JillJiij I have sworrt upon tho Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Minrt of Man." PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IJV JOHN S. INGRAM. MY COUNTRY. I love my country's pino clfld hills, Hcrthousand bright and gnsliinjr rills, Her sunshino and her storms; Her rough and rugged rocks tlmt rear Their hoary heads high in tho air, In wild fantastic forms. t love tier rivers deep and wide, vrhow mighty streams that seaward glide To sock tho ocean's breast; Her smiling fields, her pleasant Vales, Her shady dells, her flow'ry dales, Tho haunU of peaceful rest. I love her forest dark and lone, For the Wild bird'n merry tone Is heard from morn till night; And there arclovlicr flowers I wcrn, Than o'er in eastern lands were seen In varied colors bright. Her forest and her vallics fair, Her flowers that scent tho morning air", Have all their charms for me; lint more I lovo my country's name Those words that echo deathless Isimc "The Land of Liberty." AW OJD FASHIONED KI-Ol'Ii.UENT. A TRUE BTOnV. In tho month of June, 1832, the ship fame, Capt. Jones, arrived at New York, from London, and moored at one of the docks in North River. Ilof commander, George Jones, whom I will pass over lightly was an Englishman, rough, untutored and boorish; yet he was a thorough bred seamen, and a perfectly fitting man to .-ommand the hardy crow under him. The chief mate, Charles Uarton, the he ro of the present sketch, was tho only anil cherished son of a wealthy planter from one of our southern States, then deceased, lie had been educated in the most liberal and expensivo manner by his father, who spared neither pains nor expense to perfect him in any thing "ho wished to acquire. At an early ago, and while at college, Charles ac quired unfortunately, his father thought a passion for the sea, which grew with his growth, and strengthened with his strength, until it became absolutely too strong for control, and ho determined to indulge it, coulc qui ccute. He was of a noble, high spiritcd.naturc, very handsome for a man, bravje and generous to a fault, and withall, his wholo existence was but made up of a romance. Ho was never happy, never con tented, except ho was engaged in some cn terprize in which ho could call forth and exercise to the full extent, all his powers and energies. He disappeared suddenly from college, and after wandering round the world for three or four years, while his father and friends mourned his death, returned to his native land in time to receive his father's forgiveness, and to take possession of his cstato As fortune to tho greatdisappointment of about 50 cousins. His passion for the sea, however, did not leave him: and having re ceived an offer of the berth of chief mate of the Fame, ho left all his affairs in tho hands of a trusty agent, and again went to sea, and as such we now find him in this port. t The vessel had been in four or five days, and the cargo, wns nearly discharged. It was a warm sultry day, and the men who had been at work all tho morning, were at their dinner in 'the forecastle. Captain Jones was walking backward and forward on the quarter-deck, smoking, and Charles was seated aft without his coat, apparently in deep thought, his eyes fixed on tho deck. 'Is tho captain on bord?' inquired a soft . melodious voice, which caused Capt. Jones to stop suddenly, aurn round to gaze up-tho querist. Charles aroused, and for a moment Was utterly paralyzed. The person who had asked the question, ' yet unanswered, was a girl apparently about eighteen; handsomely clad, but of a beauty nnd loveliness that bafilcs ijur powcy,s.of de scription. Her hat, whicliwas small, but half concealed tho finest iicad of glossy jet black hair in tho world, which played in wa vy ringlets over a neck and shoulders of sur passing wlutcness and beauty. Her fore head was high and 'white, and smooth as Parian marble. Hor oyos wcro largo and dark, and tho' shot forth an oxprcsaion which could not, or cannot be explained by me. It was so wild, so singular, yet so be seeching, so appealing, that otic could not look upon her, or them without feeling an emotion of pity, and almost reverence. 'Is tho captain on board?' repeated the young lady, as the captain and his officer in silence feasted their eyes upon her charms. 