W'XiiT Of CHANGE. "Good morning, Landlord," -ejaculated n red-nosed disciple of Bacchus on entering the "bar-room of neighbour Gross's hotel "I'll take a little brandy and water." The rinniain ever attentive to his guests soon imputed the snarklinir decanter, and water nvrtPiP.l hv suction process from the north J ' I corner or his well. "Cart you change me a nw." nn.,SrP.l the customer after swal- 1 ..... lowing a pretty good decoction, wiping lits . .1 I f. -1 T !.! mill I cliops Willi me ion siucvu oi ... uuai, inn thrusting his right hand into his breeches nnckct "Certainly, If it bo a good note," Veinined the Contain, ralhc'r suspecting the wii,.,.,,rWn.,r.rU,. Ar. rnnnlitnir for an ex- -. .-. ,.. i. i,ni.m, it) v. nminatiom i ... caB., y - claimed the fellow ) "my fives arc like the ileus, when von put your fin ger on them they are gone : but I have travelled in this way for better than a week, W slopping with Hankmcn : I am caught- you arc a Jacksonmaii." Ho guessed cor rectly : and after hearing a short lecture on lioncsty, he was permitted to "travel on, and will probably continue the same game making, however the necessary inquiry :as to each landlord's politics. 60 Our exchange papers are filled with items respecting failures, suspension of spe cie payments, mid issuing shin-plasters. 'Pl.n-r, is vnrv little fuss made when an ho- nest hard-working man losses all his earn ings by fire, or other unavoidable calamity but when a Broker, who keeps a shaving- shop happens to fail for flic sake of expe diency, and makes a fortune by compound ing with his creditors for 10 or 20 cents in the dollar, a great noise is made about the 'pressure in the money market," and lie se cures public sympathy for his misfortunes ! The poor Farmer is never pitied when his crops fail the great source of alarm and sympathy is for the deprivation of luxuries which burthen the tables of those "unfortu- The Banks have refused to redeem their "notes, in conformity with the restrictions of their charters, and their own plighted faith, although their vaults contain abundance of the precious metals ; and they arc pitied for being compelled to adopt this policy when an individual foT -such conduct would be corneol-np with the Sheriff and Consta bles, find a resting-place behind the grated windows of a prison, and bo denounced as iany thing but an honest man. What a con trast ! Every rotten Corporation has taken Tidvantagc of the suspension of specie pay ments by the banks, and issue small notes, in direct violation of law ; yet this overt-act has seldom induced legal proceedings to ex act the penalty for such offence because those who control their operations are the wealthy and influential portion of commu nity ; whereas a poor man, for the merest breach of law, or infringement on another's right, is brought to justice, and mulcted in moro damages and costs than he is able to pay. What a contrast ! Are these facts not known to the community as the every day occurrences of life t What a practical demonstration of the declaration of rights, that "all mkk Aim rnnr, and equal !" liCPCharlcs J. Ingersoll, Esq. lias been put in nomination by the democrats of the Third Congressional district, to supply the vacancy occasioned by tho death of Mr. Harper. The nomination is richly merited liy his qualifications and principles. The Hanks of Baltimore have detcrmin fld to receive at par the notes of the follow ing banks: "All the banks in Maryland, except the Mineral bank at Cumberland; all the banks in the district of Columbia; bank of Virginia and branches: Farmers' bank of Virginia and brandies; uanK. ol tnc Valley anu branches; and thebanks of Gettysburg, Chambersburu. Carlisle, llarrisourg, Lancaster, Columbia uritigc, anu YorK, in I'cnnsyirania. A large meeting was held at Utica on tho lvtli ult., ot persons opposed to the suspen sum law. 1 he lollowinir is one of the many resolutions passed; llcsolvtd, That wc totally disapprove of the law recently nasscd bv tho lnirislntnrn. sanetionincr the suspension of snrir-in nnv- ----- o - . -i l -J mcntH hv t icnan CS. as unnocessarv nr I in benefit of tho people at largo, and only called for bv the banks. 