VARIOUS MATTEBS. liVCEUM MEETJNG. ftt a mooting; of the delegates f tho con vention atrQ other citizens, held hi the State Capitol nt Hurrisburg, on tho evening of the22dlnnc, 1837. On morion of Dr. Jenks, JAMES CLARKE, Esq. of "Indi ana, was called to tho chair, and Mr. Dar lington of Chester, anil Dr. Andrew Bed ford of Luzerne, wore appointed secreta ries. Mr. Banks of Miflliii suggested, that as Mr. Holbrcrok was present, it would be de sirable, to have an expression of his views, with regard to the Lvccum System, before proceeding to other business of the meeting. Mr. Holbrook, accordingly, favnroll the meeting, with some very interesting and appropriate remarks upon the drigm, do sign and general-utility ofLycCUms in this "country, and exhibited many beautiful spe cimens of plants, minerals, drawings and needle-work, collected and prepared by tho ftiembera of several schools and social Ly ceums. On the conclusion of tiro remarks of Mr. TIolbrook Mr. Sill, of Erie, presented the tollowing resolution, Viz! Resolved, That a system of common cd- k.-t! 1 t 11 . m . uoaiion, uecweuiy practical in its character, and universally diffused, is essential to the WOSneritv of nil nnr nnliiinnl .;..!! I. 1 "- J' ,tTl UIIU 1U igioua institutions, and to the perpetuity of uui ivuiiuuuc. Mr. Banks, of Mifllin, then moved the following resolution: Resolved, That a high standard of Amer ican education, is necessary to qualify all our citizens to understand and discharge miu uuuuh, aiiu io Husia n me rights ot re publicans and freemen. The following resolution was presented by Dr. Jenks of Bucks: Jlcsolved, That the developcmcnt and more iuu application oi the mineral and Other natural resources of Pennsylvania, arc important objects of Slate policy; and, inai bucii ucveiopomcni ana application "Would lin lTlnst ptTprtilnllir nrnmntml 1-... providing all tho schools and families in uiu svaic wiui specimens oi her most use ful productions; and thut such provision is practicable. On motion of Mr. McDowell, of Bucks, it was resolved, that when this meeting ad journ, it adjourn o meet to-morrow eve ning at 8 o'clock, in this Hall. When on motion the meeting adjourned June 23d, 8 o'clock, P. M. Meeting again assembled at tho Capitol. Mr. Porter, of Northampton, offered the following resolution, which he accompani ed with remarks, to show the importance of a system of national education, of a practical character and open alike to the rich and poor, to tho farmer, mechanic and professional scholar, and that tho only mode to perpetuate a democracy, was to establish on a firm and broad basis a de mocracy of learning. Resolved, That a co-opcratloit of the friends of intellectual and moral improve ment, in the dulcrent states and sections of our Union, is indispensible for establish ing and sustaining an enlightened and re publican system of national education: and, therefore, that every citizen of Pennsylva nia, and ot the American Kepublic, is call ed upon, both by interest and duty, to exert his influenco for the improvementof schools and tho diffusion of knowledge among all classes of the community, and into every section of our country: Mr. Bell, of Chester, presented to the consideration of the meeting the following .resolution: 'Resolved, That the possession, by all the schools in Pennsylvania, of cabinets of the productions of nature and of art, or col lection of minerals, plants, shells, drawings, mechanism and other natural and artificial specimens, would much increase the means and clevalolhc character of common educa tion, and that tho attention of the superin tendant of common schools and of the next legislature, is respectfully invited to the consideration of the expediency of making some provision on the subject. Mr. Merrill, of Union, remarked, that the interest ho felt in this subject, would not permit him to lose tho present opportu nity for communicating to the meeting, one or two thoughts on the importance of the resolution presented by the gentleman from Chester. Tho intimate, and vital onnoc tion of the spirit.of this resolution, with