The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 10, 1837, Image 2

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The Secretary of the Treasury fcas just
published his Report of the Commerce and
f?'1 of thc Utod States Tor 'the year
lodU. 1 lln rillllonfimniol. T Tl i ,
. , . " riu3 Hum ungianu
alono during the year -ending .the 30 th Sep.,
r ... , ' "ao ?' i'Oi,7ia, and .from'
thc British possessions 80,022,9n. The
ixportsto England amounted.toB3,:302,.lB3,
nd to the British possessions 0-1,487,081.
1 lie imports from Fiance amounted to 3G,
? on Wo'n ,Ii10 cPorls l France amounted
to 20,030,100. The trade with these two
countries and their foreign possessions,
constitutes nearly two-thirds of tho whole
foreign trade of this country. The exports
to Great Britain and her dependencies, con
stitute half our foreign exports, -the imports
from that country are not quite in the same
-Somc-of'tlio principal articles of import
"from England arc cotton goods $11,895134,
woollen cloths and cassimcres 8,508,724.'
linens from England, Scotland and Ireland
0,550,498, worsted stuff goods 5,003,555,
hardware 5,581,742 silk goods 3,782,803,
earthen and stone ware-2,403,500, gold and
silver coin 2,322,020. Tho principal im
ports from France are, -silk goods 15,011,
1 88, cotton goods .2,1 09,082, wines 1,942,
179, bran'dy 1,109,-82G, specie and bullion
'Die .principal articles of export to Great
, Britain are, cotton 48,002,543, tobacco 5,
202,045. To France, cotton 17,519,757,
tobacco 907,099.
The imports from Spain and its depen
dencies, were 10,345,090, of which 12,
734,855 were from Cuba, and 3,209,043
from other Spanish West Indies. Tho im
ports from China amounted to 7,324,810,
from Brazil 7,210,190, from Mexico 5,015,
819, from the Ilansctowns in Germany 4,
994,820, from Holland and its colonics 3,
801,514, and from Russia 2,779,554.
The New York Journal of Commerce of
Saturday says:
"About two o'clock this morning a fire
broke out in the lower part of tho large
five story brick building No. 109 Washing
ton street, occupied as a public store, which
-was entirely destroyed, together with the
whole of itsontcnts. The building cxtend
jcdmearly through to Greenwich street, and
-contained a large amount of goods.
While tho firemen were actively engaged
in subduing the flames, the north end wall
of the building gave way, and, melancholy
to relate, buried two of the firemen in its
ruins, one of them, whose name we ascer
tained to he Houghton, belonging to Hose
Co. No. 13. Also, a young man apparent
ly between 10 and 17 years of aire, who
was standing near at tho time, got himself
so severely bruised, that very little hope, is
entertained of his recovery. Wo could not
Jcarn how tho firo originated.
Jrom tho same paper second edition.
Prom tho best information wo are able to
obtain, tiie loss of property by the burning
of tho public store in "Washington street last
night, is not far from half a million of dol
lars, on which was the following insu
rance :
Eagle, $20,000
.Etna, 10,000
Equitable, 10,000
Contributionship, 15,000
Howard, 20,000
Mutual, 4,500
Merchants, 13,000
Manhattan, 0,000
Firemen's, 10,000
City, 8,500
North America, 10,009
North River, 5,000
Total insurance, $132,000
A considerable amount of goods in the
ccllar.arc.only damaged
Singular Device. A singular circum
stance, exhibiting, in a remarkable degree,
the reflecting faculties of a wolf, is related
as having taken place at Signy-le-Petit, a
small town on the borders of .Champagne.
A farmer one day, looking .through the
hedge of "his garden, observed a wolf walk
ing round about his mule, but unable to get
at him, on account the mule's constantly
kicking with his hind legs. As the farmer
perceived that his beast was. so well able to
deTenditsclf.'ho considered it unnecessary
to rendcrhtmmy assistance. Aftcrthe at
tack and defence had lasted Cully a quarter
of an hour, the wolf ran a neighbour
ing Oitcli, wnere he several times plunged
into the water. The farmer imagined he
did this to refresh himself after tho fatigue
he had sustained, and had no doubt that this
mule had (rained a complete victory: but in
'.a.few minutes the wolf returned to tho charge
anil, annroachinir as near as he could to the
nf tho mule, shook himself fc spurted a
quantity of water into the mule's eyes which
caused him immediately tothut them. That
moment the wolfleaped upon Jum ana killed
Uho poor mule before tho farmer could come
to his assistance.