4 gentle hint. An advertiser in an Eas tern paper, slates, that his office shall be left open and unoccupied overy day, from 12 to 1, to give an opportunity to some unknown friend to return a book, "borrowed without leave." Tho visitor is not to he observed, and his namo kept secret, provided he com plies with the request in three days; if not, lie is to be exposed. THE MlEQfrYTERUtt CHURCH. The General' Assembly of the Prosbytc- rian Church, which has been in session in Philadelphia., fpr some time past, have de termined to effect some change in the affairs of the Church. On Thursday the 1st inst. the following resolution 'was adopted by a Vote of 132 to 105 : , ... n .1 Jtesoiveu, inn uy wic operauun u. mu abrogation oft he 'Plan of Union of 1801, tnc aynou oi tnc v cstcrn itcscrvc is anu is llcrcby declared to be, no longer a part of ., 1 1. . . . ' 1. .1. . IT CI.-.-- l mo rrcsoj icnan viiurcii in mu u. ouucaui America. And the next day was passed the Mowing, 123 to 87: We' recommend that the Home Missiona- rv Society and the American Education Society cease to operate within any of our cllUfeflc- 1 These acts will certainly bring matters to a crisis before long, CyThc Keystone' nominates the Hon. ELLIS LEWIS for Governor. TEXAS. Tho Texan Congress asscrn- bled in Houston on the 3d day of May. The Hon. Jesse Grcymcs was elected Pres ident of the Senate the Hon. Branch T. Archer, speaker of the House and the Itev Dr. Hall, Chaplain. President Houston's Message to the To- xiau Congress has been received. The l"l "P alluded to witli becoming gratitude to Divine Providence. It seems that the agents to whom land scrip was issued by law, for the purpose of raising hinds, have not been laithlul m their trust, and that m consequence the Treasury has been straitened for want of means, i lie supply lias been cut oil, ana the attention of Congress earnestly called to tho subject. The failure of negotiating the Government bonds lor live millions, is properly ascribed to the difficulties in our money market. It is urged on the uon- grcss to remodel the land laws. Hopes, lie says, are entertained that the boundary between the U. States and Texas will Lc settled by the treaty of 1819. Some dis satisfaction is expressed towards the conduct ot the U. btntes' agent in lurnishing the Cad do Indians with rillcs & ammunition! The conduct of the Mexicans in engaging with the northern Indians to furnish them 3.000 warriors, is regarded with just abhorrence, inc rrcsiuent congratulates uonccss on the state of the army, and states that the annual expences are vxiH,vuv. lie advises an immediate & effective organization of the navy. Great stress is put upon the prohi biting ol the slave-trade, and appeals arc made to England and the U. States to pre vent the landing of Africans in the coun try. It is hoped that the subject of annexa tion to the U. States will receive the early attention of our Congress. The General speaks in high terms of the wealth of the republic yet m cmbrio, and alludes to Us immense lorcsts of live oak with no little satisfaction. A blinking is had towards En gland, should the U. States look on them coldly. 1 he President recommends a lib eral policy towards citizens of the U. Slates holding lands within her limits. II is mes sage is not long, well written, and concludes with a strong hope that the Almighty Being will watch over the Tcxans and preserve and govern them as a chosen people. Jl II calthv Pedlar. It is said of the money dealer who so recently failed in New Urleans lor seven millions ol dollars, that some twenty four years aijo he went to New Orleans with ti pedler's pack upon his back! Tho Colonization Herald acknowledges the receipts of 157 garments from the ladies ot Upper Uctorara Congregation, and 144 garments lrom the rcmale. Colonization so ciety of the Forks of the U randy wine, for the benefit of the coloured emigrants to Africa. Kcv. J. IS. rinnoy, an agent ol the Pitts burg Colonization Society, acknowledges the receipt ot SI 125 50 m behall of that in stitution. The Queen of England. The Queen that is to bo we mean, if she lives long en ough, nnd no revolution shall deprive her of the sceptre which of right is hers, Prin cess Victoria, of whom