our agricultural interests, and the entire feasi bility of the plan proposed, no less than its important bearing upon the character and usefulness of schools, raust.prcsont It, both to the supcrintcndant -of common schools, and to future legislatures, as an object de serving their upecial regard and support. On motion of Mr. Earle, ofj'hiladclphia county, it wan , MesoheJ, That a goneral system of sci entific correspondcrif.e, and of exchanges in works of nature and art, 'between schools, lyceums and individuals in tho diflcreiit Sec tions bf'tho country, and bctween'this and other countries, would in the opinion of tins meeting bo calculated Id .promote the universal diffusion of knowledge, and to elevate tho character, and increase tho hap piness of tho human family. "Mr. Brown, of Philadelphia county, mo ved the following resolution: Jlcsolved, That some general depository ought to be established, in whiclrconld be collected all curiou and entertaining speci mens of nature and art, "and that notice ought to be civen throuirh tho mililif. nmt'shsiTs. inviting tho collection and presenta'tiun of sucn specimens irom all parts of the state; and, that small collections of au.-h speci mens in court houses, hotels, canal and steamboats, and other pla'ccs of public re sort, would furnish much entertainment and instruction to various classes of the community, and are csneciailv rcRonnnnnil- cu io me attention oi the public. Mr. Itayhursl, of Columbia, presented to tho consideration of the meeting, the sub ject of conversation and common amuse ments, in the following resolution, which he accompanied with somewhat extended remarks, to sh6v tho Immense nowcr and vast Importance of domestic education. He adverted, particularly, to the influence which might be exerted in this way upon the large and interesting class of the com munity, composed of apprentices, and re latcd his own experience on the subicct. which resulted, alike to his own advantage and that of the youths, over whom he had assumed the highly responsible charge of parent, protector and guide. Resolved, That parents and heads of lamuies, uy lurnisning agreeable and in structive topics of conversation and amuse ment for the youth under their care, may essentially advance their improvement in science and morality. Adopted. The subject of the American Press, as connected with the intellectual and moral character, and of course the perpetuity, of our republic was presented to the meeting by Mr. M'Cahcn, of Philadelphia county, in the form of a resolution enforced by re marks altogether appropriate on this great subject, and this immense "engine of power either ior good or for evil to our country Ilesolved, That the American Press, may be rendered a powerful engine for the promotion oi tnc American system educa tion, and that the conductors of tho Press, especially in Pennsylvania, be particularly invited to give their aid to this great and UUliUUUll UtlllSC. The following resolution was moved by Dr. Jenks, of Bucks. Jlcsolved, That as the sense of this lncctillfT. that a Lecislative cnaetmnnt nrn- LJ ' o - I viding a Lyceum lecturer, with such as sistance as might be deemed necessary to visit all our public schools, and deliver lcc- aires on tnc ucst modes ot education, and on all those subjects which arc calculated to finliiflitnn nnd inform (hp. mmily nf our children, would greatly aid the cause of general education m Pennsylvania. I. D. Rupp, of Cumberland county, pre sented without remark on account of the lateness of the hour the following resolution: Resolved. That tho mnntincr nf the rnn. vention for reforming the constitution of Pennsylvania, lurnisiics a lavorable oppor tunity for uniting in a plan of co-operation for improvement of schools and tho diffu sion of knowledge in all sections of the state and among all classes of tho commu nity, & that every member of this conven tion, be invited to exert his influence in fa vor of these niiinr.ts in tlint snptinn nf tlm state and in the community in which he resides. On motion of Mr. Hayhurst, of Colum bia, it was resolved, that