The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 17, 1837, Image 2

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At an early period in the history of the
-stato of Pennsylvania, Albert 0. moved
-with his wife and infant chitdrch from the
more populous regions of tho East, and
settled in tho then almost unbroken forests
r)t Pennsylvania. Albert was tho descen
dant of a respectable line of ancestry who
left Europe to Beck in the wilds of America
ftran Asylum from persecution, on account
of religions principles. Tho family had
for years enjoyed A happy mediocrity that
removed them equally from the inconveni
ences of abject poverty and tho temptations
incident to a life of fashionable dissipa
tion and luxury, Albert married a young
xvoman of his own age, after mature ac
quaintance, and without any of tho crosses
and disappointments which have been so
sorrowfully depicted by the novelist. This
young lady brought him little except warm
alfection, an unsullied reputation, and
well cultivated mind. Her family were
poor, yet respectable, and she had recciv
d from her father an education rather above
common girls in her station In those days.
Albert finding himself at tho head of an
increasing family, with little prospect of ac
quiring real estate in an old settlement
where land always commands a high price,
determined, notwithstanding the delicacy
of his wife's health, to try his fortune in
what was then called the "backwoods."
In pursuance of this resolution, we find him
in the year 17.. in a log cabin, surrounded
"byunbrokon forests acknowledging no feal
ty to man, & subject to the undisturbed tread
of ita fourfootcd inhabitants. Remote from
tho aid of fellow man, remote from all the
blessings which arc derived from social so
ciety, Ave may well suppose that it required
the exertions of Albert to provide for the
sustamancc of his infant family, without
supplying any of the luxuries, or even all
the conveniences, of life, and without be
stowing any considerable portion of his
timo on the education of his children. In
a situation such as we have described, it
"will be at once perceived that public schools
were out of the question, so the education
of the family devolved upon Mrs. C.
In the midst of her domestic avocations
nd multiplied duties, this amiable woman
found timo to imbue tho minds of her chil
dren with the love of truth, justice, mercy
and all other social virtues. She by her in
defatigable industry and acquired skill,
taught them tho rudiments of an English
education, so as to qualify them for the or
dinary business of rural life.
It is an established rule that 'ignorance is
the fore-runner of crime;' and hence it is
said that the inhabitants of newly settled
territories are usually a rough, and in many
cases, a tumultuous and riotous people.
Without admitting the latter assertion
tho broad sense in which it is usually ap
plied, it must be admitted, that children
reared from schools and without domestic
instruction, usually grow up the devotees of
sensuality. The human mind will not re
main unemployed, nor the hands idle, and
consequently the mind conceives useless or
vicious designs, and the hands execute them.
To extend and direct information into-thc
most profitable channel is, and ought to be,
the design of eve ry philanthropist. But
in situations like that of Albert C, who is
present to perform that office? The wife.
If she had been herself uncultivated, who
then? Alas none! The child of her bosom
would grow up before her face the victim of
ignorance and its concomitant vico. She
might know and observe the ovil, but could
only bemoan and not amend; because the
mental soil cannot remain vacant, and she
could not plant that which she did not pos
sess. While many tenants of the wilderness
have reared up families to drag out lives of
useless toil as mero machines while others
have reared them to plant thorns in tho pil
low of the mother, and a blot upon the fath
er's name, the intelligent -companion of Al
bert C. reared her numerous family in tho
"nurture and admonition of the Lord"
though tried with all the privations of pov
erty in a howling desert. Her children
'have long since grown up, and are respec
tively settled in tho world. They occupy
various locations, various situations and
perform various duties. They arc all high
ly respectable, and somo of them have filled
high, and important olficos in the common
wealth. '
.Behold hpro thcrH the importance of at
tending lo the cultivation of the female
mind: Not merely in needlo work, music
and the fashionable branches, but in the
solid sciences. Suppose this lady by her
talents and Assiduity added but "one to the
number of useful citizens suppose by her
means but one Tf hcr"oflslpring was saved
from intemperance and wo what reward
docs she deserve? If we look to the num
ber of persons who have grown up untu
tored, and compare them with an equal num
ber of well educated persons, we always
find the proportion of vicious ones amongst
the former much greater than among the
latter. Hence it is fair to infer, that this
assiduous mother may have saved more than
If the man wholaughl two heads of wheat
to grow where one had grown, is entitled
to the thanks of his countrymen, what thanks
are due to hor who taught two virtuous citi
zens to move where one virtuous &, one vi
cious would have grown? The question is
beyond tho power of language to answer
until we ascertain the value of an immortal
Such is the family of Trout Spring and
such has been the consequence attendant
upon female knowledge. Let daughters be
well taught for you know not where their
"lots may be cast." S.
