The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 03, 1837, Image 2

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    SCltAPS Ot' 3VK WS.
Capital Punishment in England ln
the House of Commons, on the 23d of March
Lord John Russell obtained leave to bring
in several bills to amend the Criminal Laws,
He propose to abolish the punishment of
'death for all classes of forgery; for certain
"ofTehces against the person which am now
"capital; and for robbery and burglary, under
certain circumstances; ah'dhe proposes other
measures relative to piracy aud buriiing
ships. The pitvvlous amelioration of the
criminal code, he maintains, has not increas
ed the number of offences. He also pro
poses to make the minimum period of
transportation ton 'years, and at the same
tittle to make such changes in the systom
of imprisonments home as shall furnish a
.punishment secondary to transportation.
In the"buniing of the Manual Labour
'BchoolnVFurman, South Carolina, a young
ladyynamcd Goddard, from Georgetown,
perished in the flames whi'dh was not
' known until her mangled corpse was found
in the ruins.
'A. duel was fought at Barbadoes on the
Hith of April, between Captain O'Connor, of
ithe British navy, and Mr. Hicks, of Boston.
' 'Both -were severely wounded.
The Cincinnati "Whig of late date says:
""Weatecredibly-informedbyan eye wit
ness, that a.large catfish, weighing ninety
cigbt pounds, was caught in the Ohio river
a'few weeks since, about a hundred miles
toelow Louisville, which being opened, was
found to contain a negro child of consider
able size?1
The following list comprises all the States
tn which members of Congress are yet to bo
chosen, Hie election In all these will take
place'either within orpriorto the firstof Au
;gust, with the exception of Maryland, and
Vpcrhaps Michigan, in the former of which
the stated time is October.
fthodo Island, Tennessee,
'Maryland, Indiana,
North Carolina, Kentucky,
? SPECIE. A late arrival from Valpariso
"brought $200j000 to Philadelphia; and it is
rsaid that large sums more are expected
t from other-sources.
There are nbout'325,000frce persons of
Miolor in the United States rof these, are
3)8,000 in the slate of Pennsylvania.
The subscription-price of a weekly news-'
Tpaper about halt as large tas the Columbia
Democrat, printed in Vera Crux, in Mcxi
o, is $35 .per annum. ,
Themajority'for the 'democratic ficket at'
the recent election in Khode Island was
jnore than 2000.
One of'ihe most distinguished medical
praclitionerrnsed to say, that he considered
a fee bo necessary to give weight to an opin
ion, that when he looked athis own tongue
in the glass, he slipped, a guinea from one
.p ocket into the other.
ifl Sneezer. A young lady at a ball was
seized with convulsions. Her mamma ran
to her assistance. It seems that her waist
having been reduced to the minimum of
magnitude she was obliged to be unhooked
behindbefore, she could sneeze.
Dreadful Death. A woman named
Mary Whitmoro, abandoned to intemper
ance, threw herself out of the three story
window of her residence, in Boston, and
was'kiLIcd almost instantly. Her husband
had locked her into the room, while he
went in pursuit of a police officer, to sec if
something could not bo uone to Keep ner
away Irom liquor. The husband couiu
have pursued a bettor course than this.
No police officer cured a drunkard. In
temperance is a physical infirmity, and is
most successfully combatted by physical
remedies. The drunkard always feels in
toxication -at certain hours. The first is on
rising. Ho is then languid, and without
nnnctitc for breakfast. Let him then swal-
iowT wine glass full of strong decoction of
wormwood, inougn Diupr, u prevents an
nausea and creates an appetite. By this,
tho drunkard will be saved from the misera
ble necessity of seeking an appetite from
alcphol. When he feels the usual sinking
"between "breakfast and dinner, that distress
ing sonsation which inevitably assails tho
drunkard, let him drink a glass of cold water,
and take some cordial, stimulating food, as
gingerbread, pr well seasoned soup. Any
speclos of food, even a buscuit, is better than
nothing, and will remove the Linking. Let
jiis. drink be cold water, and nothing else.
.'At no time and on no account, let him touch
alcohol in any shape, whether spirits, wine,
beer or cider. This regimen will cure the
onoet obstinate cases, A( effectually tried,
and persevered in. Tho whole theory con
sists in treating intemperance as a physical,
instead of a "moral infirmity, and of using
food instead of alcohol, whenever the long
ing ensues. The patient should bo prepa
red at all times, He should always have
a biscuit or some such thing in his pocket,
and-also at Teach in flic night, and should
not omit tho wormwW)'d before each meal.