the proceedings of this meeting, bo signed by the Chairman & Secretaries, and published in all the pa pers m tho State, which aro friendly to common and universal education. Tho intelligence and animation with which tho discussions were conducted du ring tho whole of both evenings till a late hour, the entire coincidence in tho views of all the speakers, and tho unanimous a doption of all tho resolutions presented and discussed, rendered tho meeting an occasion of no common interest, and presented to tho cause of universal education, an auspi cious prospect which has seldom, if before over been witnessed in the Key Stone State of tho Union. A letter from Robert Wickliffe, of Ken tucky, has been published in the Whig pa pers full of scurillous charges against the Post Master General. To this, a reply 1iy Mr. Kendall has lately appeared, in which, to use tho words of tho Georgetown Metro politan, the calumnies of his enemies "are met and silenced." If 1ho whig papers, which havo published Mr. Wickliffo's a- busivo letter, mean to pay any attention to tho appearance of common fairness, they will publish Mr. Kendall's answer. Vo regret that tjio crowded state of our col umns i!oc4 not nermit us to publish thin eloquent vindication. Wo quote from it that part which relates to tliC'case oi uovir nor Dcs1ia of Kentucky. m "Late in 1825, a son or Governor Desha was charged with the murder of Baker mid arrested. lie applied to the Legislature nt tho next session for a change of venire, oil the ground that he could not havo a fair trial In the'eounty wlicro tho oflence was chnrged to have been "Committed. Although the giarilingpf such a request was always a matter of course in Kentucky, Robert Wickliffe, when the bill was at its last read ing, "look occasion fo pronounce a studied philippic against it, in which without a shadow of reason or truth, he charged the unhappy father with conspiracy and corrup tion to screen his son from punishment. Nor did he cease pursuing the object of his hatred witli these imputations, in public and in private, during tho whole course of his administration. "M'llft K$tl,ll?rli fC nrtvnnv Tlnalin limn whom noSlatc cver had a more honest Chief magistrate, was such as to excite the sym pathy of every feeling heart. The son was charged and finally twice convicted of mur- l . A .1 . TV . ..... acr; tncjaiucr held the pardoning power and behoved him innocent. Thcro were circunistances which justified a father in so believing After the son had been a second time convicted, and a new trial had been a second time granted, the whole of the se cond jury, as, I understood, and a part of tho first, petitioned for his pardon. Tho first conversation I ever had with the Governor upon the subject, was introduced by him with a statement of these facts. flp. ll1-nPPP,ln,1 In an,, fltrtt nM sent for him to tho prison, had protested ma innocence in me strongest terms, had declared his unnlinmliln unless he were acquitted by a jury, and li'nil (nl,l !,!. 1.. :M .t.i... 1 ...... uitn it hi; Bum 111111 u juiruuii, he would the next hour put an end to hi3 existence. It was found impossible to pro cure a third unbiassed jury, & the wretch ed man remained in jail from term to term. Fmnllv. nn ftf-it Anr nt j j uij Ul liuuuli V11U11 Bsauehamp Was executed for the murder of "1 1 .1 1 e .i . . . 1 uiunci onarp, aner the suicide ol his wile and his own unsuccessful attempt, young j-ruanji cm ins own tnroat with a razor, severing the witulninn nnilh in turn Tn that awful moment when he believed himself entering into eternity, he beckoned for pen and ink, and Wrote a solemn protestation of his innocence while his life-blood was streaming Upon tho paper, t saw it after wards in the hands of his father, so besmear ed with blood as to be scarcely legible. "A father under such circumstances had a right to believe his son innocent. None but a monster would hunt him down for so believing and actinir aL-corilinalv. Hut nnnn of these things moved the Tlinty heart or ijuuiiuu me sianocrous tongue ot ltobcrt Wickliffe." The following account of