Tiverton, (R. I.) May 22, 1837.
I embrace the earliest opportunity to
make you acquainted with such of the facts
as have come to my knowledge relative to
the "aerpent-tongued infant" of which we
had casually heard, just previous to my de
parture for Block Island. Quito unexpect
edly, day before yesterday, I found myself
!...!. 1.1 1 1 f il . 1
in uiu vury ucignuoruoou oi mis strange anu
wayward production ot nature. My c
riosity, as you may well suppose, was
greatly exci ted, and I confess I felt an in
tense anxiety to examino for myself an ob
ject which began to excite so much inter
est in tile neighborhood ol its occurrence.
Mi. T , a worthy old gentleman in
the vicinity, a former acquaintance of mine.
with whom I accidentally met kindly offered
to accompany me to Mr. "YV.'s tho father
of the unfortunate child. We reached there
about 9 o'clock this morning, and were
received very courteously by Mr. W
and his interesting young wife. After an
ageeablc introduction, my aged friend stated
the object of our visit, and the desire 1 had
manifested to see their unfortunate little
child of whom I had iust heard. Mr. W
informed us that for several weeks he had,
in almost every instance, declined admitting
strangers, as he thought their presence had
an unfavorable effect upon the child, but as
I had come considerable distance out of my
way, he was disposed to gratify my wish,
the more especially as he thought I might
give mm somo auvice in relation to the
course he ought, in future to pursue. Wo
were then invited into adjoining room, in one
1 1111 . 1
corner oi wiucn we ucnciu, ueu in a small
low chair a most horribly emaciated little
child apparently about 2 years old. I am
aware that I shall totally fail in giving you
any ining hkc an aucquateiuca ol the miser
able object before us. Imagine, if you can,
an infant, or mere child, of about the age
i i i
auovesupposeu, reuuecu to a very skeleton,
hairless, and covered with a parched and
shrivelled skin, dark and unclastic as the
corresponding structure in the withered oc
togenarian. Its little red, fiery eyes, rolling
restlessly, in tho deep recesses of its flesh-
less sockets, sent forth horrid flashes of
indignation, when the door to its apartment
was thrown open.
Tho little sufferer opened his mouth, and
in the place of its tongue, and for a tongue,
a serpent s nead anu neck were thrust out,
vibrating and hissing with an intensity to
tho venomous varieties of that repulsive spe
cies of animated nature! I could not, for
several minutes muster sufficient courage
to approach tne ouject ol my curiosity
I was fixed to the spot which I at first
occupied, while the serpent headed tonguo
continued to dart forth and recede with the
quickness ot thought; its little forked and
fiery tonguo at the same time playing about
the ffpa and nostrils of the child, equalling
in iuiuuh buu iiiiiiiiii- s iiuiaii; nr. v ,
the father, gradually approached the child,
all the time speaking very soothiiiirlv to it.
and in a few minutes succeeded in producing
quiet the head receded, the lips closed
over it, and the infant exhibited the aspect
only oi extreme emaciation. lJut the mo
ment I moved towards tho child, even but a
single step, the mouth would open, the head
suddenly dart forth; and the same dreadful
spectacle I have already imperfectly describ
ed, would he again pesentcd. The father,
however, beckoned mo to approach which I
did, but never shall I forget the tremendous
hissing which came fiom the serpent-headed
tongue of tho little sufferer. It was several
minutes before quietudo could be produced,
and even then the slightest motion on my
part would cause an instantaneous protru
sion of tho unsigthly organ; accompanied
by hissing sound more or less intense accor
ding to tho fears of tho tho child.
