States
After declaring that harmony prevailed in
t. .. r n : . e .
tuu itiuuum ui itiuxicu wiui loreign na-
lions; inc message continues thus:
"From this pleasing perspective which
have traced of our foreign relations, I have
to except the conduct observed by the Gov
ernment of the United States: The law
nevertheless) which authorizes the republic
iu aci on me claims oi mat uovernment
and to take proper measures for the natinn
al safety, if satisfaction should not be given
by us, induces me to hope, not without
good grounds, that our relations with the
neighboring republic will be re-established
In the contrary case, the nation will place
itself in an attitude demanded by its dignity
and its honor.
Concerning tho internal situation of the
nation, the President says:
"Although good order and peace prevail
throughout almost the whole extent of the
republic, it is painful for me to except the
departments of Texas and California, and a
small part ol that ol San Luis. The gov
ernment is unceasingly occupied in directing
measures calculated to insure success to the
Mexican arms and to restore to the repub
lic its most remote limits in the territory of
Among the mjllions of our countrymen
there are few who do not effect to be gov
erned by the sentiment, "knowledge is pow
er;" yet how contradictory are our practi
cdl definitions of the aphorism. Indeed so
passively do we consent to be contradicted
by circumstances and force of habit, that,
having acquired tho mere pounds, shillings
and pence information, absolutely necessa
ry, to the vocation whereby we subsist,
we settle down as though we had exhaust
cd the wisdom of Minerva, and our intel
lects had no capacity for greater things.
The maxim, "miiid'your own business,"
in this case is observed to the letter, on one
intermeddling with any department of edu
cation not immediately connected with his
own profession. The machine leaves a
correct autography, legible penmanship,
and grammatical construction of sentences
to the school master, wlfo in turn, leaves
the toil of authorship td him who makes
his living by the page or paragraph; the ob
struce sciences again devolve upon those
ambitious of a name hereafter; the learning
of the Church is considered exclusively the
property ol the priesthood; and last and
worst, the lawyers alone learn law. So
through all the gradations of scientific, mor
al, religious, & civil research, we iildolent
ly trudge on in. tho path immediately before
its, without ddigninga glailcc upon the glo
rious field around;
If knowledge Ue PdwEii, what prodigies
of might are slumbering around us! In this
nineteenth century, when its treasures are
all free as tho winds of heaven, how might
man arise and burst tho shackles of insolent
domination? How might ho stretch his
arm to tho "chief pillars,-" and bring down
the great temples of delusion ? With his
right hand lid could unfold tho floodgates of
truth wjth tho other tear up the founda
tions of error. The demons of superstition
and oppression would stalk back to their
dark abodo, and intellectual, political, and
spiritual freedom proclaim a jubilee for all.
tho earth.
Wc regret to learn, savs tin? NWnrt-
(N. J.) Advertiser of Saturday, that the
handsome new edifice of the Episcopal
Church at Belleville was destroyed by fire
this morning about 3 o'clock.- The house
nau not been finished or occupied, and
stood entirely insulated, and Ui'ere can be
lio doubt that its destruction is the Work of
an incendiary. The loss ta the parish must
tic Itpm $2000 to 3000. A reward of S200
is offered for the incendiary. Wn iin.lnr.
stand that two men were seen mining, from
the village towards Newark, a few minutes
bclorc the alarm of fire'.
On Thursday evening, the 22dulr. by
II. II. Teets, Ksq. Dr. Lewis Mever,
of this place, to Miss Margaret J. .Muencii
of Shamokin township, Northumberland
"In the midst of lite wo are in death."
DIED, In Liberty township, Columbia
co. on J hursday the 22d ult. Mr. John
Wilson, a soldier of the revolution, aged
about 80 years:
New Advertisements.
Corn, Rye, Oats & Potatoes,
TfTVHt which CASH will be paid on delivery.-
enquire al me Liuekliorn.
July 8, 18371
A N APPnKNTIf'.R in il. llf.,..l;.l,:- j,.
siness. A Boy between 1G and 18 years of
ago, of good character and steady habits, will find a.
situation by applying tiJ thcsubscriler, at his resi
dence, near Espytown. JOllft llAZLET, Jr.
July 8, 1837;
To Bridge Builders.
THE Commissioners olf.Columuia county, wilt
attend at tho house of John M'lteyriolds, in
Hemlock township, on Saturday the Iblh day of
July instant, for the purpose M entering into con
tract or contracts for building
one of them across little Fishing Creek at or near
Robert Montgomery's Mill in Madison township,
with stone abutmcnU, and a wooden arch super
structure of eighty feet span. The other, on the
stato road above Espy-town, new the dwelling of
F. U; Swdby. .The plan of this bridge has not
beert definitively settled by the Cammlssib'hcrs; but
proposals Will be received for building an entire
stone bridge; arid also fot a bridge with stone abut
ments and wooden Superstructure of about 85 fect
span. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at
the time and place of letting.
Commissioners Oflicd
Danville, July 8th, 1837.
Iiist ol Letters,
Remaining in the P. O,
at Bloomsburg,
July 1st, 1837.
Kcbccca Adams,
Maria Biggs,
Williairi Erasmus,
Col. Thomas Fields,
L. S. Gibson,
'Joseph Garrison,
William Howei,
Caroline N. Hazard,
John Long,
Murray Manvillc,
Rake & Chcmbcrlin,
James Shcbrcy, Esq.
Samuel White.
Jesse Beers,
Andrew Criveling;
Obcd Everett,
Michael Good,
S. Gcist or J. Foulk.
Jacob Hartman,
Lydja .Hall,
Jacob Jdcoby,
Andrew M'Fadcn,
Jacob Risewickj
Elizabeth Sliipman,
Samuel Webb,
John Van Sickle & Co.
Andrew R. Jaco'by,
July 8, 1837.
Seventy D2en & Horses;
37o So MMLi9
fr ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the
town of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that a spa
cious pavillion will be fitted up, on the Commons
Tho splendid establishment has been newly
fitted out. in a st?Ic superior to any thing of tho kind
offered to the public, with a company of EQUEST
RIANS, arid 81 UU oj AituiAi anu uaxxu
VARIAft Horses, which for performance stand
unequalled in America.
The band attached, is of the very first order, arul
without any impropriety, may be called the' best of
their number.
Tho Manager, in soliciting tho public patronage,
would respectfully state that nothing will be introdu
ced into the performance that can in the least ofTcnd
the most delicate and fastidious persons; but tho
whole will ho conducted with that order and re
spectability calculated to increase the patronage of
genteel society. The tioxes will bo partitioned ofT
from thd PHt to prevent inconvenience or annoy,
ance to' the ladies and gentlemen fom tho immense
crowd usually visiting Ihis exhibition.
DOORS open at 1 o'clock, P. M.
ADMITTANCE, Boxes 50 ccfits, Pitt 25cte,
children under 10. years admitted with their parents
to the Boxes at half price.
This Circus will bo exhibited a'tDanvillo on Mon
day tho 17tlt of July.
john s. Ingram,
TENDERS hie professional services to the citi
zens of Columbia county. He will feel grate
lui lor business entrusted to his care. Office in the!
sams building with the 'Columbi Dtutoerat
ttosmsburg, Mtjrj-l3T;