'Yes ma'am,' bluntly and half rudely re plied Capt. Jones puffing his cigar, and walking close to hor, with a lowd hoarso air. ' I hey call me captain for want of a bettor.' Will you marry me, sir?' inquired the la dy. ,Wcll, I'm d d if that aint a good one, Marry you! Why, my dear, 1 have a wife in Liverpool now, and I don't know how many children, so I can t marry vou for good but I have no kind of objections to marry you While I stay here.' The proud lip of the fair girl curled with prouder scorn( and her bright eyes flashed with redoubled brilliancy, as she gazed for one instant upon the rude boor. She cur bed her feelings, however, and turned from him with an expression on her bright beau liful face, that made him puffins cigar wilh redoubled fervor, and to hide .lils shame he retired to the cabin. She turned to Charles, lie was standing near hor, his bright, intelligent eyes intent ly fixed upon her. She saw he was no se cond Capt. Jones. 'Will you marry me, sir?' oho asked with a firm, steady voice, but downcast eyes. J lie sound of her voice aroused him from the statue-like posture he had fallen into on first seeing her. He paused he gazed up on the lovely being who stood before him, preferring this singular request, but his lips refused to utter one word. Must I go further or will you marry me? Uh liod! is there no hope?' and the lady buried her face m her hand! and sobbed Oharlcs felt he was himself at once. He felt his spirit of gallantry and romance rising strong within him. A thousand ill-defined thoughts rushed through his head, but he felt that he was a man, and a lovely young woman was before him perhaps before he had time to form another opinion, the lady half turned to leave tho vessel. 'Stop, lady. Your request is singular very, lict me a6k you one question. Are you in distress?' 'Distress! Oh, God! do not deem me crazed. Indeed, sir, I am not. Think nothing now but answer will you marry me!' 'Whoever you arc, or whatever yoti may be, 1 know not. Can I not-servo you in you any other manner? Perhaps you pent a resolution formed' may re- Talk not to me of repenting, sir, and do not waste my time. Now it is precious. You can only servo me by marrying inc. Will you do so?' By Heaven! I will, exclaimed Charles, enthusiastically. Thero is (hat about you that tells me I at least shall never rue it. I am ready. Wait but a moment." Charles went into the cabin and put on his jacket, which ho had taken oil' while working, and in a moment he was at her side. 'Come, then, lady. Whoever you may be, I will abide the result.' Ho took her on shore, and placed her in a coach which was standing near, and drove off to a friends house. He was shown into a room. The door was locked, and tho young lady throw herself on a chair. She did not weep nor sob, nor did sho ap pear to be in tho least afl'ected by the novel ty of her situation. Sir, said sho rising, 'whatever you arc, I can trust you. You are no common sailor nor am I what I scorn. I have now no time to wasto in words. I will explain all in a few hours. Trust me, beliovo me, servo me, and you shall never ropent it. What is to be done must bo dono at once. I have but few hours to spare, and if I am discov ered before they expire, I shall be wretched indeed. Hero, sir, is money. Go and purchase nil you wish. Be quick and do not delay npw; and sho proiTorcd him a roll of bills. ' 1 batik you, lady. I do not need it. I am not indeed what I seem, Best here un til I return. You arc safe in this housd. I will return in a few moments. Do not be alarmed.' Charles went out and left her alone. He went to a fashionable tailor's in Broadway, arid in ten minutes he was changed from a rough, dirty-looking sailor to a fine, manly, handsome fellow, and his dress set off to admiration his 'fine figure. He returned instantly to tho lady, and when he had en tered the room where hp had left her, he found her walking backward and forward, but nrtt in the least agitated She had evi dently steeled herself to the worst, and was prepared for any thing. My name, sir, is Ellen Moran. Let thatsufficc for the present. Arc you ready?' said she, firmly, and without betraying any emotion. 'I am, lady.' 1 hey went again into the carriage and drove to the mayor's and in a few mo ments were man and wife. When they ir ii. - , i t . i. icii uiu mayor s nousc, Mrs. liarton gave oruers 10 uic coaenman ncrseil, Out m a voice whose tones were not heard by her husband. 'Will you return with me?' inquired Mr. Bar:on, as his wife entered the coach 'No, sir. We are going to your house where your presence will be required.' Mr. Barton looked very steadily at his wife for a moment, as she uttered these words, and for the first time began to 'think he had entered upon a very silly scrape. I ho idea even entered his head that she might be a little out of trim aloft, and it did not make him very comfortable The d oor was closed and tho coach was off. Not a word was spoken on cither side during the whole drive, which was very long ut least so it seemed to him. Charles was intently thinking upon his conduct, and was half inclined to regret his rashness, but one glance at his sweet, new married wife, settled that point. The carriage stopped at the door of a houso of elegant exterior, in one of the most fashionable streets in the city. He alighted first, and handed out his wife in silence. They ascended the steps, and she rung the bell. The door was opened by a servant in handsome livery. 