wc arc writing, is at nresentm her 18th vear: sho is in tho bud of womanhood, and as beautiful to the eve as the full blown rose; and the beauty of her perron, w c aro told, is only excelled by the brilliancy of her mind, which she is ambiti ous still lurtlicr to improve, i he King, her uncle, is so far advanced in years, that it is more than probable the Princess will soon become tho Queen of England, and wield the destinies of tho triple thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland. JSo it so, for if all is truo that is said, sho has, as Na- , ... r I .!.:. i l poicon sam oi onu uuur io mm, -iiiu nuuu of a man upon tho shoulders of a woman." Tho mother of tho Princess is tho Duchess of Kent, and sister ol Leopold King ol Hcl- mum. I'rinccss victoria upon tuo inrono of England, Don Maria upon tho throne of Portugal, and Isabella ol Naples, would form a new and brilliant era m tho Courts of Europe, reminding us of tho by-gone days when tho Catharines and Elizabeths, and tho daughters of Napoleon ruled tho destinies of the proudest kingdoms of tho old world governing the people of their charge as well and as wisely as the oldest inonarchs ol tue wpriu. $50 REWARD. AS STOLEN from tho Livery 8table of the subscriber, in Harrisburrr, on the night of tho 30th of May, a Dapple Day HORSE, ttlSINU SIX YEABS OLD, ;lh n SyUl0 j tho forchPad and a snip nose. Ho . a Very ;fe.t natural trotter. The person suspect? ns tho Thief, is William Kint. A ncrson who A been lately discharged from tile service of the sub scriber, baid King is about 5 feet 8 inches high, of rarhcr grilled appearance, lie took along with tho hcrse a snddto and bridle, almost new. Tho above reward will be civen for Iho recovery of the horse nnu unci, or -iu dollars lortlic recovery of either, if taken separately. Letters containing information of the thief or horse, can bo addressed to Col. F. Boggs, Columbia, I'a. or to the subscriber at llarrisburg, Pa. NATHANIEL HENRIE. June 10, 1837. TAILORING. I ETURNS his most grateful acknowledgments I. to customers for their liberal natronairc. nnd would respectfully announce to thcin, and tho pub lic (jcnvruiiy, mat nc conunucs regularly to receive Latest Fashions, from icw-York and Philadelphia. He would he thankful for a continuance of their favours : and he . . i will promptly execute any work which may be sent i" ..u.u ui;iiiuuuni!g mages. Catlawissa, June 10,1837. SUSQUEHANNAH LINE OF PACKET AND FREIGHT BOATS. From Philadelphia, by Jluil Road Canal 10 uarrisourg) iorlliumberland, Han ville, Catlawissa, liloomsburg, Bcriuick, Jl'ilkesbarre, Mil ton, Jniliamsport, and intermediate places. ASSENGERS can leave the West Chester Hotel, Broad street, Philadelphia, dailv. at li o ciock, i. m. rcacli llarnsburg at 4 o clock, 1. .Yi oi tnesame day : .Northumberland at 10 o'clock A M. of the next day ; and Wilkcsbarrc on the sue ceeding morning at 0 o'clock ; when Coaches will Immediately start for Carbondale, Tunkhannock and Montrose, ana thence to the Western part of New i oik siaici HErUItNIPiG The floats leavo Wilkcsbarrc daily, at 2 o clock, P, M. and reach Philadelphia in 48 hours thereafter. The Uoats also arrive at Williamsport, on tho West Branch, at about 9 o'clock, P. M. of tho same day on which they reach Northumberland and re turn daily. Tho Boats on tho above lines have been repaired, and arc now confidently recommended to the PUB LIC a3 a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode of travelling. SEATS may Le taken in Philadelphia ot the north-east corner of fourth & Chesnut streets. at No. S00 Market street, and at the West-Ohcstcr Hotel, Broad street. FREIGHT may bo forwarded by Rail Road from Orrich & Nobles and J. J. Lewis & Co, Broad street, and by Capt. McCabcs Line of Union Canal Uoats to Harrisburg, where they will be received by the Susquehanna Lino from JabczIIarrasdin, Vincstrcct wnarl, Schuylkill. P. Mc. C. GILCHRIST, Wilkcsbarrc, Juno 10, 1837. Agent. NOTICE To Jravcllers up the North Branch of the Susquehanna. (A8SENGERS by the Susquehanna Boat Line from Northumberland, arrive at Wilkcsbarrc 1AGHT HOURS sooner than bv the Mail Lint of Stages, and reach Montrose TWENTY-FOUR hours sooner. 