The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 10, 1837, Image 1

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'! tfavfc sworn utfon Hid Altar ot God, eternal hostility to every fonn. of Tyranny over the Mind of Man."
Volutin: I.
jlT A son or tortus.
V)bscUrcly I havopass'd my lire,
A wretched Ignoramus,
"Till i, like Byron, woke and found
, ''Myself one morning fumou I"
"All darkly lias lifo's weather been,
, "Though now so bright nnd sunny j i
But then this change, is not so strang'e
I've lately had some money I
vhcro'er I went folks ran nwoy,
As if from burning lavaj
i scem'd a-living emblem of
, The "Poison-'f rco of Java I"
'Tis not so now, ror nil, I vow,
Flock near, like flies round honey;
Oh ! 'magic change of Fortuite'S wand
I've lately had some money I
I used to say some funny thiHgs,
. At least I ddffc-d lo think o :
But dead unon the car they fell;
And all away would shrink so 1
My mouth I never dpen now,
Hut all I say is funny ;
They'll o'en oft bring Itytteries on
I've lately had some money 1
!, pn
That I should neVr be wedde'd:
Mammas, iheir daughters kept from mP,
As frptti a scirrctbw dreaded!
The ugliest girl I could not move,
Nor her with hump, and one cycj
But "Angels" now run after mc
I've Idtcty had somo moneyi
llnnolic'd I migiil walk about ,
Through Broddway lb 'this Batic'ry;
Ere man to mc would touch his hat,
Or woman drop a curtcscy.
But now I never venture out,
But each sad.faco turns sunny;
All bob their heads like mandarians -
I've lately had some mdtlPj!
On any subject in debate,
If an idea started,
I ne'er was listcn'd to, dnd nBhti,
, Cared how in scorn I smarted!.
My slightest whisper now is heard,
No more their ears lire dunny;
They cannot act without my views
I've lately had tomc money.
The following paper is copied from the last
number of the Western Monthly Maga
zine, a literary journal, conducted with
marked ability, and published at Cincin
hati, in a style creditable to the press of
that city.
''Slio, in Clio working of whoso destiny.
The man of blood oud victory attnin'd
His more than kingly height." konnuerkr.
When a few centuries shall have thrown
their shadows upon the strange fortunes of
Napoleon, fc given to every thing about him
the tinge of romance, the story of his wife
will seem to the student rather a fable'; than s
fact; he will look up on her as wo look upon
Mary of Scotland, but with a deeper interest;
t -1.1 ,4 , i 4 t
ior sue, iar more truly man tier lord, was
from first to last 'the child of destiny.'
Told, while yet unmarried, that she would
be a wife, a widdw; ahd the Queen of
Franco tho entire fulfilment of the first
part of tho prophecy, gave her courage to
believe in tho last part also when under sen
tence of death. When her bed wns taken
from her, becauso she was to die in tho mor
ning, she told her' weeping friends' that it
was not so, dial slid should yet sit upon the'
ihrono on the ruins of which ftobcspieVre
ihen stood tr'iump'haih; and whdri asked in
mockery, to chdoso her maids of honor,
since she was to bo queen, she did chooses
them, and they we're her maids of honor,
when halfof Europe looked up to her. On
that night which was to have been her last
6n earth, Robespierre' fell. Had ho fallen
a few days earlier, her first husband would
Jiavc lived; had his fall been but one ddy
later, Joscphino herself would have been a
fnong the ten thousand victims, whoso names
Svo have never heard: But he fell on that
night, and her destiny was accomplished.
Sho married Napoleon, and through her,
and as her husband, he was appointed to
tho army of Italy; step by stop they roso,
till, atlast, tho crown rested upon her head:
the second part of the prophecy was pro
ved true, and she began to look forward to'
that loss of power and rank, which had also
beon foretold, and which was to close tho
strango drama of her life.
And he that had wedded tho child of des-
ifobQMgErtJRte, C)Q1L,uMbIA OoUNT, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 183T.
tiny, grew every day riitire strong, it more
grasping. In Vain did Josephine attempt to
rule his ambition, and chasten his aims; lie
was an Empcrorj he wished to found an
Empire, and by slow degrees lie made him
self familiar with the thought bf putting her
When thd campaign of 1809 was at an
end, hardened and narrowed, the general
came back to his wife; his former kindness
Was gone, his playfulness was checked, ho
consulted her but seldom, and seldom stole
ipoh her private hours, with that familiar
love that had so often made her heart leap;
She saw that her hour drew nigh.
