The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 01, 1837, Image 1

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"I have sworn tipon the Altar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny oVcr the flllnd of Man."
Number 10.
Leave, leave untouched that brimming bo'ivl,
There's Death within its beauty:
Cast o(T, my love, llio fiend's control,
4 That wins llico from thy 'duly;
Thy brow is not bo fair as when
, Young Iiovo thou brcalh'nt in Badricss;
'Twas beauteous in its manhood tlicn,
But now it droops in Badness.
And why! I'm sure this willing tircart,
Thy care's dread weight will pillow
Will still, in deep and luting rctt,
Thy woes' heart-rending i)illow, .,
"Thine eye, too, fades and loses light,.
'Neath dark distress ond sorrow;
But sure, love, sure, it must grow bright
Again in Fortune's morrow.
Oh! I remember well the hour,.
When Joy had scattered roses
Along our path, and Envy's power
Slept safe where wrong reposes
When thou did'st swear, 'laid every change,
No tics of lovo to fcmt
That come, what would, from mo estrangd
Affection's, bliss Oh, nbvctl
Why, look on me! I'd smilo if wealth .
Had all our paths forsaken:
Did I but know, Contentment's health
Could not be marred nor shaken.
For see, but now, I kiss thy brow, '
While Fortuno'u favors vanish!
As fond as when her gaudy how
Hung out thy Care to lanish.
Set! there lies one whocb angel rest
Is guileless dnd unbroken:
6'naii wo, hu have his Youth carcet,
Give him, in Agoj a token
That he may know his father sunk
Before Misfortune's powcrl t .
That hcjnayknow, a draught he drunk)
Corroding Life's liribf hourl
Oh, no wo'll strive to sweeten here
Our cup orworldly Pleasure;
And when wo seek a home more dear,
Wo'll find n heavenly treasure.
The wings of Peace bhall spread a calm
O'er life's tempestuous ocean
Where all may use its healing balm,
And live in sweet devotion.
fans Ei5i5PHiB!2!ia'2,o
Man has rights by nature. The disposi
tion of some to deride abstract rights, as if all
rights were uncertain, mutable and Conceded
by society, showsalamcntablo ignorance of
human uature. Whoever understands this
must see in it ail immoveable foundation of
rights. There afd gifts of the Creator,
bound up indissOlubly with our moral Con-
btitution. In thd order of things, the' pre
cede society, lie at its foundation, constitute
man's capacity for it, and nrd the great ob
iect of social- institution. The conscious
ness of rights is not a creation of hunian art,
ti conventional sentiment, hut essential to
and inseparable frOm thd human soul.
Man's rights belong to him as a moral
being, as capable of perceiving moral dis
linctioas, as a subjdet of moral obligation.
As soon as he becomes conscious of duty,
a kindred consciousness springs up that he
has a right to do what the sense of duty
enjoins, and that no foreign will or power
tan obstruct his moral notion without crime
He feels that the sense of duty was given
to him as a law, that it makes him r'espousi
bio for himself, that to exercise, unfold, and
obey it is the dnd of his being, and that ho
has a right to exercise and obey it without
hindranco or opposition. A consciousness
bf dignity, hdwever obscilre, belongs also
lb this divine principle; atld though he may
want Words to do justice to his thoughts, he
feels thai he has that within him which
makes him essentially equal to all around
The sense of duty is tho fountain of hu
man rights. In other words, tho samo in
ward principlo, which teaches the former,
bears witness to thd latter. Duties and
rights must stand or fall together. It has
ben too common to oppose them td ond
another ; but they were indissolubly joined
together. That Samo inward principle
wincli tcacnes a man what lie 13
bound to do to others, teaches cquajly, and
ht the samo instant) what others uro bound
to do to him. That same voice which
forbids him to injuro a singlo fellow crca
turo, forbids every fellow creature to do him
harm. His conscience in roveallng the moral
law, doso not reveal a law for himself, only,
but speaks as a""universal legislator. Ho
has an intuitivo convictj'on, that tho obliga-
lions of this divine code press on othors as
truly as oh himself. That principle, which
teaches him that he sustains the relation of
brotherhood to all human beings, teaches
lain that his relation is reciprocal, that it
"gives indestructible daims, as well afc impos
es fiolcmn duties, and that what he owes to
the members of this vast family, they owe
to him in rcturm
Zote of Liberty in England. Tho A-
vncrican people have been flattered with a
notion that. -we are the only free people on
earth the only men who love free princi
ples und the rights of man. President
Humphrey, of Amherst College, a true
American, and a competent witness, gives
his testimony-as follows:
"In all that constitutes thC'borts and sin
ews of national greatness in physicial and
mfintal energy in persevering and produc
tive industry in wealth and science, and
the useful arts in all these Great-Britain
stands, if not without a rival, at least with
out a superior, in the wide world. Beyond
all question, we Americans, like most other
young people, expect one day to carry olf
the palm from our sires. Should that day
over come, and it may possibly arrive sooner
than our trans-Atlantic Germans dream of,
it will become us to wear our honors meek
ly ; and, in the meanwhile, one would sup
pose, that family prid", as well as higher
considerations, should prompt us to do full
justice to the English character.