1'. Mc. C. GILCHRIST. June 10, 1837. Agent. To Travellers Northumberland and Jl'ilkesbarre -LINT. OF I observed a notico in tho "Keystone." funder one winch l published,) signed by Mr. I'. C. Gil christ, Agent, stating that the Susqucliannah Boat Lino would carry passengers in less time than the Mail Stage which is not tho fact It will be un derstood that the Boat leaves Harrisburc one dav beforo the Stage; yet wo have taken Passengers through to Wilkcsbarrc in timo for tho Montroso stages, notwithstanding the tardy manner In which tho mail ia brought from Hnrrisburg to us at Nor thumberland. If nnv other persons had the convey ance of the mails from Harrisburg to Northumber land than thoso connected with the Boats, I would cngago to start at tho same hour with the Boat at Harrisburg, and deliver tho mail and tho parscngcrs TWELVE HOURS sooner than tho Boat Lino possibly can do it. When tho Company runs a stage from Northum berland to Wilkesbarre, tho mail can arrive at Nor thumberland from Harrisburg by 1 1 o'clock, A. M.; but when tho Boat runs above, they then keep back the stage at ISorthiiniberland until -1 o clock I', M. and sometimes as lato as 7 o'clock, 1', M. Thcso aro facts, which, if tho Post Master General is not aware of, it is time he was made acquainted with them. rfr'Anu nassenirtrs within i' to take the staire at Northumberland, to go through to Montrose, will be taken on in time to secure teats m the Montrose staee. natwithstatidlnir the detau of the Onnosition in arriving at Northumberland- provided they fix ujjoh a regular mncjur siuriing. WILLIAM ROUISON, Bloomsburg, Juno 10, 1837. Handbills, Blanks, &c. NEATLY EXECUTED At the odlce of tho 'Columbia Democrat.' WANTED. AST &HIPIBlESSEI?nS TO the Printing Business, 8 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AT THIS OFFICE. A Boy of 10 or 18 years of aire strong enough to work at press, arid with education and ambition enough to mako a good compositor, win una a good situation by applying soon. June 10, 1837. NEW MONTHLY MAGRZINE. On the first of July, 1837, will be published, beau- njuuy pnuita, on gooa paper, ana stitched in a wrapper, extra large royal octavo, the rmsT NUMiir.ii anew Periodical Work, entitled The Gentleman's Magazine. THE announcement of a new periodical, in the present state of nd'airs, may create some feel ing of surprise; but having conlcmplatcd an altera tion in the nature of a very popular monthly pub lication, 'Every Body's Allium,' the proprietors deem it best to proceed in the perfected nrronecments. and produce a periodical embodying the most wholesome puims oi me oiu worn, out conuuetcu wiui suilicicnt energy and talent to ensuro the success oitliir ncvV arrangements. The respectable ahd cxtcnsiv6 sub scription list cf tho Album, to which this work is de signed as a successor, will at onceplacc THE GEN- M lifcM ASS'S MAliAZIISE in a circulation equal to that of any other monthly work in tho United States, and guarantee the continuance of its publication, with mo certainty ol payment to the enterprise of the pro prietors. 1 he contents of the Gentleman's Magazine will. in evcryrcspcct, be answerable to the meaninc of the title. Wo do not pretend, in our literary pursuits, to fly as "eagles soar, above the ken of man," nor shall we be content wilh merely skirammcr the sur face of the ground; our pages will not bo tilled with abtruso prediction?, nor bhall wc display the brilliancy oi our critical acumen In matters "caviare to the mil lion. ' In short, wc do not mean to bo profoundly learned, nor philosophically dull. We wish to pro duce a gentlemanly agreeable book an epitome of life's adjunctives a literary melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, and sufficient interest to command a place upon the parlour table of every gen- t U-maii m the United States. In the varied and ample page of contents attached to each number of the ucntlcman's Magazine, ongi- nail articles will be found, from some of the most ce'ebrated writers of the day. Essays, Humorous and Didactic Graphic Delineations of Men and Manners. Free and Spirited Translations of tho lighter portions of tho Literature of continental Eu rope. A Scries of Original