'Is my uncle at home yet?' No miss, he is not,' replied the man re spectfully bowing. Mr. Barton cast a furtive glance around him. Every thing was arranged in the most rccherclic style, and with the most lav ish expense. She led him into a parlor sumptuously furnished. All that you behold,' said Mrs. Barton as tho door closed, 'aro mine, sir. They arc now your own. Believe mc, sir, 1 speak the truth. Remember that you arc tho master of this house, and all in it; and, whatever may occur, do not forget your own right.' 'You surely cannot mean deceit,' said Mr. Barton, utterly at a loss to account for the singular conduct of his wife. 'Trust me, sir try me believe mc. I will tell you now all I can all I have the time to tell. Four years ago, my father one of the wealthiest merchants in this city died, and left me all his property. My un cle, who will soon bo here, was made my guardian until I should marry, and he had charge of the estate loft by my father until that should occur. As he had nothing of his own to support himself, ho has kept me secluded lrom the worm, and in con finement almost closely, sinco my poor father's death, well knowing that on my marriage tho property would pass from his hands. His conduct, at times, has been harsh and cruel, and particularly of late. To-day I found means to escape from tho house unseen. The rest you know.' She then aroso and rang tho bell. A servant came to the door. 'John,' said she send every servant in the houe up here.' Mr. Barton sat perfectly still and said nothing, but ho was more than half incli ned to think his wifp a lunatic. The ser SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1837. vants came up and stood in the parlor, waiting lor orders. 'Mr. Barton,' said his wife, 'thesd are your servants. Every thing you see around you was mine all is yours. You hear mc,' addressing the servants, 'this gentle man is my husband and your master. Obey him as such. Now, sir, all I have to re quest is, that you will assume and maintain your rights.' Further she could not say, for the parlor door was suddenly and violently thrown open and an elderly, hard featured, coarse looking man entered and stood for a moment gazing alternately at the lady and Mr. Bar ton. 'What is your business here, sir?' de manded he austerely of Mr. Barton, who as he entered had seated himself, and rc- turned look for look. Mr. Barton made no reply. 'Miss Moran, said he, turning to Mrs. Barton, 'can you explain why this man is here?' 'She need not take that trouble, sir,' re plied Barton, arising. 'That lady is my wife, and I am master of this house. And allow me now to ask, sir, what is your bu siness here? 'Your wife! your house! Upon my word ha! ha! ha!!' and Mr. Moran seated himself and laughed most heartily and scorn fully. 'Come, sir,' said Mr. Barton, 'your pre sence is disagreeable. If you have any bu siness to transact, finish it quickly. We wish to bo alone,' 'Why, you impertinent scound' The word was not fully uttered. Mr. Barton caught him by tho collar, and shook him till he was black in the face. 'Scound rcl, you would have said, you lying, cheat ing old villain. If you were not so old and so contemptible, I would not leave a whole bone in your lubberly carcase. I know you and if you arc here, ono hour from this time and I see you, I will have you sent to the Police Office, where you may be forced to make some disagreeable confessions, so now be off and pack up;' and Mr. Barton loosed his hold of the terrified old man Mr. Moran, for he it was, seated himself to gain breath. 'Do you mean to say that you are married to that man, Ellen?' asked he contemptuously. Sho did not deign him a reply, but sat in silence awaiting the issue, and he turn ed to Barton for further explanation. 