"That the English have their full share
of natural courage, and of corporeal sla
minai to silstain and make it cflcctivc, any
other nation may lCarn if it chooses, by mee
ting them hand to hand, cither with the
bayonet, or the grappling irorisi As their
quarrels with us were family matters, I
shall say nothing about them ; but passing
over those, who, With an erjtial force, cvdr
vanquished them, cither bn the land or on
tho sea? Who else but the British, after be
ing mown and cloven down, all day, by the
French tu'tillery and ciiirassicrS) would
have been in a condition, when the Prus
sians came up, to gain the battle of AVater
loo? What they arc in brigades and bat
talions, and on tho guii-dcckj they are also
in the ring, and wherever you meet them
iiota .qilarrclsomc people, but always rea
dy to fight when their rights arc" invaded,
or their courage-is Called in question. What
deteriorating changes may betide them we
knotV not.
Luxury may enervate them, as it did the
descendants of the Gracchi and Scipios, and
then they may tamely bow their necks to
any yoke. And it might be too much to
sliy that, while they retain their present
national aild individual courage, it would be
absolutely impossible to subdue thein ; but
it Vould cost infinitdly more than thd cdn;
qudst would be worth; and, after all, their
spirits would Hot he crushed, however furi
ously tho conqueror might drive his triumph
al car over their prostrate bodies They
would contrive, in one way or another, to
hough his horses in tho very moment of be
ing trodden down; and I have no doubt
would sustain thcmsqlves tinder this greatest
of all calamities, with a fortitude which has
never been surpassed. Such is their na
tional character. Their enemies might call
it sulkiness, or more brute obstinacy, as
Napoleon is reported to have said, at Wa
terloo : "Theso English don't know when
thdy are beat;" but these ard clentents, with
which it is dangerous for tyrants t6 meddid.
"This leads mo to remark, what indeed
is included in the sketch just given, that tho
lovd of liberty is as strong and unconquera
ble in England as it is in the United States.
Tho history of that country for ages past,
no less than its present condition, indubita
bly proves that tho people are prepared to
defend their liberties at all hazards. Any
encroachment on the part of tho crown would
bd met with a resolution which would shako
thd towers and battlement of Windsor Cas
tle to their dddp foundation. Wo are apt to
suppose that because our government is a
democracy, and that of Great-Britain is an.
hereditary monarchy, tho spirit of freedom
cannot be so unfettered and indomitablo
there as herei It would cost as much to
drive out the British House of commons,
and establish an arbitrary government over
that country, as it would to shut up both
Houses of the American Congress, and
bring the people of this country to the feet
of a despot. The English nation would
fight as long and as manfully in defence of
liberty as we should. It would require
more, than the twenty-seven thousand cannon-
in Woolwich Arsenal to baiter down
tho munitions of Magna Charla. A bold
usurper must he be, who, in cither country,
should attempt lo enslave the people, and
sadly must they degenerate from the sturdy
independence ot their lathers before it
would be possible for him to succeed."
Those days of boyhood's sportive glee,
Ah! whither have they sped!
Whch, as.lhc warbling wood bird free
We drank of joys now fled,
And floated v.ith the floating hours,
Along Time's rippling tide,
And sported with the fragrant flowers
That grew on every sidct .
Ah! whcVo ore how those Wight young dreams,
Winch then illumed our wayl
Where now docs Hope pour forth her beams,
With calm enlivening ray;
Which then diffused its grateful light,
Seen in tho distance far,
As oft at evenirtg ttrikes the sight
Some pure and matchless star!
Ah! how the glad remembrance turns
Back on those scenes so fair;
How fancy's fire enkindling burns
And sheds its radiance there!
How bright those pictures of our bliss,
Their varied hues display; -
How changed from those v hich jjarken this,
Our lone and cheerless dnyl
O that wc might, as then, now glide
Life's gentle stream along,
As then, might o'er its bosom rido
Mid pleasure's playful throng:
Nor ever reach those stormy seas
Of darkest depths profound.