Out at the Elbows. Nobody blames a
. , !.! nil
rich man lor going wim mo
because every one knows that ho has got
nnv tn tret him a new coat; but it is un-
mrdonablo in a poor man to go ragged
because, every body -knows ;it is out ot Jus
power to do otherwise Yet there are at this
' . 1 nrlmm WO WOU1U
present nitwi ""j , - .:
1 i. .... .,i. fit lie elbows.
suppose rien, vcrj -
O-AMr-EACHY, May 0, 1837.
Thn.'Vftt'V" fTrOfli nml CiMrlfltfiM ntintinn in
Mexico, and tho heavy claims against them
i uii.uiucs, maKcinings mis way not very
Santa Anna still
and if he dose .not loavc the country soon,
I Hill nfmid ln will ho. nn linflnr anruAfl 1in
-- - - w u "Wltvi WVMKU LIIUII
lturbidc. The newsnancrs seem to think
at Great Britain will take a part in defence
' Mexico.
The French and English grievances will
no doubt be amicably adjusted, and all the
tempest turned upon.thc. United States vc
suan soon sec.
Not a dollar hero -to nnv Urn trnnns wiili.
and we arc threatened to have them quar-
icrcu on ino town.
The rate American consul mmln his p.
capo .in good time for these people arc
gcuing auovc themselves, and God only
knows -what will bn llin fntn nf tlm A
cansinAhcse Mexican states.
My latest dates from Matamoras -are to
tho 18th April, by which I learn that Gen
eral Bravo had detained all tho American
vessels at that port, expecting that Mexico
oum ucciarc war against thc i. States.
P. S. Captain O'Fiahertv is still in nris-
l. and in nnsn of war lin will Imvo o hnA
chance of gaining his liberty
There were several arrivals from this
country yesterday every thing was quiet.
the Mexican licet Had disappeared lrom
the coast, not however, it is reported, be
fore it had captured the Tcxian schooner
of war Independence and schooner Julius
Ca;sar. The Tcxian fleet had been consid
erably augmented, and what with the assis
tance afforded by American vessels of war,
merchant men may now go to any of the
ports of the republic without fear or moles
The Kerankaway Indians, one of the
most warlike & dreaded of the tribes which
inhabit tho frontiers of Mexico, have entered
into a treaty with the Texians.
We arc verbally informed, on authority
on which reliance may be placed, that mo
ney, gold and silver, and New Orleans and
Missisippi banknotes, were plenty in Hous
ton. Carpenters were receiving 10 dollars
per day, and the supply was not adequate
to the demand. This holds out inducements
of no ordinary kind to mechanics to visit
this fine and healthy country.
The Invincible, Brutus and Tom Tody,
Tcxian vessels of war, and United States
ship Boston were off Galveston JJay. The
Boston had every thing ready for action.
She was giving convoy to vessels coming
and going from the ports of Texas.
It was stated a short time since, that the
sloop of war Natchez had sunk two Mexi
can brigs, of war. This is a mistake she
ran them ashore on tho Brassos St, Jago,
where they went to pieces.
Wo regret to learn that the late I exian
minister to this country, tho Hon. Charles
Wharton, was a passenger on board the In
dependence, presumed to have been captur
ed by the Mexican fleet. If this prove true,
he and all on board will have a hard time
of it.
Commissioners have been appointed by
the Government to proceed to this country
for the purpose of perfecting a loan of $5,
000,000. In these times of pressure Si dis
tress, this will be no easy matter.
The New Orleans Correspondent of the
New York Courier and Enquirer gives us
the following particulars in letter under date
of the 24th tilt,:
The Mexicans blockaded Matagorda for
about a month, but did not capture any ves
sels bound to that port. Gen. Johnson took
the precaution of sending there 200 volun-
1 , . .1 . .1 . III.
leers, who togcincr wuu inu iiiiuuu, weru
prepared to give a good reception to -the
Mexicans if they had landed.
Should the Texian government decide that
a movement towards Mexico should be
made, 3 or 4000 more men from Louisiana,
Mississippi, Kentucky and Tennessee,
would shortly ioin the crusade. Indeed,
from the city of Now Orleans alone, the
Texians might expect 4 or 500 volunteers.
Many are already dreaming oi Mexican trea
sures, and jucxican mines.
Passengers arrived to-day lrom lexas,
via Natchitoches, confirm tho rumours of
the long .contemplated expedition against
Matamoras, and say that although there is a
strong party in lavor ot it, yet that tnc lar
mors generally were opposed to it.