the Desha affair, from tho Baltimore Sun will be read With interest. "Francis Baker, the man murdered by young Desha, was a native of Newark, New Jersey, but had for four or five years resided in Natchez, Mississippi, where he edited with ability and success a public newspaper. In the autumn of 1825, whilst on his way visit his family in New Jersey, he passed through Kentucky, and put up at Bellingiil's Hotel at the Blue Licks. In the course of the evening, young Desha, who was a dashing, dissolute young man, called at the Hotel found Baker, somewhat intoxicated, and induced him to play with him at cards. The two sat up all night, and tho next morninir Drslm. nnilorinnL- tn conduct Baker to the residence of a gentle man resiuing in tnc nttio villago of i'lem- ingsblirg. TheV left Bellinrrnl's tnantlinr and that was the last that was ever seen of mKcr till lie was found murdered by the roadside. He was shot through tlm lmnil. and his throat was cut from car to ear. buspicion fell upon Desha; ho was arres ted, and the COITimnn nnininn was tlint lin was guilty. Kentucky was at that time di vided by two strong and bitter local par ties. Tho affair was instantly seized, con- verted into political uses, and such Was the state of tho public mind in tho county of Fleming, where tho murder was commitcd. that it was not believed that Desha could havo a fair trial ii) that region, and the Le gislature was petitioned for a change of venire.- Mr. Robert Wickliffe, who was a bitter opponent of Governor Desha, and a member of tho Legislature. nnnnsMl tlm petition in a speech, which for eloquent in- ccuvc, outer denunciation, and withering sarcasm, never can be surnnsHnil. Tt wn? agreed by all parties that it was cruel as it wua uiuqucill. The Petition was rrmntivl' tlm vnntrn changed to Harrison county, where Desha ...M, uuu imuu cunvicicu. in his father's hand was vnsiml tl power, and ho was solicited by his wife, the tTintlinr nf l.iei mill l. l.n..r . r . t. ........... , uufilimj ""J, IU UAUrCISU 11. 110 refused for a long time, lint nt lnct . ,, i tho existence of the circumstances detailed oy mr. Kendall, he issued a pardon. Wo may talk of Roman firmnpsH. nnil mmtn W . " " ' ' MW.U tilU example of him who, in obedience to duty, leu his own son to tho altar of sacrifice, but what fntllAr in mnilnrn ....... 1,1 . .1 UIM3 1TUU1U 11UI UO as Governor Desha did? What father could sign a warrant lor tho execution of his own son? YourfC Desha Wound his own hand mdininrl n.i m;.n i uim JtuuiU" ted to loxas whoro lin nft milted murder, and was shot by his pursu- AwrriUlvk' MF.ETING. At the Anti-Bank meeting in Danville dn inct gm T). .Tnrkson. John 'Si Rhodes, Dr. S. Ilcadley, and Stephen Hai ti Esq. were chosen as Delegates to rep icsent this county in tho Anti-Bank State Convention- which assembled at llarnsburg nn iIig 4th hist. John Risciiel, of Hem lock, was president, and P. S. Joslin, of Briar creek-, secretary. A committee, ap pointed for that purpose, reported the fol lowing amdivg other resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: 1)oin1,ifitl 'Plint VvA llnl'iS tlt-n tn'Aat Anl?ri ...lUM. 11,1., All... "VIIU.U ll.U . W..11U confidence in our present United States ad- ministration, anu implicitly rciy on tnc vir tue, patriotism, independence and firmnc'ss of Martin Van Bufcn, and the heads of dc nartment at Washington. a. a Jlcsolved, That the paper banking cred it system, is proved by experience to be a r l . 1 1 . . . i ' i . i iriuiuuiuiii arrangement lur picKing me nnnlitI.Q nf tlln nfrrir-iiltnrnlist. tnnAlinnin. and laborer, to foster and cherish the spec ulations and gambling ot the merchant, coal Innrl. wnatnrn l'mrl nn1 cfni.lf inliliinn ennn. i " ... . "".i ins ulators, who seek to grow rich at the ex pense oi other men s labor. Resolved, That the substitution of worth less mnnr nrnmifsnfi. wliii-h r:n lin innilr. i i i i .. and multiplied at the will and pleasure of 1 .1 1 .. . iuu maKcrs, is a miscranic exchange lor tt currency oi the precious metals, which can not bo incrnnsnil lint hv nn pvolmnrrn n v alue equal to the other values they arc in tended io represent. Jpsnh)fd. 