To prcpare this decoction, put some worm
wood into o bottle, pour .warm water upon it,
-stop it with a cork, end use from it as ocasion
A shocking stoairibbafaccidcnt occurred'
on the 9th ol May, upon tho Mississippi,
and it is supposed that about one hundred
and fifty lives were lost. The New Or
leans Boo of flic Illh'instaht cives the sub
joined particulars:
1 ho steamboat Hen Shcrrod, .Captain
Castlcman, left New Oxleans on Sunday
morning for 'Louisville, and about one o -
clock on Tuesday morning, when about 30
miles bclbw Natchez, she was louud to be
enveloped in flames, and out of near 200
persons on board, only about 50 or GO were
saved. The fire is believed to have origin
ated from the wood used as fuel, being piled
op 'hear the boiler. The story of the dis
aster was related to us by a yofmg jinan
Who was a cabin passenger, and it'is aw
fully interesting, and his own escape almost
miraculous. When he aWo'kc he put on
his clothes, and leaped intotho yavl which
was hanging at the stern, and was followed
by about forty other men, one of whom cut
the rope connecting the stern of the steam
er to the bow of the yawl, and the latter
calttcd over and hung in a perpendicular
position, the bow towards the water. All
on board were precipitated into the water,
and are believed to have been drowndod,
'with the exception of the narrator, and he
saved himself by clinging to the thwarts.
In a few minutes about 20 of the crew made
their way to the stern of the steamer, and
placed themselves in the boat, suspended
as she Was. One of them imprudently took
out his knife and cut the rope which attach
ed the steamer to the stern of the yawl, and
she plunged, as might have been expected,
full 20 feet under water. All that had been
hanging to her were missing, except foUr
and the individual who relates the story; he
says when lie rose to the surface he found
himself under the yawl, and she lying bot
tom up. Being strong, active and expert
at swimming, he worked his way from un
derneath and mounted on her bottom, where
he was soon joined by the four other men
who had saved themselves, and in this situ
ation they floated 12 miles down the river,
before they were picked up by the Colum
bus. Captain Castlcman, by vigorous exer
tions, saved his wife and two children
one of his children and his father were lost.
A Mr. Smith also had the luck to save his
wife and one child and we add with pain
.that one of his children i missing.
There was some powder on board, in
what quantity wc know not but the know
ledge that it was there seemed to have par
alyzed the efforts of the crew and its explo
sion added to the deep horrors of the scene.
We arc informed that there were nine la
dies on board, only two of whom were res
cued. The survivors of this appalling disaster,
unanimously concur in expressions of the
warmest gratitude to Captain Jones of the
Columbus, for his activity in picking them
up, & for his kindness while on board tliis
steamer. The steamboat Alton passed
downwards not long after the accident oc
curred, when many unfortunates were still
struggling for life in the water. The sur
vivors arc not quite so eloquent intheir ex
pressions of gratitude to the commander of
the Alton as they arc towards Capt. Jones.
The Springfield Gazette states that an
action for a breach of promise of marriage
was tried before the Supreme Court in that
town a few days since. The plaintiff was
Caroline Fuller of Ludlow and the defen
dant Orren Sikcs, of Maine. It seems that
some nine or ten years ago, Mr. Sikcs re
sided in Ludlow, where he became attach
ed to Miss Fuller, and an engagement enter
ed into between them. He soon after went
to Bangor to pursue his theological studies,
and afterwards became a settled minister in
Maine, and married another lady in 1831".
The main ground of defence was, that, al
although a contract was acturlly made, yet
the parlies had mutually agreed to dissolve.
The jury, after deliberating the whole of
Wednesday night, returned avordict of one
hundred dollars, as .a compensation for the
disappointment of the forlorn damsel.
It seems to have taken the Springfield
Jury nearly a proportionate degree of time
to agree on the merits of tho defendant as it
did him to make up his mind on those of
the fair plaintiff.
The St. Loins Jlrgus, of the 5di inst.
contains a letter from Col. Benton, in reply
to a note addressed to him by several dem
ocrats of Louisville for the purpose of ascer
taining whether or not ho "will accept the
nomination of any thing else than a Nation
al Convention of tho Democratic Party,"
as a candidate for tho Prosidcncyin 1840.