TJiata movement on the part of the Texans
towards Matamoras at this juncture, would
throw insurmountable obstacles in the way
of a friendly arrangement with tho U. o. is
unquestionabl6, for the Mexicans would say
that such movement bad 'been concerted
with the American government; but you
and your readers know too well that the
Texans havo been talking about that expedi
tion two months ago, and if they carry , it
into effect and I think they will they in
tend to go to Mexico om their own hook.
The Governor of Pcnnsylvania.lias issued
iliis proclamation, offering a reward or one
hundred dollars, for the arrest within this
State, of tho murderers of Rachael Blown
hack, of Chester county, on the 17th or
18th of last month and two hundred dollars
will be given if the apprehension is made
out of Pennsylvania-
The following circular lias becn'addrcssod
by Bishop Onderdonk, to all the clergymen
of his sect in tho state, enclosing a Prayer
to boused in the Episcopal 'Churches there
of, during the session of tho convention in
Philadelphia, Mm 23, 1B37.
Rev. and dear sir.
In conformity with the xLViith canon of
1832, I transmit to you tho fallowing form
of prayer, to be used before the two final
prayers of morning and evening service,
uuruig me fcssiun oi uiu vunvemiun ii un
people of this State.
Your affectionate friend and brother,
A Prayer Jor the Convention of the People
oj Pennsylvania.
O Lord our God, the blessed and only
Potentate, the Supreme Ruler of nations,
we implore thy blessing on the Convention
of the People of this State; now assembled.
Enlighten them in their deliberations, and
guide them in their proceedings; that they
may in all things seek and advance thy
glory, the cause of thy true religion and
virtue, and tho welfare and happiness of all
wnom they represent, in all their relations.
1 lime, O Lord, is the greatness, and the
power, and the glory, and the majesty; for
all that is in the heaven and in the earth' is
thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and
thou art exalted as head above all; both riches
and honour come of thee, and thou rcignest
over all; and in thine hand is power aud
might, and in thine hand it is to make great,
and to give strength unto all: Thou art Father
of lights; all good knowledge and learning
arc thy gift; and of thee comcth the righteous
ness which cxalteth a nation: And therefore,
O Lord our God, of thee wo ask, for this
Commonwealth, these favours, as thou shalt
see fit to grant them, especially through the
counsels of its Convention; lor the sake of
thine only Son Jesus Christ, our blessed
Saviour and Redeemer. Jlmcn
In this country, the newsnancr is the noor
man's book. Let his occupations be what
they may, he can find a leisure moment, to
snatch a passing glance at its contents, and
learn there what is doing in the world around
him. Indeed there arc very lew who are
not acquainted with the current news of the
day; and there are so many in all the class
es and conditions of life, who feel it incum
bent upon them to engage in the politics of
the times, that these manuals (they may be
called) are indispensable in presenting a
view of the conduct of public servants,
which every American feels he has an in
defeasible right to inquire into.
I his is precisely as it should be; and it
only remains that as much true information
should be laid before him, by the conduc
tors of the public press, as can possibly bo
obtained, to allow him to judge rightly; and
to take his side to advance this patriot, or
to retard that demagogue, who seeks to ad
minister public affairs. Apart, however,
from political considerations, the newspaper
is the poor man's book; because it reaches
his family. It finds its place upon the tea
table, when his little ones are assembled;
Sc where it finds tastes as various. The
staid matron occasionally gleans a hint for
her. culinary preparations, or learns some
precept for the government of her house
hold; or perhaps cons over some tale which
takes her back to her season of youth, with
all its gentle influences and associations.
i ho gentle maiden consults the calendar of
marriage, to sec who has preceded her in
the race, or perhaps whilst drawing tho
moral from some story of afl'ection, smiles
at the similarity of hopes and fears, which
picture her own little life of love. Tho
youth catches a glimpse of the rudiments of
science, or me courses oi trade. t he
younger branches, down to the smallest
member of tho poor man's tie to life, de
rive delight from tho moving picture of ac
cidents by flood and field, the anecdotes and
wit, and lastly the prints which arc daily
presented them: and thus the poor man
finds ho has a library in the newspaper, a
dapted to all the tastes of his little commu
nity, which to procure by other means his
iunus arc inadequate.