'Flint tlin trtiilMnm. nf monopoly is anti-republican, and to make .iw i,i iiwnui uiiu iuu puur puorcr -o ho use, but to those who wish to "fertil lzc the rich man's field with the sWeat the poor man's browi" of Jlesolved. That ilir grown capitals and capitalists by the hot bed facilities which the banks afford for an extension Of Credit, is ilntriirinntnl tn tl.n mass of the citizens and directly antagonist lu "iu lujiuuiican simplicity which ougl to characterize a free nconlCi i 1 Resolved, That it is eoualiy unjust, and unwise, to permit companies or individuals, io uuarge interest lor tlm loan of that which has no intrinsic value, but which depends for ItS Worth, on tlin linnnbt.r nn1lul.n..or.i.. prudence or imprudence, of those making or mannirtnnr It- hi in il.o tj.-t, -, in uiu i..iDi,, wiui mere uann paper, unless represented dollar foi dollar by gold, silvnr. nr snliQtnntini erty, under any and every other state of things accompanying its use. Resolved, That it is false in fact, as al leged by the bank and whig party, that a nnnr innn lit i i "V . r" ,. . uuHum mm inuustnousi can reap the advantages of bank facilities ns p.n- sily as a rich man. Let his character for ministry, integrity and prudence, bo what it may, no bank will discount a poor man's note, without having the name of a man of ..i-uiu. uu us uacK; ineraby making the ac cominodation at the rich man's request, and placing tho poor in a state of thraldom to the rich, inimical to the exercise of their ireeuom anu independence. Resolved, That we arc by no means in- Vl(illlt IUU1IUV IlIlIT flllfSQ rt nitif nnn : I J . w wtiAUUO UUallini annthcr. nor tlm nnnr nrmic H:u t... j.-w. "ijllot Ulli liUJIa UUl ""')' uiaiiuuor oeing the loundation of . . ... --!......, ,..,,,1.1, ulu rich man will obtnm n m,mi, r, anu ILEf cnnRPnnnnnnu nnn.pi. 41. man s labour as he can get at the lowest rate and that there is moreover, and has been from the origin of civil society, a war fare between the rii-li nti,l tt. k. . - ....v. iuu jJUUl, DUO- tamed on the One hand by wealth, power ...... wiui uuu on me other, by numbers; and that tho nature of men and things will continue as they have been from tho'begin ning, and so they will be to the end of the world ! wealth nnd .:n t,. : i i .v...w. 111,1 uuuufc iiiau- lencc and pride; and these will call forth the resistance of their intended victims; the uuu is me natural ollsprmg of the other. Jlesolved, Therefore, that the temptations winch banks hold nut tn tlm n. ... ,41w wul man, iu ask pecuniary favors of the rich, increases uoiuioi luiuicucy ot wealth to domina tion and dnsnnticm o.,,l u .1 . . o .t e i- -I """, uuu mu uuoirucuvo 01 the leehng of equality and independence, which must be a prominent fcaturo in the character of our citfopitn. nr,... i degeiierato into the abject idolaters of the vjoiuou iaii, anu become the slaves and dupes of the Nobles nnil l.nnlli laiul. Jlcsolved. Thatnlili nilrrli vn An nr.. nn tend lor cnnnlilv nf nnn.1ii!nn : i:r.. .1. 1 J fuilUI!l!l n, 0r iu levelling system, so called by our oppo nent; we do contend for, and will maintain and assert at all hazards, equality of politi- ..b..w, uuu am jicnucuy convinced that COPOratlOnS. for ntlV llllrnm. ,t,. are m their very nature, incompatible with nohticnl pnimlitir nn.l 1' , . .,..v ulll4 iiiuuuuiluUUCC. Jlesolved, That we hold the man who would be inslrumental in forcing what aro called "shiu.plastcrs" into circulation, as recreant to cvnrv nrinntnin ...i.:i. 1.. . I w.j.iu iiiuuil uuglll 10 govern tho actions of a good cilizon. Wo look upon him in the light of a jackall and pander, doing tho dirty work of those who . "lu ""I'orsiruciuro ol a Na tional Uatl!;. nn tlin rnin.lntl, n.i , , . w uuii ui ma coun try's ruin. Resolved. Tlmt l,nl i'n - 1 1 i . i. "urtiimu money circulating medium, tho spirit of speculative gambling would expire of inanition. If a V"." V ""ro wor' neioro ho uses or expends it. lm will i nr..i i : ! -",u"i "UI 111 nils- ubo it; hutifhecan make millions out of dirty - v UIUVIUIIW Corner Stotie P the St. Paul's Church, Ulooinslmrir. will Ul.l nn THIIIlSnAV. tl.n 1 !Nl. .! f " " - . . - - - - - - i ..." --- ..... ui J 1,1 , iivmi aiiu iiiuiiiiiii. I". . tii i.iiiiiiiii:ii;n .i ti'fincv. in tlin l.f-rnmti Itnlorinpil nml ..i i i r .. .i.i-i. ii i imirrii. ni uio ciusu ui iviiicu. iiiucuiifrrnrriiiinn k collection will lie taken up in mil ot tho liuildin. oevcrni uicrirvincn irom a instance arc cxrmi io uc in auuiiuiiiicu. v .. 