'Don't look tome sir. That lady, God bless her, is my wife. She has told' mo all your villainous conduct, and the sooner you quit this house the better it may be for you. And who the devil arc you?' demanded Mr. iMoran, arising anil coming close up to Charles. Mr. Charles Barton, at your service, sir. The son of a better man than your self and one who will love, honor and pro tect this lady, my wife. So bo warned in time, I have said my say, and now be off at once. Mr. Moran arose and msved toward tho bell rope. No ono attempted to stop him. He rang it, and tho servants, who ex pected a scene came in. Turn this fellow out of doors at once,' said he, half choked with rage, pointing to Mr. Barton, who stood unmoved. No one started to execute the mandate. John,' said Mr. Barton, to one of them, go into Mr. Moran's room; pack up every thing thero and have it sent according to his direction. Bo quick, too.' 'Yes, sir,' said John, and he made his exit. 'You see, sir,' said he, turning to the astonished uncle, who had seated himself in stupor, 'I am master here or do you wish further proof that my words aro true? If you do, I will have yourself turned out of tho house in one moment. Shall I show you? Will you then be convinced? Mr. Moran cast a look of mingled hatred and revenge upon Ellen, who had stood a silent, but firm spectator of tho whole scene. 'And you, you hussy you' IViiiuljci1 8. 'Dare to call that lady such names, ami T shall forget you aie an old man,' said Mr. Barton, again seizing Mr. Moran. 'Dd not tempt mo too far, you infernal old scoun drel, I am not blessed with much patience. You are trying what I have very severely.' lmJ, OU) auu lUU JHC Uy WJlat right you dare to use me thus,' said Mr. Moran, scarcely able to utter one word plainly, so enraged was he. Easy done. I have told you oncd. t will tell you once more. I have married this lady. She was mistress of this house, and I am now master. Docs that explain? You had bcttdr be off quick. I may call for accounts you know which may bo bad to settle. The less said on that subject tho better, I expect.' Mr. Moran said no more, but darting a look of the most fiendish malignity on his niece, he retired. Ellen had hitherto said not a word. She had in silence watched the conduct of her husband, and was proud indeed to think, and feel as she how did, that he confided in and believed her, and would maintain her just rights. As Mr. Morau retired she arose, and placinghcrhandinher husbands and looking in his face with an imploring, confiding look, said, 'May I prove worthy of your love and may you never repent your marriage, hasty as it was.' Mr. Barton pressed his lovely wife to his bosdm, and before he could utter a word in reply, the report of a pistol was hcardi Ellen turned pale as marble. Charles seated her on the sofa, and, saying that the rascal had been doing mischief, rushed out of the room, but Ellen arose artd followed. They went to the room of Moran, whence the sound issued, and on entering, he was found lying on the floor dead, one side of his head blown entirely off, and the room strewed with his brains and blood. In one hand was the fatal pistol, in the Other a piece of paper. Charles took hand read, I die cursing you, and may my curso blight you.' Charles took his wife from tho scene, and sent at once for the coroner. lie came An inquest was held over the body of the miserable suicide, which was removed to its final resting place. Charles soon made his wife acquainted with himself and his affairs artd she was not at all displeased to find that chance had thrown in her way a husband full her equal in every respect. His fortune was quite as large as her own and his family connex ions of the first standing. As there was no particular attraction for,Ellcn here, her hus band easily induced her to go to the South with him. They aro residing in the inte rior of North Carolina, among some distant relations of Mr. Barton's and it is said by all who nave seen them, that they are the handsomest and happiest couple ever seen in that State. mat. CUFF AND SAMBO. Ctff. Look hero Sambo, you got dat quarter dollar you owes me? Sambo. La, Cuff, no! Money so scarce so many stoppages in Mobile there aint no money in circulation. Cuff. O sho Sambo what dc nashum you got to do wid Mobile, nigger, pay up, pay up. Sambo. Well, look here, Cuff me hear massa tell more dan twenty men same talc and I haint seen no gentleman treat him like you mo. Act like a gemman, if you is a nigger. Coflrf. An Irishman receiving a chal lenge to fight a duel, declined, On being asked the reason, 'Och!" said Paf, "would you have mo leave his mother an orphan." A Frenchman having a violent pain in tho breast and stomach, went to a physician for relief. Tho doctor inquiring whero his trouble lay, the Frenchman, with a dolori ous accent, lying his hands on his breast said: "Vy sare, I have oiio very bad pain in my portmanteau" (ntfaning( his chest.) Nothing so foolish as the laugh of foolSi
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