The Exchange Hotel at New Orlnnns
j'ust completed, it is supposed, is the largest
in mo worm zbb leet iront by 100 deep, 0
stories high, -with a dome and tower whoso
top is 113 fect-from the ground. Has 350
rooms, and a dining hall 113feet long; asu
nerb marble statue of Washington linRlntnlv
arrived from Italy, which will bo placed in
tho centre of tho colonadc. at the entranon
of the grand saloon. It is estimated that the
hotel will cost $550,000, and the furniture
By a census just completed, who learn that
tho population of Boston is 80,823; being
an increase since 1830, of 19,431, .orabout
da per cent. Boston will be entitled, accor
ding this census, to send fifty-six members
10 me next .legislature of Massachusscts.
Mr Scott a celebrated clerrrvmnn nf T.nn
don, is about to migrate with a colony to
Wiscont in. Mr. Scoltis of ilm
lcm Church, and will visit this country for
the avowed purpose of promulgating the
uvuiiiui-a ui mui ciuircu umong us. lie is
ropresqntca to be a man of great eloquence
Saturday, .Tunc 10, 1837.
Tho CattawiSsa Bridge Company have
followed suit with similar corporation?,
and our neighbourhood will of course be
flooded with "promises to pay," in average
amounts of from twclvo and a half cents, to
twenty-five cents, fifty, and seventy-live
cents, and one, two, three, and four dollars.
Now, tho conduct of the Banks in securing
all the specie in the country for the pur
pose of selling it at a prenvum, their re
fusal to redeem their own notes in conform
ity with their pledged faith, and the re
strictions of their charters, and the conse
quent scarcity of the legal currency of the
country, may render such a course essen
tially necessary in the view of some people;
but as an open violation rf law, it will cer
tainly never receive the sanction of tho
community, and therefore we shall discoun
tenance any attempt, come from what quar
ter it may, to put these raga into circula
tion. While the civil law grants protection
to the rights of every man, it also prescribes
a penalty for every offence, in order to pre
vent, by the influence of examplo and pun
ishment, the recurrence of such crime; and
when those who set the law at defiance, are
persons of rank and character, to whom ma
ny look for examples of morality, the pen
alty for any offence whatever, should be
strictly exacted. If such men aro left alone
in their unlawful transactions, then all law
becomes null and void, and will eventually
"result in the overthrow of all order, and all
respect for the dignity of the commonwealth,
and the integrity ahd intentions of our ex
ecutive, legislative and magistratorial func
tionaries. Wo will then merely ask, who
issue these Shin-plasters? Who take them
and promote their circulation? The answer
is at hand: They arc issued by certain cor
porate bodies, through their managers and
officers mcn who havo been chosen by
the stockholders, on account of their integ
rity of character, qualifications, or exten
sive influence and possessions, to direct
and control their operations. What ex
amples to less qualified & labouring classes
of community! The act of April 12, 1828,
prohibits tho issuing and circulating, cither
directly or indirectly, of any paper having
the nature, character, or APPEAR.
ANCE of a bank note, of any less denomi
nation than five dollars; and the same act
prescribes a penalty of rivr. dollars for
every such offenco, "to be recovered by
any person suing for the same as debts of
like amount are by law recoverable.".
e shall say no more, unless new matter
arise deserving animadversion, on the sub
ject of these illegal substitutes for a metallic
currency. Every person in the community
should, by this time, know ahd understand
the law; & if he be mulcted into tho special
penalties prescribed, he cannot attribute his
losses to any want of necessary caution on
our part. We will take none of them ;
and while we have reason to expect, before
many weeks elapse, plenty of the hard cur
rency circulation, yet disappointment in
this honest hope shall not alter our deter
mination, unless the Legislature may deem
it advisable to render them a legal part of
our paper currency, by altering or abolish
ing the act which attaches a penalty to their
issue and circulation.
6C?The Convention proceedings pos
sess oui very nine interest ; the whole time
of the members being engrossed with long
winded specclics on points of order, or tho
personal abuse of onn nnntlmi. 'pi.,.
talking about adjourning in July ; and if
iiny uA.iiuuiio grcaicrzcai lor tho interests
u uiepuuiic man incyiiave so far manifest
cu, the sooner Ihcy adjourn tho better, and
til n fnmm. ..It,, i! . 1 , .
...w uiiuiduuiia nicy make in tho Uon-
slitufion (lie less of aristocracy will enntam
inate that already objectionable chartcf.
tC7The Harrisburg "Keystone"
-:..i.i t . .
is now
immuu on a rxapicr press, and i
occunvinc-twn Hav. n fV,,.i..
i they
now strikn off tlipJr lml ... .
. . uuivj ioauuu
of 2500 in Irs tl.
ni iiuuia.
will facilitate their circulation, and no
reward their enterprise.