1 " - 4 " Hloomsburg, July 1, t837. Collector's B'&le. Y VlUTlTK of a warrant anil duplicate, 1. j od liy the Commissioners of Columbia nu.'l ty, ami to me ilirccteil, for the collection offirV tax, tor liloom township, In 6aiU county, will liP, posed to public Kale, at tlic public house of tlin ilow Crivcling, inllloom township, on Moiiiltiyi ! 10rt ila'ucf July next, at 2 o'clock in the afiemo, J .1.. i-..iu...l.. ............ . n 9 iuu luuiiiiiii iii.i-i ij , in uui; prized, ana to he sold as the property of JJt ' .. r. UKiiitiiit, Volleclm. S3 Dioomsuurg, juiy lai, 18J. Iiiforinuliott Wanted. NY information rcspeclinR Hiram Juth tin,.,.. 7-t.... .i r..- r..-... ....... lord much gratification to the subscriber, at pre !.!!.. ... 11 ill- mi i , .iii.iv, anu UCVI uciaiLT. WOUdl iusiuiuk ui uauvuic. i iicy ore irom uram mi Rutland county, Vcrmoiitj.and are Supposed to; J living near NcV-ColUmbia, in litis county. A imisciu.A LEisTi:n,ii Jtmville, June 21, 1837. SglERIFFALTY. t.V T rirhtlifrikrf. i . .. .... ,ijiii.iv-ni.iyio: ai tne HOlic-itotion T . . 1 p f . . . u iiii-ai iiiuiiucr oi iny inunus anu nrll-uin crs; l again oiler myselr as a candidate for the Office of ShnrifT ol the coimtv of Columbia, at the next ei-nir.i! rU 1 tioii. If you would bo so good as lo cie mc t. $ .1 A .11 1... 1 . .11 ... . '"S uics, mure Mian lac noiiiiiig on my part to do to' uuiy wuii accuracy anu iiticlity. WILLIAM KITCHKS. Danville, June 24, 1837. To the Eleclors of Columbia couMy. ITBLLOWSCITIZfiNSS At the solicitation 1 many Iricnds throughout the county, I aft iiijruuu ua a cuiiuiuaic lorinc Ollicc 01 SHERIFF, cncral election, and would at the next General d frcl eraMcS for your support joiin FHurr. Madison, June 3, 1837, SIIEKU'FALTY. To the doctors of Columbia countv: UM.OW CITIZKN8! At Hid solicitation cfi i Iiuiubcr nf mv frictiilii I )mvn lujn Atiun . w utiti iiiygcu as a ijanaiuatc lor the office of SHERIFF, n .if f . . at the rnsning General Election. If I should be n fortunate as to obtain pledge myself, so far as my abilities will admit, perform tho duties of the office with integrity and ' humanity. TETEIl KLINE. Itoaring Crctk, .May 20, 1B37j To the Electors of Columbia county: I7JELL0W CITIZENS: At the urgent soliciu ; lions of . numerous friends, I offer myself as i . .tn.Ji.1it.. ft,.. Il. e J ..u...u.w .w. uiu mine ui SHERIFF. Should I be so fortunate as lo reecho a majority of votes, and procure my commission, I pledge myw!f to execute the duties of the office with fidelity and ' impartiality EUAS McIIBNKY. May 13, 1837. CATTAWISSA HOUSE nnHE SUBSCIJIDER return, his acknowleJg- .ul i ins irienus ior their liberal patronage, ana would respectfully inform the public in general, that he has fitted up His establishment, in CattawU sai near tho bridgd, and SIGN OF THE CROSS nndrn,"PrHr rtwWd will render comfort r.V. r. i . J . " surP'iM with tho uxu I "t"-'1 markc'i "Alt well stored with v.. jinjuors anil ms STAULING con tains nlpntirnfr.,......! 1 fhi linViUi ti ' u isaucmlca liy a care- IUI hostlcri Ho so ieilB nil i.:... . "l.i i fbelsconfident tha, toiS3r Cattawissa, Jun6 17, 1837, GEORGE PRINCE, Of Sunbury, Noi tliuiubcrland countyi H lc?vo respectrulIy to inform tho public that tin to ol., . . w . . . u f , "eyumsimciousuireo story hricie " - vj otlllio, In view of tho State Canitol. optn on tl,c Jt day of may next, and Where htf loncs to eoimnuo to receive that patronage so liberal Iml "'.V"" 'Uhment heretofore Htf 1 I PovidocI will, ctcry thing neccm' ry to make his guests comfortable, Harrisburg, April 29, 1837. ' PRIN0H' .TOB PRINTING, SKATI.y KXECDTED AT TllHOPFICB