It was the evening of the 20th of Novem
ber; the court were at Paris in honor of the
kliig of Saxoriy. Josephiric sat at her' whi
tlow, looking down upon tho river, and mu
sing on the dark fate beTdrb her, when she
heard Napoleon's step at the door. She
sprang to open itj using her usual exclama
tion; "mon ami!" He embraced her so af
fectionately; that for an instant her fears and
woes seemed vain. She led him to a chair,
placed herself at his feet, and looking up into
his face, smiled through her tears;
You arc unhappy, Josephine,' said the
'Not with you, sird;'
Hahl' saidhe quickly, 'why call mc sire!
illcsc shows of slate stdal all true joy from
'Then why seek them?' answered Jose
The Emperor made rtd reply:
'You are now the first of men,' said she,
'why not quit war, turn ambition out of your
counsels, bend your thoughts on the good
of France; and live at home anioncr those
that love you'
'Josephine,' said lie, turning his face from
her, 'it is not I, it is France demands the
'Are you sure of that, my lord?' said his
wife; 'have you probed your heart to the
bottom? is it not ambition that prompts you
to seek reasons for repudiating me? for think
not, mpoieon, i misunderstand you; are
you sure it is the love of France?'
Every word she spoke touched him to the
duick; and rising hastily he replied: 'Mad
am, I have my reasons; good evening.'
Stay, sire;' said she, taking hold of his
arm, 'we mdst not part in anger. I submit.
Since you wish it, I submit cheerfully. It
is not in nty iiaturo to oppose your will: I
ldve you too deeply. Nor shall I cease to
love you, Napoleon, because I am to leavo
your throne and your side. If you still go
oil victorious, I shall rejoice with you: if re
verse comes, I will lay down niy life to com
fort you; I will pray for you morning and
night; atid, in the hope that sometimes you
will think of me;'
Hardened as ho was, Napoleon had loved
his wife deeply and long; her submission to
his stern resolve her calm but mournful
dignity her Unshaken love, moved even
him; and for a moment affection" struggled
with ambition. He turned to embrace her
again. But in that moment, hdr face and
forirt had changed. Her eye and her whole
person seemed inspired. Ho felt himself in
tho presence of a superior being. She led
him to the window and threw it open. A
thin mist rested upon the Seine, and tho
gardens of the palace: all around was silent:
among the stars, then before them, one was
far brighter than tho rest: slid pointed to it.
"hire!" she said, "that star is mine; to
that ik not to yours, was promised empire ;
through mc, and through my destinies, you
have risen: part from mo and you fall; the
spirit of her that foresaw my rise to royalty,
even now c'oiriiriunc's with irfy spirit, and
(ells mc that your fate hangs on mine. Be
lieve mo or not, If we henceforth walk asunder,-
you' will leave no empire behind you,
an (I will die yourself Jn shame, and sorrow,
and witii a broken spirit.
Ho turned away sick at heart, and ovcr
aw ' by tho words of ono, whoso destiny
had cn so strangely accomplished. Ten
days were passed in resolves and counter
resolves and then the link that bound him
to fortune, was broken. Josephine was
divorced and, as lib said himself, at St.
Helena, frftm that hour his fall began.
Josephine was divorced but her love did
not cease: in her retirement, shejoyedinall
his successes, and prayed that he might bo
saved from the fruits of his fdul ambition.
When his son was born, she only regretted
that she was not near him in his happiness;
and when he went a prisoner to Elba, she
begged that She might Hharc his prison, and
relieve his woes. Every article that he had
used at her residence, remained as he left
it; she would not let a chair be removed.
The book, in which he had bceii last read
ing, was there with the page doubled dowit
and the pen that he had last used was by it,
with the ink dried on its point: When her
death drew nigh, she wished to sell all her
jewels, to send the fallen Emperor money;
aim ner win was submitted to Ins correc
tion. She died before his return from El
ba; but her last thoughts were of him and
1 t Ml t . .
France; and her last words expressed the
hope and belief, that she had never caused a
tear to flow;' She was buried in the village
church of Ituel, and her body was followed
to the grave, not alone by princes and gciv
erals, but by two tiiousandpoor whose hearts
had been made glad by her bounty.
Her marble monument bears only this
"Euor.NT. xyn IIortexsf. to Josei-iuxe."
What a fund for future writers, in her
character and fate! and what a lesson to all
of us, whether in prosperity or adversity.