The Colonel refers them to ids letter and
toast, to the managers of tho Inauguration
dinner in New Yorl;, on the 4th of March
last, which, ho says, fully expresses his
sentiments in relation to the next presiden
tial election. Ho adds:
"I am decidedly in favor of the re-election
of Mr. Van Botien, supposing his ad
ministration to civo satisfaction to tho re
publican party (of which I havo no doubt,) J
ami mai wunoui rcicrence 10 ins own incli
nations, of which I know nothing, and with
out regard to my personal feelings in his fa
vour, which can havo no influence in a case
of this kind, but wholly and entirely for
public reasons, and because I believe his re
election will be for the public good."-
The execution of James Moran, convict
ed of tho murder, upon the high scasof
Captain 'Thomas S. Smith, of the schooner
William Wirt, took place yesterday morn
ing between 1 1 jntd 12 o'clock, under tho
direction 'of flic United States Marshal for
the District The spot selected for the pur
pose was in tho rear of Bush Hill, where
Porter was'J hung a few years since. Al
though the cmo had previously excited very
little interest, the multitude assembled to
witness" the ignominious deatli of a criminal
was immftnsc. The gicat area in which
the gallows was placed, was crowded with
a dense mass of human beings oxtending as
far as the scaffold could bo seen. Vehicles
of every kind were brought into requisition,
and throngs of horsemen were interspersed
throughout the assemblage, which is said'to
havo been nearly twico as large as that
drawn together to witnesj, the fate of Porter,
and no doubt the greatest congregation of
people ever known in the vicinity of Phila
delphia. Even the roofs .of distant build
ings were covered with spectators. It was
observed with regret that a large number of
females were on the ground, many of them
respectable in appearance, and some had
even brought young children with them to
gaze upon the dying agonies of the culprit!
At a little before 11 o'clock, the melancho
ly procession left the Cherry Hill Prison.
Moran, accompanied by the Rev. Mr.
Hughes and -'the Rev. Mr. Kcnrick, who
administered the consolation of religion to
him, walked firmly in the rear of the wagon,
which contained the executioner and the
coffin. The U. S. Marines marched in
front, with tho carriage containing the Mar
shal and other gentlemen, and the whole
was brought up by the mounted marshals,
and the posse comlldlus summoned for the
On the scaffold, Moran presented the
same composed but becoming demeanor for
which he had been remarkable from the
commencement of the trial. He seemed
engrossed with his religious exercises, giv
ing the responses in a firm, distinct voice,
and never cast a glance upon the multitude,
or seemed conscious of their presence. Ho
ascended the steps steadily, and not the
slightest tremor, was manifest. The neces
sary preparations being completed, he bade
adieu to those by whom he was surrounded,
and in answer fo.a whispered inquiry, re
plied in clear,, audible tones, "Yes all
ready," wheri,.wjulp-he rapidly and ferven
tly lepeatfc'dWjpraycr for mercy upon his
soul, the fatahtrrtp fell j and he was launched
into ejernityli The struggles of the unhap
py youth weremtfeh more violent and pro
tracted than is usual on such occasions,'
and for some time .after he fell, the convul
sive heaving-of therchest, and motion of the
limbs, showed that vitality slowly left the
frame, After, hanging the usual time, the
body was cut down, and conveyed to the
place of interment.
If any thing had.bccn wanting to convince
us of the good sense of the Legislature, in
providing that the sentence of death for
crimes against tho commonwealth of Penn
sylvania should be privately executed, the
scenes of yesterday at Bush Hill were
enough, and mbre. than enough, to satisfy
us of the wisdom of their conduct. From
first to last, .the, Jichavior of the multitude
was of the most tumultuous and disgrace
ful kind. Long .before the prisoner came
upon the ground, the police force stationed
to preserve a clear space around the gallows,
were almost exhausted with their continued
efforts to repress tumult and keep back tho
crowd; while many of the people, by their
shouts of derisionyelling and laughter, ap
peared to view the wholo matter as nothing
more than food for mirth.' After the cor
tege had arrived, and the unhappy Moran
was just trembling on the verge of eternity,
the riot and tumult becamo still worse. The
clamor was deafening! and although the Mar
shal, aided by the military force, the police
and tho citizens whose services wore in re
quisition, did all that could bo done to pre
serve order, yet die mob seemed determined
to bid defiance to.any thing like restraint
and by their immense weight almost bore
down every thing before them, fighting,
quarrelling aid .shouting in the most outra
geous manner. After tho body of tho cul
prit was taken dowri and the procession was
forming to return, a scramble for pieces of
the fatal rope ensued, which drew loud hisses
and yells from the bystanders; and beforo
the officers were fifty yards from the spot,
the gallo wa and scaffolding were overthrown,
probably to furnish relics like the rope.