When wild winds chate the gentle brcczci,
And tempests blacken round.
Iii the February number of tlc Southern
Literary Messenger, among other excellent
articles, is a most sensible urtd just review
of Professor Dew's late Inaugural Address
as President of William and Mary College
Nothing can be more true than the follow
ing remarks upon the misdirected talents of
Virginia young men:
"Among the greatest evils that has ever
afflicted this commonwealth, is the morbid
desire of her sons for political -distinction
It has been the bane of the republic; destroy
ing every thing hko uselul enterprise 111
Virginia) and banishing from tbCir homes
thousands of our citizens to find preferment
among the people of the other States or from
the patronage of the Federal government
No sooner do our voung men leave their
seminaries of learning, than deeming them
selves politicians and statesmen ready made
according lo tho philosophy of the best
schools, thdy rush with ardor into the
political arcria. Disappointed in their am
bitious aspirations, with their tastes depra
ved! and having lost all capacity for useful
employment, they become reckless and
abandoned ; or falling in with a dominant
party, they sacrifice all independence of
character, and stoop to the lowest acts of tho
dbmagogite, hoping to creep to that eminence
to which they had vainly attempted to soar.
Nor is this passion for political life confined
to tho educated portion of pur people Tru
ly has President Dow said, "our whole
state is. a political nursery." It swarms
with politicians of every ago and hue and
size. But unfortunately, for one statesman
Wd have a hundred demagogues. Next lo a
standing army in the time of peace, a class
of professed politicians) sot apart expressly
for the business of public lifeis most dan
gerous to the liberties of a free state. Such
men must necessarily bo the Swiss guards
of party. . Considering politics as their vo
cation, they must needs seek for employ
ment. If they fail to find it in tho indepen
dent discharge of their duty as representa
tives of tho people, they must seek it in
mdan compliances with the imperious man
dates of party leaders, or in a course of de
grading servility and sycophancy to tho dis
pensers of federal patronage Let us do
nothing to mcrcaso this numerous swarm
of hungry politicians. What wo need in
Virginia, is a class of educated country
gentlemen, well instructed, not only in mo
ral and political philosophy, but in polite
literature-, that most ancient, honorable and
independent of all pursuits. Such persons
would be qualified at once to discharge well
the duties of citizens and of statesmen; and
like one of the celebrated of the ancient
Romans-, could step from their ploughs to
one of tho most important offices of the
state, without elevating their own dignity,
or degrading the high station to which they
might be called."
From an address by Gov. Everett, of
Massachusetts, on the importance of the
young men of this country cultivating their
higher powers:
" 1 hus iar, the relative position of Eng-
land and the United States has been such
that our prdportional contribution to the
common literature was naturally a small
one. Ehgland by her great sunerioritv in
" j 1 j
wealth and population, was of course the
head quarters of science and learning. All
this is rapidly changing. You aro already
touching the point when your wealth and
population Will equal those of England
riie superior rapidity of your progress will
at no distant- period give you the ascenden
cy. It will then belong td your position,
to take the lead in the arts dud letters, as in
policy, and to give the tone to the literature
of the Language. Let it be your care and
study, not to show yourself unequal to this
high calling to vindicate the honor tjf the
new World in this generous and friendly
competition witn tno old; you will per
haps bd tdld that literary pursuits will dis
qualify you for the active business of life
Heed ndt, gentlemen, the idle assertion
Reject it as a mere imagination inconsis
tent with principle, unsupported by experi
ence; Point out to those who make it, the
illustrious characters who have reaped
every age the highest honors of studious
and active exertion. Show them Demos
thenes forging by the light of the midnight
lamp, those thunderbolts of eloquence
Shook thd arsenal and fulmined over Greece
To Maccdon and Artaxcrxcs' throne.
Ask then if Cicero would have been hailed
with rapture as the father of his country
if he had not been its pride and pattern in
philosophy and letters. Inquire whether
Caisar, or Frederick, or Buonaparte, or Wcl
lington, or Washington, fought thd Worse
because they knew how to write their own
commentaries. Remind them Of Franklin,
tearing at the same time the lightnings from
heaven, and the sceptre from tha hands of
the oppressor. Do they say to yoit that stus
dy will lead you to scepticism? Recall to
their memory, the venerable names of Bacon,
Milton, Newton, Locke. Would they per
suade you that devotion to learning will
withdraw your steps from tho path of pleas
ure? Tell them they arc mistaken! Tell
them that the only true pleasures aro those.
which result from the diligent exercise of all
tho faculties of body and mind, and heart,
in pursuit of noble ends by noble means.