I had several fair opportunities of seeing
the strange member, and will endeavor to
give you a description of it. Its- color is a
dark copper, shining, and in places incli
ning to siroans oi green, its eyes aro a let
black, and .when .the light strikes Ihem
favorably, no diamonds ever tendforth more
brilliant scintillations of light! A bright
yellow ring encircles the ncck and really
has much the nppcarance of gold. The
mouth of this serpent-headed tongue is'quitc
large, and was always slightly open when
the head was protruded beyond the lips.
Its little forked tongue, as I have already
said, was incessantly in motion, We stayed
in the room just 30 minutes, during the
latter partof wich time the child became very
quiet, and took freely of milk, its usual
food. The father told me he had known
the tongue to bite several times, and once
when it fastened upon one of his fingers,
much swelling and soreness followed, in
deed he was only relieved by a copious
bleeding. He informed me also, that the
child eat voraciously of milk, fe sometimes
other kinds of 'food, but that it preferred
the former. The Child is of the female sex.
He stated further that several eminent phy
sicians and surgeons had lien to see the
child, and that it had been recommended by
one, tho eminent Dr. V., that the tongue
be extirpated. I coincided in this opinion,
and advised that the Ur. be called on to
perform the operation. The father, Mr.
W , is about 28 years old, and the mo
ther, I should judge, about twenty-two.
She is very beautiful, has been married
about five years and this is their first and
only child. I have omitted names in this
hasty sketch at the request of the parties
Shin plasters Uliigs. Since Biddle's
mammoth ra bank failed, he has all his
spaniels busy in circulating small bills in
violation of law; this is done for the pnrpose
of driving all specie out of circulation, so that
these rag bank shin plaster Whigs may
have more ample power to defraud & swin
dle the unsuspecting' laboring, and indi
gent portion of the community. It fur
thers their plans for gathering up all the
specie, to send to Europe to aid them in
their foreign speculations, and it goes to
complete the grand design of the enemies
of specie currency in this country, in thus
nullifiiinz the laws, and measures of the
General Government. The shin plaster
Whigs want, and seem determined to have,
a depreciated paper errrcnev, as its atten
dant inconveniencios io-tlie farmer, mechan
ic, and laborer, afib .ds a thrifty field to the
paper moncii aristocracy; for shaving,
extortion, and speculation. Even the laws
and institutions of the country arc violated,
to enable shin plaster Colonels to display
their allegiance and obedience to Biddlc,
in following his commands. Even the in-
flated Colonel of the Bank Whigs, in this
county, has issued shin plasters! Will
the democracy of Columbia county tamely
submit to these violations of law by the Rag
uaronsi JJanvilte intelligencer.
A man named Joannin has been condem
ned by the Paris correctional tribunal, and
fined 30,000 francs forusury. Another 20,
000 francs for tho same offence. If all the
usurers in this country were fined 20,000
francs, a National Bank would be neccs3aay
to collect the revenue.
Most of the readers of the public press
probably recollect the publication of a ro
mantic story of a young lady of London,
possessed of wealth and great personal
beauty, who, two or three vears auo. be
came enamored of Peter Jones, a Seneca
Indian, a missionary, and married him, in
despite of tho remonstrances of friends and
the scandal of tho world. Tho Boston He
rald informs us that Mrs. Jones migrated
to the West, soon after her marriage, with
her aboriginal lord; but, at last, having be
come disgusted with the life he led her, she
secretly abdicated his wirrwam. and rnturn.
cd to England, in the packet of tho 10th of
may. jjunng tho sojourn ot Mrs. Jones
in the West, shebecamo the mother of two
children, both of whom are dead.
One of the Wonders of the Age. We
have been shown a sheet of paper about a
hundred feet in length and two feet wide,
printed on both sides by a machine at one
operation. This extrnnrilinnrv innai;n
. J .1..WI111U11
enables a person to nrint nfTnnv lonn-ii, r
paper required for any 'number of copies of
a nuiivui u jiuuuu journal, wiinoui a single
stop, and without the assistance of any per
son except one to put in the rags at the ex
tremity of the machine, The work conies
out entire and complete.