Nor was disorderly disposition manifest
ed only on tho execution ground. The
body of Moran, being- placed in a coffin,
was carried in a car to the place of interment,
accompanied by officers. On the road, the
horse fell, and was disabled; but, as the dis
tance was short,.tho car was then drawn by
men. A part of the mob followed, pelting
them with missiles of every kind, and in
this way, at tho risk of tho men's lives, tho
corpse was convoyed to the grave yard.
Tho Marines marched back to Cherry
Hill guarding the executioner, whoso face
was craped, and who was otherwise disguis
ed, but who performed his revolting office
with perfect propriety and demeanor. A
mob, however, pursued, and assailed the
Marines with brickbats and Btones. Ono
of the soldiers was so-much imrt as to boin
capablo of proceeding, when the command
ing officer brought the company to a halt,
and ordered his men to load their muskets,
which being done, tho rioters were slrnifi-
cantlygivonto Understand that further outrage
would bo punished on the spot, and the as
sault ccvcA,--Phjladclj)h.ia. paper,
-Saturday, .u it, 18&7
BO0 We hold the communication of "A
Republican" under advisement-. He will
know the cause by having a personal in
terview .with the editor.
In our notices of the proceedings of this
body-wc have hcrctofoie endeavored to bias
our prejudices, and give tho most favorable
detail of their opcrationsi Wo done this
as an incentive to tho promotion of public
good; and wc can only now regret that all
our hopes have melted into disappointment
and mortification. Tho opposition have
the ascendancy; and they have bound them
selves hand and foot to the car of the great
Moneyed Moloch, determined to resist any
compromise, and to oppose any amend
ments, which may add to the liberty and
happiness of the people. The hydra-headed
Mammoth, who has so frequently usurp
ed other powers than those granted by con
gress, when a National concern, seems de
termined on preserving the profitable digni'
ty of those haughty aristocrats and con
temptible shavers, who glory in the distress
and thraldom of the people and a majori
ty of the convention arc the conservative'
instruments to promote its heartless designs
Wc can only rejoice in the known fact, that
although they have a majority in the con
vention, they arc vastly in the minority a
mongst the free voters of Pennsylvania.
Time will yet effect tho rcquisito altera
tions; and wc feel satisfied that Tin: Peo
ple will call conventions, (without legisla
tive aid,) until they can get their wishes
granted and their ends accomplished. We
can hope no longer for any good from that
quarter; and with a majority large enough
to take all power in our oWh hands, wc
are prepared to think, speak, and ACT, in
conformity with our sentiments.
C?Our fields of grain and fruit trees
have been much improved by the late re
freshing rains; and although wo cannot ex
pect very heavy crops, yet they will be
reasonably good, judging from present ap
pearances. The weather is extremely fa
vorable at present to all kinds of vegetation.
WAR. It is currently reported that Mex
ico has declared War against the United
States; and that England has expressed a
determination to lake a part with tlidn.
Premiums. Gold commands from 9 to
12 per cent, premium in Philadelphia, and
Silver from 5 to 8. Five franc pieces sell
readily for $1. These are "Benton's Mint
Drops;" and so long as they arc worth
from 10 to 15 cents in tho dollar more than
"Biddlc's Rags," wc arc happy to know
that wo advocated a metallic currency.