Repeat to them the ancient apologue of the
youthful Hercules in the pride of strength
and beauty, giving up his generous soul to
tho worship of virtue. Tell them with the
illustrious Roman orator, you had rather be
in the wrong, with Plato, than in tho right
with Epicurus. Tell them that a mother
in Sparta would rather have seen hor son
brought hoind a cdrpsd upon his shield than
dishonored by its loss. Tell them that
your mother is America, your battle the
warfare of life, your shield the breastplate
of Religion."
Jl Comparison. 'Jack,' saidagayyoung
fellow to his companion, "what possibly
can induce tbdse two old snu fl takirig dow
agers to be here to night at the ball? I am
sure they will not add in the least to the
brilliancy of tho scene,"
"Pardon me," replied the other gravely,
'for not agreeing with you, but for my part
I really think that where there are so many
lights of beauty, there may bo some occa
sion for a pair of snutfert"
The heavens shall pass away with a great
noise. Although studded with ten thousand
brilliant gems, it will be rolled up like a
parchment scroll; its lofty swelling arch will
break down and all its light be quenched
The elements sliall melt with fervent
heat. The principles of fire pervade the
universe, and when the Almighty gives the
wordj they will no longer be confined to
some insulated mountain; they will meet
the eyes in grandeur terrible and overwhelm
ing from every quarter of the horizon. The
drops of the morning dew will no longer
fall in refreshing shovvcrs Upon the earth;
in their stead will descend the floods of
iquid flame's to nourish the fires of the last
conflagration. The whole earth will form
one grand scene of ruin The attraction of
particles, the forces of repulsion and gravita-:
tion will be suddenly destroyed. The tow- '
ering mountains, whose summits frosted
with eternal snow3 and veiled with misty
cloudsj these landmarks of time which have
breasted the storms 6f ages, will totter on
their babis, and mingle in the general
The beauties of nature will then be blast
ed Seasons will revolve rto more. The
wodds and 'groves shali no longer be vocal
with the warbling of the feathered song
sters. Disrobed of all its charms, this
beautiful world will become the sport of
raving elements, and fall in the mighty
'fhe earth and all there in sliall be burned
up All the works of art, the utmost efforts
of human industry, stupendous fortresses,
lordly edifices; the proud mausoleum, tri
umphal arches, towering, pyramids, monu;
mental pillars, the statues of warriors and
statesmen all that is Engaging to worldly
minded men, shall fall from the earth.
When all these shall bd dissolved, the
trumpdt of the Gospel will ilo mdre be heard
in Zion, her earthly mountain will be for
saken, her altars thrown down, her temples,
destroyed. Judah's fountain will be scaled
up, and the river of life cease to flow for
the healing of the nations.
John Wesley having to travel some dis
tance in a stage coach, fell in with a pleas
ant tempered) cheerful, well informed officer.
His conversation was sprightly and enter
taining, btit frequently mingled with oaths.
When they were about to take the next
stage, Mr. Wesley took the officer apart,
and after'exprdssing the pleasure ho had en
joyed in his company, told him ho was
thereby encouraged to ask of him a vdry
great favor. I would take a pleasure in
obliging you, said the officer, and I am sure
you will not make an unreasonable request.
Then says Mr. Wresley, as wc have to
travel together for some time, I beg that if
I should so far forget myself as to swear in
your company, you will kindly reprovo
The officer immediately saw the motive,
and felt the force of the request, and smil
ing, said none but Mr. Wesley could have
conveyed a reproof in such a manner.
Lorenzo Bow. This man was an oddity
of the oddest kindi The best anecdote of
him is, that being at a hotel in Delhi, New
York, ono evening, which was kept by ono
Bush, and the place beirig the resldoncc of
the celebrated General Root, ho was im
portuned by the General, in tho presence of
the landlord, to describo Heaven. "You
say a great deal about that place," said the
General, "tell us how it looks." Lorenzo
turned his grave face, and flowing beard,
towards Messrs. Root and Bush, and replied
with impertuable gravity, 'Heaven, friends,
is a vast extent of smooth territory;'
there is not a Hoot nor Jlushin it, andtherd
never will bei'
The Hair. A modern writer has dis
covered that the human hair is a vegotablo.
He docs not say how itshould be cooked.
"If that be tho law," said Lord Clare to
Curran, "I may burn my books." "Better
read them, my Lord," replied Currau.