This wonderful operation is effected by
the placing of the types on stereotype plates
on the surfaco of two cylinders, which are
connected with the paper-making machine
ry. The paper, as it issues from tho mill,
enters in a properly moistened state between
the rollers, which aro evenly inked by an
ingenious apparatus and emerges in a print
ed form. The number of copies can ho
measured offby the yard or mile, according
to tho demand, or according to the supply
of the "raw material." The work which
we have seen from this press is Robinson
Crusoe, and consists of one hundred and
sixty duodecimo pages.
All that is necessary for a man to do on
going into a naner mill, is in (nl-n n-i.:
shirt, hand it to the devil who officiates at
one extremity, and have it come out Robin
son Crusoo at the other. Mr. Thorns
rrench of Utica is tho inventor.
,..,l..ffi'J,r& sn
A Toast "I b'ivo von. Mr v
said a Massachusetts representative, "I give
you Commerce, Agriculture, and Manufac
tures, the three Uvin siiters."
Saturday, Jiusc 17, 18&7.
tCOur correspondent "Querist" is too
personal for insertion. He should remem
ber that jealousy alone concocts slander;
and that a person who escapes the sarcasm
of a common blackguard will have to par
ticipate in his associations. Wc shall re
frain from all abuse of persons in this pa
paper, either editorially or through corres
pondents, unless public justice demands the
adoption of such a course. He can have
his communication by calling forit
JC7Our subscribers at Mordanesvillo &
Millvillc arc informed that the packages of
No. G, of the "Columbia Democrat," were
sent with a Mr. Conner, of Greenwood, on
the day of publication. It is presumed he
became forgetful on his way home, and
thus neglected a duty which he voluntarily
undertook to discharge. Hereafter wc will
be more cautious in intrusting our packa
ges with absent-minded persons.
The County Commissioners on Saturday
last refused to carry the, wishes of the Dan
vill folks into effect; and wc presume that
hereafter the people will not be caught nap
ping on the subject of Fire proof buildings.
It was recommended at the last term by a
bare majority of tho Grand Jury present,
and under circumstances to which we had
allusion in our first number. We rejoice,
heartily rejoice, in this legal decisionof the
County Commissioners; and to Messrs.
Barkley and YeaJer we arc solely in
debted for such an exhibition of integrity
to the interests of the people of Columbia
county. They defied the threats of the
leading "conservatives;" and while they
have saved the many from crouching to the
few, they have likewise prevented the peo
ple from an odious and oppressive taxation
for an unjust purpose. To tho friends of
a central location of the Seat of Justice we
need now only say, be uoilant, and your
ends will soon be accomplished. The
Danville folks have approved the ticcessily
of constructing new public buildings; and
hence the buildings already in use will
hereafter be no ground of argument in favor
oi the one-cornered location. Wc arc now
on a par as respects this question; and with
a vast majority in favor of removal, who
can doubt the result?
are Pleased to finnminrn flinf
Capt. Neai. McCoy was on Saturday last
cmuieu xuajor oi mo au llattalion of the
forty-eighth regiment. The election was
held at Washingtonville; and notwithstand
ing the Danville folks mustered about a
hundred votes, their candidate, B. S. Wol
verton, met a most woful defeat.
ICpIt is rumored that tho Cattawissa
Rail Road Company are about to discon
tinue operations. Wc presume that this
course will be adopted on account of the
"suspension of specie payments," as nei
ther tho contractors nor labourers will have
any thing to do with Col. Paxton's "shin
plasters." This will afTord another in
stance of the "horrible consequences of the
experiment;" and although contractors and
labourers will be thrown out of employ
ment, we opine that tho salaries of the Pres
ident and Engineer will not to suspended.
Poor people alono are the ones upon whom
such schemes operate.
tC7Wc arc informed that nnm:,
of persons were appointed by a meeting in
a,u, hu instructions lo enforco the
penalty of the law on thoso concerned in
issuing or circulating shin-plasters. Such
a course has been adonted in cm,,n,oi .v..
t . ... hwwtUi UlllUj
places, whero the neonln nrn nnn0,i .
making "the jich richer, and tho nnnr nnnr.
cr," by thoso viloand illegal rags.