Extracted from tho Notes of an Observer.
When Paine had fallen into disrepute, &
was shunned by the most respectable of his
friends on account of his drunken habits,
he boarded in the house of one William C
, a larmcr. This C and I being
acquainted, I had free access to the house
and frequently called to converse with Tom
Paine. One evening he related the follow
iug anecdote.
During tho slailghtcry of Robespierre,
when every republican that the monster
could get in his power was beheaded, Paine
was cast into prison, and his name was on
a list wiih nineteen, who were ordered for
execution ne'xt'morning. It was customary
for the clerk of the tribunal to go round the
cells at night, and cross with chalk on die
back of the door of such of the prisoners as
were ordered for the scaffold in the morn
ing. When the executioner came with his
guard to remove the victims, whenever a
chalking was found, the inmate of the cell
was taken forth and executed.
In the horrlbld shamble's there was a long
gallery. The passage was secured at each
end, but the doors of the cell wereleft open,
and somlimes tho prisoners stepped into the
rooms of one another for company. It hap
pencd, on the niglit preceding tho day appoin
ted for the doom of Paine, that he had gone
into his neighbor's cell, leaving his door open
with its back to the wall. Just then the
chalkcr came past, and being probably drunk
crossed the inside of the cell door.
Next morning, when the guard camo with
an order to bring out the twenty victims,
and finding only nineteen chalks, Paine be
ing in bed and his door shut, they
took a prisoner from the farther end of the
gallory, 6r. thus mado up the roquisito num
ber. About forty-eight hours after this atroci
ous deed, Robespierre was overthrown and
his own head chopped off, so that Paine
was set at liberty, and mado the best of his
way to New-York.
I asked him what ho thoUght 6f his almost
miraculous escape. Ho said the Fates had
ordained ho was not then to die. Says I,
" Mr. Paine, I'll tell you what I think
you know you havo written and spoken
much against what we call tho religion of
tho biblo; you have' highly extolled the per
fectibility of human reason when left to itd
own guidance, unshackled by priestcraft and
superstition. That God in whom you live,
move, and have your being has spared your
life that you might give to the world a living
comment on your doctrines. You now show
what human nature is when left to itself.
Here you sit, in an obscure and comfortless
dwelling, stifled with snuff and st'upified
with brandy: you, who were onco the
companion -of Washington, of Jay, and of
Hamilton. Every good man has deserted
you; and even Deists, that have any regard
for decency, cross the street to avoid you."
He was then the most disgusting humah
being that could any where be met with.
Intemperance had bloated his countenance
beyond description. A few of his disciples
who stuck to him through good report and
bad report, to hide him from the abhorrence
of mankind, had him conveyed to N. Ro-
chelle, where they supplied him with bran
dy until it burned up his liver. But this
man, beastly as he was in appearance, and
dreadful in principle, still retained some
thing of humanity within the depravity of
Ins heart, like the gem in the head of the
odious toad. The man who suffered death
in his stead, left a widow with two young
children, in poor circumstances. Paine
brought them all with him to N: York,
supplied them while he lived and left them
tho most part of his property when he died.
The widow and children lived in apartments
m the city by themselves. I saw them of
ten, but never saw Paine in their company,
and I am well assured and believe, that his
conduc towards them was disinterested and
At 8 o'clock I was break
fasting; the superior was airain at my side.
offered all that the convent could give, and
urging me to stay a month, a fortnight,
week, at least to spend that day with him
and repose myself after the fatigues of my
journey; but from the door of the little room
In which I sat, I saw the holy mountain
and I longed to stand on its lofty summit,
Though feeble and far from well, I felt the
blood of health again coursing in my veins
and congratulated myself that I was not so
hackneyed in feeling as I had once suppd
sed. I found, and I was happy to find, for
the prospective enjoyment of my farther
journey, that the first tangible monument in
the history of the Bible, the first spot that
could be called holy ground, raised in me
feelings that had not been awakened by the
most classic ground of Italy and Greece, or
the proudest monuments of the arts in E-
Continuing our ascent, the
old monk still leading the way, in about a
quarter of an hour we came lo the table of
rock standing boldly out, and running down,
almost perpendicularly, an immense dis
tance to the valley. I was expecting anoth
er monkish legend, and my heart thrilled
when tho monk told me that this was the
top of the hill on which Moses had sat du
ring the battle of the Israelites and the A
malekites, while Aaron and Hur supported
his uplifted hands, until the sun went down
upon the victorious arms of his people.