Biographical Notices of tho principal stars in the Dramatic hemisphere. The Current Literature will be reviewed in full, and lib-1 cral extracts made from rare and valuable works. An Original Copy Right Song, not otherwise to be obtained, will be given, with the music, in every nun. ben The Gentleman's Magazine will contain seventy two extra sized octavo pagss, of two columns each, forming, at the close of the year, two large handsome vo.umes of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-eight columns, each column containing one third more than an octavo page of averago propor tions. SeVeril engravings will be given in the course of the year; and the proprietors pledge themselves that the Gentleman's Magazine shall be the largest & the cheapest monthly work in the United States. TERMS. The subscription to tho Gentleman's Magazine will, for a single copy, bejnvarially Three Dollar per annum, payable in advance! a $5 note may procure two copies to the same direction, or five copies for 10. Address, CHARLES ALEXANDER, Philadelphia, To the Electors of Columbia county. "HTIELLOW-CITIZENSi At tho solicitation of J8 many friends throughout the county, I oflcr niyi,cll as a candidate lor the otnce oi SHERIFF at the next General election, and would feel gfatcful for your support. JOHN FRUIT. Madison, June 3, 1837. SHERIFFALTY. To tho Electors of Columbia county: uPl I rV niTI7PVR. A, Hi, cnliritatinn nf a " number of mv friends I have been encouraged II ... ..... .. - - to offer myself as a Candidate for the ollice of SHERIFF, at the ensuine General Election. If I should be so fortunate as to obtain a majority ot yoursullragcs, i Html mvself. ko far as niv abilities will admit, to ... .... .... - ., ucrlorm tlie duties 01 tno Ollice wun inuvniy humanity. PHSPK KLINE. Roaring Creek, May 20, 1837. SHEPJFPALTT. To the Electors of Columbia county : B7JELLOW CITIZENS: At the urgent solicita 4 tions of numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for tho ollico of SHERIFF. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of vnlM. and nrocure mv commission. I plcdzo myself to execute the duties of the ollice with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS McHENlti. May 13, 1837. THE rULL-ULOODEU YOUNG HORSE SPECULATOR "WTTTILL bo for service durlncrtho present season V v ending on the first of July next, at the stai ble of tho subscriber, in Bloomsburg. For Terms, Pedigree, and Certificates, see handbills. NOAH S. PRENTIS, April 29, 1837. JOHN S. INGRAM, rrnENDERS his professional services to thociti JJ zens of Columbia county. Ho will feel grate ful for business entrusted to hu care, Ollico in the same building with tho 'Columbia Democrat.' Bloomsburg, May, 1837. Valuable Real Property If IB SJISKWo PROPOSALS will be received by the subscri ber, al his residence In Espytown, until, the tourtti day of July next, for renting, for on or more years, the following property, to wit i A Good. Farm. situate in Bloom. township, abotit Iwo and a half miles from Bloomsburg. Also, a AND MERCHANT MILL) situate oh said farm, together with a FULLING MILL AND FACTORY, on the same premises. Also, a DWELLING HOUSE, STORE HOUSB, with ncecssary out-buildings, in Bloomsburg, now in uiu occupancy oi iur. u. 11. r isher. (EPno preference will be given to those who will rent tho whole property. Possession given on tho first day bf April next. IM. B. Under the present Lease the Mill will bo put in good order, and kept so! , . JUHN BARTON, Espytown, April iS, 1837'. Literature, Science, At General Xow's. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY CHRONICLE, A FAMILY XEWSPAPCn. PROSPECTUS OF SECOND VOLUMft Commencing May 20, 1837; The SATURDAY CHRONICLE is a family newspaper, published on a sheet of the largest mam moth size, and issued regularly from Philadelphia, every Saturday. It is entirely unconnected with party politics, and sectarianism, and is zcaloUBiy de voted to tho cause of Literature, Hclcncc and Gen eral Intelligence, as calculated to entertain arid in struct every branch of the family circle. The de sign of tho publishers is, to furnish a newspaper that shall instruct as well as amuse, and enlighten the middle-aged, as well as