Berwick Biudoi: The r.nni,..n, .
progressing in tho construction of this
bridge, and calculate on having it in passa
bio order by the first of November. They
have agreed to finish it hnfrirn Ti fii r
June next, and will doubtless perform their
mmviuisianuing some extras, within
.....,.u u, muir coniracti
Jl-j'Thk Family or Tuoxjt SJrKtiNli,"
a wellvrittcn tale, will bo found in another
column; and wc consider it a compliment
to the virtudus char'actcr and intelligence of
the author, to state tlic simple fact, that ho
is at present occupying a seat in tho con
vention to propose amendments to our state
constitution. In a nolo accompanying the
"hasty sketch," he remarks: "I freely com
fess nil the obl'gations to my mother that
the children of Mrs. C. owe to thcir's un
der every circumstance." It always aft
fords us pleasure to see men in exalted sta
tions exerting thoso finer feelings of tho hu
man heart, in advancing the moral wcifard
of the community but such instances now
a-days arc very rare indeed-. The thirst
after office generally absorbs all their leis
ure hours in devising schemes for their own
political preferment; and instead of exhibit
ting, in their own persons, Ihc rcvard of
virtue and industry, they feign to forget
that they once ranked with that class whom
they now look Upon as plebian instruments
of power. The author of such instructive
essays exhibits the devotion of all his timo
to the interests of his fellow creatures;
and while he deserves public confidence,
will seldom abuse it. We shall be happy
to receive more favours from that quarter.
The Markets. Flour continues at S9
per barrel in Philadelphia, and has advan
ced to SO per barrel in Pittsburg. In
Bloomsburg it readily brings $10 per barrel
and hard to get even at that price.
specie the banks.
In 1828 there was but twenty millions of
dollars of specie in tho United Stales, but
owing to the wise policy of Gen. Jackson's
administration, it had increased last year to
the enormous amount of Eighty millions of
dollars. This sum was in the vaults of the
different Banks when they suspended spe
cie payments about a month since; and if
wc examine their last report to the Auditor
General wo find the fact recorded undei1
oath, that they had more specie in their
vaults at that time than at any previous pe
riod of their existence. Then why stop
specie payments? Is it for tho benefit of
the farmer, the mechanic, or the Working
man? Far from it. The object of the
Banks is of a different nature entirely. As
monicd concerns, they wish to render all
classes subservient to the influence of
of wealth; and, as a political parly, they are
attempting to force the charter of a Nation
al Bank -by Congress, to re-enact tho scenes
of bribery and corruption which wc can all
recollect distinctly, and to control our mar
kets and our ballot boxes by their circula
tion of rags. A short time hence, and their
intentions will be disclosed. The Congress
which assembles in September will be cal
led upon to carry their designs into effect;
and if the bargain and sale principle which
procured a re-charter of the United Stales
Bank by our legislature be not adopted, it
will be owing to the previously ascertained
integrity of tho democratic representatives.,
Let the people examine the villainous sys
tem of Banking let them elect none but
instructed representatives to carry out their
determinations of reform in that quarter;
and we shall no more hear of bribery and
treachery of embarrassment in the mone
tary concerns of our country of suspension
of specie payments or the illegal circula
tion or shin-plasters. Look at the concert
of action among tho Banks from one ex
treme end of the Union to the other all
pursuing the same oppressive policy at the
samo timo and all attributing tho cause to.
the operations of one another. Were they
not instructed in this matter by the Thirty
Five millions Monster? Can freemen
bow to such dictation? If E0, then must
they suffer the consequences; but wo know
that the same imperious tones which woro
pronounced by tho voico of the country
against the Monster and its Sattelites, will
again be reiterated with dnnhln fn, ,i
feet. The Monied Oligarchy must be put
flown, or our civil institutions will be at
the mercy of their enemies.
The Norristoion llesristnr nf Wnrln...
day last, slates that in all tho suit
ed for recovering the penalty for issuing
Shin-plasters, tho plaintiffs recovered judg
ment for tho amount (S5) and the costs
i no positive lansuacre of the law
alternative but submission to its nmmhv ;
It is gratifying to learn that in every in
stanco of tho exaction of tho penalty tho de
fendents found no inconveninn in nnvin
the cash. Poor people cannot easily vio-
una WW,