From tho height I could see, clearly and
distinctly, every part of the battle-ground,
and the whole vale of Rephidim and the
mountains beyond; and Moses, while on
this spot, must have been visible to the
contending armies from every part of tho
field on which they were engaged.
I stand on tho very peak
of Sinai where Moses stood when he
talked with the Almighty. Can it be, oris
it a mere dream? Can this naked rock have
been the witness of that great interview be
tween man arid his Maker? where, amid
thunder and lightning, and a fearful qua
king of the mountains, the Almighty gave to
his chosen peo'plo the precious tables of his
law,' those rules of infinito wisdom and
goodness, which, to this day, best teach
man his duty towards his God, his neigh
bor, and himself?
Tho scones of many of tho incidents re
corded in tho Biblo are extremely uncer
tain. Historian and geographers place tho
garden of Eden, tho paradise of her first pa
rents, in different parts of Asia; and they do
not agree upon' the site of the tower of Ba
Number 7.
bel; tho mountains of Ararat, and many of
the most interesting places in the Holy
fcandj but of Sinai there is no doubt This
is the holy mountain; and among all the
stupendous works of Nature, not a place
qari be selected more fitted for tho exhibi
tion of Almighty power'. I have stood upon
the summit of the giant Etna, and looked
over the clouds floating beneath it; upon
the bold scenery of Sicily, and the distant
mountains of Calabria; upon the top of Ves
uvius, and looked down upon the waves of
lava, and the ruined and half-recovered cit
ies at its foot; but they arc nothing compa
red with the terrific ioUtude and bleak ma
jesty of Sinai. An observing traveller has
well called it "a perfect sea of desolation."
Not a tree, or shrub, or blade of grass, is to
be seen upon the bare and rugged sides of
innumerable mountains, heaving their naked
summits to the skies, while the crumbling
masses of granite all around, and the dis
tant view of the Syrian desert, with its
boundless waste of sands, form the wildest
and most dreary; the most terrific and des
olate picture that imagination can conceive.
The level surface of the very top or pin
nacle is about 1G feet square. At one end
is a single rock about 20 feet high, on
which, as said the monk, the spirit of God
descended, while, in the crevice beneath,
his favored servant received the tables of
the law. There, on the same spot where
they were niven. I oncned the sacred book
a & ;
in which those laws arc recorded, and read
them with a deeper feeling of devotion, as'
if I were standing nearer and receiving then!
more directly from the Deity himself.
There is not a more independent being in
existence than the farmer. The real farmer,
he who attends strictly to the duties of hid
profession, who keeps every thing around
him snug and tidy, and who seeks every
opportunity to introduce such improvements
of the day as will tend td add beauty and
wealth to his farm. Such a farmer is al ways'
happy and independent, and lie lives as it
were in a world of his own, with nothing to
trouble him save the cares of his farm,
which by the way are considered rather a
pleasure than otherwise. His mind is al
ways at case, and the duties of his calling
are performed with a good degree of plea
sure. Yhen the toils of the day are over
and "night comcth," he takes his seat by
the domestic fire side,' and whiles away tho
evening in sweet converse with his little
family circle. Tho toils of the day have
been, perhaps, rather arduous but what
of that ? They are drowned and forgotten
in the evening. And then he feels a sincere
pleasure on reflection, that while he rests
from his labors, his business continues to
flourish His crops are' growing and pre
paring fo'r harvest; His c'attle,&c. are fatten
ing ready for market, a:u every thing pros
pers. With such thoughts as these, he carf
calmly resign himself to the night's repose,
and rise on the morrow with the returning
suU, refreshed and prepared for the duties'
of another day;
To a young infidel, who was scoffing at
Christianity, because of the misconduct of
its professors, the late Dr. Mason said: "Did
you ever know an uproar to be made because
an infidel went away from tho paths of
morality?" "Tho infidel admitted that he
had not." "Then don't you see," said
Mr. Mason, "that by expecting the profes
sors of Christianity to bo holy, you admit
it to be a holy religion, and thus pay it tho
highest compliment in your power?" The
young man was silent.
There ard three things, said Confucius,
tho Chinse sage, to beware 6f through' life.'
When a man is young,' let Iiim beware of
his appetites; when middle aged of his pas
sions; and when old ofcovetouaness.'
Private vices, however detestable, have
not dignity sufficient to attract tho censure
of the press, unless they are united with
tho power of doing some signal mischief to?
the community. Junius,