As wo prvdicted in 'our last, so has mas
ters turned out in tho sale of tho stock of
tins institution. Most of the shares brought
ten per 'cent, advance; and nearly all, we
understand, were purchased by the "unfor
tunate" creatures who have been "ruined
by the specie circular," and who cry "pan-
ic and pressure" to frighten country folks.
One half of the purchase money must b6
paid down in specie; and as tin's Will amount
to upwards of $100,000, wo wonder where
the "poor fellows" raised the change? W6'
want to hear no more about the scarcity of
gold and silver, and the necessity for shin-
plasters. There are $80,000,000 of specie
locked up in tho vaults of the Banks and
Brokers of the United Stntesj a larger a
mount than wo ever had in America, and
if the People would only treat these soul
less monied monopolies ns they merit, wo
would have no trouble about making change
The precious metals were supplanted by
paper in the revolution; and if such a policy
is permitted now, wc may anticipate simi
lar consequences.
ECP"!'. S. Since the foregoing was in
type wc havo received a letter lrom Wil
liamsport, giving an account of the lnanner
in which the stock Was thrown into particu
lar hands, through political management
at the head of which was Ex-Governor
Shulze and some others of the same stamp.
Their conduct has excited universal disgust,
and Judge Lewis, Gen. Anthony, & many
others have abandoned tho stock previously
knocked down to them, and refused to par
ticipate, in any manner, in the future opera
tions of the Bank.
JCT'Thc following communication was
received after our article on the same sub
ject had been in typci It comes from one
who has represented Uoluniuia county in
the State Legislature whose principles arc
not biassed by pecuniary considerations fc
whose sole object is to. perpetuate our free
institutions, and add character to his country
and his countrymen.
To the Editor of the Columbia Democrat.
Sin ' T wnnlil tlinnlr vnn fnr infni.mntimi
respecting our Cuttaicissa Bridge Bank.
il 1 tl.. .? .
j nc acioi Asscmuiy graining corporate pri
vileges to our Bridge Company, so far as
my knowledge extends, never authorised an
issue of Paper Tickets, in the character of
Bank Notes. The act expressly says, "tho
name, style, & title shall bo the President,
Directors and Cntnnnnv." Of fnnrsn. (tin
"Stockholders aro the Company; and as they
were never caned upon to vote, nor even
consulted upon tho subject of issuing Shin-
piasicrs, uui openly ui c arcd insolvent, 1
think the People ought to inquire into tho
matter, and "fix the saddle upon tho right
horse." Such rags have been issued by an
individual in tho immediate correspondence
of the Monster probably under tho gui
dance of Thaddeus Stevens and I would
wish you to tell us under what pretext of
authority, he exercises such functions, of
which, as a stockholder, I have no know
We aro wholly unable to give our vener
able friend the information he desires ; but
fortho purpose of giving wholesome advice
to the Company who have nominally as
sumed the responsibility of issuing these
small notes, as well as for other reasons, we
extract the second section of the act of 22d
of March, 1817 passed after the blow-up
of the batch of forty banks. Sec Pur don's
Digest, page 97.3
Section 2. No incorporated body, pub
lic officer, association or partnership, or
private individual, other than such as have
been exnresxlu inrnmnmin,! n ,,.,.;.;.-;..
for the purpose of Banking, shall make,
isajln - ee,0 n. .i' ,
.l. , i.u 1.UWIC uui jiromissory
note, ticket, or engagement of credit in the
nature of a Bank Note, of any denomina
tion whatsoever, other than such us have
been issued by banks lawfully expressly
established; and from and after the first
day of May next, no such incorporated bo
dy, public officer, association or partner
ship, shall receive any such note, ticket,
or engagement of credit, other than those
above excepted, or those made and issued
by it or himself, orunder its or his imme
diate authority, fyfor THE MERE PURPOSE
the same, under the penalty, in the case of a
Public Officer, rf TENDOLLMIS, and
m the case of a Corporation, Association,
or partnership, FIFTY Dollars, for each
and every note so made, issued, re-issued,
circulated, paid or received, to be recovered
by any person or persons suing for the
some, before any Merman or Justice of
the Peace within the Commonwealth, as
debts under one hundred dollars are by law
recoverable. J
The capital of tho New Orleans Banks is
854,554,000, of which $30,709,455 is paid
up; of this sum $18,081,820 is hold in Eu
rope, $10,225,025 in New Orleans, and 85
732,109 is in real estate.
Their circulation is $7,135,200, & specie