They are always par; and they will remain
so, after all Bank notes become obnoxious
to tho wholo community. In real value, a
silver dollar is worth more than $1 in Bank
gCBickncll announces in his last Re
porter "he will not for the future buy or
sell any description of Gold, Silver, or
Stocks, because his engagements in tho
bank note business -ore sufficient to occupy
the whole time athis disposal." He
sets down the Pennsylvania Banks at the
following rates of discount;
Chainbcrsburg and Gettysburg 3 nr. ct
Pittsbunr. o
Erie, &, other western Banks
York Bank,
Columbia Bridge,
Partners' Bank of Lancaster,
Other Country Banks,
10 15
3f a 4
1 a 1J
1 a I
1 a b
I a 1
ICJA breach occurred in the Canal be
tween this place and Berwick on Saturday
last, which has since been repaired! and
the navigation is again in good order. "
About ten days since, a boat containing
merchandize for Mr, Hollonback, of Wilkes
barre, was carried over tho Nanticoke
dam, and synk. Damago estimated at
1500. This heavy loss, we understand,
falls upon the captain of the boat,
Thb following 'cdmm.unicution comes
fromiono whoih 'Wb'dould nbl deny the fa
vour bfpublicaiioh; and while wo acknow
ledge the correct principles of the author,
which well comport witli his signature, wo
feci induced to express our entire satisfac
tion in the sterling worth, qualifications
and claims of Doct. Roily. Ho is tho
industrious, temperate and open-hearted
kind of a gentleman whoso enemies are
"fcV and far between," and against whom
calumny could havo no influence. His re
cent election to Congress from tho district
composed of the counties of Dauphin and
Lebanon, is positive proof of his personal
popularity; and from an acquaintance of
many years, wo apprehend that for estima
ble private character and unwavering polit
ical principles, he wbuld cast many in tho
shade whose names have already been in
troduced to the public for this dignified sta
tion. We arc confident that Dr. Roily is
not aware of the determination manifested
in the subjoined communication; and wd
cannot say how the introduction of his
name may operate upon his feelings; but
we'arc equally, certain, that amongst the"
corps editorial Who know hint) his' claims
and qualifications will receive merited and
prominent notice. Wc have no particular1
predilection; and wc only give his name as
"one among many" whom wc would wish
honored by a nomination, at tho coming,
or some subsequent, Democratic Fourth of
March convention!
For Uic Columbia Ddmocral;
Mr. Ingram--! perceive that the public1
mind is beginning to waken up to the ques
tion of who shall be the candidate of thd
Democratic party for Governor at tho next
election? I am glad to sec attention direct
ed to litis subject so early; for in these timed
of misrule in the State administration, and
of necessity, if evor such necessity existedi
for union and energy in tho ranks of the
democratic party, the work buglit to bo be
gun in tunc that it may be made effective
whcfl the victory is to be won. I am glad
to see tho distinguished men of our party
brought before the public and their merits
canvassed, so that when wc come to nomi
nate one of them for tho executive office of
this great commonwealth, wo may follow
tho preference of the people, and hi this
manner unite their wholo utrcngth upon
him at the polls. With this view I would
add Dr. LutiieiI RuileV, of Harrisburg, to
the list already made Up of candidates for
nomination to that exalted office. Dr. Rci
lcy is one of the old and well tried demo
crats of Pennsylvania; a gentleman of cnga
ing and popular manners. He roso from
poverty to a high rank in his profession at
tho seat of Government, by his native ener
gy of character, superior talents and uni
form regard for the feelings and interests of
the general mass of the people. Ho pays
no respect to grades or classes in society.
He was elected last fall to a seat in tho con
gress which is next to assemble, from a
strong Antimasonic district; and being well
known and highly respected in tho wholo
interior of the state would command a sup
port there almost general. For intelligence,
integrity and popularity he is unexception
able, and well worthy the consideration of
the democratic party in making u selection
of its candidate for Governor.
Small Notes The injustice of prohib
iting by law all Banks from issuing notes of
denominations less than five dollars, when
otlior corporations are permitted to inflict
these rags upon us, only bears analogy with
the granting of licenses to keep public hou
ses of entertainment, and at the same times
depriving the landlord of a lesal remodv in
the collection of his accounts. For in
stance, the now Bank about being put in
operation at Williamsport pays a bonus to1
the state of 10,000 for its charter; and
while the fine prescribed by the act of as
sembly would bo exacted were it to issuo
small bills, yet an unauthorized corporation
can infringe upon the law unheeded and
without evident censure from any source.
And so it is with landlords. They pay
$10 per annum for tho privilege of selling
liquor; and yet should they trust a custo
mer, and sue him for the account, they
would be mulcted in double costs for their
liberality. Thcro is no reason in such in-"
IC7T. W. Dyott advertises that all bilh
of his "Manual Labor Bank" vndei thd
denomination of one dollar, are redeema
ble in silveh, when presented in sums not
exceeding ono dollar. How monstrous
clever! What will people do with his notes
of a higher denomination? Will they btf
entitled, to a fragment of tho 8500,000 mort
gage? Messrs. HayhursiTSmith, Harris,
and M oodward will accept our thanks for
their regular transmission of Convention