entertain, and direct to prop cr objects of study, the mind of youth. Their un prcccdcntcd success during the past yfcar (having obtained a very extcnsUe circulation not only hi Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, but in every Stale of thd Union) induces them to believe that their, plan of publication is a good one, and during the succeeding year, they will continue to pursue il zealously, with such improvements and modifica tions as may from time to time be suggested. General Contents of the Chronittei Tales and Essays on Literary, Scientific and Moral subjects Sketches of History and Biography Reviews of new publications Stories from thd Classic writers Popular Statistics of the Wolld Ladies' Department Original Communications from some of theHics; writers of Philadelphia and elsewhere Medical Lectures Science and Art Agriculture and Rural Economy Popular Super stitions furious Customs and Manners Euro' pcan and Domestic Correspondence Articles ori Music, the Drama, and other amusements vane tics, amusing incidents, &c and a carefully prfciiared synopsis of the Current News of the Day, both For cign and Domestic. Attractions of the first Volume. A regular correspondence from Europe, furnished by an able and eloquent writer, now on a tour through Europe, and engaged expressly for the Chronicle. Of this correspondence more than forW letters have 4ccn furnished. A scrips of articles On Medical subjects, embracing: Iocturcs on Anatomy, in familiar language, from (he pen of a distinguished Physician of Philadelphia. Tho republication, in a supplementary sheet,, of the choicest and best articles of the several London Annuals', for 1837, embracing articles from all the prominent English writers of the present day. The4 cost of thcso Annuals at retail is about $30 theif principal contents havo been furnished the reader of tho Chronicle gratis. The republication of tho inimitable Pickwick Pa pcrs, trom the pen ot the best comic writer ot the rge, Charles Dickens, Esq. Original contributions on Literature, bcicnco, Law, Education, Poetry, Political Economy, &c, from a number of the very best writers in America. Extra Attractions for tht second Foluihe. The publication of tho original articles, written for the Premiums of $250, embracing a great num ber of compositions of merit. Tho original tale, ,10 which will bo awarded the prize ol filUU, will proba- bly bo published in tho first number of tho second volume. The European Correspondence will be regularly continued, as will also theStorics from tho Classics, and indeed all the attractive features oi the lirst vol ume. Tho notes, and observations of a literary gen tleman, now on a tour through tho Western and . . , ! i r .Yir ooumcrn oiaies, are aiso promiseu iur puuncuuuu m tho Chronicle. Choice literary selections will be furnished from the London Monthly, Bentley's Miscellany, Black- .xinmUa nflA nlllrt- Riirftni-n'n MnfrriTinrsi. mm lioinir taken to select the Very best articles, "winnowing tho wheat from tho chaff," from the great mass of English Literature, and not to allow their number to interfere with our usual variety. Advantage will ba taken of every circumstance calculated to add in terest to tho columns of the Chronicle. Tho pub lishers being determined to allow none to outstrip1 them in the "March of Improvement." During tho past year the publishers havo paid, for original con tributions, premiums, correspondence, &c, more than 1000 dollars, And a stiil larger sum will bo expended, for similar purposes, during the publication of tho second vol ume. TERMS OF THE CHRONICLE. For a single copy for one year, in advance, sit copies for $10; or three copies for $5. For six months, ono dollar. (C'Small notes oh all solvent Banks, received at par, in paymrtit of subscriptions. Address' (post paid.) MATTHIAS & TAYLOR, Publishers, May 27, 1837. Philadelphia TAKE NOTICE. THE Subscriber is about leaving this part of the country, & would therefore respectfully invite thoso in arrears to him on subcription lists, &c, to call on or beforo the Ht day of June next, and settle with him without further notice. JEREMIAH SHINDLE, ..a A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers